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85K before Dr. Bradstreet was found
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raided his research facility to seize
a breakthrough cancer treatment
called GcMAF
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58K While we were distracted with the U.S. govt. search warrant document served against Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet to confiscate
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Now we've lost Dr. Schwartz MD, who was found murdered in his home, on Sunday, July
19th, 2015. This was four weeks to the day after the death of the first physician: (Dr.
Bradstreet MD) who I broke the story on a month ago. His family is still seeking answers
as to what happened to him and they're some of the kindest people I know. The latest MD,
Dr. Schwartz, in the picture above, lived just north of the fit, healthy, holistic Dr. Hedendal;
who was the second doctor to be found dead this past Father's Day, in Boca Raton. This
was the same day that Dr. Holt died at the age of 33. Both were fathers; and again, both
men died here in Florida on June 21st, 2015.
After about 16-22 administrations (approximately 3.5-5 months) of GcMAF, these patients
had insignificantly low serum enzyme levels equivalent to healthy control enzyme levels,
ranging from 0.38 to 0.63 nmole/min/mg protein, indicating eradication of the tumors. This
therapeutic procedure resulted in no recurrence for more than 4 years.
In other words, the administration of GcMAF eradicated tumors and left patients
cancer-free for 4+ years with no additional treatment!
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More than 10,000 vials were seized at this site and production of this unlicensed medicine
has now ceased. These products were sold through various European websites and UK
patients may have bought it from one of these websites. We are working with colleagues
in other countries to alert them to the potential risks. Our investigations are ongoing and
we have received no reports to date of side effects caused by this product.
That same page lists some of the websites where GcMAF had been available for
GcMAF (Gc Protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor) - Gc MAF treatment is a highly
effective macrophage activating therapy, used to stimulate the immune system and
activate macrophages so that they can destroy cancer cells and other abnormal cells in
the body.
Second Generation GcMAF is made using a new and improved 2nd generation method of
Gc-MAF production which is 10-20 times more concentrated and is more active and stable
than other GcMAF that is currently available. Importantly, this much higher concentration
GcMAF has been clinically demonstrated to be largely free of any side effects in the great
majority of patients and is much more stable because it is resistant to oxidation.
That same site describes Oral GcMAF as follows: "Oral GcMAF is a form of GcMAF
produced from bovine colostrum by Saisei Mirai which was developed in collaboration with
Tokushima University."
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It also lists the following health conditions as being treatable with GcMAF, potentially a
"universal cancer cure" substance:
Gc-MAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the
treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune
system is compromised, such as:
Autoimmune diseases
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Herpes Simplex virus (HSV)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis)
IgA deficiency disorder
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
Mycobacteria infections
Parkinson's disease
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Lupus (Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE)
Dengue fever
Pneumonia infection
Warts caused by viral infection
Malaria Influenza virus (flu)
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Q fever (Coxiella burnetii)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Chicken pox (varicella zoster virus)
Respiratory tract infections
Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM)
Type 1.5 diabetes, Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA)
Do you see yet why the medical establishment must SUPPRESS GcMAF and
destroy all knowledge of its clinical applications? This one substance holds the
potential to render numerous vaccines and pharmaceuticals utterly obsolete.
Researchers and practitioners have demonstrated that GcMAF can reverse diseases that
attack the immune system such as: chronic inflammation, bacterial and viral infections,
chronic herpes, chronic acne, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia osteoporosis, Hodgkin's, Lupus,
MS, Parkinson's and remarkably autism.
A clinical study out of Italy on 94 children with autism showed that 83 of them made
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In another study of 1500 children with autism, 85% had high levels of viruses and a
compromised immune system. All 1500 received weekly GcMAF injections and 70% of the
children responded to the treatment with reduced symptoms and another 15% made full
recoveries. The other 15% did not respond.
It was stated that the reduction of autistic symptoms is permanent provided that GcMAF
has been taken long enough for the body to produce its own GcMAF which typically takes
24 weeks.
Back in 1993, Nobuto Yamamoto, then working at Temple University School of Medicine
in Philadelphia, PA, USA, first described a remarkable molecule. His paper reported the
conversion of vitamin D3 binding protein (DBP, known in humans as Gc) into a potent
macrophage-activating factor (MAF), known as Gc-MAF. Macrophages are a key part of
the human immune system with two roles: to engulf and destroy pathogens and cellular
debris, and to recruit other immune cells to respond to the pathogen.
Gc-MAF hasn't had the benefit of a single patent owner as a natural molecule, it cannot
be patented without being modified with the will and resources to push it under the
noses of the public and health authorities. Dr Yamamoto has run small human trials in
breast, prostate and colorectal cancers, with promising results.
