Bou1177 PDF
Bou1177 PDF
Bou1177 PDF
To my dear grandmother ZOULIKHA who has always been my caring and tender
second mother.
To all my relatives.
I also want to show my cordial gratitude to all those who have been my
teachers especially: Dr. LABED Nacif , and Miss BENZAHRA Radia for their valuable
in turn, can help students to realize its greater influence in uplifting their writing
situations. However, the teacher should interact and help them to understand how
the English orthographe functions and how to apply their knowledge while writing.
This research work aims at evaluating the importance of the introduction of spelling
at university, and how this can be a beneficial tool as input for the acquisition of new
vocabulary, then a helpful means to produce a correct writing. To attain such an aim,
we administered a pre-test and a post-test. The former was intended to determine the
pre-instructional knowledge of the graphic form of words, whereas the latter was
aimed at finding out whether the spelling strategy implemented during instruction was
effective in enhancing the subjects ability to write with less spelling mistakes. The
test was interposed by two sequential lessons. The results of this innovative
investigation have confirmed the hypothesis which states that if we train students to
pay a careful attention to the form of words this would help them to spell them and
write correctly. The learners under investigation proved to have learnt most of the
O1: Pre-test
O2: Post-test
X: Treatment
%: Percentage
N: Number
3. Research Questions..2
4. Hypothesis....3
5. Means of Research...3
1. Introduction.5
2. Teaching Vocabulary..5
3. Vocabulary Description..10
3.1. Lexicology...10
3.2. Lexicography..12
5. Learning Vocabulary..14
8.1.Spelling Strategies.20
12. Conclusion..32
1. The Participants34
2. The Method........34
3.2.1 Nouns....................37
3.2.3 Adjectives..46
3.2.4 Adverbs..48
3.2.5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................49
General Conclusion.50
Appendix 1...51
Appendix 2....52
3. Research Questions
4. Hypothesis
5. Means of Research
1. Statement of the Problem
Within the context of English as a Foreign Language, it has been observed that
students have serious problems in writing. Spelling is one such area where students
This research aims at highlighting the importance of word-form; that is, drawing
the students attention to the way words are spelled. We would attempt to discuss the
3. Research Questions
4. Hypothesis
The following study is related to the nature of the relationship between spelling as
first-year students were trained for better vocabulary writing through the appropriate
5. Means of Research
To reach the aim of the study, we rely on the dictation test. The test is held
through the administration of a pre-test and a post-test to the learners. The pre-
test paves the ground to view the current level of students writing, and the post-
test reveals the effectiveness of spelling strategy which was the central point in
Chapter One:
2. Teaching Vocabulary
3. Vocabulary Description
3.1. Lexicology
3.2. Lexicography
5. Learning Vocabulary
7. Learning Strategies
8.1.Spelling Strategies
12. Conclusion
Vocabulary acquisition is considered as an integral and fundamental area of
language teaching/learning. Whether the language is first, second or foreign, it would
be impossible to learn a language without its lexis. Nevertheless, vocabulary
instruction and learning has not been recognized as a priority in language teaching
until the 1970s and early 1980s. Specialists had given high credit to grammar and
phonology at the expense of vocabulary. Wilkins (1972) posits that: without grammar
very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be converged. This is
evidence that in learning a language, grammar is not sufficient and it is the right time
to cast light upon lexis.
Vocabulary has been the object of scientific studies, namely lexicology and
lexicography and the concern of development in methods investigating how it can be
best taught. We will cast light on explicit versus implicit learning; also, vocabulary
strategies that were the central field of investigation for years. Among various
strategies we will focus on spelling strategy.
1. Teaching Vocabulary
The definition of vocabulary relates to various views about the nature and use
made of vocabulary in the Longman dictionary (1995); vocabulary is defined as all
the words that someone knows, learns or uses. The Oxford Dictionary (2002) defines
vocabulary as the body of words used in a particular language or in a particular
sphere. Todd (1987) argues that there is an orthographic, morphological, lexical and
semantic aspect of the word. The orthographic word has a space on both sides of it.
A morphological word considers the form only. A lexical word considers all the forms
a word can take and which are clearly related by meaning. A semantic word
considers the distinction between items that may be morphologically identical but
differ in meaning
The aim of this historical overview is to gain a better understanding of the place
look at the major language teaching approaches and methods that have been used
up to now.
