Correctness Analysis1

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Algorithm Correctness & Analysis

A finite set of instructions which if followed accomplish a
particular task. In addition every algorithm must satisfy
following criteria:
1. Input: zero or more quantities externally supplied
2. Output: at least one quantity is produced
3. Definiteness: Each instruction must be clear and
4. Finiteness: In all cases algorithm must terminate after finite
number of steps.
5. Effectiveness: each instruction must be sufficiently basic.
Two algorithms on two systems

Algorithm A1 50 n log n

Algorithm A2 2n2
A2 Super computer Time taken by Super Computer
108 ins/sec = 2.(106)2/ 108 = 20,000 sec

P.C Time taken by P .C.
106 ins /sec = 50 .106 lg 106 / 106 = 1,000 sec
Thus by using a fast algorithm, the personal computer gives
results 20 times faster than the result given by super
computer using a slow algorithm.

Thus a good algorithm is like a sharp knife, it does exactly what

it is supposed to do with a minimum amount of effort.
To estimate how long a program will run.

To estimate the largest input that can reasonably be given to

the program.

To compare the efficiency of different algorithms.

To help focus on the parts of code that are executed the

largest number of times.

To choose an algorithm for an application.

Some questions to answer:

How fast can we solve a problem?

There may be many algorithms for a given problem.

Which algorithm to use?
What are the classical algorithm design techniques ?
Are there problems inherently difficult to solve?

How do we express the complexity of algorithm?

Resources : Time and Space
Complexity lower bounds for problems.
Complexity classes P, NP etc.
Pseudo code
Pseudo code is an English language like representation of the code
required for an algorithm

It is partly English, partly structured code.

The English part provides a relaxed syntax that is easy to read.

The code part consists of an extended version of the basic

algorithmic constructs-sequence, selection and iteration.
Sequence, selection, loop
A sequence is a series of statements that do not alter the execution
path within an algorithm.
Statements such as assign and add are sequence statements.
A call to another algorithm is also considered a sequence
Selection statements evaluate one or more alternatives. Paths are
followed based on its result.
The typical selection statement is the two way selection if
(condition) action 1 else action 2.
The part of the loop are identified by indentation.
Loop iterates a block of code. It closely resembles the while loop.
It is a pretest loop.
Algorithm: deviation

It finds deviations from average.

Pre: nothing

Post: numbers are read and deviation from average printed

1 i= 0
2 loop(all data are read)
1 i=i+1
2 read numbers into array[i]
3 sum = sum + number
3 Average = sum / i
4 print (average)
5 j=0
6 loop (j < i)
1 j = j+ 1
2 dev = array[j] average
3 print (array [ j] . Dev)
7 return
8 end deviation
Confidence in algorithms from testing and
correctness proof

Correctness of recursive algorithms proved

directly by induction

Examples: Fibonacci numbers, maximum,

How do we know that an algorithm works?

Logical method for checking correctness


Correctness proof

Testing vs. Correctness Proofs

Testing: try the algorithm on sample inputs

Correctness Proof: Prove mathematically; testing may not

found obscure bugs
Using testing alone can be dangerous
Correctness of Recursive
To prove correctness of recursive algorithm:

Prove it by induction on the size of the problem being solved

Base of recursion is base of induction

Need to prove the recursive calls are given sub-problems, i.e.,

no infinite recursion

Inductive step: assume that recursive calls work correctly, and

use this assumption to prove that the current call works

Recursive Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci numbers: F0 = 0, F1 =1, and for all n 2,

Fn = Fn-2 + Fn-1

function fib(n)

comment return F n

1. if n 1 then return (n)

2. else return(fib (n 1) + fib(n 2))

Recursive Fibonacci Numbers
Claim: For all n 0, fib(n) return Fn
Base: For n =0, fib(n ) returns 0 as claimed. For n = 1, fib(n) returns 1
as claimed.
Induction: Suppose that n 2 and for all 0 m < n, fib (m) returns
Fm .

Required to prove fib(n) returns Fn

What does fib(n) returns?

fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) = Fn-1 + Fn-2 (by Ind. Hyp.)

