Identifying Competencies With Behavioral-Event Interviews
Identifying Competencies With Behavioral-Event Interviews
Identifying Competencies With Behavioral-Event Interviews
General Article
By David C. McClelland
Boston University
Coding competencies from behavioral-event interviews according to predict success among high-level executives (Boyatzis, 1982),
the principles of a new approach to assessment (McClelland, 1973) though many of these studies remain unpublished; in contrast,
produces assessments that are reliable and validly associated with success at this level is seldom related to scores on academic
success as an executive. These assessments are not influenced by intelligence tests. Also, Hogan, Hogan, and Roberts (1996) have
length of protocol or by performance in the preceding year. Bias is not
demonstrated that personality variables unrelated to intelligence
a problem if both the interviewer and the coder are blind to executive
are related to occupational success, though rarely at the very
success. In contrast to a traditional psychometric approach based on
regression analysis, an algorithm based on competency scores pre- high executive levels involved in the McBer studies.
dicted managerial success and improved performance across a num- Although researchers have attempted to develop competen-
ber of samples. This algorithm identified potential outstanding cy tests for wider use on large samples (e.g., McClelland, 1994;
performers as individuals whose scores reached designated tipping Winter et al., 1981), such tests have not seen wide acceptance
points within clusters of substitutable competencies. Experts judg- so far. However, the interview method of assessing competen-
ments of competencies needed or shown by executives in various posi- cies has been widely accepted and has led to a significant
tions agreed only moderately with competencies shown to be amount of research, which can be used to test its strengths and
important by the data from behavioral-event interviews. weaknesses. Furthermore, of all methods, this one comes clos-
est to implementing the four propositions I put forward
Where does the competency-assessment movement stand (McClelland, 1973) as the basis for a new approach that would
today? Certainly it has come a long way from 1973, when I be favorable to good competency assessment: (a) It should start
(McClelland, 1973) argued that competency assessment should with exploration of particularly operant measures of thought
be developed as an alternative to academic-type intelligence and action associated with the criterionin this case, greater
testing, which was failing to account for successful perfor- success in high-level executive and managerial positions; (b) it
mance, especially in high-level executive positions. This view should assess clusters of criteria of success in clusters of impor-
was strongly challenged by Barrett and Depinet (1991) on the tant life outcomes (e.g., occupations, health, family and social
grounds that intelligence tests were doing a good job and there life, education); (c) the competencies assessed should be
was no evidence competency testing was any better. Neverthe- defined and described in ways that reflect important life
less, evidence showed that Scholastic Assessment Test verbal changes or learning; and (d) how to improve on the competen-
and mathematical scores yielded zero or negative path coeffi- cies should be studied, and made explicit and public. It can
cients for later occupational success in law, medicine, business, readily be seen how this approach differs from those in which
and teaching (Whitla, 1975) among students in an excellent lib- secrecy is required to protect the integrity of the test scores (as
eral arts college, whereas competencies acquired in college did in IQ testing), or in which someone is simply rated on a com-
predict those same criteria of occupational success (Winter, petency, without getting information about the behaviors on
McClelland, & Stewart, 1981). Furthermore, consulting compa- which the rating was basedinformation that could lead to
nies, like McBer & Company, have completed dozens of studies improved performance.
showing that competency measures drawn from interviews
David C. McClelland died on March 27, 1998. The final editing of this arti-
The Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) is an adaptation of
cle was completed by David G. Winter, John Larrere, and Michele Nathan.
Address correspondence to David G. Winter, Department of Psychology, Uni- the critical-incident interview originally developed by Flana-
versity of Michigan, 525 East University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109; e- gan (1954) and later elaborated by Dailey (1971) and, espe-
mail: cially as employed in the present study, Boyatzis (1982). The
VOL. 9, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1998 Copyright 1998 American Psychological Society 331
Executive Competencies
BEI was designed as the most flexible way to discover differ- interviews, the scores for 22 competencies had an average cor-
ences between two types of job incumbents: those who have relation with interview length, after Z transformations, of r = .06
been nominated by knowledgeable judges as outstanding (O) (SD = .07) for the frequency measure and r = .04 (SD = .05) for
and those who have been nominated less often or not at all the maximum-level measure.
