Lab Course-I Slips
Lab Course-I Slips
Lab Course-I Slips
2. Write a C program which uses Binary search tree library and implements following
Create Binary search Tree [10]
Insert a node in a binary search tree [10]
Display a binary search tree(In order Traversal) [5]
1. Define a class Message with two data members one character pointer and an integer
storing length. Implement following functions:
a) Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
b)Overload binary + operator to represent concatenation of messages [7]
c) Overload [] operator to return a character at a specific position [8]
d) Overload = operator to copy one Message object to another. [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
1. Sort a random array of n integers (accept the value of n from user) in ascending order
by using insertion sort algorithm.
Accept & Display Function [10]
Insertion Sort Function [5]
2. There are lists where insertion should ensure the ordering of data elements. Since
the elements are in ascending order the search can terminate once equal or
greater element is found. Implement a singly linked list of ordered
integers (ascending/descending) with insert, search and display operations.
Creation of singly linked list in sorted order [10]
Search, Display operation carries 4 marks each
Insert operation
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Suppose that we are selling the services of a machine. Each user pays a fixed Amount per use.
However the time needed by each user is different. We wish to maximize the returns from this
machine under the assumption that the machine is not to be kept idle unless no user is
available. Whenever the machine becomes available, the user with the smallest time
requirement is selected. When a new user requests the machine, he has to wait if there are
pending requests. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using
appropriate data structures and algorithms.
1. Define a class Message with two data members one character pointer and an integer
storing length. Implement following functions:
a) Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
b)Overload binary + operator to represent concatenation of messages [7]
Slip 2
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
c) Overload [] operator to return a character at a specific position [8]
d)Overload = operator to copy one Message object to another. [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2.A book(ISBN) and CD(data capacity) are both types of media(id, title) objects. A person
buys 10 media items, each of which can be either book or CD. Display the list of all books
and CDs bought. Define the classes and appropriate member functions to accept and
display data. Use pointers and concepts of polymorphism (virtual functions).
Accept and display for class media, book and CD - each function carries 2 marks [12]
Use of polymorphism(virtual function) [8]
main function with use of pointers and display list of all books and CDs.
Slip 3
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
1. Read the data from the file employee.txt and sort on age using insertion sort.
Reading & Display the file [10]
Insertion sortFunction [5]
2. Write a C program that accepts a directed graph as an adjacency matrix and converts it
to adjacency list representation Implement functions to print out degree of any vertex i(take i as
parameter to the function) from adjacency list
Read a graph as adjacency Matrix [5]
Creation of adjacency List & Display
Calculate out degree of any vertex i [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. An Infix expression of the form a*(b+c)*((d-a)/b) need to be converted to postfix form
using usual precedence of operators. Formulate the problem and write a C program to
solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Slip 4
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
eg. print(10) outputs value -<10>
b) void print (int, int) outputs value [<int>, <int>], that is, value followed by the
two integers separated by comma in square brackets.
eg print(4,6) outputs value-[<4>,<6>]
c) void print(char *) outputs value char*, that is, value followed by the string in
double quotes. eg print(hi) outputs value-hi
d) void print(int n, char *)- display first n characters from the given string.
eg print(3,Object)- outputs value Obj
e) void print(char ch, char *)- count occurrences of a character from the given string.
eg print(P,CPP Programming)- outputs value 3 [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
Slip 5
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
1. Read the data from the file employee.txt and sort on age using Bubble sort.
Reading the contents of File & Display Function [10]
Bubble sort Function
2. Write a C program that accepts the graph as an adjacency matrix and converts it
to adjacency list representation. Implement functions to print out degree of any
vertex i (take i as parameter to the function) from adjacency list
Read a graph as adjacency Matrix [5]
Creation of adjacency List [10]
Calculate out degree of any vertex i [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Suppose that we are selling the services of a machine. Each user uses the machine for
a fixed amount of time. However the people are ready to pay different amounts for the
service. We wish to maximize the returns from this machine under the assumption that the
machine is not to be kept idle unless no user is available. Whenever the machine becomes
available, the user with the highest paying amount is selected. When a new user requests
the machine, he has to wait if there are pending requests. Formulate the problem and write
a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Slip 6
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
seconds. Define parameterized and default constructors. Overload increment and
decrement operators appropriately. Overload extraction and insertion operators. Write
display function. Consider 24 hr format.
Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
Overloading of each operator carries 5 marks [20]
Display Function [2]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
The person class has parameterized constructor, accept and display functions. The employee id is auto
generated from the last allotted value stored in employee class. Write constructors, accept and display
functions for derived classes. Define member function computepay for employee and override
appropriately in derived class. Write main program to illustrate use of the classes
Parameterized constructor, accept and display for each class carries -(2+1+1) marks [16]
Computepay() for employee [1]
Overriding of computepay() in derived classes-function in each class carries 4marks [8]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Read the data from the file employee.txt and sort on names in alphabetical order (use
strcmp) using Insertion sort
Reading the contents of File & Display Function [10]
Insertion sort Function [5]
2. Write a C program that accepts the graph as an adjacency matrix and checks if
the graph is undirected. The matrix for undirected graph is symmetric. Also calculate in
degree of all vertices
Read a graph as adjacency Matrix [5]
Check the matrix is symmetric or not [10]
Calculate in degree of all vertices [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. A file manager identifies each file using an inode-no. A directory is also a file identified
by an inode-no. Directory is a list of files each represented by an inode-no. The list has the
header containing the inode-no of the parent that is the directory itself. A separate table
indexed by inode-no maintains attributes of files including the name of the file. Formulate
the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate data
Slip 8
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++:
[Total Marks 30]
1. Implement the following class hierarchy
Slip 9
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Display a binary search tree(Pre- Order Traversal) [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Polynomials with varying degree can be represented using linked list. A term in a
polynomial is represented by a node with structure.
Coefficient exponent Link
For example a polynomial x1000 + 3 x50 + 5 x4 can be represented as
Header 1 1000 3 50 5 4
The number of nodes required to represent the polynomial is same as the number of terms
in the polynomial with an additional node for the header. The nodes are maintained in the
descending order of exponents. One need to accept, display polynomial and also perform
other operation on polynomials such as addition. Formulate the problem and write a C
program to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1. Write the definition for a class called time that has hours, minutes & seconds as
integer data members. Consider 24 hr format. The class has the following member
a) void settime(int, int, int) to set the specified values of hours, minutes and
seconds in object . [5]
b) void showtime() to display contents of time object. [5]
c) time add(time) add the corresponding values of hours, minutes and seconds
(<60) in time object argument to current time object and make appropriate
conversions and return time. [8]
d) time diff(time) subtract values of hours, minutes and seconds in time object
argument from current time object after making appropriate conversions and
return time difference. [8]
Write a main program to illustrate the use of above class and member function. [4]
2. Write the definition for a class called Rectangle that has floating point data
Members length and width. The class has the following member functions:
a) void setlength(float) to set the length of data member [2]
b) void setwidth(float) to set the width of data member [2]
c) float perimeter() to calculate and return the perimeter of the rectangle [2]
d) float area() to calculate and return the area of the rectangle [2]
e) void show() to display the length and width of the rectangle [2]
f) Overload compare() to
compare two rectangles by length and width [7]
compare two rectangles by area [8]
Write main function to create two rectangle objects and display each rectangle and its area and
perimeter [5]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Sort a random array of n integers (accept the value of n from user) in ascending order
by using recursive Quick sort algorithm.
Accept & Display Function [8]
Quick Sort Function [7]
2. Write a C program which uses Binary search tree library and implements following
Functions (use Recursion).
Create Binary search Tree [10]
Count all leaf nodes in Binary search tree [10]
Post order Traversal [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1.The Josephus problem is the following game. N people, numbered 1 to N are sitting in
a circle. Starting at person 1, a hot potato is passed, After M passes, the person holding
the hot potato is eliminated, the circle closes ranks, and the game continues with the
person who was sitting after the eliminated person picking up the hot potato. The last
remaining person wins. Thus, If M=0 and N=5, players are eliminated in order, and player
5 wins. If M=1 and N=5, the order of elimination is 2, 4, 1, 5 and the player 3 wins. The
Josephus problem needs to be solved for general values of M and N (N > 10000).
Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate
data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1. Define a class named Clock with three integer data members for hours, minutes and seconds.
Define parameterized and default constructors. Overload increment and decrement operators
appropriately. Overload extraction and insertion operators. Consider 24 hr format.
Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
Overloading of each operator carries 5 marks [20]
Disply Function [2]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [3]
2. Write the definition for a class called Rectangle that has floating point data
Members length and width. The class has the following member functions:
a) void setlength(float) to set the length of data member [2]
b)void setwidth(float) to set the width of data member
c)float perimeter() to calculate and return the perimeter of the rectangle [2]
d)float area() to calculate and return the area of the rectangle [2]
e)void show() to display the length and width of the rectangle [2]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
f)Overload compare() to
compare two rectangles by length and width [7]
compare two rectangles by area [8]
Write main function to create two rectangle objects and display each rectangle
and its area and perimeter.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Read the data from the employee.txt file and sort on age using Merge sort
and write the sorted data to another file 'sortedemponage.txt'.
Reading & Display the file [10]
Merge sort Function [5]
2. Write a C program which uses Binary search tree library and implements following
Create Binary search Tree
In order Traversal [5]
Search a node in binary search tree [5]
Count all nodes in binary search tree [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Consider the database of books maintained in a library system When a user wants to
check whether a particular book is available, a search operations is called for. If the book
is available and is issued to the user, a delete operation can be performed to remove this
book from the set of available books. When the user returns the book, it can be inserted
back into the set of available books. It is essential that we are able to support the above
mentioned operations as efficiently as possible as since these operations are performed
quite frequently. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by
using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
1. An Address book contains the name and other details of friends. User wants to check
for a particular name and get the details such as phone number or email address of his
friend. New Addresses are added to the address book. The contact information may also
require frequent updation. Certain important contact numbers (a small number) which are
frequently required should be accessible very fast. These contacts may be important
(favourites) at some point in time but may not continue to remain so and have to be
removed. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using
appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
c)void invert( int * ) will reverse the array order An array [5, 7, 12, 4] will be
inverted to [4, 12, 7, 5]. [7]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2. Implement the following class hierarchy:
Student: id, name,
StudentExam (derived from Student): with n subjects (n can be variable)
StudentResult (derived from StudentExam): with percentage, grade
Define a parameterized constructor for each class and appropriate functions to accept
and display details. Create n objects of the StudentResult class and display the marklist
using suitable manipulators.
Parameterized constructor, accept and display for each class-each function carries 2 marks
Display marklist with Use of manipulators [7]
Write main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Create a random array of n integers. Accept a value x from user and use linear search
algorithm to check whether the number is present in the array or not and output the
position if the number is present.
Accept & Display Function [8]
Linear Search Function [7]
2. Implement a stack library (dystack.h) of integers using a dynamic (linked list)
implementation of the stack and implementing the Push,Pop,IsEmpty,Init,Peek operations.
Write a menu driven program that includes stack library and calls different stack operations.
Push & Pop operation carries 8 mark each [16]
Isempty & Peek carries 4 mark each [8]
Init [1]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. In breadth first search (BFS) of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having
been visited. All unvisited vertices adjacent from v are visited next. The v is thus
completely explored. The visited but at unexplored vertices are taken up next for
exploration. Exploration continues until no unexplored vertex is left. If BFS is used on a
connected undirected graph G, then all vertices in G get visited and the graph is
completely traversed. Thus BFS can be used to check whether graph is connected.
Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate
data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1. Implement the following class hierarchy:
Student: id, name,
StudentExam (derived from Student): with n subjects (n can be variable)
StudentResult (derived from StudentExam): with percentage, grade
Define a parameterized constructor for each class and appropriate functions to accept
and display details. Create n objects of the StudentResult class and display the marklist
using suitable manipulators.
