Newspaper Application
Newspaper Application
Newspaper Application
Please fill out the following information and return it to Miss
Dalzell, in room A140, by Wednesday, September 6th in order
to be considered as a candidate for the 2017-2018 newspaper
staff. If you are chosen the list will be posted outside of each
grade levels science lab on Thursday, September 7th and will
need to stay after school for our first meeting until 3:15 that day.
Further information about the year will be given at the meeting.
I look forward to meeting and working with this years staff!
Guardians E-
Students E-mail:
Yes No
__ __ Are you willing and able to work occasional evenings and weekends to
meet deadlines?
List activities, both in school and outside of school, in which you plan to be
involved during the 2017-2018 school year. Speculate as to how much time they
will require per week.
In the space that follows or on a separate sheet, specifically tell WHY you want to
be a member of the staff. Be sure to discuss why you would be an asset to the staff.
Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses.