Branches of Physics

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Physics-provides the knowledge of how matter and energy work which are essential to the

fundamental principles of biology and chemistry.

The study of acoustics involves sound, ultrasound, infrasound and vibration waves in all 3
physical states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Acoustical engineers or acousticians are
the titles provided to physicists who specialize in this branch of science. Sounds has been an
instrumental tool in the development of human evolution and more recently cultural
revolutions of humanity.
Astronomers are fascinated by studying the chemistry, mathematics and physics of celestial
bodies as well as events that occur outside Earths atmosphere and throughout the universe.
Plants, moons, stars, solar systems, galaxies and anomalies such as black holes, super novas,
gamma ray bursts and solar radiation are some of the many areas of research explored by this
A subdivision of astronomy, astrophysics is the study of the physics of how objects interact
with each other across the universe. Gravitational force, electromagnetism, particle physics,
temperature, density and thermodynamics are all intertwined in how objects behave and
interact with each other to allow celestial bodies to form in the complex varieties that exist
Atomic Physics
Atomic physics studies the interaction between electrons and the nucleus of an atom. This
differs from nuclear physics which is concerned with only atomic nuclei solely. Atomic
models consider atoms in isolation along with how electrons are exchanged with other atoms
in proximity. Configuration of the electron shell, binding energy, kinetic energy and ionization
are fundamental components of this branch of physics.
Biological systems are bound by the laws of physics like all matter leading to the necessity
for biophysicists. By studying the mathematics of living structures and their DNA and RNA
makeup allowed research into bioengineering, biotechnology, nanotechnology and
biochemistry. The ability to alter living systems by recoding DNA is already underway in
some microorganisms.
Chaos Theory
Choas theory uses mathematics to investigate the dynamics of systems which are highly
vulnerable to the introduction of conditions making outcomes seemingly impossible to
predict. Commonly known as the butterfly effect, making minor changes in initial values
produce dramatically different results which can be imagined in terms of alternate realities
and the creation of the universe.
Chemical Physics
Chemical physicists use the fundamental understanding of physics to analyze the complexity
of chemical processes. The combination of molecular chemistry and quantum mechanics
explain how chemical bonds form, how chemical reactions initiate and how nanoparticles
behave. This field of science is an intertwined perspective of the elaborate interactions of
physics and chemistry.
Computational Physics
Creation of algorithmic logic as a means of problem solving to support quantitative theory is
the basis of computational physics. Prediction of the behavior of systems through
mathematics and modeling provides insight into the outcome of phenomena that could
otherwise be difficult to observe and record. This is a key tool for many other fields of science
to conduct preliminary experiments based on predictive mathematics.
Cosmology, astrophysics and astronomy are similar fields of study however cosmologists
ponder particularly about the origins and the future of the universe. Dealing with the universe
as a whole, phenomena such as the Big Bang, dark matter, black holes, wormholes, expansion
of the known universe and a potential multiverse are dominant areas of interest in cosmology.
Cryophysics (Cryogenics)
Also known as low temperature physics and generally pertaining to temperatures below
-150C or -238F (123 K) and how matter behaves to cold conditions. Cryogenicists tend to
avoid using the standard temperature formats of Celsius and Fahrenheit but instead use Kelvin
or Rankine scale which are considered to be an absolute scale. Cryobiology, cryosurgery,
cryonics, cryogenics and cryoelectronics are are subspecialties of cryophysics.
The study of crystallography explores atoms in their solid state of matter with particular focus
in molecular and atomic structure. Previously the study of geometry of crystals in relation to
their axises was necessary to shed light within this field however in recent years the
development of x-ray diffraction allows a much greater insight into the axes and symmetry of
There are four fundamental forces of nature which determine the interactions between matter
and energy which include strong interaction, weak interaction, gravitational force and
electromagnetic force. Scientists that specialize in electromagnetism investigate phenomena
such as electrically charged particles, magnetic attraction and electromagnetic fields.
Electrical circuits, diodes, transistors, integrated circuits and vacuum tubs are all areas of
interested for a scientists who is fascinated by electronics. The flow of electrons along a
predesignated pathway to process information and generate signals in telecommunication
have helped advance civilization, culture and knowledge of humanity in the modern era.
Fluid Dynamics
The mechanics of motion in fluids in both liquid and gaseous states are investigated in studies
of fluid dynamics. The subdisciplines of hydrodynamics, relating to liquid in particular, and
aerodynamics, its gas equivalent, are also considered to be natural sciences which help
understand the interactions between energy and matter on earth and throughout space.
Studying the Earths environment including how interactions such as gravity, magentic fields,
volcanism, plate techtonics and hydrological cycles are influenced by each other and by
celestial bodies is one of the many areas of expertise of a geophysicist. Observations can be
made both in the field of natural sciences as well as by producing computer models to forcast
predictions based on computational mathematics.
High Energy Physics
High energy physics is a branch that deals with the fundamental nature of the universe which
utilizes particle physics to explain the origin of rare events and anomalies that can be found in
space and throughout the universe. Phenomena such as solar fusion, black holes and gamma
ray bursts are investigated by physicists in this field to determine how interactions between
particles can cause the release of high amounts of energy.
High Pressure Physics
Temperature and pressure often go hand in hand in mathematical calculations and engineering
which has led to research in the field of high temperature physics. Scientists investigation the
correlation between these forces help to provide models and predictions to answer questions
into the nature of how pressure and temperature create energy that is apparent in throughout
the known universe.
Laser Physics
Photons are a type of particle which behave and react differently to friction than many other
known particles. Quantum electronics and optics play a vital role in this branch of science.
The first known concept of a laser was developed by Albert Einstein based off of observations
taken from Max Planck in his writings about the laws of radiation. The popular formula
E=MC2 underlines the belief that light speed is the fastest speed known due to the distinct
effect of friction on proton particles.
Mathematical Physics
Mathematics has played an integral role in physics and science since ideas have begun to
