09 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Review of Literature


Over the past decade, the way in which people are managed and
developed at work has come to be recognised as one of the primary factors in
achieving improvement in organizational performance (Marchington and
Wilkinson 1997; Phillips 1997). (Anand, 1997 and Maguire, 1995)
acknowledged that successful organizations share a fundamental philosophy of
valuing and investing in their employees. In fact several research studies have
described human resource management as a means of achieving competitive
advantage. (Huselid 1995 and Walker 2001). Consistent with this perspective,
the retention of their employees is an equally important issue for organizations.
This chapter explains various research studies related to human
resource practices and the retention of employees. It also presents literature
review on the causes of poor employee retention. Keeping in mind the topic of
present research the following related literature is presented under the
following headings:

3.1. Studies related to Employee Retention and HR Practices

Yiu Lichia and Saner Raymond (2014), measured HR function by
reporting on the findings of a survey of attrition in Indian companies and
discussed the possible strategies chosen by Indian companies to counter costly
labour turnover. Higher attrition can be minimised through the payment of
higher compensation packages. The researches suggested that Indian
companies should do more to strengthen the bonding of internal social
networks and deepen individual job satisfaction and organizational
commitments to ensure talent retention through competence development and
career planning.
Jeen Dorance Batty S. (2014), aimed to the factors which may be the
possible reasons for an employee to leave an organization. Employees
turnover intention and its impact on organizational outcomes were analyzed

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

and that was collected through questionnaires from the first and middle line
employees in selected organized retail outlets in Bangalore. From the
econometric analysis, it was found that turnover intention has influenced
attrition factors such as Quality of Work Life, career growth, working hours,
personal/family reasons, and relation with internal co worker, welfare,
working condition, and salary.
Rana Hussain, Aiza (2013), examined the influence of talent
management (TM) and employee turnover intention (ETO) on organizational
efficiency (OE) in telecommunication sector of Pakistan (TSP). It was found
that by reducing ETO organizations efficiency can be enhanced. Research
results revealed an interesting dimension of talent management which reflects
negative relationship with organizational efficiency in TSP. This finding
reflected that TM sometime elevates ETO and reduces the OE. TSP needs to
reduce employee turnover rate by managing the talent properly to elevate OE.
Kanwal and Muhammad (2013), focused on the retention of
employees in banks in Pakistan. Research focused on the factors that are in
relevance to the bonus and rewards, satisfaction of employees with the job,
training as a career exposure management team work, are the major
contributors towards the employee retention in an organization. It was found
that training and development had a significant impact on the employee
retention. Other factors that have been recognized in the literature review had a
synergic effect on the employees performance. Therefore it was suggested that
both the employees and the Manager must work in a team and had an effective
collaboration with each other while performing in the team work.
Mathur, Atul and Agarwal, P. K. (2013), aimed to understand the
impact of retention strategies on employee turnover in sugar industry in India.
The focus of this study was on dysfunctional turnover. Other variables such as
welfare benefits, personal satisfaction and organization culture, which are
associated with the employee turnover, were also investigated as a part of this

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

study. It was found that the main reason for leaving the organization by
employees were compensation and working environment. Results of the study
revealed that retention strategies have direct impact on employee turnover.
Researcher suggested that by using different HR practices like effective
compensation policy, performance appraisal, training and development
programme, feedback and assigning competitive work the condition of
employee retention can been increased.
Balakrishnan and Masthan, D. (2013), identified the drivers of the
employee engagement and also examined the relationship between employee
engagement and employee retention. It was observed that employee
engagement leads to commitment and psychological attachment and reflects in
the form of high retention (low attrition) of employees. The study suggested
that the level of engagement in employees can be enhanced by identifying its
drivers (influential factors). Organizations can design good practices in the
light of findings to retain their best talent (highly skilled and specialized human
resources) without much financial burden. Statistical evidence in the study
confirm that the employee retention can be improved by addressing non-
financial drivers of employee engagement like communication, recognition,
manager/supervisor support (relationship), work engagement, team work and
role clarity.
Kwenin, O. D. and Muathe S. et.al (2013), analyzed the influence of
employee rewards, job satisfaction and human resource policies on employee
retention in Vodafone Ghana Limited. The results showed that organizations
fair reward systems lead to equity and increase retention. The findings also
revealed that job satisfaction and favourable human resource policies have
positive link with retention. Moreover, the study also identified that employee
job satisfaction as a strong signal for retention. Consequently, the study
recommended that management of the organization should provide intrinsic
values in the jobs to make them more satisfying for the employees to stay.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Human resources policies were also identified to connect directly with

retention, and was thus suggested that the company should take a second look
at its policies to promote growth and opportunities for employees.
Appiah, A. F. and David A. (2013), focused on human resource
management activities that were frequently used in the mining industry in
Ghana and their effect on employee retention. The main findings of the study
were that majority of turnover intentions within the organization were
attributable to human resource management. Training and development,
communication and information sharing, health, safety and welfare, incentives
and compensation and job security factors were very significant in bringing
about turnover intentions within the mining industry. The study provides
insights into the effects of human resource management practices on
employees intension to leave and retention in the mining sector in Ghana.

Lakshmi Devi, R., Amalraj R. et. al. (2013), aimed to study the
employee turnover ratio in a pharmaceutical industry in India. It was observed
that the mean of the pull factors was higher owing to higher turnover intention
of the employees. Under this study, all factors were divided into two clusters
using hierarchical clustering technique namely push and pull factors. The
various push factors identified in case study were: Health reasons (Personal),
family problems, pursuance of higher education, behavior of boss, conflict of
employees, motivation and encouragement of good work, size of the
organization, difficulty of job and social status. Among the pull factors,
expectation of a high salary, expectation of promotion and reputation of the
organization was the most significant reasons for which the employees quit.
Among the push factors, family related problems were the most significant
push factor contributing to employee exit. This study concluded that the most
significant factor is pull factor. The push factor also contributed to the turnover,
but not significantly.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Reiche Sebstian B. (2008), conducted a research to explore the

determinants which influence retention capacity of MNCs. Researcher
proposed a conceptual framework through linked institutional and human
resource management perspectives. Labour market perspective and
psychological perspective were addressed. It was found that the level of
satisfaction and commitment of subsidiary staff which may be affected by HR
practices can be moderate by locally oriented management style.
Huselid A. Mark (1995), examined human resources literature in three
ways. First, the level of analysis used to estimate the firm-level impact of HRM
practices, and the perspective was strategic rather than functional. Second, the
analytical focus was comprehensive. Third, this study provided one of the first
tests of the prediction that the impact of High Performance Work Practices on
firm performance was contingent on both the degree of complementarily, or
internal fit, among these practices and the degree of alignment, or external fit,
between a firm's system of such practices and its competitive strategy. It was
found that use of effective human resource management practices enhances
firm performance.
Ichniowski C., Shaw K., Prennushi G. (1993), analyzed the impact of
cooperative and innovative HRM practices on organizational productivity. It
was found that "bundles" of internally consistent HRM practices were
associated with higher productivity and quality. Study concluded that
perceptions of job security, compensation level, job satisfaction, organizational
tenure, demographic variables such as age, gender, education, and number of
dependents, organizational commitment, whether a job meets an individual's
expectations, and the expressed intention to search for another job were all
predictors of employees' leaving the organization, Sheridan (1992) also found
that perceptions of organizational culture influences turnover.
Spencer, G. Daniel (1986), examined the extent to which employees
have opportunities to voice dissatisfaction and voluntary turnover in general

