Wireless Technology: Network+ Exam-Key Points
Wireless Technology: Network+ Exam-Key Points
Wireless Technology: Network+ Exam-Key Points
4 Wireless
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
Explain the principles of radio wave transmission.
Identify the major antenna styles.
Explain three transmission techniques used in radio wave-based
Recall the characteristics of the U-NII classications.
Recall the key characteristics of the IEEE 802.11 wireless networking
Explain the CSMA/CA access method.
Recall the key characteristics of the Bluetooth standard.
Explain how cellular technology works.
Compare the two types of microwave networks.
Compare the two types of infrared transmission.
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networking.
Recall the purpose of the SSID.
Give examples of how security is provided in wireless networks.
148 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 149
Electromagnetic Waves
Figure 4-2. The combined wave is transmitted across the atmosphere. When the combined demodulation
104.5-MHz wave reaches the receiver and is accepted, the electromagnetic energy is converted the process of sepa-
A carrier wave
carrier wave rating a data signal
is the means of into electrical energy. The receiver separates the voice wave from the carrier wave.
communication This process is known as demodulation. After the combined wave is demodulated, from a carrier wave.
between two the transceiver discards the carrier wave and then amplies the voice wave and channel
wireless devices. In sends it to a speaker. The speaker converts the electrical energy into a voice wave. the bandwidth of a
this example, a radio While this is a simple, nontechnical explanation, it is important to remember that carrier wave.
station assigned the the carrier wave and the voice wave are combined, or modulated, before they are
104.5-MHz frequency transmitted and are separated, or demodulated, after they are received.
transmits data on a
The same principle is used to transmit digital data signals. A carrier wave
104.5-MHz carrier
wave. A radio with its
establishes the transmitter/receiver relationship. The carrier wave is modulated
Radio station with a wave pattern resembling the digital data signal. The two waves are
dial set to 104.5 picks
up the information combined before transmission and then separated at the receiver.
broadcast from the 104.5 To modulate data, the carrier wave must be at a much higher frequency than
radio station. the digital data. In the example of the voice wave and carrier wave frequency,
the carrier wave is 104.5 MHz while the voice wave uctuates between 400 Hz
and 4,000 Hz. Based on an average voice frequency of 2,000 Hz, an approximate
500:1 ratio exists between the two frequencies. The carrier wave is only slightly
distorted when combined with the voice wave. The same principle applies when
transmitter consists of a transmitter, which generates the carrier wave and modulates a carrier wave is combined with a digital data signal. If the two signals do not
an electronic device information into the carrier wave, and a receiver, which receives the modulated have a high ratio, the digital data signal distorts the carrier wave to a point where
that generates a carrier wave and demodulates it. The transceiver and receiver must both be at or very the transmitter cannot recognize it.
wave and modulates near the same carrier wave frequency for communication to occur.
the data signal into the A 104.5-MHz carrier wave is 200 kHz in width. Technically, a 104.5-MHz
Look at the example of a voice wave broadcast in Figure 4-3. In the example, a carrier wave has a bandwidth of 200 kHz. The bandwidth of a carrier wave
carrier wave.
carrier wave of 104.5 MHz, is shown. The human voice produces sound at a much is referred to as a channel. Technically, a channel is a small portion of the
receiver lower frequency, typically in a range from a 400 cycles per second to approximately electromagnetic spectrum and is used to designate a set of frequencies for a
an electronic device 4,000 cycles per second. The human voice is converted into electrical energy using particular electronic application. The FCC assigns channels and bandwidths for
that receives a modu- a microphone. The microphone produces a pattern of electrical energy in direct electromagnetic waves.
lated signal and proportion to the human voice. The electrical energy is mixed with the carrier
demodulates it. A channel is identied by the assigned frequency that represents the starting
wave. The carrier wave has a much higher frequency than the electromagnetic point of the band. For example, 104.5 is the identication of the channel even
wave produced by the human voice. The two are combined so that the human though the channel spans the next 200 kHz. Look at Figure 4-4. The 145 MHz is
voice can be transmitted. the designated channel for the carrier wave. This channel is a single position in
the entire radio frequency spectrum represented by the 145-MHz designation.
The carrier wave channel is 200 kHz wide starting at exactly 145 MHz and
Figure 4-3. The transmitter The electrical energy The receiver accepts ending at 145.2 MHz. The carrier wave must stay within the 200-kHz band as
Example of a voice produces the produced from the the combined wave, specied by FCC regulation.
wave broadcast. carrier wave. sound wave is mixed and then separates the The exact center of the bandwidth area is 145.1 MHz. It is nearly impossible
with the carrier wave. voice wave from the
carrier wave. The voice
for the carrier wave to remain exactly at 145.1 MHz. The electronic components
~400 to wave is converted to that are used to create the circuit that produce the exact frequency change
~4,000 MHz electrical energy. directly with temperature. The components heat up because of the electrical
energy passing through them and are also inuenced by environmental
temperatures. Electronic transmitters are enclosed and air-conditioned to keep
the components at a predetermined temperature. The enclosure compensates
for environmental changes in temperature and the heat effects of the electronic
104.5 MHz
components. A change in component temperature causes a direct change in the
The voice wave
carrier wave frequency produced by electronic components.
is converted to
electrical energy.
The speaker Infrared Transmission
converts electrical Infrared uses a series of digital light pulses. The light is either on or off. A typical
energy into a television remote control uses infrared technology rather than radio wave technology
voice wave.
to transmit to the television receiver. There are two distinct disadvantages to infrared
152 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 153
Radio Interference
radio interference Radio interference is interference that matches the frequency of the carrier
interference that wave. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for
matches the dividing the entire electromagnetic spectrum to prevent electronic equipment
frequency of a carrier from interfering with one another. However, this is not always possible. Think
wave. for a minute how many different devices use and produce electromagnetic
wavesremote controls for remote control cars, remote control airplanes, garage
door openers, television, AM radio, FM radio, satellites, pagers, cellular phones, Original signal
154 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 155
by combining with it. The problem occurs if there is too much delay between Dipole
the original signal and the reected signal. When there is too much delay, the The dipole is one of the most common radio antennae used. What makes it
two signals overlap causing the combined signal to be distorted. The difference popular is it is relatively inexpensive to manufacture when compared with many
in time it takes the two signals to travel from the source to the destination other antenna styles. The dipole is commonly used as a client or receiver antenna
determines the level of distortion. The amount of time it takes to reach the rather than as a broadcast antenna. The dipole antenna is bidirectional, as seen
destination depends on the angle and distance of the reection. in Figure 4-7. Rotating the antenna until the dipole aligns with the source of the
There are many sources of radio interference that can affect communication radio wave transmission can enhance the received signal.
on an IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN. Industrial, scientic, and medical devices
ISM band occupy the frequency band allocated to the wireless network devices specied
under the IEEE 802.11 standard. Wireless phones and microwave ovens are also
the band of radio
frequencies associ- included in the same frequency ranges. The band of radio frequencies associated The Yagi antenna is used for point-to-point links. It is a directional-type
ated with indus- with industrial, scientic, and medical devices is referred to as the ISM band, antenna. A Yagi antenna is typically designed from many radio antenna elements
trial, scientic, and Figure 4-6. The acronym ISM represents Industrial, Scientic, and Medical. (tubes). Each element is progressively larger or smaller than the main element
medical devices. by approximately 5%. The way the Yagi antenna enhances the radiation of the
electromagnetic wave is beyond the scope of this textbook. For now, just note and
omni-directional Antenna Styles recognize the shape of the Yagi antenna and its electromagnetic wave pattern.
the ability of an
antenna to transmit Two major classications of antennae are associated with radio wave- and Some Yagi antennae are constructed inside a metal tube to further enhance the
electromagnetic microwave-based wireless networks: omni-directional and directional. These reception and transmission of electromagnetic waves. See Figure 4-8.
signals in all classications are based on an antennas ability to transmit electromagnetic signals.
directions. Omni-directional is the transmission of electromagnetic signals in all directions.
Directional is the transmission of electromagnetic signals in a focused or aimed Electromagnetic Figure 4-7.
directional Basic antenna
the ability of an direction. Antennae can be further broken down by their individual style of Wave Pattern
Antenna (as viewed from overhead) styles and the
antenna to transmit construction such as omni, dipole, at panel, Yagi, and parabolic dish. Figure 4-7 electromagnetic
electromagnetic shows each antenna style and the electromagnetic wave pattern it produces. Note wave patterns they
signals in a focused that the electromagnetic wave patterns are viewed from overhead. produce.
or aimed direction.
