Vitamin D Status Relative To Diet, Lifestyle, Injury, and Illness in College Athletes

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Vitamin D Status Relative to Diet, Lifestyle,

Injury, and Illness in College Athletes

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; 2Department of Athletics, University of
Wyoming, Laramie, WY; 3Laramie Pediatrics, Laramie, WY; and 4Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Status Relative to Diet, Lifestyle, Injury, and Illness in College Athletes. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 335343, 2011.
Vitamin D deficiency is endemic in the general population; however, there is much to be learned about the vitamin D status of athletes.
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in collegiate athletes and to determine
whether 25(OH)D concentrations are related to vitamin D intake, sun exposure, body composition, and risk for illness or athletic injury.
Methods: 25(OH) vitamin D concentrations were measured in 41 athletes (18 men/23 women, 12 indoor/29 outdoor athletes) throughout
the academic year. Dietary intake and lifestyle habits were assessed via questionnaire, bone density was measured by dual energy x-ray
absorptiometry, and injury and illness were documented as part of routine care. Results: The 25(OH)D concentrations changed across
time (P = 0.001) and averaged 49.0 T 16.6, 30.5 T 9.4, and 41.9 T 14.6 ngImLj1 (mean T SD) in the fall, winter, and spring, respectively,
and were higher in outdoor versus indoor athletes in the fall (P G 0.05). Using 40 ngImLj1 as the cutoff for optimal status, 75.6%, 15.2%,
and 36.0% of athletes had optimal status in the fall, winter, and spring, respectively. 25(OH)D concentrations were significantly
(P G 0.05) correlated with multivitamin intake in the winter (r = 0.39) and tanning bed use in the spring (r = 0.48); however, status was
otherwise not related to intake, lifestyle factors, or body composition. 25(OH)D concentrations in the spring (r = j0.40, P = 0.048) was
correlated with frequency of illness. Conclusions: Our results suggest that collegiate athletes can maintain sufficient status during the fall
and spring but would benefit from supplementation during the winter to prevent seasonal decreases in 25(OH)D concentrations. Results
further suggest that insufficient vitamin D status may increase risk for frequent illness. Future research is needed to identify whether
vitamin D status influences injury risk during athletic training or competition. Key Words: BONE DENSITY, BODY COMPOSITION,

umerous studies have recently reported a high diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, multiple
prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D G sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of cancer
20 ngImLj1) and insufficiency (25(OH)D G (15,16,38). Furthermore, recent studies have found that
32 ngImLj1) for all age groups worldwide (15,16,23,38). It vitamin D up-regulates gene expression of antimicrobial
is widely accepted that vitamin D is necessary for adequate peptides (AMP) (12) and down-regulates expression of
bone health through up-regulation of the expression of several inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis
genes that enhance calcium absorption and bone deposition factor > and interleukin 6 (24), and therefore may be an
(15). However, recent evidence has also linked low vitamin important component in immune function and inflamma-
D status to various nonskeletal, chronic, and autoimmune tory modulation (6,38). Although vitamin D is considered a
diseases, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, vitamin, it is unique in that it may be obtained from the
diet or synthesized in the skin in the presence of ultraviolet
B (UVB) light (290315 nm) (15,16). Unfortunately, only
a few foods such as oily fish naturally contain vitamin D,
Address for correspondence: D. Enette Larson-Meyer, Ph.D., R.D., FACSM, De-
partment 3354, 1000 E. University Avenue, University of Wyoming, Laramie, whereas milk, selected fruit juices, breads, and cereals are
WY 82071; E-mail: among the few fortified food sources (5,8,15). Although sun
Submitted for publication February 2010. exposure has the ability to provide the needed precursors
Accepted for publication May 2010. for adequate status, wintertime latitude greater than 37-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations north or south (15,36), skin pigmentation (15), sunscreen
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of use (15,22), and excess adiposity (25,29) all decrease endog-
this article on the journals Web site ( enous vitamin D synthesis and bioavailability.
0195-9131/11/4302-0335/0 Despite the large number of studies conducted in the gen-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE eral population, much less is known about the vitamin D status
Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine of athletes. The few studies conducted have documented a
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181eb9d4d surprisingly high percentage of vitamin D insufficiency or


Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
deficiency in athletes participating in outdoor (13,21; Willis, (September/early October), winter (late February/early March),
2008, unpublished data) as well as indoor (2,13,19,20) sports. and spring (late April/early May). A vitamin Dspecific ques-
On the basis of our current understanding of vitamin Ds tionnaire was administered at these same time points. At study
role in bone health, inflammation, and immunity, it is plau- completion (spring only), body composition and bone density
sible that suboptimal vitamin D status increases the risk of of the hip, lumbar spine, and total body were evaluated via
overuse and inflammatory injuries as well as the susceptibility dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) using standard-
to common upper respiratory tract infection (URI) and other ized procedures. Illnesses and injuries that occurred in all UW
illnesses. These adverse consequences could negatively im- NCAA athletes, including study participants, were documented
pact athletic training and performance (in addition to im- throughout the academic year by the UW athletic training staff
pacting long-term risk for chronic disease). and the team physician.
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the prev- Vitamin D and PTH. At each testing point (fall, winter,
alence of vitamin D insufficiency in National Collegiate and spring), 5 mL of blood was collected in standard red
Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I athletes throughout top tubes (no additives), allowed to clot for 3060 min at
the academic year and to determine whether circulating room temperature, and centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 15 min.
concentrations of 25(OH)D are related to vitamin D intake, Aliquots of serum were stored at j20-C until analysis. Se-
sun exposure, and body composition. A secondary purpose rum was later analyzed for 25-hydroxy vitamin D and PTH
was to evaluate whether 25(OH)D concentration is linked via Diasorin 25(OH)D RIA and intact PTH IRMA, respec-
to bone density, development of overuse or inflammatory tively, in an external laboratory (BH, Charleston, SC).
injuries, and/or incidence of frequent illness. We hypothe- Questionnaire and sun exposure during practice/
sized that athletes participating in indoor sports would have competition. The vitamin Dspecific questionnaire com-
lower 25(OH)D concentrations compared with those partic- pleted at each of the three collection points focused on die-
ipating in outdoor sports. Within the entire group of ath- tary and lifestyle habits that could impact vitamin D status.
letes, we further hypothesized that sun exposure, sunscreen The questionnaire asked athletes how often (never or less
use, and vitamin D intake (from food and supplements) than one time per month, one to three times per month,
would be predictive of 25(OH)D concentrations. In addition, one time per week, two to four times per week, five to six
we hypothesized that lower concentrations of 25(OH)D at times per week, one time per day, two to three times per day,
any time point throughout the year would increase risk for four to five times per day, or six or more times per day)
low bone density, overuse and/or inflammatory injuries, and they consumed various vitamin Dcontaining foods, multi-
frequent illness. vitamins (MVI), and other vitamin Dcontaining supple-
ments including cod liver oil. The vitamin Dcontaining
foods included cows milk, soy or rice milk, eggs, vitamin
METHODS Dfortified cereal, margarine, orange juice, and fatty fish
Subjects. All male and female NCAA Division I col- (see SDC 1, Vitamin D questionnaire for full list of foods
lege athletes Q18 yr from the University of Wyoming (UW) assessed in the study; In-
(2195 m, 41.3-N) were invited to participate in the study, take of vitamin D was estimated by multiplying the fre-
which was approved by both the institutional review board quency midpoint by the average content of each vitamin
and the athletic department at UW. Before participation, Dcontaining food and expressed as IU per day. The vitamin
interested athletes were fully informed about the study pro- D content of foods was obtained from Chen et al. (8), from
cedures and the possible risks before providing written the national nutrient database for standard reference (33),
informed consent. All athletes had undergone a routine and from selected food labels. The questionnaire also
preseason physical with the UW athletic department physi- asked athletes about the frequency of leisure time spent
cian (KK) and were considered in good health. Participants outside (never or G1 hImonthj1, 13 hImonthj1, 1 hIwkj1,
were classified as either indoor or outdoor athletes on the 24 hIwkj1, 56 hIwkj1, 0.51 hIdj1, or 92 hIdj1), the
basis of their sport. Athletes who trained and/or competed frequency of tanning bed use (never or G10, 1020, 2030,
outdoors (football, soccer, cross-country or track and field, 3040, 4050, 5060, or 960 minIwkj1), the type and fre-

and cheerleading/dance) were considered outdoor athletes, quency of sunscreen applied (never, sometimes, usually, or
whereas athletes who trained and competed exclusively in- always), and the type of clothing typically worn outdoors.
doors (wrestling, swimming, and basketball) were consid- Information on sun exposure during practice or competition
ered indoor athletes. In accordance with NCAA regulations, was collected from records of team-specific training and
all athletes are allowed no more than 20 hIwkj1 to train and competitions, which varied by season in accordance with
to compete during their competitive season and 8 hIwkj1 the NCAA Division I regulations. For outdoor athletes,
during their off season. estimates of weekly time spent outside during practice or
Study design. This longitudinal study tracked the vita- competition were estimated for fall (average of August,
min D status of the athletes throughout the academic year. September, and early October) and spring (April) but not
Blood samples for analysis of vitamin D (serum 25(OH)D) for winter (because little to no training occurred outdoors
and parathyroid hormone (PTH) were collected in the fall during these months). For indoor athletes, weekly time spent