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

care hospitals. Responses to declining firms in terms of exit and voice were
extensively studied. Researcher focused on the amount of opportunity available
for voice and not on the quality of that opportunity. Researcher conducted two
studies for this purpose. Under first study it was found that the more an
organization gives employees the opportunity to voice dissatisfaction over
aspects of their work in order to change dissatisfying work situations, the
greater the likelihood that its employees will remain with the organization. It
was revealed that in general care hospitals Registered nurses' turnover rates in
short-term, were significantly lower in hospitals with many mechanisms for the
voicing of employees' dissatisfaction. The results of study two indicated high
numbers of voice mechanisms were associated with high levels of employees'
expectancies for problem resolution and high perceived effectiveness of an
organization's procedures for resolving problems. Results revealed that high
numbers of mechanisms for employee voice were associated with high
retention rates.
Petkar, R. and Suhas, S. (2013), triggered to examine the various
functions and HRM practices adopted at TCS with the main focus on its
retention management. Researcher focused on the balancing of the global
trends in human resource management and the various changes in the policies
made accordingly by the company which affects the people working in the
organization. This study found that HRM for a global firm has become
extremely challenging, among all the functions, talent management and
retention appears to be the most significant function of Human Resource
Management. With the help of a brief case study of TCS retention policy
researcher revealed that the dynamic and employee oriented flexible retention
policy based on its own values is a clear X factor for the success of TCS in
retention. It was also revealed that the rate of attrition in TCS was only 13.1%.
Shukla, K., Somesh and Sinha, Deepti (2013), study was undertaken
to understand the major issues associated with the retention of the

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

pharmaceutical employees in Dehradun city. The objective was to identify the

major causes of the high level of attrition. The study also investigated the
influence of HR policies, compensation and benefits, work pressure and
relationship with the superiors on employee retention. It was found that due to
growing expectations among employees at all levels, a majority of employees
want to have an improved quality of work life.
Narang, Uma (2013), analyzed the impact of HRM practices i.e. career
development opportunities, supervisor support, working environment, rewards
and work-life policies on employee retention in the banks. The retention of
human resources has been shown to be momentous to the development and the
accomplishment of the organizations goals and objectives. Increased emphasis
has been laid on retention especially with the onset of revolution of information
technology which is human sensitive. The findings of the study concluded that
there was a good relationship between the employee retention and the HRM
practices. The frequencies of career development, allocation of rewards
regarding work and work environment revealed the highest values in relation to
their perceived level of retention with the concern. It was recommended that
Organizations should provide their employees with the best career growth
opportunities, working environment, rewards, supervisor support and work-life
balance and should work on them.
Thite M., Russell B. (2010), addressed the human resource (HR)
implications of providing customer service by Indian customer contact centers
and the BPO model. The main aim of the researcher was to explore the effects
of HR practices on employee retention and attrition in Indian BPO. Researcher
critically analyzed the role that HR played in the very dynamic context of
offshore business process outsourcing by conducting study of retention and
attrition at four large Indian BPO providers. Indices of work load
manageability, job skills, training, monitoring, team functioning, workplace
socialization practices and elements of the employee relations climate were

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

analyzed. It was revealed that high employee turnover were potentially

destabilizing effects for the industry with flow-on effects on other aspects of
HR, including recruitment and training , remuneration, and finally for
productivity and unit costs. It was also found that the relationship between
globalization and HR were mainly seen in a linear fashion. The relationship
between work designs, strategic HR practices and employee retention was
moderated by external labor market conditions, changing business models,
emerging technologies and employee aspirations.
Bawa, A. M. and Jantan, M. (2013), investigated the relationship
between human resource (HR) practices and employee turnover in Malaysia
where companies were generally experiencing labour shortage and labour
turnover. Researches attempted to distinguish between the causes of voluntary
and involuntary turnover in organizations, though recognized for quite some
time. The two phenomena seem to be influenced by a different set of factors. It
was found that (1) staffing process and employee monitoring were effective in
reducing involuntary turnover, and (2) none of the HR practices were effective
in reducing voluntary turnover. The study concluded that economic factors
such as availability of alternative jobs were most likely relevant in explaining
the turnover process. As a practical strategy for combating involuntary
turnover, managers should retain and reinforce the current staffing practices
(recruitment, selection, orientation training, etc.) and uphold the existing style
of performance measurement.
Perumal, P., Choi S. L., et. al. (2012), discussed extensively the impact
of human resource practices that can alter the negative effect on the
organization due to high employees turnover. The study was conducted to
examine whether and how quality employee-organizational relationship
influence turnover intentions. Studies have shown that turnover was one of the
most researched phenomena in organizational behaviour. The broad range of
turnover studies indicated the significance and complexity of the issue. Results

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

revealed the relationship between employees job performance management

and their intention to quit. Results indicated a strong negative relation between
positive employee relations as an HR practices against turnover intentions.
Shanmugam, R., Anbu, A.et. al. (2012), conducted a study with
threefold objectives: first to identify the crucial factors of retention; next to
attempt determining the extent to which these factors were affecting employee
retention and finally a case study was analyzed in major IT Company for
identifying the factors of retention. It was revealed that the human resources
were not only the drivers and principal value-creators of the output of the
industry but they were also the intellectual capital or the infrastructure
investment. Moreover attracting, training, retaining and motivating employees
were the critical success-determinants (Kiran Karnik, 2006). Author also
revealed that factors related to compensation (Compensation related policies
and non-financial benefits) issues have the highest effect on attrition.
Zin, M. S. and Ahmad, N., et. al. (2012), intended to elucidate one
particular issue with regards to Malaysian SMEs which was employee retention
and in more specifically, this study aimed to produce a model for employee
retention. To attain this aim, the two-factor, or motivation-hygiene theory
(Herzberg, 1968) was taken as the basic foundation. Study recommended that
HR managers must endeavour to redesign the job to be more varied and
decentralized in order to encourage sovereignty among employees. Therefore,
motivation model were considered as relevant to be employed in HRM
practices for employee retention.
Rao, Aparna, K. (2012), attempted to bring out employee retention
approaches, strategies for knowledge workforce, for achieving competitive
advantage. Researcher explored all aspects related to workforce stability issues
in the employment market with a focus on retaining employees. It was found
that Employee retention was the most critical issue facing corporate leaders as
a result of the shortage of skilled labor, economic growth and employee
turnover. Researcher concluded that employee retention can be practiced better

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

by motivating the employees in the aspects of Open Communication which

enforces loyalty among employees.
Akuoko, O. K. and Ansong, F. (2012), focused on role of employee
retention strategies played in organizations because it affects workers
performance. The study investigated the various employee retention strategies
and its effect on workers performance. Five organizations were selected by
simple random sampling technique. They were stratified into three production
and two service organizations. It was revealed that the impact of employee
turnover on organizations was often endangers far-reaching consequences and
may jeopardize efforts to attain organizational objectives (Hill and Jones,
2001). The study found that employee retention strategies contributed to
employees commitment to organizational goals, thus, exposing their loyalty to
their organization. It was also found that when employees were retained, the
knowledge they had acquired facilitated the development of operations of the
organization they worked for (Butler, P. and Glover, L., 2007).
Netswera, FG, Rankhumise, E.M. (2005), analyzed human resources
turnover data, and interviewed academic managers and employees in order to
examine the possible employee retention factors for a higher education
institution in South Africa. They observed that the success of the most
competitive companies throughout the world, including higher education
institutions, lies in their highly skilled employees on which these institutions
spend millions to retain. It was revealed that the cost of losing best employees
to be enormous beyond monetary quantification. It was also noticed that the
loss of one competent employee to a competitor institution strengthens the
competitors advantage. It was also found that different institutional interests
between institutional managers and employees. The former were concerned
more about profits, business sustenance and justification for spending, while
the latter were driven by introverted interests such as development, monetary
rewards and personal fulfillment.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Philpott, John (2007), surveyed emerging trends in people resourcing