The omni is a straight piece of wire. The wire is engineered to match the Omni
exact length or a fraction of the frequencys wavelength. For example, a frequency
of 2.4 GHz produces a wavelength of approximately 2.19. An antenna 2.19 in
length would match the wavelength exactly. Matching the antenna length to
the wavelength of the radio frequency ensures the best possible reception and
reduces the possibility of picking up interference. Dipole
The omni antenna is typically used for a wireless transmitter to broadcast
in a 360 pattern. This type of antenna is used for the source of a wireless
transmission. For example, a wireless Internet service provider would use an
omni antenna to facilitate broadcasting in all directions to better serve customers
throughout the area. Yagi
Figure 4-6.
The Industrial, ISM band
Scientific, and
Medical (ISM) band 902928 MHz 2.42.48 GHz 5.7255.85 GHz
is often a source of Flat panel
wireless network Industrial Scientific Medical
Spread Spectrum
Spread spectrum is a transmission technique that uses multiple channels to spread spectrum
transmit data either simultaneously or sequentially. The term spread spectrum refers a transmission
to transmission channels spread across the spectrum of the available bandwidth. technique that uses
Spread spectrum transmission works in a similar manner that highways multiple channels to
work. A highway system consists of several separate lanes to carry vehicles. You transmit data either
can think of spread spectrum as several radio wave paths designed to carry simultaneously or
radio waves. In the highway system, trucks carry supplies to a store. Each truck
Flat Panel uses a separate lane. If one of the lanes is blocked (interference), the other lanes
The at panel is a directional-type antenna used for point-to-point links. can still carry the supplies to the store. This is the same method employed by
The main advantage of a at panel is the aesthetics. The antenna blends in well spread spectrum. If one of the channels is blocked by radio interference, the other
channels can still carry the radio wave data. frequency hopping
with building architecture, and many times it is unnoticeable. However, the a spread spectrum
disadvantage of a at panel antenna is the consideration of wind load. High wind In the spread spectrum technique, data can be transmitted on multiple
technique that
areas can catch the at panel design like a sail on a ship. Flat panels must be channels simultaneously or sequentially (one at a time). The spread spectrum
transmits data on
rigidly supported to reduce the effects of wind. technique that transmits data on multiple channels simultaneously is called multiple channels
frequency hopping. The spread spectrum technique that transmits data on simultaneously.
multiple channels sequentially is called direct sequencing.
Parabolic Spread spectrum is the chosen transmission method of most wireless direct sequencing
The parabolic antenna is used for point-to-point links. It a directional-type technologies. Transmitting data on multiple channels decreases the likelihood of a spread spectrum
antenna typically constructed from a grid of rods or mesh wiring. The parabolic technique that
interference. Interference is typically limited to only one or two of the channels.
antenna enhances reception by reecting incoming electromagnetic waves with transmits data on
The other channels in the frequency band are free to carry data undisturbed. multiple channels
its curved surface to a horn at its center. When the parabolic antenna transmits Data that is lost can be easily retransmitted on a channel that is not affected by sequentially.
electromagnetic waves, the horn transmits the signal toward the curved surface the interference.
of the antenna. The curved surface reects the electromagnetic waves to produce
a beamlike pattern in the same way light is reected from the curved surface Frequency hopping
of a ashlight to produce a beam of light. The parabolic antenna is constructed Frequency hopping is also referred to as frequency hopping spread spectrum
as a simple, curved surface or in the shape of a dish. When it is constructed in (FHSS). Frequency hopping is used with wireless devices that use the 2.4-GHz
the shape of a dish, it is usually called a parabolic disk or simply dish antenna. The radio band. The 2.4-GHz frequency has a bandwidth of 83.5 MHz. Rather than
parabolic antenna greatly amplies a weak radio wave signal when compared use the entire range as a single channel to carry radio data, the frequency band is
with other antenna types. divided into 79 1-MHz channels. See Figure 4-9.
158 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 159
Data packet
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
The orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission orthogonal
technique is used with wireless devices that use the 5-GHz radio band and can frequency-
Instead of transmitting the data packets over a single channel, the data
achieve a data rate as high as 54 Mbps. The OFDM transmission technique divides the division
packets hop from one channel to another in a set pattern determined by a
allotted frequency into channels similar to frequency hopping and direct sequencing. multiplexing
software algorithm. None of the 79 channels are occupied for more than 0.4 (OFDM)
seconds. Since the data packets switch from channel to channel, or rather Orthogonal means separate side by side over a range of values. In wireless application,
a transmission tech-
frequency to frequency, this transmission technique is called frequency hopping. the term orthogonal means there are multiple separate radio channels side by side
nique that transmits
Many people assume that because data packets hop to various channels, within an assigned radio band. Frequency division means to divide the assigned
data over different
this transmission technique was designed as a security measure. This frequency range into multiple, narrow sub-frequencies. Multiplexing is an electronics channels within an
assumption is false. The reason that the frequency hopping technique is used term, which means to combine content from different sources and transmit them assigned frequency
is to avoid interference. If any interference matches the same frequency as collectively over a single, common carrier. By combining the three terms, OFDM range. Each channel
the wireless networking devices, the data would be corrupted. If only one means to communicate wireless data over several different channels within an is broadcast separately
frequency was used and it encountered interference, then the network would assigned frequency range. However, in OFDM, each channel is broadcast separately and is referred to as
be useless. By using the frequency hopping technique, interference can be and is referred to as multiplexed. multiplexed. It can
OFDM is used in conjunction with the Unlicensed National Information achieve data rates as
tolerated. The interference would likely only affect one or two of the available
Infrastructure (U-NII) frequency ranges. The FCC divided the 5-GHz radio high as 54 Mbps.
frequencies in the entire 79 1-MHz channels. This allows more than an ample
number of channels to ensure continuous transmission between wireless frequency into three, 20-MHz channels and classied them as the Unlicensed
networking devices. National Information Infrastructure (U-NII). The three classications are U-NII-1,
The frequency hopping technique is limited to a maximum of a 2-Mbps data U-NII-2, and U-NII-3. See Figure 4-11. Each of the three U-NII classications has
rate. A much higher data rate can be accomplished using direct sequencing. a frequency range of 100 MHz. Using the OFDM transmission technique, each
100-MHz frequency range is broken into four separate 20-MHz channels. Each
Direct sequencing of the 20-MHz channels is further divided into fty-two, 300-kHz sub-channels.
Direct sequencing divides the 2.4-GHz frequency band into eleven Forty-eight of the fty-two sub-channels are used to transmit data, and the
overlapping channels of 83 MHz each. Within the eleven channels are three remaining four are used for error correction. It is the large number of channels
channels with a 22-MHz bandwidth. The three channels do not overlap and can that provide the high data rates. Additionally, communication is not affected as
be used simultaneously. Using three channels at the same time results in higher adversely by interference as it is with the other techniques mentioned. If one or
data rates than frequency hopping. The data rates for direct sequencing are 11 Mbps two sub-channels are affected, the overall data rate is not affected.
and 33 Mbps. The 33 Mbps is a result of using all three 22-Mbps channels at the The FCC U-NII classications are based on the frequency range of the broadcast,
same time, Figure 4-10. the allowable maximum amount of power allotted to the broadcast, and the location of
One disadvantage of direct sequencing is that a much larger portion of the where the device may be used. There is no maximum distance measurement in feet or
transmitted data is affected by electromagnetic interference than with frequency meters for the different classications. The maximum distances are controlled by the
hopping. The data rate of direct sequencing, therefore, is drastically affected by maximum amount of output wattage that can be generated by the devices. The actual
interference. range varies considerably due to inuences such as building structures and materials,
Direct sequencing is also referred to as direct sequencing spread spectrum (DSSS). the electromagnetic environment, and atmospheric conditions. Use the chart in
Most vendors use DSSS technology at 11 Mbps for wireless network systems. Figure 4-12 to get a relative idea of expected maximum distances.
160 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 161
Wireless Access Points typically provide access from wireless network devices to
Figure 4-12. needed hardwired network devices, such as printers, modems, and routers.
U-NII classifications Classification Frequency Range Power Comment
A typical WAP comes equipped with two omni antennae, Figure 4-14. One
and their U-NII 1 5.15 GHz5.25 GHz 50 mW Indoors antenna is used for transmitting, and the other is used for receiving. This allows
characteristics. for full-duplex communication, which makes the WAP more efcient than if a
U-NII 2 5.25 GHz5.35 GHz 250 mW Indoors/outdoors
single antenna were used.
