Apes 2015-16 Syllabus
Apes 2015-16 Syllabus
Apes 2015-16 Syllabus
Course Outline
AP Exam: May 2nd, 2016 (100 multiple choice and 4 free-response questions: no calculators allowed)
Required Class Materials: 3-Ring Binder, pencils, lab notebook (provided by science department),
current events notebook (provided by science department)
Suggested Organization for your class binder: Create tabs in your binder for each of the following
1. Syllabus, course information, exam tips
2. Guiding Questions & Chapter Outlines
3. Lab Handouts
4. Activities
5. Case Studies and Video Summaries
6. Projects/Research
7. Chapter Reviews
If you dont think the suggested binder organization above will work for you, you might consider creating
tabs for each unit (topics listed below)
Chapter/Unit Reviews:
Before each chapter or unit test you will need to complete given review problems and possibly
other review materials given to you.
We will not have entire class periods to spend on a review, but we will review concepts on a regular
basis in class. You can always see me before or after school to review individually or in groups. I
recommend that you form your own study groups for review also!
Ongoing Assignments:
Current Events - Use the article summary template from the summer assignment to complete
summaries for a current event related to each unit we are studying. Specific due dates will be
given during each unit. The articles must be current! For some chapters, links may be provided for
you. You are not obligated to use them.
Environmental Legislation Project- You will research an assigned environmental regulation or
act, and then share your findings with the class.
Academic Integrity: It is left to the discretion of the teacher to impose a grade-based consequence for
students who violate the Academic Integrity and Cheating Policy. This policy is found in the student handbook.
Parents will be notified when any incident of academic integrity occurs.
I understand and accept the rigor, pacing, course expectations and grading policies in this class. I have
also reviewed the Course Outline. I understand that much of my learning will take place outside of the
class period. Most of the class time is structured around labs, demonstrations and discussions. I
understand I am expected to also prepare for exams outside of class.
The APES Exam is scheduled for Monday, May 2nd at 8:00 AM.