MicroCap Review Fall 2017
MicroCap Review Fall 2017
MicroCap Review Fall 2017
FAll 2017 The Official Magazine of the MicroCap Stock Market Since 2006
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Page Christopher Miglino , Co-Founder, CEO Page Thijs Spoor, CEO
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Neil L. Seeman BA, J.D, MPH, Founder & CEO Page Facebook Robert N. Fireman, Esq., CEO
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20 Years at the
Center of
www.finjan.com investors@finjan.com
O nce the DJIA blasted through 22,000,
the market went from bullish to new
daily records. As billions in reported profits
Reign Sapphire Corporation, a direct-to-con-
In Loving Memory of Our Precious Daughter, continue to pour into the coffers of US and sumer, branded and custom jewelry company,
and Sister, Sammi Kane Kraft
Canadian public companies, a stock market Clean Teq Holdings Limited, a multi-faceted
Published Since 2006 euphoria has overtaken us, which is a good technology and resource company, Eskay
thing for investors, shareholders and for many Mining Corp., a natural resource, acquisition
www.stocknewsnow.com MicroCap companies. Heres why: increasing and exploration company, GoviEx Uranium
Follow us: @StockNewsNow revenue and corporate earnings are providing Company, an exploration and development
new cash and equity capital which companies of uranium company, Emerald Health
SNN Inc.
5839 Green Valley Circle can deploy in several ways such as: paying out Therapeutics, Inc., produces and sells medical
Suite 205 or increasing dividends, debt reduction, new marijuana and cannabis oils in Canada, and
Culver City, Ca. 90230 hires & expansion, repurchasing shares in the American Gene Technologies International
open market, capital expenditures for new Inc., a private company, that is developing
PUBLISHER facilities, or to purchase target microcap com- lentivirus therapies for the treatment of can-
Shelly Kraft panies. Many microcap target companies are cer and other chronic human diseases.
SNN Chairman/Founder/CEO
undervalued and ripe for the picking by those This issue includes thought leader opin-
seeking to expand their businesses through ions and columns from Len Haussler, Opus
Lynda Lou Lulu Kraft partial or complete acquisitions. Capital Management, Lou Bevilacqua, Esq.,
SNN President
The next phase of this incredible bull mar- Bevilacqua PLLC, Brady Fletcher, TSX Venture
EXECUTIVE EDITOR ket could be most beneficial to companies Exchange, Jason Paltrowitz, OTC Markets,
Robert Kane Kraft we all follow, the microcaps, which are usu- Frederick Sheer, L6 Chemicals & Logistics,
SNN Chief Operating Officer
ally the last group to be bought in bull mar- Corp., John Lowy, Esq., Olympic Capital, Mark
kets and the first to get sold in bear markets. Shore, MBA, Shore Capital Research LLC, Rick
Wesley Ramjeet Many microcap companies are currently Rule, Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd.,
SNN Chief Financial Officer
raising new capital or looking for corporate Miguel Colon, Transfer.ly, Steven M. Shelton,
synergies as this magazine issue publishes. Cornerstone Global Group, Steven Nelson,
ASIAN PACIFIC CORRESPONDENT This issue highlights 16 profiled compa- Esq. Continental Stock Transfer and Trust
Leslie Richardson
nies including: On the front cover: MariMed, Company, Rob Fiorentino, CPA, Friedman
SNN COMPLIANCE AND DUE DILIGENCE Inc., our first Cannabis industry front cover LLP., Adam Selkin, SLee 3 Consulting, Karl
ADMINISTRATION company, RIWI Corp., a digital intelligence Douglas, PPMT Group, Alon Goren, Crowd
Jack Leslie
provider technology company, SRAX, an Invest Summit, Lauren Chung, WestPark
CHAIRMAN OF SNN ADVISORY BOARD Internet advertising and platform technol- Capital, and an excerpt from Robert Krafts
Dr. Leonard Makowka ogy company and AzurRx BioPharma, Inc., podcast interview with Sanjay Bakshi.
a clinical development stage biopharmaceu- MicroCap Review welcomes two first time
info@snnwire.com tical company. columnists: Life Insurance Corner by Chris
424-227-9018 On the inside front cover is Finjan Holdings, Orestis, GWG Holdings, Inc., a financial ser-
Inc., a cybersecurity technology company, the vices company that purchases life insurance
Unitron Media Corp centerfold is Teranga Gold Corp., an explora- policies in the secondary market in the US,
info@unitronmedia.com tion, development and production and sale and Real Estate Corner by Perry Vieth of
of gold company, and the back inside cover Ceres Farms LLC. We also welcome back Dr.
info@snnwire.com is Lucara Diamond Corp., an exploration, John L. Faessel of ON THE MARKET reports.
424-227-9018 development and diamond mining company. Thank you to this issues contributors and
Here are the remaining profiled companies: to our loyal magazine subscribers, readers,
BNK Petroleum Inc., an acquisition, explora- followers and to all our friends & supporters
tion and production of unconventional oil in the microcap community.
and gas resource company, INVO Bioscience,
Micro-Cap Review Magazine is published periodically. POSTMASTER send Inc., a medical device company, PharmaCyte Shelly Kraft, Publisher n
address Changes to Micro-Cap Review Corporate Oces. Copyright 2017
by Micro-Cap Review Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without per- Biotech, Inc., a clinical stage biotech company,
mission of the Publisher is prohibited. The publishers and editors are Not
responsible for unsolicited materials. Every eort has been made to assure This publication and its contents are not to be construed, under any circumstances, as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or effect transactions in any securities. No investment advice is provided or should be construed to be provided herein. MicroCap Review Magazine and its owners, employees and
affiliates are not, nor do any of them claim to be, registered broker-dealers or registered investment advisors. This publication may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of
that all Information presented in this issue is accurate and neither Micro- the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements for purposes of federal and state securities laws, including, but not limited to, any projections of earnings, revenue or other financial items; any statements of the plans, strategies and
objectives of management for future operations; any statements concerning proposed new services or developments; any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance; any statements of belief; and any statements of assumptions underlying any of the foregoing. Such forward-looking statements
Cap Review Magazine or any of its sta or authors is responsible for omis- of or concerning the companies mentioned herein are subject to numerous uncertainties and risk factors, including uncertainties and risk factors that may not be set forth herein, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated herein. Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements. This publication undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements that may be contained herein. MicroCap Review Magazine, its owners, employees, affiliates and their families may have investments in companies featured in this publication, may
sions or information that is inaccurate or misrepresented to the magazine. purchase securities of companies featured in this publication and may sell securities of companies featured in this publication, at any time and from time to time. However, it is the general policy of this publication that such persons will refrain from engaging in any pre-publication transactions in securities of
companies featured in this publication until two trading days following the publication date. This publication may contain company advertisements/advertorials indicated as such. Information about a company contained in an advertisement/advertorial has been furnished by the company, the publisher has
Micro-Cap Review is owned and operated by SNN Inc. not made any independent investigation of the accuracy of any such information and no warranty of the accuracy of any such information is provided by this publication, its owners, employees and affiliates. Pursuant to Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in situations where the publisher
has received consideration for the advertisement/advertorial of a company or security, the amount and nature of such consideration will be disclosed in print. Readers should always conduct their own due diligence before making any investment decision regarding the companies and securities mentioned in this
publication. Investment in securities generally, and many of the companies and securities mentioned in this publication from time to time, are speculative and carry a high degree of risk. The disclaimers set forth at http://www.microcapreview.com/disclaimer/ - disclaimer are incorporated herein by this reference.