= Fn
Recursive Maximum
function maximum(n)
comment Return max of A[1..n].
1. if n < 1 then return (A[1]) else
2. return(max(maximum(n 1).A[n]))

Claim: For all n 1. maximum(n) returns max{A[1],A[2].,A[n]}.

Proof by induction on n > 1.

Base: for n = 1, maximum(n) returns A[1] as claimed.

Recursive maximum
Induction: Suppose that n > 1 and maximum(n) returns

RTP maximum (n + 1) returns

max{A[1],A[2],,A[n + 1]}.

What does maximum(n + 1) return?

max(maximum(n), A[n + 1])

= max(max{A[1],A[2],,A[n]}. A[n + 1]
(by ind . hyp .)
= max{A[1],A[2],,A[n + 1]}.
Recursive Multiplication
Notation: For x IR, x is the largest integer not exceeding x.

function multiply(y, z)

comment return the product yz

1. if z = 0 then return (0) else

2. if z is odd

3. then return (multiply(2y, z/2 )+ y)

4. else return (multiply(2y, z/2 ))

Recursive Multiplication
Claim: for all y, z 0, multiply(y, z) returns yz.

Proof by induction on z > 0.

Base: For z = 0, multiply(y, z) returns 0 as claimed.

Induction: Suppose that for z > 0, and for all 0 < q z. multiply (y, q) returns yq.

RTP multiply(y.z + 1) returns y(z + 1).

What does multiply(y.z + 1) return?

There are two cases, depending on whether z + 1 is odd or even.

Recursive Multiplication
If z + 1 is odd, then multiply (y, z + 1) returns
multiply (2y. (z + 1)/2) + y
= 2y(z + 1)/2) + y (by ind. Hyp.)
= 2y(z/2) + y (since z is even)
= y(z + 1)

If z + 1 is odd, then multiply (y, z + 1) returns

multiply (2y. (z + 1)/2)
= 2y (z + 1)/2 (by ind. Hyp.)
= 2y(z + 1)/2 (since z is odd)
= y(z + 1).
O, ,
Sum and product rule for O
Analysis of nonrecursive algorithms

Implementing Algorithm






Constant Multiples
Analyze the resource usage of an algorithm to within a constant multiple.

Why? Because other constant multiples creep in when translating

from an algorithm to executable code:

Programmer ability

Programmer effectiveness


Computer hardware

Recall: Measure resource usage as a function of input size

Big oh
We need a notation for within a constant multiple. Actually, we have several of

Informal definition: f(n) is O(g(n)) if f grows at most as fast as g.

Formal definition: f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exists c, n0 IR+ such that for all n n0,
f(n) c.g(n).
Most big-Os can be proved by induction.

First Example: log n = O(n).

Claim : For all n >1, log n <n . The proof is by induction on n.

The claim is trivially for n=1,since 0<1. Now suppose n > 1 and log n < n.


log (n+1)

< log 2n

= log n+1

< n+1 (by ind. hyp.)

Second example
2n + 1 = O(3n/n).

Claim: For all n 7, 2n + 1 3n/n.

The proof is induction on n.
The claim is true for n = 7, since 2n + 1 = 28 = 256, and 3n/n = 37/7 > 312.
Now suppose n 7 and 2n + 1 3n/n. RTP 2n + 2 3n + 1/(n + 1).
2n + 2
= 2.2n + 1
2.3n/n (by ind. hyp.)
3n / (n + 1) . 3n / n (see below)
= 3n + 1 / (n + 1).
Note that we need
3n/(n + 1) 2
3n 2n + 2
Big Omega
Informal Definition: f(n) is (g(n)) if f grows at least as fast as g.

Formal definition: f(n) = (g(n)) if there exists c > 0 such that there are infinitely
many n IN such that f(n) c.g(n)
Big Theta
Informal Definition: f(n) is (g(n)) if f is essentially the same as g, to
within a constant multiple.

Formal definition: f(n) = (g(n)) if f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) = (g(n))

True or false
3n5 16n + 2 = O(n5)?
3n5 16n + 2 = O(n)?
3n5 16n + 2 = O(n17)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n5)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n17)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n5)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n)?
3n5 16n + 2 = (n17)?
Adding Big Ohs
Claim. If f1 (n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)), then
f1 (n) + f2 (n) = O(g1(n) + g2(n)).

