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DC/DC Displacement Sensors

Code: 8740 EN

Delivery: ex stock
Model 8740
Warranty: 24 months
Model 8741 with spring probe tip

Model 8741 special version

Model 8741

Model 8740 QQ Measurement ranges 0....1 mm to 0...150 mm

QQ Non-linearity 0.25 % F.S.,
optional to 0.1 % F.S.
QQ Integrated measuring amplifier, output 0 ... 5 V
n Optional 0 ... 10 V, 4 ... 20 mA
QQ Potted electronics not susceptible to vibration
or impact
QQ Special versions on request (see options)

8740 EN
Application Description
Inductive displacement sensors using the principle of the These inductive displacement sensors with integrated
differential transformer (LVDT) can be used to measure electronics incorporate a differential transformer and a carrier
displacement and, indirectly, magnitudes that can be converted frequency measuring amplifier, potted and protected by a
into displacements such as force, pressure, strain, torque, stainless steel housing.
vibration and so forth. The differential transformer consists of one primary
Thanks to the high quality of their measurements, their high winding and two secondary windings; these are arranged
protection and long service life, these sensors are used in many symmetrically on either side of the primary winding. The
technologies (industry, research, development, etc.). integrated electronics demodulates, filters and amplifies the
Applications include measuring, controlling, regulating and AC voltage induced in the secondary windings. A rod-shaped
monitoring both slow and fast movements between machine core is able to move inside the differential transformer.
parts, measurements of position and positional changes of As an output, the sensor delivers a DC voltage whose
components and structural foundations, servo regulators, valve magnitude proportionally depends on the position of the
and robot controllers, growth measurements and so on. moveable core inside the sensor.

Their design is robust - the internal coils and electronics are Model 8740 incorporates a freely moveable, non-sprung
potted - as a result of which the sensors can easily withstand core with two sliding Teflon rings that center the core in
shock and vibration. This makes the sensors also suitable for the hole through the body of the sensor. At the end of the
mobile applications (e.g. in vehicles) and for test installations moving rod is an M2 thread that can be used to couple the
where they will be subject to many test cycles. core mechanically to the object being measured. Any lateral
force acting on the rod should be avoided.

The moveable rod of model 8741 is mounted on ball bearings.

A spring holds the tip of the probe against the object being
measured. This version is advantageous when it is difficult
or entirely impractical to implement a mechanical coupling.
Once again, lateral forces will shorten the service life. The
measuring side of the sensor is protected against pollution
and splash water by a bellows.

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under www.burster.com Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . www.burster.com . info@burster.com
8740 EN - 2

Technical Data

Model 8740
Order Code Measuring Dimensions [mm] Cut-Off Sensor Moveable
Range Frequency Weight Mass
L D C K S [Hz] [g] [g]
8740 - 5001 0 ... 1 mm 45 20 4 27 34 300 30 2
8740 - 5002 0 ... 2 mm 45 20 4 27 34 300 30 2
8740 - 5005 0 ... 5 mm 61 20 4 45 40 150 60 3.3
8740 - 5010 0 ... 10 mm 61 20 4 45 40 150 60 3.3
8740 - 5025 0 ... 25 mm 91 20 4 56 69 100 90 4.7
8740 - 5050 0 ... 50 mm 151 20 4 97 84 100 130 6.9
8740 - 5100 0 ... 100 mm 271 20 4 136 164 100 250 11.7
8740 - 5150 0 ... 150 mm 441 20 4 288 212 100 400 17.1

Dimensional drawing
Model 8740
threaded sleeve
with optional
fastening thread
(V302 - see options Connecting rod Core
on page 3) S KK



Thread M 2 L Cable
Model 8741
Order Code Measuring Dimensions [mm] Tip Force Natural Sensor
Range Frequency Weight
lg LG I h D d Max [N] [Hz] [g]
8741 - 5001 0 ... 1 mm 98 66 25 3 20 4,5 2 10 85
8741 - 5002 0 ... 2 mm 98 66 25 4 20 4,5 2 10 85
8741 - 5005 0 ... 5 mm 125 84 34 7 20 4,5 3 10 110
8741 - 5010 0 ... 10 mm 130 84 39 12 20 4,5 3 5 120
8741 - 5025 0 ... 25 mm 190 133 50 27 20 4,5 5 5 150
8741 - 5050 * 0 ... 50 mm 310 210 90 70,5 20 4,5 8 5 250
* To protect the ball bearing guides, sensors with this measuring range have a sealing lip instead of the bellows.

Dimensional drawing model 8741

(not at range 0 ... 50 mm) Connector
M 2,5 5


h 4,5 3 mm
Probe tip (Model 8741-Z001)
Probe tip, thread M 2.5,
ball 3 mm

Dimensional drawing model 8741-5050


The CAD drawing (3D/2D) for this sensor can be imported online directly into your CAD system.
Download via www.burster.com or directly at www.traceparts.com. For further information about the burster traceparts cooperation refer to
data sheet 80-CAD-EN.

