Vda. de Manguerra
Vda. de Manguerra
Vda. de Manguerra
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
assailing the Court of Appeals (CA) Decision1 dated August 15, 2001 and its
Resolution2 dated March 12, 2002. The CA decision set aside the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) Orders dated August 25, 20003 granting Concepcion
Cuenco Vda. de Manguerras (Concepcions) motion to take deposition, and
dated November 3, 20004 denying the motion for reconsideration of
respondents Raul G. Risos, Susana Yongco, Leah Abarquez, and Atty.
Gamaliel D.B. Bonje.
This prompted Concepcion to institute a special civil action for certiorari before
the CA seeking the nullification of the May 11 and June 5 RTC orders. The
case was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 60266 and remains pending before
the appellate court to date.10
On August 16, 2000, the counsel of Concepcion filed a motion to take the
latters deposition.11 He explained the need to perpetuate Concepcions
testimony due to her weak physical condition and old age, which limited her
freedom of mobility.
On August 25, 2000, the RTC granted the motion and directed that
Concepcions deposition be taken before the Clerk of Court of Makati
City.12 The respondents motion for reconsideration was denied by the trial
court on November 3, 2000. The court ratiocinated that procedural
technicalities should be brushed aside because of the urgency of the situation,
since Concepcion was already of advanced age.13 After several motions for
change of venue of the deposition-taking, Concepcions deposition was finally
taken on March 9, 2001 at her residence.14
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the August 25, 2000 and
November 3, 2000 orders of the court a quo are hereby SET ASIDE,
and any deposition that may have been taken on the authority of such
void orders is similarly declared void.
At the outset, the CA observed that there was a defect in the respondents
petition by not impleading the People of the Philippines, an indispensable
party. This notwithstanding, the appellate court resolved the matter on its
merit, declaring that the examination of prosecution witnesses, as in the
present case, is governed by Section 15, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure and not Rule 23 of the Rules of Court. The latter
provision, said the appellate court, only applies to civil cases. Pursuant to the
specific provision of Section 15, Rule 119, Concepcions deposition should
have been taken before the judge or the court where the case is pending,
which is the RTC of Cebu, and not before the Clerk of Court of Makati City;
and thus, in issuing the assailed order, the RTC clearly committed grave
abuse of discretion. 18
In its Resolution dated March 12, 2002 denying petitioners motion for
reconsideration, the CA added that the rationale of the Rules in requiring the
taking of deposition before the same court is the constitutional right of the
accused to meet the witnesses face to face. The appellate court likewise
concluded that Rule 23 could not be applied suppletorily because the situation
was adequately addressed by a specific provision of the rules of criminal
It is undisputed that in their petition for certiorari before the CA, respondents
failed to implead the People of the Philippines as a party thereto. Because of
this, the petition was obviously defective. As provided in Section 5, Rule 110
of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, all criminal actions are
prosecuted under the direction and control of the public prosecutor. Therefore,
it behooved the petitioners (respondents herein) to implead the People of the
Philippines as respondent in the CA case to enable the Solicitor General to
comment on the petition.21
However, this Court has repeatedly declared that the failure to implead an
indispensable party is not a ground for the dismissal of an action. In such a
case, the remedy is to implead the non-party claimed to be indispensable.
Parties may be added by order of the court, on motion of the party or on its
own initiative at any stage of the action and/or such times as are just. If the
petitioner/plaintiff refuses to implead an indispensable party despite the order
of the court, the latter may dismiss the complaint/petition for the
petitioners/plaintiffs failure to comply.22
In this case, the CA disregarded the procedural flaw by allowing the petition to
proceed, in the interest of substantial justice. Also noteworthy is that,
notwithstanding the non-joinder of the People of the Philippines as party-
respondent, it managed, through the Office of the Solicitor General, to file its
Comment on the petition for certiorari. Thus, the People was given the
opportunity to refute the respondents arguments.
Accordingly, the CA cannot be faulted for deciding the case on the merits
despite the procedural defect.
On the more important issue of whether Rule 23 of the Rules of Court applies
to the instant case, we rule in the negative.
It is basic that all witnesses shall give their testimonies at the trial of the case
in the presence of the judge.25 This is especially true in criminal cases in order
that the accused may be afforded the opportunity to cross-examine the
witnesses pursuant to his constitutional right to confront the witnesses face to
face.26 It also gives the parties and their counsel the chance to propound such
questions as they deem material and necessary to support their position or to
test the credibility of said witnesses.27 Lastly, this rule enables the judge to
observe the witnesses demeanor.28
The very reason offered by the petitioners to exempt Concepcion from the
coverage of Rule 119 is at once the ground which places her squarely within
the coverage of the same provision. Rule 119 specifically states that a witness
may be conditionally examined: 1) if the witness is too sick or infirm to appear
at the trial; or 2) if the witness has to leave the Philippines with no definite
date of returning. Thus, when Concepcion moved that her deposition be
taken, had she not been too sick at that time, her motion would have been
denied. Instead of conditionally examining her outside the trial court, she
would have been compelled to appear before the court for examination during
the trial proper.
Undoubtedly, the procedure set forth in Rule 119 applies to the case at bar. It
is thus required that the conditional examination be made before the court
where the case is pending. It is also necessary that the accused be notified,
so that he can attend the examination, subject to his right to waive the same
after reasonable notice. As to the manner of examination, the Rules mandate
that it be conducted in the same manner as an examination during trial, that
is, through question and answer.
At this point, a query may thus be posed: in granting Concepcions motion and
in actually taking her deposition, were the above rules complied with? The CA
answered in the negative. The appellate court considered the taking of
deposition before the Clerk of Court of Makati City erroneous and contrary to
the clear mandate of the Rules that the same be made before the court where
the case is pending. Accordingly, said the CA, the RTC order was issued with
grave abuse of discretion.
We agree with the CA and quote with approval its ratiocination in this wise:
Petitioners further insist that Rule 23 applies to the instant case, because the
rules on civil procedure apply suppletorily to criminal cases.
It is true that Section 3, Rule 1 of the Rules of Court provides that the rules of
civil procedure apply to all actions, civil or criminal, and special proceedings.
In effect, it says that the rules of civil procedure have suppletory application to
criminal cases. However, it is likewise true that the criminal proceedings are
primarily governed by the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. Considering
that Rule 119 adequately and squarely covers the situation in the instant case,
we find no cogent reason to apply Rule 23 suppletorily or otherwise.