For Brown (2000), there have been a lot of methods in language teaching each
of which is more or less discarded in due course as a new method takes place. The
Grammar translation method, the Direct method, the Audio-Lingual method, the
To begin with, language teaching in the16th century had as its target the
traditional Grammar Translation method. This method was developed to teach Latin,
was first named as such in Germany in the 1780) introduced the idea of presenting
students with abstract grammatical rules, and word lists, and then translation
exercises in which they had to make use of the same rules and words. The goal was
to develop the writing and reading skills. Speaking aspect was neglected, and oral
practice consisted only in reading aloud the translated sentences. The sentence was
considered as a basic teaching unit, and its accurate production was emphasized. In
short, knowledge of the grammatical rules was regarded as more important than
communication and the focus was on teaching about the language rather than
learning to use it in actual situations. Grammar-translation still has relevance today,
though it is not practiced as a method in the same way. But, most language learners
translate in their heads at various stages, and they (and we) can learn about a
foreign language by comparing some of it with parts of the mother tongue. A focus on
grammar-translation halts learners from getting the kind of natural language inputs
that will help them acquire language, and it fails to give them opportunities to activate
their linguistic bath. Because of the criticism addressed to this method, new
methods emerged.
Innovations in the mid and end of the 19th century contributed to the rejection of
Grammar Translation method. There was an increasing demand for the ability to
that change through what came to be known as the Reform Movement. It was
language. Gouin ( cited in Richards and Rodgers, 1986) was one of the 19th century
Berlitz by the twentieth century, whose core principle was that S.L. learning is like the
first language learning, engaged the learners in the studying of words referring to
The Direct Method was reported to have many shortcomings. First, the use of
L1 was strictly forbidden though it is sometimes needed to aid gain time and save
effort. Second, this method over-emphasized the similarities between L1 acquisition
and L2 learning, and failed to consider the practical realities of the classroom. Third,
the Direct Method lacked the strong theoretical foundation. It suggested innovations
methodological principles the exclusive use of L2 and the mere exposure to it were
dominant throughout the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. It was highly influenced by
Charles Fries book which was published in 1945 entitled Teaching and Learning
suggested that much learning is the result of habit formation. The audio-lingual
method downgraded lexis to secondary position in the field of teaching and learning a
Foreign Language. At that time, the teaching of vocabulary was restricted and also
ones ability to produce an infinite number of sentences with finite means and he
stressed grammatical rules at the expense of lexis. His theory did little to challenge
the view that vocabulary was inferior to grammar. Language learning approaches
based on this theory saw learning as rule acquisition not habit formation, and
Hymes while not rejecting Chomskys mode, extended it and gave greater
relation with contexts and situations, promoted fluency over accuracy and
Harmer (2007) claims that in more recent years, interest has been given to
vocabulary. In the 1990s, for example, there was considerable discussion about the
structure our curriculum around lexical chunks rather than grammar functions or other
units of organizations. The lexicon is seen as playing a much more central role in
2. Lexis was misunderstood in the language teaching because the assumption that
4. One of the central organizing principles of any meaning-centred syllabus should be
All language methods have some common points. They see phonology and
2. Vocabulary Description
The two branches of linguistics that are concerned with the study of
vocabulary and its different forms and uses are lexicology and lexicography. So as to
depict and explore vocabulary in a good way, we must discuss both of them.
2 .1. Lexicology
language. It is concerned with word classes (how they are formed by affixation or
Word class is a grammatical term to describe words that belong to the same part of
speech. Harmer (2007) believes that the English language is classified in eight parts of
speech: Noun, pronoun, adjective, verbs, adverb, preposition, determiner and conjunction.
A noun is a word (or group of words) that is a named of: a person, a place,
A verb is a word (or group of words) which is used in describing: an action,
or pronoun; on, in, by, at. Examples: Bring me two bottles of juice/ Put that
A determiner is:
and conversion.