Robert Fiorentino
CPA, Partner
Neil Levine
CPA, Partner
Follow Friedman
Justin Van Fleet
CPA, Partner
FALL 2017
12 MicroCaps Trending Higher Into End of Trend! 66 Man Versus Machine? No! Man Plus Machine!
By Steven M. Shelton, MS, MBA, CFP, CLU, CHFC, By Len Haussler, CFA
72 5 Takeaways from Our Small-Cap IR Summit
34 Cannabis Investing What Looks Interesting By Jason Paltrowitz
By Dr. Lauren Chung
75 Impact of the Trump Administration on the Price
36 The Art of Value Investing By Robert Bobby Kraft of Oil By Frederic Scheer
56 Junior Resource Market: 2017 Mid-Year Review 86 Will the Private Public Joint Venture PPJV
By Rick Rule Reinvent the PIPE Market?
By Karl B. Douglas
58 The Current Status of the Reverse Merger Market
By John Lowy, Esq. 91 Crowdfunding on the Verge of Mainstream
By Alon Goren
59 Why List on TSX Venture Exchange?
Q&A with Brady Fletcher
Proled Companies
8 MariMed, Inc. 26 INVO Bioscience, Inc. 44 Finjan Holdings, Inc. 55 American Gene Technologies
14 SRAX 27 PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc. 48 Teranga Gold Corporation Private Company
TSX, BSE, OMX: LUC, CSE: RIW & OTC MARKETS: RWCRF 50 Eskay Mining Corp. 79 GoviEx Uranium Inc.
24 Emerald Health Therapeutics, Inc. NASDAQ CM: AZRX OTC MARKETS: ESKYF GVXXF
TSX-V: EMH, OTC MARKETS: 42 Clean TeQ Holdings Limited 84 Reign Sapphire Corp.
hen eastern states ballot ref- bis cultivation, production, and distribution.
erendums were forcing states Lastly, the companys licensed and branded
to implement medical mari- products under the name Kalm Fusion, as
juana programs, Robert Fireman and Jon well as retail design experiences providing a
Levine formed MariMed Advisors to capital- full range of expertise.
ize on the opportunity. Their vision was to The legal cannabis market is poised to
bring professional management, standard grow beyond $21.8 billion by 2020, at a
operating procedures, and Best Practices CAGR of 25%. *(New Frontier). 29 states
have some form of legalized cannabis; 16
states have laws that allow for CBD use; and 7
to the hodge-podge cannabis industry. states have fully legalized cannabis for adults.
They believed a more grounded eastern The public markets are supporting cannabis
approach would be a foundation for a suc- companies in both the United States and
cessful company that could compete with Canada. Cannabis programs are now begin-
the cannabis companies coming from the ning in countries such as Germany, France,
wild-west. Netherlands, Israel, Australia, Uruguay,
MariMed believes cannabis may be one Columbia and more.
of the most important medicinal plants on
earth and has the power to transform human ProFessionAl exPerienced
health and wellness. Our business practice MAnAGeMent teAM
is to preserve cannabis valuable essence
and future promise through strict opera- While industry insiders see a continued
tional management of the entire legal seed- skyrocketing pace for expanding the medical
2-consumer experience, explained Robert cannabis market, its worth watching where
Fireman, MariMeds CEO. leaders have emerged to get a good sense of
The Managed Services practice of what is to come. * (New Frontier)
MariMed includes multi-dimensional The key to capturing a meaningful share
advisory services from real estate location of the growing legal cannabis market will
selection through full business operations fall to skilled executive management teams
including; licensing, compliance, security, with a proven and diverse cross-section of
systems integration, day-to-day operations, business disciplines that provide meaning-
technology, and human capital. Secondly, ful accountability and operational expertise.
the company offers real estate and equip- MariMeds team consists of senior execu-
Robert N. Fireman, Esq., CEO
ment investment capital to fast-track canna- tives in law, finance, real estate, agriculture,
security, management, product develop- The MariMed team developed the Thomas At the Forefront of
ment, sales, marketing, and merchandising. C. Slater Compassion Center in Providence Medical Research
Several members of the team provide vast Rhode Island in 2012. It is viewed as a model
experience in cannabis and the universal of excellence for other cannabis facilities MariMed, is committed to developing prod-
subculture that is still at the roots of this throughout the country. Following a defined ucts steeped in the latest medical research
movement. business plan this 50,000 sq. ft seed-to-sale and clinical studies, and is always looking
Robert Fireman, MariMeds CEO, entrepre- facility presently services over 17,000 medi- to produce and deliver safe cannabis to the
neur and attorney envisions the MariMed plat- cal cannabis patients. Following MariMeds thousands of patients with debilitation ill-
form as a total solution for the development playbook, its processes, procedures, and pro- nesses. MariMed team members support
and operation of state regulated, compliant tocols are replicable and scalable. MariMed efforts to provide CBD medicine to parents
cannabis facilities. Jon Levine, Marimed CFO adheres to strict disciplines and processes of epileptic children under the care of their
manages all financial operations including; considered proprietary for how it manages pediatric doctors. MariMed also supports
contracts, license compliance and security, cultivation and production at its clients state implementation of state sponsored cannabis
human resources, capital, banking, real estate regulated facilities. Managing the yield and trials that may positively affect veterans with
services, and MariMeds public reporting. operations of large commercial cultivation PTSD, patients suffering from pain, MS,
Timothy Shaw, Marimed COO is the logistics facilities takes an extraordinary amount of Parkinsons and other diseases.
