The Parts of The Journey
The Parts of The Journey
The Parts of The Journey
FRA origin, HAN-destination
Direct flight the plane stops but the passengers wait onboard of the plane. It might take more
passengers or stop for re-fuel.
Transit in Doha waiting at some airport to change the plane. There is a time frame 24 hours or less.
More than 24 hours a STOP-OVER. Point in the itinerary where you stay more than 24 hours.
Transit X
Stop-over O
xDOH-double check-over of baggage, no access to the baggage
oHAN-the baggage is on the belt (tasma)
FRADUS (no airport in DUS) from Frankfurt to Dusseldorf with AirBerlin (OneWorld)
An interline connection another airline involved. Then Frankfurt is a transit and Dusseldorf is a
destination/origin. One ticket +transit no need to check in again.
DUSFRADOHHAN AirBerlin taxi flight, everything is on one ticket, then we take the
responsibility for the passenger and flights.
We can also use Lufthansa and other airlines not engaged in OneWorld.
MELDRW seat reserved at QF
An add-on an extra flight after the QR flights.
2) The privilege to stop for refueling or maintenance, without transferring passengers or cargo. QR
no stops for the purpose of refueling. No such itinerary.
3) The privilege to carry passengers or cargo from ones own country to another. From home
country. From Qatar to Poland. *ones own-its about the airline! Ones own-Qatar.
4) To carry passengers or cargo from another country to ones own. The right to take passengers
from Poland to Qatar.
5) The privilege to carry passengers to ones own country to a second country and from that
country to a third one. DOHBKKHAN
6) The privilege to carry passengers from one country through the home country to a third country.
7) The privilege to carry passengers from one country to another without landing in the home
country. BKKHAN
8) The privilege to carry passengers or cargo within or to a foreign country with continuing service
to or from ones own country. No itinerary like this so far. DOHJFKSFO (we can arrange this
kind of connection but not with QR)
9) The privilege to carry passengers or cargo within a foreign country without continuing service to
or from ones own country. JFKSFO, no itinerary like this so far.
Infant 8 days to 2 years old 20% of adults fare (it doesnt matter how its called on the website)
Child 2 to 12 years 70% of adults fare
over 12 an adult
Younger than 8 days additional medical documentation is required
ADT adult
CHD child
INF infant
1) Restricted the cheapest, changes might not be permitted, no refunds, high fees or not
No show fee information is within 3 hours before the scheduled time of the departure. 150 euros of no
show+100 for change (if there is a change), 3 hours because theres no possibility to sell it to sb else
(check in opens and the flight is already blocked).
A go show a passenger who doesnt have a ticket but comes to the airport and wants to be on the
plane. No charges for go show.
The currency of the price depends on the currency of the origin country. The bank establishes the exact
rate of exchange.
SR Sales Restriction when the ticket needs to be purchased to get the discount. 10 March 2015
AP advance purchase, between the date of purchase and the first flight e.g. minimum 3 days.
Minimum number of days.
BO blackout dates. O/B blackout for outbounds 16JUL-10 AUG I/B Easter, holiday. Period of time
when the discount cannot be reached.
MX maximum stay
SU surcharges, additional fees for weekends or peak travels, e.g. bank holidays, included in the base
fare. There are fares where are no additional fees.
FL flight restrictions e.g. QR flights or QR012 I/O only one flight number is discounted or no code
shares nor other airlines
Freedoms-test fleet-no
GDS Global Distribution System
Computer program to change and manage flights. Every DGS has its code. Amadeus 1A, Sabre 1S,
Apollo 1V, Abacus 1B, Galileo 1G, Worldspan 1P, Infini 1F. General rule is the same but the
comments are different.Special entry in Amadeus for other GDS s
Logoff1test1pdtji(jump in) 5555aa/gsjd (jump to display
Xxx (3 letters of city/airport) QR xxxx (letters or numbers) European Contact Center - ???QR0750 (ticket
issued in QR European cc). First 3 letters depend on the market you work in. MADQR0750 every
booking created on Spanish market. MILQR0750 created here for Italian market. LONQR0750 UK
market. PARQR0750. OSLQR0750. It depends on the incoming call.
JD (I know where I am)
JM jump move
MOD mode
PRD production code
SG sign, initials
GS general sales
SU supervisor
LG EN language English
Time format 24 or 12. 24 13:00 instead of 1 p.m.
PNR modify name of passenger
JO jump out
Dd25may/16aug how many days there are between these two dates
*between apt code and C: KUL*C at least 2 sublocations and one has exactly the same code as the city
F8 move down
F7 move up
IATA codes:
USA, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, Australia two letters of the country+two letters of the state
DCtwo letter country code to decode the country code or DC fullcountry name
DNAqatarairways dnaairlinename
3 digit number QR: 157 (every QR ticket), thats our stock number. Every airline has its own stock
number. When travel agencies issue tickets, they can do it for every airline (for every airlines stock)
QR/QTR 157 Qatar Airways any of these elements can be used to track an airline
; equals +
1) LON UK market
2) FRA German
3) VIE Austrian
4) ZRH Swiss
5) MAD Spanish
6) MIL Italian
7) MOW Russian
8) PAR French
9) BRU Belgium
xxxQR08PC Privilege Club, tickets made with miles, not with money
CTOs codes: (always about the city where the office is in)
e.g. WAWQR0101 and WROQR0101
French exception: PARQR0102
ATOs codes:
Not the city codes but the airport codes , there might be two
TAs codes:
Different structures, no rule. E.g. 125PO25
Useful for refunds we can give money back only if we took it. So if it wasnt us, we have to get the
customer to the office etc.
DC+full name of the country to check nationalitys code, currency, country code
AN availability neutral the date of departure or arrival. Its not searched by departure or arrival. No
ANddmmm format AN20mar (no 2 same months, so no year)
city pair from where to where
Black and orange usually promotional booking classes, very restricted with MONEY
G booking class a group booking, of 10 people and more. We dont do gropu bookings. Only travel
agencies, we book up to nine. Even if its hidden group. We can allow it. We can suggest contacting
travel agencies better price. Even different cabins.
E1 one stop
Business class 3 in each class it might mean that there are only 3 seats available so we do not know
how many seats there are. If there are 4 passengers and only 3 seats in each price, we cannot book 4,e.g.
3 each for 200 and 4th for 300. All passengers need to be in the same booking class.
Calculating transit time dd1845/140 no need to add the APT code, because its the same time zone
Numbers or letters, numbers number of seats. Only nine because we can reserve only up to nine. Less
than nine exactly that number of seats available. Letter L seats are sold out, wait list of passengers,
we do not waitlist here, no number=no booking.
Non-stop flights always first
direct flights from the shortest to the longest
Connecting flight the last option
Different options e.g. one flight from WAW, but 4 different combinations from DOH
Two different time zones we have to add +1 at the end to check the time of the flight:
M meal
S snack
Boeing 777-300 ER extended range (bigger fuel tank, more access baggage)
Boeing 777 LR - long range more, better than ER
7 boeing
3 airbus
IG - ignore
SS select seats
booking class RBD reservation booking designator
number of the option
SS(select seats)2(number of seats)O(booking class)1(option number)
Number one in purple- segment
QR 262 flight number
O booking class
20jan date
2 Tuesday (day of the week starting from Monday)
WAWDOH city pair
HK2(2-number of seats) status of the flight. It must be HK holding confirmed, these two seats are
SS sold in standard access, temporal error in Amadeus, no connection with Amadeus and QR,
IGavailability againwe have to choose the seats again
HL waitlist
All of the flights included in the outbound or inbound need to be in the same booking class. E.g. WAW-
HAN, WAW-DOH economy DOH-HAN economy OK, WAW-DOH economy DOH-HANbusiness NO
NM name
NM1(one passenger)SMITH/ANNA(space) ms
MN1family name/given name title
MN1Smith(space instead of Nowak-Kowalska) Brown/Anna
OBryan O Bryan
Titles: mr mrs (married) ms (no difference, if we dont know, we put ms, marital status unknown) miss
(female child) mstr (male child)
APE-(dash is a must!!!!!!!), it disappears after clicking enter
APM- mobile number, the country code
APM-+44()for the city code, we need the brackets
*We can ask for the telephone number available at the destination
RF (name of the caller) anna smith phone number from which they called. RF- received from
number from which they called us!!! Number not displayed NO NUMBER, skype skype number)
Reservation number top right corner
date of the latest modification of the reservation and the time of change (in Zulu time)
This is a reservation.
+restricted: T, Q, O theres still a hierarchy, e.g. depending on the time of reservation. Limited number
of seats in each group.
+semi-flexible: S, N, L
+flexible: H, B, Y
TYPES OF PASSENGERS an infant does not need a seat! Usually we dont need to reserve a seat
baby on labs or bassinette.
WHICH CABIN we dont mention sth we cannot offer
MCT minimum connecting flight for Hamad, QR flight-QR flight: 45 mns
QR:other airline 1 hour (e.g. Lufthansa-QR or QR-Cathay). If the flight is late, QR will take care of the
passenger, because the minimum time was not enough.
ER saves
Callers name and the phone number ER only once RF name and surname, phone number, ER once,
other changes RF (initials) DM; ER RF DM ; ER
Any change that is done in the reservation must be saved
IR ignore and retrieve, ignore the changes that are not saved. The state of the previous change.
Double click changes of phone number and e-mail address. We cannot change the type of the phone.