Proof: Suppose for all n n1, f1(n) c1. g1(n) and for all n n2,
f2(n) c2. g2(n).

Let n0 = max{n1, n2} and c0 = max{c1, c2}. Then for all n n0,

f1(n) + f2(n) c1.g1(n) + c2.g2(n)

c0(g1(n) + g2(n)).
Claim. If f1 (n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)), then
f1 (n) + f2 (n) = O(max{g1(n), g2(n)}).

Proof: Suppose for all n n1, f1(n) c1. g1(n) and for all n n2,
f2(n) c2. g2(n).

Let n0 = max{n1, n2} and c0 = c1 + c2. Then for all n n0,

f1(n) + f2(n) c1.g1(n) + c2.g2(n)

(c1 + c2)(max{g1(n), g2(n)})
= c0(max{g1(n), g2(n)}).
Multiplying Big Ohs
Claim. If f1 (n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)), then
f1 (n) . f2 (n) = O(g1(n) . g2(n)).

Proof: Suppose for all n n1, f1(n) c1 . g1(n) and for all n n2,
f2(n) c2. g2(n).

Let n0 = max{n1, n2} and c0 = c1 . c2. Then for all n n0,

f1(n) . f2(n) c1. g1(n) . c2.g2(n)

= c0 . g1(n) . g2(n).
Types of Analysis
Worst case: time taken if the worst possible thing happens. T(n) is the maximum
time taken over all inputs of size n.

Average Case: The expected running time, given some probability distribution on
the inputs (usually uniform). T(n) is the average time taken over all inputs of size

Probabilistic: The expected running time for a random input. (Express the
running time and the probability of getting it.)

Amortized: the running time for a series of executions, divided by the number of
Consider an algorithm that for all inputs of n bits takes time 2n, and
for one input of size n takes time nn.

Worst case: (nn)

Average Case:
nn + (2n 1)n nn
( ) = ( )
2 2
Probablistic: O(n) with probability 1 1 / 2n.

Amortized: A sequence of m executions on different inputs takes

amortized time.
nn + (m 1)n nn
O( ) = O( )

Time Complexity
Well do mostly worst-case analysis. How much time does it take to
execute an algorithm in the worst case?

assignment O(1)
procedure entry O(1)
procedure exit O(1)
if statement time for test plus
O(max of two branches)
loop sum over all iterations of
the time for each iteration

Put these together using sum rule and product rule.

Exception--- recursive algorithms.
function multiply(y, z)
comment Return yz, where y, z IN
1. x := 0;
2. while z > 0 do
3. if z is odd then x := x + y;
4. y := 2y; z:= z/2 ;
5. return (x)

Suppose y and z have n bits.

Procedure entry and exit cost O(1) time
Lines 3, 4 cost O(1) time each
The while-loop on lines 2-4 costs O(n) time (it is executed at most n times).
Line 1 costs O(1) time
Therefore, multiplication takes O(n) time (by the sum and product rules).
Bubble sort
Procedure bubblesort(A[1..n])
For i := 1 ton 1 do
For j := 1 ton ido
If A[j] >A[j + 1] then
Swap A[j] with A[j + 1]
Procedure entry and exit costs O(1) time
Line 5 costs O(1) time
The if-statement on lines 4-5 costs O(1) time
The for-loop on lines 3- 5 costs O(n i) time
The for-loop on lines 2- 5 costs O( =1 ) time.
O( =1 )= O(n(n 1) - 1 2
=1 ) = ( )
Therefore, bubblesort takes time O(n2) in the worst case.
2 2
Analysis Trick
Rather than go through the step-by-step method of analyzing algorithms,

Identify the fundamental operation used in the algorithm, and observe that the
running time is a constant multiple of the number of fundamental operations
used. (Advantage: no need to grunge through line-by-line analysis.)

Analyze the number of operations exactly. (Advantage: work with numbers

instead of symbols.)

This often helps you stay focused, and work faster.

