Transcript of Stephen Pidgeon Interview

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A Christian Viewpoint

Interview with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon

>> Skip Schoff (Host A Christian Viewpoint):

Hello and welcome to a special edition of A Christian Viewpoint. Were blessed to have
author, constitutional attorney, and Bible scholar Stephen Pidgeon in the studio. Hell be
introducing and sharing some teachings from the Cepher. Cepher is a Hebrew word
meaning book, writing, letter, or scroll. The Cepher includes all the seventy-four books
previously canonized as the Bible, as well as the book of Enoch, Jubilees from the Dead Sea
Scrolls, and others. So, sit back, learn and enjoy. Stephen, take it away.

>> Dr. Stephen Pidgeon (President Cepher Publishing Group):

Thank you Skip, it is my great pleasure to be here with you, to present to you our most
recent publication, the Eth Cepher. The Eth Cepher is the most complete and accurate
transliteration and translation of the Sacred Scriptures available in the English language
today, and I wanted to explain to you some of our reasoning behind publishing this and
why we did what we did; which we think is very important. And, so, I am going to begin
with first the introduction of the Sacred Name which we placed in the text. And this
becomes a very big issue for those of you who are students of the Bible and Sacred

On the Sacred Name

In all of your English speaking Bibles, you open up the book and you will find the word
LORD placed throughout the text in both the Old and New Testament. This word LORD is
actually a substitution. It is not a transliteration or a translation because the word it
replaces in the Hebrew is whats called the Tetragrammaton, which is the four Hebrew
letters Yod Hey Vav Hey. Sometimes you have heard it pronounced Yahweh, or some other
people might say Jehovah, but it appears in the Old Testament over seven-thousand times.
In the New Testament, you see in the Greek Theos - which has the same reference as the
Yod Hey Vav Hey. However, we unified the text throughout from the beginning to the end
to actually put in the Name, because we are called upon to put in the Name. In fact, there
are passages in Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1-2) that say proclaim and publish the Name of the Father,
and in fact in 2 Joel (Joel 2:32) it says that those who call upon the Name shall be those who
are delivered. So it becomes very important, and its very much a part of who we are as
Believers, to call upon the actual Name- without substitution.

It was only in the second-century B.C. that the Rabbis, who at that time had written down
the Oral Law (and who had) decided to place a fence around the Sacred Name as part of the
oral tradition. This was part of Rabbi Elder Hillel who also did other things in terms of
changing the Sabbatical Year and made some other moves. But what you look at and what
you determine is that this business of putting a fence around the Name then disguised the
Name from the Jewish people. So instead of saying the Name they would say Hashem which
means, The Name. This tradition later became part of the Christian world where the
word Hashem then was translated into the English language as LORD. But the term LORD is
not what appears there, its not a translation and its not a transliteration. Instead, what
appears there is the most powerful word in all of existence; which is the exalted name of
YAHUAH. Now, some people have said Yahweh, you might hear Jehovah, you might hear
Yahovah, and there are people - for instance in Israel theres a group of Believers - that go
by the name HavaYah; which is a device to disguise the Name from Yahavah to HavaYah, so
that they dont actually pronounce the Name. However; under the oral law, it was a death
offense to pronounce the Name, and that continues to be true today. Its a great offense in
Judaism to pronounce the Name. Yet, the Disciples of the Messiah did in fact pronounce the
Name, and they were beaten for doing so. And after they were beaten for doing so, they
stepped outside and pronounced the Name again! And if you recall, it is the Messiah
Himself who says, I come in the Name of the Father, but you do not know me. Why did
they not know Him? Because they had forgotten how to pronounce the Name, so they
didnt recognize who it was.

So the first thing that we did (was) we decided we are going to place the Sacred Name in
the text. Well, this was easier said than done, because we werent quite sure as to how to
pronounce the Name. We could read the Hebrew, but remember that the Hebrew has no
vowels, its all consonants - particularly before the Masoretic Text - all consonants, no
vowels. So, youre looking at this idea of what is the word here, and how do we pronounce
it? So we spent three and a half years researching that particular topic. And, I made three
trips into Israel for purposes of making this determination. And, it was very interesting
what happened, how we discovered the actual pronunciation. There were several people
here in the United States whose research indicated that the pronunciation of the Name was
YAHUAH- YAHUAH which was the Yod (YAH), Hey (Hoo), Vav - and the vav would be the
vowel to the Hey. Yah-hoo-ah YAHUAH. And so we sought this out when we were in the
Holy Land, and it was confirmed by a woman up in the north part of the Sea of Galilee.
There we were, we were at Ginosar which is at the very northern end of the Sea of Galilee,
just up the road from Dalmanutha, the ancient ruins up from Kapharnachum (Capernaum)
where the Messiah taught, up from the Mount of Beatitudes. And were talking with this
woman, her name was Carol, and she said that she was Iroquois; that she came from the
one of the Algonquin Nations that were along the Saint Lawrence River. And that the
ancient language of the Iroquois actually pronounced the Name of YAHUAH. And she sang
to me one of their ancient songs from which they got this name and it was an Ancient
Hebrew text. And it was confirmed again in Yerushalayim where we looked at what is this
proper pronunciation of the Vav, and in this context it is hoo.