U-NII 3 5.725 GHz5.825 GHz 1W Outdoors When a WAP is present in a wireless network, all communication must go
through it. You can think of a WAP as a trafc director for packets. The WAP
controls the ow of all packets on the wireless network. When multiple Wireless
Distances vary by manufacturer and by location conditions such as Access Points are used, the roaming device (laptop, palm top, personal digital
placement of metal cabinets and building materials. The maximum power output assistant) automatically detects and connects to the WAP with the strongest
of the device has a direct relationship to data throughput. Packet loss is generally signal, which is typically the closest WAP.
caused by radio interference or excessive distance between two devices. When All Wireless Access Points in a wireless network use the same Service Set
packet loss increases, the data rate decreases. The data rate is automatically Identier (SSID). The SSID is similar in nature to a workgroup name or domain
adjusted to a lower rate when an excessive number of packets are lost. The data name. It is a name that identies Wireless Access Points within the same network.
rate continues to be lowered until an acceptable packet loss is reached. The more
powerful the signal, the less interference can disrupt the signal. This means that
there will be fewer packets lost. Consequently, data rate is better when the signal Figure 4-14.
is more powerful. The maximum transmission power rating for a wireless device Omni antennae Wireless Access Point
is set by the FCC. Do not attempt to memorize distances because they are not (WAP). Note that
standard. the WAP has two
omni antennae. One
antenna is used for
Radio Wave-Based Networking receiving, and the
other antenna is used
Wireless Access Radio wave-based networks are rapidly becoming the choice of many for transmitting.
Point (WAP) networking systems because of the fast and easy installation and the convenience (3Com Corporation)
a wireless network of no wires. A simple wireless network, such as one designed for home or
device that provides business use, consists of two or more computers with wireless network adapters.
a connection Figure 4-13 shows a USB wireless network adapter.
between a wireless
network and a cable-
based network and
Wireless Access Points
controls the ow of While not required, most wireless networks contain a Wireless Access Point
all packets on the (WAP) also referred to as an access point (AP). A Wireless Access Point (WAP) Wireless Access Point
wireless network. provides a connection between a wireless network and a cable-based network.
162 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 163
Multiple Wireless Access Points within the same network should be congured Figure 4-16.
with the same SSID to support network roaming. When separate network systems A wireless network
are within range of each other, the Wireless Access Points for each separate in ad hoc mode.
network should use a different SSID to distinguish themselves from each other.
Most Wireless Access Points and wireless network adapters come with a default
SSID. If they are installed with minimal or no conguration at all, all Wireless
Access Points will have the same SSID. The SSID can be readily recongured.
Tech Tip
Service Set Identifier (SSID) names are case-sensitive.
Wireless network adapters and Wireless Access Points come with default
settings to make conguration easy and, in some cases, automatic. However,
easy or precongured settings make for weak security. Each device by the same
manufacturer uses the same default SSID. The SSID should be changed to make Ad Hoc Mode
the system more secure.
By default, most manufacturers do not enable encryption. The encryption
process slows the overall data rate of the system. It takes time to encrypt and The IEEE 802.11 wireless network standard does not use the terms ad hoc,
decrypt the packets. Encryption, however, should be enabled to make the SSID, or ESSID when describing the technical aspects of a wireless network.
These terms are encountered when reviewing product information provided Basic Service Set
network more secure. (BSS)
by wireless manufacturers. The IEEE uses the terms Basic Service Set (BSS) and
infrastructure mode an IEEE term
Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). A Basic Service Set (BSS) is a group of
a wireless network Wireless Network Modes wireless devices connected as a network, which is described by manufacturers
used to describe a
that contains one or A wireless network that contains one or more Wireless Access Points is group of wireless
as an infrastructure network or an SSID. An Independent Basic Service Set devices connected
more Wireless Access arranged in infrastructure mode, Figure 4-15. When a WAP is not present in a (IBSS) is similar to an ad hoc network. The IBSS does not use an access point and
Points. as an infrastructure
wireless network, it is arranged in ad hoc mode, Figure 4-16. The reference to the usually is a direct connection between two wireless devices. network or an SSID.
ad hoc mode term ad hoc means that the system is put together rapidly and is usually intended You will see the term Enhanced Service Set Identier (ESSID) listed in the
a wireless network to be a temporary installation rather than a permanent installation. An ad hoc Independent Basic
CompTIA Network+ 2009 objectives and acronyms list. The more commonly
that does not contain network can contain a maximum of 20 computers. Typically, an ad hoc network Service Set (IBSS)
accepted translation of the acronym ESSID is Extended Service Set Identier. a network that does
a Wireless Access consists of a laptop and a desktop computer. An ad hoc network can be compared An Extended Service Set Identier (ESSID) refers to two or more Wireless not use an access
Point. to a peer-to-peer network where all devices are equal. Access Points or wireless devices using the same SSID. In other words, the network point and usually is
has been extended by using the same SSID for more than one access point. When a direct connection
multiple access points use the same SSID, a portable wireless device can maintain a between two wire-
Figure 4-15. constant connection with the network as the user moves around the location. less devices.
A wireless network
in infrastructure
mode. The exact meaning of networking terminology can be confusing because device Note
manufacturers often present the terminology at a novice level rather than at a technical
level. For example, some manufacturers use the term enhanced to indicate a feature that
has been added by that particular manufacturer.
Figure 4-17. the 802.11standards are given a Wi-Fi compliant seal, which means any
IEEE 802.11 802.11 Radio Frequency Range Transmission device bearing the Wi-Fi seal is compatible with any other device bearing the
Data Rate
Standard Frequency Range (approximate) Method seal, Figure 4-18. This process led to competing yet compatible standards by
standards and their
characteristics. 802.11a 5 GHz 5.15 GHz 6 Mbps 50 m OFDM both organizations. As a result, users are able to mix and match components
5.825 GHz 9 Mbps from various manufacturers. There are many proprietary devices and software
12 Mbps products on the market that may not be fully compatible with other devices.
18 Mbps
24 Mbps 802.11g
36 Mbps
54 Mbps
The IEEE 802.11g standard followed the 802.11a and 802.11b standards. 802.11g
operates in the 802.11b frequency range of 2.4 GHz. This makes it downward
802.11b 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz 1 Mbps 100 m DSSS compatible with 802.11b devices. When communicating with 802.11b devices, the
2.4835 GHz 2 Mbps
maximum data rate is reduced to 11 Mbps. The maximum throughput for the
5.5 Mbps
11 Mbps 802.11g standard is 54 Mbps, but the maximum distance is typically much shorter
than an 802.11b device. An 802.11g device can use the lower data rates of 48 Mbps,
802.11g 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz 1 Mbps 100 m DSSS 36 Mbps, 28 Mbps, 24 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 11 Mbps, 9 Mbps, 6 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps,
2.4835 GHz 2 Mbps
5.5 Mbps
and 1 Mbps. Since 802.11g is assigned to the same frequency range as 802.11b, it is
11 Mbps susceptible to the same sources of radio interference.
802.11g and 802.11b devices are not compatible with 802.11a devices because
5 GHz 5.15 GHz- 54 Mbps 50 m OFDM
they use different frequencies. It must be noted that while the standards are
5.825 GHz
different, there are devices on the market that can communicate with any of the
802.11n 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz All previous data 300 m OFDM mentioned wireless standards. In other words, there are wireless devices that can
2.4835 GHz rates up to communicate with 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g devices.
300 Mbps and
5 GHz 5.15 GHz- possibly as high 802.11n
5.825 GHz as 600 Mbps
The 802.11n standard operates at 5 GHz and is backward compatible
with the 2.4-GHz frequency range. In 2009, the Wi-Fi Alliance organization
ratied (approved) a standard based on a draft version of 802.11n. However,
24 Mbps, 18 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 9 Mbps, and 6 Mbps. At the 5-GHz frequency, 802.11a manufacturers developed 802.11n wireless network devices before the 802.11n
networking devices are not susceptible to interference from devices that cause classication was ratied in an effort to offer superior wireless devices. Therefore,
interference at the 2.4-GHz frequency range. 802.11a devices are incompatible with these devices may not exactly match the 802.11n ratied standard.
