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Industrial Training/ Practice (It/Ip)

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Every undergraduate studying for a Bachelor Degree in UTM is

required to undergo Industrial Training/Practice for a specific period
of time. The training is one of the courses that would give students
exposure to the profession in the real world as well as provide them
opportunities to make the connection between their theoretical
understanding and the reality of the profession .This exposure would
be part of the preparation for their future profession.

1.2 However, exemptions will be given to students doing their Bachelor

Degree if there is no such provision for compulsory Industrial
Training/Practice (IT/IP) in their program of study.

2.0 Definition of Industrial Training/Practice (IT/IP)

2.1 IT/IP is a professional attachment of a minimum of ten weeks with the
industry/ other organizations to allow students to use their theoretical
knowledge by applying it in their work before they are awarded their
Bachelor Degrees. They will also be exposed to other job aspects such
as social skills, interaction, culture, and work process of their
profession in the real world.

3.0 Goals

3.1 The goal of the IT/PT is to increase the professional knowledge and
skills of students as well as produce graduates who have soft skills
besides being creative and ethical.

4.0 Objectives

The objectives of the IT/PT are as follows:

4.1 Expose students to the work and its environment related to their
4.2 Provide opportunities for students to acquire working experience in an
industry/organization related to their field of study
4.3 Assist the students to practise lifelong learning when they return to the

4.4 Train students to interact and communicate effectively at every level in
the working situation
4.5 Train students to write technical reports after they have undergone the
4.6 Develop group work camaraderie
4.7 Appreciate and internalize professional ethics
4.8 Develop collaborations between the university and the industry

5.0 Results of the Educational Experience

Upon completion of the IP/IT, students will be able to do the following:

5.1 Practise the theory and academic knowledge learned while under
supervision at the work place
5.2 Identify the structure of the organization/ industry/ department of the
training venue as well as learn about the various positions and their
roles in the organization.
5.3 Interact and communicate effectively with different groups of people
5.4 Present critical, confident and innovative views that would solve
problems based on professionalism
5.5 Exhibit excellent ethics and integrity whilst carrying out the given
5.6 Work effectively as a member of a group
5.7 Complete the task responsibly
5.8 Produce a detailed technical report based on the given format.

6.0 Scope of IP/IT

6.1 Every faculty will draft the scope of the training based on the
curriculum of the academic program to facilitate the
industry/organization in their effort to plan the training programs for
the students. However, the organization/industry has the option to
make changes to the scope of the training program to suit their
activities and needs which should be in accordance with the scope
determined by the faculty. The scope of the IP/IT program is meant to
provide the following:

6.1.1 Exposure to different types of jobs in the

industry/organization by performing tasks such as data
collection, testing, fixing and managing equipment, design,

develop systems, manage resources etc. while under
6.1.2 Understand the whole process and operational system such as
production operation, evaluation and analysis;
6.1.3 To be trained in management and administration according to
the field of study inclusive of training students to work in
group project (teamworking).

7.0 Duration of IP/IT

7.1 IP/IT will be carried out based on the period of time specified by the
faculty based on the following:
7.1.1 Duration of Training - EIGHT (8) weeks
Faculties that have determined 8 weeks as the duration of the
training will require students to register for a course code and
the training is usually done during the short semester break
prior to their final semester of study

7.1.2 Duration of Training One Semester

Faculties that have determined one semester as the duration of
the training will require students to register for two course
codes training performance and report. IP/IT must be done
by the students during the regular semester and must be
completed before the final semester

8.0 Conditions for Registration of IP/IT

8.1 Students will be allowed to register for IP/IT after fulfilling the
following conditions:
8.1.1 obtained the number of credits determined by the faculty
8.1.2 have taken all the pre-requisite courses determined by the
faculty And/Or

8.1.3 met the additional conditions determined by the faculty.

8.2 Students are not allowed to register for other courses while
undergoing IP/IT.

9.0 Execution and Management

9.1 All activities related to IP/IT will be managed by the Faculty IP/IT
Coordination Committee who will be responsible and answerable to
the Faculty Academic Committee. This committee will comprise of a
representative from every department and will be chaired by the
Deputy Dean (Academic) or another person appointed by the Faculty.
A representative of the department will also be the coordinator for the
IP/IT in their respective departments.