David Noakes might just be the person to bring Gc-MAF into the mainstream. He's the
CEO of Immuno Biotech Ltd. and spokesperson for First Immune Gc-MAF, a project he
describes as, "PhD and BSc biochemists and biomedical scientists... with external
doctors, oncologists and scientists who kindly provide advice, committed to bringing some
of the increasing number of published but relatively unused medical cures to as many
people as we can." At the moment, Noakes and his colleagues are supplying Gc-MAF to
30 countries where it is legal, via a network of "around 300" doctors. Their Gc-MAF is
made to extremely high standards, and is being used in ongoing clinical research by
Noakes' collaborators and others. Their ultimate goal is to, "Build the case that GcMAF is
effective for various illnesses, which will help to make it available to the public".
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The medical laws have been changed over the last 40 years so that all the brilliant
breakthroughs in cancer are denied to the British public. Lord Maurice Saatchi had to
watch his wife die, while his doctor told him the only thing he was allowed to prescribe her
was chemotherapy, which would shorten her life. He hopes to bring the Medical
Innovation Bill to Parliament, so instead of obeying a destructive government law, a doctor
will be able to prescribe whatever treatment is best for the patient...
Bad law kills, and Britain has the worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939 Cancer Act
makes it illegal to discuss the possibility cancer can be cured, which is partly why 160,000
people die unnecessarily of cancer in Britain every year. Science and treatments are
decades ahead of where the medical industry is today. The MHRA's job is to get life
saving treatments like GcMAF out to people as quickly as possible. Instead they block
them to protect billion dollar Big Pharma monopolies, who also fund the MHRA. Over a
hundred thousand lives could be saved every year if the 1939 Cancer Act were repealed,
and the MHRA were closed down.
There are 142 eminent scientists who have published GcMAF research papers on the US
National Library of Medicine alone.
Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself. In a healthy person your own GcMAF has
11 actions discovered so far, including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain,
and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a "director" of your immune system. But viruses
and malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents
production of your GcMAF: that stops its 11 beneficial effects, and neutralises your
immune system. So diseases become chronic, and cancer cells grow unchecked.
Minutes after a receiving a dose, 10 of the body's actions restart. In three weeks of two
GcMAF 0.25ml doses a week, your immune system is rebuilt to above normal strength.
You need two doses a week for typically 24 weeks for many diseases and early cancers,
up to seven one ml doses a week and a year for stage 4 cancers. Your body then takes
the disease down without side effects, and successfully in 80% of cases -depending upon
how well you follow the protocol under "Treatment Protocol" on this website.
What is GcMAF?
It is a human protein. One week's GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. If properly produced
it is perfectly sterile, and a most ethical course for doctors.
GcMAF is therefore a replacement therapy for those who can't make their own. Taking
GcMAF replaces the missing part of the immune system, and also acts as the body's own
internal medicine.
GcMAF is extracted and isolated; its a 24 step process, and at the end it must have tests
to prove its sterility and activity. (If it does not come with published tests, its probably not
GcMAF.) One GcMAF has been tested in universities, laboratories and clinics, where, as
a result of the testing, consistent activity and sterility have always been found, and been
the subject of 40 scientific research papers.
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GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections. It is better than antibiotics
in many areas, and 25% successful with Autism, 50% or more with Chronic Herpes,
Chronic Acne, Chronic cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic depression,
Colitis, Crohn's, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, LMBBS, ME/CFS, Osteoporosis,
Periodontal disease, Psoriasis and various types of Immune dysfunction including
allergies. Research shows GcMAF can halt deterioration in Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis
(MS), dementia and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse
diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. And is effective with
wound healing. Its successful with tumour cancers, and some others.
It abolishes neuropathic pain due to neuro-oxidative stress (stress due to the anti-cancer
drug oxaliplatin) in the lab. (neurodegenerative diseases and autism that have oxidative
stress as a pathogenetic mechanism)
It increases neuronal connectivity by promoting differentiation and the formation of
dendrites and neuritis (autism and ME/CFS, where there is a lack of connectivity between
See the 31 research papers published, particularly Brescia, and the 60 published by
others listed under "The science".
80% of terminal stage four tumour cancers cases can be saved (40% if they've had
chemo), but usually when they are closely monitored, which is why residential Treatment
Centres are being run in Switzerland. If they have three months to live and have not had
chemo, almost no one needs to be lost.
The 180 scientists who have published papers on trials of GcMAF selected those in the
early stages of cancer and HIV, and reported nearly 100 percent success, with no
recurrence after many years. They did not attempt trials on people with large tumours.