802.11b and 802.11g devices. Also, 802.11a devices use a higher frequency than 802.11b
or 802.11g devices. The higher frequency cannot penetrate materials such as building
There cannot be a definitive range for individual IEEE wireless standards, only Note
walls like the lower frequency devices can. This results in 802.11a devices having a
approximations. Range is determined by radio wave power expressed in watts. There are
shorter range when compared with 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n devices.
many electronic factors that affect radio wave ranges.
Although the 802.11a and 802.11b standards were developed at the same time,
802.11b was the rst to be adopted by industry. The maximum data rate for 802.11b
Figure 4-18.
is 11 Mbps. When the highest rate cannot be achieved because of distance or radio
Wi-Fi compliant seal Wireless PCMCIA
interference, a lower rate is automatically selected. The lower rates are 5.5 Mbps, adapter card with the
2 Mbps, and 1 Mbps. An 802.11b device can operate over any of 11 channels Wi-Fi compliant seal.
within the assigned bandwidth. When communicating between wireless devices, (3Com Corporation)
all devices should use the same channel. When using devices from the same
manufacturer, the same channel is automatically selected by default. Two wireless
networks, one constructed of 802.11b devices and the other constructed of 802.11a
devices, can coexist without interfering with each other because they use different
assigned frequencies. This allows for two different wireless networks to operate
Wi-Fi within the same area without interfering with the other.
a term coined by the 802.11 network devices are often referred to as Wi-Fi, which stands
Wi-Fi Alliance that for wireless delity. The use of the term Wi-Fi was due to manufacturers
refers to 802.11 wire- forming the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) in an effort to
less network products. standardize wireless network devices. Devices approved as compatible with
166 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 167
Multiple Input An 802.11n device is compatible with 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g, but may Figure 4-19.
Multiple Output not support MIMO technology when paired with these devices. Multiple Input CSMA/CA Process
A laptop equipped
(MIMO) Multiple Output (MIMO) is a wireless networking technology that uses two with a wireless
a wireless or more streams of data transmission to increase data throughput and the range network adapter
networking tech- 1. Request to send (RTS)
of the wireless network. Transmitting two or more streams of data in the same listens for network
nology that transmits traffic. If all is clear,
frequency channel is referred to as spatial multiplexing.
two or more streams it sends a request to
of data to increase 802.11n incorporates the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology 2. Busy or clear to send (CTS)
using 5-GHz and 2.4-GHz frequencies with an expected data rate of approximately send (RTS) signal to
data throughput and the Wireless Access
the range of the wire- 300 Mbps to 600 Mbps. The exact speed depends on the number of simultaneous
Point (WAP). The
less network. data streams transmitted. Some 802.11n devices are advertised with data rates
3. Sends data after clear to send (CTS) WAP returns a clear
much higher than specied in the standard. to send (CTS) or a
spatial multiplexing
MIMO was designed as an integral part of the 802.11n standard. Some busy signal to the
a wireless Laptop with Wireless Access Point (WAP)
networking tech- manufacturers have incorporated MIMO into the latest revisions of their 802.11g wireless adapter laptop. This process
4. Acknowledge (ACK)
nology that transmits devices to take advantage of producing higher data rates. is repeated until the
two or more streams Prior to MIMO, Wireless Access Points and devices sent a single stream of laptop is cleared to
of data in the same data between the transmitter and receiver. MIMO uses two or more antennae, send the data. After
frequency channel. thus creating two or more streams of data simultaneously. For example, an the data is sent to the
802.11n wireless device that transmits data at 150 Mbps can apply MIMO and WAP, the WAP sends
raise the data rate to 300 Mbps. The latest 802.11n standard is 144.4 Mbps or an acknowledge
rounded up to 150 Mbps. By using MIMO, 802.11n devices can raise the expected (AWK) signal to the
data rate to nearly 300 Mbps when using a 20-MHz channel and 600 Mbps when laptop.
using a 40-MHz channel inside the assigned 2.4-GHz frequency range. The
40-MHz channel can carry twice the data as the 20-MHz channel. Figure 4-20.
The WI-FI Alliance uses a similar method in its standard and achieves a In an 802.3 network,
maximum throughput of 450 Mbps as posted on their Web site at the time of this which uses the
writing. Visit the Wi-Fi Alliance Web site (http://wi-fi.org). CSMA/CD access
method, all
802.11 Access Method computers are wired
802.11 networks rely on Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision to each other and
each computer can
Avoidance (CSMA/CA) as a media access protocol. Do not confuse this with
hear traffic on the
CSMA/CD, which is used by IEEE 802.3 networks. The Carrier Sense Multiple CSMA/CD Access Method network. There is no
Access (CSMA) portion of the technology is the same for both the 802.11 and need for a computer
802.3 networks. The difference is in the Collision Detection (CD) versus Collision to send a signal
Avoidance (CA). Collision Detection (CD) detects a collision on the network after notifying the other
it occurs, while Collision Avoidance (CA) attempts to avoid a collision. computers it is about
To understand the CSMA/CA process, look at Figure 4-19. The laptop to transmit data. In an
Radio signal
equipped with a wireless card rst listens for network trafc. If the airwaves are overlap area
802.11 network, which
clear, it signals the WAP with a request to send (RTS) message. The WAP returns uses the CSMA/
either a clear to send (CTS) or busy signal to the laptop. The process is repeated CA access method,
until the laptop is cleared to send data. After the data has been sent to the computers with
WAP, the WAP sends an acknowledge (ACK) to the laptop. Collision avoidance wireless network
interface cards
technology solves the problem of broadcast storms, which are associated with
communicate within
collision detection technology. The collision detection technology is designed to
an overlap area. A
accept network collisions, wait, and then resend the complete transmission. Wireless Access
The CSMA/CA access method was selected over CSMA/CD because of the Point (WAP) controls
nature of wireless media. In a typical Ethernet environment that uses cable, a all communication
collision can be detected anywhere on a segment by all nodes in that segment. giving permission to
The same is not true of a wireless network. Look at Figure 4-20 and compare the individual devices
the two networking technologies. In the cable-based network, all nodes are to communicate in an
connected to the same segment via a hub. All nodes can detect any broadcast that organized fashion.
takes place. There is no need to broadcast an intention to communicate. CSMA/CA Access Method
168 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 169
For nodes to communicate with each other on a wireless network, all nodes CSMA/CA is used because of the way wireless networks communicate as
must be inside the same broadcast area, called an overlap area. See Figure 4-21. opposed to the way wired networks communicate. When communicating on a wired
This is not always possible, especially with mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs, network, all devices in the same collision domain can hear each other when they
cell phones, automobiles, and such. It is not unusual to have a mobile computer are communicating. The idea is that each device waits for when the cable is clear of
outside of the normal overlap area. There is also the possibility of mobile users communication before it communicates on the cable. When a collection of wireless
moving in and out of the overlap area, further complicating communication. The devices are connected as a network, not all devices will always be within the range
best logical choice of media access for a wireless network is CSMA/CA. of all other devices. This causes a problem because a wireless device may not be
aware when other devices are communicating. This is why a wireless network system
requires CSMA/CA to access the network media, the wireless network area.
Figure 4-21. CSMA/CA is designed to make the WAP in charge of all communication.
Overlap area of The WAP permits wireless devices to communicate or denies wireless devices to
an ad hoc and communicate. The WAP is centrally located and can communicate with all the
infrastructure Overlap area devices in the wireless network. The WAP hears all communication. A device
wireless network. sitting at the edge of the wireless network cannot hear the devices farthest from
AFor computers
it, but the WAP can. If CSMA/CD was used as the access method, the devices
in an ad hoc
wireless network
would not take turns as permitted by the WAP and the result would be too
to communicate many communication collisions on the network caused by two or more devices
with each other, all attempting to communicate at the same time.
computers must be in Adding more Wireless Access Points can expand the geographic area covered
the same overlap area. by a wireless network, Figure 4-22. Connecting several WAPs with cable can
BIn an infrastructure also enlarge a wireless LAN. Figure 4-23 shows several WAPs joined by copper
wireless network, the core cable. This connection allows multiple WAPs to be spread over a large area
Wireless Access Point
(WAP) must be in
the common overlap Figure 4-22.
area of the wireless The range of a
network computers. wireless network
The WAP controls all can be extended by
communication. adding additional
Wireless Access
Points (WAPs).
