Phraser Connector: Canada Day

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YOUR local Fraser Lake, Endako, Fort Fraser & area NEWS

Phraser Connector
100% volunteer run local paper! Sponsored in part by the Nechako Literacy Committee

Distribution Issue Date JUNE 2017 Volume # 59 Free

1480 copies monthly

$5 fares on BC Transit Photos by e. Storey

Canada Day
Elle & Emmie
enjoying the
Canada Day

BC Transit Routes 161 Prince George and 161 Burns Lake are up and
running. And we couldn't be happier.
The long awaited bus service to our neighbouring communities rolled
out on June 19th. Fares for the service are set at $5 a ride. A trip to
Prince George and back to Fraser Lake would be $10. Anyone making Rick Wymers 3rd place float celebrating 211 years
that trip in their own vehicle knows just how affordable that is. of the Northwest Trading Post in Fort Fraser
The bus runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and a round trip to
Prince George leaves Fraser Lake Mall at 8:27 am and returns to Fraser
Lake at 5:33 pm. The 8:27 arrives in Prince George at the Westgate
Mall at 10:38 am and circles to the Pine Centre Mall, the Hospital and
downtown. The return ride departs PG at 3:00 from downtown and
3:22 from Westgate Mall. A person could spend five hours at either of
the malls, enjoy lunch and catch the bus home.
The correct fare is required upon boarding and On Request you can
be dropped off at a destination of your choice.

Hats off to Trevor & Janice Tapp, Copper T Ranch for

their beautiful display of all the flags along their fence- line
on the Northshore of Fraser Lake.
Thanks guys, what a great idea!

