Phraser Connector: Canada Day
Phraser Connector: Canada Day
Phraser Connector: Canada Day
Phraser Connector
100% volunteer run local paper! Sponsored in part by the Nechako Literacy Committee
Canada Day
Elle & Emmie
enjoying the
Canada Day
BC Transit Routes 161 Prince George and 161 Burns Lake are up and
running. And we couldn't be happier.
The long awaited bus service to our neighbouring communities rolled
out on June 19th. Fares for the service are set at $5 a ride. A trip to
Prince George and back to Fraser Lake would be $10. Anyone making Rick Wymers 3rd place float celebrating 211 years
that trip in their own vehicle knows just how affordable that is. of the Northwest Trading Post in Fort Fraser
The bus runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and a round trip to
Prince George leaves Fraser Lake Mall at 8:27 am and returns to Fraser
Lake at 5:33 pm. The 8:27 arrives in Prince George at the Westgate
Mall at 10:38 am and circles to the Pine Centre Mall, the Hospital and
downtown. The return ride departs PG at 3:00 from downtown and
3:22 from Westgate Mall. A person could spend five hours at either of
the malls, enjoy lunch and catch the bus home.
The correct fare is required upon boarding and On Request you can
be dropped off at a destination of your choice.
the moment
FLESS GRADS 2017: This picture of the 2017 Grads is taken at the Grand March
Grads names are provided while those of the escorts is not.
L-R 1st row: Christian Louis, Dylan Tobiassen, Andrew Zaste, Kaitlyn Willlier, Michael Bleeker, Evan Conwright
2nd Row: Jamie Shen, Jesse Provost, Shailyn Olin, Jaiden Larson, Elizabeth Shulz, Maya Ketlo, Caitlyn Heron, Lara Hartman, Kyndra
Farrell, Desiree Cameron,
Back Row Skighler Rodriguez, Noah Nicol, Ethan Lank, Jordy Kersey, Jordan George, Jonathon George, Brailen Fitzgerald, Randy
Fehr, Daryl Fehr
Our Menshed has 32 paid members to date with more joining weekly.
We have rented the McMaster Building past Ace Hardware and Fraser
Lake Automotive. The front is being used as a meeting/social place as
well as our Garage Sale Location. Thank you to all who have donated
items for our garage sale which has been running Monday Friday - 10:00
to 2:00. Thanks also to all who have purchased items and to Richard
Graveline who has been there handling the garage sale. The garage sale
funds go towards our renovations and to help pay our rent. Open Monday to Friday 10:00 to 2:00pm
We are busy in the back turning a dirt floored lean-to shell into our future workshop (thanks to all our workers)! We
have raised the posts and put them on footings, and are about half done installing a floor. We hope to have the shop
usable in the fall as many of our members have summer plans (and grandkids to visit!), so we will not be too active
over the summer. Our plan is to have our workshop fully operational before winter; walls, insulated, heated, etc., so
that we will be able to do projects there.
We are always on the lookout for usable construction materials to help us as well as shop equipment. When calling us
for projects wanted remember we do not want to take work away from the local companies who do this work for a
living. We are also definitely not trying to compete with Autumn Services who do so much for the community, but
compliment them.
Please feel free to visit us at the Menshed; we normally get together every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for coffee.
Our President is Richard Cannon 699-8697/Secretary Mickey Bisanz 699-6388/Treasurer John Stafford 699-6575.
July 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Fire Works
All day events
Ball Tournament Ball Tournament
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rose Prince
Ball Tournament Rose Prince
Pilgrimage Pilgrimage
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Rose Prince White Swan Music
Pilgrimage Art &Wine 6:00 Festival
Sawmill picnic pm at Legion
16 17 18 19 20 21
Market 12-4pm
White Swan Music
Festival & Car Rally
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
June was a busy month Im sure for Prince George and Burns Lake. You Autumn
everyone. I enjoyed seeing my first can catch it at 8:27 A.M. in Fraser Service
FLESS Graduation Ceremony and Lake, spend about five hours in Prince Presidents
Grand March It was lovely! George and be back home at 5:33 P.M. Report
Soup and a Bun is still being served on Cost is a minimal $5 each way.