letter or a group of letters to the base. Affixes can be divided into prefixes,
which are attached before a base (as in dislike, where dis is a prefix),
suffixes, which are attached after a base (as in freedom, where, done is a
Conversion also called zero affixation is the fact that different word
classes may be used without changing the word form; for example, the
In some cases of conversion , the words have the same form but different
Many involve pronunciation and spelling changes for example, advice/ advais /
2.2. Lexicography
dictionaries. Dictionaries are used for a wide range of purposes. They are a good
source of information and can serve as an aid to learning. In dictionaries, we find the
list of lexical items of a language put in an alphabetical order with information about
the spelling, the pronunciation, the meaning, the usage. Generally, learners consult
dictionaries to check spelling look up the meaning of unfamiliar words and confirm
Researchers are interested in investigating the part that dictionaries play in the
can be one important and effective component of understanding a word deeply. The
entries can also help students determine the precise meaning of a word. Dictionaries
can provide helpful information about the history of a word and reinforce the
discussion of run-on entries illustrates how words entry can include information
The advantage of using the dictionary is that the dictionary helps retention,
because students who use the dictionary can remember more word meanings than
those who had not. In addition, dictionaries are valuable tools for learners since they
give them independence from the teacher. But students need to be trained in the use
of dictionaries, so, teachers should create occasions where learners practice their
use effectively.
receptive carries the idea that we receive language input from others through
listening or reading and try to comprehend it, productive that we produce language
Read (2000) emphasized that it is worth noting the distinction between productive
and receptive vocabulary for the teaching purposes. Native speakers and foreign
learners alike recognize and understand more words than they actually use. The
words they recognize but do not use are items by which their passive vocabularies
exceed their active / productive ones. Native speakers hear or see a word many
times in many slightly differing contexts and collocations before they begin to use it in
their minds before it comes to the tip of their tongues or pens. When considering a
language teaching or learning situation, we can say that there is a kind of continuum
between passive and active vocabulary. Often, a given item may transit gradually
4. Learning Vocabulary
In the past fifteen years, the field of second language acquisition has seen
teaching focuses initially on current issues in teaching, i.e. deciding which items to
teach and how to teach them, on implicit and explicit learning and vocabulary
learning strategies.
pinpoint areas that need further exploration. To this end, we centers upon one
the distinction between knowing a word and using a word. In other words, the aim of
vocabulary learning should include both recalling words and the ability to apply them
either implicitly or explicitly and both contribute to language learning. There exists a
central debate emerging from the studies dealt with whether effective vocabulary
on vocabulary. Incidental vocabulary is learning that occurs when the mind is focused
understanding a text or using language for communicative purposes. From a
continuum, and complex tasks may combine both explicit and implicit subtasks. Most
approach that includes explicit teaching together with activities providing appropriate
attention to lexis. Skmen (1997; cited in Celce-Mercia, 2001) highlights several key
questions of particular interest for language teachers. For example, which words do
learners need to know? How will they learn them? How to establish a lexical syllabus
integrating new words with old, providing a number of encounters with a word,
Harmer (1991) notes that concrete words ought to be taught at lower level, and
abstract words at higher level taking into account the cognitive development of the
learner. In addition to that, some researchers also emphasized that for groups of
foreign language at university need to acquire further than one thousand high-
frequency words beyond the initial ones, plus the strategies to deal with the low
- teaching words in their appropriate lexical field,
In implicit learning, the assumption is that new lexis will be grasped incidentally,
through exposure to various contexts, reading passage and other material without
through exposure when ones attention is focused on the use of language, rather
instruction and practice in the first two to three thousand high frequency words, while
beyond this level, most low frequency words will be learned incidentally while
listening or reading.
6. Learning Strategies
Language Learning Strategies include strategies for identifying the material that
needs to be learned, distinguishing it from other materials. In our current research for
and so forth, to pave the way for easy teaching of vocabulary. Then, committing the
spelling strategy to acquire a large vocabulary background that will have a direct
impact on the students writings. Adult learners may have a keen sense of just what it
is they may need to commit to memory (for example: certain complex vocabulary or
grammatical forms) and what they can leave to more authomatized language
The term learning strategies refers to the steps taken by the students to help the
acquisition of, storage, retrieval of information. OMalley and Chamot (1990) specified
use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain information. Whereas, Faerch and
Kasper (1980) point out that learning strategies are the particular techniques which
learners use when trying to handle the SL/FL input so as to enhance the linguistic
the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information. Brown (2000) says that;
operation for achieving a particular end, planned designs for controlling and
manipulating certain information, they are contextualized battle plans that might
whether the students were giving them peripheral or focal attention at that time can
and reinforced it can help students to improve their performance). Language learning
strategies include strategies for identifying the material that needs to be learned,
distinguishing it from other material if need be, grouping it for easier learning. We
apply this technique of grouping vocabulary by category into; nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, and so forth to choose words for instruction, and formally,
suggests two classes, six groups and nineteen sets of learning strategies and
b: Cognitive Strategies
c: Componsation Strategies
Learning Strategies
b: Affective Strategies
c: Social Strategies
distinction made between direct and indirect strategies, each of which is then broken
down into a number of substrategies. Direct Strategies are those that directly involve
the target language in the sense that they require mental processing of the language,
whereas Indirect Strategies" provide indirect support for language learning through
cooperation and empathy and other means"(Oxford 1990:151). She has developed
been identified by Oxford (1990). The first diagram represents direct strategies. The
direct strategies are divided into three categories; Cognitive strategies, Memory
strategies, and Compensation strategies. The second diagram represents the indirect
Social strategies.
