Keywords : The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the FMEA research and application in
the Thermal Power Plant Industry. The research will highlight the application
Water Tube Boiler, FMEA, RPN,
of FMEA method to water tubes (WT) in boilers with an aim to find-out all the
Reliability, Thermal Power Plant.
major and primary causes of boiler failure and reduce the breakdown for
continuous power generation in the plant.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis technique is applied on most critical or serious
parts (components) of the plant which having highest Risk Priority Number
*Corresponding author :
(RPN). Comparison is made between the quantitative results of FMEA and
Kapil Dev Sharma
reliability field data from real tube systems. These results are discussed to
e-mail :
establish relationships which are useful for future water tube designs.
late 1970s, the Ford Motor Company introduced 2. BASIC CONCEPTS OF FMEA
FMEA to the automotive industry for safety and The main purpose for performing FMEA is to
regulatory considerations. They also used it to prevent the possibility that a new design, process
improve production and design. FMEA has been or system fails to achieve, totally or in part the
adopted in many places, such as: Aerospace, proposed requirements, under certain conditions
Military, Automobile, Electricity, Mechanical, and such as defined purpose and imposed limits.
Semi-conductor industries. Most current FMEA Through FMEA, the client requirements are
methods use the risk priority number (RPN) value evaluated and products and processes are developed
to evaluate the risk of failure.
in a manner that minimizes the risks of the
The ability to improve continually is desirable. occurrence of potential failure modes, with an
In recent years, the reliabilities of Power Plants emphasis on insuring the safety and health of the
have become increasingly important issues in the personnel and the security of the systems. Another
most developed and developing countries. Reliability, purpose of the FMEA is to develop, evaluate and
Availability, Maintainability and Supportability enhance the design development and testing
(RAMS), as well as risk analysis, have become methodologies to achieve the elimination of
big issues in the power industries. Major causes failures and thus obtain world-class competitive
of customer dissatisfaction often results from the products. The main advantages of using FMEA
unexpected failures, which have led to an unanticipated methods are: Reduction of Costs, with a critical
costs in the Thermal Power-Station. However, with
impact on warranty returns; Reduction of the Time
proper integration of RAMS and risk analysis in
needed from the project phase to the market launch
each maintenance process in the Thermal Power-
and Improvement of the Quality and Reliability
Station, the frequency of failures can be reduced
of the products, while increasing the safety of their
and their consequences can be diminished.
operation. The ultimate goal for attaining these
Failures are prioritized according to how benefits is the increase of customer satisfaction,
serious their consequences may be occur and how which assures the growth of the organization's
easily they can be detected. FMEA is used during competitively and the improvement of the image
the design stage with an aim to avoid future on the market.
failures. Later, it is used for process control, before
and during on-going operation of the process.
Ideally, FMEA begins during the earliest The description of the FMEA process steps are:
conceptual stages of design and continues 1. Establishment of FMEA team.
throughout the life of a product or service. The
2. Describing the product/process/system which
outcome of FMEA development is actions to
wants to be analyzed.
prevent or reduce the severity or likelihood of
3. Creating a Block Diagram of the product or
failures, starting with the highest-priority. FMEA
process which shows major components or
determines the risk priorities of failure modes through
the risk priority number (RPN), which is the product process as blocks connected together by lines
of the occurrence (O), severity (S) and detection (D) indicate how the components or steps are co-
of a failure. (RPN = O * S * D) related.
S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright samriddhi, 2010-2016
Kapil Dev Sharma and Shobhit Srivastava
4. List of potential failure modes, causing of There are some major components in the plant
failures in the system. failure in the following years. Table1. Shows that
5. Assign Severity, Occurrence and Detection boiler is the most critical and serious component
rankings to each failure mode. in a power plant because it can fail many times
6. Calculate RPN (Risk Priority Number) by using during years as compared to the other components.
mathematical formula (RPN= Severity X So, the team is focused on the boiler to find out all
Occurrence X Detection.) basic failure modes of it.