Fridays so do pop in to Autumn Ser- I personally am looking forward to the By Anne Letz
vices for a hearty lunch and a visit with 150th Canada Day Event on July 1st.
friends. There will be many events for every-
What a great evening at Mouse Moun- one of all ages to enjoy.
tain School for the Celebration of Sen- We held our Annual General Meeting Lifetime Members: Eileen Malchow &
iors and Senior Abuse Awareness Din- on Tuesday, June 27th. The Election of May Reid. Council reps: Tyrel Ray/
ner. It was so nice to see so many peo- Officers is listed: Craig Lepoidevin
ple there. A huge thank you again for Two yr term President -Anne Letz We have hired two students under the
all the help we received to make this a Two yr term Vice Pres-Dave White Canada Student Program. Please wel
very successful event. Everyone had Two yr term Sec.-Bonnie Plowman come Grace Anderson and Paige Allen
such a good time, that we are consider- One yr term Treasurer Lori Hurry/ who will be at the Centre and around
ing doing this every year around Elder Patti Rojeck/Ardelle Thake the community helping with Autumn
Abuse Awareness Day June 15th. Directors: Dave Harper, Dianne Hard- Services events throughout the balance
The BC Transit bus is now running to er, Patty Tawiyaka, Art Blomquist of the summer.
Well, got my garden roto tilled the other day and son Calvin came to visit and wanted to try out my hiller at-
tachment for my new tiller so he hilled the potatoes for works great! He did a great job! We had a bit
Endako of frost and some of the beans and corn got touched, they may come back though but if not...whatever! Now I
have to get the rest of the weeds out of the rows....hands and knees job! But I love it, because I can throw my
This & That mind out of gear and just work! Had a couple feeds of spinach as well as some lettuce....sure tastes good too!
By Audrey Read Neighbour Rita has her cows pasturing on my place, nice to see them on the hillside, and to see the calves
romping around chasing each other!
Matt & Holy Lehman, (neighbours down the road) lost their big barn on the evening of June 17. What a disaster! It is suspected that it was faulty
wiring that started it and my goodness did it ever go up in a hurry. Fortunately the house was spared but they lost the chicken house and another
small building. The barn also housed a lot of items such as snow machines, a welder and many, many tools. A friend from the Fraser Lake fire de-
partment came out in his fire fighting gear and was able to save the animals. The barn was lovingly built by Sherman McClure in the early eighties
and was a genuine piece of art. A fire is always scary and this one was no different especially when it went up the power pole! Holy cow! The
sparks flew like it was the first of July fireworks display and was accompanied by several loud rifle shots! Our thoughts go out to the
I have been house hunting like mad...the only area I have eliminated is down south....too hot and too many people! But I guess I shall find "the
place" one day soon....either an acreage or a house on a bit of land. Gotta have room for a garden! AND to have the feeling of no really close
neighbours!....I guess I have lived in the bush too long! LOL
Had a bit of a wreck today while mowing the lawn....ran into a power pole with the bagger....ripped the bagger right off the machine!...I will now
have to take the blower off the machine too but I was hoping to finish mowing the lawn before it started to such luck! It started to really
pour....I kept right on going and the blower was sending the grass and dandelion fluff up on me like there was no tomorrow!....Idiot! I was
perched up there like some kind of a dorkey queen getting soaking wet and covered with grass! Well, I never liked that bagger anyhow so maybe
now I will just leave the darn thing off altogether! It is a John Deere machine and cost the earth....I DO have my problems some-
times! LOL....When Calvin arrived on the weekend we put the darn thing back together we go again! LOL
Was out weeding the rows in the garden this morning, not many weeds but being as it is a big garden it took me an hour and a half to do two
rows!....Every year I say I am going to have a smaller garden! I couldn't figure out why there were so few peas and spinach in the rows....well, I
found out....Darn CUT WORMS! Darn things, they are that grey fat worm that eats the plant off about ground level and just goes down the
row. I wish I'd kept track of how many I'd squished!...Boy, they sure "POP" when they are squeezed!....blows their guts right out!....Makes me
smile! LOL!....I know, I am a saddest when it comes to them, but hey....the dirty things are EATING MY plants! Hope the whole garden isn't
contaminated with them.
Well I made a great discovery the other day, I picked two large bouquets of lilacs and brought them in and put them in vases. In one I also put one
sugar cube and a tablespoon of white vinegar, the other only had water. The very next day the one with only water had dead lilacs and had to be
thrown out. The bouquet with sugar & vinegar however lasted for six days! I don't know WHY I quit putting the sugar & vinegar in ALL my cut
flowers because it sure works!