guru across all operating systems and partner- agriculture business operations experience, MariMeds philosophy is to provide the
ships, integrated cultivation efficiencys, safety, stated Timothy Shaw Marimeds COO. highest quality products, service, and exper-
production systems, product development, MariMed has been most successful writing tise that insure the integrity of a pesticide
vendor management, product satisfaction, and winning applications and developing success- free and organic cannabis product that is
operating compliances. ful cannabis businesses for its clients. Examples reliable, predictable, and dosage specific, said
Best Practices to Design, Develop, and include; Timothy Shaw, MariMeds COO. Developing
Operate Cannabis Facilities. 2015: The First State Compassion the infrastructure required to deliver consis-
In 2012, the medical cannabis industry was Center, another 50,000 sq. ft. seed-to- tency for legal cannabis medical products is
still fighting the widespread fog of stoner cul- sale facility in Wilmington something the company takes seriously and
ture and stigma. To combat this perception, 2016: Opened Thrive Anna Dispensary where MariMed leads.
the team utilized tried and true business expe- in Illinois MariMed has a strategic agreement with
rience and practices creating strict protocols, 2016: Opened Thrive Harrisburg Tikun Olam, USA, to market Tikuns pro-
extensive training, and efficient operations. Dispensary in Illinois prietary genetic cannabis strains, backed
We made smart decisions early and continue 2016: Awarded Massachusetts byover 10 years of clinical trials and research
to execute our vision, stated Robert Fireman Provision Medical license for ARL from Israel for expansion into multiple legal
MariMeds CEO. Healthcare for cultivation, production cannabis states. We believe Tikum Olams
Present your company to the most active fundamental investors in pre-IPO and MicroCap companies
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To learn more about sponsoring Planet MicroCap Showcase 2018, please contact
Robert Kraft: 424 227 9018 / info@snnwire.com
@StockNewsNow / info@snnwire.com
www.stocknewsnow.com MicroCap Review Magazine
4242279018 11
Providing the tools to automate digital marketers
and content owners campaigns across channels,
platforms and publishers.
ver since the Internet advertising
market began to surge, program-
matic and real-time bidding (RTB)
technologies have become the main drivers
of continued and exponential growth in
the sector. Yet over the past few years, the
marketing landscape has transformed in
ways that were previously unimaginable.
The ability to buy digital media instantly,
the stratospheric rise of social media, and
the power to analyze and use unprecedented
amounts of digital data have all contributed
to this seismic shift.
To succeed in this booming but com-
petitive landscape, companies must have
the perfect combination of technologies and
data strategies. Focused on delivering tools on the Nasdaq under the symbol SRAX.
that automate data-driven marketing cam- Following this achievement, the company
paigns, SRAX is an advertising technology further strengthened its leadership team with
company positioned to seize the massive the appointment of J.P. Hannan as CFO.
opportunities offered by the digital shift. Hannan has served public companies in a
CEO Christopher Miglino has been in financial capacity for more than 20 years,
the advertising technology landscape for most recently as Vice President, Treasurer
decades. In March 2010, he co-founded and CFO of Cumulus Media, Inc., the sec-
SRAX (then Social Reality, Inc.) with a vision ond-largest radio station operator in the U.S.
to monetize the growing social media adver- First the company drove significant rev-
tising market for both app developers and enue growth, increasing from $5 million in
Fortune 500 brands. 2013 to $15 million in 2014, $30 million in
Since then, Miglino has moved the com- 2015 and $36 million in 2016. In 2017, man-
pany forward, thanks in large part to his abil- agement has realigned the sales team to focus
ity to assess and capture the rapidly growing, on high margin revenue, which improved
fragmented RTB and social media market. margin from 32 percent for 2016 to 56 per-
Christopher Miglino, Co-Founder, CEO
In October 2016, SRAX began trading cent for the second quarter of 2017.
content owners to create posts and promote them premium advertising, imagery and story
content to deliver a compelling brand expe-
beyond their Facebook Page communities. The rience in a single industry standard unit.
Marketers can even pull in existing content
tool is the first of numerous planned monetization directly from their brands social channels.
etary technology that enables its clients to Finally, marketers and content owners across
unlock social data. verticals can do more with the data they
SRAX Social - SRAX Social is a social already have. SRAXs custom advertising
media management platform that uses pro- programs are built to perform utilizing
grammatic technology and big data to share, core technologies and generating recurring
schedule and automate social media content. revenue streams for each client.
On June 28, 2017, SRAX announced the The success of this approach is demon-
launch of a new social boosting tool for strated by the companys continued strategic
digital marketers and content owners to cre- growth. With a focus on targeted higher
ate posts and promote them beyond their gross margin revenue, SRAX has significant-
Facebook Page communities. The tool is ly improved its bottom line. Management is
the first of numerous planned monetization also excited about the new product verticals
opportunities developed and integrated into auto and sports that it launched in the
the SRAX Social platform. third quarter.
SRAX App - Recognizing the potential of Very few companies have tackled the idea
the growing mobile opportunity, Miglino segments, for example, males ages 25 to 40, of fusing social and programmatic technol-
guided the development of the companys who live in the U.S. and have an interest in ogy. And yet, SRAX is opening new doors for
SRAX App product. With SRAX App, adver- stock car auto racing. They can collect loca- the advertising world proving that its pos-
tisers are able to automatically aggregate tion data to deliver push notification mes- sible to develop products that meet clients
social media feeds and online content chan- sages and launch promotions and exclusive needs today while anticipating the future of
nels into an app. Using the product, they can content all to increase brand engagement the industry. n
target valuable interest-based niche audience and loyalty.
On the web:
Very few companies have tackled the idea of fusing
social and programmatic technology. And yet,
SRAX is opening new doors for the advertising
world proving that its possible to develop
products that meet clients needs today while
anticipating the future of the industry.
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
16 MicroCap Review Magazine www.stocknewsnow.com
lichs perhaps, but they ring true for
Farmland. Sophisticated investors hold
farmland for a variety of reasons: as a
bond alternative; as an inflation hedge; and as a
truly uncorrelated asset that has held up through
major drawdowns in the broader markets.