Parameterized constructor, accept and display for each class-each function carries 2 marks
Display marklist with Use of manipulators [7]
Write main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
2. Write a C++ program to implement the following:
Define a class city with data members name and STD code. Accept n cities with STD
codes from user. Store this data in the file cities.txt. Write a program that reads the data
from file cities.txt into the array. Output the list of city with STD codes. Write a search
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
function to search a city by name and display its STD code.
accept and display function definition-each carries 2 marks [4]
writing data to a file and reading data from a file-each carries 5 marks [10]
Display list of cities with STD codes from file [5]
Search function [6]
Write main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
Q.3) Viva [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Read the data from file 'cities.txt' containing names of 10 cities and their STD codes.
Accept a name of the city from user and use linear search algorithm to check whether
the name is present in the file and output the STD code, otherwise output city not in
the list.
Accept & Display Function [8]
Linear Search Function [7]
2. There are lists where new elements are always appended at the end of the list. The list
can be implemented as a circular list with the external pointer pointing to the last
element of the list. Implement singly linked circular list of integers with append and
display operations. The operation append(L, n), appends to the end of the list, n
integers either accepted from user or randomly generated
Creation of circular Link List & Append Function each carrires10 marks [20]
Display Function [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. In depth first search of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having been visited. The
exploration of the vertex involves visiting all the adjacent vertices however the exploration of a
vertex is suspended as soon as a new vertex is reached and the exploration of a new vertex
begins. When the exploration of new vertex is over, the exploration v is resumed. DFS can be
best implemented as a recursive function. A topological sort of a directed acyclic graph is a linear
ordering of all its vertices such that if G contains an edge (u, v), then u appears before v in the
ordering. For topological ordering DFS is called on the graph and every vertex explored is added
onto the front of a linked list that forms the topological order. Formulate the problem and write a
C program to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1.Write the definition for a class called cuboidSolid that has length, breadth, height and mass
has float data members. The class has the following member functions.
a) Accept() and Display() functions each carries 5marks
b) float getVolume() that returns the volume of the metal
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
c) float getSurfaceArea() that returns the surface area [5]
d) float getDensity() that returns the density [5]
Write a main program to illustrate the use of above class and member function.
2. Define a class account with following specifications :
private data members : account number automatically generated six digit account number,
first two digit are used for bank code (assume the value 82) and next four digits for
{account number(use static keyword) ,account type it can be one of the following type {
saving, current, fixed, recurring},amount long integer for the balance amount, Owner
Name name of the owner
Public data members:
a) Accept () with valid account number and Use of static keyword [7]
Accept() with validation for account type
Other data members [2]
b) Display account information [5]
c) Deposit an amount in an account
d) Withdraw an amount after checking the minimum balance condition [3]
Write a main program to accept information from user and open n accounts
(Use dynamical memory allocation) and display their information.
Q.3) Viva [10]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
1. Read the data from file sortedcities.txt containing names of 10 cities and their STD
codes. Accept a name of the city from user and use binary search algorithm to check
whether the name is present in the file and output the STD code, otherwise output
city not in the list.
Accept & Display Function [8]
Binary Search Function [7]
2. Implement a list library (singlylist.h) for a singly linked list of characters with the insert, delete,
search, display operations. Write a menu driven program to call the operations.
Creation of Singly link list [4]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Insert, Delete carries 6 marks each [12]
Display Function [4]
Search Function [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Define a class named Clock with three integer data members for hours, minutes and seconds.
Define parameterized and default constructors. Overload increment and decrement operators
appropriately. Overload extraction and insertion operators. Consider 24 hr format.
Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
Overloading of each operator carries 5 marks
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
implementing the Init(),Push(),Pop(),IsEmpty()& IsFull() these operations. Write a Menu
program that includes stack library and calls different
stack operations
Push & Pop Function each carries 5 Marks [10]
Init Function [1]
IsEmpty Function & IsFull Function each carries 2 marks [4]
2. Implement a list library (doublylist.h) for a doubly linked list of integer with the insert, delete
search, display operations. Write a menu driven program to call the operations.
