I. Patient Identity
I. Patient Identity
I. Patient Identity
Name : Mr. A
Age : 24 years old
Sex : Male
Address : Magelang Regency
Ethnic : Javanese
Religion : Islam
Education : Senior High School
Occupation : Farmer
Marital state : Not Yet Married
Name : Mr. P
Sex : Male
Age : 44 yo
Address : Danurrejo
Ethnic : Javanese
Religion : Islam
Occupation : Labour
Marital State : Married
Relation : Uncle
A. Chief Complaint
The patient has been feeling morose since 4 months ago.
The patient stated that he had been feeling fatigued when he was working
in Taiwan. He feels useless unmotivated to do anything, which she stated is
caused by the disappointment towards her husband. She has been feeling
uncomfortable sleeping and frequently wakes up from her night sleep. She
stated that she has resigned to her problems and has been spending most of her
time praying.
D. Personal History
1. Prenatal and Perinatal History
Patient is the oldest son. Patient only had one brother. During pregnancy
her mother was in a good condition. Her mother gave birth to him in their
house with a midwife.
2. Early Childhood (Birth through age 3 years)
Patient was taken care of his parents since his birth, and was breastfed
exclusively for about one and a half years, with complete history of
immunization. His developmental growth such as starting to sit by herself,
crawl and walk was similar to other kids her age. He was a healthy and
lively boy.
3. Middle Childhood (ages 3 to 11 years)
Patient started his primary education when he was 6 years old. Around this
time, he started to interact with other kids his age and was decisive in
doing so. His academic performance wasnt relatively good in the primary
school. He was failing grades for two times because he help his parents
business when he was in primary school.
Genogram :
: Male : Female
: Passed away
: Patient : Live in one house
E. Progression of Disorder
Role of Function
5. Gastrointestinal System
Inspection : flat
Auscultation : bowel sounds (+) normal
B. Neurological Examination
Examination has been performed on January, 23rd, at patient house.
1. Meningeal Sign :
- Nuchal Rigidity : (-)
- Laseque : (-)
- Kernique : (-)
- Brudzinski I, II : (-)
2. Cranial Nerve I - XII : normal
3. Motor System :
Motor Superior Inferior
Movement N/N N/N
Strength 5/5 5/5
Tone N/N N/N
Trophy E/E E/E
C. Perception
1. Illusions : (-)
2. Hallucinations : (-)
3. Depersonalization : (-)
4. Derealization : (-)
D. Thought Process
1. Thought Progression
V. Diagnostic Formulation
- Decreased of Activities
- Lack of Conversation
- Apathy
- Hypoactive
- Sad Mood
- Restricted Affect
- Remming
- Contents of thought: disappointment, resignation and pessimism
F32.- Episode Depresif (Depressive Episode)
Gejala Utama Fulfilled
a. Afek depresif
b. Kehilangan minat dan kegembiraan
c. Berkurangnya energi yang berujung meningkatnya
keadaan mudah lelah dan menurunnya aktivitas
Gejala Lainnya Fulfilled
a. Konsentrasi dan Perhatian kurang
b. Harga diri dan kepercayaan diri kurang
c. Gagasan tentang rasa bersalah dan tidak berguna
d. Pandangan masa depan yang suram dan pesimistis
e. Gagasan atau perbuatan membahayakan diri atau bunuh diri
f. Tidur terganggu
F32.2 Episode Depresif Berat tanpa Gejala Psikotik (Severe Depressive Episode
without Psychotic Symptoms)
Semua 3 gejala utama depresi harus ada Fulfilled
Ditambah sekurang-kurangya 4 dari gejala lainnya, dan beberapa Fulfilled
diantaranya harus berintensitas berat
Bila ada gejala penting (misalnya agitasi atau retardasi psikomotor) Fulfilled
yang mencolok, maka pasien mungkin tidak mau atau tidak mampu
untuk melaporkan banyak gejalanya secara rinci
Episode depresif biasanya harus berlangsung sekurang-kurangnya 2 Fulfilled
minggu, akan tetapi jika gejala amat berat dan beronset sangat
cepat, maka masih dibenarkan untuk menegakkan diagnosis dalam
kurun waktu kurang dari 2 minggu
Sangat tidak mungkin pasien akan mampu meneruskan kegiatan Fulfilled
social, pekerjaan, atau urusan rumah tangga, kecuali pada taraf
yang sangat terbatas.
F33.2 Gangguan Depresif Berulang, Episode Kini Berat tanpa Gejala Psikotik
(Recurrent Depressive Disorder, current Severe Episode without Psychotic Symptoms)
Kriteria untuk gangguan depresif berulang harus dipenuhi, dan Fullfilled
episode sekarang harus memenuhi kriteria untuk depresif berat
tanpa gejala psikotik
Sekurang-kurangnya dua episode telah berlangsung masing-masing Un-Fullfilled
selama minimal 2 minggu dengan sela waktu beberapa bulan tanpa
gangguan afektif yang bermakna
History of mental illness in the family (+) : Poor
Marital status (Not yet married) : Poor
Family support (Good) : Good
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Socio-economic status (Low) : Poor
Stressors (Quite clear) : Good
Onset age (22 yo) : Poor
Response to therapy (Good) : Good
Medication adherence (not yet known) :-
Ad vitam : Bonam
Ad functionam : Dubia ad bonam
Ad sanactionam : Dubia ad bonam
B. Psychotherapy
- Supportive Psychotherapy
- Family Psychoeducation
A. Psychopharmacology
Depressive syndrome is caused by relative deficiency of one or more
aminergic neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin or dopamine in
synapses of central nervous system especially in the limbic system which
decreases the activity of serotonin receptor. Antidepressants work by
inhibiting aminergic neurotransmitters uptake in this area and slowing the
breakdown of monoamine oxidase. This causes an increasing number of
B. Non-Pharmacotherapy
Supportive Psychotherapy
We motivated and gave her emotional support so that she could
function well again, both physically and socially. We also encouraged
her to take her medication as prescribed. Supportive psychotherapy
was given to strengthen her mental strength, develop a better coping
mechanism and restore her adaptive balance. Supportive
psychotherapy will be started when she has calmed down and when her
knowledge of her condition has improved.
Family Psychoeducation
We also asked her family members to play active roles in every step of
her recovery. We explained to them how important her medication is
towards her recovery in hopes that they would help monitoring her
obedience in taking her medication. They need to know the side effects
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Backyard View
Note : We were not allowed to take pictures inside the patients house.