practice. Researcher examined the relationship between organizations and
third-party recruitment agencies. Researcher focused on the fact that the pay on
offer in a job, though very important, but no more significant than lack of
development or career opportunities within an employees current organization.
It was found that, more than seven in ten organizations were still using
recruitment agencies as part of their attraction process (73%). It was also
revealed that, according to the survey the desire for a change of career, or the
possibility of promotion opportunities in another organization, were the main
reasons for which employees quit their jobs. Similarly, as the survey also
showed that, quit rates were relatively low for managerial, professional and
highly skilled staff.
Nazia, Sultana & Begum, Bushra (2013), focused on the practices
followed by a selected Indian MNCs in retaining their employees and also
highlights the opinions of the employees about such retention practices mass.
Author has thrown light on how MNCs in India are making strategic moves in
retaining their talent. This study attempted to fill the gaps by analyzing the
impact of three Rs i.e. Respect, Recognition and Rewards on satisfaction level
of the employees and by examining the various practices adopted by Indian
MNCs in retaining their employees. It was found that most of the employees
opted either yoga or other recreational activity to manage stress. The study
concluded that organizations must take some measures to relive the employees
from the workload through job rotation, change in work location and other
recreational activities.
Chughtai, A. T. (2013), identified the mediating role of employee
engagement between HR practices and turnover intentions in the telecom sector
of Pakistan. In addition to that the research also provides an effective model
for the stake holders of concern telecom companies to keep hold their capable
work force in a highly dynamic and fluid business environment. The results

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

turned out to be extremely noteworthy as they highlighted a definite

relationship between HR practices, employee engagement and turnover
intentions. It was also revealed that engagement in the purposeful work can
bring payback from that work. Work engagement governs turnover intention by
mediating the link with job resources. Therefore the implication of employee
engagement in any profit or non-profit organization cant be ruled out.
Sinha, C. and Sinha, R. (2012), explored to identify the main factors of
retention management strategies in two heavy engineering manufacturers based
in India. The factor analysis of the component retention management
strategies led to the extraction of 3 factors each from both the organizations.
The factors considered for the organizations were competence & relationship
oriented, scholastic & futuristic oriented, developmental & reward
oriented. The results indicated that these factors have substantial roles to play
in making employees stay and how at middle managerial level different aspects
were valued while deciding upon the retention strategies.
Nienaber, H., Masibigiri, V. (2012), investigated the factors that
Generation X public servants in South Africa perceived as influencing their
turnover intent. Furthermore, these factors were also matched with the drivers
of engagement i.e. compensation, community and career. It was found that the
factors influencing the turnover intent of the Generation X public servants
correspond to some of those proposed in the literature, including the nature of
the job, traditional attitudes, and organizational context, both on the macro- and
the micro-levels. One of the implications of the findings of this study was that
although the value of employees to organizations were established as long ago
as the Renaissance, organizations still do not capitalize on their most important
In the study researcher Khan, A. A., Mahmood, B. (2011), aimed to
identify factors reducing employee turnover and to explore the impact of
retention strategies on workforce in Serena Hotel, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Variables like HR strategies, workplace environment, training and

development, and compensation were found more effective in employee
retention at Serena Faisalabad. The study suggested that for higher control over
retention, management must work over monetary rewards and career
Sheikh, A. M. and Wusat-ul-Qamar (2011), conducted a research to
study the impact of HRM practices (career development opportunities,
supervisor support, working environment, rewards and work-life policies) on
employee retention in the Islamia University as well as the banks in
Bahawalpur. Employee retention was the dependent variable, which was
analyzed for relationship with career development, supervisor support, working
environment, rewards and work-life policies that were considered as
independent variables. The findings showed that there was a good relationship
between the employee retention and the HRM practices. It was also found that
the frequencies and cross tabs relating to the working environment and career
development opportunities were showing the higher values.
Masibigiri, V. and Nienaber H. (2011), investigated the factors
affecting retention of employees. The purpose of this study was to explore the
factors that affect the retention of Generation X public servants. The study
revealed that the factors affecting the retention of Generation X public servants
were work content, utilisation of skills, career advancement, worklife balance,
compensation, security needs, leadership and drive. . It was found that the
retention problem was worse for the public sector as there were fewer financial
rewards in the public service than in the private sector. It was suggested that
Retaining Generation X employees, in particular, was important for both the
private and public sectors.

3.2. Studies related to Organizational Climate and HR Practices

Sheridan (1992), investigated the effect of Organizational Culture on
employees job performance and their retention. Organizational culture values

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

varied significantly among the firms. Researcher collected data of six- year
period from the professional employees of all the firms. This study was
conducted with the cooperation of six international accounting firms having
offices located in a large western city. The influence of organizational culture
values on voluntary retention rates was examined through survival analysis
(Morita, Lee, & Mowday, 1989; Peters & Sheridan, 1988). Survival analysis
provides actuarial estimates of the survival and hazard rates of new hires at
increasing seniority. It was found that focusing on a specific industry in a
particular city had the advantage of controlling for variation in regional labor
market conditions that could influence retention rates in different cities. Since
people join organizations partly because they are attracted to the culture and
structure, this is where retention management, begins. Managers who want to
examine how effective their organization culture and structure are at retaining
employees need to do so from the ground up (Judge and Cable 1997; Sheridian
1992). Kopelman, Brief, and Guzzo (1990) and Kerr and Slocum (2005) argue
that the culture and core values present within an organization can have a direct
influence on employee retention.
Ashique, Ali (2007), aimed at the understanding of integrated role of
HR practices, organizational cultural values and the attitudes of supervisor on
personality dimensions and employees intentions to stay or quit. Therefore
researcher investigated impact of HR practices, organizational cultural values
and attitudes of immediate boss on personality dimensions and work-related
factors. Such positive and integrated organizational climate directly generates
overall satisfaction, organizational commitment and OCB which virtually
forces employees stay in the organization and vice versa. It was found that
positively implemented HR practices, conducive organizational culture and
friendly attitudes of supervisor separately and collectively leave strong impact
on personality dimensions of individual at workplace.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

There are differences in HRM Practices adopted by International and

Domestic companies (Hiltrop, 2002). Internal work was affected by Socio-
cultural environment, which in turn affects HRM Practices. A model of culture
fit comparing Indian and Canadian managers and employees has been
discussed. In assessing socio-cultural environment and internal work culture,
the participant technique was used in Study 1(the respondents indicated their
own beliefs and assumptions) and the observant technique was used in Study
2 (the respondents indicated beliefs and assumptions of the majority of
individuals in society). In both studies India scored higher than Canada on
paternalism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, reactivity and futuristic
orientation (Zeynep Aycan et al, 1999).
Kaur, Sharan and Hong, C. L. (2008), examined the relationship
between organizational climate, employee personality and their intention to
leave an organization in the Malaysian context. Four organizational climate
dimensions were chosen for this study, i.e. structure, responsibility, rewards
and support. Dominance and sociability were the personality dimensions
chosen and its moderating effects were on the relationship between
organizational climate and intention to leave. This study focused some light for
organizations that encounter high turnover rates resulting from unfavorable
organizational climate. It was revealed that organizational climate has a
significant association with employees intention to leave. All the four
organizational climate dimensions had significant negative correlations with
employees intention to leave. Study suggested that knowing more about why
people intent to leave is important to develop general guidelines to improve the
relevant organizational climate factors that are considered short-coming in the
Govaerts N. and Kyndt, E. (2010), aimed to investigate some factors
that have an influence on employee retention. Researches focused on the
factors i.e. Both Appreciative learning and working climate and Following

