Glulam - Service Class 1

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Project Job Ref.

Timber Design
Section Sheet no./rev.
PnE Consultants
#12-09 Manhattan House
Singapore 169876 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

P 7/11/2017



In accordance with EN1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 and Corrigendum No.1 and the recommended values
Tedds calculation version 1.6.00

mm 3084
A 1 B

Load Envelope - Com bination 1


mm 3084
A 1 B

Bending Moment Envelope


60.717 59.7 60.7 60.6

mm 3084
A 1 B

Shear Force Envelope



mm 3084
A 1 B

Applied loading
Beam loads
Self-Weight Permanent self weight of beam 1
Plywood Permanent full UDL 0.200 kN/m
Traffic Load Variable full UDL 1.371 kN/m
Axle Load P1 Variable point load 41.150 kN at 914 mm
Axle Load P2 Variable point load 41.150 kN at 2134 mm
Load combinations
Load combination 1 Support A Permanent 1.35
Project Job Ref.

Timber Design
Section Sheet no./rev.
PnE Consultants
#12-09 Manhattan House
Singapore 169876 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

P 7/11/2017

Variable 1.50
Span 1 Permanent 1.35
Variable 1.50
Support B Permanent 1.35
Variable 1.50
Analysis results
Maximum moment; Mmax = 60.717 kNm; Mmin = 0.000 kNm
Design moment; M = max(abs(Mmax),abs(Mmin)) = 60.717 kNm
Maximum shear; Fmax = 66.452 kN; Fmin = -65.011 kN
Design shear; F = max(abs(Fmax),abs(Fmin)) = 66.452 kN
Total load on beam; Wtot = 131.463 kN
Reactions at support A; RA_max = 66.452 kN; RA_min = 66.452 kN
Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 0.619 kN
Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 43.744 kN
Reactions at support B; RB_max = 65.011 kN; RB_min = 65.011 kN
Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 0.619 kN
Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 42.784 kN

Glulam section details

Breadth of glulam section; b = 171 mm
Depth of glulam section; h = 343 mm
Number of glulam sections in member; N=1
Overall breadth of glulam member; bb = N b = 171 mm
Glulam strength class - EN 1194:1999 - Table 2; GL24c
Member details
Load duration - cl.; Instantaneous
Service class of timber - cl.; 1
Length of bearing; Lb = 100 mm
Section properties
Cross sectional area of member; A = N b h = 58653 mm2
Section modulus; Wy = N b h2 / 6 = 3352997 mm3
Wz = h (N b)2 / 6 = 1671611 mm3
Second moment of area; Iy = N b h3 / 12 = 575038900 mm4
Iz = h (N b)3 / 12 = 142922698 mm4
Radius of gyration; ry = (Iy / A) = 99.0 mm
rz = (Iz / A) = 49.4 mm
Partial factor for material properties and resistances
Partial factor for material properties - Table 2.3; M = 1.250
Project Job Ref.

Timber Design
Section Sheet no./rev.
PnE Consultants
#12-09 Manhattan House
Singapore 169876 Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

P 7/11/2017

Modification factors
Modification factor for load duration and moisture content - Table 3.1
kmod = 1.100
Deformation factor for service classes - Table 3.2; kdef = 0.600
Depth factor for bending - exp.3.2; kh.m = min((600 mm / h)0.1, 1.1) = 1.058
Depth factor for tension - exp.3.2; kh.t = min((600 mm / max(b, h))0.1, 1.1) = 1.058
Bending stress re-distribution factor - cl.6.1.6(2); km = 0.700
Crack factor for shear resistance - cl.6.1.7(2); kcr = 0.670
Load configuration factor - exp.6.4; kc.90 = 1.000
System strength factor - cl.6.6; ksys = 1.000
Lateral buckling factor - cl.6.3.3(5); kcrit = 1.000
Compression perpendicular to the grain - cl.6.1.5
Design compressive stress; c.90.d = RA_max / (N b Lb) = 3.886 N/mm2
Design compressive strength; fc.90.d = kmod ksys kc.90 fc.90.g.k / M = 2.112 N/mm2
c.90.d / fc.90.d = 1.840
FAIL - Design compressive stress exceeds design compressive strength at bearing
Bending - cl 6.1.6
Design bending stress; m.d = M / Wy = 18.108 N/mm2
Design bending strength; fm.d = kh.m kmod ksys kcrit fm.g.k / M = 22.335 N/mm2
m.d / fm.d = 0.811
PASS - Design bending strength exceeds design bending stress

Shear - cl.6.1.7
Applied shear stress; d = 3 F / (2 kcr A) = 2.536 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress; fv.d = kmod ksys fv.g.k / M = 1.936 N/mm2
d / fv.d = 1.310
FAIL - Design shear stress exceeds design shear strength
Deflection - cl.7.2
Deflection limit; lim = 0.004 Ls1 = 12.336 mm
Instantaneous deflection due to permanent load; instG = 0.087 mm
Final deflection due to permanent load; finG = instG (1 + kdef) = 0.140 mm
Instantaneous deflection due to variable load; instQ = 7.634 mm
Factor for quasi-permanent variable action; 2 = 0.6
Final deflection due to variable load; finQ = instQ (1 + 2 kdef) = 10.382 mm
Total final deflection; fin = finG + finQ = 10.522 mm
fin / lim = 0.853
PASS - Total final deflection is less than the deflection limit

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