9.2 Functions and Duties of the Faculty IP/IT Coordination Committee

The responsibilities are as follows:
9.2.1 Prepare the work timeline for the IP/IT at the faculty .
9.2.2 Ensure that students have fulfilled the requirements for IP/IT.
9.2.3 Ensure that students undergoing IP/IT according to the
prescribed scope.
9.2.4 Monitor the suitability of the industry/organization as a venue
for IP/IT
9.2.5 Coordinate the faculty supervisors.
9.2.6 Compile the evaluations forms and students reports for
9.2.7 Prepare and update the list of potential industry/organization
for IP/IT.
9.2.8 Give a briefing on IP/IT to students and faculty supervisors.
9.2.9 Prepare a report about the IP/IT to the Faculty Academic
Committee after the completion of IP/IT within the same
9.2.10 Prepare a report on the feedback received from the
industry/organization and students.

9.3 Responsibilities of the IT/IP faculty supervisor

The appointed faculty supervisor must be an academic staff of UTM.
The main responsibilites of a supervisor are as follows:
9.3.1 Determine at least one visitation date
9.3.2 Ensure that the student is placed at the IP/IT venue that has
been selected.
9.3.3 Inform the industry and students of visits to be made.
9.3.4 Visit the organization as part of supervision and evaluation.

9.3.5 Check and evaluate the log book and the progress report of the
9.3.6 Complete a supervision and evaluation report aimed at
improving the IT/IP.
9.3.7 Develop a working relationship with the industry
9.3.8 Coordinate, guide and advise students undergoing IT/IP.
9.3.9 Discuss with the supervisor from the industry about the training
exposure given to the students.

9.4 Deputy Registrar (Academic)

The roles of the Deputy Registrar are as follows:
9.4.1 Act as the technical committee for the Faculty IT/IP
Coordinating Committee.
9.4.2 Issue official letters in relation to IT/IP such as approval letters
for students, indemnity, information letters, supervisors visits
9.4.3 Administer the entry of the IT/IP marks

9.5 Role of the Industry/Organization

The roles are as follows:
9.5.1 Inform the faculty of their ability to accept students within one
month of the application letter or before/on the date specified
by the faculty
9.5.2 Appoint a suitable officer to supervise the student
9.5.3 Coordinate, supervise and guide students undergoing IT/IP
9.5.4 Check students log book
9.5.5 Evaluate the students performance in the organization
9.5.6 Send the students evaluation report to the faculty before/on the
specified date.

9.6 Responsibilities of Students

Students undergoing the IT/IP will be maily reponsible for
completing the project and other tasks assigned by the
industry/organization within the specified period of time. The
reponsibilities are as follows:

9.6.1 Find a place of work and obtain information about the work at
the industry/organization and have it approved by the Faculty
IT/IP Coordination Committee.

9.6.2 Officially inform the Faculty IT/IP Coordination Committee of
any refusal of offer from the industry/organization.
9.6.3 Attend the briefing/ information sharing session on the IT/IP.
9.6.4 Inform the Faculty IT/IP Coordination Committee immediately
after reporting for duty.
9.6.5 Arrange own accomodation and transportation for the IT/IP.
9.6.6 Ensure own safety at all times during the IT/IP.
9.6.7 Follow strictly the rules of the industry/organization.
9.6.8 Abide by the the University and College Act 1971, Procedures
for Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Student Conduct), 1999.
9.6.9 Ensure full attendance during the working days at the
9.6.10 Perform the tasks and responsibilities assigned by the
9.6.11 Fulfill the scope of the training as required by the
9.6.12 Uphold the good name of the university and cooperate with the
industry/organization at all times.
9.6.13 Contact the faculty supervisor immediately whenever there is a
9.6.14 Write notes in the log book, write the IT/IP report and perform
other assigned tasks.
9.6.15 Send the relevant documents to the Faculty IT/IP Coordination
9.6.16 Have a positive attitude and contribute accordingly based on a
students capability.
9.6.17 Maintain a good relationship with the industry/organization as
preparation before entering the job market.

9.7 IT/IP Venues

All students must undergo the IT/IP in organizations outside UTM
unless prior consent is obtained from the Dean of the Faculty.

9.8 Indemnity Letter

The faculty will issue the indemnity letter required by the

9.9 Student Insurance
Students underdoing IT/IP are insured and covered by the Takaful
UTM Cluster Family insurance scheme.

9.10 Credit Exemptions for IT/IP

Direct entry students may request for credit exemptions for IT/IP based
on the following conditions:
9.10.1 Have the relevant working experience of a minimum of one
(1) year in the field of study and prepare a working experience
report based on the format as in 10.1

9.10.2 Have undergone a minimum of 10 weeks of IT/IP in the
related field of study organised by an approved institution of
higher learning (IPT).