(referred to as typical, T). This approach is used because peo- To eliminate the possibility of bias, neither the people inter-
ple agree more readily on who is outstanding than on what viewed, the interviewers, nor the coders know who has been
makes them outstanding, and because having judges rate char- nominated as outstanding or typical.
acteristics supposedly related to success (rather than rating
actually successful people) might result in a biased criterion.
Generally, the O group is in the top 5% to 10% of the execu-
tives, and the T group includes the next 11% to 25% of the
executives. The evidence of validity lies in whether a high score on a
In specially designed interviews, the O and T groups competency measure is more often associated with successful
describe, in their own words, what they said, thought, felt, and performance across a variety of positions than one would
did in six episodesthree positive and three negativeat expect by chance. Table 1 lists 12 competencies (from the lat-
work. Standardized procedures have been established for est revision of Spencer and Spencers, 1993, dictionary) that
ensuring interviews are comparable (Spencer & Spencer, most often emerge as validated differences between O and T
1993). The interviews are recorded, typed up, and coded for performers. The table summarizes the percentage of times each
various characteristics. What is unique about this approach is has differentiated between O and T samples of executives or
that the competencies are defined and then redefined to professionals. The data come from more than 30 different orga-
improve the degree to which they distinguish between O and T nizations and many different types of executive positions,
performers on particular jobs. If a competency is found to dif- including managers, salespeople, mining geologists, bankers,
ferentiate these two groups across samples of executives, it restaurant managers, and heads of long- and short-term health
becomes part of a standardized dictionary of competencies. care units. The number of persons in each comparison varied
When BEI transcripts are used in the fashion just described, from 8 to 78, with a median of 12. In most competency-assess-
they have an exploratory purpose for constructing competency ment projects, more O performers than T performers are inter-
models. That is, the comparison of O and T groups allows the viewed, in a ratio of 3:2, because there are more ways of being
development and definition of competencies that differentiate outstanding than typical. The comparisons summarized in
the two groups. In addition, BEI transcripts can be used as an
assessment tool. For example, as I discuss later, transcripts of
applicants for executive positions can be scored for previously
Table 1. Validity frequencies for core Behavioral Event
defined competencies to help identify which applicants have Interview competencies
the greatest potential for success.
Currently, competencies are coded both for frequency of Measure
occurrence in the interview (Boyatzis, 1982) and for the level
Competency Level Frequency
of complexity or scope at which they are displayed (Spencer &
Spencer, 1993). For example, a competency labeled Impact and Achievement Orientation 42** 66***
Influence is scored whenever the person describes using delib- Analytical Thinking 42** 41***
erate influence strategies or tactics. It is scored at a low level Conceptual (Inductive)
Thinking 31+ 47***
for Takes a single action to persuade, at a higher level for Developing Others 38* 47***
Takes multiple (two or more) actions to persuade, and at a Flexibility 35* 26*
still higher level for Uses complex influence strategies, assem- Impact and Influence 46** 67***
bles political coalitions, etc. Information Seeking 35* 41***
Average interjudge agreement for well-trained coders Initiative 31+ 48***
Interpersonal Understanding 31+ 32*
across a variety of competencies is in the range of 74% to 80% Organizational Awareness 31+ 27*
for maximum level and frequency of occurrence (Boyatzis, Self-Confidence 46** 58***
1982; Nygren & Ukeritis, 1993). Motowidlo et al. (1992) Team Leadership 42** 30**
reported high stability of their competency ratings across two
Note. The numbers in the table are the percentage of comparisons in
interviews for lower level employees, and Boyatzis, Cowen, which each competency differentiated the outstanding (O) and typical
Kolb, and Associates (1995) reported significant stability for (T) groups in the expected direction, p < .10. For level, there were 26
ratings of some competencies across 2 years for business- comparisons for each competency, and for frequency, there were 64.
The expected direction was a greater level of competency or a higher
school students. frequency for the O group than the T group.