Farmland is a unique financial asset, provid-
ing equity-like returns with bond-like volatil-
ity. Since its inception in 1990, the NCREIF
Commodity Cropland Index has reported
average annual returns of 10.7% with standard
deviation of just 5.2%, and in 26 years has
never had a negative year. Farmland histori-
cally has derived 4%-5% of its total return from
income and 6%-8% from appreciation.
It is important to note that when we speak in the equity market. Faced with the prospect ceres FArMs llc intro:
of Farmland, we are specifically talking about of a bear market in equities, farmland has
U.S. row crop farmland which grows primar- proven highly effective providing diversifica- Ceres Farms acquires properties and leases them
ily corn, soybeans and wheat used in livestock tion during major drawdowns in the broader to local farmers who grow corn, soybeans, wheat
and poultry feed. These are commodities market. Farmland returns are driven by fac- or specialty crops such as vegetables on a sched-
for which global demand is growing nearly tors (crop prices, increased animal protein uled rotation. Ceres is especially proud of the
two times faster than productivity, but for consumption in developing world, etc.) which extensive network of experienced farmers that it
which it is difficult and expensive to add do not affect other asset classes. In the last has teamed up with to create a proven partner-
new capacity (acreage). The result in most recession, when the S&P lost 46% from Q3 ship where all parties benefit. Ceres currently
years is tight supplies and high prices. Row 2007 to Q1 2009 and virtually all other asset owns over 300 farms consisting of 99,000 acres
crops are distinct from (but often conflated classes drew down, Farmland gained 18%. across ten states. At June 30, 2017 Ceres Farms
with) permanent crops (almonds, vineyards, Second, interest rates are rising and the had total assets of $611 million. Ceres Farms
orchards) which have much greater volatility Fed is expected to continue to raise rates for investment objectives are to provide income,
and include a host of different risks associ- the next 12-18 months at least. Farmland is and capital appreciation, with low volatility and
ated with owning a biological asset (trees and an income generating asset but it does not low correlation to other asset classes. n
vines) vs. owning dirt. trade on yield like commercial real estate
Perry Vieth, is CEO of Ceres Partners that manages sev-
or other institutionally held real assets. We
eral agriculture focused funds including Ceres Farms, a
why FArMlAnd now? estimate institutional investors comprise less diversified portfolio of U.S. farmland with over 300 farms
than 5% of the purchases in the market. and 99,000 acres in ten states. Formerly Perry served for
ten years as Chief Investment Officer at PanAgora Asset
First, many investors are increasingly worried The other 95% of the market is farmers, and Management in Boston, and he also served as a portfolio
about the next recession and about valuations farmers dont trade farms on yield as inves- manager at Fleet Investment advisors, Fuji Securities and
Chicago Research & Trading Group where he began
tors do. Farmers trade farms based on the
his trading career at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
economics of growing crops, and the bullish in 1986. From 1982 to 1986, Mr. Vieth practiced law
impact of $5 corn would overwhelm any in Chicago specializing in securities and corporate law.
He graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law
bearish impact of 5% treasuries. School with a J.D. and obtained a B.S. in accounting
Finally, and perhaps most compelling, in from Marquette University. He is a Chartered Financial
Analyst and member of the Boston Securities Analyst
the face of high equities valuations and ris-
Society. Perry serves on the University of Notre Dame
ing interest rates putting pressure on asset Law Schools Advisory Council and several charitable
values, farmland is at the bottom of its cycle organizations Board of Directors.
The result? A progressive business environment offering the lowest cost of public
capital supported by a robust secondary market. See several examples below of
cannabis-related companies maximizing the benefits of listing on the CSE, including:
Capital formation has been supported by
shares a robust secondary market for Cannabis
traded issues. Recent top volume traders include:
value of
shares NAME
traded Matica Enterprises Inc. 71,367,483
MYM Nutraceuticals Inc. 35,731,883
Cannabis Nutritional High International Inc. 31,206,382
companies Umbral Energy Corp. 28,831,148
trading on
New Age Farm Inc. 28,387,034
the CSE
emerald health
therapeutics, inc.
The Ultimate Cannabis Power Play: How Canadas
Emerald Health Therapeutics Can Become the
Worlds Largest Cannabis Cultivator
homeland of France, lost electricity while Reproductive Technologies) and a major U.S.
doing an egg retrieval on a patient. Since his thought leader, began offering INVO cycles
incubators were without power, he needed to along with a few additional early adopters.
find a way to keep the eggs and sperm from The outcomes were excellent.
dying so he placed the eggs and sperm in a INVO Bioscience launched into the U.S.
small cryo-preservation tube and inserted fertility market at the American Society of
the tube in the females vaginal cavity to keep Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Congress
them at body temperature. Later when he in October of 2016. The company, since this
removed the cryo-tube from his patient, he initial launch, has trained physicians and
discovered that there were nicely formed embryologists in over 50 IVF centers to offer
embryos inside, hence discovering intravagi- the procedure at approximately half the cost
INVO Bioscience is a small public company nal culture (IVC) of gametes. of IVF.
(IVOB) that has developed a low cost, effi- The company went public via a reverse Currently, the Company is continuing the
cient alternative to In-Vitro Fertilization merger in late 2008 to raise money to sup- expansion of INVO across North America,
(IVF). The INVO procedure, using the port the development, regulatory approv- despite limited resources. The companys
INVOcell device, is a game changing, revo- als and launch of the new medical device mission is to provide the INVO procedure to
lutionary process that is currently launching that could be user friendly for physicians those that previously could not afford or had
in the United States. It has demonstrated the for the IVC procedure. In early 2010, the access to fertility care. In additional to selling
same pregnancy rates and birth outcomes as Companys stock was driven down to pen- the devices to physician, INVO Bioscience is
traditional IVF at approximately half the cost nies by an original reverse merger inves- looking at plans to partner with physicians to
of traditional IVF. The procedure, with the tor. To prevent dilution by selling penny open INVO centers in areas where the cost
newly FDA cleared device, has begun pen- shares, the Company struggled to continue and availability of IVF makes it unattainable
etrating the IVF market with more than 50 the development of the INVOcell and secure for most couples. This will even further
clinics now offering the procedure. Fertility FDA clearance with little to no funds, paying grow the Companys market share opportu-
procedures are generally not covered by vendors with restricted stock and taking no nity as well as serve patients who otherwise
health insurers, therefore they must be paid salaries for themselves. would not be treated.