Photo taken by Debby Sparrow

ager why Dinner would be turkey (who doesn't love
Storeylines Thinking they left
turkey?) Turley with all the trimmings,
and pie for dessert.
By Elaine Storey & and you
would It seemed simple, easy on the stomach, not
Editor/publisher hear all
too spicy, not too greasy, easy to chew and
Walking about the
linked to memorable family get-togethers
like Christmas and weddings Turkey
of laps
Yard work is a mandatory function for home-
The granddogs having a swim
per- Dinner checks all the food groups and satis-
owners. formedfies the colour palette on the Canada Food
Some take the duty very seriously and spend Guide: BEIGE turkey protein; WHITE
summer Uphill both ways.
thousands of both dollars and time making potatoes; ORANGE carrots; GREEN peas;
improvements, adding shrubbery, putting in Everyone can think of worthier duties than GREY Sage & Savory dressing; YELLOW
retaining walls or fish ponds. Proof of your lawn mowing. However, its designation of
landscaping techniques and your agility with a drudgery is immediately offloaded at jobs
bun wedged with a sweet dollop of real but-
seventy pound weed-whacker are evidenced by end when viewing the panoramic green-scape ter; BROWN gravy to marry fowl and po-
neat edges, lack of weeds and overall display of you have created. The satisfaction of a job well tato; RED cranberry sauce; PURPLE Saska-
a kempt or unkempt yard. done does as much for the curb-appeal of your toon pie to end.
home as it does for your Atta-boy/girl but-
Without appearing judgmental, a slow drive A tug-of-war at my feet between an
around the neighborhood reveals much about
the habitants habits. New Home-Owners Throughout history people have sought to
errant raspberry stalk and the front tire
may have applied a fresh coat of paint on an spend time to themselves, to think about what .engine reverie with it.
aging fence, or Aging Homeowners owners matters to them and to rid their background Repeated pulls of the cord I loose.
may have built raised flower beds or chosen to noise. Mowing provides such an opportunity.
display fewer flowers. And Young-Families It pits you against the elements and with a pair More reverie as I take to another yard
may have a lawn trampled with use and a hock- of decent earplugs creates the perfect setting to task as the mower cools.
ey net up year round. get in touch with ones own sense of purpose.
Center-pieces of purple pansies in purple
But, Summer is the short season. And weather Thinking & walking. Thinking & mowing-its tins on tables draped n purple plastic. One
and blackflies permitting, its the limited time all the same. Add the smell of freshly cut grass
hundred and seventy place settings with a
we have to be outdoors sitting in lawn chairs in inhaled deep into the lungs with a return of
our yards enjoying the fruits of our labour. oxygenated blood travelling new routes to the compliment of red chairs to match. Some
brain, the endorphin overload is intoxicating. speeches, door prizes, a mini stage perfor-
A recent yard opportunity went like this:
Gripping the power bar, last week, I took to
mance and a very tasty meal. SO MANY
Walking the lawn, ME pushing a self-propelled Helpful hands with serving, and waiting
the flat bits of terrain. Pushing the mower
mower, taking 10,556 steps over three hours,
straight up the incline by the fire hydrant I was tables, washing dishes and clean-up and
has many benefits. The most obvious is to
deep in thought - Why should we? How could take down.Home by 8:30 after so much
health. The caloric burn from walking around
the yard pushing a fifty pound piece of steel on they? Why did they not? Who? What? helpA thank you was dispatched. The
wheels (self-propelled or not) is said to be Where? When? and WHY?? Veering left wide smiles, the shoulder pats, the friendly
equivalent to walking ten flights of stairs with a of clumps of expensive dog-waste, I hugs and hearty handshakes.
dog under each arm. Depending on the breed, mulch as I trudge. Dont want that
the task is considered almost formidable. flying back and covering my shoes. A BIG thankyou to Cst Steve McLean
Scientifically proven or not, everyone knows for recovering jewellery that was sto-
there are a bundle of benefits to mowing the On the fourth turn on the bottom len when our house was broken into
lawn. The Keeping-up-with-the-Jonses has slope, I was dogged with thoughts in Hixon BC.
huge motivational benefits and reverberates about the work of a recent event. While
deep into the top right quadrant of the left never making claims to be chef-like or On May 20th, Cst McLean discovered
ventricle of the heart. While you may doubt if Food-savy a recent dinner we hosted put the heirloom jewellery and other
you can continue walking and pulling and drag- items in a stolen car during a routine
ging and tugging, the heart swells just a bit all those finite job-descriptions to the test.
traffic stop.
when you observe your handiwork several My idea to take on an event similar in
hours later from inside the house over the rim We are so grateful to him for follow-
of a glass of cold liquid.
theme to last year, but bigger...seemed like
a slam dunk. We would Celebrate our Sen- ing up and contacting us. We were
Lawn mowing is difficult work and for many iors with a HUGE dinner.NO PROB!! able to identify our pieces, and get
its considered a grueling task. Ask any teen- them back. from Cliff & Sherry Halls,
Over the last few months, there were several reports of Cougar Sightings around
Cougar sightings town.
led to capture: In early June a cougar was spotted standing beside a backyard shed at 10:30 at night.
The cat displayed no sign of being intimidated by the folks who watched it, and after
a few minutes it calmly walked back into the undergrowth. From that first report,
cougar sightings and sounds of a cougar crying at night became more frequent.
A few houses from that first sighting, a cougar was spotted coming after the family dog. Ac-
cording to another report, the cougar came right up to the patio doors and made aggressive
moves to the people and the dog who were inside the house.
News of the sightings lit up social media and anyone spotting the animal was urged to call the
RCMP and Conservation Officers. Social media complaints were made about cats going
missing and parents were concerned for their children's safety with the school year
coming to an end.
Young Juvenile Cougar Warnings were posted around town and people followed the updates on social media. RCMP
spent several hours over a few nights chasing the cougar, but came up empty handed. This cat
was spotted every few days and could be heard most evenings walking and crying along the green strip between the Legion, White
Swan Park and Mouse Mountain.
Katelynn Zawada and her family live in a house across from the Legion, behind the High School. She wrote of her experience with
the cougar in her yard:
I had been hearing of multiple cougar sightings in our neighbourhood for a few weeks. On Sunday night, June 25th, I saw the cougar
for the first time as I was letting my little dog outside, She went straight for the back fence and thats when I spotted the cougar. They
went at each other through the fence as I scrambled to find something to make noise with, hoping to scare it away. The cougar was in no
way afraid of me and seemed confused by the chain link fence. Luckily it couldnt figure out how to get over it. It took a few minutes of
me banging on pots and pans to scare it far enough away so I could grab my dog and get her into the house. Once we were inside I called
the RCMP. A Conservation Officer called me back within minutes of reporting the incident. The cougar stared me down through the win-
dow until the RCMP showed up just a few short minutes later, at which point it ran off. Both RCMP and Conservation remained in con-
tact with me throughout the next few days, They set up a trap on Tuesday June 27th, and the cougar was caught by Thursday morning.
It was a very frightening experience and I would like to thank the Fraser Lake RCMP and the Vanderhoof Conservation Officers for the
quick action to trap the animal.
The trap was set up by the Conservation Officers in a location close to the train tracks in an area unfrequented by people.
On the morning of June 29th, when RCMP checked the trap and spotted the cougar inside, they immediately alerted
Conservation, who attended and took care of the animal. An animal who had not learned to hunt, such as this juvenile
cougar, would have posed a problem even through relocation. Under these circumstances and for the safety of the com-
munity members, it was disposed of.