Overlap area
170 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 171
without the need for overlapping radio signals. This type of arrangement is ideal
for mobile users. As the user travels through the network system with a mobile ZigBee is a standard developed by a consortium of electronic manufacturers
device such as a laptop, he or she can access the network system from anywhere. for mainly residential applications of wireless devices as related to appliances
For example, a college campus spanning hundreds of acres could incorporate a and security and such. It is based on the 802.15.4 standard. What appears to be
mesh arrangement of WAPs throughout the campus area. A professor or student confusing is that the standard is represented by the name ZigBee rather than a
could use his or her laptop equipped with a wireless PCMCIA card to access the number. The term ZigBee is used similar to the way the term Wi-Fi is used.
network system from anywhere on the campus such as classrooms, the library, Keep in mind that the IEEE standards will constantly change and be
cafeteria, a dorm room, or even from outside on the lawn areas. amended as manufacturers try to improve the network wireless technologies.
New IEEE Wireless Standards The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards
There are two other major IEEE standards that are directly related to is better known as Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) or Wireless Metropolitan Area
working group wireless technology: 802.15 Wireless Personal Networks (WPAN) and 802.16 Networks (WMAN). This project is concerned with connecting LANs to each other
a standard not fully Broadband Wireless Access (BWA). While not adopted at this time, they are still using wireless technologies. The working group is hoping to design data rates as
developed and worth mentioning since their adoption is anticipated soon. Standards not fully high as 70 Mbps over distances of 30 miles or more. The working group is also
adopted as an ofcial developed and adopted as an ofcial standard recognized by IEEE are referred to attempting to expand the radio frequencies assigned by the FCC and the radio
standard recognized as a working group. Titles for the standards being developed always use the term frequencies dedicated to only wireless mesh-type networks, such as wireless
by IEEE. working group so people will know that they are under development. MANs. At the present time, private companies can achieve high data rates over
172 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 173
many miles, but there is no single standard that allows devices manufactured by Wireless Personal Area Networks in July, 2004. Bluetooth suffers from the same
different companies to communicate with the other. radio interference sources as other 802.11 devices, which are part of the ISM band.
Bluetooth will not interfere with 802.11b devices when operated in the same
USB Wireless area because they use different formats for conguring data. In other words, a
Wireless USB is a standard for devices that connect through the USB port of wireless keyboard and mouse based on the Bluetooth standard will not interfere
a PC. Wireless USB is most often used to support the transfer of data between the with the operation of an 802.11b wireless network.
PC and devices such as cameras, printers, mobile phones, DVD players, televisions, For the very latest information about the Bluetooth standard, always check
external hard drives, and AV receivers. Wireless USB provides data speeds of up the Bluetooth organization Web site at www.Bluetooth.com and www.bluetooth.org.
to 480 Mbps at a maximum range of 3 meters and up to 100 Mbps at a maximum
range of 10 meters. Note
The name Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) is often used in place of piconet.
Bluetooth is a short-range, wireless system that is designed for limited distances.
Typical Bluetooth devices have an effective range of 30 meters or less. Look at the
following table to see approximate values based on output wattage of the device. Cellular Technology
Cellular technology is based on radio waves connecting to designated areas cellular technology
referred to as cells. Rather than communicate directly by radio wave from one a technology based
Class Power Approximate Range on radio waves
cell to another, a remote device connects to a radio transmitter/receiver within its
Class 1 100 mW 100 m cell. The radio transmitter/receiver communicates to remote cells via microwave connecting to desig-
nated areas referred
Class 2 2.5 mW 10 m transmission or telephone lines. In the remote cell, the message is sent to a radio
to as cells.
transceiver/receiver. The radio transceiver/receiver sends, via radio waves, the
Class 3 1 mW 1m message to the remote device within its cell. See Figure 4-24.
Cellular technology is responsible for wireless telephone and telephone
The abbreviation mW represents milliwatt or 1/1000 of a watt. As you technology. The same technology connects mobile and stationary computer
can see, most Bluetooth devices have a very limited range. equipment. A text message can be transmitted to a pager by typing in a message
The Bluetooth standard has evolved over the years in an effort to increase its using a desktop computer. The message is sent over an Internet connection to a
data rates. Look at the maximum data rates for each Bluetooth standard listed in mobile telephone switching ofce. From there, radio microwaves transmit the
the following table. encoded message to the distant pager system. See Figure 4-25.
Cellular technology supports duplex communication using a device such as a
personal digital assistant or a palmtop congured for wireless radio services.
Bluetooth Standard Maximum Data Rate
1.0 1 Mbps
Each cell communicates Figure 4-24.
2.0 3 Mbps Cellular technology
with other cells via
3.0 24 Mbps Each cell, or geographic microwave transmission communications
area, is equipped with a or telephone lines system.
radio transmitter/receiver
Tech Tip As always when working with radio wave devices, expect that practical data rates will be
much lower than the data rate printed for the standard, except in ideal conditions.
Bluetooth uses 79 channels that use the frequency hopping spread spectrum
transmission technique, starting at 2.4 GHz. The Bluetooth standard was developed
separately from the IEEE network standards. It was never intended as a networking
standard designed to carry massive amounts of information. Bluetooth was Remote devices
designed for appliances such as telephones, laptops, palm tops, digital cameras, communicate
with radio
piconet personal digital assistants, headsets, printers, keyboards, and mice. Cell
a Bluetooth network. A Bluetooth network is referred to as a piconet or a Personal Area Network within its cell
Also called a Personal (PAN). A piconet is a very small network. Bluetooth became recognized by the
Area Network (PAN). IEEE organization and was incorporated into the IEEE 802.15 Working Group
174 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 175
Pager PDA
Message is typed
in at keyboard Message is received at pager or PDA
Microwave Transmission and Networking and satellite. It is caused by the great distance between the satellite and earth
and can be compared to latency. In the past, the Motorola Company attempted to
The term microwave is used to describe radio waves in the electromagnetic send a large group of 66 satellites into orbit at approximately 460 miles (740 km)
spectrum that have a wavelength from 1 millimeter (mm) to 30 centimeters (cm) above the earth to eliminate much of the propagation delay. At this height, the
and radio wave frequencies between 1 GHz and 300 GHz. The amount of data propagation delay is signicantly reduced and is relatively unnoticed by the users.
carried by a radio wave is directly proportional to its frequency. In short, the Unfortunately, the project, called Iridium, proved too costly and was abandoned
higher the frequency, the more data that can be transmitted in a given period of before it could be fully implemented.
time. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum identied as microwave is the
preferred technology used for wireless networking. Its application is described in
the IEEE 802.11 standards. Microwave radio wave transmission can be broadcast The term propagation delay is used in satellite transmission in much the same way that the
Tech Tip
directly between wireless devices or routed through satellites orbiting the earth. term latency is used for data delay in network systems.
Satellites are often used as part of a WAN distribution. Satellites can offer
the advantage of providing a wireless network connection to remote or mobile
geosynchronous locations that cannot be achieved using conventional methods. While the propagation delay that normally occurs is generally short
Look at Figure 4-26. The satellite in this illustration is positioned 22,300 only a fraction of a secondthe effect of the delay depends on the type of data
an orbit in which a
miles (35,880 km) above the earths surface and moves at a speed of approximately transmitted. For example, a delay of 250 milliseconds (ms) for a message consisting
satellites rotational
speed is synchro- 68,000 mph. At this distance, it takes the satellite exactly 24 hours to make one of several pages of text would go completely unnoticed by the end user. The same
nized with the earths revolution around the earth. This time is equal to the time of the earths rotation. delay for data containing a telephone conversation would show slight pauses in
rotational speed, This equality causes the satellite to appear in a stationary position above the the conversation. A series of frames containing millions of bits of picture or video
making the satel- earth and is said to be in geosynchronous orbit. In other words, the satellites data could show serious evidence of the delay. Picture or video data needs to be of
lite appear to be in a speed is synchronized with the earths rotational speed. If the satellite were in relatively low resolution to limit the total amount of data transmitted. Transmitting
stationary position. a lower orbit, it would need to move at a much higher orbital speed. This would high-resolution picture or video data would only be practical in half-duplex
propagation delay result in the need to track the satellite as it moves across the sky. Tracking a communication. Full-duplex communication for high-resolution picture or video
the time it takes for satellite in stationary position is easy when compared with tracking a constantly data transmission is not yet practical. There are still very noticeable delays in
data to be trans- moving satellite. high-resolution, two-way conference calls using satellite links in a network.
mitted from the One signicant disadvantage to satellite communications is propagation delay. For one-way data transmission, buffering techniques similar to the buffering
earth and satellite. Propagation delay is the time it takes for data to be transmitted from the earth techniques used for downloading sound on a slow communications link, such as
176 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 177
a 56 k modem, could be used to prevent jitter in the transmission of the video. But the air, making it possible for anyone with a standard wireless network card to
this can only be used in one direction. Two-way transmissions in real time could intercept the radio waves.
not take advantage of buffering to eliminate jitter. Delays of 250 milliseconds (ms) Radio waves ll the building areas and areas outside the building. One of the
or less are tolerable for live telephone conversations and low-resolution graphics. most common building materials used today is glass, especially in commercial
Delays above 250 milliseconds (ms) are generally unacceptable. establishments. Windows do not limit radio wave transmissions. Anyone near
a building that uses wireless devices can easily intercept the wireless network
signals with a laptop equipped with a wireless network adapter. However,
Infrared Transmission and Networking security features can be implemented that will secure the transmission.
