AIM: The present study was carried out to cephalometrically evaluate the morphological
and dentoalveolar height changes in maxilla and mandible associated with overbite in 13-18
year old adolescents. The main aim of this study was to seek possible identifiable
associations of overbite with morphology of maxilla and mandible among different overbite
METHODS:For the present study a sample of 96 (44 males and 52 females) untreated
adolescents with an age range of 13-18 years were selected from the records of the
Department of Orthodontics, J.S.S Dental College & Hospital, Mysore. The subjects were
divided into four groups (normal bite, deep bite, edge to edge bite and open bite) on the
basis of overbite.
Various cephalometric points, planes, angles, linear and area measurements were used in
this study to evaluate the morphology of mandible and maxilla in different overbite groups.
A significant difference was found in the morphology and dentoalveolar heights of maxilla
and mandible among the overbite groups.
RESULTS: The result of this study showed that subjects with open bite generally had
increased maxillary anterior and posterior dentoalveolar heights and mandibular anterior
dentoalveolar height and they also had a larger maxillary, mandibular and symphysis area
and larger gonial angle, whereas subjects with deep bite had opposite characteristics.
Subjects with open bite also showed a long symphysis among all overbite groups, while
subjects with deep bite had a larger maxillary anterior depth.
CONCLUSION: The evaluation of maxillary and mandibular dentoalveolar heights, area,
gonial angle and shape of the symphysis may be useful in the treatment of overbite