by the patient out of pocket. The huge cost Despite the lack of significant funding,
of IVF has limited 88% of couples needing the company received FDA approval in www.invobioscience.com n
fertility care in the U.S. from obtaining preg- November 2015 through a DeNovo applica-
nancy and having a baby. INVO Bioscience tion inclusive of 450 clinical cycles proving
with its new technology is solving this prob- the INVO process was equivalent in efficacy
lem. and safety to IVF. A limited product launch
Dr. Claude Ranoux and Kathleen Karloff, was initiated in 2016 with a few key physi-
the current CEO, founded INVO Bioscience cians to assure the device procedure worked
in 2007 to develop a device that could be well in a commercial environment before a
utilized to commercially implement Dr. full launch was initiated. During this time,
Ranouxs discovery of Intra-Vaginal Culture Kevin Doody, MD, who is currently the
(IVC). Dr. Ranoux, while practicing in his President of SART (Society of American
the companys cellular therapy to address the cer can serve as a consolidation therapy
unmet medical need. with Celgenes Abraxane + gemcitabine and
PharmaCytes signature live-cell encapsu- address the unmet medical need for these
lation technology, Cell-in-a-Box, consists pancreatic cancer patients. PharmaCytes
of different types of genetically modified pivotal clinical trial will be a two-armed,
While the company has a number of cellular living cells depending on the disease being 250-patient trial with 125 patients in
therapies in its product pipeline, includ- treated. For its leading product candidate, each arm. The trial will be conducted in
ing therapies for locally advanced, inoper- pancreatic cancer, about 10,000 genetically the U.S. and Europe by premiere oncol-
able and non-metastatic pancreatic cancer modified live cells that produce an enzyme, ogy CRO, Translational Drug Development
(LAPC), type 1 and insulin-dependent type which converts the chemotherapy prodrug (TD2). The company has selected Dr.
2 diabetes, all abdominal cancers, and a ifosfamide into its cancer-killing form, are Manuel Hidalgo, the Clinical Director of the
cellular therapy using cannabinoids to treat encapsulated in porous, pinhead-sized cap- Rosenberg Clinical Cancer Center and Chief
cancers of the brain and other hard to treat sules. About 300 of these capsules are placed of the Division of Hematology Oncology
solid tumors, it is the companys therapy for in the blood supply as close to the pancre- at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in
pancreatic cancer that is PharmaCytes lead- atic tumor as possible, and then one-third Boston, to be the Principal Investigator.
ing product candidate. the normal dose of the chemotherapy drug
After meeting with the FDA in early is given to the patient intravenously. The www.pharmacyte.com n
2017 to discuss its upcoming clinical trial prodrug is normally activated in the patients
in LAPC, PharmaCyte began preparation of liver. By activating the prodrug using the
an Investigational New Drug application to Cell-in-a-Box capsules, PharmaCytes cel-
request a pivotal clinical trial be approved to lular therapy acts as a type of artificial
address a critical unmet medical need in the liver. Using this targeted chemotherapy,,
pancreatic cancer communitya therapy PharmaCyte is creating an environment that
for LAPC patients that no longer respond enables optimal concentrations of the can-
to the current standard of care, Abraxane + cer-killing form of ifosfamide at the site of
gemcitabine. PharmaCytes Chief Executive the tumor. Because ifosfamide has such a
Officer, Kenneth L. Waggoner, has sur- short half-life, it results in little to no col-
rounded the companys technology with lateral damage to other organs in the body
three of the leading oncologists in the world and significantly reduces tumor size with no
in developing therapies to treat pancreatic treatment-related side effects.
cancer - Dr. Daniel Von Hoff; Dr. Manuel The goal of PharmaCytes upcoming clini-
Hidalgo; and Dr. Matthias Lhr. Together cal trial in LAPC is to show that the com-
they designed the clinical trial to position panys cellular therapy for pancreatic can-
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
90% of children with CF may develop EPI, ity in acidic environments like the stomach; AzurRx BioPharma Pipeline
according to researchers at the University require a high number of pills be taken daily
of Toronto. This is particularly dangerous leading to non-adherence; and are derived AzurRx BioPharmas other pipeline candi-
as malnutrition may affect growth patterns. from porcine, which carries a risk of trans- date is AZX1101 -- a recombinant-lactamase
CF patients often require 20 50% more mission of pathogens and manufacturing combination of bacterial origin aimed at
fat-based caloric intake because of malab- inconsistency. prevention of hospital-acquired (nosoco-
sorption. AzurRx BioPharmas MS1819 Lipase is mial) infections by resistant bacterial strains
a non-systemic, yeast derived recombinant induced by parenteral administration of
Current Treatments and enzyme being studied for the treatment of -lactam antibiotics as well as the prevention
MS819 EPI in patients with CP and CF that offers of antibiotic associated diarrhea. The U.S.
the potential to fulfill critical unmet needs Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The current treatment for most patients for these patient populations. To date, early (CDC) has estimated that roughly 1.7 mil-
with EPI, usually involves lifelong pancre- research shows superior stability for MS1819 lion hospital-associated infections (~5% of
atic exocrine replacement therapy, or PERT. lipase at relevant intestinal acidic pH ranges, hospitalized patients) cause or contribute to
The goal of PERT is to help manage patient favorable safety and efficacy profiles, and 99,000 deaths per annum in the U.S., with
malabsorption, by providing the patient with decreased daily pill burden compared to an annual cost of $4.5 11 billion. AZX1101
pancreatic enzymes derived from animals. porcine pancreatic extract lipase. is in early preclinical testing and consists
However, several challenges exist to treat Following regulatory approval in Australia of a combination of two -lactamases hav-
EPI as currently available treatments offer and New Zealand in 2016 to conduct a Phase ing complementary activity spectrum. The
limited effectiveness due to their instabil- 2 multicenter production processes of these two candidate
proteins have been optimized and would be
assessed for efficacy in minipigs. The animal
efficacy and toxicology studies for AZX1101
are slated to start in the summer of 2017.
www.azurrx.com n
Cannabis Investing
What Looks Interesting
W hile the cannabis industry has enjoyed robust growth to date
(According to the New Federalism Fund, the state-legal cannabis
industry employs more than 100,000 people, generated $7 billion in 2016
sales, and by 2020, will support more than a quarter-million jobs. and grow
to $20-25 billion not including the fully legalized sale), the nuances of the
100s of different cannabinoids and their corresponding effects and varied
state regulations, are hard to predict and unlike biotech, the catalysts that
drive valuation are harder to time.
Opioid crisis in the US has led to higher There is no FDA approved plant-derived
hopes for medical marijuana as a substitute, cannabis based drug right now, but GW phar-
especially in cancer-related pain. The recent ma has by far the most advanced cannabis
declaration of national emergency empowers based therapeutics. GW Pharmas Epidiolex
the Trump administration to direct funds (oral plant based CBD) is expected for FDA
towards more research for non-opioid pain- approval in 2018 for rare and severe forms of
killers. More than 100M US adults suffer epilepsy. Not all companies have the financial
from some form of acute or chronic pain.1 resources like GW to spend $165M- $175M
Non-addictive, effective painkillers would a year in R/D, regulatory, manufacturing
give doctors a safer option for patients. The and commercial preparations for Epidiolex.
strong safety profile of cannabis products Other companies actively pursuing clini-
has been established though recreational cal advances include INSYS Therapeutics
and medical use as well as through research.2 (INSY), Zynerba Pharmaceuticals (ZYNE),
Longer term opportunity in cannabis lies in InMed Pharmaceuticals (IMLFF), Therapix
its therapeutic and pharmaceutical applica- Biosciences (TRPX), Axim Biotechnologies
tions. With anticipated DEA re-schedul- (AXIM), Nemus Bioscience (NMUS), and
ing and FDA approvals, medical marijuana Intec Pharma (NTEC) at various stages of
could steadily increase market share while development.
decreasing opiate deaths. While GW still faces approval, capac-
ity and reimbursement risks, GWs drug is
Johannes CB et al. The prevalence of chronic pain nonetheless the most clinically advanced,
in United States adults: results of an Internet-based
and it is assumed that it will be the first can-
survey.J Pain2010;11:1230-1239
2 nabis drug to be FDA approved. It is also
n BY DR. LAUREN CHUNG Ware MA et al. Cannabis for the Management of
Pain: Assessment of Safety Study (COMPASS). J Pain assumed that the DEA schedule will change
o date, my interview with Professor Robert Kraft: How would you define value over the long term, which is a minimum
Bakshi has been the most down- investing? What does it mean to you? five year, but usually 10 years or even higher
loaded and listened to Planet Professor Sanjay Bakshi: Well, its meant will be more than satisfactory. Now I think,
MicroCap Podcast episode. I think this is different things to me at different points of over the years, I also started appreciating the
due to his huge popularity within the value time. And I think it means different things distinction between the value investing and
investing community, as well as the wisdom to different people, and thats okay by the value traps.
he conveys within this interview, which are way for me. I mean, to me, it has meant dif- Value investing is more than buying some-
pearls that Ill carry with me for the rest of ferent things over time. EarlierI started my thing cheap. I mean, the universal stocks that
my investing career. The interview is approx- career as a Graham and Dodd investor - I are cheap is much larger than the universal
imately 108 minutes long, and I thought I was telling you that I read that essay on spe- stocks that are cheap, but will not be cheap
would share some of my favorite answers cial situations and I came back to India and over the long term. Not everything that
Professor Bakshi provided. started my career building a track record cheap will become fairly valued and a lot of
Here is an excerpt from our interview, in special situations and then I gradually value investors, some of my students many
where we discuss how Professor Bakshi transitioned into becoming a classic Graham of my students are actually unable to make
defines Value Investing and what it means and Dodd investor when I was buying stocks that distinction because they read Graham
to him: below liquidation value, below cash value, and Dodd and think that if it is selling below
below net networking capital something cash, maybe I should buy it. But maybe
that we all know, its called Net-Nets. its selling below cash for a reason and its
And of course buying businesses at low probably a good reason. I mean, maybe the
P/E multiples or high earnings yield as management is crooked and they dont want
Graham used to call them, and of course that to share the proceeds of the business with
kind of investing required wide diversifica- you and they control the company or the
tion and there wasnt much emphasis on the business is controlled by a family who thinks
quality of the business or the management. more about its own interest than about the
In fact, Graham used to say that I dont even minority stockholders, so thats like a value
need to know the name of the company; if I trap because there is no possibility of the
had the financial statements I will tell you if unlocking of value.
it is cheap or not. I mean the primary source So I think its important to distinguish
of marginal safety was coming from a low between what is cheap and what is likely
price point. So, initially the whole of value to remain cheap or rather think in terms
investing to me was that its something that is of probability that what will cause the gap
cheap, you are buying something that is fun- between value and price to narrow and
damentally cheap; that is ridiculously cheap sometimes the probability of that happening
and selling below liquidation value or below is remote and I think those are situations,
cash value or at a very low P/E multiple then which we will classify as value traps.
you should buy that business. I encourage you all to listen to the episode
But that definition changed over time - in full here:
now it means that I would like to buy into www.planetmicrocap.podbean.com n
a business whos value will grow over time,
so that the expected return of holding it
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lean TeQ Holdings Limited All key permitting on the Project has been
(CLQ:ASX; CTEQF:OTCQX) is the completed, including approval of the com-
100% owner of the Syerston Cobalt- panys Environmental Impact Statement, a
Nickel-Scandium Project in Australia. secured water allocation and an approved
Syerstons unique mineral resource positions Development Consent. Syerston is devel-
Clean TeQ to become one of the largest and opment ready and will be the first mine
lowest cost suppliers of cathode raw materi- developed to exclusively produce high-purity
als to the lithium-ion battery industry. cobalt and nickel sulphate to supply the
Figure 1: Project Location
Founded in 1990, Clean TeQ has a track lithium-ion battery market (Figure 2 below).
record of innovation in clean technologies Clean TeQ is backed by its largest share-
spanning over 25 years. Clean TeQs Clean- tonnes in higher grade peripheral zones). holder, Mr Robert Friedland, one of the most
iX continuous ion exchange hydrometal- The Project comprises an exploration respected and successful project developers
lurgical process provides highly efficient license and several mining lease applications in the mining industry and a serial investor
extraction and purification for a range of granted under the NSW Mining Act, which in disruptive technologies. The company
valuable strategic metals from slurries and overlay the project area. In addition, Clean also has significant support from China, with
solutions. The company focuses on metals TeQ owns (or has options to acquire) most of Shanghai Pengxin Mining recently investing
that are highly geared to disruptive changes the freehold title that underlies the Project. AUD81M to acquire a 16% interest in the
in technologies and markets, particularly in
global energy and transport.