Now, there is more testimony that goes beyond this. For instance you can take a look at the
current Prime Minister whose name is Netanyahu. Many of the names, as we transliterated
the names from the original Hebrew into an English that actually transliterates the name,
we discovered that many of the names of the Prophets had Yahu at the end. For instance
Isaiah was actually Yeshayahu (Yeshayahu or Yeshayah), Jeremiah: Yirmeyahu, Zechariah:
Zakaryahu, Obediah: Ovadyahu. So when you look at those names, Ovadyahu means what?
The servant of YAHUAH. Zekaryahu means the publisher of the Name of YAHUAH, and
Yeshayahu is the salvation of YAHUAH. And so these names begin to take on specific
meanings. And so, as were looking at this, we see this Yahu, Yahu, Yahu. You see the Name
Yah set out specifically in the Psalms - we came to conclude that this Name was YAHUAH.

Now, that Name has a meaning YAHUAH... Yah - I AM so that the Name that is given by
the Father to Moshe in the burning bush. Moshe says, Well, who am I going to tell them
sent me? And the burning bush speaks back to him in the Hebrew language and says Eyeh
Asher Eyeh - I AM that I AM. I AM who I will be, I will be what I will be - Eyeh Asher Eyeh -
so this YAH begins to appear; the Yod Hey Vav Hey. Yah - I AM, who in the Hebrew language
means He (because who means he - he means she and dog means fish keep those in
mind for you if youre studying Hebrew). So the YAHU I AM He and this word HUAH also
has a meaning in the Hebrew; HUAH means breathes life. So the Name YAHUAH is I AM
HE WHO BREATHES LIFE. This is its meaning. This is what we call its Remez meaning.

Its Pashat meaning is YAHUAH straight forward - this is the Name of the Father. Now, the
Son says, I have come in my Fathers Name, yet you do not know me. Because as we
looked at His Name, we determined that He had the same name as the son of Nun, that is to
say we call him Joshua, but in the Hebrew, Yahushua and the formal YAHUSHA. So you
see, YAHUAH is now YAHUSHA so that the Son comes in the Name of the Father YAHUAH
YAHUSHA. The SHA has a particular meaning too because sha means salvation/saving,
so Yesha is savior in Hebrew. Salvation is Yeshua, and when The Father saves - YAHUSHA.
The Father Saves YAHUSHA.

So these are the Names we have put forward: YAHUAH; the Name of the Father, YAHUSHA;
the Name of The Son. YAHUSHA. And when we talk about the Christ, which is a Greek term,
we use the Hebrew term Mashiach Messiah, and The Messiah- HaMashiach YAHUSHA
HAMASHIACH. So, now you know His Name and how it was pronounced by the disciples in
the first year. This was one of the first decisions we made in the Cepher was to set forth the
Sacred Names as they were pronounced, and as they are to be pronounced.

Now, there is plenty of room for leeway. Some people like to say Yahweh, thats fine. We
say YAHUAH. Some people like to say Yahshua which is also fine. Some people say Yeshua
which is also fine. These are all kind of a blending of the Name. They are versions of the
Name, a more modern version of it.

Lets go back to this name, Netanyahu, the current President, Prime Minister excuse me, of
Israel. Now the current Prime Minister of Israel, he has the name Netanyahu. Now on one
hand you can say Netanya, the city of Netanya and hu, so, Netanyahu; he is from Netanyah
or the man from Netanyah - Netanyahu. But, if you have this as Netan-Yahu now Netan
is the gift, Yahu is God. Netanyahu is the gift of God. So, the Hebrew names have specific
implications. We added them seven-thousand places in the Old Testament. We added
them anew in the New Testament. Thats the first addition we made.