Within the limits set by the standard procedure, interview +p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .02. ***p < .001.
length does not affect competency scores. For a sample of 251
David C. McClelland
Table 1 are based on competency-assessment data from 238 tion. For this purpose, a company needs to use norms based
persons classified as outstanding and 225 considered typical. on managers having the same role or function, in successful
For each competency, information was available for a sam- companies of the same type.
ple of 64 O-versus-T comparisons of frequency and 26 O- The BEI competencies that relate significantly to manageri-
versus-T comparisons of maximum level. The percentages of al success differ from case to case, but does that mean no gen-
positive validities are well above the 10% chance level for most eralizations can be made as to what combinations of
of the competencies in Table 1. competencies will predict success across samples even within
Although these data testify to the overall validity of these the same company? In fact, some generalizations are possible,
competencies, they also show that any one competency is not because competencies within certain broad categories may sub-
valid in all situations. The table lumps together very different stitute for each other. For example, unusual individual initiative
occupations, and competencies that are valid for predicting suc- can be reflected in either trying to do things better (Achieve-
cess as a banker, for example, are not likely to be valid for a ment Orientation), planning and thinking ahead (Initiative), or
mining geologist. When enough cases are available, it will seeing things in a new light (Conceptual Thinking). Similarly,
become possible to compare O and T groups within general the ability to work well organizationally can be represented by
types of executive positions, such as sales, finance, and person- influencing other people (Impact and Influence), by under-
nel positions, so that one might be able to identify competen- standing organizational politics (Organizational Awareness), or
cies that cross-validate within these categories. by showing Team Leadership.
Furthermore, even executives of the same type may work in Thirteen studies of managers were examined to see whether
significantly different organizational climates. For example, the the O group satisfied the following algorithm: mean frequency or
need for Achievement (or n Achievement, as measured with the maximum-level score significantly higher than that of the T man-
Thematic Apperception Test, or TAT; see McClelland, Atkin- agers (a) on at least one of the initiative and one of the organiza-
son, Clark, & Lowell, 1953) generally relates to entrepreneur- tional competencies and (b) on a total of five competencies
ial behavior and success (see McClelland, 1961). Thus, drawn from the list in Table 1. The O groups in 11 (85%) of the
Andrews (1967) long ago showed that in one large organization studies satisfied this algorithm, compared with only 1 out of 8
that emphasized entrepreneurship within decentralized units, (13%) studies of individual contributors, that is, technical and
higher n Achievement appropriately was associated with man- professional personnel such as geologists, consultants, and insur-
agerial success. In another large company, Andrews found that ance raters (p < .01 for the difference in proportions). Thus, com-
n Achievement was not associated with success, but an exami- petency algorithms that are associated with success in various
nation of climate showed organizational clarity was signifi- types of executive positions can be found by using the principle
cantly lower in the second company. Thus, managers with high of substitutability; that is, a variety of different but functionally
n Achievement in the second company were rendered ineffec- equivalent alternative predictor variables may be related to an
tive because they did not know clearly what they were sup- outcome criterion. To some extent, therefore, different compe-
posed to be doing. tencies can substitute for each other.
In a particular comparison of O and T groups, the focus is sel-
dom on a single competency, but rather on the pattern of compe-
tencies that show significant differences. In the 26 organizations
where competency levels were studied (results summarized in
the left column of Table 1), O and T groups always showed sig-
Moving From Nominations to Hard Performance Data
nificant differences on more than one competency: The range
About Executive Success
was from 3 to 14 significant differences, with a median of 8; in
85% of the organizations, there were significant differences in Testing validity by comparing BEI competencies in nomi-
level on six or more competencies (p < .10 in the predicted direc- nated O and T samples of job incumbents is a method with
tion). A study by Nygren and Ukeritis (1993) illustrates how a inherent weaknesses. Such comparisons may capitalize on
series of different individual competencies can also be worked chance differences. They rest on peoples opinions of who are
into an overall meaningful pattern that explains in an integrated outstanding performers, not on measures of actual perfor-
fashion how the more successful executives approached their job mance. And they may reflect past performance rather than pre-
in the context of the particular institution studied. dict future performance. In addition, such samples tend to be
Competency scores may also be interpreted in relation to small, so why not study more people by using performance data
computerized norms of various types, although such norms that are already being collected for other purposes?