Cancelling reservation deleting the flights. RF DM; ER
Simultaneous changes in PNR 2 people are working at the same reservation at the same time IR and
check if anything disappeared
Nm4brown/marta ms/ adam mr/ paola ms/anna ms we dont have to put everybody separately
Too long text Item too long deleting a passenger we have to change the NUMBER of passengers. Up
to 59 characters.
Children names:
Nm1test/zofia miss (CHD /date of birth ddmmmyy) to verify the discount for children).
Child needs to be less than 12 on the day of departure. If on the first flight the person is a child, and on
the i/b is already 13 or 3 they can still use their infant/child status
Adult and child:
Nm2test/magda ms/zofia miss (chd/12jan11)
Child status ig, arrow up, before we save!
We can add a childs indicator, but we cannot change the surname
ARNK only in inside open jaw, in the middle of itinerary. If its double open jaw no comments.
NHP-non-homogeneous PNR
Types of luggage:
a)checked luggage
b)cabin luggage
c)sport equipment allowance
d) ffp additional allowance (frequent flyer program, privilege club)
e) paid excess
Its always the same, no difference between TC. Premium cabins business and first 2 pieces, both of
them together may not exceed 15 kgs). Ec. 1 piece, 7 kgs maximum, 50x37x25 cm (20x15x10in). On top
of that reading materials, handbag, coats, walking stick, small camera. Laptop should fit in 1 piece of
cabin baggage, not separately.
Liquids, medications, mascaras. Max.1000ml, one transparent bag, 20x20cm, max.100ml. No scissors etc.
Duty free no limits.
Allowance different for adults, children weight:
30 economy
Piece concept: subsequent extra piece, if its 25 kg and the limit is 23, we have to add also extra 2 kg
apart from $200 or $250
Maximum dimension
Total length with handles and wheels
We cannot put 40 or 50 kgs in one bag, because we DO NOT accept one piece of luggage over 30. So the
passengers have to put them in more than one bag, we can advise it to the customers. WAW-EZE
through DOH as per EZE
Checked baggage of 10kgs, maximum dimension 115cm, TC2, TC3 doesnt matter what cabin
TC1 economy 23, business and first 32
Hand baggage 1 piece up to 10 kgs
Free of cost stroller, collapsible carrycot, pushchair. Transit pushchairs waiting in the transit area, one
per infant, on top of the hand or checked baggage for a child.
Sport equipment.
Weight concept ALWAYS 10 kgs additionally to take one piece of baggage equipment. Its free of charge
up to 10 kgs, TC2 and TC 3. TC1 up to 23 one piece premium 32. Brazil 32 kgs.
Extra 5 litres of ZamZam water and it goes in the checked baggage. Infants cannot take it, 5 ltrs per
passenger. Xx
DANwarsaw WAW
Child luggage book-family travel, left hand side special baggage items
Combined baggage allowance baggage pulling, when the passengers are travelling
together (not necessarily as a family), they can combine their baggage allowance. E.g. 2 pax 30 kg, one
bag 32 kg and the second one 28 no excess baggage
Excess baggage
Online more than 72hrs before the departure. Online the rate is lower but it needs to be bought more
than 72 hours before the flight. Every started 5 kg package is charged online!!! Offline its always per 1
kg, so 3 kg online 200, offline 150. Online or at the airport. EXCESS BAGGAGE IS NOT REFUNDABLE!
Note: The rate for routes that do not include Doha: Online: 25 USD per kg (2.2lb), Offline: 30 USD per kg (2.2lb).
Examples: Singapore-Denpasar, Sofia-Bucharest.
Table on the website weight concept or piece concept.
Baggage from origin to destination, transit doesnt matter.
Maximum excess baggage 100 kg
Why is it so expensive?
Because we have very generous baggage allowance and theres additional collection of fee/payment.
Besides, if its heavier, we need more fuel to take it off the ground.
Hong Kong Male weight concept
1 bag 32 kg 2kg xbag
1 hockey eq 9kg 9kg xbagwe cannot take it as sport eq, its not on the list!
Guitar 6kg 6kgxbag
Silver member+10 kg 8kgxbag
Online $250 Offline $240
Piece concept
We check overweight piece
Economy 2 pieces, 23 kg each
1 bag 23 kg FOC
1 bag 28 kg -overweight piece at the airport $65, we can pack some more, it doesnt matter how much
over it is
1 bike 16 kg FOC
1 small bag 10 kg 200 online or 250 offline
Kayak up to 3 metres
You have to show your card to take advantage of your privilege club benefits extra baggage allowance.
32kgs maximum weight of 1 luggage piece
Silver members: extra 10 kg, but ONLY on weight concept
Itineraries where the passengers dont go via Doha e.g. Singapore Denpasar
BA probably a non-stop flight, because they have a hub in London
QF (Quantas) - probably a non-stop flight, because they have a hub somewhere in Australia
Non-stop flights are much more comfortable, we dont lose time for transit etc.
It influences the price! BA, QF they compete, prices are almost the same, so baggage allowance,
comfort etc.
Connecting flights price orientation
Factors that influence choosing the flight:
1)comfort of travel
Reservation model:
Good morning, welcome to Qatar airways, this is Dorota speaking, how may I help you?
Is there anything else I can do for you? Is there anything else you wish for?
Thank you very much for calling Qatar Airways, we wish you a nice flight.
Im very sorry Im not familiar with Indian names, could you please spell it for me?
Link down, sold in standard No connection between Ig and all over again
access Amadeus and QR
Need ticketing arrangement we tkok
Services exceed names Too many seats taken Rearrangement of
Need telephone We need to put the phone APM or AP
Invalid format Sth wrong with the entry
Warning: seat requested need We have a child onboard and the Er, assign special place for child
for special pax/p1 seat is not yet assigned
Warning: check segment Open jaw in O/B or I/B SI ARNK
continuity segment 3/4
Simultaneous changes to the pnr Somebody else is working on our IR and start from the last
reservation. It happens often change it retrieves the last
when the travel agency books moment before saving, while IG
the tickets. ignores everything
UMNR or child element To book a child meal, you cannot No child meal accepted, we have
get a child meal to a child over to choose some other
12 years
The oxygen masks quota has Theres only one extra oxygen It is not possible to book a
been exceeded for the targeted mask per row, so if there are bassinette there
block more infants in the same
subrow, e.g. 2 infants and 4
adults only 5 oxygen masks!
Finish or ignore Booking is not confirmed. HN. IR ignore and retrieve
Entry requires previous FXX and then FQQ1
pricing/fare display request
RB We cannot sell the ticket for We have to rebook the flight:
some reason. We cannot sell IG or sbentry
this. System suggests fares on
the left hand side.
Request rejected The booking class is not available Should be entry
Backspace doesnt work One click on the right
HL waitlist
HN Seat not confirmed IR for NN or the confirmation
NN from Doha for the bassinette. HN
SS sold in standard acces and NN change into HK or KK
SSR not created - duplicate meal 2 meals assigned to one Xe meal line to delete extra meal
Discrepancy between fp There is no n at the end of the We have to insert n at the end
amount(s) and ticket total(s) form of payment of the line
ATTN issue separate tickets We did ACR twice and there are Delete the second one way and
two one-ways instead of one insert return
REQUESTED CHANGE NOT Too short stay, fxf doesnt work Fxe/s,2,3,4,5 and then sb and
ALLOWED BY CARRIER suggested booking class
provide ticket number to The ticket has already been Fxf/s2,3,6,7/t11
exchange reissued before
Unable to process, pnr must be Save and delete again
QR ETKT: INVALID CITY/AIRPORT Re-routing We have to use atc, not reissue
Change of email address or phone number AFTER the reservation is already finished delete the
segment, write it again and rf initials;er e.g. APM-+(48) 555444333 xe 9, apm-+48
()555444333rf dm;er
Sr codemeal/p1
Sr lfml/p1 (first passenger)
If we dont specify the passenger, every passenger will get this special food. The meal is assigned
separately to every segment.
Its possible to book a meal only for outbound or only for inbound(or different meals for o/b and i/b):
Sr lfml/s4,5/p1 (or p1,4 for pax 1 and pax 4 or p1-p4)
Questions: is there anything I could do? Like what? Pre-selection of seat or booking a meal
Change of meal its possible as long as its still 24 hours (xesegments and sr ibml), so we simply delete
particular segment and then we insert new meal code
Infant meal we can take infant food, there are no restrictions if its regular brand. If the origin seems to
be unknown, the airport team might ask mother or father to try it.
Food allergy no restrictions in taking ones food on board, but the crew cannot heat it or put it to the
Powder milk flight attendants can provide them with water so that the powder milk is prepared
Medical case city offices take care of these passengers. Or people at the airport.
INF, CHD with date of birth it indicates only that we have an infant and a child in the reservation
Baby meal the only exception , the passenger is travelling with an infant and the
second requested meal is a baby meal
Dear SOD,
Please, confirm birthday cake for passenger 2 on flight (flight number) QR 039 DOH CDG on 19 th of April
2015. Thank you very much for your assistance.
P/WROQR0750/WROQR0750 PI/RC 9JAN15/1054Z
2 QR 076 N 20JAN 2 TXLDOH HK1 1525 2315
3 QR 904 N 21JAN 3 DOHMEL HK1 0050 2225
5 QR 901 N 20APR 1 PERDOH HK1 1 2330 0550+1
6 QR 075 N 21APR 2 DOHTXL HK1 0835 1400
7 AP T- +49()7776655
Request ssr spml qr hn1 birthday cake /s8/p3 (that should be copied)
E-mails to catering and other groups: we have to check the pnr to the team leader and his assistant. Cc
also and always team leader and his assistant.