Adding Additional Books

Now, as we began to look at the text, I began my study about 2002 of looking at books that
were beyond the sixty-six books you find in the typical Protestant Bible. Why did I do that?
Because I was looking at an Oxford Bible and it had additional books, and I read it I came to
find that these additional books were also found in the King James Bible, as late as, 1887.
All of the Apocrypha was included in the King James Bible even up until 1887, and it was a
publishers decision to eliminate the books because they believed they could sell as many
books without the Apocrypha as they could with them. There was no canonization process
here, and Im going to talk about canonization in a minute but, as we looked at it we said,
Well, okay those books appear to be very, very good books. Im going to read to you just a
couple of excerpts from some of those books. There is one excerpt that I want to share with
you immediately which is this excerpt from a book called, The Wisdom of Solomon. The
Wisdom of Solomon - in the Hebrew Chokmah Shalomah - says this

But the righteous live forevermore; their reward also is with YAHUAH, and the care of
them is with EL ELYON. 16 Therefore shall they receive a glorious kingdom, and a
beautiful crown from YAHUAHS hand: for with his right hand shall he cover them, and
with his arm shall he protect them. 17 He shall take to him his jealousy for complete
armour, and make the creature his weapon for the revenge of his enemies. 18 He shall
put on righteousness as a breastplate, and true judgment instead of a helmet. 19 He
shall take holiness for an invincible shield. 20 His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a
sword, and the world shall fight with him against the unwise. (Wisdom of Solomon
So, you see the armor of God that is talked about by Paul is set forth first in the Wisdom of
Solomon chapter five. Now, theres some other interesting passages that have been
completely ignored that we set-forth when we elected to put more books in the Cepher.
And these selections included selecting the books of the Apocrypha and all of those
writings, the second Temple writings, and also coming together and putting in these books
that came out of the Dead Sea Scrolls; extremely important book - books which are now
being widely read. And so many people who are engaged in modern prophecy whether
youre talking about Chuck Missler or youre talking about Tom Horn, or Steve Quayle, or
L.A. Marzulli, or any of the people that are on this so-called cutting edge of prophecy they
are all speaking about the Book of Enoch. Which was found, five copies were found, in the
Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. So, we included Enoch.

We also included this fabulous book called Jubilees, or in Hebrew, Yovheliym Jubilees. Six
copies were found in the caves of Qumran, and it had been part of the Bible and the Coptic
Christian Church for years. Its been included in the Russian Orthodox and the Eastern
Orthodox traditions, and it was also included in the Syriac traditions, its called Little
Genesis. A very important book that answers so many questions you might have about the
original creation. Like one of the questions that people ask is, Before Israel, before Jacob
became Israel, were the generations before him, did they go to heaven? They ask
questions about Abraham and about Isaac, questions about Noah, a question about Adam,
and the answer is those were the twenty-two generations that comport with the twenty-
two letters of the Hebrew aleph-beit that gave formation to the rise of the house of Israel.
And, if you recall it is in the New Testament that says, All Israel shall be saved. And who is
Israel? All those who are saved; therefore, all Israel shall be saved. And it is the Beit
Yisrael - The House of Israel - that presents itself as the Bride to the Messiah- to

Chronological Order and Transliterated Names

So because of this, we have entered these books, we placed them in chronological order,
and we have restored the Sacred Name throughout each one of them. Weve also
transliterated up to 3800 Hebrew names. For some people thats a little problematic. For
instance, those of you who are familiar with Hezekiah might be a little bit frustrated to
know that his name is Yechizqiyahu. That was always a big problem for me, but Ive
learned how to say it after a while. But, at any rate, all the names have meaning, they mean
something in the Hebrew tongue. And, it tells you something about who they are. As we
started incorporating these names, we started to discover, Oh - this really tells us who is
this Obediah he is the Servant of YAHUAH. Who is this Zechariah he is Publisher of
On the name Lucifer

And as these names became more and more present, we began to discover some very
important things. Now, as we discovered these things, and as we are looking over the
Hebrew, we discovered some other interesting anomalies. One of the big ones, and its a
big one for all those people who feel comfortable in their Luciferian worship, the term
Lucifer doesnt appear in any of the texts. It doesnt appear; its a constructed name. It is
not a transliteration and it is not a translation, it is a substitution. That is to say, you read
one word that says dog and you decide to use the word fish or you see dog and you decide
to use the word automobile. Its no correlation to what is there, so what appears in the
actual Hebrew in Isaiah 14 is heylel ben yallal shachar. Thats what actually appears
there. Now some people have said that heylel must mean light or halo from which the
word halo comes. And if you look closely at a halo, you will see a sickle moon with a head
in the middle of the sickle moon very similar to the sickle moon with the star - which is
the symbol of Islam halo/ heylel. But this heylel, so many people have construed this as
being light. Well, heylel means what? Does it mean light-bearer? Thats a guess. That was
a guess as to what the Hebrew was because the word doesnt appear in Hebrew. And the
reason it doesnt appear in Hebrew is because its not a word in Hebrew, it is a name in