Our trials are quite different: many people are over 50, some over 80, with advanced or
terminal cancers, with significant tumour mass. Most come to us when their doctors tell
them they can do no more.
The life of GcMAF is only six days you have to keep taking it until your disease has gone
(ie your nagalase is under 0.65 nmol/min/mg) then a further 8 weeks, or the immune
system gets shut down again.
Remember everyone responds differently. We can't say how you will respond.
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The more minor the disease, the easier it is for GcMAF to eradicate. GcMAF needs
normal levels of vitamin D to function strongly (take 10,000iu a day). in low responders,
larger doses are required.
We have probably proved GcMAF can work for people up to age 90, and can destroy
large tumour mass. See "Participants experiences".
If you have your blood taken for monocyte counts, relevant markers and vitamin D levels,
and again for a nagalase test at the beginning, you should see on your next test after
three weeks that your immune system is back to full strength, and after 8 weeks
significantly falling nagalase will indicate the disease is losing its grip. Don't stop the
GcMAF until your nagalase gets below 0.65 nmol/min/mg, when it loses the ability to
prevent your body producing your own GcMAF, and then you no longer need ours. Even
better, get scans.
Autism children can improve at five weeks with substantial improvements at 8 weeks. See
"Participants experiences." But everyone is different.
The beauty of using your own immune system to attack disease or cancer is that it
remembers how to defeat it for the rest of your life: it doesn't come back. And unlike
chemotherapy, the side effects are trivial.
The only way you can tell if GcMAF is genuine and active is to test with living cells in a
laboratory. See "Quality and Tests of our GcMAF." To recap:
We put live macrophages cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells together; nothing happens.
Then we add GcMAF; in 72 hours the macrophages eat all the MCF7 cancer cells. We
then put only GcMAF and MCF7 together, and the GcMAF turns the cancer cells back into
healthy cells.
You must read at least all of "Buy GcMAF" and "Treatment strategies" on the left if you
want to take this further. And you must be prepared to give us feedback.
Cancerous cells and HIV-infected cells secrete -N-acetylgalactosaminidase into the blood
stream, resulting in deglycosylation of serum Gc protein. This inactivates the MAF
precursor activity of Gc protein, leading to immunosuppression... When peripheral blood
monocytes/macrophages of 175 cancer patients bearing various types of cancer were
treated in vitro with 100 pg GcMAF/ml, monocytes/macrophages (phagocytes) of all
cancer patients were activated for phagocytic and superoxide generating capacity. This
observation indicates that patient phagocytes are capable of being activated...
first heard about GcMAF almost a year ago. At the same time, I had first learned about
"nagalase", a blood test that is used to in part determine whether or not one might be a
candidate for GcMAF therapy. Nagalase is an enzyme that prevents Vitamin D receptors
(VDR) from being activated on the surface of the macrophage. As a result, macrophages
are not "activated" and our immune systems are not able to properly respond to invaders.
Here are some points that I have learned thus far on GcMAF:
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- GcMAF has reportedly been tested more for safety, purity, etc. than other human blood
- Macrophages are cultured, destroyed, and the GcMAF receptors are purified.
- Treatment is via injection 1x/week for 8-20 weeks. Dose is titrated initially to avoid
exacerbation or Herx responses as much as possible.
- A commonly used dose is .25ml once weekly (a 2.2 ml vial should last 8 injections).
- The primary test used in looking at whether or not GcMAF may be a reasonable
intervention is nagalase.
- Nagalase inactivates macrophages.
- I personally would NEVER consider this option without having a baseline nagalase test.
Normal is < 0.95. Mine was 2.9.
The practitioner I worked with suggested that 2.9 was in the range of someone with HIV or
cancer in terms of the impact on the immune system. I'd like to hear from others in the
Lyme community as you get test results as well to see if there is a pattern of elevated
nagalase in those with Lyme disease. Whether or not Lyme itself has anything to do with
nagalase elevation is something I have not been able to find anything on. We certainly all
have underlying viral co-factors that are likely in play as well, but I suspect that Borrelia
may also play a role in nagalase elevation.
- In healthy college students, a nagalase 0.4 is not uncommon (the lower the better).
- At 2.9, my practitioner was surprised that I did not have more cognitive deficits such as
memory loss and other cognitive issues.
- It has been suggested that ongoing antimicrobial therapy without a working immune
system is like leaving the house with the door wide open inviting burglars in. By using
GcMAF to activate macrophages, nagalase drops, and one may regain a functional
immune system. The door is then closed to further invaders and we may no longer serve
as a microbe hotel.
- Maintenance therapy should not be needed once the immune system is once again
properly functioning.