Subject birthday cake/pnr number
Honey moon cake the procedure is exactly the same. Sr spml honey moon cake/p3/ s8 we
assign it only to one passenger
On the floor we use a seat map, it will be easier.
SM (seatmap) segment number
SM 4
Error ok customize (palet) configuration tab-untick air seat map
Sm4/v vertical position
Sm4/h horizontal position
Adults and children
Numbers rows
Letters (on top) seats, e.g. seat number 10H, 12E
Seats with dots are still available
/ - blocked ; restricted (exit rows, front for parents with infants, we cannot reserve exit seats, 18 year
old, physically able, English speaking, this seat can be assigned only at the airport, first come, first served
a passenger should come 3 hours before flight to be allowed to seat there. Front reserved for infants
travelling in bassinettes)
. available
+ - already booked
This is just a seat request. Seats are confirmed after check-in. 36 hours 90 minutes before departure
ONLINE check-in
24 hours and 90 minutes before departure USA
Airport 3 hours before it opens, 1 hour closes
N non-smoking seat
St/12abc for numerous passengers
Bassinette only the bassinette
Cot facility we assign only one seat, for the mother, for other passengers travelling
with them, we send a request to Doha so that they sit together, we dont assign any other
seat!!! One seat for the whole reservation!!!!
If theres no bassinette available or the passenger needs no bassinette, we can book a seat for every
single passenger.
Sr bsct
Sr bsct/p1
1. Select C seat on the map
2. Sr bsct for the traveller traveling with the infant
3. RM (any remarks)free flow text, we write whatever we want. RM PLS SEAT FAMILY TOGETHER
4. PNR must be sent to a special queue in Doha:
QE/office id where we want to send it
QE/DOHQR0982/27C0(zero) last element is always the same for the bassinette
QE/DOHQR0982/27C0 RT we stay in the reservation, it is not closed
Seat booking
Airport facilities:
A) Public mosque just outside the passenger terminal, within walking distance from the
Departures hall
B) Prayer rooms, throughout the passenger terminal, separate areas for men and women, with
ablution facilities, this is for Muslim people
C) Hotel desks located throughout the terminal, arrival hall-the best
D) Money exchange check-in row nr 9, departure concourse B (near marche rest.), Arrivals
baggage claim area, arrival hall
E) Quiet rooms you can sleep there, separate for men and women, you can see through glass for
men, not for women, about 40-50 beds, we should advise to take something warm, no blankets
are provided. The entry is free. Little children can go with your parents. You cant lie down, its 45
degrees, every concourse has its own quiet room.
F) Free wireless internet
G) Free internet kiosks and desks the passenger terminal and boarding gate areas
H) Telephone booths you have to purchase a prepaid card
I) Activity nodes tv, internet browsing, toys, mini-rides, climbing frames, one in !, one in B and 3
in C, everything is free of charge
J) Parents room water/milk warmers, diaper changing stations etc.
K) Family toilets throughout the passenger family
L) Private areas round sofa, half-closed for families
Medical center
Open 24/7
Arrival hall (przed) passport control
Departures near the check-in area
Emergency number 0097440109222
Located in transit area A, B and C, close to the teddy bear-duty free, free of cost, information desk
we have to take a padlock from there and return it there. FCO
2 located at the Bus Pavilion outside arrival hall (level 0), Qatari currency
Smoking rooms
Fitted with smoke ..?
Airport hotel
Hotel at the airport, passengers dont have to leave behind the teddy bear theres a lift.
Reservations:, 0097440108100 online inquiry form, directly at the airport, stay:min. 3
hours. Rooms: Facilities: wellbeing and fitness ceter, swimming pool, squash
SPA pass 120 qatari ryals, 24 hours to use the swimming pool, Jacuzzi, gym, showers, changing
rooms etc. even in you are not a guest of the hotel, you can use it after paying a fee. Infants dont
pay. USD, GBP, euros, GCC currency. No massages included. If you are a guest, you have to pay it as
well. 60 qatari squash court, includes: rockets, balls, shoes, but the shower is not included. Its 60
not for hour but for a game.
Massage and any other treatment its always better to book it in advance.
Privilege Club:
Every single airline has its own frequent flyer program, we are in One World, so there are different
tiers, e.g. CX Marco Polo, Iberia Iberia Plus
One World no separate frequent flyer program, an equivalent to 3 highest levels of ff program
Ruby - silver
Sapphire - gold
Emerald platinum
One world logo with equivalent of its ff program. So Cathay Pacific, Iberia, American Airlines etc. can
take advantage of QR privileges. No equivalent for burgundy.
150 points silver, 300 gold, 600 platinum.
1) oryx lounge FF lounge, everyone is allowed, paid or free anyone can enter
2) business class lounge business class travelers of any airline, any airline of ONE World
3) first class lounge first class, all the alliance
4) Al-Mourjan business class, exclusively for QR
5) Al-Safwa lounge first class, exclusively QR
This is the plan.
Oryx - $40 for economy travellers(USD, GBP,GCC), Business or First entrance is free. Emerald and
Sapphire members free, even if on the particular flight theyre in economy cabin. $40 for adult, 40
for child, free for infant. Also: holders of BARWA bank card, also American Express cards issued in the
Middle East only and HSBC premium cards (the color is blue) issued anywhere- FREE. Facilities: food
and beverage, smoking room, business center, lockers, quiet zones, free wifi, gaming room for kids,
everything is freeincluded in the price of entrance. Capacity 150 people. Soon-oryx 2, capacity of
200 people.
Business class lounge and first class lounge in the future all of ONE World members. Now theyre
closed to public, not operational yet.
Al-Mourjan Lounge business and first class for QR and One World passengers. For them its for
free. Sapphire and Emerald regardless the cabin of travel. Its open. Capacity 1000 people. Food,
beverage, restaurant, showers, smoking room, business center, conference room, lockers, quiet zone,
tv, free wifi, wheelchair access, gaming room for children.
Early baggage check-in. Up to 6 hours before the departure, but only in Doha. Only for QR
GG pages.
Numbers to our offices:
Ggairqr3-letter city code
Ggairqrpar all possible offices in the city
We give only cargo office and baggage claims phone numbers for office, just offices!!! Never
specific names, never e-mail addresses, never numbers or faxes to particular people.
Cargo of the airport they depart from.
He and the entry
He dd
He dc
He nm
Reference explanation of the entry, double click on ms
Confirmation of booking:
HK confirmed
KK confirmed
Obligatory: Would you like me to update passport information for you?
It is not compulsory for the passenger, but it saves his time.
*prereservation of seats.
Passenger might say no as for passport details. Live mode pop-up window.
APIS passport information. Its also a ssr.
SR DOCS QR HK1 P 3letter citizen code of the country passport number-
nationality-date of birth-sex F/M-the expire date-last name-given
name/passenger number
P stand for passport
SR DOCS QR HK1 P POL-PL 051245-POL-09oct68-F-02oct26-brown-ann/p1
SRDOCS QR HK1-P-deu-012345678-deu-15jan06-m-14APR23-smith-robert/p2
Specification MI male infant or FI female infant
And we have to save it: rf aa;er
SFPD we need to insert passport details at the time of booking. Names, date of birth and sex.
Secured flight passenger data. From and to the U.S.A. This is a must.
SRDOCSQRHK1- (theres no passport, but the dashes have to stay)-
In case the passenger dont have all the details of his passport.
Any city of U.S.
We shouldnt be sorry for the lack of promotional fares. Not cheap , good price, best price,
best offer.
We should always spell back the names to the customer.
Qatar Airways should appear at the beginning and at the end.
Transit if the passenger wants to get out from the airport, he needs to have a visa, but also he needs to
have one extra hour to check-in again.
Transfering calls only if the passenger wants to speak with Arabic speaker
FXX the entry to check the price, it checks if the booking classes (taking into consideration all the
factors e.g. blackouts, flight restrictions, advanced time etc.) are sellable or not. If its sellable, theres
one option.
Fare basis name of the fare (restricted, flexible, semi-flexible, promotional). Every letter stands for
OPROMO special promotion launched for this route, on this market
First letter booking class
X subcategory
PROMO promotion
DISC it would say sth if theres a passenger eligible for a discount
PTC passenger type counts
Fare price
MSG message, if theres nothing its good. RB rebook, we should change the reservation.
T ticketing, Y-yes
FQQnumber of the pricing option
YQ FUEL SURCHARGE the most expensive, not the airport tax, , fuel tax, QR takes it
PZ passenger service tax, we charge it for using the services of Hamad Intl. airport. If the transit in
Doha is less than 12 hours, the pax pays less, if its more than 12 hours, the tax is more expensive
A fare calculation line. It shows how the fare was calculated. IATA created its own currency NUC. Their
create fares in NUCs and then transfer it into currency of this or that country. Every base fare is
calculated in NUC. Neutral Unit of Construction. 1 NUC is 1 USD.
XT extended tax line, sum of all of the taxes detailed in the line
Airline fees the service fee, its set only for market in GBP and euros. Always 25 GBP and always 30
euros. 25 GBP per ticket. Any market which does not work in euros, it will be transformed.
