Your comments will help us to improve/change the learning experience provided and to increase
the value of the internship for future interns.
Please rate your internship using the following criteria and scale by checking the most appropriate
3 Below
Criteria 1 Superior 2 Average 4 Poor
Extensiveness of orientation and expectation
setting at the beginning of the program
Quality of supervision received
Work and learning support from supervisor
and co-workers
Quality of internship program design.
Quality of work assignments given to you
(project-based vs. clerical work)
Conduciveness of work
environment/corporate culture to
internship learning
Availability of resources to interns (desk,
computer, phone, etc.)
Value of the internship to your acquisition of
management and leadership skills
Overall quality and value of your
Overall rating of the office as a partner
Partner Institution Evaluation Form
Describe the quality of your internship and list all activities and work assignments
undertaken. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
What management concepts or principles seemed new to you and which were not taken in
class? Please describe.
What would you like to change/improve in this internship experience? Please list.
Were you offered a job by this office and are you going to accept the offer? Why or why not?
Would you advise students to take their internship with this company? Why or why not?
Please submit this form to the office of the Academic Dean or before ______________________________ in a sealed envelope.
Please note that this form is confidential.