Great Showing at Mouse Mountain Days 20-Team Tournament

Mouse Mountain Days would not be complete without a few days of people run-
ning bases and hitting fly balls out of the park. Organizers of this years Adult Slo
Pitch tournament were very happy to have so many teams that the schedule was
tight, allowing for little downtime in case of rain. Fortunately the rain didnt halt
play and the four-day tournament which started on Friday afternoon was com-
pleted on Monday afternoon as per schedule.
There were $6000 in payouts and in the B-Pool final the local Walter Schmidt
Memorial team Just The Tip played off against another memorial team from
Prince Georgethe Cody Sutherland Memorial Dawn to Dusk.
Teams in B pool playoff-
Teams travelled from as far as Terrace and Prince George and many local players
Walter Schmidt Memorial Team Just the Tip
spared or played on the out-of-town teams.
shown here with the Cody Sutherland Memorial
Organizers say there were few glitches over the four day tournament and other
Team Dawn to Dusk.
than a few injuries broken fingers, a broken nose and pulled muscles, FUN
Dawn to Dusk took the game winning first in
was had in spades. The tournament is considered one of the Most Fun in the
the B-pool and the top prize of $800.
area, and all teams responded with a Heck Yeah when asked if they will return
next year.


the moment
FLESS GRADS 2017: This picture of the 2017 Grads is taken at the Grand March
Grads names are provided while those of the escorts is not.
L-R 1st row: Christian Louis, Dylan Tobiassen, Andrew Zaste, Kaitlyn Willlier, Michael Bleeker, Evan Conwright
2nd Row: Jamie Shen, Jesse Provost, Shailyn Olin, Jaiden Larson, Elizabeth Shulz, Maya Ketlo, Caitlyn Heron, Lara Hartman, Kyndra
Farrell, Desiree Cameron,
Back Row Skighler Rodriguez, Noah Nicol, Ethan Lank, Jordy Kersey, Jordan George, Jonathon George, Brailen Fitzgerald, Randy
Fehr, Daryl Fehr