If we are on e.g. Polish market, we take the payment in its currency. So, we start with euros (city of
departure) but then its in zote
DC Describe Country
DAN describe the airport by name, find the airport by the city
OW one way
Seasonal fares:
TLRTTH e.g. 05jun 15oct
THRTTH e.g. 15nov 15a
Always the departure time decides on the season
SB should be entry
SBL1 sb booking class option segment number
SB M 1,2 o/b and i/b
Two main types:
1) Routing fares main restriction we need to stick to is the routing CDG-DOH-MEL by QR, they are
cheaper because theyre more strict than mileage. The routing is the restriction.
2) Mileage fares very flexible, CDG-MEL, lets say 250000miles, so the passenger can go however
he wants. If the routing fits in 250000miles, its fine. The point: not to exceed specific number of
miles. E.g. CDG-LHR-ARN-DME-HKG-MEL. Its more expensive. The only restriction mileage.
Every airline can sell this fare. Profitable for ff members. Mileage fares:
QR (most of them have QR in the name of the fare basis)-they might be different
IATA mileage fares only 3 mileage fares:
YIF economy IATA fare, one for any mileage ticket in economy
CIF business IATA fare
FIF first IATA fare
LLRTPL+SL l on o/b and s on i/b, if theres a plus, there are two different fares,
Sbk1/v2 it changes two different classes in two different segments
Before we take the payment, we have to inform the customer about the CONDITIONS of the ticket:
Thats why we need the fare rules:
1 for the first pricing, pricing option, we have to choose the fare component. In case the components are
not identical, we have to put FQN1-1
-1 fare component
LI the list of all rules
Every paragraph has its own two letter code
Before departure- - before the passenger was on any of the planes , before the customer uses any part of
the ticket. Before the passenger departs, not before the plane departs. No-show is still before the
departure. Cancellations based on the used part.
We cannot change classes for lower, only for higher. The same or higher class.
We have to inform about mn and mx stay before taking the payment. We have to tell the customer about
the factors that influence the price in case of changes.
WAW-DEL (xDOH) 01apr
Fare origin where the travel begins
Last stopover DEL
DEL-WAW (xDOH) 07apr
Its helpful for the changes, e.g. if the passenger wants to change the ticket before 5 days pass, the price
will be much higher.
The same for maximum stay. In order to be eligible for that fare, you have to stay there up to e.g. 3
months. Why 3 months? Because its a restrictive fare.
WAW-DEL01apr DEL-03aproDOH-07aprWAW its fine, the date fits
The time you START not when you arrive
One month exactly the same day but next month, e.g. 25 jan25feb
If the journey starts on 15feb, minimum stay:5 days; the earliest date to come back: 20 feb. Mx stay 1
month, the latest date to come back: 15mar
This is displayed on the fqq display: NVA 15mar, NVB 20feb, but sometimes it doesnt
show anything
If theres a fee for cancellation, it means that the ticket is refundable but at a fee
from unused part of the ticket.
After and before always refer to the first travel. Before the departure did the passenger use any
part of the ticket. Even though the plane departed, the passenger is still before if he didnt take the
The highest maximum stay is 12 months, the maximum validity.
If we miss the flight cancellation fee+no show fee. Service fee one-time payment, never refundable.
We give back the difference, e.g. base fare 1700, so we give back 500 and airport taxes.
Change plus difference of fare, plus difference in taxes. In case of no show ticket is unchangeable a
new ticket is needed. To avoid no show, the passenger has to call at least 3 hours before the departure.
Change fees are per transaction, e.g. o/b and i/b within one transaction 400, o/b and correction 400
Fees are paid by people who occupy the seats
Two different fares on the ticket, e.g. O and N, we have to compare all the rules, we have to decide
which rule is more restrictive: e.g. 5 days and not 6 days of mn stay we choose the most restrictive
conditions. O/b change - $250+the difference in the fares and taxes. Changes are as per fare component
if the fares are different. Change of 2 components at one time we take just one but more restrictive
one, e.g. $250 and 100 euro. Cancellation is always the most restrictive if its not permitted in one case,
its not permitted even if its allowed in the first case. We present only the binding conditions to the
No show and changes as per fare component
Cancellations the most restrictive ones for the whole itinerary
If we miss the o/b flight, we cannot take the i/b flight, the ticket is lost if the no-show is not permitted,
we can get the taxes back and buy another ticket, we have to change into one-way.
The most restrictive cancellation fee is applicable to both flights, both o/b and i/b
No show on o/b- we have to rebook everything, theres nothing in the reservation.
To sum up, if we are no show on o/b, we compare no show fee and the change fee
on o/b and change fee on i/b
If we cancel whole itinerary, we choose more restrictive fare.
If we are no show on i/b and we want to cancel the ticket, we choose only
Class O Class N
MN 5d 6d X
MX 1m X 12m
CXL 300 npr
No show 100 100
Chg 250 700
Cxl cost 400
The passenger wants to change o/b before
departure 250, he wants to change i/b 700. He
wants to cancel NOT PERMITTED . No show
only o/b 100+250??? Or 700??? Answer: 700,
because its more restrictive.
RM +Name of credit cards holder (as it appears on the card), banks name, billing address
Reservation model:
1) Welcome to Qatar Airways, this is Dorota speaking, how may I help you?
2) Itinerary an, ss, ac, acr
3) Pricing fxx, sb
4) Are you a privilege club member???Name, surname, phone, email nm, ape, apm, aph
5) Ticketing element tkok
6) Received from rf ;er
7) Conditions fxx + fqn
8) Store the price FXP or FXT and option number when the system shows us two different
fares , rf aa;er
10) Payment rm, ab, fp
11) Tkt issuance ttp/rt
12) Passport details sr docs/sr
13) Is there anything else I can do for you?
14) Thank you for choosing Qatar Airways, we wish you a nice flight.
15) Quality queue QE48-RT
*TWD/l18 to check the ticket
FXP and more than one option (list of options without the re-booking message) FXT2 to store the
price, so:
FXP and then FXT2
Minimum stay rule, e.g. 4D or 1st Sunday whichever is sooner, so less restrictive option. Anyway we
have to mark both options in RIZ in case of changes, RIZ minimum stay 4 days or 1st Sunday.
If the passenger is a no-show on the o/b, we have to re-book all his flights (pick them from the
availability and so on).
Even if the passenger is a no-show on the o/b, he has to change also the i/b, because everything is lost!
So we have to pick more restrictive fareif the cost of the change on the i/b is higher than no-show fee
plus change fee on o/b, we choose the cost of i/b change.
mn 4d/1st sun 3d
mx 1m 6m
Cxl 100 foc
No show 200 npm
chg 300 100
RIZ Cancellation fee $100. No show permitted on o/b at a fee $200, not permitted at the i/b. Changes
$300 for o/b, not permitted for i/b.
A conjunction ticket one ticket can hold up to 4 coupons, open jaw inside extra
More than 4 coupons (open jaw) we join 2 tickets together, the passenger has it on one ticket, for the
passenger convenience, but it has to be marked on the ticket number, extra numbers (normally there are
10 numbers)
Intra-Gulf flights usually dont have business class. BCN-KWI, BCN-DOHbusiness, DOHKWI only first.
If somebody wants to travel in business from BCN to KWI, he will get first class ticket from DOH to KWI at
the price of business. How to combine the seats? Booking classes in this particular case cannot be the
same. Combinations:
I in business A in first
D in business A in first
C in business P in first
J in business F in first
No other combinations are permitted, any other pairs will not be allowed.
FXX exactly same basis in the fare component
If its the other way round, CDG-SLL in first class (theres no first class in DOH-SLL), its not possible to sell
this ticket, so we inform the customer that the flight is not available.
The only reason to mix cabins is business-first (when the business is not available).
sbc1/p2-3/c4 to change two fare components at a time
Price of the return trip: the whole cost of B for o/b and i/b divided into 2 + the the whole cost of M for
o/b and i/b divided into 2
STA travel student travel agency, they issue tickets on their own stock even if theyre not an airline. We
cannot change it!!! Stock number 000.
Ticket issued by travel agency, but on 157, we can issue or change it.
We can change only 157 tickets!!!
Special fares for students only STA travel offers these tickets for QR flights
FP form of payment
FP cash
FP inv invoice
FP inv/paypal
FP check
IBE Internet booking engine, its internet booking, online it picks the market by the city of departure
Timings of the train in A are not important, you can take any train on the day of departure and full
calendar day before departure or after arrival. In the direction of the airport fine, it should be the
shortest and the most convenient way to the airport. The passenger can easily change the trains to get
to the airport.
We select sector by sector, ss1yqq1 (three sectors)
Train theres no Amadeus indication *1A/E* E*
The system informs DB about selling a ticket
they need to go to the DB station and theres a self-service machine, insert pick-up number, tkt pickup
nbr (RIZ pickup number for the out-bound is 555444 we send it again by the platform, we can do it as
many times as we want).
Passengers can also skip the train and go directly to the airport, then at the airport the crew changes
suspends the coupon and everything goes smooth from now on. There are no refunds, the price is the
same both for train- and flight only travel.
The only specification is for the airport.
PDFF profile display of a frequent flyer member
PDFF/ffnumber search by the number
PDFN/familyname/givenname search by name
Pd1 to open the first search
Pt profile transfer
The information is being transferred to the reservation and we dont have to put it manually.
