Events in C#
Events in C#
Events in C#
and Conventions
Everything you need to define, implement, and understand custom events using C# is
presented in this article. Toward accomplishing these objectives the fundamental building
blocks that must or should be utilized are presented, in addition to event implementation
best practices and conventions. This article presents both .NET 1.x and 2.0+ alternatives for
publishing and subscribing to events.
While support for the implementation of custom events has been available since the 1.0
version of the .NET Framework, additional event-related support and capabilities have been
added since then. Some of the new capabilities (e.g., generic System.EventHandler,
anonymous methods, delegate inference, etc.) comprise shortcuts intended to make the
implementation of events easier. While such techniques do facilitate quicker event
implementations, presenting them before or in place of the fundamental building blocks
would yield a less explicit presentation. Consequently, this article avoids such shortcuts until
after the fundamental building blocks have been introduced.
This article assumes a working knowledge of .NET programming with C#, in addition to an
understanding of Generics, which were introduced in the 2.0 version of the .NET
Framework. If you do not understand Generics, this article can still be helpful as there are
ways to implement events that do not rely on Generics. Both generic and non-generic event
implementation techniques are presented in this article.
The literature presenting events and related concepts frequently makes use of multiple
words or expressions to describe any given concept. The following list catalogs much of this
terminology with brief explanations of the concepts behind the expressions.
event, pre-event, post-event, and state, change of state, and expected change of
The term, event, typically means that a change in state of an object has occurred or is
about to occur. The term is also used in reference to some activity taking place within an
object or application � activity like the processing of a gesture from an end user (e.g.,
button clicked), or the reporting of progress during a long-running task.
The term, "state," refers to the current set of values of one or more variables in an object or
application. A change in state means the value of one or more variables within an object has
changed. In the event notification process, changes in state, or expected changes in state,
are primary motivations for raising events. So, we have two ways to define an event
relative to a change in state: immediately prior to a change in state, or immediately after a
change in state. While the former are referred to as pre-events, the latter are referred to as
Post-events announce that the change in state has already occurred, and pre-events
announce the fact that a change in state is about to occur. Pre-events can be implemented
as cancellable � meaning that the subscriber may cancel the event before the change in
state occurs, thereby preventing the change in state from occurring, or preventing the
further processing of a long-running task.
These are the classes or objects of which their state is of interest to other classes or
objects. Event publishers maintain their internal state, and notify other classes (subscribers)
through the raising of events or similar notification mechanisms.
These are the classes or objects that are interested in changes in state (or expected
changes in state) of the event publishers. These terms refer to the classes or objects that
typically perform some action in response to the occurrence of an event.
In cases where no subscribers [to an event] have registered with the publisher, the event
would not be raised.
Please note that in this article, events are described as "raised" (not "fired" or "triggered").
This convention comes from the team of developers who authored much of the .NET
Framework (Cwalina and Abrams, 2006). They prefer the term, "raise," because it doesn't
have the negative connotations of the expressions, "fire" or "trigger."
When an event is raised, the publisher will frequently include data that gets sent to the
subscribers through the event notification process. This data is presumably relevant to the
particular event that was raised, and would be of interest to the event subscribers.
For example, an event can be raised when a file gets renamed. Data relevant to that
particular "file renamed" event could include (1) the name of the file before the name was
changed, and (2) the name of the file after the name was changed. Those file names could
comprise the event data that are sent to the subscribers during the raising of the "file
renamed" event.
A clear understanding of the .NET Delegates type is crucial to the understanding of events
as implemented in the .NET Framework. Consequently, much of this article is dedicated to
explaining the relationship between delegates and events.
The literature outside of this article frequently uses the term, "event handler," in reference
to either (1) the delegate upon which an event is defined (in the publisher), or (2) any
method registered with the event (in the subscriber). Furthermore, Intellisense in Visual
Studio refers to an event handling method (in the subscriber) as simply, "handler." For
purposes of clarity, this article uses the expression, "event handler," in reference to the
delegate, while using the expression,"event handling method," in reference to any method
registered with an event.
To summarize; an "event handler" is the delegate upon which an event is based, while an
"event handling method" is a method called in the subscriber when an event is raised.
Event handlers are delegates, although delegates are not necessarily event handlers (there
are many uses of delegates beyond supporting events). Delegates are presented in more
detail later in this article, but only to the extent that they are relevant to events.
Events, as implemented in the .NET Framework and as described in this article, constitute
a .NET optimized implementation of the Observer Pattern that was documented by the
"Gang of Four" or "GoF" (Gamma et al.1995). The .NET mechanisms used to implement
events (delegates in particular) substantially reduce the amount of work required to
implement the Observer pattern in .NET applications.
3. Delegates
In order to understand events, as implemented in .NET applications, one must have a clear
understanding of the .NETdelegate type and the role it plays in the implementation of
Delegates cannot contain references to just any method. Delegates can hold
references only to methods defined with a method signature that exactly matches the
signature of the delegate.
public delegate void MyDelegate(string myString);
Notice that the delegate declaration looks like a method declaration, but with no method
The signature of the delegate determines the signature of methods that can be referenced
by the delegate. So, the sample delegate above (MyDelegate) can hold references only to
methods that return void while accepting a single string argument. Consequently, the
following method can be registered with an instance of MyDelegate:
private void MyMethod(string someString)
// method body here.
private string MyOtherMethod(string someString)
// method body here.
After a new delegate type is declared, an instance of that delegate must be created so that
methods can be registered with, and ultimately invoked by, the delegate instance.
// instantiate the delegate and register a method with the new instance.
After a delegate is instantiated, additional methods can be registered with the delegate
instance, like this:
del += new MyDelegate(MyOtherMethod);
del("my string value");
In the case of an overloaded method, only the particular overload having a signature that
exactly matches the signature of the delegate can be referenced by (or registered with) the
delegate. When you write code that registers an overloaded method with a delegate
instance, the C# compiler will automatically select and register the particular overload with
a matching signature.
So, for example, if your application declared the following delegate type...
public delegate int MyOtherDelegate(); // returns int, no parameters
anotherDel += new MyOtherDelegate(MyOverloadedMethod);
... the C# compiler will register only the particular overload with a matching signature. Of
the following two overloads, only the first would be registered with
the anotherDel instance of the MyOtherDelegate type:
// requires no parameters - so can be registered with a MyOtherDelegate
// instance.
// requires a string parameter - so cannot be registered with a MyOtherDelegate
A single delegate cannot selectively register or call both (multiple) overloads. If you need to
call both (multiple) overloads, then you would need additional delegate types � one
delegate type per signature. Your application-specific logic would then determine which
delegate to invoke, and therefore which overload is called (by the delegate with the
corresponding signature).
Necessary Indirection
A brief answer (to the "why bother?" question above) is that the code we write or
components we use cannot always "know" which specific method to call at a particular point
in time. So, one important perspective of delegates is that they provide a way for .NET
components to call your code � without the .NET component having to know anything
about your code beyond the method signature (as mandated by the delegate type). For
example, .NET Framework components, like the Timer component, frequently need to
execute code that you write. Because the Timer component cannot possibly know which
specific method to call, it specifies a delegate type (and therefore signature of a method) to
be invoked. Then you connect your method � with the requisite signature � to the Timer
component by registering your method with a delegate instance of the delegate type
expected by the Timer component. The Timer component can then run your code by
invoking the delegate which, in turn, calls your method. Note that the Timer component still
knows nothing about your specific method. All the Timer component knows about is the
delegate. The delegate, in turn, knows about your method because you registered your
method with that delegate. The end result is that the Timer component causes your method
to run, but without knowing anything about your specific method.