based on aggregated data from many positions and organiza- Fortunately, data on executive performance were available
tionsare not of much value because they have no overall from Tastyfood (a pseudonym for a large food and beverage
validity. Rather, a company usually wants to know whether the company). These data, which spanned several years, made pos-
particular competency scores it may consider using for assess- sible a stronger and more objective test of validity. At the end
ment purposes are related to job success in its own organiza- of each year, each executive received a bonus based on the
Executive Competencies
extent to which the executive had achieved performance goals difference until they reach a certain level. For example, delin-
agreed to at the start of the year. Because average bonuses quencies and teenage pregnancies increase sharply in ghetto
awarded in various units of the company varied from year to neighborhoods only when the number of middle-class people
year depending on unit profitability, the bonus scores were stan- living there decreases to a critical low level (Crane, 1991). If
dardized for each unit in each year (M = 50, SD = 10; median the number of police in a neighborhood reaches a certain criti-
N = 112, range: 53242). Outstanding performance was cal point, crime drops markedly. Increases in police presence
defined as receiving a standardized bonus score of 55 or better below (or above) that level make little difference.
(i.e., receiving a bonus in the top third of amounts awarded). Something similar characterizes the relationship of compe-
tency frequencies and levels to success as an executive. For
example, Figure 1 shows that for Impact and Influence, the T
Combining Competency Measures
group is more likely than the O group to have a frequency score
Eleven BEI-based competencies and onea combination of anywhere from 0 to 7; the O group is more numerous than the
moderately high achievement motivation and affiliation motiva- T group only when the frequency score reaches 8 to 10; further,
tiondrawn from a six-picture modified TAT showed significant this O-versus-T difference does not change at higher frequency
mean differences between O and T executives in an initial study. scores, above 10. So it would be a misrepresentation of the rela-
Traditional psychometric procedures, based on additive regres- tionship to describe it in terms of a linear correlation coeffi-
sion models, did not yield stable results. In one regression analy- cient. For the data graphed in Figure 1, for example, the biserial
sis, the previously validated competencies yielded a multiple R r is .22, p < .10, between O versus T status and frequency of the
of .52 (p < .01) with the bonus criterion; however, in a second competency Impact and Influence, but this statistic understates
sample of 42 similar executives, the same regression formula the significance of the relationship (55% of the O executives vs.
failed to predict the same criterion (R = .24, n.s.). In this latter 20% of the T executives had frequencies of 8 or more, p < .001)
sample, a regression model based on different competencies did and misrepresents its nature for frequencies below 8.
predict the criterion (R = .58, p < .01), but that model yielded an Because of such patterns in the data, critical frequencies or
R of only .08 when applied back to the original sample. levels that differentiated best between the O and T executive
Furthermore, in this and other samples, many of the rela- groups were established for the 12 valid competencies in this
tionships between success and frequency or level of competen- comparison. Then a competency-qualification algorithm was
cy were not linear and not well described by correlation developed. It required that tipping points be achieved for at
coefficients. Instead they were characterized by what have been least 1 of the 3 individual-initiative competencies, 1 of the
called tipping points (Gladwell, 1996). Sociologists have organizational competencies, and 6 of the 12 valid competen-
often observed that changes in a societal variable make little cies overall. (Reaching the tipping point for more than 6
at Various Frequency Levels
Percentage of Executives
40 Typical
25 Executives
31 Outstanding
0-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11 or more
Frequency of Occurrence for Impact and Influence
Fig. 1. Percentages of outstanding and typical executives showing different frequencies of the competency Impact and
David C. McClelland
competencies did not substantially increase the likelihood of included (for Europe and Asia samples combined, 2[1, N =
being in the O category.) 35] = 17.93, p < .001; tetrachoric r = .90, p < .01; 86% cor-
The critical question was whether the competency algo- rectly predicted overall).
rithm predicted actual performance in additional samples.