Memory strategies help learners link one L2 element or concept with another, but
learners to learn and retrieve information in an orderly string (e.g., acronyms), while
other techniques create learning and retrieval via sounds (e.g., rhyming), images
(e.g., a mental picture of the word itself or the meaning of the word), a combination of
sounds and images (e.g., keyword method), body movement (e.g., on a page or a
Compensation strategies that are used for speaking and writing often known as one
Metacognitive strategies used information processing theory to indicate an
monitoring. They are behaviours used for centering, arranging, planning and
Affective strategies, such as identifying ones moods and anxiety level, talking
about feelings, rewarding oneself for good performance, and using deep breathing or
Social strategies (e.g., asking questions to get verification, asking for clarification
of a confusing point, asking for help in doing a language task, talking with a native-
speaking conversation partner, and exploring cultural and social norms) help the
learners work with others and understand the target culture as well as the language.
anxiety, anger or contentment about the learning process itself. Such strategies can
have positive or negative impact on the learning process because of fear of failure,
while activities and games may relax the atmosphere and make learning enjoyable.
Spelling strategy is a chosen method to learn and remember spelling using one
or all of the senses including the eyes, ears, hands and lips. Choice will often depend
on the individuals preferred learning style. Brown (2000: 119) defines style as a term
individual. Styles are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning (and
personality type as well) that pertain to the individual and that differentiate him from
someone else. For example, you might be more visually oriented, more tolerant of
ambiguity or more reflective than someone else- these would be styles that
One of the salient dimensions in a formal classroom setting is the preference that
learners show toward either visual, auditory and/ or kinesthetic input. Visual learners
tend to prefer reading and studying charts, drawing and other graphic information.
Aural learners seem to learn best by ear. And kinesthetic learners will show a
preference for demonstration and physical action such as miming or role-play seems
styles. Most successful learners utilize both visual and auditory input, but preference
of one way over another one distinguishes one learner from another, an important
According to Barson and Strawson (1976) spelling styles imply that learners
have preferred methods of learning. Those who sound out words and match these to
the letters that present them are sometimes called Phoenician spellers and have
good auditory skills. Those who take a snapshot of words and recognize whole words
and spelling patterns are called Chinese spellers and have good visual memories.
The shorter Oxford English dictionary (1933) defines spelling as the writing of a
word or words with the necessary letters and diacritics present in an accepted
sounds of the language into alphabetic letters; however, completely phonetic
spellings are often the exception, due to drifts in pronunciations over irregular
Spelling in English is irregular and difficult. This is because there is often more
than one way of spelling a sound, and more than one way of pronouncing a letter.
The situation is complicated by the existence of words which are spelt the same but
have different sounds and different meanings such as lead (to show or guide) lead
(metal) Susan will lead you to your car; Luke collects lead soldiers(homographs).
spelling and different meaning such as to- two- too: I go to school; We have two cars;
Breath: His breath came in short gasps at the end of the race.
Site:The site of the new school has not been decided on.
Its: Its too late now for excuses. (contraction of it is, it has).
Write: Please write me a letter when you arrive.
Researcher studies have shown that as many as eight out of every ten words are spelt
according to a regular pattern and that only three per cent of words are so
unpredictable that they have to be learned by rote. This three per cent includes many
of most common words in English such as one, two, you , were, would, said which.
Because of their frequency, dont cause learners many problems. This means that
there are rules that govern English Spellings. Dorman(1991) suggests five rules:
EXCEPTIONS : either, neither, foreign, forfeit, height, leisure, weird, seize, sheik
Usually drop a silent final e before a suffix that begins with a vowel. Usually keep
love + able=lovable
EXCEPTIONS: dying, singeing, mileage, noticeable, courageous.