In the bubblesort example, the fundamental operation is the
comparison done in line 4. The running time will be big-O of
the number of comparisons.
Line 4 uses 1 comparison
The for-loop on lines 3-5 uses n i comparisons
The for-loop on lines 2 5 uses =1 comparisons,
n 1 n 1

(n i) n(n 1) i
i 1 i 1

n( n 1) n( n 1) / 2
n( n 1) / 2
Algorithms and Problems
Big-Os mean different things when applied to algorithms and
Bubblesort runs in time O(n2). But is it tight? Maybe I was too
lazy to figure it out, or maybe its unknown.
Bubblesort runs in time (n2). This is tight.
The sorting problem takes time O(n log n). There exists an
algorithm that sorts in time O(n log n), but I dont know if there is
a faster one.
The sorting problem takes time (n log n). There exists an
algorithm that sorts in time O(n log n), and no algorithm can do
any better.
Algorithms Analysis 2
Analysis of iterative (nonrecursive) algorithms.
The heap: an implementation of the priority queue
Insertion in time O(log n)
Deletion of minimum in time O(log n)

Build a heap in time O(n log n).
Dismantle a heap in time O(n log n).
Worst case analysis O(n log n).
How to build a heap in time O(n).
The Heap
A priority queue is a set with the operations
Insert an element
Delete and return the smallest element

A popular implementation: the heap. A heap is a binary tree with

the data stored in the nodes. It has two important properties:
1. Balance: It is as much like a complete binary tree as possible.
Missing leaves, if any, are on the last level at the far right.
2. Structure: The value in each parent is the values in its

9 5

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40 12

Note this implies that the value in each parent is the values in
its descendants (Includes self).
To Delete the Minimum

1. Remove the root and return the value in it.


9 5

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40 12
2. Replace root with last leaf.

9 5

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40 12


9 5

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40

But we have violated the structure condition

3. Repeatedly swap the new element with its smallest child until it reaches a place
where it is no larger than its children.

9 5

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40

9 12

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40

9 12

11 20 10 24

21 15 30 40

9 10

11 20 12 24

21 15 30 40
What Does it work?
Why does swapping the new node with its smallest child work?

a a
b c c b

Suppose b c and a is not in the correct place. That is, either

a > b or a > c. In either case, since b c, we know that a > b.

a a
b c c b

Then we get

b b
a c c a

Is b smaller than its children? Yes, since b < a and b c.
Is c smaller than its children?

Yes, since it was before.

Is a smaller than its children? Not necessarily.

Thats why we continue to swap further down the tree.

Does the sub-tree of c still have the structure condition?

Yes, since it is unchanged.

To Insert a New Element

1. Put the new element in the next leaf. This preserves the

But weve violated the structure condition!

2. Repeatedly swap the new element with its parent until it

reaches a place where it is no smaller than its parent
Why Does it Work
Why does swapping the new node with its parent work?

b c

d e

Suppose c < a. Then we swap to get

b a

d e

Is a larger than its parent? Yes, since a > c.

Is b larger than its parent? Yes, since b > a > c.
Is c larger than its parent? Not necessarily. Thats why we continue
to swap
Is d larger than its parent? Yes, since d was a descendant of a in the
original tree, d > a.
Is e larger than its parent? Yes, since e was a descendant of a in the
original tree, e > a.
Do the sub-trees of b, d, e still have the structure condition? Yes,
since they are unchanged.
Implementing a Heap
An n node heap uses an array A[1..n].
The root is stored in A[1]
The left child of a node in A[i]is stored in node A[2i]
The right child of a node in A[i] is stored in node A[2i + 1].
Analysis of Priority Queue
Delete the Minimum:
1. Remove root O(1)
2. Replace root O(1)
3. Swaps O(l(n))

when l(n) is the number of levels in an n-node heap.


1. Put in leaf O(1)

2. Swaps O(l(n))
Analysis of l(n)
A complete binary tree with k levels has exactly 2k 1 nodes(can
prove by induction). Therefore, a heap with k levels has no fewer
than 2k 1 nodes and no more than 2k 1 nodes.