Infrared transmission is used in point-to-point communications, which This section covers common wireless security features and provides a brief
are also known as direct line of sight. Direct line of sight means that both devices overview of wireless security. A more in-depth exploration of security features,
are in direct alignment with each other and that there are no objects between such as encryption methods, authentication, and security standards are covered
the two devices. The infrared light beam is positioned to aim directly at the in Chapter 15Network Security.
receiving device. Each device must be oriented in a position that aims toward the
other device. This is one of the main limitations to using infrared in networking 802.1x Authentication
IEEE 802.1x is a draft standard for authentication methods for wireless
Infrared is typically used for point-to-point communications between
networking. It is referred to as a draft standard because it is not complete. The
two devices such as a personal digital assistant and a desktop computer.
802.1x draft standard provides a means for a client and server to authenticate
Infrared point-to-point communications can also be used in place of radio wave
with each other. Authentication is typically achieved through the exchange of a
communications where there might be excessive interference, such as in factory
user name and password based on the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
or manufacturing settings.
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is used for both wired and Extensible
wireless network systems. EAP ensures authorized access to the network system Authentication
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless and network resources. The improved version of EAP is called PEAP, which Protocol (EAP)
represents Protected EAP. a protocol that
Technology Look at Figure 4-27, which shows the WLAN properties, Authentication page ensures authorized
Wireless technology can be cost-effective as compared with cable-based access to the network
in Windows XP. Notice that the Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network
network media when spanning long distances such as continents or oceans. system and network
option has been selected and note the EAP type options, such as Protected EAP
resources. It is used
Spanning across a city, a business district, or across a college campus can be (PEAP) and Smart Card or other Certificate. The computer is authenticated, not on both wired and
difcult and expensive with copper-core cable or ber-optic cable. The installation the person using the computer. A person who has their password compromised wireless network
of landlines are not only expensive, they can cause major disruption while digging could have their password used to access a wireless network. However, when systems.
up streets and parking lots for installation. When installing a temporary network, congured to authenticate the computer, an intruder would have to use the
wireless technology can be much more cost-effective than remodeling a building computer to access the wireless network.
to accommodate wiring. Wireless technology is most appropriate for mobile
devices such as palmtops, communicators, personal digital assistants, and laptops.
Handheld scanners used to scan bar codes on product packages also use wireless
Figure 4-27.
technology to transmit data to a computer or cash register system. Windows XP
Certain wireless technologies are also affected to various degrees by WLAN properties,
atmospheric conditions such as rain, lightning, fog, and sunspots. The greatest Extensible Authentication page.
disadvantage or concern for wireless technology is security. Network signals IEEE 802.1x Authentication
are transmitted in the open air and are capable of being picked up by an authentication Protocol (EAP) types
unauthorized receiver. Of course, data transmission may be encrypted for is enabled
security, but even the best security can sometimes be compromised.
Wireless Security
One major concern of wireless networks is security. Network infrastructures
designed to use cable are inherently more secure than wireless networks. Computer is
selected to be
Cable can be installed so that it is physically secured. Cables can be installed
inside walls, pipes, and locked server rooms. Because cables can be physically
secured, cabled networks are considered more secure than wireless networks.
Unauthorized persons cannot readily connect physically to a private, cabled
network system. Wireless networks, on the other hand, transmit data through
178 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 179
802.1x Encryption Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), which is part of the IEEE 802.11i standard. TKIP
The second feature of the 802.1x standard is a way to hide the contents of improves wireless security by constantly changing the security key rather than
network packets. Since the packets are broadcast through the open air, anyone leaving it the same for all packets.
could capture the packets and inspect the contents using a protocol analyzer WPA was introduced in Windows XP Service Pack 1 and combined the
or packet sniffer. A wireless network encryption key is used as part of the authentication method with encryption. Both features are incorporated into one
mathematical equation (algorithm) to encrypt data that is to be transmitted over protocol. An additional improvement to encryption is that it is more difcult
a wireless network. There will be more about encryption keys in to crack than WEP encryption. This is because WPA automatically changes the
Chapter 15Network Security. encryption key with each packet exchanged on the network.
The packets are encrypted using any one of a number of encryption software WPA-PSK
protocols. To make the encryption process unique to a particular network system, A variation of WPA is WPA-PSK. WPA-PSK represents Wi-Fi Protected Access-
a key is used. You can think of a key as a string of alphanumeric characters that Pre-Shared Key. WPA-PSK was designed for small-ofce/home-ofce (SOHO)
feed the random character generator used to encrypt the contents of each packet. networks. It is designed to make it easy to congure encryption and authentication.
The only way to crack the encryption would be to guess or steal the encryption WPA-PSK was incorporated into the Wireless Network Setup Wizard that came
key. The encryption key can be provided by a security service, manufactured into with Windows XP Service Pack 2. One of the improvements provided by WPA-PSK
a hardware device, or created by the network administrator. is the ability to automatically generate a new key after a specied length of time or
Look at Figure 4-28, which shows the Association page of the WLAN properties after a number of packets are exchanged. Changing keys often improves security
dialog box in Windows XP. Notice that the wireless network has been identied because the key can be guessed or cracked over time. The following is a sample of
as WLAN and the data encryption protocol selected is WEP. The acronym WEP what an encryption key might look like:
Wired Equivalent represents Wired Equivalent Privacy. You can see by its name that the Wired
Privacy (WEP) A1D4FFBB
Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol is intended to make a wireless network as
a data encryption secure as a wired network. Opensezzime
protocol that makes Below the Data encryption option is an option labeled Network key. The BigDogRunsHere
a wireless network administrator enters the network key into the text box and then enters the key Keys are often referred to as a passphrase by some manufacturers. Also, some
as secure as a wired
once more in the option labeled Confirm network key. This procedure is repeated keys require all characters to be constructed from HEX characters, as in the rst
at other network clients and servers on the wireless network. Each computer example. A key constructed from HEX characters typically is difcult to guess.
Wi-Fi Protected must use the same key to be able to exchange encrypted data with each other.
Access (WPA) WPA-2
a protocol that WPA WPA-2 is an improved version of WPA. Both use the Extensible
combines the authen- The Wi-Fi Alliance introduced Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) as an Authentication Protocol (EAP) for authentication and are based on the 802.11i
tication method with improvement to overcome the weakness of WEP. You can think of WPA as an standard. The main difference between WPA and WPA-2 is the fact that WPA-2
encryption. enhancement to WEP. WPA uses the most desirable features of the Temporal has a stronger encryption mechanism using the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES). WPA-2, is backward compatible with WPA devices. To learn more about
WPA and WPA-2 visit www.wi-fi.org/knowledge_center/wpa2.
Be aware that both WPA and WPA-2 have a personal and an enterprise mode
Figure 4-28.
of operation. Check out the Microsoft article 4 steps to set up your home wireless
Windows XP Wireless network
WLAN properties,
network located at www.microsoft.com/athome/moredone/wirelesssetup.mspx.
name The Windows Vista operating system made advances in wireless security
Association page.
when compared with Windows XP. There are more options available to choose
from. The exact number and type of options depends on the physical network
Wired Equivalent adapter software drivers. Look at the screen capture showing the typical
Privacy (WEP) has
Windows Vista wireless network security properties, Figure 4-29.
been chosen for
encryption In Figure 4-29A, you can see a wide variety of security options to choose
from such as No authentication (Open), Shared, WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise,
802.1x, and Intel-CCKM-Enterprise. WPA-Enterprise and WPA2-Enterprise
The administrator mode are designed for high security and uses a centralized security server for
enters a key here authentication. WPA-Personal and WPA2-Personal mode are designed for home-
and small-ofce users that do not have an 802.1x server available.