formulate in the minds of the scientific community. The use of mathematics in its application
for problem solving and trouble shooting has led to the need for specialists pursue this branch
of physics in order to prove the possibilities of theoretical philosophies and practical
Mechanics pertains to the behavior of physical objects as well as how force applies and
displaces objects in their environment. Knowledge of energy and friction are of key
importance in this discipline which crosses physical science and engineering. The roots of
mechanics came from ancient Greece in philosophies projected by Aristotle and Archimedes
which were later elaborated on by Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton.
The origins of meteorology are rooted from ancient India which has evolved into the science
of studying the atmosphere. Modern techniques have sprung about in the past three centuries
as technology has advanced to give humanity a greater understanding of the dynamics of the
Earths atmosphere. Gravity, the Earths spin, polarity, wind and temperature all play a crucial
role in the investigation of physical and chemical phenomenons in the atmosphere.
Molecular Physics
This discipline shares many aspects with atomic physics and involves the study of molecules,
atoms, chemical bonds and molecular dynamics which encompasses a variety of branches of
science including physical and theoretical chemistry. The molecular orbital theory is derived
from the atmoic orbital theory used in atomic physics to explain the importance of the
electron orbit around a nucleus.
Nanotechnology or nanotech refers to the ability to manipulate properties of matter at the
molecular, atomic and subatomic levels. The term nanoparticle is used to classify particle
types that are between the size scale of 1 100 nanometers. Quantum mechanic theories play
an integral role in the investigation of nanotechnology by providing insight into how atomic
and subatomic particles interact with each other.
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear physics uses the applications of the physical characteristics of the atomic nuclei to
develop research into nuclear power and weapons technology. This branch of physics
however is not limited to what one would imaging simply as nuclear technology but also
includes a variety of other areas of exploration into magnetic resonance imaging, material
engineering, geology (radio carbon dating) and medicine.
Optical sciences is the study of the properties and behavior of light along with the interactions
of light, matter and energy. As an electromagnetic wave, light is currently classified by
scientists by its wave length frequency in visible, ultraviolet and infrared spectrums. The
discovery that light is essentially electromagnetic radition is a theory that came about in the
19th century and has continued to fascinate physicists since then.
Particle Physics
Particle physicists have been making great strides in their research with the development of
advanced technologies such as the large hadron collider developed by CERN. The ability to
analyze detailed information by colliding particles together at high rates of speed has led to
the discovery of new types of particles previously theorized by physicists around the world.
Research into particle physics has the potential to help scientists better understand the origins
of our universe and the complexity of factors that govern the world we know.
Plasma Physics
Plasma is the fourth state of matter which is characterized by heating gases to the point at
which ionization occurs altering the number of electrons in the atoms (releasing electrons
from the nucleus). Although we are typically taught that only 3 states of matter exist (solids,
liquids and gases) ironically plasma is the fourth and most common state of matter throughout
the universe which is most commonly visible in the form of stars.
Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum electrodynamics is the study of how matter and light interact with each other and is
a merge of the theories of quantum mechanics and special relativity. This branch of physics
sheds light on how matter and light can interact though electrically charged particles share
protons during electromagnetic events. Theories in quantum electrodynamics have
revolutionized theories developing and evolving throughout physics and other disciplines of
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics is also sometimes referred to as quantum theory which investigates how
physics applies at a subatomic and microscopic level. This discipline of science explains how
energy and matter behave through the use of mathematical formulas which describe particle
and wave behavior. Only through understanding of the behavior of microscopic particles is it
possible to gain insight into phenomena which occur on a macroscopic scale.
Quantum Optics
Quantum optics uses the principles of quantum mechanics to describe how light interacts with
other forms of matter in the universe. Quantized photons are studied to observe the behavior
of light particles in a vacuum which was first hypothesized by Max Planck in 1899. Einstein
elaborated on these theories with his observation of photoelectric effects in his writings in
Quantum Gravity
Quantum gravity has remained an elusive and complex mystery to many physicists who seek
to unify theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity in a mathematical formula.
Currently quantum gravity is described in the Standard Model and recent evidence through
research at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN has helped to shed new light into the Higgs
boson particle which reinforces theories previously conceived on the topic.
The theories of special relativity and general relativity first conceived by Albert Einstein
encompass the greater theory of relativity in modern physics today. The relationship of
velocity, time, space, matter and energy are all explored by physicists in the theory of
relativity which is a cross of disciplines in physics and astronomy.
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical mechanics is the application of mathematical equations to create a model for
molecular properties which can be applied to a larger population. Used for examining
properties of thermodynamic behavior such as energy, heat, work and entropy the framework
of statistical mechanics explains theories on how gases interact with properties of
String Theory
String theory was proposed by theoretical physicists and suggests that the particles known in
standard particle physics could be one dimensional string like objects. The properties of
observed elements are governed by their quantum states. Although proposed theory of
everything, there exists a few variations of the fundamental principles of string theory which
continues to evolve as new physical evidence is discovered to support areas outlined by
theoretical physicists.
Thermodynamics is the study of how heat relates to work and energy. This branch of natural
science incorporates principles of chemistry and physics (in addition to statistical mechanics)
to explain phenomena such as radiation, temperature, entropy and energy dispersion in both
microscopic and macroscopic terms. Four main laws exist in thermodynamics which
essentially defines the internal energy of system and how this relates to energy and work in a
closed as well as how this translates to temperature and entropy of external systems.

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