2k 1 - 1
nodes k
2k 1
Therefore, in a heap with n nodes and k levels:

2k-1 n 2k - 1
k1 log <k
k1 log k
k1 log k1
log =k
k = log + 1
Hence, number of levels is l(n) = log + 1

Left side: 8 nodes, log 8 + 1 = 4 levels. Right side: 15

nodes, log 15 + 1 = 4 levels.

So, insertion and deleting the minimum from an n-node

heap requires time O(log n).
To sort n numbers
1. Insert n numbers into an empty heap.
2. Delete the minimum n times.
The numbers come out in ascending order.
Each insertion costs time O(log n). Therefore, cost of line 1 is
O(n log n).
Each deletion costs time O(log n). Therefore, cost of line 2 is
O(n log n).
Therefore, heapsort takes time O(n log n) in the worst case.
Building a Heap Top Down
Cost of building a heap proportional to number of comparisons.
The above method builds from the top down.

Cost of an insertion depends on the height of the heap. There are

lots of expensive nodes.
Number of comparisons (assuming a full heap ):
l ( n ) 1

j 0
j 2 j (l (n)2l ( n ) ) (n log n).

How do we know this? Can prove by induction that:

j2j 1
(k 1)2 k 1 2

( k 2 k )
Building a Heap Bottom Up

Cost of an insertion depends on the height of the heap. But now

there are few expensive nodes.

Number of comparisons is (assuming a full heap):

l ( n) l (n) l (n)

i 1

l ( n ) i
(i 1).2 2 l (n)
i 1
/ 2
O ( n. ).
i 1
/ 2 i

cos t copies
Algorithm Analysis 3


Analysis of recursive algorithms:

Recurrence relations
How to derive them
How to solve them
Deriving Recurrence Relations
To derive a recurrence relation for the running time of an algorithm:

Figure out what n, the problem size, is .

See what value of n is used as the base of the recursion. It will usually be a
single value (e.g. n = 1), but may be multiple values. Suppose it is n0.

Figure out what T(n0) is. You can usually use some constant c, but sometimes a
specific number will be needed.

The general T(n) is usually a sum of various choices of T(m) (for the recursive
calls), plus the sum of the other work done. Usually the recursive calls will be
solving a subproblems of the same size f(n), giving a term a.T(f(n)) in the
recurrence relation.
Base of recursion
Running time for base

c if n n 0
T ( n)
a.T ( f ( n)) g ( n) otherwise

Number of times All other processing not

recursive call is made counting recursive calls
Size of problem
solved by
recursive call
Analysis of Multiplication
function multiply(y, z)
comment return the product yz
1. if z = 0 then return (0) else
2. if z is odd
3. then return (multiply(2y, z/2)+y)
4. else return(multiply(2y, z/2))

Let T(n) be the running time of multiply(y, z), where z is an n-bit

natural number.
Then for some c, d R,
c if n 1
T ( n)
T (n 1) d otherwise
Solving Recurrence Relations
Use repeated substitution.

Given a recurrence relation T(n).

Substitute a few times until you see a pattern

Write a formula in terms of n and the number of substitutions i.
Choose i so that all references to T() become references to the base
Solve the resulting summation

This will not always work, but works most of the time in practice.
The Multiplication Example
We know that for all n > 1,

T(n) = T(n -1) + d.

Therefore , for large enough n,

T ( n) T ( n 1) d
T ( n 1) T ( n 2) d
T ( n 2) T ( n 3) d
T ( 2) T (1) d
T (1) c
Repeated Substitution
T (n) T (n 1) d
(T (n 2) d ) d
T (n 2) 2d
(T (n 3) d ) 2d
T (n 3) 3d

There is a pattern developing. It looks like after I substitutions,

T(n) = T(n i) + id.

Now choose i = n 1. Then

T (n) T (1) d (n 1)
dn c d
Prove that statement by induction on i, or
Prove the result by induction on n.
Reality Check
We claim that
T(n) = dn + c d
Proof by induction on n. The hypothesis is true for n = 1,
since d + c d = c.

