Water Treatment Plant Clearwell, A Multi-Purpose Design: 1 - Introduction
Water Treatment Plant Clearwell, A Multi-Purpose Design: 1 - Introduction
Water Treatment Plant Clearwell, A Multi-Purpose Design: 1 - Introduction
Abstract :
Potable water tanks set up in water treatment plants, called clearwells, constitute a hinge
between production and adduction. If their main objective is to ensure a buffer capacity
between production and adduction, they can have many other functions, such as :
- ensure a buffer capacity,
- compensate for eventual storage capacity deficit of the storage capacities on the
distribution networks,
- make a spare water volume for the WTP needs (filters backwashing, chemicals
preparation, …)
and can also be a part of the treatment processes : disinfection, pH and calcium
carbonate stability adjustments.
Hence, the design must take into account many parameters, among which, tank capacity,
number and size of compartments, hydraulics of the stream through the different
1 - Introduction
Clearwells set up in potable water treatment plants usually ensure a buffer function
between production and water supply/distribution systems. When properly partitioned,
they can have additional functions.
Their location, their different functions and the nature of stored water make their design
quite different from the one of the reservoirs located on water supply mains or on
distribution network.
Following figure gives the position of the clearwell and of the different reservoirs in
production - water main - storage - distribution system.
Clearwell End-users
Water Treatment Plant
Figure 1. Clearwell location in production-water main-storage-distribution system, from raw water resource
to end users.
2 - WTP clearwell typical functions
Clearwells usually ensure a buffer between production and water
supply/storage/distribution (WS-S-D) system.
The volume depends on both maximum instant production flowrate (Qp) and water supply
flowrate (Qa). When nominal values of Qp and Qa are equal, the volume of clearwell will
only compensate possible variations between the two flowrates. In that case, typical
retention time is two hours of production.
When Qa is higher than Qp, for example if water is transferred to WS-S-D system only
during a part of production time, water storage capacity must be calculated to allow the
storage of water when Qa is low, and its restitution during peak consumption period.
Proper sizing of water storage enables continuous running of potable water treatment plant
If clearwell is undersized, it will lead to several stops in WTP running which :
- decreases potable water quality, as its quality decreases momentaneoulsy at each
restart of the WTP,
- avoid full-time operation of the WTP.
Figure 2 gives an example of the variations of clearwell water volume and allows to
determine useful water capacity. In a first approach, the calculations can be based on a
retention time of 12 h.
0am 6am 12am 6pm 12pm
Figure 2. Clearwell water capacity variation within a day, depending on production and water supply
LSmin LSmax
Recirculating analyser Chlorination
Figure 3. Sampling loop with residual chlorine analyser and chlorination unit.
water pH adjustment
Contact chamber
Aeration Filtered
Filtered water tank water
Some biological water treatment (iron, manganese, nitrates removal) require a final
reoxygenation of the water. This can be achieved by simple cascade. To reach water
oxygen saturation, a total cascade height of 1,2 m is sufficient, distributed on one or
several cascades.
In order to limit the depth of the structure, axial flow pumps can be settled in tubes as
shown on figure 5. Note that, most of the time, WTP clearwell are buried.
Inlet chamber
Figure 5. Cascade aeration principle.
Water final disinfection is realised with chlorine gaz or chlorinated products (sodium or
calcium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide). For proper action of chlorine on oxydable matters
still in water, a minimum contact time is required which depends on :
- oxydable matter reduction to guarantee,
- free residual chorine content,
- water pH and water temperature.
To measure disinfection efficiency, the C.t criteria is used, where :
C (mg/l) : final free residual chlorine concentration at the outlet of the contact chamber,
t (min.): contact time between chlorine and water.
USEPA (United States Environemental Protection Agency) recommands a C.t value of
83 mg free Cl2.min/l for pH 7 and a temperature of 15°C, to reach breakdown of 3 log
(99,9%) for Giardia lamblia kysts. At pH 8, the value would rise to 122 mg free Cl2.min/l.
Disinfection must be consequently realised at neutral pH and final pH adjustment of water
should be realised after disinfection.