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

procedures, have a positive influence on the intention to stay. In the case of

the intention to leave, the predictors operate in the opposite direction, thus
having a negative influence. In contrast, the absence of these two factors will
increase the intention to leave. It was found that when organizations want to
retain their employees it seems important to pay attention to the learning of
employees. Results concerning the selected employee variables show that only
age has a significant relationship with retention. Regarding the intention to
stay, there exists a positive relationship between age and retention. In the case
of leaving, a negative relationship was revealed. Hence, researcher concluded
that the older an employee, the more likely he will stay and the less likely he
will leave the organization.
Dochy, Filip (2009), examined the influence of organizational and
personal factors on employees. Researcher stressed on securing and retaining
skilled employees, because employees knowledge and skills are central to
companies ability to be economically competitive. The researcher found that a
large positive contribution of appreciation and stimulation of the employee to
employee retention. This study showed that individual differences influence
employee retention. Relationship between employee and retention revealed that
leadership skills and seniority have a positive relationship with employee
retention and the level of readiness and initiative regarding learning is
negatively related to retention.
HRM practices also act as a mediator between organizational culture
and transformational leadership whose outcomes are hypothesized as lower
levels of individual employees intention to quit the organization and shows
higher level of performance (Soumendu Biswas, 2009).
Bryman (1992), defined Leadership as the behavior of an individual
that results in non-coercive influence when that person is directing and
coordinating the activities of a group toward the accomplishment of a shared
goal. Leadership was conceptualised in terms of four tasks that need to be

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

accomplished in any organization: providing direction, assuring alignment,

building commitment and facing adoptive challenges (Risher and Stopper
2002). It was found that leaders were central to the process of creating cultures,
systems and structures that foster knowledge creation, sharing and cultivation
(Bryant 2003). It was also found that leadership enhances organizational
commitment (Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban Metcalfe 2001; Allen 1996; Ferres
and Convell 2002; Podsekoff, Mackenzie and Bommer 1996). Though there
were differences between the transformations and Charismatic leadership
theories, it was now become more common and referring to this body of work
as the new leadership theory (Gumbus and Johnson 2003) or neo-
charismatic leadership theory (Nanus 1992). Transformational leaders were
regarded as active leaders (Yammarino and Bass 1990).

3.3. Studies related to Job Satisfaction and HR practices

Arshad, A., M., Amin G. (2013), explored the impacts of performance
appraisal politics on job satisfaction, turnover intention and loyalty to
supervisor as perceived by the employees of telecommunication organizations
of Pakistan. Performance appraisal politics was highly related to job
satisfaction as the compensation decision, benefits and rewards were given
according to the performance appraisal of an employee. It was found that if in
any case there is a difference in ratings due to any reasons, it will affect the
reward system of the worker and the compensation which will ultimately
influence the job satisfaction. Moreover, the politics in performance appraisal
also influences the organizational justice and it may also affect job satisfaction.
The results concluded that the political motives of the appraisers during
performance appraisal process causes in reduced job satisfaction and loyalty of
supervisor and increased turnover intentions of the employees.
Basically, employees perform the essential tasks within the organization,
and organizational human resource systems were designed to support and
manage the human capital (Gramm and Schnell 2001). Current HRM practices
emphasis the benefits of meeting employee needs and enabling workers to have

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

control over their work lives. Many firms recognize the necessity to provide the
information, flexibility and voice that employees require to contribute to
organizational success (Becker and Huselid 1998; Capelli 2000).
Job Satisfaction is a set of favourable or unfavourable feeling and
emotion with which employees view their work (Newstorm, 2009). He explains
job satisfaction as a pleasurable feeling that results from the perception that a
job fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of its holders important job values
(Cascio, 2007). Hom and Griffedn (1995), said that satisfied employees have
lower level of turnover while dissatisfied employees have higher levels of
Job satisfaction has a number of facets such as satisfaction with work,
pay, supervision, quality of work life, participation, organizational
commitment, and organizational climate (Lillie, John, Kathleen, Frank, &
Wendy, 1998). Researchers have verified the importance of pay, work
organization and work conditions in shaping job satisfaction (S. Cohen &
Bailey, 1997; Harley, 1999; Maertz & Griffeth, 2004; Taplin & Winterton,
2007). Although these facets were correlated, satisfaction with one facet does
not guarantee satisfaction with all other facets (Kavanaugh, Duffy, & Lilly,
Valahzagharda, K. M. (2012), identified the effects of related services
to support employee to reach job satisfaction and employee activities in one of
Iranian banks called Mellat Bank. Researcher divided the process into two
categories: Under first category different activities were included such as
having health and safety in working centers, performing healthy and sport
programs and some other similar activities to save and improve employees'
physical characteristics. The other important issues included under second
group normally called benefit packages, which involves good health insurance
and retiring plans. It was found that employees were relatively satisfied from
the benefit package of the bank and they were relatively happy on working for

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

such organization. Study concluded that an organization which provides good

benefit package and supporting programs, will result in a better job satisfaction
among employee.
Shaheen, A. and Uddin, N. (2012), aimed to find out the level of job
satisfaction of the bankers of Bangladesh. In this study 50 bankers from
different areas of Janata Bank Limited (JBL) were selected without considering
their demographic variables and both parametric and non-parametric statistical
analysis have been conducted to draw conclusions. This paper revealed that the
job satisfaction of the bankers mainly depends on some aspects like: salary,
promotion, supervision, benefits, rewards, operating procedure, co-worker,
nature of work, communication etc. It was exhibited that the overall job
satisfaction of the bankers prevailed in JBL although in some of the aspects or
areas they were not satisfied such as salary, promotion and benefits. The
overall results of the study showed that services of the officers of the JBL were
significantly satisfactory.
Researchers have developed a relationship between HRM practices and
organizational performance, but the relationship between HRM practices like
job analysis whereas employee Job performance remains unexplored (Rehman
Safdar and Ajmal Waheed, 2010). This study was based on a study of
employees of Pakistan Public sector regulatory authorities of
telecommunication, oil and gas, power, media, security exchange, banking
sector and organizations. Researcher developed a hypothesized model linking
HR importance of job analysis with employee job performance. It was found
that, even if a HR practice does not show positive connection, it significantly
influence performance outcomes indirectly.
Misra, Pooja, Rana, Neeti et. al. (2012), analyzed the impact of
Compensation components in terms of Rewards and Benefits and
Organizational Justice on Turnover Intentions and the role of Job Satisfaction
in terms of Pay. It was examined that compensation influences key outcomes