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under www.burster.com Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . www.burster.com . info@burster.com
8740 EN - 3

Electrical values Fig. 1

Excitation voltage (protected against polarity reversal): 9 ... 28 V DC Model 8740-Z002
Current consumption: 30 mA
Output voltage (standard): 0 ... 5V
Ripple of output voltage: approx. 20 mVeff
Internal carrier frequency: 12 kHz
Output resistance: 1 k
Load resistor: recommended >1 M
Environmental conditions
Range of operating temperature: from -20 C to 80 C
Range of nominal temperature: from -20 C to 80 C
Influence of temperature*: 0.03 % F.S./K
* with reference to the rated temperature range
Mechanical values
Linearity deviation: < 0.25% F.S.
Variation in unchanged mounting position: < 0.01% F.S.
Material: ST 37, nickel-plated Fig. 2
Protection class: according to EN 60529 model 8740 IP64
model 8741 IP60 Model 8740-Z003
General dimensional tolerances: according to ISO 2768-f
Electrical connection
Model 8740 3 wire, screened PVC cable, 3 mm,
bending radius 20 mm, length 2 m
Model 8741 connector 7 pin,
(model 9952 mating connector is included in scope of delivery)
Wiring: Model 8740 with 2 m Model 8741
connection cable for 7 pin connector
Excitation (+) brown 1
Signal (+) green 2
Excitation/signal ( - ) white 3
(Connect screen to ground)

Mounting Instructions Fig. 3

Fastening the sensor body using a holder or the mounting thread
(see Fig. 1 to Fig. 3). Model 8740-Z004
Coupling to the moveable rod (8740) with thread M2 x 1.5
(2 nuts are included in scope of delivery).
Fastening options for the 8740 an 8741.

8740 EN
Order Information
Inductive displacement sensor 8740, measuring range 10 mm
Model 8740-5010
Inductive displacement sensor 8740, measuring range 25 mm,
with mounting thread option M 24 x 1.5
Model 8740-5025-V302
Inductive displacement sensor 8741, measuring range 10 mm,
with linearity deviation option 0.15 % F.S.
Model 8741-501-V511
Option threaded sleeve (-V302)
Holder for model 8740 and 8741 Model 8740-Z002 (see Fig. 1)
Fixing bracket for model 8740 an 8741 Model 8740-Z003 (see Fig. 2)
for model 8740:
Plug, 12 pin for burster desktop devices Model 9941 Options
Plug mounting, to the sensor cable Model 99004 V514: Inductive displacement sensor with current output 4-20mA,
Only for connection to SENSORMASTER model 9163 excitation voltage 15-30 V
desktop version Model 99002 V201: Portable cable 3 m (other cable lengths on request)
for model 8741: V302: Sensor housing with mounting thread M 24 x 1.5 x 45
Mating connector (coupling socket), 7 pin, 18 mm, including 2 nuts (see drawing). The threaded sleeve is
length 70 mm (included in scope of delivery) Model 9952 mounted flush at the front of the sensor housing.
Mating connector, 7 pin, angled 90 V501: Output voltage 0 ... 10 V
IP40 length 30 mm Model 9900-V557 excitation voltage 13.5-28 V
Connecting cable, 4 wire, length 3 m V511: Linearity deviation 0.15 % F.S.
one end free Model 99552-000A-0090030 V515: Protection class IP65
Connecting cable, 4 wire, for connection to the burster desktop
devices Model 99141-552A-0090030
Probe tip, thread M 2.5, ball 3 mm Manufacturer Calibration Certificate (WKS)
(included in 8741 scope of delivery) Model 8741-Z001 Standard manufacturer calibration certificate in 20 % steps, rising,
Devices and systems for measurement data acquisition or process with or without indicator.
monitoring see section 9 of catalog.

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under www.burster.com Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . www.burster.com . info@burster.com
8740 EN - 4

Special versions (by request)

Sensor with radial cable outlet Sensor with mounting thread 90 angled connector
Option V601 Option V302 Model 9900-V557
The radial cable outlet allows to use The unit can be fastened easily and Various alignment options and
the space behind the sensor for without strain using the mounting the housing thread permit easy
other purposes. thread and the 2 supplied nuts. adjustment of the sensor during

Application example Low-friction wheels

Balanced weight
In a water bath a structured, metallic
mesh is squeezed to a small diameter.
The metallic mesh expands again as the
water is heated. This extension is to be Process indicator
measured by a very precise inductive for example
displacement sensor, whose rod can model 9163
move very smoothly within the body of
the sensor. The expansion of the sample
results in a movement of 15 mm. In spite
of the extremely low weight of the sensor Model 8740-5025-V302
bat, it is necessary to ensure that its weight
does not affect the measurement.
Threaded sleeve
Mechanical holder

Model 8740, with a measuring range of
25mm, offers the necessary precision.
It can measure the expansion accurately
with its extremely light moveable rod
in conjunction with a well-adjusted
counterbalance. The optionally modifiable
mounting thread allows it to be easily Water
mounted without straining the sensor 20 C ... +70 C
Ceramic tappet
body. Extending the sensors rod by
means of a special ceramic tappet
ensures that mechanical expansion as a
result of temperature changes is almost
entirely eliminated. d
Test object

Fig. 4 Application example

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under www.burster.com Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . www.burster.com . info@burster.com

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