Calalis, Jenlyn Rose T
Calalis, Jenlyn Rose T
Calalis, Jenlyn Rose T
The aim of this research is to find new ways to produce Horizontal. This most common arrangement gives most
energy to aid the need for new resources to use for overall power during most of the day in low latitudes or higher
transportation. Energy is needed for survival; and its latitude summers and offers little interaction with the wind.
development crucially depends on its long term availability in Horizontal arrays can be integrated or be in the form of a free
increasing quantities from sources that are safe, clean and canopy.
environmentally sound. It also needs to be economically
beneficial for the government which reduces energy Vertical. This arrangement is sometimes found in free
dependence. standing or integrated sails to harness wind energy. Useful
solar power is limited to mornings, evenings, or winters and
when the vehicle is pointing in the right direction.
Adjustable. Free solar arrays can often be tilted around the
axis of travel in order to increase power when the sun is low
and well to the side. An alternative is to tilt the whole vehicle C. Some Solar Vehicles
when parked. Two-axis adjustment is only found on marine
vehicles, where the aerodynamic resistance is of less Danish-born adventurer Hans Tholstrup was the first to
importance than with road vehicles. circumnavigate the Australian continent in a 16-foot (4.9 m)
open boat. At a later stage in his life he became involved in
Integrated. Some vehicles cover every available surface various competitions with fuel saving cars and trucks. Already
with solar cells. Some of the cells will be at an optimal angle in the 1980s, he became aware of the necessity to explore
whereas others will be shaded. sustainable energy as a replacement for the limited available
fossil fuel. Sponsored by BP, he designed the world's first
Trailer. Solar trailers are especially useful for retrofitting solar car, called The Quiet Achiever, and traversed the 4,052
existing vehicles with little stability, e.g. bicycles. Some km (2,518 mi) between Sydney, New South Wales and Perth,
trailers also include the batteries and others also the drive Western Australia in 20 days. That was the precursor of the
motor. World Solar Challenge.
Remote. By mounting the solar array at a stationary The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge is primarily a
location instead of the vehicle, power can be maximised and design competition to discover the worlds most efficient
resistance minimized. The virtual grid-connection however electric car. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the BWSC will
involves more electrical losses than with true solar vehicles be held in Australia from October 8 to 15, 2017.
and the battery must be larger.
From racing cars, solar vehicles also affect the third world
The energy input for the structural materials of a countries. Roger Christen, a Quebecer who spent the last 28
photovoltaic system delivering 1 billion kWh is calculated to years in Africa, saw an opportunity to solve with a single
be approximately 300 kWh/m2. The energy input/output ratio product several important problems that Africans living in
for production is about 1:9 assuming a life of 20 years. remote areas face every day: having to walk long distances to
get water and lack of access to electricity.
Other parts of a solar vehicle includes:
The main problem is bringing the cost down enough to
The motors used in solar cars typically about 2 or 3 make it affordable. In order to achieve that, they have been
horsepower, yet experimental light solar cars may attain the using used bike frames and made several iterations. They say
same speed as a typical family car (100 mph (160 km/h)). that the latest Solar-E-Cycles can travel up 50 km (31 miles)
per day and it can reach a top speed 50 km/h (31 mph).
Solar cars can use AC or DC motors:
Furthermore, they are partnering with economic
If the motor is a DC motor, then it may run on anything development efforts in order to finance the manufacturing of
from 96 to 192 volts. Many of the DC motors used in electric the bikes and then rent them at low-cost $0.50 to $1 per day.
cars come from the electric forklift industry.
Chinese solar panel manufacturer Hanergy plans to build
If it is an AC motor, then it probably is a three-phase AC and sell solar cars equipped with lithium-ion batteries to
motor running at 240 volts AC with a 300 volt battery pack. consumers in China. Hanergy says that five to six hours of
sunlight should allow the cars thin-film solar cells to generate
The battery pack in a typical solar car is sufficient to allow between 8-10 kWh of power a day, allowing the car to travel
the car to go 250 miles (400 km) without sun, and allow the about 80 km (50 mi) on solar power alone.
car to continuously travel at speeds of 60 mph (97 km/h).
The Tindo bus is a 100% solar bus that operates as free
Batteries in solar applications have to meet the demands of public transport service in Adelaide City as an initiative of the
unstable grid energy, heavy cycling (charging and discharging) City Council. Bus services which use electric buses that are
and irregular full recharging. Theres a variety of battery types partially powered by solar panels installed on the bus roof,
fitted for these unique requirements. Considerations for intended to reduce energy consumption and to prolong the life
choosing a battery include cost, cycle life and installation and cycle of the rechargeable battery of the electric bus, have been
maintenance. put in place in China.
Telemetry is an automated communications process by The Sky-Sailor is a plane that contains solar cells on its
which measurements and other data are collected at remote or wings, developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for in Zurich. It is hoped it will be able to search the Martian
monitoring. surface and even send pictures back to Earth.
D. Advantages and Disadvantages REFERENCE:
Solar Power is an icon of the 'green power' movement, Retrieved from
however the process of manufacturing the quartz based panels
Retrieved from
can be detrimental to the environment. Raw quartz (silica) is
used to create solar cells must be mined using harsh chemicals powered-cars
that harm the surrounding environment, as well as those
Retrieved from
working in the mines.
Solar Vehicles are still developing for mass production h-kind-of-motor-would-be-better-for-an-electric-solar-car-
And making it available to the public. Many things have to be geared-or-non-gea
considered. The important thing is that with this technology,
the benefit outweighs the cost. Retrieved from