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

like job satisfaction, attraction, retention, performance, skill acquisition, co-

operation, motivation and turnover intent of employees. This study has been
done on the Indian Retail Industry with special reference to Retail Store
Operations. It was found that rewards and organizational justice in terms of
distributive and procedural justice impact job satisfaction which in turn affects
and described as one of the reasons for high attrition rates. The independent
factors of Financial (base pay, merit pay, incentive, bonus etc.), non Financial
Reward (discount coupons, employee of the month), benefits, distributive and
procedural justice impact job satisfaction which in turn impacts absenteeism
and attrition rates in the retail industry.
Kehinde, Obasan, A. (2011), evaluated the impact of job satisfaction
on absenteeism in Black Horse Industries Limited, a plastic manufacturing
industry situated at Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Researcher considered seven
major extrinsic sources of job satisfaction relative to absenteeism including
pay, promotion, work interest, supervision, co-workers, working condition and
fairness of supervisors. Job satisfaction has been noted as one of the factors
influencing an employees motivation to attend. It was revealed that there was
a direct linkage between employee absenteeism and job satisfaction. It was also
discovered that the absenteeism of workers in a work place may be caused by a
lot of factors which in most cases were related to the dissatisfaction of the
Salazar, John (2011), focused on the impact of human resources
practices on various organizational outcomes. In this article the relationships
between training and development, and employee job satisfaction, loyalty, and
intent to stay in four lodging properties was explored in the United States. The
purpose of this study was to explore the degree to which training and
development opportunities influenced employee job and company satisfaction,
as well as loyalty and intent to stay. Result indicated that employees who
perceive they have the opportunity to develop new skills were more satisfied
with their jobs, more loyal, and more likely to stay with the organization. It was

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

also revealed that both the opportunity to develop new skills and the
opportunity for advancement significantly influences an employees job and
company satisfaction.
Training is considered a form of human capital investment whether that
investment is made by the individual or by the firm (Goldstein 1991). Once
employees are hired, training programs enhance employee job skills.
Employees are expected to acquire new skills and knowledge, apply them on
the job, and share them with other employees (Noe 1999). Lauri, Benson and
Cheney (1996) found that firms often delay training to determine whether
workers are good matches and therefore have a lower probability of leaving the
firm. Frazis, gittleman, Horrigan and Joyce (1998) found that firms that provide
more benefits and have innovative work practices train their employees more
than other firms.
HRM Practices also have a positive impact on job satisfaction of
employees in Bangladesh. An analysis from 20 manufacturing companies
suggests that, human resource planning, and training and development were
found to have positive impact on job satisfaction and among them training has
the greatest impact on job satisfaction (Narul, A. and Mir, M., 2010).
Kamal, Raj and Sengupta, Debashish (2008), focused on the degree
of overall job satisfaction prevailing among the Bank Officers and also to elicit
officers views on the different factors contributing to their job satisfaction, in
the light of current realities. Banking sector which was undergone a sea-
change over the years, this has put new pressures and realities in front of the
bank employees. Bank Officers form a delicate link between the management
and the clerical staff. The success of the bank to a large extent depends upon
the coordination, synchronization and cooperation of the bank officers with
these two very divergent entities. It was revealed that with the change of
satisfaction determinants, level of job satisfaction also varies. It was also
observed that as a person ages, his job satisfaction shows an increasing trend.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

With age, spiritualism of the person increases, but his alternatives for change
decreases. Younger employees have more energy, more expectations and more
options, and hence have lesser satisfaction with the job. Overall the job
satisfaction of bank officers though was not very high but still it was found
Ngute, L. K. (2008), determined the relationship between recruitment
practices, job satisfaction and employee retention in the Kenyan manufacturing
sector. Researcher focused on the dynamic business environment that caused
by increased competition, increase customer demand and improved technology
and the need for strategic planning call for a business management strategies
that encompassed the use of strategic human resource management practices
included strategic recruitment and selection of human resources, improved
employee satisfaction and employee retention. From the study it was
established that of all the recruitment and selection methods tested all of them
were being used by all the companies, but interviews stood out as the most
common used method while medical examination was least preferred. The
results of research indicated that job satisfaction was a key requirement of
employee retention. The study also revealed that there exists good employee
relation and proper communication channels across manufacturing firms in
Canter, D., Deborah, B., Chun-Fang, C. et. al. (2005), investigated
the expectations and perceptions of training quality between hotel managers
and employees, and to suggest implications for improving training quality and
increasing training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and intention to stay among
employees in the hotel industry. The conceptual model of this study was
developed based on SERVQUAL and the Service-Profit Chain model. Data
analysis included t-test measuring training quality, factor analysis confirming
the underlying structures, and regression analysis examining the relationships
among training, job satisfaction and intention to stay. Job satisfaction led

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

positively to intention to stay. The indirect effect of training quality on

intention to stay was mediated by job satisfaction. It was revealed that training
has been found to link with improving job satisfaction and employee intention
to stay. This study suggests more understanding of the importance of training
quality and its consequences, and to pay more attention to employee training.
Sundaray, Kumar & Bijaya (2001), has examined various
determinants of job satisfaction and suggested some strategic initiatives which
contribute to job satisfaction and ultimately to employee retention. Few models
based on theoretical review of research studies conducted in the past depicting
the relationship between job satisfaction and its positive outcomes as well as
the outcomes of employee retention was proposed. Job satisfaction has been
found to be the most important tool for employee retention. Several positive
outcomes of job satisfaction have been observed which eventually leads to
employees intent to stay with the organization. Employee satisfaction has been
found to be positively related to the intent to remain with the company and
negatively related to intention to quit and turnover (Clark, 2001; Kristensen et
al., 2004). It was also found that quantifiable and positive links have been
established between job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness, better
individual performance and customer satisfaction.
Williams, J. Larry, et. al. (2001), examined that a positive correlation
exists between organizational commitment and job satisfaction (T. Becker,
1992). Organizational commitment has a deep relationship with organizational
goals, and represents both an individuals relationship with those goals and
how much an individual values, and works towards, attaining those goals
(Mowday, et al., 1979). Rainey (2001) identified motivation as the extent of
work and input delivered by an individual in the current work setting. Research
revealed a relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment
(Mosadeghrad, Ferlie, & Rosenberg, 2008). Williams and Haze (1986)
employed structural equation methodology and correlate job satisfaction with

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

organizational commitment. Both on an organizational and individual basis, it

was observed that commitment was aligned to performance (K. Ferris &
Aranya, 1983) and had a negative impact on turnover and intent to leave.

3.4. Studies related to Organizational Commitment

Lamba, Shruti, Choudhary, N. (2013), focused on the era of highly
competitive environment, organizations in Manufacturing sector and Service
sector that were trying hard to win the mind of customers by providing them
value added service and quality innovative products to remain competitive in
the market. The study focused on HRM practices and their impact on
Organizational commitment of Employees in various sectors in India. The
study revealed that how HRM practices provide an edge to employees
commitment towards an organization goal in the global competitive market.
The study also revealed that HRM practices such as Compensation, Training &
development and Employee participation play a significant role on
Organization Commitment in banking sector. In academics sector, HRM
practices viz. career development and job satisfaction has significant impact on
Organization Commitment. In Hospital industry, supportive reward oriented
HRM Practices increases employee commitment towards Organization.
Joarder, Mohd., H. R. et. al. (2012), examined the intervening effects
of affective commitment on the relationship between certain human resource
practices and turnover intention in the context of private university in
Bangladesh. Results revealed by the authors suggest that all the human
resource practices and affective commitment were significantly and negatively
related to turnover intention. The study also found that affective commitment
fully and partially mediated the proposed relationship between human resource
practices and turnover intention except job autonomy practice.
Maluti, V., Lucania et. al. (2012), explored the various employee
commitment initiatives as exercised by both employees in relation to the
impact they have on employee retention in state corporations in Kenya in the