Now suppose that the hypothesis is true for n. we are

required to prove that
T(n + 1) = dn + c

T(n+1) = T (n) + d
= dn +c - d +d
= dn + c
= d(n+1) + c - d
Merge Sorting
function mergesort(L, n)
comment sorts a list L of n numbers,
when n is a power of 2
if n 1 then return(L) else
break L into 2 lists L1, L2 of equal size
return(merge (mergesort (L1, n/2),
mergesort (L2, n/2)))
Here we assume a procedure merge which can merge two sorted lists of n
elements into a single sorted list in time O(n).

Correctness: easy to prove by induction on n.

Analysis: Let T(n) be the running time of mergesort(L, n). Then for some c, d R,
c if n 1
T ( n)
2T (n / 2) dn otherwise
T (n) 2T (n / 2) dn
2(2T (n / 4) dn / 2) dn
4T (n / 4) dn dn
4(2T (n / 8) dn / 4) dn dn
8T (n / 8) dn dn dn
T (n) 2i T (n / 2i ) i.dn
Taking i = log n
T ( n) 2 log n T ( n / 2 log n ) dn log n
dn log n cn
Therefore T(n) = O(n log n).

Mergesort is better than bubblesort (in the worst case, for large enough n).
Recursion Tree Method
A General Theorem
Theorem: if n is a power of c, the solution to the recurrence
d if n 1
T ( n)
aT (n / c) bn otherwise

is O ( n) if a c

T (n) O(n log n) if a c
O(n log ca ) if a c

If T(n) = 2T(n/3) + dn, then T(n) = O(n)
If T(n) = 2T(n/2) + dn, then T(n) = O(n log n)
If T(n) = 4T(n/2) + dn, then T(n) = O(n2)
Proof Sketch
If n is a power of c, then
T ( n) a.T ( n / c ) bn
a ( a.T ( n / c 2 ) bn / c ) bn
a 2 .T ( n / c 2 ) abn / c bn
a 2 ( a.T ( n / c 3 ) bn / c 2 ) abn / c bn
a 3 .T ( n / c 3 ) a 2bn / c 2 abn / c bn
i 1
a T ( n / c ) bn ( a / c) j
i i

j 0
log n 1
a log n
T (1) bn (a / c)
j 0

log n 1
da log n
bn (a / c)
j 0
alogen= (clog ea) log en= (clog e n) log ea = nlogea.

log n1
T(n) = d.nlogea+ bn e /

The sum is the hard part. There are three cases to consider,
depending on which of a and c is biggest.

But first, we need some results on geometric progressions.

Geometric Progressions
Finite Sums: Define S n i. If > 1, then
i 0

n n
.S n S n i 1
i 0 i 0

n 1 1

S n ( n 1 1) /( 1)

Infinite Sums: Suppose 0 < < 1 and let S . Then, S i

i 0 i 1

and so S S = 1. That is, S = 1/ (1 )

Back to the Proof
Case 1: a < c.
log n 1

(a / c)
j 0
(a / c) j c /(c a )
j 0

T (n) d .n log a bcn /(c a) O(n).
(Note that since a < c, the first term is insignificant.)

Case 2: a = c. Then
log n 1
T (n) d .n bn O(n log n)
1 j

j 0
log en 1

Case 3: a > c. Then (

j 0
a / c ) j

is a geometric progression.

Hence, log n 1
( a / c ) log n

j 0
(a / c)

(a / c) 1
n log a 1 1

(a / c) 1
O ( n log a 1)

Therefore, T(n) = O(nlog e a).

Messy Details
What about when n is not a power of c?

Example: In our merge sort example, n may not be a power of 2. We

can modify the algorithm easily: cut the list L into two halves of size
n/2 and n/2. the recurrence relation becomes T(n) = c if n 1,

T(n) = T(n/2 ) + T(n/2) + dn

This is much harder to analyze , but gives the same result: T(n) =
O(n log n). To see why, think of padding the input with extra
numbers up to the next power of 2. You at most double the number
of inputs, so the running time is

T(2n) = O(2n log(2n)) = O(n log n).

This is true most of the time in practice.

Home Work

If T(1) = 1, solve the following to within a constant multiple:

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 6n

T(n) = 3T(n/3) + 6n 9

T(n) = 2T(n/3) + 5n

T(n) = 2T(n/3) + 12n +16

T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n

T(n) = 3T(n/2) + 9n

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