Just like the Timer component example above, we can make use of delegates in a way that
enables us to write our code without our code having to "know" the specific method that will
ultimately be called at a specific point. Rather than calling a method at that point, our code
can invoke a delegate instance � which, in turn, calls any methods that are registered with
the delegate instance. The end result is that a compatible method is called even though the
specific method to be called was not written directly into our code.
All delegates inherently provide for both synchronous and asynchronous method invocation.
So, another common reason to call methods via delegate instances is to invoke methods
asynchronously � in which case the called method runs on a separate thread pool thread.
Event Foundation
As you'll see later in this article, delegates play an integral role in the implementation of
events in the .NET Framework. In brief, delegates provide a necessary layer of indirection
between event publishers and their subscribers. This indirection is necessary in order to
maintain a clean separation between the publisher and subscriber(s) � meaning that
subscribers can be added and removed without the publisher needing to be modified in any
way. In the case of event publication, the use of a delegate makes it possible for an event
publisher to know nothing about any of its subscribers while still broadcasting events and
associated event data to any/all subscribers.
Other Uses
Delegates serve important roles in .NET applications beyond those already listed. Those
other roles will not be further presented here because the intent of this article is to focus
only on the foundational role that delegates serve in the implementation of events in .NET
A delegate declaration that you write is sufficient to define an entire and new delegate class.
The C# compiler takes your delegate declaration and inserts a new delegate class in the
output assembly. The name of that new class is the name of the delegate type you supply in
your delegate declaration. The signature you specify in your delegate declaration becomes
the signature of the methods in the new class used to call any/all of the delegate's
referenced methods (specifically the Invoke and BeginInvoke methods). This new class
extends (inherits)System.MulticastDelegate. So most of the methods and properties
available in your new delegate class come from System.MulticastDelegate.
The Invoke, BeginInvoke, and EndInvoke methods are inserted by the C# compiler
when it creates the new class in the output assembly (these are the methods you can call to
cause the delegate to invoke any/all referenced methods � Invoke for synchronous
invocation, and BeginInvoke andEndInvoke used in asynchronous invocations).
The new class created from your delegate declaration can be understood as being a
completed and full-blownMulticastDelegate implementation that has the type name you
supplied in your delegate declaration, and is capable of calling methods with the specific
signature that you also supplied in your delegate declaration.
public delegate string MyFabulousDelegate(int myIntParm);
Meaning of Multicast
The meaning of "multicast" in System.MulticastDelegate is that the delegate is capable
of holding references to multiple methods � not just one method. In the case of delegate
instances that hold references to multiple methods, all referenced methods are called when
the delegate instance is invoked.
Delegate instances are immutable � meaning that once a delegate instance is created, it
cannot be modified. So, when you register a method with a delegate, what is happening is
that a new delegate instance is created that includes the additional method in its invocation
list. If you unregister a method from a delegate instance, a new delegate instance is
returned that has the unregistered method omitted from its invocation list. If you were to
create a new object variable of a particular delegate type, then set it equal to an existing
delegate instance (of that particular type), you would get a complete and separate copy of
the delegate. Modifications to the copy (e.g., registering an additional method) would affect
only the copy. The invocation list of the original instance would remain unchanged.
Finally, C and C++ programmers will recognize that delegates are similar to C-style function
pointers. An important difference, though, is that a delegate is not simply a pointer to a raw
memory address. Instead, delegate instances are type-safe objects that are managed by
the .NET CLR and that specifically reference one or more "methods" (as opposed to memory
3.4 Delegates Are All The Same (there are no fundamentally differing types
of delegates)
When you read about different "types" of delegates, you should understand that, internally,
all delegates are the same. This is true for delegates provided by the .NET Framework and
for delegates you create for your own purposes. To say "they are all the same" specifically
means that all delegates (1) inherit fromSystem.MulticastDelegate, which in turn
inherits from System.Delegate; and (2) provide the same set of members, including
the Invoke, BeginInvoke, and EndInvoke() methods, etc.
Take, for example, the generic Predicate delegate (System.Predicate<T>). Here is what
makes it a "Predicate delegate":
1. The type name: Predicate
2. The signature: returns bool, accepts a single object typed parameter for which
the type, being generic, can be specified at design time.
3. Intended usage or role: this delegate will reference a method that defines a set of
criteria and determines whether the specified object meets those criteria.
Beyond the type name, signature, and intended usage, the Predicate<T> delegate has the
same set of members that any other delegate has, including Invoke, BeginInvoke, etc.
Consequently, this is what is meant by the statement, "delegates are all the same."
Regarding the intended usage perspective; you are free to use any delegate for
purposes not intended by the delegate's creators � as delegates are not tied to any
particular usage. You could, for example, use aPredicate<T> delegate to call any method
that returns bool and accepts a single object typed parameter � even if those methods
do not determine whether the specified object meets any criteria (which is the intended
usage of the Predicate<T> delegate). Granted, you should not use delegates for
purposes other than those which they are intended to serve, as much of the value in
the .NET Framework providing pre-built delegates (like Predicate<T>) is that we can
understand the role they play without having to dig through a bunch of code to find out
what they are actually doing.
The name of a delegate type communicates its intended role in your code. So be sure to use
the appropriate delegate type, or create your own with an informative type name, even if
another delegate with the requisite signature � but a potentially misleading name given
your particular usage � is available.
Events do not, by themselves, maintain a list of subscribers. Instead, events control access
to some underlying list of subscribers � and that list is typically implemented as a delegate
(although other list-type objects or collections can serve in place of a delegate).
Unfortunately, many authors writing about events use the term, "event handler", in
reference to both (1) the delegate upon which an event is based, and (2) a method called
by the delegate when the event is raised. In order to avoid confusion resulting from this
state of affairs, this article uses the expression, "event handler," only in reference to the
delegate, while using the expression, "event handling method," in reference to any method
registered with the delegate.
You can define your own event handlers (delegates), or you can use one of the event
handlers provided by the .NET Framework (i.e., System.EventHandler, or the
generic System.EventHandler<TEventArgs>). The following sample event declaration
make use of a custom event handler rather than using a Framework-provided event
Line 1: public delegate void MyDelegate(string whatHappened);
Line 2: public event MyDelegate MyEvent;
Line 1 declares a delegate type for which any method can be assigned � provided that the
method returns void and accepts a single string argument:
public � scope specifying that objects outside of our class can reference the
delegate. If the delegate type is declared within the event publishing class, then it
will need to be publicly scoped so that event subscribers can see it and declare
instances of it with which to register their event handling methods (more on this
delegate � keyword used to declare custom delegates in the .NET Framework.
void � return type. This is part of the delegate signature, and therefore the return
type that registering methods must specify.
MyDelegate � type name of the delegate.
(string whatHappened) � the rest of the signature. Any method that registers
with the event must accept a single string argument (in addition to
returning void).