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

last 5 years (2005 2010). The results indicated that there was no statistically
significant relationship between employee commitment and employee retention
in state corporations. It emerged that exit interviews seemed to assist firms to
restructure so as to reduce absenteeism cases. It was observed that working
schedules of SFCs seem to be rigid such that flexible working was
accommodated, it was suggested that this concept need to be accepted and
adopted as a modern, effective, efficient, productive, competitive and
sustainable HR practice.
Gnanakkan, S. S. (2010), conducted a study to test the influence of
HRM Practices on turnover intentions mediated by organizational commitment
on Information and Communication technology. The results of the study
partially support that HRM practices mainly compensation and training, has a
significant direct effect on turnover intention and the Organizational
Commitment contribute to turnover intention when combined with HR
Practices in the model. Moynihan, Lisa, M. et. al. (2000), examined the
influence of job satisfaction and three dimensions of organizational
commitment (i.e., affective, continuance, and normative) on the intention to
leave, job search activity, performance and leadership effectiveness of
executives. Study revealed that affective and continuance commitment showed
an incremental effect in the presence of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is
associated positively with performance, though not with leadership but
Continuance commitment is negatively associated with both performance and
leadership. Pare Guy et al. (2007), investigated the relationship between HRM
Practices and turnover intentions of highly skilled employees. It was concluded
that non-monetary recognition and competency development and to a lesser
extent, fair rewards and information-sharing practices were negatively and
directly related to turnover intentions.
Tek-Yew, Lew (2011), explained the relationship between career
development opportunities perceived organizational support, felt obligation,

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

affective organizational commitment and turnover intention of academics

working for one of the foreign offshore campuses of Australian universities in
Malaysia by testing the structural model. The study was driven theoretically by
the social exchange theory and the organization support theory. Another study
conducted in nine organizations of Australia proved that HRM Practices
showed a positive impact on organizational commitment of academicians and
practioners that positively relates to retention of employees (Chew Janet in
2005). It was also found that the empirical support for organizational support
theorys that a practice such as career development opportunities signals the
organization commitment of academics.
Kotze, K., Roodt, G. R. (2005), conducted study about the factors
affecting the retention of managerial and specialist staff amongst the employees
of two banks. The study investigated the Employee Commitment model. The
study also explored whether retention factor differences exist amongst
biographical groupings. Various differences were identified between previously
disadvantaged individuals (PDIs) and non-PDIs, male and female, service
tenure groups and age groups. It was found that the response rate was 86%.
This study suggests that retention could be enhanced with strategies or
interventions which are targeted at the indicated age categories where the
identified problems exist.
Brum, Scott (2007), examined the effect that training and workplace
education programs can have on various organizations. The study analyzed
numerous outcome variables that may be achieved through training. Variables
related to performance, wages, productivity, satisfaction, motivation, and
absenteeism were all examined. These variables were analogous too many of
those that are commonly scrutinized in the training and development literature.
This study seeks to move away from the frequently assumed training outcomes
and focused more on the relationship of training and employee commitment. It
was found that, an effective training program was one such organizational
practice that can lead to greater employee commitment and a more stable

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Wellins, S., Richard, Bernthal, Paul et.al. (2006), fostered the positive
relationship between engagement and performance provided a way for HR to
prove its contribution. The research investigated that the higher the employee
engagement scores, the better the performance of the organization. This paper
triggered that changes in leader behaviors can have a real impact on employee
engagement. Engaged employees look for better ways to do their work, spend
less time on wasted activities, and make effective use of resources. Researcher
revealed that for an environment of engagement, organizations need strong
systems and strategies that promote and support engagement. Hiring and
selection systems that measure motivation and the propensity for engagement,
leadership training in certain skills (coaching, influencing others, managing
change), performance management and accountability systems that provide
direction, support, and objective assessmentsall work together to provide a
foundation and environment in which engagement can flourish.
Watson, L. John (2002), focused on the fact that employee retention
was dependent upon levels of organizational commitment. With the help of
some organization behavior studies, author collected data on human resources
practices at thirty-four public institutions of higher education. In addition, staff
employees from institutions completed a survey measuring affective,
continuance, and normative organizational commitment levels. Statistical
analysis procedures found significant relationships between the HRM strategies
and two of the commitment constructs. The study indicated that certain HRM
strategies affected organizational commitment and potentially influence
turnover. It was revealed that there was potential influence of human resources
management (HRM) strategies on organizational commitment levels among
staff employees.
Some bodies of research focused on the consequences of employee
commitment. Reichers (1985), speculates that though the literature was fairly
clear with respect to the outcomes of commitment, the antecedents of

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

commitment seem to be much more varied and inconsistent due to the several
different ways in which commitment has been defined and operationalized.
According to Steers (1977) and Gellatly (1995), one of the most significant
outcomes of employee commitment was higher levels of attendance by
workers. In a study involving a group of nurses in a hospital, it was established
that those employees with lower levels of commitment to their organization
demonstrated higher absenteeism (Somers, 1995). The findings of Somers were
supported by Blau and Boal (1987), whose study was on insurance employees
similarly revealed that those employees committed to the organization
demonstrate lower levels of absenteeism and turnover.

3.5. Studies related to various Interactive Variables

Ahmad, R., Bujang, S. et. al. (2013), triggered the relationship
between the types of benefit (leave, loan and retirement plan) and employees
retention. The implication of this research indicated that the combination of
non-monetary and monetary types of benefit does affect the employees
retention. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the
employees would remain with the employers longer because of the leave, loan
and retirement benefit plans as these three benefits positively influenced the
employees retention. Leave was the dominant factor among three types of
benefits in influencing the employees retention. These benefits affected the
employees decision to stay or leave the organization. Therefore, it was
recommended that the organization must concern on employee benefits base on
their needs in order to retain capable and productive employees. Salary benefits
must be taken into consideration in Bangladesh Banks as per their Business
strategy (Sarker, Md. Atiqur Rahman, 2012).
Kwenin, O. D. (2013), explored the link between work environment,
career development opportunities and employee retention in Vodafone Ghana
Limited. The implication of the study was that, the management of Vodafone
Ghana Limited should provide advancement opportunities to increase

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

employees career growth to help retain employees. It was revealed that work
environment and career development opportunities had positive relationship
with employee retention and thus affect employees decision to stay in
Vodafone Ghana Limited. Moreover, it was also identified that career
development opportunities also indicated a strong signal for retention. Finally
the study also recommended that thriving and friendly environment should be
provided at the workplace to make employees more satisfied to remain in
Vodafone. Consequently, it was recommended that management of the
organization provide development opportunities to increase employees career
growth and to make them satisfied to remain in the organization.
Fatima, Hira (2011), focused on the factors that influence any
organizations skilled labors decision to stay or to leave the organization and
simultaneously. It was found that reward system of any organization regardless
of its size, comprised on the decision of staying or leaving the present job.
Secondly the career and growth opportunities offered in the organization are
according to employees sense of fulfillment. Thirdly, supervisors or the
managers of the organization who are directing the employee play a vital role
in employee retention and challenging and meaningful work climate. Research
revealed that rewards, career progressing opportunities, a supporting boss and a
meaningful work climate provides organizations with improved ability to
attract more skilled workers and also retaining the talented ones.
Vanhala, Mika et. al. (2011), examined the effects of various HRM
practices on the impersonal dimensions of organizational trust among the
employees working in ICT and Forest industry in Finland. Hypotheses were
tested on a sample of 715 respondents. By using structural equation modeling,
it was found that employee trust in the whole organization was connected to
perceptions of the fairness and functioning of HRM practices. Such practices
were therefore be used in order to build the impersonal dimension of
organizational trust.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Kim, J. W. and Phillips, P. (2010), focused that by giving health care