Table 2 presents findings for two U.S. and two overseas
Effects of Previous Years Performance on Competency
samples. The criterion of performance was standardized
bonus awarded in the U.S. samples and nomination in the
overseas samples. The relationships in the table are shown in Competency scores might be influenced by how well people
terms of percentages of those executives predicted to be high performed in the previous year; that is, during the interviews,
and low performers, respectively, who actually turned out to the O group might describe more successful behavioral events
be top performers. Such analyses are easy to understand and than the T group, which would lead to higher BEI competency
are evaluated by chi-square tests because the prediction vari- scores for the O group. If this were so, one would expect that
ables are not related to outcomes in a linear fashion, but in the data for Tastyfood, the average 1994 bonus scores would
instead involve tipping points. In the initial U.S. sample, be higher for executives achieving the competency algorithm in
100% of the executives who attained the competency- 1995 than for those who were less highly qualified in 1995. The
qualification algorithm were in the top third of bonuses average 1994 bonus score was 56.12 (SD = 7.63) for 20 execu-
awarded, as compared with only 29% of those who did not tives classified as highly qualified in 1995 and was 50.59
attain it, 2(1, N = 29) = 14.45, p < .01 (tetrachoric r = .90, p (SD = 10.24) for 8 executives not classified as highly qualified
< .01; 83% correctly predicted overall). This result is not sur- in 1995, an insignificant difference.
prising because the algorithm was derived from this sample. An additional analysis showed that of the 11 executives who
But applying the algorithm to a new sample of executives for were considered highly qualified by the competency algorithm
the same bonus year also showed it was strongly related to in 1992 or 1993, 55% showed an outstanding performance in
actual performance, 2(1, N = 42) = 8.58, p < .01 (tetrachor- the previous year (i.e., received a high bonus). Of the 12 exec-
ic r = .65, p < .01; 74% correctly predicted overall). Finally, utives who appeared less qualified in 1992 or 1993, 50% had
in still a third sample of executives (not shown in Table 2), received a high rather than a low bonus in the previous year.
for the 1994 bonus year, the results were very similar. Of the Performance in a given year does not appear to affect whether
14 executives achieving the competency algorithm, 71% an individual satisfies the competency algorithm the next year.
received bonuses in the top third of their distributions; in
comparison, only 27% of the 11 executives who did not sat-
Do Competency Scores Predict Performance in the
isfy the competency algorithm received such large bonuses,
Following Year?
2(1, N = 25) = 4.81, p < .05 (tetrachoric r = .64, p < .02).
Furthermore, as Table 2 shows, the algorithm worked very Table 3 addresses the issue of whether competency scores
well in predicting successful executive performance overseas predict performance in the following year. It shows that com-
when competency criteria that apply only overseas were petency, as assessed at Tastyfood using the algorithm in 1992,
Table 2. Association of executive success with a competency algorithm based on Behavioral Event
High c
12 100 17 65 11 82 7 86
Lower 17 29 25 20 8 13 9 11
The measure of performance was bonus received in 1993, standardized by company unit (M = 50, SD = 10). An
executive was classified as a high, or top, performer if his or her standardized bonus score was 55 or higher,
representing the top third of the bonus distribution.
The measure of performance was being nominated as an outstanding performer for 1993.
To be classified as highly qualified by the competency algorithm, an executive had to score at or above the
frequency that differentiated outstanding from typical performers on at least six (U.S.) or seven (Europe and
Asia) of a specified list of competencies.
Executive Competencies
Table 3. Mean standardized bonus scores in 1993 for executives assessed in the same or previous year as highly versus
less qualified
Assessed in Assessed in
1992 19931994
Note. Bonus scores were standardized across each executives individual unit (M = 50, SD = 10).
+p < .06. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
very strongly predicts performance as reflected in standard- bonus received a larger bonus than expected, as compared
ized bonuses awarded in 1993. In fact, the 1992 assessments with only 39% of those who received the competency feed-
predict the 1993 bonus scores even more strongly than com- back in the year of the second bonus, 2(1, N = 90) = 4.85,
petency assessments during or after the 1993 bonus year. p < .03.
