TF Adaptive Endodontie
TF Adaptive Endodontie
TF Adaptive Endodontie
Ideally, any new technique should be easy to understand and user-friendly, allowing for
excellent and predictable shaping.
In the last few years many new instrument designs, alloys and, most recently, sin-
gle-file reciprocation techniques have been introduced in an attempt to fulfil these re-
quirements. However, while all the changes offered some advantages there were also
disadvantages, when compared to traditional nickel titanium rotary instrumentation.
Clinical article 11
The TF Adaptive motion This adaptive motion is designed to reduce the risk of intra-ca-
TF Adaptive performs in a patented, unique motion that auto- nal failure without affecting performance. This is achieved by the
matically adapts to instrumentation stress. When the TF Adap- Adaptive motor, which automatically selects the best movement
tive instrument is not or very lightly stressed, the movement for each clinical situation.
can be described as a continuous rotation, allowing better cut-
ting efficiency and removal of debris, since cross-sectional and As for the general disadvantages of reciprocation, TF Adaptive
flute design are meant to perform at their best in a clockwise has a reciprocating motion with cutting angles (CW angles) that
(CW) motion. More precisely, it is an interrupted motion with the are much greater than competitors (WaveOne/Reciproc) move-
following CW-CCW (counter clockwise) angles 600-0. ments. Consequently, the TF Adaptive instrument is working for
a longer period of time at a CW angle, which allows for improved
This interrupted motion is not only as effective as continuous cutting efficiency and removal of debris and less tendency to
rotation in lateral cutting, thus allowing optimal brushing or cir- push debris apically and laterally because the flutes are de-
cumferential filing for better debris removal in oval canals, but signed to remove debris in a CW rotation.
it also minimises iatrogenic errors by reducing the tendency of
screwing-in of greater tapered nickel titanium instruments.
12 Clinical article
The TF Adaptive sequences
The TF Adaptive technique is basically a 3-file technique, de-
signed for all canals. Whether working in a small, difficult canal
or a large, easy one, TF Adaptive enables clinicians to achieve
adequate taper and increased apical preparation.
Clinical article 13
The instruments flexibility, which is a combi-
nation of small dimensions and proprietary TF
technology and design, allow SM1 to nego-
tiate complex canals easily and safely, since
TF Adaptives motion controls instrumentation
stress and optimises movements within the ca-
Case report
This case demonstrates how simple, easy and predictable shap- In complex cases, using SM3 (red band) to increase enlarge-
ing can be achieved using TF Adaptive in a complex canal. ment of the apical third is an option. In the great majority of cas-
es, it is very simple and safe to use the third instrument, which
Sequence selection is usually simple; having accomplished enlarges more of the root canal, creating a greater space for the
straight-line coronal access, apical patency and a glide path are Endovac cleaning device and obturation.
achieved using a #8 hand file, followed by a #10 hand file and
continued at least up to a #15 hand file. Using a tactile approach,
if clinicians struggle to get a #15 file to working length, the ca-
nal size is deemed to be small and the Small Pack (one-colour
band) and its instrument sequence are used (Figure 5).
14 Clinical article