Line 2 declares an event in terms of the delegate type. Notice that the event (which is
named MyEvent) is declared very much like a method declaration � but with its data type
specified as the delegate type:
public � scope specifying that objects outside of our class can subscribe to the
event � keyword used to define the event.
MyDelegate � data type of the event (this is the custom delegate type defined in
Line 1.)
MyEvent � name of the event.
The delegate declared in Line 1 is just an ordinary delegate (as are all delegates), and can
be used for any purpose delegates can fulfill. Line 2 (i.e., the usage of the delegate type) is
what turns that delegate into an event handler. In order to communicate that a particular
delegate type is being used as an event handler, a naming convention has emerged
whereby the delegate type name ends with "Handler" (more on this later).
While you can create your own event handlers (and sometimes you might need to), you
should use one of theEventHandler delegates provided by the .NET Framework in cases
where one of the Framework's event handlers would work with your particular event
implementation. Many events make use of event handlers that can have common or
identical signatures. So, rather than clutter your source code with many delegates that
differ only by type name, you can/should make use of the built-in event handlers, as doing
so reduces the amount of code you would need to write and maintain, and makes your code
more easily understood. If someone reading your code sees you are basing an event on
the System.EventHandler delegate, for example, then they automatically know a lot
about your event implementation without having to look further.
public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
The declaration of this built-in delegate enforces the constraint that the type, TEventArgs,
be of typeSystem.EventArgs (including, of course, subclasses thereof):
public delegate void EventHandler<TEventArgs>(object sender, TEventArgs e)
where TEventArgs : EventArgs;
Now suppose you want to strongly type the sender, rather than having it typed as object.
You can leverage generics to create your own generic event handler:
public delegate void MyGenericEventHandler<T, U>(T sender,
U u) where U : EventArgs;
You can then use this custom generic event handler to additionally specify a type-
safe sender parameter (i.e., thereby limiting the type of object that can be communicated
as having raised the event):
public event MyGenericEventHandler<MyPublisher, MyEventArgs> MyEvent;
The intent here would be that this event will only be raised by objects of
type MyPublisher. Subscribers to the event would therefore be able to subscribe only to
events published by the MyPublisher class.
Event arguments � sometimes referred to as "event args" � constitute the data sent by
the publisher of an event to the subscribers during the raising of the event. Presumably this
data is relevant to the occurrence of the event. For example, when a "file was just deleted"
event is raised, the event arguments would likely include the name of the file before the
name change, as well as the name of the file after the name was changed. The event
handling methods can read the event arguments (referred to as "event data") to learn more
about the event occurrence.
5.1 The Role of System.EventArgs
You have two basic alternatives for including event arguments with your events.
1. You can encapsulate all event arguments as properties of a class that derives
from System.EventArgs. At runtime, an instance of that class is then sent to the
event subscribers when the event is raised. The event subscribers read the event
arguments as properties of that class.
2. You can avoid the use of System.EventArgs and, instead, declare individual event
arguments � much as you would include arguments in a method declaration. This
approach is discouraged for reasons described in section 5.2.
The first alternative listed above is strongly encouraged, and support for it is built into
the .NET Framework through the System.EventArgs class. Events implemented in .NET
Framework components, by convention, provide their event arguments as
instances System.EventArgs, or as event-specific subclasses of System.EventArgs.
public class FileDeletedEventArgs : System.EventArgs
// Field
// Constructor
FileDeletedEventArgs(string fileName)
m_FileName = fileName;
// Property
Section 16 of this article presents cancellable events in greater detail (click here to go there
The event keyword is used to formally declare an event. There are two valid event
declaration syntax alternatives. Regardless of the syntax you write, the C# compiler will
translate both property declarations into the following three components in the output
1. Privately scoped event handler (or a functionally equivalent data structure). The
delegate is privately scoped in order to prevent external code from invoking the
event, and thereby preserving encapsulation.
2. publicly scoped Add method; used to add subscribers to the private event handler.
3. publicly scoped Remove method used to remove subscribers from the private event
1. Field-like syntax
public event TheEventHandler MyEvent;
The field-like syntax declares the event in one or two lines of code (one line for the event,
another for the associated event handler � if/when not using a built-
in EventHandler delegate).
2. Property-like syntax
public event TheEventHandler MyEvent
// code here adds the incoming delegate instance to underlying list of
// event handlers
// code here removes the delegate instance from the underlying list of
// event handlers
The property-like syntax appears very similar to a typical property declaration, but with
explicit add and removeblocks in place of "getter" and "setter" blocks. Instead of retrieving
or setting the value of a private member variable, they add and remove incoming delegate
instances to/from the underlying event handler or other data structure that servers a similar
Threading Considerations
public event FileDeletedHandler FileDeleted;
The property-like syntax will be as thread safe as you make it. The following is a thread safe
private readonly object padLock = new object();
When choosing amongst the syntax alternatives, consider that the property-like syntax
gives you more control over your event implementation than is available with the field-like
syntax. While the field-like syntax will be compiled into IL that very much resembles the IL
generated for the property-like syntax, the field-like syntax does not afford you the same
opportunities to explicitly control the event implementation.
Using the property-like syntax enables you to more carefully control the registration and
unregistration of subscribers with the event handler (delegate). It also enables you to more
easily and explicitly implement the specific locking mechanisms of your choice to address
thread safety concerns. The property-like syntax additionally enables you to implement a
custom event handler mechanism other than a delegate. You might want to do this in
scenarios where you want to support many possible events, only a few of which would have
any subscribers at any given point in time. In such a scenario, your event implementation
would use a hash table or similar data structure, rather than an individual delegate, to
maintain a list of all possible events and any associated listeners.
It should be clearly understood that events are not delegates � even though events are
very much dependent upon delegates, and in some ways can be seen as a form of a
delegate implementation. Events are also not delegate instances, even if they can be used
in very similar ways.
While you can omit the event keyword (and therefore the formal declaration of the event)
and simply use a public delegate to provide a publish-and-subscribe notification mechanism,
you should never do so. The problem with public delegates (as compared to event
declaration), is that methods outside of the publishing class can cause publicly scoped
delegates to invoke their referenced methods. This violates basic encapsulation principles
and can be the source of major problems (race conditions, etc) that may be difficult to
debug. Consequently you should implement events only through the use of
the event keyword. When delegates are implemented in support of events, the delegate �
even if declared as a public member of the defining class � can only be invoked from within
the defining class (via the raising of the event), and other classes can only subscribe to and
unsubscribe from the underlying delegate via the event.
For each event, the publisher should include a protected virtual method that is responsible
for raising the event. This will allow subclasses to [more] easily access base class events. Of
course the recommendation to make this method protected and virtual applies only to non
static events in unsealed classes.
protected virtual void OnMailArrived(MailArrivedEventArgs)
// Raise event here
Once an event and any associated delegate and publishing method have been defined, the
publisher will need to raise the event. Raising the event should generally be a two step
process. The first step would be to check to see if there are any subscribers. The second
step is to raise the event, but only if there are any subscribers.