We can change all the arrangements concerning seats, meals etc. Then tkok.
2 passengers travelling pt, one passenger, but still two seats, so we can put the name etc.
Miles will be added to the account automatically
Security questions:
*reservation number / ticket number
*name of passengers
We have to get two of these components.
How to find a booking:
1) Rt pnr by reservation number
2) Rttkt/157-2336506121 by ticket number
3) Twd/tkt157-2336506121 it opens the ticket
4) Rt*e opening the reservation from this e-ticket
5) An20marcdgkulrtqr flightnumber/20mar15-passengers last name search by the flight date
RTQR0038/20mar-kowalski (or just k) rt1(if there is more than 1 passenger)
6) An20marcdgkul Rt/3-atallah
7) Lp/flight number/date - list of passengers lp1 to open the first position on the list
8) Rt/lastname only when we are sure that this reservation was made in our CC,
rtoption, online, city office, apt office - this is not possible
9) Rt/officeid-name of the passenger - useful when theres no confirmation, rt/kulQR08IB-
nowak/given name
10) RTM/QR-ffnumber search by frequent flyer number, but this privilege number needs to
in the booking (so we should use frequent flyer number)
Pricing entries:
Fxx theory, it doesnt check the lowest option, it never mentions the lowest price
FXR the best buy pricing entry, it always brings us to the lowest possible prices, it checks
availability, it checks against the rules but not in theory, the lowest fare possible that meets all of the
rules, it gives us actual solution. It takes mn, mx, blackouts, flight restrictions etc., correct price, tickets
sellable, but only FRESH booking. We can use it in Gulf itineraries and for train itineraries. We cannot use
it for mixed business and economy booking class, it does not work in case of travelling in 2 different
cabins, because it brings us to the lowest possible.
If the customer wants something more flexible, we have to use fxx and higher booking class.
To get the best price we should always use FXR.
Mm mx and mn at once
Twdrt return to previously displayed ticket
Manual rebooking (rbking)
There are two ways: manual and atc (Amadeus ticket changer, it calculates all the difference)
ATC we re-issue ticket, manual - we re-book the ticket , we check availability, we calculate the
difference, the cost of change, we put a new segment, we send it to special queue, before the ticket is
changed, the back-agent checks it, issues it and sends it to the customer.
A.Before departure :
1. Who issued the ticket? We open the pnr and check the passengers. We need to open the 157-ticket
and check IATA office identification (pv/). Two options:
QR CC, ATO, CTO, IBE any QR sales channel, we can always proceed with changing the price
Travel Agency :
Before departure we cannot change the ticket, the office that issued the ticket
should handle it, but 96 hours rule: if its up to 96 hours before departure in urgent cases
(e.g. travel agency is closed for the weekend), its up to 96 hours from the call to the
departure. If the new date of departure exceeds 96 hours (e.g. the flight was set for the
8th of March and the passenger wants to change it for 20 th of March), we remove the
segments to avoid no-show (we remove the o/b by using xe2,3), but we should not
change the ticket.
After departure at least one coupon is flown, we can always change TAs ticket,
as per rules and conditions.
STA this ticket is completely closed for us, we cannot change it any time.
2. Conditions twdtkt. In order to check the rules of already issued ticket, we have to use fare quote
display, city pairs, date of departure (it influences also the seasonality), date of issuance (on the example
below theres no advance, that was the same day), booking class (we look at the first letter of the fare,
not at the booking class, because it might be different for intra-Gulf flights).
And then fqn1*mm,pe
- no fees, but we still need to check them + there are some fees nrf non-refundable
Ap advanced purchase, always mentioned in days min in days max in months
R indicates if its a mileage or a routing fare dates/days-seasonality, if theres a plus, there are more
restrictions and we have to check them
We check the conditions for the fare on the ticket (F8)
FQDBRUMEL/D31OCT14/R,31OCT14/CL for the i/b (because we compare it and cut in half)
No open-jaw exactly the same city pair
Childs fare:
We can skip childs indicator, because it does not influence the conditions
fqdwawktm/d20may15/r,19jan15,-chx/cd - exactly the same fare conditions, but still we can
reach it from this entry
fqdwawktm/d20may15/r,19jan15,-in/cd for the infant
Stop-over for the purpose of connection
1.Connecting time at HIA more than 8 hours, less than 24 hours. Immediate connection shorter than 8
hours. How long does the passenger have to stay at HIA.
2.Is there any immediate connection on that day? Only on the segment going to and out from Doha.
3.Are there any seats available in the same cabin? (not the same booking class, but the booking class can
be only higher than the previous one)
3.Purely QR flights:
QR is operating an immediate connection with seats available in the desired cabin - we cannot offer
hotel but we can change passengers flight at proper fees so that he does not have to wait so long.
Anyway, the passenger is not eligible for STPC.
QR is operating, but there are no seats available in the desired cabin. We cannot re-book the passenger,
so we allow STPC but not for free, because there was an immediate connection, but the passenger did
not book it. Paid STPC is permitted. $125 per person in economy, $150 per person in business and first.
QR is operating, there are no seats available in the immediate connection but theres one in the middle.
To use paid STPC we have to put the passenger into the closest possible flight, the next after the
immediate connection. If we re-book him, he will be eligible for paid stpc, if we do not re-book him, he is
not permitted for any stpc.
QR is NOT operating any immediate connection, all the connections have the transit time between 8 and
24 hours. OTQ passengers have to pay for STPC. Booking class is higher than otq in economy and all
business and first class. The passenger is already booked for the shortest connections on that day, the
passenger is eligible for STPC paid $125 (economy OTQ) or free of cost (economy other than OTQ,
business and first).
QR, there is no immediate connection and the desired cabin on the second shortest connection is sold-
out the next connection with seats available in the desired cabin on particular date, we will make the
passenger eligible for STPC (paid OTQ, free of cost all the rest).
Tickets booked with miles: redemption tickets. The passengers are also eligible for STPC, but for
redemption tickets, STPC is ALWAYS PAID.
The passenger upgrades his ticket with miles (from economy to business) we collect the charge as per
business class if the class was not originally for free. If it was originally for free, we dont take any extra
Itineraries that involve GCC countries STPC is not permitted, neither paid, nor free. It does not include
Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is excluded.
We dont provide STPC for children travelling alone, the flight attendant has to take care of the child.
No STPC for meda passengers, because they need special medical documentation.
No STPC for the passengers with temporary passports.
Code-share flights rules are the same, but both of them are at least marketed by QR and at least one is
operated by QR. Then we use general rules.
Interlines (marketed and operated by other airline than QR): interline going to or out of Doha STPC is not
permitted, no STPC at all.
Whats included:
1. Transit visa to exit this airport
2. Hotel shuttle
3. Accommodation
4. Vouchers for food (100QAR from 11 to 19 hours stay in economy, 19 to 24 hours 150QAR,
premium 11 to 19 175QAR, 19 to 24 250QAR), meal allowance is not refundable. Under 11 hours
theres no voucher at all. Economy 3-star hotel(at least, theres no name fo the hotel on the
confirmaiotn), business 4-star hotel, first 5-star hotel (the name of the hotel is written on the
Time frame: 3 days, less than 3 days the passenger has to ask at the airport. 3-5 days is urgent, but we
can still try to do it.
If two people are in the same PNR, they should get the same room, if they are not in the same PNR, we
cannot guarantee that, we can guarantee that only if the passengers are the immediate family members.
Russian citizens they might not get visa, so they cannot get out of the airport during stpc. So we try
first at the airport
If somebody cannot get the visa, we will still provide stpc
Third party payment passport details are needed
RT it brings us to the top of pnr
RTR it displays only remarks
RTF all the tickets, endorsement line, payment, validation, all of the possible elements connected with
RTG it displays special requests, also passport details
RTQ it displays queues
QM42/48 to send it to two different queues at a time if both queues are at the same office (no. 42 and
QXPand number of the line to delete pnr of this or that queue
The number of seats is not enough no seats available pax eligible for stpc (everyone has to have
exactly the same fare) but he has to pay
AVIH: harmless, domestic dogs, cats and birds. All others cargo
Containers with IATA certifications are recommended but not compulsory
Up to 32 kg
At least 72 hours prior to departure
Country restrictions: animals as avih to (only to the country, out-ok):
Hong Kong, Ireland, Kenya, South Africa, Great Britain general, LCY/BHX/MAN, United Arab Emirates,
Australia, India. We cannot transport them as avih, but still we can transport it as cargo.
We have to check if all of the aircrafts can take the animals.
The list of passengers by special requests:
Service animals:
- usually its a dog, if its any other animal, we have to write to QR helpdesk
- US, EU, Norway, Georgia, Switzerland countries which allow service animals in cabins
- free of cost
- any other country in hold as AVIH but still free of cost
- documents stating that this really is a service dog
- remarks and email to qr helpdesk
Cost of animals: as for excess baggage (total weight of the animal and the container, up to 32 kg). No
combinations with spare checked-in baggage, nor with frequent flyer extra baggage
Qmiles flying with QR, OneWorld and using other QR partners both air partners : Virgin Atlantic,
MEA, Asiana, GOL (?) and non-air partners (hertz, mariotte, kempinsky, barwa bank). Qmiles can be
spent on getting an award ticket, for shopping in Oryx Galleria (prices are only in miles), for upgrades
and for excess baggage. Qmiles do not cover taxes!!! Taxes need to be paid by the passenger. Valid for 3
years from the moment it comes to your pocket. We cannot spend the Qmiles on paying for animals.