The Cisco Centralized Key Management (CCKM) protocol was developed by
Cisco systems as the name implies. CCKM is designed to allow a mobile user to
move between access points without the need to reauthorize on a RADIUS server.
A copy of the security certicate is stored on the access points so that the user
180 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 181
A wireless network that contains one or more Wireless Access Points is 3. A simple radio broadcast consists of a(n) _____, which generates a carrier
arranged in infrastructure mode. wave and a(n) _____, which receives a carrier wave.
A wireless network that does not contain a Wireless Access Point (WAP) is 4. What is a channel?
arranged in ad hoc mode. 5. What are the two major classications of antennae?
6. Which of the following antenna types is not used in point-to-point links?
The IEEE 802.11a standard describes wireless networks operating at 5 GHz A. Flat panel
with a maximum data rate of 54 Mbps. B. Omni
The IEEE 802.11b standard describes wireless networks operating at 2.4 GHz C. Parabolic
with a maximum data rate of 11 Mbps. D. Yagi
The IEEE 802.11g standard describes wireless networks operating at either 7. Which antenna style was developed with aesthetics in mind?
2.4 GHz or 5 GHz with a maximum data rate of 54 Mbps. 8. What is spread spectrum?
9. The spread spectrum technique that transmits data on multiple channels
IEEE 802.11n standard operates at 5 GHZ and 2.4 GHz with a maximum data simultaneously is called _____.
rate of 300 Mbps to 600 Mbps. 10. The spread spectrum technique that transmits data on multiple channels
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) uses two or more streams of data sequentially is called _____.
transmission to increase data throughput and the range of the wireless 11. Why is frequency hopping used?
network. MIMO is described in the IEEE 802.11n standard. 12. The _____ transmission technique uses the 5-GHz frequency and can achieve
Spatial multiplexing is the transmission of two or more streams of data data rates as high as 54 Mbps.
simultaneously. 13. List the frequency range and related power rating of each of the three U-NII
IEEE 802.15 standard describes the use of Wireless Personal Area Networks
14. What is an SSID?
15. What frequency does the IEEE 802.11a standard specify, and what is the
Wireless networks specied under the IEEE 802.11 standard use Carrier maximum achievable distance?
Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) as the media 16. What frequency does IEEE 802.11b standard specify, and what is the
access method. maximum achievable distance?
Bluetooth is a standard developed by a group of manufacturers to allow their 17. What frequencies does IEEE 802.11g standard specify, and what are the
devices to interoperate. Bluetooth is recognized by the 802.11 standard and is related maximum achievable distances?
used for short-range data transfer applications using the 2.4-GHz radio band. 18. What is the maximum throughput based on the IEEE 802.11n standard?
19. Which media access method does the 802.11 wireless standard specify?
Infrared is commonly used for point-to-point transmission between two
20. What is the difference between CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD?
devices such as a personal digital assistant and a PC.
21. What does the acronym MIMO represent?
Satellite communications experience propagation delay because of the great 22. What is MIMO wireless technology?
distance a signal must travel. 23. What is the maximum achievable distance of a Bluetooth device?
Wireless technology can be cost-effective when compared with cable-based 24. What is the data rate of the Bluetooth 2.0 standard?
network media. 25. What is the data rate of the Bluetooth 3.0 standard?
A disadvantage of employing wireless technology is security. 26. Which IEEE specication addresses WPAN?
27. _____ technology is based on radio waves connecting to designated areas
A Service Set Identier (SSID) is similar in function to a workgroup name or referred to as cells.
domain name and must be assigned to a Wireless Access Point (WAP). 28. What is a disadvantage of satellite communications?
Wireless networks are not secure when default settings are used for the 29. What is a geosynchronous orbit?
conguration. 30. What is generally the maximum amount of satellite transmission delay
Wireless encryption keys should be changed on a regular basis to maintain a acceptable for telephone conversations?
high degree of security. 31. What is an advantage of wireless networking?
32. What is the one major disadvantage of wireless technology?
33. What does the acronym WEP represent?
Review Questions 34. Write an example of an encryption key.
35. What does the acronym CCKM represent?
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please do not write in this book.
1. A(n) _____ is an electromagnetic wave of a set frequency that is used to carry
data in radio wave- and microwave-based networks.
2. What is modulation?
184 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 185
Network+ Sample Network+ Exam Questions 9. Which IEEE standard is used to describe how to achieve secure Network+
authentication to a wireless network?
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please do not write in this book. A. 802.3
1. Which IEEE 802.11 standard species a data rate of 300 Mbps? B. 802.1x
A. 802.11a C. 802.5b
B. 802.11b D. 802.4a
C. 802.11g 10. Which wireless transmission technique is used to transmit data according
D. 802.11n to the IEEE 802.11b standard?
2. Which media access method is associated with wireless networks? A. DSSS
C. CSMA/CD D. Neither DSSS nor OFDM
D. Token Ring
3. Which of the following items is used to connect a wireless network to an
Ethernet network?
A. Wireless Access Point Suggested Laboratory Activities
B. Ad hoc converter 1. Set up an ad hoc network using a PC and a laptop.
C. Ethernet converter 2. Set up a two- or three-station wireless network using a Wireless Access
D. Ethernet sequencing device Point (WAP).
4. What would most likely generate radio interference for an 802.11b network 3. Research a particular brand of wireless network device and list the expected
device? transmission ranges and related speeds.
A. A cordless phone assigned to work at 2.4 GHz. 4. Transfer data between a laptop and a PC by using an infrared port.
B. Another computer using an 802.11g network adapter card. 5. Observe the effect of a variety of materials on a wireless network. For example,
C. A wireless keyboard. separate two computers on the wireless network with a wooden wall, sheet
D. An HP LaserJet printer. rock, metal door, or le cabinet. Note the effects on distance and data rate.
5. Who is responsible for regulating the electromagnetic spectrum and 6. Observe the effect of a common electric drill being operated near the
dictating the frequency that is to be used for each group of devices? wireless network, and then observe the effects of a cell phone or walkie-
A. IEEE talkie on the wireless network.
B. The telephone company in the local area.
D. WECA Interesting Web Sites for More Information
6. Which item would most likely interfere with the operation of an 802.11b http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/802.15.html
wireless network? http://wi-fi.org
A. Hub www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Technology/Works/Compare
B. Cordless phone www.cwt.vt.edu
C. Incandescent lights www.palowireless.com/ofdm/tutorials.asp
D. Copier www.proxim.com
7. What is the function of an SSID? www.tech-faq.com
A. To replace the network MAC address.
B. To encrypt all wireless communication.
C. To identify the wireless network by name.
D. To increase the data throughput of a wireless network.
8. Which protocol is used to encrypt data inside packets on a wireless
186 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 187
Wireless technology is ideal for college campuses. It can allow students to access the Chapter 4
school network, Internet, and mail server from any location on campus, giving students
more options on where and how they study. Laboratory Activity
In this laboratory activity, you will install an 802.11 USB wireless network
adapter and then install and congure a wireless router/WAP. Wireless devices fall
into four categories as dened by the IEEE: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.
The chart reects maximum theoretical data rates as dened by the IEEE standard.
Some manufacturers specify data rates that exceed the data rates dened by IEEE.
However, the actual throughput will be considerably lower than the advertised
188 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 189
Maximum data rates can only be experienced under ideal conditions. For
best data rates, devices need to be in close proximity and in direct line of sight
with no partitions or other objects blocking the radio waves. Radio waves can
penetrate through solid objects such as wood or concrete but not through metallic
objects such as metal building walls, metallic le cabinets, or some types of
window tint that is derived from metallic substances.
New wireless device technologies are typically designed to be backward
compatible with other earlier wireless device technologies. As you can see in the
table, 802.11n is backward compatible with all earlier wireless standards.
Microsoft Windows XP was the rst operating system released by Microsoft
that came with generic drivers and applications to support and congure wireless Internet Ethernet cable Reset Electrical
devices. Wireless device manufacturers almost always recommend using its connection connections button power connection
installation CD/DVD to install device drivers and applications before installing
the wireless device. Microsoft operating systems such as Windows Vista will
typically recognize a new device, such as a USB adapter, and automatically The Internet connection connects to the Cable or DSL modem, and the
congure the wireless device without the need of the manufacturer CD/DVD. Ethernet cable connections connect to computers using network cable. The reset
When installing a wireless router, it is best to install the router software before button is used to reset the router conguration to the default conguration set
connecting the wireless router. by the manufacturer. The electrical power connection connects to the electrical
Wireless routers typically provide both wireless connectivity and wired power converter.
connection ports. Look at the wireless router in following illustration. Wireless routers are commonly encountered today and incorporate features
such as Wireless Access Point (WAP) and Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol
(DHCP). DHCP is a feature that automatically issues IP addresses to wireless
client devices.