- Activated macrophages only remain active for 7 days so any negative responses are
generally short-lived. That said, some people do have strong inflammatory responses that
are not believed to be typical die-off reactions.
- It has been indicated that in some cases, other medications may be needed in order to
manage the inflammatory response. This is another reason that one needs to be working
closely with a knowledgeable practitioner before considering GcMAF in my opinion. In the
CFS and GcMAF world, this more severe form of a die-off reaction is called IRIS.
- VDR genetics do not seem to play a role in predicting response as earlier thought
according to one practitioner that I have spoken with. That said, Vitamin D levels do
correlate with the positive response rate of GcMAF. Thus, Vitamin D supplementation may
be required in order to optimize outcome.
- Nagalase should be monitored every 1-2 months while on treatment to determine the
required duration of the therapy. Target nagalase after treatment would be 0.4 to 0.6.
- Elevated nagalase has a profound detrimental effect on the immune system. Elevated
nagalase is often presumed to be related to microbes of viral origin or cancer. Viruses that
are nagalase producers open the door to chronic infections.
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- A practitioner I spoke with likened Lyme disease to a "peat moss fire" burning below the
surface. Activating macrophages should help to deal with the fire.
- GcMAF should be helpful in dealing with other infections that are not of viral origin; for
example, Borrelia, Bartonella, and other infections commonly associated with Tick-Borne
Infections (TBIs). GcMAF is active against many cancers and many different kinds of
- People with autoimmune conditions can generally use GcMAF. However, GcMAF may
be contraindicated in people with Multiple Sclerosis.
- Reduction in nagalase is generally seen early in the course of treatment; within the first
3-6 weeks. In some studies, nagalase dropped by over 50% in less than six weeks.
- Cancer patients may initially feel as bad on GcMAF as they do on chemotherapy, but
often feel much better after the first month.
- One should not be on any immune-suppressing agents while on GcMAF as the immune
system must be partially functional in order to respond appropriately to the treatment.
- A common pattern is to see elevated lymphocytes, high nagalase, and low NK cells.
Once nagalase drops, it may be the case that NK cell function could be positively
impacted. CD57 is a type of NK cell. It is too early to know if this proves to be true, but it is
one of the things I'm quite interested in.
Open the "Stop Fighting Cancer" PDF document and search it for "GcMAF" to read some
intriguing passages:
Researchers testing GcMAF stated it, "works 100% of the time to eradicate cancer
completely, and cancer does not recur even years later." (This was stated based on the
tested group of patients -nothing works 100% for everyone) The weekly injection GcMAF,
a harmless glyco-protein activates the human immune system which then can kill the
growing cancer. Studies among breast cancer and colon cancer patients produced
complete remissions lasting 4 and 7 years respectively. This glyco-protein 'cure' is totally
without side effect but currently goes unused and completely ignored by cancer doctors.
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Why? Maybe it is because there is little money to be made in selling it. For less than
$2000USD a cancer patient can obtain an adequate amount of GcMAC.
See the National Library of Medicine page Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer with Gc
Protein-Derived Macrophage-Activating Factor, GcMAF:
When human macrophages were treated in vitro with 100 pg GcMAF/ml for 3 hours and a
prostate cancer cell line LNCaP was added with an effector/target ratio of 1.5,
approximately 51% and 82% of LNCaP cells were killed by 4 and 18 hours of incubation,
respectively [14,15]. This in vitro tumoricidal capacity of macrophages activated by
GcMAF led us to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of GcMAF for prostate cancer.
GcMAF therapy as a single remedy modality can eradicate metastatic breast and
colorectal cancers most effectively...
Click here to search for "GcMAF" on GoodGopher.com, the new search engine for truth
Read this article from The Telegraph on how scientists are being assassinated because of
what they know.
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About the author:Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is the founding
editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's No. 1 natural health news website, now
reaching 7 million unique readers a month.
In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he
conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end
ICP-MS instrumentation. With this research, Adams has made numerous food
safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia
to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten.
Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten
in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen
powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in
rice protein products to low levels by July 1, 2015.
In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the
non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects
100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women
how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Click here to see
some of the CWC success stories.
With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology
company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams
developed and deployed the content management system currently driving NaturalNews.com. He also engineered the high-
level statistical algorithms that power SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, a massive research resource now featuring over 10
million scientific studies.
Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout
the food supply. He has also exposed "strange fibers" found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called
health "gurus," dangerous "detox" products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams,
the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is
widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human
In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released ten popular songs covering a variety of
activism topics.
Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at HealthRanger.com.
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http://www.naturalnews.com/050553_Dr_Bradstreet_GcMAF_cancer_therapy.html 12/24/2015