Week 1 HW - Whole Numbers
Week 1 HW - Whole Numbers
Week 1 HW - Whole Numbers
Find the quotient. Find the quotient. Find the quotient. Find the quotient.
Find the sum. Find the sum. Find the sum. Find the sum.
256 329 324 483
+ 483 + 759 + 251 + 256
Find the difference. Find the difference. Find the difference. Find the difference.
5884 2884 324 985
278 578 251 721
Find the products. Find the products. Find the products. Find the products.
9 x 8= 9 x 7= 9 x 5= 9 x 6=
7 x 9= 7 x 6= 9 x 9= 7 x 3=
6 x 8= 6 x 5= 6 x 8= 6 x 2=
7 x 8= 7 x 9= 6 x 8= 7 x 0=
6 x 9= 6 x 3= 3 x 9= 6 x 6=
List the first 3 List the first 3 List the first 3 List the first 3
multiples of multiples of multiples of multiples of
1: 2: 3: 4:
5: 5: 6: 7:
8: 9: 10: 0:
Find the product. Find the product. Find the product. Find the product.
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat
Directions: Turn each of the words below into their past-tense form to
complete the crossword puzzle. Due Friday.
Due Friday
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat
Read Aloud Due Friday
Directions: Practice using expression by reading the passage below out loud three times to
a friend or family member. Have your family member initial in a box below each time you
Understanding the mood of a selection can help you read aloud with expression. If you read every
word in the same way, your reading would sound uninteresting. To show expression, you change
your voice when pronouncing different words and phrases.
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat