ENG343AA Wheeling
ENG343AA Wheeling
ENG343AA Wheeling
Instructor-supplied and widely available public-domain textual and audio-visual materials.
Course Description:
Meeting at the crossroads of philosophy and cultural studies, this course examines excerpts
from contemporary literature, both fiction and non-fiction, as well as contemporary film, to
detect trends in cultural beliefs and world views, especially those pertaining to personal and
social responsibility. (3 hrs.)
ENG 175, ENG 176
Course Materials:
See above, also online resources, handouts, and audio-visual materials.
Learning Objectives/Goals:
Upon completion of Contemporary American Culture, students should be able to
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1. Discuss knowledgably aspects of and significant developments in contemporary
American culture.
2. Identify and define key terms and concepts in the field of Cultural Studies.
3. Analyze contemporary cultural texts using the tools of the discipline: close reading,
critical thinking, critical approaches, key terms and concepts, secondary texts, academic
Topics Covered:
1. Cultural Studies as an Academic Discipline
2. Contemporary American Culture
3. Thematic Focus Exploration
4. Research, Writing, and Presentations in Cultural Studies
Course Format:
ENG 343, Contemporary American Culture, will offer lecture, discussion, and individual and
group activities at every class meeting. Course requirements (explained below) will include
multiple brief assignments, a midterm and a final exam, and a researched essay.
Course Policies
Attendance is required. Missing 8 class meetingsno matter the reasonwill result in an
automatic failure (F) of the course. Of course, missing fewer is no guarantee of passing.
ALL absences count toward this totaleven athletic and medicaland will simply be marked
Unexcused on the Campus Web attendance roster for efficiencys sake. I do understand that
all students have unavoidable absences from time to time.
Tardiness and leaving class early (partial absences) will accrue toward total absences.
If you know in advance that you must miss classes for reasons such as GBC athletics, a
scheduled medical procedure, etc., please notify me in writing. It is your responsibility to
submit your work or take your test BEFORE such absence occurs. The absence will still count
toward the absence maximum.
GBC athletes who have games taking them out of class during the semester must present the
professor with a game schedule, showing what days and times the student will need to miss.
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Late and Missed Assignments
Late researched essays and brief assignments will be penalized the longer they are overdue.
Some missed assignments cannot be made up. I will drop the lowest brief assignment score.
Make-Up Tests
Make-up exams are only permitted for valid emergencies, at the professors discretion. If you
have an athletic event scheduled for the same time as an exam, it is your responsibility to alert
your professor before your absence, in enough time to schedule a make-up exam in the ARC.
Course Requirements
Following are descriptions of the major requirements meant to foster achievement of the
courses Learning Objectives:
Brief Assignments (30% of final grade):
Students will complete multiple brief assignments including quizzes, memorization
activities, and writing exercises. These will be averaged together to count for 30% of the
final course grade. (The lowest brief assignment grade will be dropped.)
Two Essay Exams (50% of final grade):
The class will take two essay exams, one at the midterm and one at the end of term.
Each exam will count for 25% of the final course grade; together they are worth 50%.
Researched Essay (20% of final grade):
Students will write a researched essay on an approved topic to count for 20% of the
final course grade. This essay will include several preliminary components (topic
proposal, conference, annotated bibliography, etc.), the timely completion of which is
necessary in order for a student to continue with the assignment. Students will use the
MLA (Modern Language Association) documentation style for academic writing in
literature courses.
Grading Policy
See the Course Requirements section above for the grade percentage breakdown. I follow
GBCs undergraduate grading scale for issuing final letter grades. Select "Grading System" at
http://catalog.gbc.edu/content.php?catoid=1&navoid=27 to see the scale.
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At the Academic Resource Center (ARC), you can schedule tutoring, reviews, or proctored
tests. For details, visit the ARC website (https://www.gbc.edu/academics/academic-
resources/tutoring-support.html). Phone the ARC at 302-225-6229.
Academic Integrity
All courses taught at Goldey-Beacom College are governed by the GBC Academic Honor
Code. A full description of the Honor Code and related procedures is available on the web at
Goldey-Beacom College Academic Honor Code (http://go.gbc.edu/honor-code).
Remember that ignorance of the proper use of sources is no excuse for a violation. Any
alleged academic dishonesty in this class will be addressed according to official procedures. It
is the professors prerogative to determine the appropriate penalty for academic offenses.
Penalties for violations of the Honor Code in my class can range from a zero on the work in
question to an F for the entire course.
I require all work submitted to be produced originally for this course. Recycling old
assignments or simultaneously submitting the same work to ENG 274 and another class
defeats the purpose of our unique learning process and gives you unfair academic advantage.
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College Policies & Resources
Accessibility at GBC
The Financial Aid/Advisement Office serves as the first point of contact for students to discuss
consideration for reasonable accommodations and as the location to provide documentation
for requested accommodations, as required. Please visit the Financial Aid/Advisement Office
on campus for more information.
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