Clean TeQ acquired the Syerston Project
in 2014. The Project, located near the town-
ship of Fifield, is based in one of Australias
most established mining jurisdictions,
approximately 350 km north-west of Sydney.
It is well serviced by infrastructure, with
road, rail and power services readily avail-
able. The Fifield District is noted for its
intense magnetic anomalism and significant
occurrences of minerals containing nickel,
cobalt, scandium and platinum.
Syerston is uniquely positioned as one of
the largest and highest-grade cobalt resourc-
es outside Africa. The mineral resource
totals 109 million tonnes grading 0.65%
nickel and 0.10% cobalt for contained metal
of 700,000 tonnes nickel 114,000 tonnes
cobalt. It also hosts almost 9,000 tonnes of
scandium oxide (in addition to the 18,000 Figure 2: Clean TeQs nickel sulphate (top) and cobalt sulphate samples
4 OUT OF 5 98.7%
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A L L E N G E D AT H L E T E S . O R G MicroCap Review Magazine 47
Stitch Marketing & Research, 2015
otc MArkets: tGcdF, tsx: tGz
2017 Progress
On track to meet gold production
and cost guidance for the year
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
P R O F I L E D C O M PA N Y tsx-V: esk, otc MArkets: eskyF
broad range of large and orphan indica- autologous cell therapy using ex vivo modi- techniques that have be used in several previ-
tions including infectious diseases, immuno- fication of T cells. HIV patients enrolling ous CAR-T human trials.
oncology, and monogenic disorders. AGT in the AGT functional cure clinical trials Participants are expected to gain natural
has enhanced the Lentiviral vector in a man- may first receive a vaccine (the trial will be immune control of the HIV virus that may
ner that mitigates the insidious mechanisms conducted both ways to see the difference remain in their body, and to be protected
HIV uses to infect T cells and compromise a with and without this step) to increase the against reinfection.
persons immune system. number of T cells that are most active against Although HIV disease in the U.S. and
This could mean that an HIV-infected HIV. Next, a draw of approximately liter many other nations seems to be under con-
individual could be made immune to HIV! of blood from the patient will be filtered trol because of highly effective (antiretrovi-
This may not only functionally cure HIV for T cells. The extracted T cells are then ral) therapy, this disease continues to spread
(an industry-term meaning equivalent to treated ex-vivo with the therapeutic lentivi- around the world. Only a small percentage of
a cure, but not immediately, fully eliminat- rus AGT103 to protect the T cells from HIV HIV+ people in the U.S. (20%) are effectively
ing all traces of the virus in the patient), it to restore their ability to clear HIV virus treated and the remaining 80% are contagious.
may also make the individual permanently without being vulnerable to HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy or highly active antiret-
immune to reinfection. That would be Finally, the patients T cells are infused back roviral therapy (HAART) involves powerful
important news for the over 1 million HIV- into the patient to carry out normal immune drugs with negative side effects. Even when
infected individuals in the U.S., as well as the function against HIV virus -- thus creating these drugs are effective, the patients have
estimated 37 million HIV-infected persons an anti-HIV immune response and func- shorter life spans and much higher risk for
worldwide. tional cure of the patients HIV. cancer, diabetes, liver or kidney failure and
AGTs therapeutic strategy uses gene In some ways, AGTs treatment protocol a host of other life-threatening conditions.
modulation both to reduce the levels of is similar to the Novartis treatment for pedi- This reality for the HIV community makes a
CCR5 and shut down the expression of atric and young adult acute lymphoblastic functional cure an imperative, and highlights
gene that were integrated by HIV that are leukemia (a treatment from Novartis that the magnitude of the market.
necessary for HIV viral production. The has been in clinical testing for several years, The near-term addressable market for an
delivery method of AGTs treatment is an was recently unanimously recommended for HIV functional cure in the U.S. and Europe
approval by an FDA advisory committee and ranges from $40 billion to $80 billion. AGT
is likely to receive marketing approval in the has attracted a dream team of world-
U.S. this September). AGT does a slightly renown experts in HIV who are collaborat-
different transformation (reprogramming) ing to optimize and prove their therapeutic
of the patients T cells, but the type of virus in the clinic.
used is the same, and a substantial portion
of the protocol is very similar. AGT hopes For more information:
to improve safety for trial participants by www.americangene.com
Jeffrey A. Galvin
Co-Founder, CEO paralleling some established ex-vivo clinical info@americangene.com 800-888-9480 n
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
recently interviewed Rick Rule at the own records almost every single day. But volumes pick up, and usually volume pre-
Sprott Natural Resource Symposium Im seeing that gold is creeping up also, cedes price. Am I correct?
2017 in Vancouver. Rick is President of which is very unusual. Silver has seeming- Rick Rule: Three answers as to why. First,
Sprott U.S. Holdings, a publicly traded com- ly crept up even more on a percentage scale the junior market was oversold, and some of
pany Stock Ticker: SII on the Toronto Stock and the dollar is strong but showing signs the response that weve seen is seller exhaus-
Exchange. Rick, welcome back to SNN Live. of wekaness. When was the last time this tion. The second thing is that it takes a long
occurred, seems like an anomaly to me. time to profitably deploy capital. The last
Rick Rule: Shelly, on behalf Sprott Shareholders, Rick Rule: Im not smart enough to investment cycle that we had in this universe
its a pleasure to have you here in the conference. understand all of those correlations. The was the middle part of the last decade. The
correlation thats made sense to me over capital that was employed in 2004, 2005, 2006,
Shelly Kraft: Thank you for having us. time has been that the Delta between the U.S. 2009, 2010, is now beginning to bear fruit.
Rick, I want to start with giving you the ten-year Treasury and the ten-year treasury In my experience of over 40 years, it takes a
opportunity as we do at every annual strip, which is the markets implication of the decade, ten years for district exploration to
Sprott conference for your State of the real yield in the U.S. ten-year treasury, deter- begin to yield discoveries. Ten years ago, we
Union of the resource market. mines the gold price; when the implication is began exploring in places like West Africa and
Rick Rule: This will be easy, you know that we have negative real interest rate, then in the deep parts of Eastern Australia. The
Shelly and I dont need to tell you. The gold does extremely well. Whats interesting consequence of ten years of focused explora-
junior resource business has been through about the last 18 months as you point out is tion is were now starting to enjoy the results
a tremendous bear market. The Toronto that gold did well the same time that the U.S. and the consequence of that which of course
Stock Exchange Venture Index was off 88% in dollar and the U.S. ten-year treasury did well. the news that drives share prices.
nominal terms, probably more like 92% in real In my experience that happened first in And thirdly, its important to remember
terms. What investors need to recognize is 1975, secondly in 2001 and this is the third in terms of a market that was as old as these
that bear markets are the authors of bull mar- time in my 40-year career that Ive observed stocks were; that you can move up on fairly
kets because this is a capital intensive business. this phenomenon. Whats important for your low volumes because you exhaust the sellers.