336 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
outdoors during practice or competitions was assumed to be winter, and n = 25 in the spring. Scheduling conflicts in the
zero. Total sun exposure was estimated from the sum of spring also prohibited measurement of body composition or
estimated practice or competition sun exposure and reported bone density by DEXA in four of the 25 athletes (n = 21 for
leisure time spent outdoors. At the first collection point DEXA analysis).
(fall), participants reported on their summer location; at the Vitamin D status. As shown in Figure 1, 25(OH)D
second collection (winter), participants reported on their concentration changed significantly across time (P = 0.001)
winter break location; and at the third collection (spring), and averaged 49.0 T 16.6 ngImLj1 in the fall, 30.5 T
participants reported on their spring break location. 9.4 ngImLj1 in the winter, and 41.9 T 14.6 ngImLj1 in the
Athletic injury and illness. Selected information con- spring. In the fall, 9.8% of athletes (n = 4) were vitamin D
tained within the athletes medical charts, including injury insufficient (25(OH)D concentration G32 ngImLj1 but
status and frequency of illnesses (URI, influenza, gastro- 920 ngImLj1) (17), whereas one (2.4%) had 25(OH)D
enteritis, etc.) during the academic year, was collected by a concentrations indicative of vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D
certified athletic trainer (JT) who was blinded to the vitamin G20 ngImLj1) (15,38). In the winter, 60.6% (n = 20) of
D status of the athletes. The total number of injuries that athletes were vitamin D insufficient and 3.0% (n = 1) were
were likely to be subacute or overuse injuries (such as stress vitamin D deficient. In the spring, 16.0% (n = 4) were
fractures and tendonitis) rather than the result of a specific insufficient and 4.0% (n = 1) were deficient. Using a cut-
mechanism were tallied for each athlete. off of 40 ngImLj1, thought to be the lower limit of optimal
Statistical procedures. Statistical analyses were per- achieved by humans living naturally in a sun rich envi-
formed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ronment (6), 75.6% (n = 31), 15.2% (n = 5), and 36.0%
for Windows analysis software (PASW Statistics Version (n = 9) of athletes had optimal vitamin D status in the
17.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Pearson correlations were fall, winter, and spring, respectively. As shown in Figure 2,
used to assess the relations between serum 25(OH)D con- vitamin D status was significantly higher in outdoor com-
centrations and continuous measured or estimated variables, pared with indoor athletes in the fall (53.1 T 17.4 vs 39.3 T
including body weight, body fat percentage, PTH concen- 8.9 ngImLj1, P = 0.013) but not in the winter (31.9 T
trations, and vitamin D intake, whereas Spearman rank cor- 10.2 ngImLj1, n = 25 vs 26.3 T 5.0 ngImLj1, n = 8;
relations were used to assess the relations between serum P = 0.15) or spring (44.6 T 15.6 ngImLj1, n = 19 vs 33.1 T
25(OH)D concentrations and noncontinuous variables, includ- 4.8 ngImLj1, n = 6; P = 0.09). Vitamin D status did not
ing frequency of intake of vitamin Dcontaining foods and
supplements, leisure time spent outdoors, tanning bed use,
and frequency of illness. One-way ANOVA was used to test
differences between indoor versus outdoor and male versus
female athletes. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to
assess differences over time (fall, winter, and spring). Alpha
was set at 0.05.

Eighteen men (mean T SD: age = 20.1 T 1.9 yr, height =
183.9 T 11.2 cm, weight = 88.0 T 19.6 kg, body mass index
[BMI] = 25.9 T 4.4 kgImj2, 1 black, 0 Hispanic, 17 white)
and 23 women (age = 19.9 T 1.5 yr, height = 168.1 T 9.6 cm,
weight = 59.6 T 10.2 kg, BMI = 20.9 T 1.9 kgImj2, 0 black,
1 Hispanic, 22 white) from a variety of intercollegiate ath-
letic teams initially volunteered to participate in the study.
The athletes who participated in basketball, wrestling, and
swimming (n = 12) were classified as indoor athletes,
whereas those that participated in soccer, football, cross- FIGURE 1Box plots illustrating the distribution of 25(OH)D con-
country or track and field, and cheerleading or dance team centrations in college athletes assessed in the fall (n = 41), winter
(n = 33), and spring (n = 25). Box extents indicate the 25th and 75th
(n = 29) were classified as outdoor athletes. At the winter percentile, with the median indicated by a solid dark line and the mean
testing point, data were not collected on eight athletes be- indicated by a dashed line. Central vertical lines (whiskers) extend up to
cause they were either no longer part of UW athletics 1.5 interquartile ranges from the end of the box. A circle or an asterisk
marks individual points outside of the whiskers. A circle marks a value
(n = 4) or elected to discontinue participation in the study between 1.5 and 3.0 interquartile ranges of the box, and an asterisk
(n = 4). At the spring testing point, data were not collected marks a value 93.0 interquartile ranges of the box. 25(OH)D concen-
on eight additional athletes because of scheduling conflicts trations G20 ngImLj1 are considered deficient, concentrations between
20 and 32 ngImLj1 are considered insufficient (solid horizontal line),
with final examinations or team or personal travel. The and concentrations 940 ngImLj1 (horizontal dashed line) are consid-
study sample, therefore, was n = 41 in the fall, n = 33 in the ered optimal.