When a final y follows a consonant, change y to I before a suffix except when the
Double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel, if the word has
Form plurals correctly. Add s to form the plurals of most words. Add es to form the
plurals of words ending in: s, sh, ch, or x. For most words ending in y , change the y t
Form the plural of hyphenated words by adding s to the main word.
Form the plural of most nouns ending in f or fe by adding s. But the plural of
the some Of these nouns is formed by changing the f to v and adding s or es.
Many spelling errors come from confusion over the meaning and correct spelling
of commonly used words. Learn the spelling and the meaning of the following
confused words.
Brake to stop
Break to smash
Formerly previously
Instance an example
Instants moments
Stationary unmoving
To toward
Your possessive of you
Britain marriage rhythm
Surprise usually
associated with the retention of what we need and the retrieval of information about
what happened to us in the past". In other words, we recall only the salient
information we need and which help us bridge appropriately a problem gap. But the
other elements remain stored in our memory until we need to retrieve them. The
brain stores; words, sentences, pictures and whatever information into cerebral
electric waves, then stores them, and recalls them whenever needed. The brain also
question. The brain retains, classifies and maps semantically vocabularies according
to the students familiarity with a word. And the recognition of lexis with which the
learner is familiar and which he recognizes relying primarily upon his retention
strategies such as spelling strategy which enables the learner to acquire/ learn a
titanic of vocabularies which are stored in the learners mind and retrieved when he is
attention and consciousness in processing information, but almost leave no room for
investigating the place of memory in acquiring languages and other types of skill
getting activities. This ignorance of memory may be traced back to the negative
languages, but neglects human intentional capacities to a great extent. Logan, Taylor
and Etherton (1986) investigate the role of attention in the acquisition and expression
of automaticity, they advocate that "attention determines what goes into memory
trace in encoding as well as what is taking out of it at retrieval time". It becomes clear
that good performance requires a good memory which is responsible for both
one hand and on the acuteness of memory on the other hand. Some learners have
better memories than others they can learn by heart. They have great power of
encoding facts in their mind and can call them back when needed. Others have less
Touch eye
Sensory memory
millisecond-1 second)
working Memory
1 minute
First, the teacher has to decide on how many words to present in the lesson;
usually five (5) to seven (7) new words are quite enough. The reason behind this is
the belief that learners can only internalize/memorize about six (6) new words during
one lesson Second, the words selected for presentation ought to be useful for the
- Sound and meaning: the teacher says the words two or three times she pronounces
- The teacher should make the class repeat the new words a few times;
- The teacher also should write the word form clearly in the chalkboard and the
- The last step is to make a word in an illustrative sentence; learners are given the
chance to practice the new words so that they can memorize them.
Ott (2007) defines perception as the process whereby information from five
sounds spoken and heard and includes blending, discrimination, and memory
and distinguish between letters, numbers, geometric patterns, pictures, and include
visual discrimination, memory and awareness of whole or parts of letter words and
pattern.-the second step is attention that requires a focus on a certain stimulus and
the exclusion of the others one. For example, while presenting a new vocabulary item
the learner ought to focus attention on its form (how it is spelled), meaning and
pronunciation. The information (new words) that the learner perceives and pays
attention to is transferred to the second component of the memory system. The short
term memory which is a storage system that can hold a limited amount of
information for few second, It is part of memory information that is currently being
thought about is stored and it disappears when we stop thinking about it.