Creation and Display of doubly link list each carries 4 marks [8]
Insert, Delete carries 6 marks each [12]
Search Function [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Banks often record transactions on an account, in order of the times of the transactions, but many
like to receive their bank statements with cheques listed in order by cheque number. People usually
write(use) cheques in order by cheque number, and merchants usually cash them with reasonable
dispatch. Thus few cheque numbers are usually out of order. Use an appropriate sorting algorithm
converting time of transaction ordering to cheque number ordering. Formulate the problem and
write a C
program to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1. Implement a class printdata to overload print function as follows:
a) void print(int) - outputs value - <int>, that is, value followed by the value of the integer.
eg. print(10) outputs value -<10> [5]
b) void print (int, int) outputs value [<int>, <int>], that is, value followed by the
two integers separated by comma in square brackets. [5]
eg print(4,6) outputs value-[<4>,<6>]
c) void print(char *) outputs value char*, that is, value followed by the string in
double quotes. eg print(hi) outputs value-hi
d) void print(int n, char *)- display first n characters from the given string.
eg print(3,Object)- outputs value Obj [5]
e) void print(char ch, char *)- count occurrences of a character from the given string.
eg print(P,CPP Programming)- outputs value 3
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
2. Implement a class Time12 which stores time in 12 hr format (hh, mm, ss, am/pm). It has
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
four data members, three integers for hour, minutes and seconds and a character array of size
2 storing am/pm. Define constructor with default arguments (midnight). Define accept and
display functions. Implement a second class Time24 which stores time in 24 hr
format (hh, mm, ss). It has three data members, three integers for hours, minute& seconds.
Implement following functions:
a) Friend function isequal() to compare time in 12 hr format to time in 24 hr format [8]
b) convert time in 12 hr format to 24 hr format
constructor of class Time12 with default argument [5]
Accept & display Function [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [6]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. In breadth first search (BFS) of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having
been visited. All unvisited vertices adjacent from v are visited next. The v is thus
completely explored. The visited but at unexplored vertices are taken up next for
exploration. Exploration continues until no unexplored vertex is left. If BFS is used on a
connected undirected graph G, then all vertices in G get visited and the graph is
completely traversed. Thus BFS can be used to check whether graph is connected.
Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate
data structures and algorithms.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total Marks
1. Write a C++ program to implement the following:
Define a class city with data members name and STD code. Accept n cities with STD
codes from user. Store this data in the file cities.txt. Write a program that reads the data
from file cities.txt into the array. Output the list of city with STD codes. Write a search
function to search a city by name and display its STD code.
Accept and display function definition-each carries 2 marks [ 4]
Writing data to a file and reading data from a file-each carries 5 marks [10]
Display list of cities with STD codes from file [5]
Search function [6]
Write main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
2. Define a class named Complex for representing complex numbers. A complex number
has the general form a + ib, where a- the real part, b - the imaginary part are both real
numbers and i2=-1. Define parameterized and default constructor. Overload +, - and *
operators with usual meaning.
Default constructor & Parameterized constructor-each carries 3 marks [6]
Overloading of + operator & - operator- each carries 5 marks [10]
Overloading of * operator [9]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
2. Write a C program which uses Binary search tree library and implements following
Create Binary Search Tree [10]
Count non leaf nodes in binary search tree [10]
Display a binary search tree (Pre order Traversal) [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. A spell checker is a program that looks at a document and compares each word in the
document to words stored in a dictionary. If it finds words in the dictionary, it moves on to
the next word, If it does not find the word, it reports the user about the misspelled(possibly)
word. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using
appropriate data structures and algorithms.
2. Write the definition for a class called Rectangle that has floating point data
Members length and width. The class has the following member functions:
a)void setlength(float) to set the length of data member [2]
b)void setwidth(float) to set the width of data member [2]
c)float perimeter() to calculate and return the perimeter of the rectangle [2]
d)float area() to calculate and return the area of the rectangle [2]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
e)void show() to display the length and width of the rectangle [2]
f)Overload compare() to- compare two rectangles by length and width [7]
-compare two rectangles by area [8]
Write main function to create two rectangle objects and display each rectangle
and its area and perimeter. [5]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Implement a list library (doublylis.h) for a doubly linked list of integers with
create, Insert & display operations. Write a menu driven program to call these operations.