Family dog disappears after thunderstorm contributed by Tamara Ketlo

Lexus, An Australian Sheepdog went missing after a Lexus is Lexus

severe thunder storm on May 30th. home now
Her puppies were two weeks old, when she left without She was
a trace. badly rubbed
under her
Lexus found her way up to a house on the other side of the Stellaquo arm from the
river from us, a somewhat remote area surrounded by the forest. She way her leg
wandered into Malcom's yard who lives in this secluded area. I believe it had been
was her first human contact in just over 2 weeks as she had her front caught up.
leg slipped through her leather collar, you could tell it dried that way so, I've cleaned
I'm presuming she had fallen down the steep bank just off the edge of and treated it
our property and into the river slipping her leg through at some point, and it should
probably while desperately trying to swim. She clearly crossed the river heal up well. (I'm thinking tattooed ear instead of a collar for her again).
to be wandering up where she was. The river is super high and fast at All the hair from her chest & underarm are gone from rubbing. She is
the moment. quite thin. She is resting and eating well and will be back to herself in no
I went to see him, he doesn't have social media, not sure about a time I'm sure. She is a bit aloof with her pups but still concerned for
phone. He took me across the river in a boat on a rope. Never have I them. She has no milk left as well. She is a little traumatized with the
ever been to a home you had to cross a river that way to get to. He whole situation I'm sure. She will be ok though. She wags her little tail,
asked if I had a reward for the dog, and if I could swim. I said yes I can wants to play her old games, packs her toys around & wants to check
swim, & I brought you a gift. He seemed surprised, and simply said, on the livestock. She is home and we are so happy and grateful.
'Oh'. We got across. He had Lexus inside. He had taken off her collar
and he had no idea who I was. He also had a big nice dog of his own. Thanks to everyone for the prayers, time looking, milk offered
Once he confirmed she was my dog he relaxed. He was very concerned left right and center, runs to town offered, fb shares & help
it was animal abuse because of the way Lexus was caught up and she with the puppies, you all know who you are. Thank you for the
was super skinny, as she was gone for over 2 weeks! God knows what call Tamara DeLong and for thinking of us. I know everyone in
she ate, if anything!. Lexus and I got escorted back across the river. He this community comes together here and in one way or another
refused a reward but I said it's not a reward it's a gift and there is no a lot of people cared about us & Lexus through these past few
way you aren't taking it. weeks. I'm happy to report, a happy ending to this story.
The Phraser Connector is on-line. READ IT @
FL Early Childhood Development Hostages of Hospitality 2017
**Fort Fraser Play Day - Tuesday Time 9:30 - Art and Di-
11:30 Fort Fraser Rec Building (by playground) anne
** Fraser Lake Indoor Playground - Tuesday
were pulling
Time 1:00 to 3:00 Upstairs in FL Arena
their fifth
** Mouse Mountain School Tent Days - Wednes- wheel
day 9-10 (Excluding July 12 & 19) through
** Tots Around Town- Thursday 10-11:30 at Fraser Lake
various locations in July on June
**Tentative Adventure Play Group 30th. They
Thursday 10-11:30 in Augustmust pre-register Dianne Kingsnorth , Fire Chief Joe Pacheco and Art Kingsnorth happy had made a
Children must be accompanied by an adult to receive their Fire Dept sweatshirts stop here at
for updates or call 250. 570-7868 the begin-
For more info follow us ning of their journey to help a friends daughter build some stairs on
at FraserLakeEarlyChildDevelopment on Facebook her deck. They spent a few days, went to Kenny Dam and took in some
of the local sights before continuing on to their final destinations of
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS: Prince Rupert, Kincolith and Port Edward. Around noon on June 30th,
the RCMP pulled them over in Fraser Lake, not for speeding or for
The Fraser Lake Info Centre & Museum is breaking any laws, but to be gifted a few nights stay in our community.
currently in need of volunteers to man the Happy to oblige the smiling Cst Nathan Smith and his entourage of
center between the hours of 10:00 am to dignitaries, Art & Dianne agreed to become our 2017 Hostages of Hos-
4:00 pm daily pitality and have spent a few days since getting to know everyone in the
You can split the shifts or work with a part- community. Everyone is so friendly here, were the comments from
the couple who were also given Fire Dept sweatshirts along with a bas-
Its a great way to meet tourists and to
showcase the contents of the museum and ket of goodies and a place of honour in the Mouse Mnt Day parade on
the many attributes of our community and July 1st. Well be back, was their promise after taking advantage of a
surrounding area. few more nights to camp at White Swan Park.

Fraser Lake Community

Health Centre Call:
Closed 12:001:00 daily

Dr Shannon Douglas Monday & Thursday

Dr Tim Bowen-Roberts Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Convenient instructor-led online access to hundreds of courses
Ginny Burns-Nurse Practitioner Tuesday to Friday for professional and career development , computer skills,
and personal enrichment!
Dr Manuela Tura July 4-July 28
For more information contact the Fraser Lake
Public Library 250-699-8888 or the CALP Coordinator at 250-699-1681
Medical Clinic open Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Don't have internet access or a computer? Visit the Fraser Lake Library or the Learning Centre.
Ambulatory Outpatient Monday to Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Learning Centre is open every Friday for computer access from 1-4 until the end of May.
Lab open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 10:30 am The Learning Centre will also be open for independent learning until the end of May, Tuesdays
Xray open Mon & Wed 9:00 3:30 / Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 from 1pm - 4pm and Thursdays from 10am - 1pm (Except May 9th & 11th)
Public Healthall inquiries call 250-699-6225
Fraser Lake MENS SHED
Contributed by John Stafford