7. Develop an Action Plan and define who will For finding out all the Basic Failure Modes and
do what by when. causes of failure of boiler, use "Cause and Effect
Diagram" or "Fishbone Diagram". After finding
8. Take actions those are identified by the FMEA
all Basic Failure Modes of boiler, calculate Risk
Priority Number of each failure mode and find out
9. Calculate the resulting RPN after implementation
the component in boiler more serious and having
of actions.
the highest RPN.
10. Compare RPN before and after implementation
Calculate RPN by using mathematical formula
of actions and Re-evaluating each of the
(RPN= Severity X Occurrence X Detection). On
potential failures once improvements have been
the basis of above analysis for RPN, it is seen that
made. Determine the impact of the improvements
boiler tube failure has the highest Risk Priority
using FMEA.
Number (315) amongst all other failure modes.
So, the first priority is given to the boiler tube
for reduction in the failures of a boiler. Boiler tube
plays the most important role for shuting down of
a power plant.
Boiler 34 62 68 70
Feed water pump 15 12 16 15
Circulating water 12 15 16 20
Electrical system 10 12 13 15
Emissions control 14 20 38 40
Fig.1: FMEA Process Steps
C & I System 15 0 12 10
4. FMEA IN THERMAL POWER PLANT Turbine 25 32 44 45
Suratgarh Super Thermal Power Plant (SSTPS) Others 48 25 22 20
is First Super Thermal Power Station of Rajasthan.
The total planned installed capacity is 1500 MW.
copyright samriddhi, 2010-2016 S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online)
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for Enhancing Reliability of Water Tube Boiler in Thermal Power Plant
60 There are some actions suggested by the FMEA
30 2007
team to reduce the failures of Water Tube:
0 2009
If a major failure occurs, unit shuts down for 3
to 4 days that affects power generation.
7. Creep failure
Expert analysis of the tube failure.
8. Rupture
9. Poor water circulation
Tube alignment
and setting
1. vibration arrestors get
1. tubes come out of connectors 7 5 5 175 6. RELIABILITY ANALYSIS
2. boiler tube had damaged 2. vibration increases and tube
1. proper steam does not supply 1.insufficient air supply in
6 5 5 150 In the plant due to major failure of Water Tube,
2. air fuel losses 2. fuel bed in poor condition
3. boiler tube wall damaged 3. cooling of furnace at low
plant unit (5th) had been shut down many times.
Water level of
drum valve does not work
steam comes at outside of boiler
1. failure of boiler feed pump 6 7 4 168
Here reliability analysis and MTTF (Mean Time
due to leakage
2. steam pressure excess
3. boiler may be damaged
2. water tubes corrosion
3. failure of feed valve To Failure) is done, to know the failure of tube
4. failure of water level
maintenance duration and working duration of
S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright samriddhi, 2010-2016
Kapil Dev Sharma and Shobhit Srivastava
X =7.6958, a
X2 X 9 Scale parameter e
In the last three years of failure data 36 failures denominator. Since M <Fcrit 0.05,9,9, so H0 is accepted.
occursed out of 36 failure in which 9 times of the Where (Fcrit 0.05,9,9, = 3.18, from the F distribution
major failure had in the water tube. Due to these table).
failures, unit had to be shut down. For these failures 8. RESULT
MTTF is 97 days. Table.6 Shows the Comparison of RPN before
Manns Test Shows - and after implementation of FMEA.
n = 36;
Table-6: Comparison of RPN
r = 9; and the confidence level for the failures
Occurrence Severity Detection RPN
is 95 %, so
Old RPN 7 9 5 3 15
= 0.05 New RPN 6 9 5 2 70
r 9
K1 = K2 = = 4.5 4
2 2
From the above table, after implementing
r 1
K 1 i k 1 [(ln ti 1 ln ti ) / M i ] FMEA on Water Tube, calculated RPN is to be
M 1
K 2 i 1[ (ln ti 1 ln t i ) / M i ] reduced and recommended action is to be taken
resulting in the reduction of the occurrence of the
Where Mi= Zi+1- Zi, and failure modes and severity in the Water Tube.
S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright samriddhi, 2010-2016
Kapil Dev Sharma and Shobhit Srivastava
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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for Enhancing Reliability of Water Tube Boiler in Thermal Power Plant
S-JPSET : Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online) copyright samriddhi, 2010-2016