Create Insert at end, Display carries 5 mark each [15]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. A spell checker is a program that looks at a document and compares each word in the
document to words stored in a dictionary. If it finds words in the dictionary, it moves on to
the next word, If it does not find the word, it reports the user about the misspelled(possibly)
word. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using
appropriate data structures and algorithms.
1. Define a class Message with two data members one character pointer and an integer
storing length. Implement following functions:
a)Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
b)Overload binary + operator to represent concatenation of messages [7]
c)Overload [] operator to return a character at a specific position [8]
d)Overload = operator to copy one Message object to another. [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2. Write the definition for a class called time that has hours, minutes & seconds as
integer data members. Consider 24 hr format. The class has the following member
a) void settime(int, int, int) to set the specified values of hours, minutes and
seconds in object . [5]
b) void showtime() to display contents of time object. [5]
c) time add(time) add the corresponding values of hours, minutes and seconds
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
(<60) in time object argument to current time object and make appropriate
conversions and return time. [8]
d) time diff(time) subtract values of hours, minutes and seconds in time object
argument from current time object after making appropriate conversions and
return time difference. [8]
Write a main program to illustrate the use of above class and member function.
2 Write a function that checks whether a string of characters is palindrome or not. The
function should use a stack library (cststack.h) of stack of characters using a static
implementation of the stack.
Push ,Pop operation carries 5 mark each [10]
Palindrome function [10]
Init,IsEmpty function [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Implement a class Message having two data members a pointer to character and an integer
storing length of the string. Implement a class Key having two data members a character array
of size 30 and an integer storing actual length of the string. The restrictions on Key are that the
length should be less than 30 but minimum size 8 and having atleast one digit and one upper
case character in it. Write a friend function to encrypt a Message using key (use some
encryption algorithm) and decrypt the encrypted text and display it.
Accept and Display function for Message & Key class each carries 5 marks [10]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Friend function to encrypt the message using encryption algorithm and display
encrypted text. [10]
Decrypt the encrypted text and display it. [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2. Define a class named Complex for representing complex numbers. A complex number
has the general form a + ib, where a- the real part, b - the imaginary part are both real
numbers and i2=-1. Define parameterized and default constructor. Overload +, - and *
operators with usual meaning.
Default constructor & Parameterized constructor-each carries 3 marks [6]
Overloading of + operator & - operator- each carries 5 marks [10]
Overloading of * operator [9]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions. [5]
2. Write a function that reverses a string of characters. The function should use a stack
library (cststack.h) of stack of characters using a static implementation of the stack.
Push ,Pop operation carries 5 mark each [10]
reverses function [10]
Init,IsEmpty function [5]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. Banks often record transactions on an account, in order of the times of the transactions,
but many people like to receive their bank statements with cheques listed in order by
cheque number. People usually write(use) cheques in order by cheque number, and
merchants usually cash them with reasonable dispatch. Thus few cheque numbers are
usually out of order. Use an appropriate sorting algorithm for converting time of transaction
ordering to cheque number ordering. Formulate the problem and write a C program to
solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1.Define a class Fraction having integer data members numerator and denominator.
Define parameterized and default constructors (default values 0 and 1).
Parameterized constructor should store the fraction in reduced form after dividing
both numerator and denominator by gcd(greatest common divisor). Write a private
function member to compute gcd of two integers. Write four member functions for
addition, subtraction. multiplication and division of fraction objects. Each function will
have two fraction objects as arguments.
gcd() function [3]
Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [1+4=5]
Addition, Subtraction and Division function - each carries 5 marks [15]
Multiplication() function [2]
Write the main function to illustrate the use of the class and member function. [5]
2. Implement a class vector which contains integers in sorted order. The size of the vector varies so
the memory should be dynamically allocated. It should have three data members vectorarray a
pointer to integer, maxsize the maximum allocated size to take care of insertions and size
actual size. Write member function for:
a) Parameterized constructor © constructor-each carries 5 marks. [10]
b) get value at a particular position in vector [3]
c) insert values in vector to keep it in sorted order [5]
d) print the vector [2]
e) Implement the member functions to form union of two vectors.