Our Menshed has 32 paid members to date with more joining weekly.
We have rented the McMaster Building past Ace Hardware and Fraser
Lake Automotive. The front is being used as a meeting/social place as
well as our Garage Sale Location. Thank you to all who have donated
items for our garage sale which has been running Monday Friday - 10:00
to 2:00. Thanks also to all who have purchased items and to Richard
Graveline who has been there handling the garage sale. The garage sale
funds go towards our renovations and to help pay our rent. Open Monday to Friday 10:00 to 2:00pm
We are busy in the back turning a dirt floored lean-to shell into our future workshop (thanks to all our workers)! We
have raised the posts and put them on footings, and are about half done installing a floor. We hope to have the shop
usable in the fall as many of our members have summer plans (and grandkids to visit!), so we will not be too active
over the summer. Our plan is to have our workshop fully operational before winter; walls, insulated, heated, etc., so
that we will be able to do projects there.
We are always on the lookout for usable construction materials to help us as well as shop equipment. When calling us
for projects wanted remember we do not want to take work away from the local companies who do this work for a
living. We are also definitely not trying to compete with Autumn Services who do so much for the community, but
compliment them.
Please feel free to visit us at the Menshed; we normally get together every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for coffee.
Our President is Richard Cannon 699-8697/Secretary Mickey Bisanz 699-6388/Treasurer John Stafford 699-6575.


Contestants: Trevor Lank, MacKenzie Laffin, & Paige Allen
of the Arts (2017)
Is calling on visual artists
of all mediums: painting, photography,
pottery, woodworking,
fabric arts, sculpture, metal work,
First Nations art, etc.
Festival begins with a Coffee House
on Aug 11th and a full day of events &
displays on Aug 12th. It will conclude
Submitted by Audrey Read: with a Party In The Park on Saturday.
The "Ambassador's Social" held in the arena this year was, unfortunately poorly attended To register call 250-699-1234 or email:
for some reason. Many people went to a lot of work to prepare for this event, the decorat-
ing was absolutely beautiful and the lunch that was served....well, it was ALL deli- Website is: https://
cious! This year three young people let their names stand to represent Fraser Lake as our
Ambassador for the coming year. Miss Fraser Lake Curling Club was represented by Paige
Allen; Miss Red Hautte Swan sponsored MacKenzie Laffin and Dennis Hiatt Mud Bogs was
represented by Trevor Lank. All three contestants gave great speeches, served everyone May Reid &
with drinks, sandwiches, veggies, crackers, squares, cookies, cheese cakes and fresh Eileen Mal-
fruit. Definitely an evening to remember for the 2017 hostages welcomed from Vancouver chow enjoying
Island by Mayor Lindstrom. Thank you everyone who worked so very hard to put this Canada Day
event together! Paige Allen went on to be named FL Youth Ambassador 2017.
Look for Youth Ambassador Paige Allen to attend events as a representative of our wonder-
ful community.

July 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Fire Works
All day events
Ball Tournament Ball Tournament

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rose Prince
Ball Tournament Rose Prince
Pilgrimage Pilgrimage

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Rose Prince White Swan Music
Pilgrimage Art &Wine 6:00 Festival
Sawmill picnic pm at Legion
16 17 18 19 20 21
Market 12-4pm
White Swan Music
Festival & Car Rally