coverage probability of worker retention can be raised. Researcher used a
shared frailty survival model by taking samples of blue collar construction
workers from the 1996 and 2001 SIPP. It was found that controlling for wages,
occupational and demographic factors, both portable union and non-portable
nonunion employer-provided health insurance increase the probability of
worker retention within the construction industry. It was also revealed that
portable union health insurance increases the probability of worker-industry
retention by 30 to 41% compared to 13 to 18% for nonunion employer-
provided insurance.
Eisenberg, Robert et. al. (2002), investigated the relationships among
employees perception of supervisor support (PSS), perceived organizational
support (POS), and employee turnover. Three studies were conducted for this
purpose. Under study 1, with 314 employees drawn from a variety of
organizations, it was found that PSS was positively related to temporal change
in POS, suggested that PSS leads to POS. under study 2, with 300 retail sales
employees, it was found that the PSSPOS relationship increased with
perceived supervisor status in the organization. Under study 3, with 493 retail
sales employees, it was found that POS completely mediated a negative
relationship between PSS and employee turnover. These studies suggested that
supervisors, to the extent that were identified with the organization, contribute
to POS and, ultimately lead to job retention.
Kreisman, J. B. (2002), intended to illuminate numerous employee-
retention related issues that were particular significant to organizations. Author
discussed how the Insights Discovery System can be utilized as a powerful
force to engage, or re-engage employees in a manner that fosters greater job
satisfaction and commitment thus improving business results and retention of
an incumbent workforce though increased understanding of human behavior. It
was found that 85 percent of all difficulties in organizations arise from

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

interpersonal relations, not the competencies of individuals. It was also found

that approximately 45 percent of all executive derailments occur because the
manager were failed to develop and maintain a network of relationships both
inside and outside the organization (Dalton and Thompson, 1987). Strong
relationships at work treated as a key to retain an organizations people. The
study found that some engineers depend on the workplace as a primary source
of social relationships (OMalley, 2000; Thomas, 2000; Trice and Beyer,
Kar, Subhasree & Misra, K. C. (2013), analyzed the impact of work
life balance practices on employee retention and the mediating effect of a
supporting culture based on empirical evidence drawn from Indian IT sector. It
was found that work-life conflict was a serious problem that impacts workers,
their employers and even the communities. Evidence suggested that
improvements in people management practices with a high supportive work
culture characterized by work time and work life flexibilities contributes to
increased work life balance and make the employees more productive. It was
revealed that a work life balance supportive culture mediates the effect of the
availability of work life balance practices on organizational performance.
Many researches indicate that an organizations commitment to family
needs and worklife balance will ultimately impact upon the commitment of
their employees and the retention rate (Haar & Spell, 2004; Rothbard, Phillips,
& Dumas, 2005; Wang & Walumbwa, 2007).
Shiralashetti, A.S. (2008), focused on the fact that the retention was
very difficult without job satisfaction and motivation. Experts on behavioral
science like Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Elton, Mayo and Vroom, et. al.
identified the needs of employees in organizations and suggested for providing
financial and non-financial incentives to retain employees for longer period.
Data was collected by selecting employees as sample from four group of (food
based, forest based, service based and electric and electronic) SMEs in
Dharwad district. Further, secondary data like newspapers, journals and books

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

were used for the present study. However, it was identified that the right
motivating factors become very difficult for small firms due to many limiting
Researchers have found that the attitudes and expectations of leaders
and organizations have a heavy impact on the enthusiasm and enjoyment of
work by the workers (Lok & Crawford, 2004). It was believed that if an
employee has an affinity with the employer (Lin, Lin, & Lin, 2010), then the
actions of the supervisor will be supportive and help the worker enjoy his work.
Interaction greatly helps a worker to enjoy work, and makes his or her attitude
highly regarded in the society (Naumann, 1993). A study of transparency in
management found that workers who were able to see their leaders developing
procedures and rules, predicting and controlling problems, and offering
corrective measures enjoy their assigned work (Mosadeghrad &
Yarmohammadian, 2006). It was observed that it helps in reducing the
percentage of employees resigning on the grounds that the job is unfair and
unreasonable (Jones & Skarlicki, 2003).
Scott, Dow (2010), confirmed that total rewards structures, programs
and policies influence employee engagement. Employee engagement was
typically described as a high level of employee involvement, commitment to
the organization and job satisfaction. The authors survey explored the gap and
determines how total rewards programs and employee engagement were
related. However, it was also evident that the majority of compensation
professionals do not necessarily consider how total rewards programs affect
employee engagement in the design of rewards structures, policies and
programs. When the impact of different categories of rewards programs on
engagement was studied, it was discovered that base pay and benefits had the
overall weakest relationship with the organizations ability to foster high levels
of employee engagement and motivation compared to incentives, intangible
rewards and quality of leadership on engagement. It was ascertained that
quality of leadership had the strongest relationship with effectively engaging
and motivating employees.
Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Habeck, R., Kregel, J. et. al. (2010), aimed to examine company

(Absence and Disability Management) ADM and retention practices and their
effectiveness, as well as how these company policies and practices might
influence hiring of people with disabilities. Items most highly correlated with
retention effectiveness address the provision of development opportunities to
employees at every level, seeking the ideas and involvement of employees, and
assuring they know how their work and performance support the mission.
ADM practice was related to improving health and managing health conditions
and resolving disability and bringing back to work. Retention practice, ADM
practice, retention effectiveness, ADM effectiveness and disability attitudes
comprised a model to predict the hiring of people with disabilities. Findings
substantiate a positive relationship among retention practices, ADM practices
and outcomes. Both were associated with retaining employees who develop
potentially disabling conditions; but they were not directly connected to hiring
people with disabilities.
Samuel, O. Michael and Chipunza, C. (2009), examined the extent to
which identified intrinsic and extrinsic motivational variables influenced the
retention and reduction of employee turnover in both public and private sector
organizations. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey research design,
investigating the extent to which selected motivational variables influence
employees decision to either remain or quit an organization. The study
examined two public and two private sector organizations in South Africa. The
result showed that employees in both public and private sector organizations
were, to a very large extent, influenced to stay in their respective organizations
by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. The following
motivational variables were found to have significantly influenced employee
retention in both the public and private sector organizations: training and
development, challenging/interesting work, freedom for innovative thinking,
and job security. Younies, Barhem and Younis (2008) found that recognition
and reward played an important role as stimulating factors in the sectors, both
nonprivate and private.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Scandura and Lankau (1997), performed a crossorganizational study

that shows that providing women employees with support in the form of
flexible working hours, maternity leave, and similar benefits eventually results
in an increase in their organizational commitment. Similar commitment was
seem to rise when people with family responsibilities were given the option of
working flexible hours. A limited amount of information and literature, mainly
considering the health care industry in the public sector, shows that motivating
initiatives helps employees to retain (Nowak, Holmes, & Murrow, 2010;
Willis Shattuck et al., 2008; YildIz, Ayhan, & Erdogmus, 2009). Ultimately,
motivating employees is a healthy factor in managing the workplace
HRM Practices namely Human Resource Planning, Job analysis,
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Compensation and Welfare, Performance
appraisal, Orientation shows the relationship on productivity of labours. The
data collected from selected manufacturing firms located at eight large
industrial estates representing three provinces in Sri Lanka and it was analyzed
that HRM Practices were significantly correlated with the labour productivity
(Navaratne N.N. J et al, 2009). Tremblay Michel et al in 2010 analyzed
whether procedural justice, organizational support and trust, as relational
exchange mechanisms mediate the relationship between HRM practices and
performance among Canadian employees working in Hospitals. It was found
that HRM practices although innovative does not suffice to improve behavioral
performance. UK-based small and medium-sized enterprises adopt HRM
Practices by which small firms face product market competition. Also, group
culture is a key factor to which HRM practices are adopted and helped in
increasing labour productivity (Patel, Pankaj, C. et. al., 2010)
The organizations which implement innovative HRM practices with
dedication, remains ahead of their competitors because such practices affects
other related variables such as competitive advantage, job satisfaction, financial