Now, let me explain if you look at the Cherubiym, they have specific names Miykael,
Gavriyel, Raphael, Uriyel, Phanuel and here you have Heylel. You see, this is the name of
cherubim: Heylel. Now, you have this ben the son of ben. Sahar the son of the -
morning. Heylel the son of the morning, except, every addition of the English Bible out
there leaves out this critical Hebrew term Heylel Heylel ben yallal shachar. But what is
this yallal? Oh, I dont know, but so many people have said, I have a confusion, I have a
confusion about this Lucifer, son of the morning and Jesus, the morning star. Well, lets
not be confused because what actually appears in the Hebrew is Heylel, son of the howling
morning. Now, there is a difference. Son of the howling morning. The Cepher is the only
English Scripture in existence that includes that phrase. Heylel, son of the howling morning
and Heylel is construed as a proper name.

On the 42 generations of Matthew Chapter 1

Now, we get into other difficulties as well. I was researching this the other day, and I found
in Matthew 23:1 that every English edition of the Bible has a math problem. Well, okay, so
if we take the number forty-two and we divide it by three, we get fourteen and fourteen
and fourteen. Matthew 1 tells us, it begins right away with, there were fourteen
generations from Noah to Abraham, fourteen from Abraham to David, fourteen from David
to the Messiah. But when you count up the generations from David to the Messiah you get
thirteen. Why? Because every English text in Matthew 1:16 says, Joseph, the husband of
Mary. So the genealogy in Matthew 1 - in everybodys English Bible - is about the
genealogy of Joseph, and when you look at Luke 3, youre talking about the genealogy of
Joseph. But the genealogy of Joseph in Luke 3 is completely different than the genealogy of
Joseph in Matthew 1. Well, how can you possibly reconcile this? And furthermore, the last
fourteen are not fourteen, its only thirteen. So, youre one short of a full generation. So,
how does that happen that we have this shortness in the generation in Matthew 1?
Because of one word Joseph was yes, the husband of Miryam, but Joseph was also the
name of her father! Now, when you recognize that Matthew 1 is talking about the
genealogy of Miryam, now number fourteen is Yeshua HaMashiach YAHUSHA. He is
number fourteen. Miryam is number thirteen, and Yoceph - the Father of Miryam - is
number twelve. Now you gotta recognize in the Hebrew there is no written word for
husband, and there is really no word for wife. What you have is isha and ish. So, Adam took
Eve to be his isha; his woman. And, Eve took Adam to be her ish; her man. Simple as that.
So, when you get into this confusion about what takes place in Matthew 1, it becomes
pretty confusing. What do we know about it? We know that if you clear up the problem,
and you correct the language that said her man, and it turns out to be her father, you end
up with fourteen generations perfectly, and the lineage is one of Miryam, and the lineage is
one of Joseph. Miryam in Matthew, Joseph in Luke.

And lets take a look at this for just one moment because both of them can trace their
lineage to David, both of them can trace their lineage to Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel was the
rightful king by bloodline of the House of Judah. If you recall it was Jehoiakim who was
taken into captivity in Babylon. Jehoiakim, there was a curse placed on him that says no
more can the house of Jehoiakim - the stem of Jesse - sit on the throne over the House of
Judah. And, so, this was the curse, but the bloodline continued. And the bloodline
continued such that Joseph, the husband of Mary, was the rightful heir to the throne of the
kingdom of the House of Judah. And the bloodline of Miryam was also in the line that
established her in the rightful line of the heritage of the kingdom. She is in this line of the
stem of Jesse. So, from both sides you had royalty. And, to them is born this Son. But, the
Son is conceived of an immaculate seed and an immaculate egg. Because as it says in
Hebrews, it says that He was without descent. So, you have this immaculate conception of
this HaMashiach who has a bloodline from His mother that establishes Him on the throne,
and the bloodline of His father which establishes Him on the throne, but He does not hold
the curse, of the direct DNA from Jehoiakim.

YAHUSHA as King of the Jews

So, He is able to take the throne, and He does in fact take the throne when Pilot presents
Him, and he says, I present to you the King of the Jews. - orally, and then he wrote it
down. But what did he write down on the cross? In Hebrew, this is why the Name becomes
so important, that we know this. Because in Hebrew he wrote on the cross Yahusha
haNetzari umalek haYahudiym. Yahusha, that is to say Jesus/Yeshua/Yahshua. HaNetzari
now haNetzari means two things one, of Nazareth - the Nazarene of Nazareth - right?
But haNetzari also means something else it means the branch. What does Zechariah
say? I will give you the branch. What does Isaiah say? I will give you the branch. YAHUSHA
the Branch HaNetzari; umalek King; HaYahudiym - of the Jews.