Another term for shortterm memory is working memory. Ott (2007) points out that
subtracted. In other words, two things are done at once. It can include auditory
memory, motor memory, visual memory and semantic memory. The more students
manipulate and think about a word, the more likely it is that the word will be
transferred into long term memory. Research indicates that efficient learning of
Vocabulary learning/ acquisition has been one of the significant issues of ongoing
discussion for perhaps half a century. Todays language teachers and researchers
have realized the palpable role of vocabulary in different pedagogical tasks. There is
no doubt that virtually all second /foreign language learners and teachers are aware
of the fact that learning a second/ foreign language involves the learning of a large
number of words, but how to accomplish this task is often of considerable concern to
them. How vocabulary is learned / acquired and what the most efficient strategies are
second language acquisition. On the whole, they all place emphasis upon the fact
that mastery of vocabulary is an essential components of second/ foreign language
Chapter Two:
The Experimental Work
1. The Participants35
2. The Method........35
3.2.1 Nouns....................38
3.2.3 Adjectives..47
3.2.4 Adverbs..49
3.2.5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................50
General Conclusion.51
Appendix 1.....52
Appendix 2.....53
This study describes the use of spelling strategy to master the word form. The aim
of this study is to see whether training students in using the strategy improves their
experimental work goes through three main stages: the pre-test stage where the
participants are tested through a dictation test to see their current level in writing
correctly; the treatment stage which is devoted to the training of subject in using
spelling strategy and supplied also with some rules and brief introduction of spelling;
finally, the post-test stage where the participants are evaluated by the same test so
as to see to what extent our strategy would/would not yield positive results in getting
1. The Participants
The participants in our study are 45 first year LMD students of English (group six)
students come from different regions and belong to the same age group; that is, from
eighteen to twenty. In addition, most of them have been studying English as a foreign
2. The Method
The data examined in the study are collected in a class experiment on mastering
the word form using spelling strategy. The aim is to investigate the value of training
students in the use of spelling strategy that would yield a nice paper that is not
3. The Test (01 and 02)
To put into practice the theoretical review of the literature discussed in the
and post-test which are identical. The former and the latter are separated by two
extra lessons. These lessons are devoted to explain how spelling is important to
enhance vocabulary learning and we also cast light on the practice of spelling-out to
by (x); while (01) stands for the pre-test, and 02 for the post-test. So, in this kind of
design, a single case is investigated into two points: one before treatment and one
after. Changes in the outcome are presumed to be the result of the intervention.
The first step is a pre-test where the subjects are tested about their current level.
Dictation test paves the ground to gauge the present students level.
The second is two successive sessions where subjects are introduced and trained
The third step is a post-test that is administered to students after they have been
Both the pre-test and the post-test are similar in form because, after all, spelling
strategy is a memory strategy; i.e., the ultimate purpose of this study is to improve
the learners ability to store input and to retrieve a correct output represented in the
3.1 The Test Procedure
language teaching and language testing in which a passage is read aloud to students
or test-takers, with pauses during which they must try to write down what they have
The dictation test is taken from Oxford Guide to British and American Culture.
(2005). It is a text which is selected carefully to suit the proper level of the students. It
is neither difficult nor simple, and the students are quite familiar with the diction of the
civilization). The task is presented in terms of dictation because dictation is one of the
During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many immigrants left home
because they were poor and thought they would have better opportunity in the
US. The most travelled on crowded ships where diseases spread quickly. Many
would be immigrants died on the journey or arrived weak and ill. The majority
arrived in New York and Boston, and Ellis Island near New York became famous
allowed to enter the US. But life in the US was not easy. Those who stayed in the
cities often had to work in sweatshops, but slowly they improved their lives and
Today immigrants continue to move to the US for economic and political
reasons and to join family members. The immigrants must obtain a green card to
In the pre-test, participants are informed that the test is a kind of exercise that
would help them commit fewer mistakes while writing. It would not be used as part of
their course grade; i.e., it will not be marked. But they are asked to do it as carefully
as possible with clear hand writing and a clean paper. They are not informed of the
nature of the study until after all the papers have been collected in order to affect the
results inappropriately.
The results obtained from the pre-test and the post-test were compared and
3.2.1. Noun
Approximately the majority of the learners did mistakes concerning the words
immigrants (64, 44% in the pre-test and 0% in the post-test). It would appear that
the number of mistakes decrease considerably in the post-test. The majority wrote it
with a unique /m/ such as imigrants and they forget that the prefix im-is often in front
emmigrants .
The setting from the test is not surprising. Some students made mistakes in the
pre-test 28.88 % and no one wrote it wrongly i.e. 0 % in the post- test. The reason
stems from the fact that they used it frequently while writing.
The results strikingly change from the pre-test to the post-test. In the pre-test a
high proportion of students 91.11% did not write it correctly; whereas in the post test
11.11% is the percentage of students who made mistakes. A major cause of difficultly
for students of English is the apparent lack of correspondence between sounds and
Concerning the word ship nearly half of the students were not able to
44.44% is the percentage of incorrect writing of the word ships, whereas in the post-
test the number of faults decreases to 8.88%; they wrote ships /sheep, cheap and/or
Although there is a huge difference both in spelling and meaning between ship,
sheep, cheap, and chip students get confused while using them.