VITAMIN D STATUS IN COLLEGE ATHLETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 337

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
vitamin D supplements (including an MVI) were included.
Neither total vitamin D intake nor intake from food alone
differed across time or with sex or training location
(indoor vs outdoor) ( P 9 0.05). Neither vitamin D intake from
food nor food plus supplements was significantly correlated
with vitamin D status in the fall (r = j0.05 and 0.03),
winter (r = 0.02 and 0.00), or spring (r = j0.10 and 0.17)
( P 9 0.05), respectively. A very small percentage of athletes
(4.9% in the fall, 6.1% in the winter, and 4% in the spring)
consumed the current RDA of 600 IU from food alone. This
increased to 26.8%, 18.2%, and 20% in the fall, winter, and
spring when supplements were included. Interestingly, with
FIGURE 2Vitamin D status in indoor compared with outdoor the exception of two athletes during the winter, those who
athletes in the fall, winter, and spring. *P G 0.05 indoor vs outdoor by consumed 91000 IUIdj1 from food plus supplements had
one-way ANOVA. sufficient status (Q32 ngImLj1).
UV exposure and relation with vitamin D status.
differ by sex at any of the time points (P = 0.10). In the Reported leisure time spent outdoors changed significantly
entire group, 25(OH)D concentration in the fall was corre- across time (P = 0.001) and averaged 4.5 T 1.8, 3.6 T 1.7,
lated with 25(OH)D concentrations in the winter (r = 0.85, and 4.0 T 1.8 hIwkj1 in the fall, winter, and spring, re-
n = 33, P = 0.0001) and spring (0.76, n = 25, P = 0.0001). spectively. Reported tanning bed use averaged 0.24 T 0.89,
PTH and relation with vitamin D status. Serum 0.03 T 0.17, and 0.24 T 0.66 hIwkj1 and did not vary sig-
PTH concentrations ranged between 7.7 and 54.4 pgImLj1 nificantly across time (P = 0.08). Time spent outside during
(23.8 T 10.9 pgImLj1) in the fall, between 9.4 and practice or competition averaged 7.8 T 6.4, 0 T 0, and 4.9 T
50.8 pgImLj1 (25.4 T 9.3 pgImLj1) in the winter, and be- 4.7 hIwkj1 in the fall, winter, and spring, respectively. Lei-
tween 12.8 and 48.5 pgImLj1 (28.1 T 9.9 pgImLj1) in the sure time spent outdoors was not significantly ( P 9 0.10)
spring (normal range = 1254 pgImLj1) and did not change correlated with vitamin D status at any time point. How-
significantly across time (P = 0.18). PTH concentrations ever, tanning bed use was correlated with 25(OH)D con-
were not different between indoor and outdoor athletes in centrations in the spring (r = 0.48, P = 0.016) but not winter
the fall (24.8 T 12.5 vs 23.3 T 10.4 pgImLj1), winter (r = 0.20) or fall (r = 0.17) ( P 9 0.05), whereas time spent
(25.2 T 12.1 vs 25.5 T 8.3 pgImLj1), or spring (22.6 T 11.1 outside during practice or competition and total time spent
vs 29.8 T 9.1 pgImLj1) ( P 9 0.10). As shown in Table 1, outdoors were correlated with vitamin D status in the fall
PTH concentration was not correlated with 25(OH)D con- (r = 0.40 and 0.42, P G 0.01) but not the spring (r = 30 and
centration at any time point. 0.21, P 9 0.05), respectively. Leisure time spent outdoors was
Intake of vitamin Dcontaining foods and supple- significantly lower in indoor versus outdoor athletes in the
ments and relation with vitamin D status. Frequency winter (2.4 T 1.5 vs 3.9 T 1.6 hIwkj1, P = 0.02) and spring
of consumption of selected vitamin Dcontaining foods and (2.8 T 1.2 vs 4.4 T 1.8 hIwkj1, P = 0.068) but not in the
supplements along with their vitamin D content is shown in fall (4.1 T 1.5 vs 4.8 T 1.8 hIwkj1, P 9 0.05). Reported
Table 2. Vitamin D status was correlated with MVI intake in tanning bed use, sunscreen use, or SPF typically applied
the winter (r = 0.39, P = 0.025, n = 33) but not in the fall were not different between indoor versus outdoor athletes
(r = 0.29, P = 0.062, n = 41) or spring (r = j0.14, P = 0.49, at any time point.
n = 25). In the fall, consumption of orange juice was nega- Relation between vitamin D status and body
tively correlated with 25(OH)D status (j0.36, P = 0.02). No composition. Relations between vitamin D status and
other correlations were found between vitamin D status and body mass, BMI, and percentage body fat are shown in
self-reported intake of vitamin Dcontaining foods. Table 2. Pearson correlations between body mass or BMI
Estimated vitamin D intake from food sources averaged were not found at any time point, although 25(OH)D con-

242 T 161, 282 T 206, and 204 T 171 IUIdj1 from food centrations tended to be correlated with body fat percentage
sources in the fall, winter, and spring, respectively, and in the fall and spring. When correlations were adjusted for
averaged 553 T 471, 683 T 610, and 489 T 456 IUIdj1 when sex, however, the relation between body fat and 25(OH)D