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

performance, employee turnover, service quality, employee commitment etc. in

a positive manner and leads to overall corporate performance (Tiwari Pankaj, et
al, 2009). Cabrales Alvaro Lopez et al (2009) found in a similar study that
innovative HRM Practices are directly associated with employees knowledge
in Spanish Industries.
HRM Practices like structural training and development, retention
oriented compensation are related to firms performance where countrys origin
plays an important role. Author has conducted the study in firms based on
United States, Great Britain, Japan and Hong Kong firms. It was found that
relationships of structural training and development and retention-oriented
compensation were stronger for Hong Kong Firms (Yue Ngo Hang et al, 1998).
Berry, L. M. and Morris, L. Michael (2008), examined the
relationship between the antecedent -- employee engagement factors and the
outcome variable turnover intent mediated by job satisfaction. Kahns Personal
Engagement Theory, Equity Theory, and Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory of Job
Satisfaction were used as the theoretical underpinnings for the review.
Implications for human resource development were discussed. It was
recommended that not only retain talented people, but fully engaged them;
capture their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives.
Stassen, M., Armstrong (2008), conducted a research in 25 countries
to analyze whether employers had strategies in place to retain their mature or
aged employees. It was found by the author as well as The Conference Board
of Canada that a great deal has been written about what employers should do
to deal with workforce aging, but evidence documented what Canadian
employers were actually doing was rare.
Under the study of Oikarinen, Tuija et. al., (2007), it was examined
that Organizational citizenship behavior can also be enhanced by HRM
Practices. HRM Practices like performance management and reward systems;
communication; empowerment; team working; and training and development

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

in network companies have a positive impact on employees organizational

citizenship behavior. In North East England HRM practices shows a positive
impact on organizational citizenship behavior, through an effect on perceived
job influence (Redman Tom, 2006). Employees working in North-East England
suggest that there is a positive impact of HRM practices on organizational
citizenship behavior, through an effect on perceived job influence (Snape E et
al, 2010).
Poh, V. B. (2002), examined three antecedents of turnover intention,
which were demographic (age, tenure, marital status, education level,
employees status and gender), controllable factors (Job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, procedural justice, career and self-development,
and stress), and uncontrollable factor (perceived alternative employment
opportunity). The data was collected from an electronic company in kuching by
using questionnaire. It was found that employee turnover intention was
significantly affected by age, tenure, marital status, job satisfaction, procedural
justice, stress and perceived alternative employment opportunities. Findings
suggest that employee turnover problem in the electronic company can be
controlled by improving the management practices.
Terence, R. Mitchell, Brooks, C. Holton et. al. (2001), discussed
some new research and its implications for managing turnover and retention
due to the intense competition to retain key employees. Data was gathered from
five separate samples that addressed the principles of the unfolding model. It
was found that many cases employees leave their jobs because of unexpected
events and shocks. It was also revealed that employees often stay because of
their attachment and sense of belongingness, both on the job and in their
community. It was recommended that retention cannot be accomplished purely
through money. A host of on-the-job and off-the-job factors must be considered
while developing employee retention plan.
Muser, R. Linda (2001), focused on certain effective strategies for
employee retention. Methods to determine why employees leave or stay were
discussed as well as the retention tools that work best to retain diverse

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

employees. These tools include mentoring, networking, career and learning

opportunities, a balance between work and home life, a welcoming climate, and
support for research. There was much concern about recruitment and retention
of diverse employees but usually the focus was on the former with little or no
discussion of the latter. Researcher revealed that seventy-seven percent of
organizations in a study stated that recruitment and retention of a diverse
workforce was a high priority but less than ten percent had professional
development or mentoring programs.
Thio, S. (2000), addressed some issues that related to voluntary welfare
organization. Researcher focused attention on attrition and retention in a
context of rapid organization growth and social environmental change. Number
of insights from the human resource management research field was derived;
the focus was on the application of those ideas in a voluntary welfare
organization which were required to give greater emphasis for professional
decision making input and discretion. It was recognized that attrition and
retention were not just organization behaviour terms but pressing issues for
organizations. Author concluded that Retention of key staff needs continuing
leadership influence and management attention.
For achieving competitive advantage it is necessary that employees who
are good performers and exhibit potential for even better performance will be
assets to the firm. To maintain this attitude it is necessary for the firms to
devise means and ways to keep the employee satisfied and committed (Sharma,
Archana et. al., 2012).
3.6. The present studies in relation to above literature
Some of the findings that are relevant for present study are being
extracted here:
i. Jeen, Dorance, Batty, S. (2014), observed that turnover intention has
influenced attrition factors such as Quality of Work Life, career growth,
working hours, personal/family reasons, and relation with internal co
worker, welfare, working condition, and salary.

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

ii. The training and development had significant impact on the employee
retention out of several major factors related to employee retention.
(Kanwal, Ambreen and Majid, Muhammad, 2013),
iii. Mathur, Atul and Agarwal, P. K. (2013), recognized that the main reason
for leaving the organization by employees was compensation and
working environment. Retention strategies have direct impact on
employee turnover.
iv. Employee engagement leads to commitment and psychological
attachment and reflects in the form of high retention (low attrition) of
employees (Balakrishnan, C, Masthan, D. et. al., 2013).
v. Kwenin, O. D. and Muathe, S. et.al. (2013), observed that organizations
fair reward systems lead to equity and increase retention. It also revealed
that job satisfaction and favourable human resource policies have
positive link with retention. Moreover, the study also identified that
employee job satisfaction also indicated a strong signal for retention.
vi. Ichniowski, C., Shaw, & Prennushi G. (1993), concluded that
perceptions of job security, compensation level, job satisfaction,
organizational tenure, demographic variables such as age, gender,
education, and number of dependents, organizational commitment,
whether a job meets an individual's expectations, and the expressed
intention to search for another job were all predictive of employees'
vii. Muhammad and Muhammad (2013), summarized that economic factors
such as availability of alternative jobs are most likely relevant in
explaining the turnover process. As a practical strategy for combating
involuntary turnover, researcher suggests that managers should retain
and reinforce the current staffing practices (recruitment, selection,
orientation training, etc.) and uphold the existing style of performance

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

viii. Rao Aparna K. (2012), concluded that employee retention can be

practiced better by motivating the employees in the aspects of Open
Communication which enforces loyalty among employees.
ix. Nazia Sultana & Begum Bushra (2013), concluded that steps must be
taken by the organizations to relive the employees from the workload
through job rotation, change in work location and other recreational
activities. It was also found that most of the employees opted either yoga
or other recreational activity to manage stress.
x. Muhammad A.A., Amin Ghazala et. al (2013), observed that the
political motives of the appraisers during performance appraisal process
causes in reduced job satisfaction and loyalty of supervisor and increased
turnover intentions of the employees.
xi. Job satisfaction of the bankers mainly depends on some aspects like:
salary, promotion, supervision, benefits, rewards, operating procedure,
co-worker, nature of work, communication etc. Services of the officers
of the company were fully depended upon job satisfaction (Shaheen,
Ahmed and Uddin, N., 2012).
xii. Muser, R., Linda (2001), concluded that seventy-seven percent of
organizations in the study stated that recruitment and retention of a
diverse workforce was a high priority but less than ten percent had
professional development or mentoring programs.
xiii. Thio, Sally (2000), summarized that attrition and retention were not just
organization behaviour terms but both were pressing issues for
organizations which have not thought more systematically about them.
Retention of key staff needs continuing leadership influence and
management attention.


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