If there are no subscribers, then the delegate will test to null. The following logic raises
the event, but only if the event has any subscribers.
if (MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty);
There is a possibility that the event could be cleared (by code executing in another thread)
between the test fornull and the line that actually raises the event. This scenario
constitutes a race condition. So it is recommended to create, test, and raise a copy of the
event's event handler (delegate), like this:
MyEventHandler handler = MyEvent;
if (handler != null)
handler (this, EventArgs.Empty)
Any unhandled exceptions raised in the event handling methods in subscribers will be
propagated to the event publisher. The raising of the event should therefore be attempted
only within a try/catch block:
public void RaiseTheEvent(MyEventArgs eventArgs)
MyEventHandler handler = MyEvent;
if (handler != null)
handler (this, eventArgs)
// Handle exceptions here
Events can have multiple subscribers � each of which is called, in turn, by the event
handler (delegate) when the event handler is invoked by the [handler (this,
eventArgs)] line. The event handler used in the above block of code would stop iterating
over it's invocation list (of subscribed event handling methods) when the first unhandled
exception is raised by a subscriber. So, if there were 3 subscribers, for example, and the
2nd one threw an unhandled exception when invoked by the delegate, then the 3rd
subscriber would never receive the event notification. If you want for every subscriber to
receive the event notification even if other subscribers throw unhandled exceptions, then
you could use the following logic which explicitly loops through the event handler's
invocation list:
public void RaiseTheEvent(MyEventArgs eventArgs)
MyEventHandler handler = MyEvent;
if (handler != null)
Delegate[] eventHandlers = handler.GetInvocationList();
foreach (Delegate currentHandler in eventHandlers)
MyEventHandler currentSubscriber = (MyEventHandler)currentHandler;
currentSubscriber(this, eventArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle exception here.
By design, the publisher of an event has absolutely no knowledge of any of the subscribers.
Consequently, it is the job of subscribers to register or unregister themselves with the
publisher of an event.
The subscriber then registers its event handler (delegate) instance with the publisher, like
thePublisher.EventName += new
thePublisher is the reference to the object that will raise the event of interest.
Notice how the event,EventName, is accessed as if it were a public property
of thePublisher.
The += operator is used to add the delegate instance to the invocation list of the
event handler in the publisher. Remember, multiple subscribers may register with
the event. Use the += operator to append the current subscriber to the underlying
delegate's invocation list.
MyEventHandlerDelegate is a reference the particular event hander delegate to
be used (if not one of the built-in EventHandler delegates).
Finally EventHandlingMethodName supplies the name of the method in the
subscribing class that is to be called upon the raising of the event.
thePublisher.EventName -=
The -= operator is used to remove the delegate instance from the invocation list in the
An event handling method is the method in an event subscriber that is executed by the
event publisher upon the raising of an event. Be aware that some literature describing
events in .NET refers to these methods as "event handlers" even though, to be technically
precise, an "event handler" is a delegate upon which an event is based � and not any
method referenced by a such a delegate.
The important requirement of the event handling method is that its signature must match
the signature of the event handler (delegate) upon which the event is defined.
You should also carefully consider the consequences of any exceptions that may be thrown
or caught in the event handling method. Exceptions not caught in the event handling
method will propagate to the event publisher.
The concepts and features presented in this section were introduced in the 2.0 version of
the .NET Framework. These newer features amount to shortcuts and, possibly, the
simplification of your code when used smartly.
There is a risk, however, that the improper use of some of these features could make your
event implementation code more difficult to understand. For example, if you made use of an
"anonymous method" (presented below) that was comprised of 30+ lines of code, your
event implementation would likely be far more difficult to read than an equivalent
implementation that, instead, places those 30+ lines in a named method.
It is important to understand that these 2.0+ concepts and features do not present any
fundamental change to the way events are implemented in .NET Framework applications.
Instead, they are mostly intended to simplify the way we go about implementing events.
10.1 Generics
In addition to the Generic-specific features presented elsewhere in this article
(e.g., System.EventHandler<T>), it should be noted that any event implementation
techniques that rely in any way on Generics will not be available in .NET 1.x applications, as
Generics were first introduced in the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework.
The C# 2.0 (and newer) compiler is smart enough to determine the type of delegate with
which a particular event is implemented. This "delegate inference" capability enables you to
omit the declaration of the requisite delegate in the code that registers an event handling
method with an event.
Consider the following 1.x code that registers an event handling method with an event. This
code explicitly instantiates the event handler (delegate) in order to register the associated
method with the event.
thePublisher.EventName += new MyEventHandlerDelegate(EventHandlingMethodName);
The following 2.0+ code uses delegate inference to register the same method with the
event. Notice the following code appears to register the event handling method directly with
the event.
thePublisher.EventName += EventHandlingMethodName;
When you assign the method name directly to the event like that, the C# compiler ensures
that the method signature matches the signature of the event handler upon which the event
is based. The C# compiler then inserts the requisite delegate registration code (i.e., ...
+= newMyEventHandlerDelegate(EventHandlingMethodName);) in the output
This simplified syntax is made possible by the C# compiler, and not by any change to the
fundamental ways that events are implemented in the .NET Framework. To be clear, it
is not the case that events in C# 2.0 (and newer) can directly reference methods. What the
compiler is doing for us is supplying the [still] requisite delegate syntax in the output
assembly � as if we had explicitly instantiated the delegate.
An anonymous method is a block of code that you pass to a delegate (rather than passing
the name of a method to be referenced by the delegate). When the C# compiler encounters
an anonymous method, it creates a complete method in the output assembly that contains
the code block you supplied. The compiler supplies a name for the method, then references
that [new] method from the associated delegate instance (all this happens in the output
assembly). The method is said to be "anonymous" because you are making use of it without
knowing its name (it has no name in your source code).
Anonymous methods present an opportunity for you to write simpler code. Consider the
following code that registers a short event handling method with an event:
static void EventHandlingMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Handled by a named method");
The above logic can be rewritten with an anonymous method, like this:
thePublisher.EventName += delegate {
Console.WriteLine("Handled by anonymous method");
Anonymous methods are intended to simplify our code. This simplification can happen when
the code block is relatively short. In the above example, the version of the logic that uses
the anonymous method syntax is easy to read because we don't have to locate any
separate event handling method in order to understand how the subscriber will respond
when the event is raised. The anonymous method syntax can, however, be more
cumbersome to read (more so than logic that references a named method) in cases where
the code block is comprised of many lines of code. Some authors suggest that code blocks
containing more than three or four lines of code should not be implemented as anonymous
methods. These more lengthy code blocks should, instead, go into named methods in order
to improve readability.
To summarize the alternatives presented so far, the following code demonstrates three
options for registering an event handling method with an event. The first demonstrates the
explicit approach that works with all versions of the .NET Framework. The second
demonstrates delegate inference. The third demonstrates the use of an anonymous method:
// Option 1 - explicit delegate creation with a named method
thePublisher.EventName += EventHandlingMethod;
Partial classes are relevant to the implementation of events in that Visual Studio will place
event registration code and event handling method stubs in the partial class files associated
with a given Windows Form class. Click here to go to section 15.1 which presents the
implementation of events in partial classes in greater detail.
11. Conventions
The following conventions were gleaned from a number of resources, including the authors
of the .NET Framework and other well-known industry experts (see reference list at the end
of this article for the complete list).
Event Name
Choose a name that clearly communicates the state change the event represents.
Events can be categorized as (1) events raised before a state change occurs; and (2)
events raised after a state change occurs. Consequently, the event name should be
chosen to reflect the before or after [state change] aspect of the event.