Wireless devices can be congured in two different congurations: Ad
hoc and infrastructure mode. In ad hoc mode, wireless devices are free to
communicate with each other and all devices are considered equal. Ad hoc
mode does not use a router or WAP to control the connections between devices.
In infrastructure mode, a WAP is used to control communication between
devices. Wireless routers incorporate the WAP feature. Thus, the router controls
communication between wireless devices and wired devices connected to the
same router. Wireless devices such as routers and WAPs are also referred to
at times as bridges because they bridge the connection between two dissimilar
media types: wireless and cable.
The Service Set Identier (SSID) is the name used to identify the wireless
network. Manufacturers assign a default SSID to their wireless devices. For
example, D-Link uses WLAN or Default, Netgear uses Wireless or
NETGEAR, Linksys uses Linksys, and 3Com uses WLAN or 3Com. You
can usually locate the default SSID as well as the default user name and password
to access the wireless router setup program by conducting a search on the Internet.
Because it is so easy to locate the default SSID and user name and password, the
default values are considered an extreme security risk. You can actually perform
a Google search for the default user name and password for most router devices.
During or after the initial conguration, you should change the SSID to a name
other than the default name. Wireless devices from the same manufacturer will
automatically connect to other wireless devices using the same SSID unless they
are encrypted or have password authentication congured. The default SSID, user
name, and password can be reset to the original manufacturers values by pressing
The router comes with an electrical power converter that changes the 120 the reset button on the router for approximately 15 seconds or more.
volts AC to a much lower 12 volts DC. This particular router comes with one The default wireless channel, or dedicated frequency, also varies according
Ethernet cable to connect the router to the Internet modem or to a computer. The to manufacturer. In the United States, the FCC has assigned 11 wireless channels
next illustration shows a close-up of typical router connections. for use with wireless devices. Each wireless device in the wireless network
190 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 191
should be assigned the exact same channel. When wireless devices automatically Note
congure themselves, they assign a specic channel to themselves. You can Most modern routers and USB wireless network adapters will automatically
manually assign the wireless channel if need be. For example, a specic channel congure most of the values using the default settings. Review the manufacturers
may be experiencing radio interference resulting in very low data speeds or installation procedures before attempting to install any devices or running the
not connecting at all. You can sometimes overcome the effects of the radio installation CD/DVD.
interference by changing the assigned channel.
The wireless router conguration can be changed remotely from a wireless
laptop or wireless workstation. The router or WAP is typically accessed by using Part IInstalling a USB Wireless Network Adapter
a browser and entering the assigned IP address of the wireless router into the
browsers address bar. Typical default assigned IP addresses are and Procedure Check the wireless router documentation for the assigned default IP
1. ______ Gather all required materials and report to your assigned workstation.
address. During the connection process, you will be prompted for a user name
and password. Again, the default user name and password assigned by the 2. ______ Boot the computer and verify it is in working order.
manufacturer should be changed to make the wireless network more secure.
3. _____ Review the manufacturers installation manual for the USB wireless
network adapter. You may have a Quick Start guide or need to
Equipment and Materials open the CD/DVD that came with the device to view the installation
manual. Typically, you install the software for the wireless device
802.11(g or n) USB wireless network adapter with installation CD/DVD and
before installing the device. A typical installation consists of inserting
the devices CD/DVD and having the disc automatically detected
802.11(g or n) Wireless Access Point or wireless router with installation CD/ and its installation program started. A series of windows will
DVD and manual. appear prompting you for information while the device drivers are
Patch cable (Cat 5, Cat 5e, or Cat 6). automatically installed. At the end of the software installation process,
Paper clip. (Used to press the reset button if needed.) you will be prompted to insert the USB wireless network adapter.
Computer (desktop or laptop) running Windows Vista. 4. ______ Insert the USB wireless network adapter. It should automatically be
On a separate sheet of paper, record the following information provided by detected and configured by the operating system.
your instructor: 5. ______ After successfully installing the USB network adapter, an icon should
User name: ________________________________________________________________ appear in the taskbar representing the wireless network device.
Password: _________________________________________________________________ 6. ______ Verify that the USB wireless adapter card has been installed
successfully by opening Device Manager. If you see a red X or a
IP address: ________________________________________________________________ yellow exclamation mark (!) beside the device, there is a problem.
Subnet mask: ______________________________________________________________ Some older wireless device drivers are not compatible with
Windows Vista or Windows 7. If there is a problem, check the
Default gateway: __________________________________________________________ manufacturers Web site for troubleshooting information. Also,
Wireless channel: _________________________________________________________ check the manufacturers Web site for the very latest drivers.
Wireless router: ___________________________________________________________ 7. ______ Call your instructor to inspect your USB wireless network adapter
IP address: ________________________________________________________________
Subnet mask: ______________________________________________________________ Part IIConfiguring a Wireless Network Router
Default gateway: __________________________________________________________ The screen captures used in this portion of the lab activity are based
on a Cisco Linksys router and may not necessarily match your router
User name: ________________________________________________________________ configuration screens. However, they will be somewhat similar.
User password: ____________________________________________________________ The wireless router CD/DVD will have a wizard program to assist
Wireless channel: _________________________________________________________ you in the automatic configuration of the router. Because of the
discovery-type protocols widely used today, the router cannot only
SSID: _____________________________________________________________________
discover information about your Internet provider, it can automatically
Note configure your Internet connection in most cases. You will very
Both wireless devices should be the same IEEE standard, either 802.11g or 802.11n, and seldom need to manually configure the wireless router, but you will
should (but not required) be the same brand to allow for easier set up and conguration. still have the manual configuration option available to you.
192 Networking Fundamentals Chapter 4 Wireless Technology 193
1. ______ Insert the router setup disc into the CD/DVD drive and wait for the
installation program to open. A screen similar to the following will
In the following screens, the setup wizard configures the router with
minimal input from the user.
2. ______ Click the Start Setup button and then follow the instructions as
presented in the setup wizard. The following is a series of some of the
typical screens you will encounter while installing and configuring
the router. These are not steps to perform but rather an overview of a
typical wireless router configuration.
The setup wizard will automatically check for an Internet connection
and install and configure the router. You may be asked to respond to
some simple questions as the router is configured.
In the following two screens, notice the default SSID entry linksys
has been replaced with the HomeNet SSID.
When the installation is finished, you should see a dialog box similar
to the following.
5. ______ After entering the administrator user name and password, you will
see a user interface similar to the following. The user interface allows
you to view and modify the router configuration. Take a few minutes
to explore the various menu items and options, but do not change
any settings at this time.
3. ______ After you have completed the configuration, open the network
view to see all computers connected to the router. You can open the
network view by selecting Network from the Start menu. You will
have a view of all devices being served by the router, similar to that
in the following screen capture. If you are performing the lab activity
by yourself, you may have a view of only your computer. You can
only view the devices if you have enabled the Network Discovery
feature and have chosen the Private location. Network Discovery
is disabled when the Public network setting is selected.
4. ______ To access the wireless router, you will need to type and enter the 6. ______ Call your instructor to inspect this portion of your lab activity.
default IPv4 address of the router into the address bar of your
Web browser. The default is typically, or very similar. 7. ______ Answer the review questions and then return all materials to their
Check the manufacturers installation guide for the correct IPv4 proper storage area.
address. You will be prompted for an administrator user name and
a password. Again, check the manufacturers information for the
correct administrator user name and default password.
198 Networking Fundamentals
Review Questions
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Please do not write in this book.
1. What does the acronym WAP represent?
2. What is the maximum throughput for 802.11g?
3. What is the maximum throughput for 802.11b?
4. What is the maximum throughput for 802.11a?
5. What is the throughput for 802.11n?
6. What is the assigned frequency for 802.11b?
7. What is the assigned frequency for 802.11g?
8. What is the assigned frequency for 802.11a?
9. What is the assigned frequency for 802.11n?
10. With which standards are an 802.11g device backward compatible?
11. What does the acronym SSID represent?
12. What are the two general wireless congurations?
13. True or False? All wireless device manufacturers use the same SSID.
14. What is the purpose of the SSID?