Now, lets look at what this spells out in terms of its acronym. YAHUSHA: yod. HaNetzari:
hey; umalek: vav; HaYahudim: hey. Yod Hey Vav Hey the tetragrammaton - YAHUAH.
So, here you are a Sadducee and you see Pilot put on top of the cross YAHUSHA haNetzari
umalek haYahudiym and you see the Yod Hey Vav Hey staring at you, and you see Him
proclaimed to be the Branch, and its written in three languages, and its written by the
governing authorities, and it creates as a matter of Roman law His kingship over the
kingdom of the House of Judah. And there has never been another king, by the way, since
then. So, the oral law was established in writing, it is set now in stone, YAHUSHA and the
acronym that they see before them is the Yod Hey Vav Hey, the tetragrammaton, so that
even though they did not know the Name, they could not deny the Name appeared on the
cross. And so they go to Pilot and say, Hey - you gotta take that down! You gotta say
claimed to be king of the Jews, thought he was king of the Jews, could have been king of
the Jews, alleged king something like this. And Pilot says, What I have written I have
written. So, these are the kinds of things that become important with these

On the Aleph Tav

Now if you look at our Eth Cepher, you see here the Eth - Aleph Tav. Well, we stumbled into
this Aleph Tav when we were walking through the streets of Jerusalem. Being led by the
Spirit, we ended up at the birthplace of John the Baptist in a place called Ein Kerem. And
were walking through this yard, and we see all of these passage in Luke being set out in
fifty different languages. So we stumbled upon the Hebrew, and we saw in the Hebrew this
Aleph Tav Eth this word Eth. We begin to look at this word, and this word becomes
extremely problematic because it too appears in the Old Testament 6,000 times without
interpretation, 260 times in the New Testament it appears without interpretation. What is
this Aleph Tav? Its the first and the last letter of the Hebrew aleph-bet; the Aleph Tav. And
as we looked, so we compared this to what was being presented in the book of Revelation,
which we call Chizayon, and in the book of Revelation 9:11 it says what? It says his name
was Apollyon in the Greek. In the Hebrew his name was Abaddon, but in the Greek
Apollyon. Why did he put but in the Greek? He says it again in Revelation 16:16
because the book was written in Hebrew. Eighty percent of the book of Chizayon is
Hebrew quotes. It was written in Hebrew. So, you have this idea that Chizayon was written
in Hebrew, and if it was written in Hebrew, then MASHIACH did not say, I am the alpha
and the omega. What He said was, I am the Aleph Tav, I am the beginning, the end, the
first, the last; the Aleph Tav. The Aleph through Tav - which is to say, I am every spoken
conceived and written word of YAHUAH. This inception of YAHUAH is the Word, because
the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and through Him all things were made. The
Aleph Tav. So we presented this Aleph Tav. Now what does it present? It presents the
divineness the divineness of what is being pointed out in the text. When it says Eth
when it says Eth lechem give us our daily bread, give us our Eth daily bread, give us our
divine daily bread. You see? And weve added this in 1400 places throughout the text.

Summary of books

So, what you see in the Cepher is you see a complete collection, not only of the apocryphal
books, second temple writing, but also of those books gathered from the Dead Sea Scrolls;
critical to scriptures. Yovheliym that is to say Jubilees, Chanok - that is to say Enoch, and
the book of Yashar Jasher, which is an historical text around the time of the Exodus from
Egypt. And with all of these books put into the collection, the Sacred Name is set up
throughout, and the Aleph Tav put in place in 1400 places. You have text that you can rely
upon. You can open it, look and say, I want to see what was actually being said here, and
who actually said it. You can rely on its authenticity as for what is there, without a bunch
of political spin or a bunch of nonsense drafted by other people.

On the 29th Chapter of Acts

We also added the 29th chapter of the book of Acts. Your book of Acts ends at the 28th and it
does not end with an Amen like every other book in the New Testament. But we have
found the 29th chapter of the book of Acts, which tells you that Paul did not in fact die in
Rome as the church would have you believe, but in fact went on to Spain, went on to
England, back to Switzerland, and ended up dying in Macedonia.

So, such is the text, the Eth Cepher. We do have a website where you can find it. I would
encourage you to pick it up if you are a student of scripture. This is the most complete,
most accurate text ever set forth in the English language of the Sacred Scriptures. Thank

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