Qcredits an additional currency when pax becomes gold or platinum or renews gold or platinum status.
Gold 40qcredits, platinum 60qcredits. To upgrade the ticket, to buy excess baggage, for the lounge
passes (for someone else, because its free for the member).
Privilege club cards are sent in 2 or 3 weeks after the first flight (after the first activity after enrolling) if
the passenger is in Qatar and up to 4 weeks if the passenger is anywhere else.
Ticket purchased with miles redemption ticket or award ticket. The passenger pays only for taxes, not
even the fuel surcharge
Air partners : Virgin Atlantic, MEA Middle East Airlines, Asiana, GOL
Travel coordinator secretary, a person who is authorized to do any change on behalf of the main
member. This person was nominated by the main member. Silver, gold and platinum. Each member can
have maximum 2 coordinators.
AA American Airlines
US US Airways
JJ TAM Linhas Aereas
LA Lan Airlines
IB - Iberia
BA - British Airways
S7 Siberia Airlines
AY - Finnair
Middle East:
RJ Royal Jordanian
MH Malaysia
JL Japan Airlines
UL Srilankan Airlines
CX Cathay Pacific
QF Qantas Airways
One passnger can be a ff of more than one airline, but he cannot get miles for both cards at once, he has
to decide for which card it is.
How to add ff number to the booking so that the passenger can get his points:
FFNQRtwo-letter airline code-ffnumber
It updates automatically seats, phone numbers, passport details etc.
SSR FQTV YY HK1 thats what we see after
Its not possible to open BA members profile, but we can add his number:
We can also combine the pnrs p.ex. parents decide to travel with their child
1) OS another service information
OS QR TCP(two complete parts) pnr number OS QR TCP 3MIF58
Also for the cabin wheelchair, we put the PNR so that the pax is accompanied by fully abled
2) We have to do it in both pnrs, the same structure in the second reservation
1) security?
2) who issued the ticket? QR sales channel ok, except for Qatar GAS and Qatar Foundation, TA only
urgent cases, less than 96 hours
3) twd/l and then pv/
4) conditions if the ticket is changeable and re-routable FQD
5) fqd and then fqn ok, changes permitted
6) when the pax wants to travel? Dates
7) we check the availability, we cannot give them lower booking class, an etc. There are new segments
added, they are much longer than the other ones
8) repricing: fxx/s4-7(because its just for the new o/b and still the old part of the return)/r,fx (it
doesnt show the service fee),par (point of issuance): FXX/S4-7/R, FX,PAR
9) we have to compare base fare to base fare, taxes to taxes and we add the day change fee. FQQ
Change fee eur 100.00
difference in base fare eur 20.00 to give back (because the ticket is REFUNDABLE in case of cancellation)
PZ airport fee
We calculate the difference in taxes one by one, each by each, tax difference: eur 2,95
Total cost: eur 82,95
100-20=80 80+2,95=82,95
If the ticket is non-refundable for cancellation, we do not give the money back
10) we inform the pax about the total cost of change
11) rf dm;er to save the new segments, we save in spite of the error concerning segments continuity
12) recap (we still keep the old segments )
13) payment, cc holder name, bank, billing address, we cannot have two cards in this situation, we use
rtf to delete the previous card, we delete this form of payment and we type also the original form of
paytqtment with the type of the card:
If the ticket is not refundable, taxes are refundable anyway, only the fuel surcharge is not refundable, the
rest is refundable
If we rebook the passenger and even if the change concerns only one fare component but the other
one has to be upsold, we have to take two different day change fees into consideration and choose the
most restrictive one.
If the pax upgrades his ticket, he doesnt pay the change fee. Then he pays just fare difference and
If the ticket is not changeable, you cannot upgrade. Change of flight number, of date, of
routing, of booking class.
We always compare original fare basis to original fare basis, not the equivalents.
FXT3/P1,3 (two adults) and FXT4/P2 (a child) to store the price for 3 passengers
Booking outside system range we leave a remark that the pax wants to come back after more than 12
months and after for example a month, when the availability is already there, we collect the difference in
fares and taxes but no day change fee
Published fares
Unpublished fares available only for some offices
The original ticket still counts originally nrf ticket will remain nrf even if it was upgraded to fully flexible
business class
We mention separately dcf, dit, dof for each passenger type, so separately for pax 1, pax2 etc., also for
the infant.
Residual value when we give the money back to the passenger. ONLY if the original ticket is refundable.
We cannot combine the residual values between the passengers.
Downgrading tickets:
Economy class we cannot downsell but we can upsell the ticket.
Business we cannot downsell either, but we can downgrade which involves changing the cabin type.
We charge day change fee as for business.
If the ticket is not refundable in business, we dont give the money back.
We cannot downgrade from business to promotional classes.
We should always exchange base fares in original currency and then change it into
the currency of the market
XDOH QR 8 N N 06NOV 1505 NLRTGB 30
DEL QR 564 N N 07NOV 0130 NLRTGB 30
XDOH QR 563 N N 16NOV 0435 NLRTGB 10NOV 30
LON QR 3 N N 16NOV 0745 NLRTGB 10NOV 30
In that case we have to do fqc324gbp/pln instead of taking 1709 pln and do the
If we have difference in taxes in two different currencies, we can reprice the ticket again instead of
recalculating the taxes one by one, e.g. were on UK market, but the original ticket was issued on Polish
market, so the taxes are in plnfxx/s2,3,5,6/r,fx,waw to be able to compare the taxes in the same
currency, but then we have to exchange it into pounds anyway, but each separately!!!
Interline itinerary:
We have more than one airline, e.g. DUS-BKK, DUS-TXL Air Berlin, TXL-BKK QR.
Codeshare- marketing carrier and the operating carrier.
CX:QR codeshare between Cathay Pacific and Qatar Airways from Doha to Hong Kong. Passengers can
buy these tickets both from QR and CX. Benefits for the airlines: we extend our routes, Cathay Pacific
gets passengers, both lines get money.
Wet lease - one airline provides the other with the aircraft, staff and so on, but it doesnt sell tickets for
the flight, e.g. FlyBe and Finnair Manchester-Helsinki.
Difference: wet lease is marked by *, codeshare :
We never book codeshares which are not marketed by us.
Codeshare we sell tickets on our stock number.
Interline - we book tickets on other airlines stock number. Interline billing some of the money goes to
the operating airline.
The factors that influence the possibility of selling an interline ticket:
1) Permitted routing
2) Permitted airline
To check the airline, we use fqd, e.g. FQDPRGSIN/D10MAY15/R,23MAR15
The booking class might not be the same as on QR flights.
To check the permitted routing FQR and line number, only displayed routings are available:
An15mayprgsin/xbcn/aok,qr from Prague to Singapore through BCN with Czech Airlines and
QR, we use this entry after we open the fare display and after we check the routing and the airline with
FQR. We do it to select the options which are really possible, thats why we check fqr first.
MPFQD move to the previously opened FQD.
Even though interline carrier might have different fare basis, the fare basis for QR is binding on all the
parts of the journey. Its called a trough-fare. The fare basis we offer is the same all the way.
To check ? (booking class on interline flight) we insert FQSline number/Aand airline name
The booking class on the interline has to match our booking class in value.
We have to check default exceptions:
If via QR if we want to use QR fare
Then via OK N/V required when available with Czech Airlines we have to use N or V booking class
Then via OK Q required if n or v are not available, we have to use Q class
If via ** - we dont care about it, it doesnt matter for us
Ss1nll1 we book one seat in different booking classes, n for the first flight and l for the second and
the third
The same conditions are valid for both ways, for the return flight its the same.
We always look for the fares on QR flights.
We can book wet lease agreement in the interline tickets. We cannot book code shares.
To check the return flight, we still have to use the mirror reflection entry!!!
If the class is not available on the interline flight, we have to change the fare on QR.
Step by step:
1) Availability
2) Check fare in FQD (mirror reflection for the return)
3) Check the routing and the airline in FQR
4) Check RBD on 0AL fqsx/Axx
5) Choose the flights from the availability, price the ticket and so on.
If we sell the seats from codeshare flight and QR is the marketing carrier, we dont have to worry about
the booking class on that flight. Codeshare with QR marketing the flight is not considered as an interline.
Unaccompanied minor UMNR
Person from 5 to 11 years old travelling alone we book this person as an adult (adult fare). If anyone
wants to have service regarding umnr, he has to pay adult fare. LP/*S(UMNR)/QR006/12OCT
Theyre not allowed to seat next to an adult male, near emergency exits, the child must be seated within
the reach of the aircraft crew. The child always leaves the aircraft at the very end of the journey.
We have to remember about confirming umnr.
UMNR is obligatory for the child between 5 and 12.
If we forget about putting the age of the child (ss1l1/um09), we can always add special requests
Dear SOD,
Could you please confirm the UMNR/YP as for the following booking:
(we paste the pnr and highlight the most important data)
I would be grateful for your help.
Payment options:
Credit card
Third-party payment option it has to be verified online (preferred version) or at the airport or at the
city office
Bank transfer it must be at least 15 days in advance. Except for OTQ.
Debit card UK only, but it doesnt work always
Instant ticketing the ticket has to be issued at the time of booking, It refers to OTQ (promotional)
classes. Bank transfer cannot be used for OTQ classes.