- Sheep/ / (n) grass-eating animal kept for its flesh and woo
A few students (7) in the pre-test and (5) in the post-test wrote the word reasons
incorrectly (15.55% in the pre-test and 11.11% in the post-test).It is worth positing
In the pre-test, near half of the learners (40%) wrote it incorrectly and (60%) of
them also wrote it incorrectly. The mistakes are due to the fact that it is a composed
word; i.e. it can-be divided into two parts: the root and the suffix. Citizen and ship,
Journey / Residency
For the word journey the results reveal change from the pre-test 53.33% to
88.88% in the post-test. Whereas for the word residency the results show that
33.33% of the students wrote it incorrectly, but only 15.55% of them did not write it
More than half of the students 55.55% in the pre-test have reversed the /ei/ and
only 17.77% did not recognize the rule that I provided them with when I taught them
that /i/ is before /e/ except after /c/ to explain the spelling of believe versus conceive.
A high proportion of students misspelled wrongly the word diseases 71.11% in the
Pre-test Post-test
answers answers
6. Citizenship 27/45 60 18 40
3.2.1 Verbs
B. Regular verbs
C. Irregular verbs
A. Verbs in Stem Form
Pre-test Post-test
% answers %
5. establish 15 33.33 9 20
Concerning the verbs in stem form the students usually make errors when
transferring knowledge from one language to the other. For example, they write the
verb to enter like in French entrer. That is due to the negative interference of the
prior language which is French (13.33% in the pre-test and 4.44% in the post-test).
For the other verbs, the results change from one verb to another one;
Making a distinction between the vowels sounds was not an easy matter for
students. They were facing a spelling problem of sounds combination which was not
a predictable task for them. The results brought by the post- test show clearly that
B. Regular Verbs
Pre-test Post-test
answer % answer %
Arrived 11 24.44 0 0
Allowed 35 77.77 19 42
Stayed 18 40 4 8..8
Graphic representing regular verbs
It is worth noting that the majority of the mistakes stem from the fact that students
do not double the consonants in each verb and they write them with a single
consonant such in travelled traveled, arrived arived, and allowed was written with
Some students wrote the final ed of the regular verbs in a wrong way, although it
has its famous rule. The rule states clearly that the final /ed/ is pronounced:
C. Irregular Verbes
Pre-test Post-test
answers % %
Thought 18 40 7 15.55
wrote 31 68.88 9 20
For the verb thought nearly the majority of the learners (40%) made mistakes
because they wrote it like the past tense of the verb to teach taught; and after the
instruction, the results shifted considerably to 15.55% in the post-test. Whereas, the
verb wrote which is the past tense of the verb to write, the /w/ is a silent letter and
rote; whereas there is a huge difference between wrote and rote. Examples;
3.2.3 Adjectives
Pre-test Post-test
answers % answers %
Famous 2 4.44 0 0
Economic 1 2.2 0 0
Concerning the adjectives, we recognize that there is a decline of the number of
mistakes from the pre-test to the post-test. The results demonstrate that:
For the adjective weak, the number of mistakes declines from 48.44% in the
the context that weak is associated with ill and it is not the week. We should
highlight the fact that students while writing they use their intelligence and
also different styles to overcome a given situation they face. For the rest of
For crowded, we notice that in the pre-test nearly half of the students did
In fact, students were not able to differentiate between the phonemes in each
word. The magic e in economic and permanent, caused trouble for learners
3.2.4. Adverbs
Pre-test Post-test
answers answers
It is not surprising that the number of mistakes is too low in the test because
adverbs mentioned in the text have already been dealt with in grammar courses..
However, they did mistakes in the spelling of there and
they wrote it their and for the adverb better they wrote it either with an /a/ or /u/
i.e. batter or butter; and for the word quickly the problem of silent letter emerged
In the case of the adverb there, in the pre-test, 11.11% of students did mistakes
and a progress is seen in the post-test 8.88%. For the adverb quickly the mistakes
The pretest findings have revealed that the percentage of spellings mistakes
made by the subjects was considerably higher in comparison with the percentage of
These mistakes could be traced back to various reasons: a lack of one- to-one
cheap and chip, the compound structure of certain words (words which can be
divided into parts: the root the affix and inflections such as citizenships), negative
transfer from the already existing second language of the subjects (i.e. French), lack
of attention to the graphic forms of words containing silent letters such as wrote, last
but not least, an inability to differentiate between the phonemes of the spelt word
such as permanent.