Write the main function to illustrate the use of the class and member function. [5]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1. Implement a stack library (ststack.h) of integers using a static implementation of the
stack and implementing the Push,Pop,Isempty,IsFull operations. Write a menu driven program
that includes stack library and calls different stack operations.
Push & Pop operation carries 5 marks each [10]
Is Empty [2]
Is Full [3]
2 Implement a list library (doublylis.h) for a doubly linked list of characters with Create, insert,
search & display operations. Write a menu driven program to call these operations.
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1. In depth first search of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having been visited.
The exploration of the vertex involves visiting all the adjacent vertices however the
exploration of a vertex is suspended as soon as a new vertex is reached and the
exploration of a new vertex begins. When the exploration of new vertex is over, the
exploration v is resumed. DFS can be best implemented as a recursive function. A
topological sort of a directed acyclic graph is a linear ordering of all its vertices such that
if G contains an edge (u, v), then u appears before v in the ordering. For topological
ordering DFS is called on the graph and every vertex explored is added onto the front of a
linked list that forms the topological order. Formulate the problem and write a C program
to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total Marks
1. Implement a class vector which contains integers in sorted order. The size of the vector varies
so the memory should be dynamically allocated. It should have three data members vectorarray a
pointer to integer, maxsize the maximum allocated size to take care of insertions and size
actual size. Write member function:
a) Parametrized constructor & copy constructor-each carries 5 marks [10]
b) Set value at a particular position in vector [3]
c) To insert values in vector to keep it in sorted order [5]
d) Print the vector [2]
e) Implement the Write member functions to form intersection of two vectors. [5]
Write the main function to illustrate the use of the class and member function. [5]
2.Design a class Book with the data members to hold title, number of authors, ISBN
number, price and number of copies. The title and ISBN number are pointer to
characters. Define following functions:
a) parameterized constructor with dynamic memory allocation [8]
b) default constructor(number of authors and number of copies equal to 1). [2]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
c) Copy constructor [4]
d) Display() function [3]
e) Write a member function to check the validity of the ISBN number; it is a unique 10 digit number
assigned to a book. For 10 digit ISBN number, the sum of all the 10 digits, multiplied by its integer
weight, descending from 10 to 1, or ascending from 1 to 10, is a multiple of 11. [8]
10x1+9x2+8x3+7x4+6x5+5x6+4x7+3x8+2x9+1x10 0 mod 11
Call the function in the constructor before initializing the ISBN number.
Write the main function to illustrate the use of the class and member function. [5]
Q.3) Viva [10]
Q.1) Data Structures Using C [Total Marks 40]
1 Implement a list library (doublylis.h) for a doubly linked list of integers with create, search &
display operations.Write a menu driven program to call these operations.
Create ,search, display operation carries 5 mark each [15]
1. In breadth first search (BFS) of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having
been visited. All unvisited vertices adjacent from v are visited next. The v is thus
completely explored. The visited but at unexplored vertices are taken up next for
exploration. Exploration continues until no unexplored vertex is left. If BFS is used on a
connected undirected graph G, then all vertices in G get visited and the graph is
completely traversed. Thus BFS can be used to check whether graph is connected.
Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve the problem by using appropriate
data structures and algorithms.
Q 2) Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++: [Total
Marks 30]
1. Implement a class printdata to overload print function as follows:
a)void print(int) - outputs value - <int>, that is, value followed by the value of the integer.
eg. print(10) outputs value -<10> [5]
b)void print (int, int) outputs value [<int>, <int>], that is, value followed by the
two integers separated by comma in square brackets.
eg print(4,6) outputs value-[<4>,<6>]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
c)void print(char *) outputs value char*, that is, value followed by the string in
double quotes. eg print(hi) outputs value-hi
d)void print(int n, char *)- display first n characters from the given string.
eg print(3,Object)- outputs value Obj [5]
e)void print(char ch, char *)- count occurrences of a character from the given string.
eg print(P,CPPProgramming)- outputs value 3
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2. A Matrix has rows and columns which decide the number of elements in the matrix.