TABLE 1. Correlations between vitamin D status in the fall, winter, and spring and PTH, body mass, and adiposity.
25(OH) D (ngImLj1) PTH (pgImLj1) Body Mass (kg) Height (cm) BMI (kgImj2) Body Fat (%)a Fat Mass (kg)a
Fall (n = 41) j0.16 (P = 0.33) j0.20 (P = 20) j0.27 (P = 0.09) j0.13 (P = 41) j0.40 (P = 0.07) j0.31 (P = 0.17)
Winter (n = 33) 0.28 (P = 0.12) j0.23 (P = 0.12) j0.08 (P = 0.66) j0.27 (P = 0.21) j0.16 (P = 0.48) j0.20 (P = 0.40)
Spring (n = 25) 0.16 (P = 0.46) j0.14 (P = 0.49) 0.14 (P = 25) j0.22 (P = 0.28) j0.36 (P = 0.10) j0.23 (P = 0.31)
Body fat was assessed in the spring in 21 of 25 athletes. Correlation with 25(OH)D concentrations in the fall and winter assume body fat did not vary across time.
PTH, parathyroid hormone; BMI, body mass index.

338 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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TABLE 2. Major sources of reported dietary vitamin D in the fall, winter, and springa.
Number of Respondents
Food Vitamin D (IU) Fall (n = 41) Winter (n = 33) Spring (n = 25)
Milk (8 oz) (regular, soy, or rice)b,c 100 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2 0 or G1 monthj1 = 3 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2
13 timesImonthj1 = 4 13 timesImonthj1 = 1 13 timesImonthj1 = 2
1 timeIwkj1 = 1 1 timeIwkj1 = 1 1 timeIwkj1 = 3
24 timesIwkj1 = 8 24 timesIwkj1 = 7 24 timesIwkj1 = 5
56 timesIwkj1 = 4 56 timesIwkj1 = 5 56 timesIwkj1 = 2
1 timeIdj1 = 7 1 timeIdj1 = 3 1 timeIdj1 = 3
Q2 timesIdj1 = 15 Q2 timesIdj1 = 13 Q2 timesIdj1 = 8
Cereal (3/41 cup)c 40 0 or G1 monthj1 = 4 0 or G1 monthj1 = 1 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2
13 timesImonthj1 = 3 13 timesImonthj1 = 3 13 timesImonthj1 = 2
1 timeIwkj1 = 6 1 timeIwkj1 = 6 1 timeIwkj1 = 5
24 timesIwkj1 = 15 24 timesIwkj1 = 13 24 timesIwkj1 = 10
56 timesIwkj1 = 7 56 timesIwkj1 = 4 56 timesIwkj1 = 0
1 timeIdj1 = 6 1 timeIdj1 = 5 1 timeIdj1 = 4
Q2 timesIdj1 = 0 Q2 timesIdj1 = 1 Q2 timesIdj1 = 2
Orange juice (8 oz), vitamin D fortifiedb 100 0 or G1 monthj1 = 5 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2
13 timesImonthj1 = 16 13 timesImonthj1 = 12 13 timesImonthj1 = 11
1 timeIwkj1 = 8 1 timeIwkj1 = 6 1 timeIwkj1 = 8
24 timesIwkj1 = 10 24 timesIwkj1 = 8 24 timesIwkj1 = 1
56 timesIwkj1 = 2 56 timesIwkj1= 2 56 timesIwkj1 = 3
1 timeIdj1 = 3
Egg, yolk (1)b 18 0 or G1 monthj1 = 7 0 or G1 monthj1 = 1 0 or G1 monthj1 = 2
13 timesImonthj1 = 6 13 timesImonthj1 = 6 13 timesImonthj1 = 7
1 timeIwkj1 = 7 1 timeIwkj1 = 8 1 timeIwkj1 = 4
24 timesIwkj1 = 9 24 timesIwkj1 = 7 24 timesIwkj1 = 8
56 timesIwkj1 = 8 56 timesIwkj1 = 3 56 timesIwkj1 = 2
1 timeIdj1 = 2 1 timeIdj1 = 5 1 timeIdj1 = 0
Q2 timesIdj1 = 2 Q2 timesIdj1 = 3 Q2 timesIdj1 = 2
Fatty fish (3.5 oz)a,b,d 2701360 0 or G1 monthj1 = 16 0 or G1 monthj1 = 11 0 or G1 monthj1 = 8
13 timesImonthj1 = 12 13 timesImonthj1 = 7 13 timesImonthj1 = 8