In sum, the present exploratory study has confirmed the paramount role of spelling
strategy implemented during instruction in helping the subjects make fewer spelling
mistakes. Additionally, this experiment has brought to lights the students' eagerness
vocabulary through spelling strategy aid learners to consolidate the words form?
The results of the test gave a clear view about the learners degrees of
achievement in mastering the graphic form of words suggested in the text. And also,
they are in the direction of our research hypothesis which states that if students were
trained during the course /lesson for better vocabulary writing using the spelling
The experiment has showed the need of the learners for strategy/strategies which
can be useful to them. The use of this genre of strategy in foreign language
instruction/learning is a helpful tool, not only to develop the language, but also to
boost the learners capacities to create their own learning styles and teaching
Appendix 1
The Test
During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many immigrants left home because
they were poor and thought they would have better opportunity in the US. The most
immigrants died on the journey or arrived weak and ill. The majority arrived in New
York and Boston, and Ellis Island near New York became famous as a receiving
station. The immigrants were examined by a doctor before being allowed to enter the
US. But life in the US was not easy. Those who stayed in the cities often had to work
in sweatshops, but slowly they improved their lives and many wrote home to
Today immigrants continue to move to the US for economic and political reasons
and to join family members. The immigrants must obtain a green card to establish
Appendix 2
The objectives of this lesson is to draw the learners attention to the crucial
importance of spelling as a vocabulary strategy, and also to shed light on its useful
role in enhancing learners ability to get command of graphic form of the English
language. This strategy in turn would get its fruits if is applied during the whole
On Saturday, May 16th 2009, I have introduced spelling as being a good tool to
acquire a numerous vocabulary and mastering the lexis form. Then, I read aloud the
text that is used as pre-test in order to make the student aware of what takes place in
the classroom. On the light of the mistakes and errors made by students in the pre-
test, I pointed at a student to come to the board to spell the word I have chosen, and
I made him/her spell it. If she spelled it wrong, I chose another one to correct his/her
mistake, then I asked her to write it on the blackboard. Then, I asked the whole class
to repeat the word three times in order to get a visual picture of the word plus its
Although it is time consuming to repeat this procedure each time, students benefit
On Sunday May 17th 2009, I proposed the nine key ways that could help them to
Darson, G (2005) pointed out that there are nine key ways to improve spelling:
1. Learn the rules and regular forms before tackling the exceptions and
2. Concentrate on the words you use most often i.e., frequent words.
4. Check your work carefully in order to look for your mistakes and to improve
5. Use memory aids/ mnemonic: it is a word, phrase, rhyme that aids you to
remember that I is before e" except after c which explain the spelling of
believe, relief and siege with ie and ceiling, receiving and deceit with ei.
may cause troubles for foreign students because those letters are written but
not pronounced such as the /w/ of wrote in the text of the US Immigrants
7. Break words into parts, many students make mistakes in spelling plainly
because they do not look closely enough (if at all) at the structure of the words
they are writing. Breaking words up into their component parts will often help
why it is spelled like this and you surly will remember how to spell it.
9. Lastly, practice is the core aim of spelling. It is not enough just to check your
day students will better in Written Expression module. Because in spelling, as
10. Harmer,J. (1990).The Practice of English Language
16. Lewis, M.(1993).The lexical approach: the state of ELT and ways
forward. Hove, England: Language Teaching Publications.
20. Ott, P. (2007).How to Manage Spelling Successfully. New York.
Lobjectif de ce travail est dexaminer limpact de la conscience des tudiants des rgles
dorthographe dans lexpression crite. Il a t observ que beaucoup dapprenants
rencontrent quelques difficults maitriser le sujet de la majuscule en langue Anglaise ; et ce
pour plusieurs raisons. Limportance de notre tude rside dans le fait quelle vise expliquer
ces raisons et proposer des solutions mme de solutionner ce problme de manire
rmdiable. La mthodologie que nous avons adopte pour notre recherche a consist
utiliser un groupe dtudiants de premire anne du dpartement dAnglais. Un pr test
dvaluation de leur connaissance de la majuscule Anglaise a t effectu avant quon ne leur
assure quelques sances de cours sur le sujet. Ce aprs quoi, nous les avons soumis un post
test par lequel nous avons mesur leur capacit mettre en pratique le contenu des cours
prodigus. Le mmoire propose une srie de recommandations dans la perspective daider les
enseignants adopter une stratgie prcise afin de contrer les problmes lis lutilisation de
la majuscule.