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

June was a busy month Im sure for Prince George and Burns Lake. You Autumn
everyone. I enjoyed seeing my first can catch it at 8:27 A.M. in Fraser Service
FLESS Graduation Ceremony and Lake, spend about five hours in Prince Presidents
Grand March It was lovely! George and be back home at 5:33 P.M. Report
Soup and a Bun is still being served on Cost is a minimal $5 each way.
Fridays so do pop in to Autumn Ser- I personally am looking forward to the By Anne Letz
vices for a hearty lunch and a visit with 150th Canada Day Event on July 1st.
friends. There will be many events for every-
What a great evening at Mouse Moun- one of all ages to enjoy.
tain School for the Celebration of Sen- We held our Annual General Meeting Lifetime Members: Eileen Malchow &
iors and Senior Abuse Awareness Din- on Tuesday, June 27th. The Election of May Reid. Council reps: Tyrel Ray/
ner. It was so nice to see so many peo- Officers is listed: Craig Lepoidevin
ple there. A huge thank you again for Two yr term President -Anne Letz We have hired two students under the
all the help we received to make this a Two yr term Vice Pres-Dave White Canada Student Program. Please wel
very successful event. Everyone had Two yr term Sec.-Bonnie Plowman come Grace Anderson and Paige Allen
such a good time, that we are consider- One yr term Treasurer Lori Hurry/ who will be at the Centre and around
ing doing this every year around Elder Patti Rojeck/Ardelle Thake the community helping with Autumn
Abuse Awareness Day June 15th. Directors: Dave Harper, Dianne Hard- Services events throughout the balance
The BC Transit bus is now running to er, Patty Tawiyaka, Art Blomquist of the summer.
Well, got my garden roto tilled the other day and son Calvin came to visit and wanted to try out my hiller at-
tachment for my new tiller so he hilled the potatoes for works great! He did a great job! We had a bit
Endako of frost and some of the beans and corn got touched, they may come back though but if not...whatever! Now I
have to get the rest of the weeds out of the rows....hands and knees job! But I love it, because I can throw my
This & That mind out of gear and just work! Had a couple feeds of spinach as well as some lettuce....sure tastes good too!
By Audrey Read Neighbour Rita has her cows pasturing on my place, nice to see them on the hillside, and to see the calves
romping around chasing each other!
Matt & Holy Lehman, (neighbours down the road) lost their big barn on the evening of June 17. What a disaster! It is suspected that it was faulty
wiring that started it and my goodness did it ever go up in a hurry. Fortunately the house was spared but they lost the chicken house and another
small building. The barn also housed a lot of items such as snow machines, a welder and many, many tools. A friend from the Fraser Lake fire de-
partment came out in his fire fighting gear and was able to save the animals. The barn was lovingly built by Sherman McClure in the early eighties
and was a genuine piece of art. A fire is always scary and this one was no different especially when it went up the power pole! Holy cow! The
sparks flew like it was the first of July fireworks display and was accompanied by several loud rifle shots! Our thoughts go out to the
I have been house hunting like mad...the only area I have eliminated is down south....too hot and too many people! But I guess I shall find "the
place" one day soon....either an acreage or a house on a bit of land. Gotta have room for a garden! AND to have the feeling of no really close
neighbours!....I guess I have lived in the bush too long! LOL
Had a bit of a wreck today while mowing the lawn....ran into a power pole with the bagger....ripped the bagger right off the machine!...I will now
have to take the blower off the machine too but I was hoping to finish mowing the lawn before it started to such luck! It started to really
pour....I kept right on going and the blower was sending the grass and dandelion fluff up on me like there was no tomorrow!....Idiot! I was
perched up there like some kind of a dorkey queen getting soaking wet and covered with grass! Well, I never liked that bagger anyhow so maybe
now I will just leave the darn thing off altogether! It is a John Deere machine and cost the earth....I DO have my problems some-
times! LOL....When Calvin arrived on the weekend we put the darn thing back together we go again! LOL
Was out weeding the rows in the garden this morning, not many weeds but being as it is a big garden it took me an hour and a half to do two
rows!....Every year I say I am going to have a smaller garden! I couldn't figure out why there were so few peas and spinach in the rows....well, I
found out....Darn CUT WORMS! Darn things, they are that grey fat worm that eats the plant off about ground level and just goes down the
row. I wish I'd kept track of how many I'd squished!...Boy, they sure "POP" when they are squeezed!....blows their guts right out!....Makes me
smile! LOL!....I know, I am a saddest when it comes to them, but hey....the dirty things are EATING MY plants! Hope the whole garden isn't
contaminated with them.
Well I made a great discovery the other day, I picked two large bouquets of lilacs and brought them in and put them in vases. In one I also put one
sugar cube and a tablespoon of white vinegar, the other only had water. The very next day the one with only water had dead lilacs and had to be
thrown out. The bouquet with sugar & vinegar however lasted for six days! I don't know WHY I quit putting the sugar & vinegar in ALL my cut
flowers because it sure works!
Sure hot today, I imagine there will be a lot of hay being knocked down in the next few days if this keeps up. If Walter was here I know he'd be out
cutting today....if it rained we'd just make silage out of it!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer....remember, SMILE....makes people wonder what in tarnation you are up to!