The price is guaranteed only until the end of the day. We can create RBD which is valid for 24 or 48 or 72
hours etc., but then the price is not guaranteed.
Interline booking shortcut:
1) Fqd
2) Fqr when we are sure that the routing and the airline is fine, we look for it in the availability
and then we search for the seats
3) Fxr it gives us the best price and automatically brings us to the right booking class and we dont
have to look for it
Not issued ticket - instead of sending the correction request to the back office, we can choose new
availability, if its exactly the same, we create a new booking. If the particular booking class is not
available any more, we add remarks to the existing PNR, we send it to the queue, the back office corrects
the name and we ask the passenger to call us back and we issue the ticket for the correct name.
Normally it takes up to the end of the day (sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes 2 hours).
Issued ticket we check if theres the same availability, we create the pnr for the same classes, if theres
no availability, we create a ghost booking and then we create pnr, we also have to queue it, send it to QR
helpdesk and leave the remarks.
If somebody forgets to add child remark in the name, we can add sr chld/p1 to fix it.
1) Fresh tickets, not flown
YQ fuel surcharge is not refundable only if the ticket is not refundable. If the ticket is refundable at a
fee or without a fee, we give the money back to the customer.
Ticket made online refund request must be set online, qr websitehelprefund request
We have to inform that the cancellation fee will be deducted from the refundable amount. We inform
the customer about the refundable amount of money.
Validity of tickets 1 year if the ticket was not flown, if the ticket is cancelled before departure, we can
request the refund up to one year after the date of issuance.
No show- segments are inserted in the booking
We cancel the segments so that we release the seats and the passenger avoids the no-show.
After cancelling all of the segments, we have to write:
Ru1ahk1 (hk and the number of the passengers) place of issuance date of issuance/free text
Ru1ahk1 zrh 31oct/tkt left for future rbking
We have to put remarks e.g. rm pax clld to cancel tkt and left it for future rbking, pax advsd of dcf and so
If the ticket was issued in our office, we queue it for QE43.
If theres no form of payment, we have to take the credit card details once again, write it in excel file and
send it to this address:
Filesave astoolsgeneral options
Then we have to send a separate message to the same e-mail address to reveal the password (we set it
on our owns).
If it was made by the TA, we send the passengers to the TA and they have to do it.
2) Partly flown tickets
After the fare is not valid any more, the passenger can only upsell the ticket so that he can change it.
If the fare is valid e.g. one month from 25 th of January, the passenger has to call us before the 25 th of
February to request the refund or rebooking.
DOI 31 oct 14 booking class o, mx 1 month
o/b is on 25th of jan 15
i/b 24th of feb 15
ticket valid until 31 oct 15
Repricing: to refund this partly flown ticket, we have to reprice the ticket as per day of issuance, we dont
take half of return ticket but we have to take into consideration the lowest one way fare, then we
compare both base fares and if theres anything left to be given back, we give it back, if theres nothing
left, we compare taxes one by one, any cancellation fee is deducted from the remaining part . If there
is nothing to be given back, we dont charge any extra cancellation fee!!! If theres
nothing left to be given back to the passenger, we dont charge any cancellation fee!!!
Fqp origin city/a airline/booking class/date of departure and cities of departure-/date of issuance
Fqpzrh/aqr/ch/d25jandohsgn-/r,31oct14 /aqr/cm/d24febdohsgn-/r,31oct14 for
the return flight
Booking class the lowest possible one-way but we have to respect the restriction of downselling.
Twd/tax twd/xt if we cannot see the base fare we have to follow this path
ACmuc to change the origin of the availability
Ac//mel to change the destination of the availability
>sbd2/a3 if we want to change the seats to d class on the first part and to a on the second leg at one
Rounded as fares day change fee and difference of fares
Rounded as other charges - difference in taxes
We can process the refund ONLY if the ticket was issued by European Contac Centre. If it was purchased
online, help, refund request. Other sales channel e.g. city office, airport desk they have to
request the refund from the particular office.
If the ticket is fully unutilized, we can leave the ticket open, we cancel the old segments and then the
pax can call us at any later date up to one year minus a day.
27mar15 valid until 26mar16
To prevent the purge of the PNR:
RU1ahk1wro(always wro, doesnt matter what market it is)date of issue-1day
We have to add the remarks - pax clld left tkt open etc.
1) Published, F first issue, R - reissued
2) IT fares: inclusive fares they were originally used by ta and they are hidden because different
travel agencies can have different deals. Theres no base fare on the ticket. I first issue. Y
reissued. To open IT we have to open TST by entering TQT and there it is.
3) BT bulked tickets, booked for travel agencies, the price is much better. U first issue. W
TTH it opens the history of TST, we can find the base fare in the history of TST.
1. Security questions RT
3. Conditions FQDwawbkk/d10sep+FQN
4. Availability AN , SS (or double click on the booking class to take one seat or short
sell to choose different number of seats)
5. Reprising manually we put fxx, with ATC we put: fxf/s
FXF/S2,3,6,7 number of segments that need to be reprised, all the segments that the
passenger wants to use in the future
6. Recap and save rfdm;er
7. Payment card owner name (if its the new one we do it from the beginning, if its the same we
leave a remark that its the same), billing address, deleting the old fp, adding new form of
payment (fpo/ccvi+/ccvi4444333322221111/1115*cv123/n2525)
8. Saving rf dm;er
9. Deleting old tst Tte/all
10. Storing the price FXQ/S2,3,6,7
12. Opening tst tqt (pay attention to the number of tst, how many of them are there)
13. th
Recap Im deleting the flights from waw to bkk on 9 of June, so you will not be able
to fly then. Now your flight is on 15th of September.
14. Deleting the old segments.
16. Remarks RIZ of conditions FXF and then FQN1-1//pe for the first fare component and
fqn1-2//pe, RM of what happened rm ttl cost of change pln 1789.00 as per ata//tkt
17. Saving rf dm;er
19. Reissuing the ticket TTP/T2/RT T2 indicator and number of the tst. If there are
more tsts TTP/T2-5/RT
20. Queueing the reservation quality queue QE48, theres no need to send it to reissue
queue (as in manual rebooking), because ATC does it
21. Sending the e-mail to the pax using e-ticket generator
22. Opening the old ticket Twd/O* - to open the old ticket, we have to check if tits status
is E (exchanged) so that there is just one, not two tickets
PD paid taxes -
XP the day change fee, in general thats the indicator of collected fees (e.g. no show fee and day
change fee)
Voiding the ticket : TRDC/TK-ticket number without 157
REQUESTED CHANGE NOT Too short stay, fxf doesnt work Fxe/s,2,3,4,5 and then sb and
ALLOWED BY CARRIER suggested booking class
FXE doesnt check if the suggested booking class is available, so we have to use SB entry
If the ticket was already exchanged and we want to change it again, we have to provide ticket number to
exchange, we modify the entry:
Fxf/s2,3,6,7/t11 (t 11 t for ticket and 11 is the line number where the ticket is)
Either a refund or a voucher for further transportation
At the time of storing the price we create two different masks TST and TSM which is the mask of the
To open TST we use TQT, transitionally stored mask of a voucher
To open TSM we use TQM
To issue TST we use TTP/T2
To issue TSM we use TTM/M1
To open ticket we use TWD/l number of the line
To open EMD we use EWD/l number of the line with DTQR
TSM is a soft copy of EMD Electronic Miscellaneous Document=voucher
S stand alone EMDs , theres no need to have any ticket, because we can simply use our voucher
A associated EMDs , for example if the pax buys excess baggage, emd is issued and this particular emd
is associated, because theres no point in having excess baggage if you dont have the ticket.
Residual value for future air transportation and or refund we inform the customer that he can either
have his money back or use it for future transportation
TMI the entry which lets us modify the mask of the voucher, because every reissued document has to
have the reissued payment line
M1 is for mask no. 1 , cash+ - this is the previous form of payment
Then we delete the new segments, we recap, we issue new ticket
TTP/T2/TTM/M1/RT it issues the ticket and the voucher at once
Serial number of emd usually starts with 8
Status of EMD:
O open
E exchanged (passenger booked a ticket with this voucher)
R refunded (the money was taken)
S - suspended
We inform about the validity of the EMD one year minus one day for the DOI of EMD. This is just for
one passenger, only in contact center. Family members cannot take advantage of it. If theres a change of
name, e.g. marriage or divorce the voucher cannot be used. The pax can use the voucher either this or
that day until 27th March 2016.
We have to check who issued the original ticket. If we didnt take the money, we cant give it back. We
have to check PV. If its Wroclaw, we queue it for QE43 rm tkt changed with emd, pax wants emd
refund, please refund emd
If its any other CC, TA, IBE they need to contact the office which issued the original ticket and they
process the refund.
We send the voucher to the customer and he has to contact this or that office for the refund.
If the pax wants to keep the voucher, we send it to the voucher.
EMR/EPR-EMLA this entry sends the vouchers to all the email addresses
EMR/ for the specific email address
The refund is sent ALWAYS to the original form of payment, so : credit cardcredit card, cashcash .