In the case of events that must or may [someday] carry custom event data, you
should create a new class that (1) extends System.EventArgs, and (2) implements
the members (e.g., properties) required to contain and expose your custom event
The only time you should not subclass EventArgs is when you are certain that your
event will never carry event data
The name of your EventArgs subclass should be the name of the event, with
'EventArgs' appended
Example EventArgs subclass names:
If you are using .NET Framework 1.x, then you should use the built-
in System.EventHandler delegate
If you are using .NET Framework 2.0 or newer (for 'both' publishers and
subscribers), then you can make use of the
generic System.EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate
If you create your own delegate, then the delegate name should be comprised of the
event name, with the word, 'Handler' appended
In the case of event handlers, it simply makes no sense to return a value to the
event publisher. Remember, event publishers, by design, have no knowledge of their
subscribers. In fact the delegate, by design, acts as an intermediary between the
event publisher and its subscribers. Consequently, publishers aren't supposed to
know anything about their subscribers � including the possibility of receiving
returned values. It is the delegate that is calling each subscriber, so any return value
would make it only as far as the delegate and would never get to the publisher
anyway. This rationale holds true for avoiding output parameters that use either
the outor ref parameter modifiers. The output parameters of the subscribers would
never propagate to the publisher.
This first parameter is to hold a reference to the object that raises the event. Passing
a reference to the event publisher enables the event subscriber to distinguish
amongst multiple possible publishers of a given event. Without a reference to the
publisher, the event handling method would have no way to identify or act on the
specific publisher that raised a particular event.
The data type for sender is object because practically any class can raise events.
Avoiding a strongly-typedsender parameter allows for one consistent event handler
signature to be employed across all events. Where necessary, the event handling
method can cast the sender parameter to the specific event publisher type.
Static events should pass null as the value of sender, rather than omitting
the sender parameter.
delegate void DownloadCompletedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
delegate void TemperatureChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e);
delegate void MailArrivedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e);
delegate void DownloadCompletedHandler(object sender,
DownloadCompletedEventArgs e);
delegate void TemperatureChangedHandler (object sender,
TemperatureChangedEventArgs e);
delegate void MailArrivedHandler (object sender,
MailArrivedEventArgs e);
Event Declaration
Assuming the event is to be made available to code outside of the publishing class,
the event would be declared with the public keyword (to make it accessible to code
outside of the publishing class).
The event handler upon which the event is based is specified as the type of the event
� in a similar fashion with which a data type is specified in a typical property or
method declaration.
public event System.EventHandler<mailarrivedeventargs> MailArrived;
public delegate void MailArrivedHandler (object sender,
MailArrivedEventArgs e);
// Raise event here
private OnTemperatureChanged(TemperatureChangedEventArgs)
// Raise event here
virtual OnMailArrived(MailArrivedEventArgs)
// Raise event here
Another convention for determining the name of the event handling method is the
same as that described above for specifying name of the method that raises the
event in the publisher. Specifically, the name of the method should be the
word On with the event name appended.
The signature of the event handling method must exactly match the delegate
signature. According to the event handling conventions, as well as
the EventHandler delegates provided by the .NET Framework, the event handling
method must return void, while accepting exactly two parameters: an object-
typed variable named sender, and an EventArgs (or derived class) instance named
void DownloadManager_DownloadCompleted(object sender,
DownloadCompletedEventArgs e)
// event handling code goes here
Subscribing to the Event (code that registers the Event Handling Method with the
EventPublisherObject.EventName += newEventHandlerDelegateName(Nam
m_MailMonitor.MailArrived += new EventHandler(
WARNING: Do not use the = operator when registering an event subscriber with a
publisher. Doing so would replace any/all currently registered event subscribers with the
current subscriber. Instead, be sure to use the += operator to cause the current subscriber
to be appended to the event handler's invocation list.
Unsubscribing from the Event (Code that Unregisters the Event Handling Method
from the Event)
To unregister a method with an event, use the -= syntax, according to this pattern:
EventPublisherObject.EventName -= ne
m_MailMonitor.MailArrived -= new EventHandler(
Camel Casing
Camel casing is a naming convention whereby the first letter is lower case, with each
subsequent "word part" starting with an upper case letter. By convention, variables names
are camel cased.
Pascal Casing
Pascal casing is naming convention whereby every "word part" of a name starts with an
upper case letter, with other letters lower case, and no underscores. By convention, names
of classes, events, delegates, methods, and properties are to be Pascal cased.
In order to keep the following steps as brief as possible, little or no explanation of any given
step is provided. Explanations, examples, and conventions for each step are presented
elsewhere throughout this article.
Step 2: Event Handler - Decide which event handler your event will use.
You have two basic alternatives � create your own event handler (delegate) or use
one of theEventHandler delegates provided by the .NET Framework. If you use one
of the built-in event handlers, then you will have less code to maintain and your
event handler signature will automatically conform to the convention of
returning void, while accepting the parameters, object sender, and EventArgs
If using .NET 1.x, consider using the built-in System.EventHandler delegate.
If using .NET 2.0, consider using the built-in
generic System.EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate.
Step 3: Declare the Event � Decide which syntax to use: field-like syntax or
property-like syntax.
The field-like syntax will suffice for many custom event implementations.
Consider going with the property-like syntax when your class exposes a large
number of events, only a few of which are expected to be subscribed to at any given
Step 4: Event-Raising Method � Decide whether you will raise the event from a
method, or raise it inline.
Define an event handling method with a signature that exactly matches the delegate
upon which the method is defined.
When using either the built-in non generic System.EventArgs, or the
genericSystem.EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate in the event declaration,
the resulting signature automatically matches the convention of returning void and
accepting the parameters (object sender, EventArgs e).
Declare class-level member variable that references the class or object that
publishes the event of interest.
If the event of interest is based on a custom event handler, then create an instance
of that event handler, passing in the name of the event handling method.
This step may be combined with Step 4 (next) by using the new keyword to
instantiate the delegate in the same line in which the delegate is registered with the
Step 4: Register the subscriber (event handling method) with the event.
Any .NET version: Use the += syntax to register the event handler with the event.
.NET 2.0+: Alternatively, through delegate inference, you can simply assign the
method name directly to the event.
.NET 2.0+: Alternatively, if the event handling method is very brief (3 or so lines of
code), your implementation may be easier to read if you register the event handling
logic via an "anonymous method."
Step 5: Unregister the subscriber (event handling method) from the event.
When the subscriber should no longer receive event notifications from the publisher,
then you can unregister the subscriber from the event.
This step can be considered as optional, given that subscribers are automatically
unregistered from publishers when the subscriber is disposed.
This example makes use of a custom event handler, carries event data in a
custom EventArgs subclass, declares an event with field-like syntax, and otherwise
conforms to recommended event implementation standards and guidelines. None of the
.NET 2.0+ features (anonymous methods, etc) are used in order to keep the presentation
as explicit as possible.