Implement a matrix class that can handle integer matrices of different dimensions. Overload
addition, subtraction and multiplication operator to carry out usual matrix addition,
subtraction and multiplication.
a)Default constructor & Parameterized constructor [ 2+3]
b)Overloading of + & - operator-each carries 6 marks [12]
c)Overloading of * operator [8]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
1. In breadth first search (BFS) of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having been
visited. All unvisited vertices adjacent from v are visited next. The v is thus completely
explored. The visited but at unexplored vertices are taken up next for exploration. Exploration
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
continues until no unexplored vertex is left. If BFS is used on a connected undirected graph G,
then all vertices in G get visited and the graph is completely traversed. Thus BFS can be used
to check whether graph is connected. Formulate the problem and write a C program to solve
the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
1.Design a class Book with the data members to hold title, number of authors, ISBN
number, price and number of copies. The title and ISBN number are pointer to
characters. Define following functions:
a)parameterized constructor with dynamic memory allocation [8]
b)default constructor(number of authors and number of copies equal to 1). [2]
c)Copy constructor [4]
d)Display() function [3]
e)Write a member function to check the validity of the ISBN number; it is a unique 13 digit number
assigned to a book. For 13 digit ISBN number, the last digit is a check digit which must range from 0
to 9 and sum of all the thirteen digits multiplied by weights alternating between 1 and 3 is a multiple
of 10.
x1+3x2+x3+3x4+x5+3x6+x7+3x8+x9+3x10+x11+3x12+x13 0 mod 10
Call the function in the constructor before initializing the ISBN number.
Write the main function to illustrate the use of the class and member function.
2. Implement a class invertdata to overload invert function as follows:
a) int invert ( int) - returns the inverted integer. Eg. invert(5438) will return 8345
b) char * invert ( char *) returns the reversed string reverse(comp) will return pmoc
c) void invert( int * ) will reverse the array order An array [5, 7, 12, 4] will be
inverted to [4, 12, 7, 5].
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
e) int minimum( int *, int arraylength) returns the minimum integer from an array a
f) void minimum(int *a, int arrarylength , int n) display all elements from the array a
which are smaller than given number n. [5]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
1. Read the data from the file employee.txt and sort on age using insertion sort.
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
2. Implement a list library (doublylist.h) for a doubly linked list of characters with the insert,
search & display operations. Write a menu driven program to call the operations.
Q.1) Data Structures Using C
1.In depth first search of a Graph we start at vertex v and mark it as having been visited.
The exploration of the vertex involves visiting all the adjacent vertices however the
exploration of a vertex is suspended as soon as a new vertex is reached and the
exploration of a new vertex begins. When the exploration of new vertex is over, the
exploration v is resumed. DFS can be best implemented as a recursive function. A
topological sort of a directed acyclic graph is a linear ordering of all its vertices such that
if G contains an edge (u, v), then u appears before v in the ordering. For topological
ordering DFS is called on the graph and every vertex explored is added onto the front of a
linked list that forms the topological order. Formulate the problem and write a C program
to solve the problem by using appropriate data structures and algorithms.
1. Define a class named Clock with three integer data members for hours, minutes and seconds.
Define parameterized and default constructors. Overload increment and decrement operators
appropriately. Overload extraction and insertion operators. Consider 24 hour format.
Default constructor and Parameterized constructor [2+3]
Overloading of each operator carries 5 marks [20]
Write a main function that uses the above class and its member functions.
2. Implement a class file with four data members, a string storing the name of the file and
integers storing the number of characters, words and lines in the file. Write the following
member functions:
a)The constructor takes only the file name as the argument and opens the file, counts the characters,
words and lines and initializes the other data members. [8]
If the file does not exist creates a blank file with the name and other data members are
initialized to zero. [5]
b)member functions that count number of blank lines [6]
c) searches for occurrence of word in the file [6]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
S.Y.B.Sc Computer Science Practical Examination April / Oct. - 20
Lab Course I
(Data Structures Using C & Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using C++)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Write main function that uses the above class and its member functions.