Gashem Shookat Baksh V CA

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Gashem Shookat Baksh v. Court of Appeals and Marilou T.

Gonzales held at the end of October 1987 by looking for pigs and chickens, inviting
G.R. No. 97336 February 19, 1993 friends and relatives and contracting sponsors.

Facts: CA: Affirmed in toto the decision of the RTC. It ruled that plaintiff, then only
21 years old when she met defendant who was already 29 years old at the
1. Marilou Gonzales (private respondent) filed a complaint for damages time, does not appear to be a girl of loose morals. It is uncontradicted that
against the petitioner for the alleged violation of their agreement to she was a virgin prior to her unfortunate experience with defendant and
get married. never had boyfriend. She is, as described by the lower court, a barrio lass
2. She alleges the following facts: "not used and accustomed to trend of modern urban life", and certainly would
a. She is twenty-two (22) years old, single, Filipino and a pretty not have allowed "herself to be deflowered by the defendant if there was no
lass of good moral character and reputation duly respected persuasive promise made by the defendant to marry her."
in her community;
b. Petitioner, on the other hand, is an Iranian citizen residing at Issue: Whether Article 21 of the Civil Code applies to the case at bar.
the Lozano Apartments, Guilig, Dagupan City, and is an
exchange student taking a medical course at the Lyceum Held:
Northwestern Colleges in Dagupan City;
c. Before 20 August 1987, the latter courted and proposed to The existing rule is that a breach of promise to marry per se is not an
marry her; she accepted his love on the condition that they actionable wrong. This notwithstanding, the said Code contains a
would get married; provision, Article 21, which is designed to expand the concept of
d. Petitioner then visited the private respondent's parents in torts or quasi-delict in this jurisdiction by granting adequate legal
Baaga, Bugallon, Pangasinan to secure their approval to remedy for the untold number of moral wrongs which is impossible
the marriage; for human foresight to specifically enumerate and punish in the
e. Sometime in 20 August 1987 the petitioner forced her to live statute books.
with him in the Lozano Apartments; she was a virgin before Where a man's promise to marry is in fact the proximate cause of the
she began living with him; acceptance of his love by a woman and his representation to fulfill
f. A week before the filing of the complaint, petitioner's attitude that promise thereafter becomes the proximate cause of the giving of
towards her started to change; he maltreated and threatened herself unto him in a sexual congress, proof that he had, in reality, no
to kill her; as a result of such maltreatment, she sustained intention of marrying her and that the promise was only a subtle
injuries; scheme or deceptive device to entice or inveigle her to accept him
g. During a confrontation with a representative of the barangay and to obtain her consent to the sexual act, could justify the award of
captain of Guilig a day before the filing of the complaint, damages pursuant to Article 21 not because of such promise to
petitioner repudiated their marriage agreement and asked marry but because of the fraud and deceit behind it and the willful
her not to live with him anymore and; injury to her honor and reputation which followed thereafter. It is
h. The petitioner is already married to someone living in essential, however, that such injury should have been committed in a
Bacolod City. manner contrary to morals, good customs or public policy.
In the instant case, respondent Court found that it was the
RTCs findings and ruling: petitioner's "fraudulent and deceptive protestations of love for and
promise to marry plaintiff that made her surrender her virtue and
The trial court granted the prayer of private respondent, applying Article 21 of womanhood to him and to live with him on the honest and sincere
the Civil Code. Marilou was then awarded P20,000 as moral damages. It belief that he would keep said promise, and it was likewise these
based its conclusion on the following grounds: a) petitioner, through fraud and deception on appellant's part that made plaintiff's parents
machinations, deceit and false pretenses, promised to marry private agree to their daughter's living-in with him preparatory to their
respondent and because of his persuasive promise to marry her, she allowed supposed marriage."
herself to be deflowered by him; and (b) by reason of that deceitful promise, Article 21 was meant to expand the concepts of torts and quasi-
private respondent and her parents in accordance with Filipino customs delict. It is meant to cover situations such as this case where the
and traditions made some preparations for the wedding that was to be breach complained of is not strictly covered by existing laws. It was
meant as a legal remedy for the untold number of moral wrongs
which is impossible for human foresight to specifically enumerate
and punish in the statute books such as the absence of a law
penalizing a the breach of promise to marry.

Tanjanco vs. Court of Appeals: The essential feature is seduction, that in law
is more than mere sexual intercourse, or a breach of a promise of marriage;
it connotes essentially the idea of deceit, enticement, superior power or
abuse of confidence on the part of the seducer to which the woman has

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