CUTS & COLOURS Flexible hours for your

PERMS convenience!
Teresa no longer and Evenings & Weekends
has regular hours.
To book with her call PEDICURES, MANICURES
SENIORS FOOT CARE Joanne Bussi is back! Book your appointments
the salon directly @
GEL NAILS, with her on Wednesday or Thursday
250.699-0055 250.699-1457
The Autumn Services Executive would like to thank everyone that came to the "Celebrating
Seniors" dinner and everyone who volunteered to make it happen. Over 150 seniors came House for SALE
together to enjoy a turkey meal: they laughed and socialized and the food turned out On the beautiful North Shore of
great! The reason this event was a success was because so many people came together to make
Fraser Lake. 140 acres of Hobby Farm.
it possible! Many folks helped with food preparation, decorating, clean-up and take-down..
900 feet of shore-front. Fenced &cross-
A big THANK YOU (in no particular order) to: fenced about 80 acres of production
Mike Macdougall, his brother Ian & Janet Coburn for always helping with all the details big and small 4 bedrooms
Mayor Dwayne Lindstom and Diana Lindstrom for stepping up to help out! 3 full bathrooms Asking
May Reid & Eileen Malchow for buttering buns and always being supportive
Dave & Janice White for some great master Chef work and all the extras! Fully finished base- Price
Stan and Janet Zawada for helping with literally everything! ment $489,000
Ardelle Thake for helping out with clean up!//Fire Chief Joe Pacheco for serving!
Paige Allen for peeling potatoes, making punch, setting up, cutting strawberries and other detail work
3 tiered patio
Steve Lee for clean up! //John Stafford for picking up tables with his trailer! Cement Root Cellar Phone
Gordy Luggi for helping with clean up //Mike Walsh for all your help with all the things! 250-699-8071
26 ft x 32 ft work
Janet McClure & John Boutet for setting up and taking down! // Michelle Ossi - for serving all night! Text
RCMP Constable's: Nathen Smith, Lance Kim, Aaron Semmler & Steve McLean for serving all night and shop
Lance for talking about scams and frauds to better protect our seniors! 2 hay sheds
Vern and Anna Carters daughter Leanne for stepping up to serve!
Richard Cannon for the pies and cheesecakes!// Patty Tawiyaka for helping serve and clean up! Bee House/Green House
Helen MacNiven for roasting and deboning a turkey and making gravy! Garden Shed/Big Garden
Roger & Regina Kemp for cooking a Turkey! // Dale Polley for helping in the kitchen
Laurel Watts - For roasting a bird, and all your work on so so so much!

Art Blomquist & Jo-Ann Boyd Blomquist for the donation of 2 turkeys,
(Bonnie said they were the best she had ever cooked!)
Thank you to the Community Response Network for the grant to make this happen!
Wow, so many people stepped up for this dinner! We can't thank these people enough!
This event could not have happened without all of these volunteers.
Sorry if we forgot anyone, and thank you again to everyone that came and helped out!
In recognition of the Autumn Services Executive members and Coordinator:
Elaine Storey for applying for the grant and persuading everyone to help ;) Its a MUST SEE!!!
Anne Letz for being an amazing person and president and working so hard. She was everywhere!
Dave & Carol Harper for carving turkey, kitchen duty
and everything in between! Thank YOU!!!
Bonnie Plowman for baking buns, roasting a turkey,
kitchen duty and so much more! -Marlene Johnson for the help ;)
And Lori Greenwood Hurry for always helping where -Lepoidevin's for the discounted flowers!
needed and being so supportive and kind! Thank you for -Red's Bakery for a donation of desserts!
all you do to bring the community together! -The Fraser Lake Legion for the buns!
-Northern Health for some prizes!
-MM School for the use of the school!
-FLESS for the use of their tables! 3-tiered deck with great lake view