This sample event is raised when a file is moved by a "file mover" utility (in the sample
project). The event data includes (1) the name of the file moved, (2) the source folder path,
and (3) the destination file path.
public class MoveFileEventArgs : EventArgs
// Fields
// Constructor
Here we declare a new delegate that conforms to the event conventions, returns void and
accepts two parameters; an object named 'sender' and EventArgs named 'e'.
public delegate void MoveFileEventHandler(object sender,
MoveFileEventArgs e);
Step 3: Declare the Event
public event MoveFileEventHandler MoveFile;
Step 4: Event-Raising Method
private void OnMoveFile()
if (MoveFile != null) // will be null if no subscribers
MoveFile(this, new MoveFileEventArgs("SomeFileName.txt",
@"C:\TempSource", @"C:\TempDestination"));
Step 5: Raise the Event
Here we have a method that would do the work of interest (move the file). Once the work is
completed, the method that raises the event is called.
public void UserInitiatesFileMove()
// code here moves the file.
void fileMover_MoveFile(object sender, MoveFileEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(sender.ToString() + " moved the file, " +
e.FileName + ", from " +
e.SourceFolder + " to " + e.DestinationFolder);
Step 2: Instantiate the Event Publisher
FileMover fileMover = new FileMover();
Step 3: Instantiate the event handler as we register the subscriber (event
handling method) with the event
This approach combines steps 3 and 4 from the steps listed in the section 14.2.
fileMover.MoveFile += new FileMover.MoveFileEventHandler(
The event implementation conventions described in this article can be found throughout
the .NET Framework's own event implementations. The purpose of this walkthrough is to
show how one .NET Framework component exposes its events, and how you can write code
that runs when the event is raised. You will see that the steps required are simply a subset
of the recommended steps required to implement your own events and event handling
This section points out how the Framework makes use of these conventions by walking you
through theFileSystemWatcher component's Deleted event implementation.
The FileSystemWatcher is a class provided in the .NET
Framework's System.IO namespace. This class can be used to notify your application when
specific disk IO activity takes place in a specific folder (e.g., a new file is created, a file is
modified, or deleted, etc).
Event Declaration
This is how the .NET Framework's FileSystemWatcher class declares its Deleted event:
public event FileSystemEventHandler Deleted
Delegate Declaration
public delegate void FileSystemEventHandler (Object sender,
FileSystemEventArgs e)
Custom EventArgs
The Deleted event communicates information about the file or directory that was deleted
through a subclass ofSystem.EventArgs:
public class FileSystemEventArgs : EventArgs {}
Notice that the name of the event handler, FileSystemEventHandler, does not conform
exactly to the naming convention that suggests the event handler name should be the
name of the event followed by the word, Handler. Remember, the conventions are not laws
or rules. Instead, they are just suggestions for making your code more easily understood.
In the case of the FileSystemWatcher class, one event handler was implemented to
support a number of events, including Deleted, Created and Changed � thus the minor
break from a strict interpretation of the naming convention. A strict adherence to the
convention would have resulted in the creation of 3 delegates that are identical except for
the name (e.g., DeletedHandler, CreatedHandler, etc.) Alternatively the name chosen
could have been something like DeletedOrCreatedOrChangedHandler � which would
have been ridiculous. In this case a reasonable deviation from the convention was
[thankfully!] chosen.
Given the above event implementation provided by the .NET Framework, the following is an
example of code you could write in your class that would subscribe to the Deleted event of
a FileSystemWatcher instance. This code would enable your application to respond to
files being deleted in the C:\Temp directory.
// Import the namespace
using System.IO;
fsWatcher.Path = "C:\Temp";
fsWatcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsWatcher_Deleted);
FileSystemWatcher instance.
fsWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// include if updating Windows Forms components
fsWatcher.SynchronizingObject = this;
Windows Forms implement events of their own, as well as facilitate the handling of events
raised by controls contained within the form or within container controls in the form class.
Additionally, the implementation and handling of events in Windows Forms classes require
careful consideration and even unique steps be taken given that Windows Forms and the
controls they contain exhibit "thread affinity" � meaning that their properties can be
updated only by code running in the same thread that created the Form or controls.
These and other Windows Forms-specific considerations are presented in this section.
The concept of "partial class" was introduced in the .NET Framework version 2.0. A partial
class is a class declared with the partial keyword, and with parts of the class defined in
two or more source code files. The compiler retrieves all source code defining the partial
class from all files containing the partial class, and outputs one [compiled] class. That is, a
partial class may exist in two or more source code files, but when the application is
compiled, the "class fragments" are compiled into one class in the output assembly.
The benefits of partial classes include (1) multiple developers can work on different parts of
the same class at the same time, by working with different source code files; and (2)
automated code generating tools can write to one source code file, while human developers
can maintain their code in a separate file, without concern that their changes may
eventually be overwritten by the automated code generating tool. This second benefit is
realized in Windows Forms projects starting with Visual Studio 2005. When you add a new
form to a Windows Forms project, Visual Studio automatically creates the form as a partial
class that is defined in two source code files. The file that contains code generated by Visual
studio is named FormName.Designer.cs, while the file intended for developer code is
named FormName.cs. So, for example, if you have Visual Studio 2005 create a form named
MainForm, then the following two source code files will be created:
public partial class MainForm : Form
// developers write code here
partial class MainForm
// Windows Forms designer writes code here
When you add controls to the form by using the Visual Studio Windows Forms designer, the
designer will add the necessary code to the FormName.Designer.cs file.
When Visual Studio 2005 creates an event handling implementation for you, the event
handler/registration code is written to the FormName.Designer.cs file, with only an event
handling method stub automatically written to theFormName.cs file. The intent behind this
arrangement is for the Windows Forms designer to write all of the event-related code that
can be automated (wiring up the event handling method with the event handler, etc.). The
only part that the designer cannot create for you is the particular programming logic that is
to take place inside of the event handling method. So, when Visual Studio is finished doing
everything it can for you, what you have is (1) all of the event-related "plumbing" code
tucked away in the FormName.Designer.cs file; with (2) an event handling method stub
waiting for you in the FormName.cs file. All that you must do to finish the event handling
implementation is write the necessary code in the event handling method stub.
The following steps walk you through the implementation of a FormClosing event handling
method in a Windows Form named MainForm.
1. Using Visual Studio .NET, create a new Windows Forms project, and add a new Form
named MainForm.
2. With MainForm opened in design view, right-click over an exposed portion of the
form (not over a control), and select Properties from the popup menu. The Properties
dialog that appears can display either form properties or events. If it is not already
selected, click on the Events button (it has the lightening bolt icon) in to toolbar at
the top of the properties dialog.
3. In the Events dialog, locate the event for which you want your application to
respond. In our case, this is theFormClosing event. Double-click anywhere in the
row where FormClosing is listed.
Two things happen at this point. First, the Windows Forms designer inserts the following line
to theMainForm.Designer.cs file.*
this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(
Second, the Windows Forms designer inserts the following method stub into to
the MainForm.cs file.*
private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender,
FormClosingEventArgs e)
// your event handling code goes here
* When using .NET 1.x (which does not have partial classes), the same code is generated,
but goes into the singleMainForm.cs file.
You can see that nothing has been hidden from you. All code required to implement the
event handling logic is present and available for you to review and possibly modify as
necessary. All that the Windows Forms designer does is write the boilerplate code in a way
that conforms to the recommended event standards, and places that code in the partial
class files where you can then extend it for your application-specific purposes.