Sure hot today, I imagine there will be a lot of hay being knocked down in the next few days if this keeps up. If Walter was here I know he'd be out
cutting today....if it rained we'd just make silage out of it!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer....remember, SMILE....makes people wonder what in tarnation you are up to!
Art Blomquist & Jo-Ann Boyd Blomquist for the donation of 2 turkeys,
(Bonnie said they were the best she had ever cooked!)
Thank you to the Community Response Network for the grant to make this happen!
Wow, so many people stepped up for this dinner! We can't thank these people enough!
This event could not have happened without all of these volunteers.
Sorry if we forgot anyone, and thank you again to everyone that came and helped out!
In recognition of the Autumn Services Executive members and Coordinator:
Elaine Storey for applying for the grant and persuading everyone to help ;) Its a MUST SEE!!!
Anne Letz for being an amazing person and president and working so hard. She was everywhere!
Dave & Carol Harper for carving turkey, kitchen duty
and everything in between! Thank YOU!!!
Bonnie Plowman for baking buns, roasting a turkey,
kitchen duty and so much more! -Marlene Johnson for the help ;)
And Lori Greenwood Hurry for always helping where -Lepoidevin's for the discounted flowers!
needed and being so supportive and kind! Thank you for -Red's Bakery for a donation of desserts!
all you do to bring the community together! -The Fraser Lake Legion for the buns!
-Northern Health for some prizes!
-MM School for the use of the school!
-FLESS for the use of their tables! 3-tiered deck with great lake view
The Fraser Lake Eco-Co-operative Project has been gaining a great deal of
Eco-Co-operative Project momentum. The main purpose of the project is to bring our communities
THE HEART OF LEARNING and members together to generate social, economic and cultural prosperi-
Submitted by Eco-co-operative Project Coordinator ty, food security and sustainability - here at home.
Shellie Gleave The Eco-co-op will be a progressive and attractive asset for Fraser Lake with new
options, new & local products, enhanced services,
and endless opportunities for growth. It will be a non-profit Community Service Cooperative and
an educational/training facility. A place for members to learn, apply knowledge, and develop
new skills in an environmentally responsive and innovative space. It will encourage community
engagement, cultural enrichment, environmental stewardship, learning and creativity while sup-
porting local food producers and artisans.
The Eco-co-op has the potential to provide enormous benefits to individuals, our close-knit com-
munities and the region. A team of community champions, co-operative experts, business advi-
sors, and university faculty members have been working hard to make this happen.
Our Steering Committee would like to invite you to express your interest in becoming a member
of the Eco-co-op.
We will be circulating Expression of Interest forms within Fraser Lake, Stellaten and Nadleh
Tickets, Endako and Fort Fraser for you or you can simply go to our Facebook page The Fraser
$1 each
Lake Eco-co-operative Project and post interested in the comments.
Can you see yourself shopping, eating, working, or learning at the Eco-co-op? Maybe youre an
artist, a gardener or rancher and can envision your products being sold from our shelves. Maybe
youd like to pass on some of your hard-earned wisdom and teach a class. If youve said yes to any
of these questions please consider being a member and let us know youre interested.
40 Cougar Street, Fraser Lake
FAC E B O O K Martineau Plumbing & Heating
To read the Phraser Connector on-line: Licensed Gas Fitter & Plumber 95% High Efficient Furnace Replacement
HotWaterTank Replacement
AD RATES Call Wayne Martineau
Phraser Connector is distributed Phone 250.699-6597
FREE once a month to
1480 area mail boxes
Cell 250.699-1384
Business Card 5.3cm x 9.3cm - $30 per insert
3 x Business Card size - $75 per insert
1/4 Page size 6 cm x 19 cm - $105 per insert
1/2 Page 12cm x19cm - $185 per insert TECHNOPURE WATER
Full page 24cm x 19cm - $375 per insert Water Treatment Systems
Ask about our rates for non-profits
To advertise email:
Dont forget to call
Autumn Services 250-699-0056
for all your
Copying & Designing needs!!
Book a Birthday Party, bottled water, pick up, or delivery
Meeting or Baby Shower! Call 699-6688