Why? This analysis confirmed the hypothesis that executives show
An important purpose of the competency-assessment pro- larger improvements in performance (as reflected in bonuses
gram was to provide participants with information on the awarded) if they have a year to benefit from competency feed-
nature of the competencies that were associated with success- back than if the feedback is provided at a later time.
ful performance in the positions they held. Accordingly, each
executive was given a report that showed just what the tipping
points were for each competency associated with success in the Executive Turnover as a Measure of Validity of the
position and where his or her competency scores stood relative Competency Algorithm
to these criteria. In individual sessions, executives were coun-
seled about how to set goals and work for improvement in the A major reason why Tastyfood undertook the BEI-based
relevant competencies. competency program was to reduce turnover, which was very
Therefore, the results in Table 3 may be due to the fact that expensive. According to the companys figures, 17 of the 35
executives who received competency feedback in time to executives (49%) they had hired in the usual way in 1992 at
improve their performance did better than those who received roughly the vice-presidential level had left the company by the
feedback at a later time. Other research has shown that receiv- end of 1994, either voluntarily or through being managed out.
ing feedback on competencies combined with setting goals for Each lost executive at this high level cost the company about
changing them improved competencies as measured 2 years $250,000, so the poor selection system cost the company more
later (Boyatzis et al., 1995). than $4 million over this time period (see Fig. 3).
In comparison, 10 executives at this level were hired in 1993
guided by the BEI-based competency algorithm already
Does Feedback on Competencies Improve Subsequent
described. By the end of 1995, only 1 of these executives had
left the company (10% turnover). An additional 22 executives
The data from Tastyfood were examined to determine were hired in the first half of 1994, and if the 1993 and 1994
whether the timing of feedback affected improvement in per- hires are added together, only 2 of 32 persons from this larger
formance from one year to the next. For each executive, the sample had left the company by March 1996, yielding a
change from the bonus awarded one year to the bonus award- turnover rate of 6.3%. The decreased turnover rate (p < .01)
ed the following year was determined. These bonus-change suggests the company may have saved up to $3.5 million by
scores were adjusted by the overall regression of bonus using a competency-based hiring and feedback system in 1993
change on initial bonus level so that it could be determined and the first half of 1994. It is not surprising that the
whether each executives second bonus was better than competency-based program decreased turnover because it
expected based on his or her starting standardized bonus explained to new hires what characteristics promoted success
score. The findings are summarized in Figure 2. For all exec- on the job and because it produced a better job-person match
utives, whether highly qualified or not, 62% of those who (i.e., persons with more of the competencies needed for success
received competency feedback in the year before the second were hired).
David C. McClelland
When competency
feedback and goal
Percentage of Executives Receiving
setting occurs:
Better Than Expected Bonuses
60 in year before
bonus award
50 in same year as
bonus award
N=20 N=23 (By Competency N=25 N=22
Highly Qualified Algorithm) Less Highly Qualified
Fig. 2. Percentages of executives receiving better than expected bonuses as a function of their assessment using the competen-
cy algorithm. Whether a bonus was better than expected was determined by an overall regression of bonus change (change from
initial bonus to second bonus, the following year) on initial bonus level. Results are shown separately for executives who received
feedback and help in goal setting the year before the second bonus was awarded and those who received feedback in the same
year as the second bonus was awarded.
Hiring System
70 Traditional $4.5
$250,000 per Lost Executive
Competency-Based $4.0
Leaving Within Two Years
Percentage of Executives
Dollar Cost of Leaving @
(millions of dollars)
40 $2.5
30 $2.0
0 0
N=35 N=32 N=17 N=2
Total Sample Number Leaving
Fig. 3. Executive turnover rates and costs for the traditional and competency-based hiring systems.
Executive Competencies
Did the Competency-Based Algorithm Predict score of all executives rated on that competency. For 43% of the
Performance in the Year After Executives Were Hired? 7 BEI competencies that significantly predicted a high bonus
score, the judges ratings and BEI scoring agreed (3 out of 7, p
Whether the competency algorithm should be used for < .10 in the predicted direction).
selection was examined by analyzing the data for 44 newly Such modest results indicate that further research is need-
hired executives whose standardized bonus scores for 1995 ed to support the current widespread use of ratings to deter-
were based on a full years employment. Of the 17 executives mine what competencies at what frequencies or levels are
who passed the competency algorithm when they were hired, needed for a particular job. Also needed is research on
47% received standardized bonus scores of 55 or higher, com- whether ratings of individual competencies predict executive
pared with 22% of the 27 executives who did not pass the performance as well as the interview-based competency
competency algorithm (p < .05 in the expected direction). scores and algorithms do.