If you want to change the name of the event handling method that the Windows Forms
designer generates for you, you are free to do so. Just be sure to change the method name
in both the MainForm.cs file, and where it is registered with the event handler
in MainForm.Designer.cs.
private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true; // prevents the form from closing
Windows forms and the controls they contain can have their properties and methods called
only by code running on the same thread that created the control (i.e. Windows forms and
controls exhibit thread affinity). You may, therefore, run into unexpected behavior or
runtime exceptions when code from a non UI thread attempts to execute code that modifies
UI components.
Beware that you might run into threading issues related to this UI thread affinity even if you
are not explicitly or knowingly employing multiple threads in your application. For example,
the FileSystemWatcher class automatically spawns an additional background thread for
its own purposes. Consequently, you may encounter threading issues if your code makes
use of the FileSystemWatcher, and any of the related event handling methods ultimately
cause an update to a UI control. Separately, any 3rd party components you are using may
spawn additional background threads of which you are initially unaware.
There are two relevant exceptions to the rule that states that Windows Forms controls
cannot be accessed from a thread other than the thread on which they were created. Every
control inherits the Invoke() method andInvokeRequired property, which can be
accessed from other threads. Invoke() takes a single argument, which is of type delegate.
When called, Invoke() causes the delegate to call any methods registered with it.
Obviously then, any code called via Invoke() will be executed on the same thread in which
the control exists. So, to update UI controls running on one thread from code in another
thread, simply (1) break out the code that updates the UI control into its own method; then
(2) register that method with the delegate that is then (3) passed to the UI
control's Invoke() method.
InvokeRequired returns true when the current code is running on a thread other than the
thread on which the Control was created. You can query the value of InvokeRequired to
determine whether your code can directly update the Control, or if such updates must be
routed through the Invoke() method.
New to the 2.0 version of the .NET Framework, these classes provide another option for
developers of components that raise events asynchronously to address the threading issues
described above. An important benefit of
usingSystem.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation is that it provides the solution to the
threading issues (presented above) in the event publisher (component), whereas the two
alternatives presented above (Control.Invoke andSynchronizingObject) place the
solution with the subscribers.
Cancellable events are generally raised by a component that is about to perform some
action that can be cancelled or otherwise prevented from happening. The Windows Form
class's FormClosing event is an example of a cancellable event. A typical scenario in which
you'd want to prevent a form from closing would be where the user has not saved changes.
In this scenario, your FormClosing event handling method could implement logic that
detects the presence of unsaved changes. If there are any, the logic could prompt the user
to save their changes. If the user elects to save their changes, your logic would cancel
the FormClosing event. This would prevent the form from closing, thereby giving the user
the opportunity to review their changes and possibly save them before attempting to close
the form again.
The inner workings of a cancellable event can be quite straight-forward. Considering that
events frequently signal to subscribers that a change in state or some other activity is
"about to" place, this "pre-event" represents an ideal opportunity for the event publisher to
determine if it (the publisher) should allow for the change in state (or activity) to take
place. If the activity is allowed to take place (i.e., nothing tells the publisher to abort the
operation), the publisher then allows for the change in state to happen and
subsequently/optionally raises the post-event.
In sum, a cancellable event is really two events and some activity that takes place between
those events. The "pre-event" happens before the activity. The activity then takes place (or
not). If the activity takes place, then the "post-event" is typically raised. So, to be precise,
no event is being cancelled even though we say we have a cancellable event. Rather, the
activity that takes place between the two events is what is cancelled � and likely prevented
from starting at all.
In support of the above notion of cancellable event, the .NET Framework provides us with
theSystem.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs class that we can use directly or extend
for our application-specific purposes. CancelEventArgs extends System.EventArgs by
providing the Boolean Cancel property that, when set to true by an event subscriber, is
used by the event publisher to cancel the event. The event publisher code creates an
instance of CancelEventArgs that is sent to subscribers when the pre-event is raised. By
default, event handling methods (in any/all subscribers) are run synchronously.
Consequently, the change in state (or activity) signaled by the pre-event cannot happen
until after all event handling methods have run to completion. Of course the event publisher
retains its reference to the CancelEventArgs instance after the event is raised. So, if any
event handling methods set the Cancel property to true, the event publisher will see this
before attempting to proceed with the change in state, and can therefore respond
In the case where the event has multiple subscribers, the event will be cancelled if any of
the event handling methods set e.Cancel = true. More specifically, the event publisher
will see that e.Cancel = true when the last of the event handling methods returns (they
are called synchronously).
At the end of the day, all that CancelEventArgs does for us is provide a mechanism for an
event subscriber to communicate a true | false value to the event publisher. The actual
work and meaning of "cancelling the event" is entirely up to you, as you would write the
logic that responds to the value of e.Cancel.
The event cancellation scenario described above offers no mechanism for stopping some
activity (or change in state) from occurring once the activity has begun. This is because the
event publishing activities all happen synchronously (or sequentially). The pre-event can be
used to prevent the activity from starting, but once it has started, it will run to completion
because the subscriber's pre-event event handling methods have run to completion and can
therefore no longer communicate with the event publisher.
If you need to enable subscribers to cancel an operation after it has begun (e.g., after the
pre-event has been raised and handled), the basic event publishing mechanism described
above will not be sufficient. You would need to employ a more robust event publishing
mechanism in which the event publisher conducts its activity asynchronously (e.g., on a
background thread). The basic idea is that the client code (in the subscriber/observer)
would request some activity to take place in the event publisher. The event publisher would
then initiate its activity on a background thread. While the background task is running, the
client code is free to proceed with other work, perhaps processing gestures from the user �
which could include a request to cancel the asynchronous operation that is in progress. The
publisher would need to implement logic that periodically checks to see if the client has
requested cancellation and, if so, stop doing its work.
A relatively easy and safe way to get started with asynchronous processing is to become
familiar with theSystem.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker component.
The BackgroundWorker component enables you to run a task asynchronously, report
progress of the task (percentage towards completion), cancel the task after it has started,
and report task completion (with return value). It is beyond the scope of this article to
further present asynchronous processing models and multithreading alternatives and related
There is nothing fundamentally unique about the core concepts involved in the creation of
events, event handlers, and event handling methods in ASP.NET Web applications.
Everything presented in this article about creating custom events and event handlers
applies equally well to ASP.NET Web applications as it does to Windows Forms applications
and C# code libraries. What is fundamentally different about ASP.NET Web applications is
the context in which events are defined, raised, and handled. The stateless nature of HTTP
and its request/response model, the role of the ASP.NET HTTP request pipeline, the role of
ViewState, etc. all come into play � and with implications for the raising and handling of
events. Beyond event fundamentals, as presented in this article, there are ASP.NET-specific
event-related concepts such as client-side events (written in ECMA Script, VBScript, or
JavaScript) postbacks, and event bubbling.
This article does not attempt to address events in the context of ASP.NET Web applications
because a reasonable treatment would more than double the length of this article (and this
article is already long enough!). It should be noted, however, that the fundamentals
presented in this article will provide the beginning Web application developer with a solid
foundation upon which to build.
Events Programming in C#
In the early days of computing, a program would begin execution and then
proceed through its steps until it completed. If the user was involved, the
interaction was strictly controlled and limited to filling in fields.