The Fraser Lake Eco-Co-operative Project has been gaining a great deal of
Eco-Co-operative Project momentum. The main purpose of the project is to bring our communities
THE HEART OF LEARNING and members together to generate social, economic and cultural prosperi-
Submitted by Eco-co-operative Project Coordinator ty, food security and sustainability - here at home.
Shellie Gleave The Eco-co-op will be a progressive and attractive asset for Fraser Lake with new
options, new & local products, enhanced services,
and endless opportunities for growth. It will be a non-profit Community Service Cooperative and
an educational/training facility. A place for members to learn, apply knowledge, and develop
new skills in an environmentally responsive and innovative space. It will encourage community
engagement, cultural enrichment, environmental stewardship, learning and creativity while sup-
porting local food producers and artisans.
The Eco-co-op has the potential to provide enormous benefits to individuals, our close-knit com-
munities and the region. A team of community champions, co-operative experts, business advi-
sors, and university faculty members have been working hard to make this happen.
Our Steering Committee would like to invite you to express your interest in becoming a member
of the Eco-co-op.
We will be circulating Expression of Interest forms within Fraser Lake, Stellaten and Nadleh
Tickets, Endako and Fort Fraser for you or you can simply go to our Facebook page The Fraser
$1 each
Lake Eco-co-operative Project and post interested in the comments.
Can you see yourself shopping, eating, working, or learning at the Eco-co-op? Maybe youre an
artist, a gardener or rancher and can envision your products being sold from our shelves. Maybe
youd like to pass on some of your hard-earned wisdom and teach a class. If youve said yes to any
of these questions please consider being a member and let us know youre interested.

Cst Nathan Smith &

Cst Lance Kim

Enjoy your Canada

Day celebrations with Mon to Fri
some chairs or lights 9:00 to 5:30
from Ace OPEN Sat
9:00 to 5:00

40 Cougar Street, Fraser Lake

Fraser Lake Building Center


Free ads on this page Community page

2017 RCMP Happy 95th Birth-
local pioneers
June 25, 2017 WINNERS CIRCLE Leo LaRocque.
Leos family got
1st PLACE WINNERS together on the
Came back to defend the title from last year July 1st weekend
Sterling Ketlo/Austin Ketlo/Alex Koenig/Colton Hartman to celebrate his
Michelle Culberson
Jim Storey
HOLE #8 CLOSEST TO THE PIN IN ONE SHOT - LADIES Happy 60th Anniversary to
Janet Gumm George & Beth Woolsey
HOLE #8 CLOSEST TO THE PIN IN ONE SHOT - MENS Their Carpet Bowling friends presented
Alex Koenig
The members and staff of the Fraser Lake RCMP Detachment them with this cake
would like to say thank you to those of you who donated and in celebration ...Congratulations !!
to those of you who golfed this year in the RCMP Scholarship
golf tournament. This tournament is such a fun day for every-
one with beginners all the way up to pros joining us for the

Congratulations to all of the winners! And Congratulations to

Michael Bleeker who was the recipient of this years RCMP
Scholarship. Thank you to Clint and Teresa for a great venue
and for a great meal at the end of the day. Thank you to eve-
ryone who helped organize to make this another successful
Just some FYI for Fraser Lake people. EVERY FRIDAY NOON TO 4:00PM
July 1ST, 7,14, 21, 28
If you have a kid who wants to play is
2017 Gymkhana just paperwork. If he or she goes to FLESS they August 4,11,18,25
Season can still play on the NVSS team. This has happened
for years. LAST YEAR there were three from Fraser
September 1,8,15
July 8th Gymkhana Lake and one from Ft St James playing on the
July 22nd Gymkhana team. Another year a small group came from Ques- FL LIBRARY HOURS
nel and the parents took turns car pooling. Starting July 4th, to August 3rd
Sept 16th Gymkhana There will be a Junior Varsity team for grade 8-10. Ages 4-7 Welcome to attend Tues.
Sept 30th Gymkhana Allan Bieganski and Lorne Kennedy will be the 10-11 am
coaches. Conditioning and strength practices will Ages 8-12 welcome to attend Wed
Membership Fees: start July 4. They will be every Tuesday and Thurs- 10-11 am preregister at Library
Non Riding $10 day from 6-8pm at the NVSS field. They will be
Single Riding $30 combined with the senior team until the end of July.
Family Riding $50 Monday closed
We are still looking at possibilities of where any
Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
For more info call: grade 7 could play. The Sr team is coached by Cam
Kerry @ 250.699-6806 and Sheldon Brown. If you want to play just show Wednesday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
up and ask. The fees are paid to the NVSS office Thursday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
Visit the Facebook page and cover all equipment. Between $200 and $300
Friday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
for the season.
Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm


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the Phraser Connector, your 100%
volunteer run local paper!
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Nechako Literacy Committee

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Book a Birthday Party, bottled water, pick up, or delivery
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