Examination of the results suggested that this difference in pro-
portions, although significant, was reduced because the compe-
tency tipping points were lower for the new hires (who came
from varied backgrounds) than for long-term employees of In this article, I have reviewed research on the definition and
Tastyfood. measurement of competencies according to previously suggest-
ed principles (McClelland, 1973), and described the successful
implementation, in one large multinational corporation, of a
Can Competency Ratings Substitute for Interviews?
competency-assessment program based on those principles and
The research reviewed so far involved competencies research. The competency measures were obtained from inten-
assessed through interviews and a competency model or algo- sive interviews detailing operant thoughts and actions associat-
rithm based on actual outcome measures (nomination or ed with success in top executive occupations. The first step of
objective performance data). However, an alternative method this implementation was to identify competenciescarefully
of constructing competency models and assessing competen- defined clusters of behaviorsthat (at certain frequencies or
cies involves extensive use of ratings by experts. Thus, levels) characterize O performers more than T performers. In
expert panels, focus groups, or job incumbents may judge the next step, these individual competencies were combined into
what competencies are needed for successful performance in a an integrated model which suggested that most top executive
particular position. Then individuals may be rated on the positions require passing certain tipping pointsthat is, compe-
degree to which they show the competencies judged to be tency frequencies or levels that most distinguish O and T per-
required, and the extent of job-person match can be used to formers. Specifically, success in most of these positions
select or promote people (Caldwell & OReilly, 1990). This required achieving the tipping point in at least 1 out of 3
procedure is inexpensive and easy to carry out and has face individual-initiative competencies, at least 1 out of 3
validity. It is often used in a variety of settings, as reflected by organizational-skill competencies, and a total of at least 6 out of
many articles in the journal Competency. But is this ratings- 12 competencies that either most commonly differentiate signif-
based procedure accurate? icantly between O and T managers (see Table 1) or are unique
In a typical case of competency-model construction, 10 to the organization. Maximum predictive power for a compe-
competencies (frequencies or levels) were identified from BEIs tency algorithm is obtained by adding tipping-point criteria for
as distinguishing nominated O and T sales managers. Experts at least 2 to 3 competencies unique to the organization involved.
correctly identified 7 of these as important and missed 3; they Sufficient research has not yet been done to determine if similar
also judged to be important 2 competencies that the BEI proce- algorithms apply to success in other clusters of life outcomes,
dures did not identify as characterizing outstanding performers such as in health and education. But the principles of substitut-
on the job. The overall agreement between the experts and the ing competencies similar in type or function and establishing
BEI results was 74%. However, the judges correctly identified tipping points for competency levels or frequencies appear to
only three of the critical levels for the 7 competencies that best predict success criteria across samples of people in closely
distinguished between the O and T performers in the inter- aligned fields better than does the more usual method of com-
views. bining predictors by multiple regression analysis.
In another comparison, 40 executives were rated by judges Finally, the BEI competencies have been well enough
who knew them well, as either superiors, peers, or subordi- defined for executives who get feedback on how well they meet
nates. The judges rated four to six items for each of 12 compe- various tipping points or competencies needed for success to
tencies. (The items described behaviors drawn from the actual improve performance in the following year.
competency definitions used to code BEIs.) Individuals were This approach not only distinguishes employees who have
classified as high on a given competency if they scored at been nominated as being outstanding versus typical, but also
least at the tipping point for it in their BEIs or if their average predicts who will perform better subsequently in a company (as
score for the component items was above the median average measured by bonuses received and turnover).
David C. McClelland
Gladwell, M. (1996, June 3). The tipping point. The New Yorker, 72, 3239.
AcknowledgmentsThis report is based on data made available by McBer Hogan, R., Hogan, J., & Roberts, B.W. (1996). Personality and employment decisions.
& Company and by Tastyfood, an international food and beverage com- American Psychologist, 51, 469477.
pany that wishes to be anonymous. The author would like to acknowledge McClelland, D.C. (1961). The achieving society. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand.
with thanks the assistance of the staffs of these two companies. McClelland, D.C. (1973). Testing for competence rather than for intelligence. American
Psychologist, 28, 114.
McClelland, D.C. (1994). The knowledge-testing educational complex strikes back. Amer-
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