1 timeIwkj1 = 6 1 timeIwkj1 = 8 1 timeIwkj1 = 8
6 timesImonthj1 = 4 6 timesImonthj1 = 1 6 timesImonthj1 = 0
8 timesImonthj1 = 0 8 timesImonthj1 = 1 8 timesImonthj1 = 1
10 timesImonthj1 = 2 10 timesImonthj1 = 1 10 timesImonthj1 = 0
12 timesImonthj1 = 1 12 timesImonthj1 = 1 12 timesImonthj1 = 0
Q14 timesImonthj1 = 0 Q14 timesImonthj1 = 3 Q14 timesImonthj1 = 0
MVIc Q400 0 or G1 monthj1 =16 0 or G1 monthj1 = 9 0 or G1 monthj1 = 9
13 timesImonthj1 = 4 13 timesImonthj1 = 4 13 timesImonthj1 = 2
1 timeIwkj1 = 4 1 timeIwkj1 = 3 1 timeIwkj1 = 2
24 timesIwkj1 = 4 24 timesIwkj1 = 5 24 timesIwkj1 = 4
56 timesIwkj1 = 3 56 timesIwkj1 = 2 56 timesIwkj1 = 2
1 timeIdj1 = 9 1 timeIdj1 = 8 1 timeIdj1 = 5
Q2 timesIdj1 = 1 Q2 timesIdj1 = 2 Q2 timesIdj1 = 1
Vitamin D supplementc 1000 0 or G1 monthj1 = 31 0 or G1 monthj1 = 25 0 or G1 monthj1 = 19
13 timesImonthj1 = 3 13 timesImonthj1 = 0 13 timesImonthj1 = 1
1 timeIwkj1 = 1 1 timeIwkj1 = 2 1 timeIwkj1 = 1
24 timesIwkj1 = 1 24 timesIwkj1 = 3 24 timesIwkj1 = 2
56 timesIwkj1 = 2 56 timesIwkj1 = 0 56 timesIwkj1 = 1
1 timeIdj1 = 2 1 timeIdj1 = 2 1 timeIdj1 = 1
Q2 timesIdj1 = 1 Q2 timesIdj1 = 1 Q2 timesIdj1 = 0
Cod liver oil (1 tbsp)b 1360 0 or G1 monthj1 = 36 0 or G1 monthj1 = 29 0 or G1 monthj1 = 24
13 timesImonthj1 = 3 13 timesImonthj1 = 2 13 timesImonthj1 = 0
1 timeIwkj1 = 0 1 timeIwkj1 = 1 1 timeIwkj1 = 1
24 timesIwkj1 = 2 24 timesIwkj1 = 1 24 timesIwkj1 = 0
Data are a compilation of the frequency of several types of fatty fish including salmon, mackerel, sardines eel, and other fatty fish.
USDA national nutrient database for standard reference (33).
Chen et al. (8).
Food label values.
concentration was significant in the fall (partial r = 0.44, Relation between vitamin D status and illness
P = 0.05) but not the winter (P = 0.19, P = 0.41) or spring and injury. Seven of 33 athletes who remained in the study
(partial r = j0.33 P = 0.16). at the winter collection point developed overuse injuries
Relation between vitamin D status and bone den- that were not due to contusion. This included one case of
sity. Vitamin D status was not correlated (P Q 0.05) with Achilles tendonitis, five stress reactions (two in the shin, two
total body bone density (r = 0.02) or bone density in the in the foot, and one in the femur), and a fracture of the foot,
lumbar spine (r = 0.06) or dual femur (r = 0.02), which was five of which occurred in athletes participating in cross-
assessed only in the spring. PTH, however, was significantly country or track and field. Frequency of injury was not re-
correlated with bone density assessed in the total body lated to vitamin D status but was significantly negatively
(r = j0.66, P = 0.001), lumbar spine (r = j0.51, P = 0.03), correlated with total body bone mineral density (BMD;
and dual femur (r = j0.55, P = 0.01). r = j0.50, P = 0.02).