Today's Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming model requires a
different approach, known as event-driven programming. A modern program
presents the user interface and waits for the user to take an action. The user
might take many different actions, such as choosing among menu selections,
pushing buttons, updating text fields, clicking icons, and so forth. Each
action causes an event to be raised. Other events can be raised without
direct user action, such as events that correspond to timer ticks of the
internal clock, email being received, file-copy operations completing, etc. In
programming, you are often faced with situations where you need to execute
a particular action, but you don't know in advance which method, or even
which object, you'll want to call upon to execute it. For example, a button
might know that it must notify some object when it is pushed, but it might
not know which object or objects need to be notified.
public delegate int MyDelegate(object obj1, object obj2);
In order to make use of this delegate, you need to instantiate it, to specify
the method that needs to be called.
public void MyMethod()
MyDelegate a = new MyDelegate(MyDelegateMethod);
Here MyDelegateMethod is a method that has a signature similar to that of
public delegate void testDelegate(int a);
public event testDelegate MyEvent;
For example:
Myform.MyEvent += new testEvent(MyMethod);
MyForm.MyEvent -= new testEvent(MyMethod);
In C#, events may be raised by just calling them by name similar to method
invocation, say MyEvent(10).
How Event works?
add_<EventName> :
this is a public method that calls the static Combine method of
System.Delegate in order to add another method to its internal invocation
list. This method is however not used explicitly. The same effect is achieved
by using the += operator as specified before.
remove_<EventName> :
this is also a public method that calls the static Remove method of
System.Delegate in order to remove a receiver from the event's invocation
list. This method is also not called directly. Its job is done by the "-="
raise_<EventName> :
a protected method that calls the compiler generated Invoke method of the
delegate, in order to call each method in the invocation list.
Types of Delegates
To support a single cast delegate the base class library includes a special
class type called System.Delegate. To support multi-cast delegates the base
class library includes a special class type called SystemMultiCastDelegate.
The names param1 and param2 can be replaced with one's own names and
parameters. When the compiler compiles the statement above, it internally
generates a new class type. This class is called DelegateName and derives
from System.Delegate.
The Target field identifies an object context. In the scenario above this
would point to the TestDelegateClass being created. If the method to be
invoked is a static method then this field will be null.
The Method field identifies the method to be called. This field always has
some value. It is never null.
In our case we are passing only one parameter. The natural question comes:
How this is done? Actually it gets done internally by the compiler. The
compiler resolves the call above to a call passing in the two parameters
required. In C++ with managed extension, the object and the address of the
function have to be passed explicitly. But in VB and C# we have done away
with this with the compiler filling in the necessary details.
When the compiler comes across this line, this is what happens,
1. The compiler identifies that mdg is a delegate object.
2. The delegate object has the target and method fields as described
3. The compiler generates code that calls the Invoke method of the
System.Delegate derived class i.e MyDelegate.
4. The Invoke method internally uses the MethodInfo type identified by
the delegate's Method field and calls the MethoidInfo's invoke method.
5. The MethodInfo's invoke method is passed the delegates Target field
which identifies the method and an array of variants which contains
the parameters to the method to be called. In our case, the array of
variants would be an Object and an Int32 value.
Multi-Cast Delegates
The signature of a mutli cast delegate is shown below. The letters in italics
can be replaced with your own names and parameters.
Whatever has been written with respect to Single cast delegate holds good
even in the context of a Multi-Cast Delegate. There is a small addition here.
Since a multi-cast delegate represents a linked list, there is an additional
field called prev which refers to another Multi-Cast Delegate. This is how the
linked list is maintained.
The return type here has changed from Boolean to void. The reason is that
since several multi-cast delegates get called consecutively we cannot wait to
get the return value from each of these methods being called.
The code shown in the example for single cast delegate will work in the case
of multi-cast delegate too. The only difference is that the delegate signature
needs to be changed, the method signature needs to be changed to return
void instead of Boolean.
Code Sample:
class MyDelegate1
public void dispMyDelegate1(string s)
class MyDelegate2
public void dispMyDelegate2(string s)
public delegate void OnMsgArrived(string s);
class TestMultiCastUsingDelegates
public static void Main(string [] args)
MyDelegate1 mcd1=new MyDelegate1();
MyDelegate2 mcd2=new MyDelegate2();
// Create a delegate to point to dispMyDelegate1 of mcd1 object
OnMsgArrived objOnMsgArrived1=new OnMsgArrived(mcd1.dispMyDelegate1);
// Create a delegate to point to dispMyDelegate2 of mcd2 object
OnMsgArrived objOnMsgArrived2=new OnMsgArrived(mcd2.dispMyDelegate2);
OnMsgArrived omc;
// Combine the two created delegates.Now omc would point to the head of a
// linked list of delegates
Delegate [] arrayObjOnMsgArrived;
// Obtain the array of delegate references by invoking GetInvocationList()
arrayObjOnMsgArrived = omc.GetInvocationList();
OnMsgArrived objOnMsgArrived3;
// Now navigate through the array and call each delegate which in turn would
// call each of the methods
for(int i=0; i<arrayObjOnMsgArrived.Length; i++)
// Now call each of the delegates
objOnMsgArrived3 = (OnMsgArrived)arrayObjOnMsgArrived[i];
The C# Station Tutorial
by Joe Mayo, 8/25/02, updated 3/12/03, 2/22/08, 1/12/09
Think about how you use methods right now. You write an algorithm that
does its thing by manipulating the values of variables and calling methods
directly by name. What if you wanted an algorithm that was very flexible,
reusable, and allowed you to implement different functionality as the need
arises? Furthermore, let's say that this was an algorithm that supported
some type of data structure that you wanted to have sorted, but you also
want to enable this data structure to hold different types. If you don't know
what the types are, how could you decide an appropriate comparison
routine? Perhaps you could implement an if/then/else or switch statement
to handle well-known types, but this would still be limiting and require
overhead to determine the type. Another alternative would be for all the
types to implement an interface that declared a common method your
algorithm would call, which is actually a nice solution. However, since this
lesson is about delegates, we'll apply a delegate solution, which is quite
You could solve this problem by passing a delegate to your algorithm and
letting the contained method, which the delegaterefers to, perform the
comparison operation. Such an operation is performed in Listing 14-1.
using System;
public class Name
public string FirstName = null;
public string LastName = null;
public Name(string first, string last)
FirstName = first;
LastName = last;
class SimpleDelegate
Name[] names = new Name[5];
public SimpleDelegate()
names[0] = new Name("Joe", "Mayo");
names[1] = new Name("John", "Hancock");
names[2] = new Name("Jane", "Doe");
names[3] = new Name("John", "Doe");
names[4] = new Name("Jack", "Smith");
public void PrintNames()
Console.WriteLine("Names: \n");
public delegate int Comparer(object obj1, object obj2);
public static int CompareFirstNames(object name1, object name2)
To use a delegate, you must create an instance of it. The instance is created,
similar to a class instance, with a single parameter identifying the
appropriate delegate handler method, as shown below.
Comparer cmp = new Comparer(Name.CompareFirstNames);
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// custom delegate
public delegate void Startdelegate();
class Eventdemo : Form
// custom event
public event Startdelegate StartEvent;
public Eventdemo()
Button clickMe = new Button();
You may have noticed that Listing 14-2 is a Windows Forms program.
Although I haven't covered Windows Forms in this tutorial, you should know
enough about C# programming in general that you won't be lost. To help
out, I'll give a brief explanation of some of the parts that you may not be
familiar with.