10.0 Evaluation

The evaluation of the IT/IP is based on the capability and ability of students to
prepare the reports, manage their log books, evaluation repors from
supervisors from the faculty and industry/organization. The evaluated
components are as follows:

10.1 Industrial Training Report

The IT/IP report must be written in the UTM thesis format (between
25-30 pages excluding the references and appendices) or according to
the format specified by the faculty. The report may be written in
Bahasa Malaysia or English and must submit to the faculty within
ONE WEEK after completing IT/IP.

10.1.1 IT/IP Report

The report to be written by students must have the following
contents and will be evaluated based on the following marking

Contents Marks (%)
1. Introduction 10
2. Background of 10
3. General Explanation of the 10
4. Completed Project/Training 40
5. Conclusion 10
6. Writing Skills 10
7. Report Format 10

10.1.2 Evaluation of the IT/IP report will be done by the faculty

supervisor appointed by the Dean.

10.1.3 Students will have to get the approved reports from the
industry/organization if they are requested to do so.

10.2 Log Book

The evaluation of the log book will be based on the following:

Contents Marks (%)

1. Neatness of the daily reports 10
2. Acknowledgement by the 10
organization supervisor (at least
once a week)
3. Descriptions of the equipment or 40
system being used and a summary
of the procedure.
4. Detailed contents and the learning 40
as experienced by the student.

The evaluation of the log book will be done by the respective faculty

10.3 Evaluation Report by the Faculty Supervisor
Evaluation by the faculty supervsior will be based on interviews
comprising of the following:

10.3.1 Ability to describe the training experience that students have

undergone and the acclimatization process during the training.
10.3.2 Mature responses to the questions and ability to discuss the
problems with the supervsior.

10.4 Evaluation Report by the Industry/Organization Supervisor

The industry/organization supervisor will have to evaluate the

performance of the students undergoing the training based on the two
scopes listed below:

10.4.1 Work performance will include the following:

Working knowledge
Trustworthiness to complete task within the time given
Time needed to acquire the working skills
Need for supervision
Work Quality

10.4.2 Generic Skills will include:

Communicative ability
Initiative and Motivation
Attitude towards work

10.5 Marking System

10.5.1 The marking system for the IT/IP for a duration of 10 weeks
will be based on the following:

Contents Marks (%)
1. Industrial Training Report 40
2. Evaluation Report by the Industry 30
3. Evaluation Report by the Faculty 20
4. Log Book 10

10.5.2 The marking system for the IT/IP for a duration of ONE
SEMESTER will be based on the following:

Contents Marks (%)

1. Industrial Training Report
Written Report 60
Oral Presentation 40

2. Performance Report of Student
Report by Industry Supervisor 50
Report by Faculty Supervisor 30
Log Book 20


Students must pass both evaluations as shown above. Students

who fail the reports section will have to re-submit the reports
within the stipulated time without undergoing the IT/IP again
but those who failed the training section will have to repeat the
IT/IP and send new reports.

11.0 Conditions to Pass the Industrial/Practical Training

The IT/IP passing marks should be 60% of the total assesment on the
condition that the total marks awarded by the supervisors from the faculty
and industry must not be less than 50%.

Students classified as failures will be required to repeat the training in another
organization at a time determined by the faculty if they have done the

11.1 The attendance of the students is less than 80% of the total duration of
the IT/IP training (inclusive of sick leave, accident , etc.)
11.2 Have gone against the rules and regulations specified by UTM and
the organization hosting the training.

12.0 Plagiarism/ Copying

Plagiarism is defined as the act of using another persons work without the
proper acknowledgement and admitting it as your own work. The ideas and
writings taken from the original source without the acknowledgements will
be viewed as plagiarism.

The following actions are viewed as plagiarism:

i) Copying or lifting texts and using them as your own written effort.
The excerpts must be reviewed and rewritten using own words and
the source of the information must be included.
ii) Ideas taken directly from a source or reference without
acknowledgements. The direct lifting of ideas should use the
quotation style of writing and cited accordingly.

Further information on plagiarism can be obtained from the Gaya Dewan


Plagiarism is a serious academic misconduct and actions can be taken based

according to the University Code of Conduct.

13.0 Breaking the Rules: Industry/Organization

Students who have broken the rules of the industry/organization where they
are undergoing training by damaging or tarnishing the reputation of the
university will face disciplinary actions according to the provisions in the
University and College Act, 1971, Procedures of Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia ( Student Conduct) 1999.

14.0 Conclusion
This Rules and Regulations Manual for the Industrial/Practical Training will
be used to coordinate the administration of IT/IP for all faculties in UTM.


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