VITAMIN D STATUS IN COLLEGE ATHLETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 339

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
gastroenteritis. Although vitamin D status was correlated
with outdoor practice or competition time in the fall and
spring, reported MVI consumption in the winter, and tan-
ning bed use in the spring, status was otherwise not signif-
icantly related to vitamin D intake, lifestyle habits, or body
The main finding from this study was that a surprisingly
low percentage of college athletes had insufficient status (de-
fined as a circulating 25(OH)D concentration G32 ngImLj1)
in the fall and spring and more importantly that a high per-
centage of those with sufficient status maintained stores in
the more optimal range (940 ngImLj1). In contrast to our
findings, several groups of researchers studying runners (19;
Willis, 2008, unpublished data), gymnasts (19,20), and other
athletes (2,13) found that at least 37%100% of athletes are
vitamin D insufficient and that 1%83% are deficient
(25(OH)D concentration G20 ngImLj1), depending on sport,
geographic location, and season tested. A recent study from
our laboratory, for example, found that 42% of distance
runners training in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (30.5-N), were
vitamin D insufficient and 1% had concentrations low
FIGURE 3Vitamin D status in the winter (r = j0.33, P = 0.065) and
enough to be deficient (Willis, 2008, unpublished data). An-
spring (r = j0.40, P = 0.048) in relation to frequency of documented other study in 93 Middle Eastern sportsmen training in Qatar
illness by Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Illness included the (25.4-N) found that 90% were vitamin D deficient (25(OH)D
common cold, flu, or other URI.
G 20 ngImLj1). Although incidence of vitamin D insuffi-
ciency in the current study increased in the winter, as might
Thirteen of 33 athletes also contracted at least one docu- be expected in athletes living at 935-37- north or south
mented illness, which included the common cold, flu, or latitude (6,15), the low prevalence of insufficiency and the
other URI, with 8 of the total contracting one illness, 3 high prevalence with optimal status in fall and spring may be
contracting two different illnesses, and 2 contracting four. explained by the sunny and mild climate of Wyoming during
Vitamin D status in the fall, winter, or spring was not sig- the spring, summer, and fall months. Such conditions allow
nificantly correlated with incidence of injury but was sig- athletes to train and/or perform leisure activities outdoors at
nificantly correlated with frequency of illness in the spring close to solar noon when vitamin D synthesis is most effec-
(r = j0.40, P = 0.048; Fig. 3) but not in the winter tive (6). It is further possible that the lack of cloud cover and
(r = j0.33, P = 0.065; Fig. 3) or fall (r = 0.15, P = 0.39). pollution as well as Laramies elevation of 92195 m above
sea level (31) allows increased endogenous synthesis because
of an increased fractional strength of UVB radiation.
In support of our hypothesis, we found that athletes par-
ticipating in indoor sports such as wrestling, basketball, and
The purposes of this study were to examine the vitamin D swimming had lower circulating vitamin D in the fall than
status of male and female college athletes during the uni- athletes participating in outdoor sports, including football,
versity academic year to determine if vitamin D status soccer, cross-country or track and field, and cheerleading,
(circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D) was and that vitamin D status correlated with estimated weekly
related to dietary intake, training, and lifestyle habits and/or outdoor practice time in fall and spring. This finding sug-
body composition and to evaluate whether insufficient status gests that athletes who practice indoors are at increased risk

was linked with compromised bone density or increased for vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency, as are athletes
risk for illness or inflammatory injuries. We found that who practice outdoors only in the early evening (13) or early
vitamin D status varied across the year, with a higher per- morning (Willis, 2008, unpublished data) or who diligently
centage of athletes having insufficient or deficient status apply sunscreen (which can reduce cutaneous synthesis by
(25(OH)D G 32 ngImLj1) in the winter (63.6%) compared 995% (22). Although we also expected that 25(OH)D con-
with the fall (12.2%) and spring (20%). Interestingly, 75.6% centration would correlate with reported leisure-time sun-
and 36.0% of athletes maintained status within the more light exposure, we found that vitamin D status correlated
optimal range (940 ngImLj1) in the fall and spring com- with reported frequency of tanning bed use, as previously
pared with only 15.2% in the winter. We also found that low suggested (32), but only in the spring. Self-reported data
vitamin D status in the spring was correlated with frequency via questionnaires, however, may not be the most accu-
of illnessincluding URI, the common cold, influenza, and rate method for obtaining data on effective sun exposure