That is why we have to take credit card details again and we write it in Excel in the secured file (tools),
name of the file EMD refund pnr number
Toolsgeneral optionschosen password
We dont take the airline fee when we use EMD to book a flight. CC is the only sales channel to use the
OR FPO/EMD, if theres no additional collection, because the EMD fully covers the price
7) Rf dm;er RM pax clld and paid with emd 157-545686 pax advsd cost of the ticket 547852
value of the voucher 456889 collected remaining 90963 Or RM please reissue the voucher with
remaining part
8) Reissue queue QM42/48
Rt axr to open all the reservations
1. Security questions
2. Is it QR ticket? After departure we can change any ticket of any travel agency except for STA
3. Conditions (FQD and FQN)
4. Availability (AN and SS or double click)
5. Reprising FXX/s2,4/r,fx,wro,27mar15 we have to include the place and the date of issuance
6. Calculations after departure there should be no difference in taxes when we dont change the
airport, but we have to pay attention to PZ (if the transit time is more than 12 hours, the tax is
7. We have to change dcf from USD into the currency of the market were in
8. Recap
9. Payment (card owner name, bank name, billing address, cancellation of FP, FPO)
10. Updating tst TTU/s and new segments (we can see only the new segment in new tst)
11. Recap
12. Deleting the old flight you will not be able to travel on 17 th of April, now your new date of
departure is 25th of April
13. Remarks and RIZ if theres an upsell
14. Special requests if any
15. Queue QM42/48 or QE42C1
We have to be very careful with difference of fare, because we move it to the past, so the rate of change
might be different: fqc11eur/pln/27mar15
Before departure we always charge it as per that day
After departure we have to keep in mind that it was issued in past, so we have to change the date
If the passenger calls us back already after rebooking and ATC doesnt work, we have to check the
conditions with FQD, so we have to open the previous ticket, we have to find the first ticket with flown
Fqd mirror reflection of the city pair/D original date of departure because its AFTER departure (if it was
before departure, we would have the new date/R, original date of issuance/new booking class
Outbound date and date of issuance should be taken from the first ticket with used coupons.
Ticket validity:
Date of issuance: 13th apr 14 ticket valid until: 12th apr 15
Fare validity:
The fare starts when the flight starts
To process with change, either the first or the second element must be valid.
So, if the fare is just for one month, we can still process the change of partially flown flight, because the
ticket is still valid, even if the fare is not. If the ticket is not valid any more, we can do nothing.
If the ticket is not valid, but the fare is still valid, we can still process the changes.
Changes and refunds can be processed before departure, when all the coupons are open then only
ticket validity counts. If the ticket is partially flown, either the ticket or the fare must be still valid to
process the changes.
The fare validity might be longer than the ticket validity, because the fare validity starts at the time when
we take the first flight and the ticket validity starts when we purchase the ticket, e.g. DOI 31dec14 ,
date of OB 01jun15, fare validity 1 year the ticket is changeable until 01jun16.
Meda case in general when this is a current state. If somebody has been paralised since the day he was
born, it is not a meda case.
Medif special form, our form which has to be filled and stamped by doctor. No less than 48 hours and
no more than 7 days before departure.
Medical certificate a regular medical documentation, just w piece of paper from the doctor stating that
the passenger is fit to travel and there are no contraindications.
Indemnity form document which has to be signed by pax stating that QR will do its best to clear the
board from the allergen but still there might be passengers who want to bring it with them onboard
If the ticket is unchangeable but the passenger has to be upgraded due to medical condition, we should
consult our team leader so that the pax can be rebooked.
Meda cases are held by ticket offices. What we do is:
a) Contact details name, phone number, email address
b) Description of the case
c) Email to team leadercity office
If the customer is not sure whether the allergy is mild or severe, we should advise them to consult it
with his doctor.
If its mild:
SSR SPML-allergy to mango and kiwi/s2/p1
We need at least 4 hours to process mild allergy case. Then: email to BO: in title mild allergy case-allergy form request pnr: xxxx
HK status confirmed
TK there was a time change, the time is different than original but this flight for this particular
passenger is confirmed
UN unable to confirm, this flight doesnt operate any more
UC the flight operates but the seat is not confirmed any more, e.g. when the aircraft is changed to the
smaller one with fewer seats
If the passenger fails to take the flight and he is a no-show on the outbound, we compare no show fee
and day change fee (sum of these amounts) on the outbound to the day change fee on the inbound and
we take the most restrictive one, e.g. outbound: dcf 50 eur, no show fee 100 eur, inbound: dcf 200 euro,
we charge 200 euro.
*misconnection after schedule change the connection time is less than required (Doha : QR-QR, 45
minutes, QR-any other airline 1 hour)
Schedule changes:
Minor/major if its more than two hours of difference, then we consider it as a major change. Possible
1. Reissue the number of ticket changes, theres a new document. ONLY when the routing
changes, for example when the airline is not operating because of some accident, strike etc. LHR-
DOH-KTM LHR-DOH-DELAir India KTM. This is an involuntary reissue.
2. Revalidation only an adjustment of existing ticket, theres no new document, its still the same
ticket, but modified. Changes of: flight number, date, timings
When we change the booking class due to major change, first we try to put him into the same booking
class, then if its not available we should put him to the lowest possible booking class within the
same cabin. Conditions are always as per original ticket.
FQMFRAVIE to check the mileage from Frankfurt to Vienna, TPM indicates the number of miles
INVOLUNTARY changes only
L12 ticket line
F coupon, we include all of the open coupons
S+segments all the segments that the passenger wants to use in the future
Reissuing before departure:
1. availability
2. tte/all
3. FXI/T12f1-4/s2,3,6,7
4. Tqt to check the tst
5. We have to change stopovers to transits in Doha to do so we change cursor to insert, we
press x and then enter, then we save it. Its obligatory, because otherwise paxs baggage would
appear at the airport every time
6. On the right top corner Pfd to display the whole itinerary. PMD to go back to tst
7. Remarks
8. Deleting old segments
9. Reissue TTP/T2/RT
There was a schedule change, o/b was revalidated and now pax wants to change the o/b voluntarily. We
can process the rebooking for the outbound after schedule change in ATC only if we dont include the
involuntarily changed segments, so we use fxf only with 2 new segments and the segments for the
Ticket had a schedule change on o/b, it was revalidated, now the pax wants to change i/b voluntarily
we have to check the history of the ticket so that we know when was the original date of travel (because
with revalidation we can move the flight for 14 days), in that case we cannot use ATC, because we cannot
include the fake segments : TWH/XT (extended history of the ticket, we look for ISSUE segment,
because its originally paid outbound) we need to combine it with new inbound:
FQPwaw/aqr/cb/d24juldohjnb-/aqr/cl/d17augdohwaw-/r,fx,wro to make
the simulation for the price as per original details of travel, we can do it purely theoretically without
segments we have to compare the old ticket with the new fare basis (fqq), if the transit time is not
longer than 12 hours, we do not take the difference in PZ into consideration (because FQP always
assigns the highest PZ rate after the change), we do RHI and we check the transit time in Doha
17 aug new date of inbound
We try to recreate the journey, thats why we have to include Doha etc.
If we change o/b d24jul is the new outbound and d17aug is the original inbound
All the problems related to online operations
If theres discrepancy between the rules and the ticket was purchased on our website, we ask
the pax to send the confirmation (forward pdf) to,
pnr number in the subject.
The page went blank after the pax inserted his cc details, we can check if the payment was
User name: dmroz password: a770BWDM19
We can check it ONLY if the booking was made online, we cannot check it if it was done over the
phone or in the city office, ONLY ONLINE
Merchant reference number RM MERCHANT_REF:X44NYS140115 pnr number and the date of
booking, this is how we can access the payment using eurocommerce, we copy merchant
reference to the customer reference box (we have to tick null first) and then we have to check
Workflow steps:
Authorization: declined (violation of cc limit or theres no money on the account) or
approved. If it was declined, the money was surely not taken. If its approved, the money
is taken. If its approved, we can easily issue the ticket.
Settlement: initialized, approved, unknown. All of these statuses indicate that the money
was taken. Void the payment didnt go through, the merchant didnt get the money.
Void approved there was an attempt of taking the money but it was not successful, so
we didnt take it.
Fraud decline
The payment was taken twice when we can differ two elements of OnAuth Approved
Procedure to waive the service fee and use tst made online
1. The error occurred on the payment level we have to ask the passenger
2. The first airport must be a European market airport one of the markets we serve, so that we
can charge the fee in the proper currency
3. FP line is not there if FP line is already in the booking, it means that the payment went through
4. Ticketing element must be tkxl
5. Theres no remark on hold. Qataraairways.comBookpayment optionslink at the bottom:
these options are binding only for online booking. Pay later/offline under certain circumstances
the pax can put the booking on hold and up to 72 hours to decide whether he wants it or not. In
that case we do not waive the service fee, because the passenger can easily manage his booking
within the time frame given in his reservation. Its the same for the city offices in the country of
departure. For both booking on hold and city office payment we always have to stick to the
country of departure (currency reasons). Then the service fee is not taken (even in the city
6. We take the payment and we issue the ticket.
Denied boarding we can NEVER describe this error to the passenger we advise the customer to
proceed the check-in at the airport.
Online upgrade an offer randomly sent to our customers to change the booking class to business. The
offer is sent as for booking, either every passenger from the booking receives it, or none of them. One-
time offer, theres no chance to change it. Before reissue one segment is duplicated, the only difference
is the booking class I for business and A for first. The conditions: the amount is not refundable, if the
pax wants to change the flight, he goes back to the original booking class and he is not given the money
IONUPG base fare for upgraded booking class, we have to deal with it in the same way we deal with
revalidated tickets (we have to open the history etc.).