To optimise total water volume, a proper splitting of contact chamber must be realized in
order to avoid the creation of preferential currents which consequences are dead zones that
decrease real contact time.
Typical longitudinal split tanks as shown on figure 6 are not adapted for optimum
integration in clearwell because of their small water height. Perforated walls at each
change of flux direction should be preferred (see figure 7). The same effect is finally
obtained, with no need for long distance water circulation.
Cross-section A-A
To obtain good water distribution on the whole section, a certain headloss must be created
through holes, given by following formula :
∆P = k (V²/2g) (1)
with k = 0,62
v = velocity through hole, in m/s
g = acceleration of gravity = 9,80665 m/s²
Water volume having to remain constant, an overweir should be provided at the tank
outlet. Water height of fall should be minimum to avoid aeration of water and consequent
loss of remaining chlorine.
Chemicals for pH correction or remineralization are added at the inlet of the clearwell.
Nota : To avoid dead zones that could decrease final water quality, clearwell must be
4 - General design
Each compartment of clearwell must be divided into two parts, to allow isolation of one
file without stopping water production and distribution.
Sanitary standards oblige to periodical emptying and disinfection of water storage
structures, and this is why splitting is necessary.
Every compartment isolation must be possible by means of valves or weirs.
For civil works convenience, floor of all the compartments should be at the same level.
A pump house must be integrated to the structure for the installation of :
- pumps for treated water main,
- surge tank,
- equipments for filters backwashing,
- equipments for service water and potable water distribution in the plant.
Pump room must be located so that it can be easily linked to each compartment. Water
sampling at each step is then easily achieved.
The structure can be either rectangular or circular. The rectangular form has the advantage
of a better integration to the units at the end of the treatment file, that is the filters which
are rectangular too. If the reservoirs are apart, a circular form is less expensive, especially
if they are deeper (water height > 3m). Following figures show both arrangements, with
central position of the pump room.
AA Aeration
B Filtered water tank
BC Filtered water tank
Contact chamber
CD Contact chamber
4 DE Clearwell
Pump room
E Pump house
E 2 1 Service water pump
1 2 Backwash pump
C C 3
Potable water pump
Potable water discharge pump
Figure 8. Rectangular arrangement.
D D A Aeration
B Filtered water tank
AC Aeration
Contact chamber
4 D Clearwell
B Filtered water tank
E 2 C Contactroom
E Pump chamber
1 D Clearwell
E1 Pump
Service water pump
2 Backwash pump
3 Potable water pump
4 Potable water discharge pump
5 - Hydraulic profile
As a first approach and as shown on figure 10, total level difference between inlet and
outlet approximately varies from 0,7 to 1,9 m, depending mostly on the presence of
aeration cascade. The volume of each compartment will take into account these variations
of level.
6 - Design details
To optimize design and operations, following elements must be taken into account :
- avoid any dead zone by breaking horizontal and vertical angles, which will,
moreover, facilitate cleaning of floor and walls,
- create a general slope on floor for easy total drainage. All the slopes will lead to the
pump room where drain valves will be accessible,
- provide an overflow for compartment fitted with a valve at its outlet,
- install air inlet and outlet on reservoir's cover to renew air and avoid over or under
pressurisation of the tank. The ports will be protected against insects and birds entry,
- prevent any rain water intrusion to protect from any pollution,
- all openings will be equipped with security locks to avoid chemical or biological
terrorism. The openings will be properly sized for equipments settling (strainers for
example) and for reservoir's cleaning equipments introduction,
- pump room must be fitted with a discharge channel and collecting sump for drain,
condensate and leakage collection and evacuation,
- hydraulic links between reservoirs and pumps suction must be fitted with anti-
vibration couplings to avoid efforts and vibration transmission, which could lead to
- materials of all equipments in contact with water (ladders …) must be compatible
with drinking water.
7 - Conclusion
When properly designed, water treatment plant clearwells can cover a wide range of
functions, in addition to storage.
These main typical functions are :
- aeration,
- filtered water storage,
- contact time for disinfection.
In that way, clearwell is definitely a real link between production and water main and
distribution network.