340 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(i.e., between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., non- PTH concentrations) (25,29). In a cohort of 302 healthy
daylight savings time) or tanning bed use. Effective sun adults, for example, Parikh et al. (25), found lower serum
exposure is complicated by factors such as cloud cover and concentrations of 25(OH)D in obese compared with non-
sunscreen use (6,15), whereas commercial tanning beds vary obese adults. The decrease in vitamin D bioavailability is
considerably with the type of UV light emitted (i.e., only thought to be due to sequestration of vitamin D in adipose
beds that emit adequate UVB promote cutaneous vitamin D tissue after cutaneous synthesis or dietary intake, although
synthesis [15,32]). In future studies, the frequency and the the exact mechanism is not yet known. The reason for a
length of time spent in leisure time and practice or competi- lack of a significant correlation between vitamin D status
tion between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. nondaylight savings and adiposity in the current study is most likely explained by
time and sunscreen application frequency and type should be the reduced range of body fat of our collegiate athlete pop-
collected through more detailed questionnaires, logs, or direct ulation. Future studies in larger athletic populations, how-
documentation. Direct measurement of UVB exposure with ever, should evaluate whether athletes with excessively high
UVB detection devices placed directly on skin would also be body fat stores are at increased risk for vitamin D insuffi-
of interest. ciency, particularly during certain seasons of the year.
Our lack of a relation between vitamin D status and both The final purpose of the current study was to evaluate
frequency of intake of vitamin Dcontaining foods and esti- whether vitamin D status is linked to bone density, overuse
mated vitamin D intake from food is not surprising given that injury, or illness throughout the academic year. Studies in
vitamin D is limited in our food supply. Only a few foods, healthy individuals have found that serum 25(OH)D con-
including oily fish, naturally contain vitamin D, whereas milk, centrations correlate positively with BMD (4,34), with the
some fruit juices, margarine, and ready-to-eat cereals are greatest BMD observed when serum concentrations are
among the few fortified food sources (5). In addition, food close to 40 mgIdLj1 (4). Among military recruits, risk for
intake tables for vitamin D are inadequate, which makes in- bone fracture is significantly associated with reduced serum
take evaluation difficult (5). In the current study, reported 25(OH)D (11,28) and elevated PTH concentrations (35) and
vitamin D intake from food alone averaged 242 T 161, is reduced by supplementation with 800 IUIdj1 of vitamin D
282 T 206, and 204 T 171 IUIdj1 in the fall, winter, and plus calcium (18). Although less is known about overuse
spring and while higher than that previously reported in ath- or inflammatory injuries, preliminary findings from our lab-
letic populations, including ski jumpers, gymnasts, soccer oratory found that the inflammatory marker tumor necrosis
players, ice skaters and runners (3,9,19,26,37), was lower factor > rises exponentially in runners when serum 25(OH)D
than the current RDA of 600 IU (27). When vitamin D from concentrations fall less than 32 ngImLj1 (Willis, 2008, un-
supplements (including an MVI) was included, intake in- published data). A previous German report also documented
creased to more than approximately 500 IUIdj1 in the fall and that athletes undergoing an extensive 6-wk program of UVB
spring and to almost 700 IUIdj1 in the winter, approaching irradiation experienced a reduction in chronic pain because
the higher intake level (of 10004000 IUIdj1) recommended of sports injuries (30). Although the current study was unable
by researchers (4,6,16,17). The lack of a correlation with total to provide evidence for a link between low vitamin D status
intake from vitamin D (including supplements), however, is and compromised bone health and athletic injury, additional
unexpected but may be explained by the food frequency studies are warranted because detection of injury due to
methodology and/or by the fact that most circulating vitamin D deficiency was not ideal in our athletic population
25(OH)D is thought to originate from sunlight exposure that mostly maintained 25(OH)D concentrations more than
rather than from dietary sources (6,15). We were intrigued, the 3240 ngImLj1 throughout the year. Our results, how-
however, by our weak but significant relation between fre- ever, highlight the role of high-normal PTH (which is typi-
quency of MVI intake and vitamin D status in the winter (and cally elevated when serum vitamin D concentrations fall
tendency for this same association in the fall). Although these less than 2030 ngImLj1) (15,17) in bone health and the
findings suggest that a vitamin Dcontaining MVI may help probable link between bone density and bone fracture.
athletes maintain vitamin D status, it is important to stress that The finding that 25(OH)D concentrations in the spring
previous studies indicate thatin the absence of sun expo- were significantly associated with frequency of illness, on
surea daily MVI (which typically contains 400 IU) is not the other hand, is consistent with research, indicating that
enough to maintain 25(OH)D concentrations in the sufficient vitamin D up-regulates naturally occurringand broad
range (14,16,19). spectrumAMP (6,12). AMPs exert a powerful immune
Vitamin D status in the current study also did not appear response by compromising the integrity of the cell membrane
to be significantly influenced by body weight or adiposity, of invading pathogens (10). These results are in agreement
although the expected negative association with body fat with Aloia and Li-Ng (1), who found that supplementation
percentage tended to be present in the fall and spring. Pre- with vitamin D3 for 3 yr reduced self-reported incidence of
vious studies in nonathletes have found that 25(OH)D con- influenza and the common cold and in support of other evi-
centrations are inversely correlated with body fat percentage dence that influenza epidemics and other wintertime infec-
(within the typical range of sedentary individuals) (29) and tions may be brought on by seasonal deficiencies of AMP
are commonly depressed with obesity (along with elevated secondary to seasonal deficiencies in vitamin D (7). Although

VITAMIN D STATUS IN COLLEGE ATHLETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 341

Copyright 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
illness in the current study was documented as part of routine vitamin D status may reduce the risk of common infectious
medical care by a staff member who was unaware of the illness, which can negatively impact athletic training and
athletes study participation or vitamin D status, further performance. Further research is needed to determine whether
evaluation in larger athletic populations is of interest. Future vitamin D status influences risk for overtraining and inflam-
studies should document the time course of illness in relation matory injury.
to vitamin D status as well as the duration and the frequency
of illness.
Funding support: None.
In conclusion, the current study demonstrates that healthy The authors thank the athletes who volunteered to participate
athletes can achieve adequate to optimal 25(OH)D concen- in the study. They also thank Inge Harper at the National Institutes
trations in the nonwinter months through routine sun expo- of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases, Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch,
sure, dietary sources, and supplements (which surpass the for assistance in interpreting the studies of Bannert et al. (2) and
newly revised RDA of 600 IU) (27). Athletes living at dis- Spellerberg (30).
tances away from the equator, however, need supplemental This work was partially supported by research funds from the
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
vitamin D during the winter to prevent the seasonal reduc- Results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by
tion in serum 25(OH)D concentrations. Maintaining sufficient the American College of Sports and Medicine.

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