The consequence of that is this tremendous audience to understand is that in the prior two The stocks have come to be in very, very strong
bear market will at some point in time give instances, the dollar eventually rolled over, hands. Hands that will not trade the stock for a
way to a real bull market. My belief is that which you point out it may be doing now, and 10% or 15% gain, hands that will be looking for
the bear market really ended the end of 2015. the consequence of that was that the gold price 50% and 100% increases. Im not suggesting
Specifically, I think with regards to precious soared in the aftermath of that circumstance. Is that those increases are imminent. What Im
metals and precious metal stocks, that were in past prologue? I dont know, Im not an econo- suggesting is that the better companies in the
the third inning of a nine-inning ballgame. In mist. Im a credit analyst. What I do know is sector are extraordinarily well owned, relative
other words, were a third of the way through. Ive seen this circumstance twice before and the to other larger, more popular sectors.
The recovery that we had in 2016 was pleas- outcome from the point of view of gold hold-
ant and dramatic. The markets faded since ers, not U.S. bondholders, was very pleasant. Shelly Kraft: Now, Im going to hit you
then. But its important to remember that were with something about base metals. Lets
in a stretch. It isnt like the game is over. With Shelly Kraft: On topic, I see that some of the call it, Green Energy. For instance, as you
regards to the rest of the resource sector, were juniors stock prices are starting to bump up know, there is less lithium used in a lithium
in the first inning of a nine-inning game. It a little bit. Now, I dont know if its because battery than copper or cobalt or nickel.
doesnt mean that recovery happens in a period U.S. investors are starting to be attracted to How is this for example affecting base met-
of time thats comfortable for your audience, gold and theyre looking for opportunities als in your opinion?
but it is inevitable even if its not imminent. or because some of the other sectors are so Rick Rule: I think most of the impact is in
Shelly Kraft: Weve been around a while overpriced and toppy. Bottom feeders if the future, with the exception of course of the
in the markets and I see that the Dow Jones theyve been buying gold outright thats one cobalt price, which has done very well. And
Industrial Index is going up and breaking thing, but now all of a sudden were seeing you point out something very interesting.
of the range. A trader may sell VSTOXX it would be considered very wide with an
he Brexit election and the U.S. elec- Futures and buy VIX futures when the increased probability for either VSTOXX
tion are now behind us. Several spread is near the high end of the range or Futures or VIX futures to move to narrow
European elections are on the hori- considered overbought and finding resis- the spread and what that may imply about
zon in 2017. And there doesnt seem to be a tance. the underlying equity market?
shortage of ideas being discussed for poten- Often, when the VSTOXX / VIX spread Table 2 lists the average, median, maxi-
tial future macro volatility events. This arti- widens, it is due to one of the below items mum and minimum VSTOXX / VIX spread
cle examines the behavior of the VSTOXX occurring: price and the frequency of how often the
/ VIX spread during recent volatility events. EURO STOXX 50 Index declines, caus- spread price is either above or below a spe-
Could the understanding of the spreads ing VSTOXX Volatility index to rally while cific spread price. For example, 0.8 percent
behavior during past volatility events offer the VIX may remain relatively stable thus of the time the spot spread price is above
some insight for future events? causing a widening spread price. 14. The pricing and the frequency of spot
Trading a spread is just another way of S&P 500 index rallies causing the VIX versus futures VSTOXX / VIX spreads are
saying trading relative value. An investor index to decline while VSTOXX remains similar. VSTOXX Futures began trading 2
is simply going long one product and short relatively stable equating to a widening June 2009, which is the starting date of this
another product as they are seeking the spread. analysis to compare the spread statistics of
spread price or price differential between S&P 500 index declines and the EURO the spot price to the futures price.
the two products to either widen or narrow STOXX 50 Index declines causing both Monday 24 August 2015 the Dow Jones
based on the position they are holding. the VSTOXX and VIX indexes to rally. Industrial Average opened 1,000 points
In the case of the VSTOXX / VIX spread However, VSTOXX will often rally at an lower. The declining U.S. equity markets
a trader may go long VSTOXX Futures and accelerated rate versus VIX thus widening triggered a decline in global equity mar-
short VIX futures when the spread price is the spread. kets and rallying of volatility indexes. The
The VSTOXX / VIX spread may be uti- VSTOXX Futures / VIX futures spread
lized as a sentiment indicator. If the spread came close to going negative at 0.925 on 25
is oversold or overbought it could give an August 2015. The price of the spot spread
indication of how the individual volatility actually did go negative at -2.3715. This
indexes may behave in the near future to narrowing of the spread may be attrib-
either narrow or widen the spread price. A uted to the VIX futures rallying faster than
second derivative analysis of the spread may VSTOXX Futures. As noted in Table 2 the
imply that if the volatility indexes should futures spread price is negative 0.7 percent
move, it could be a signal for direction of of the time. Only 11 percent of the time is
the respective underlying equity markets. the futures spread priced below 2. The price
Table 2: Statistics of daily spot and front month futures of VSTOXX / VIX spread 2 June 2009 to 9 November 2016
What is an ICO?
N ow that we have gotten used to all of the
equity crowdfunding buzzwords like
Reg A+, Rule 506(c), Title III and Reg CF, a
an ICO, or token sale, will make money if the new
cryptocurrency or related technology becomes
popular and the tokens appreciate.
tors with additional comfort.
If the ICO concept still seems too big to get
your arms around, consider investing in a fund
whole new array of buzzwords has come our According to Enzo Villani, CEO of that is managed by experts that have a better
way. They include ICO, blockchain, tokens, Equities.com, an ICO thought leader, Many chance of choosing the winners. Boustead
cryptocurrency and smart contracts. My new organizations in traditional finance are Securities, a boutique investment bank, is help-
obsession is trying to figure out this whole researching and developing blockchain and ing some of these funds raise capital. According
ICO business and whether there might be cryptocurrency solutions as we speak. At to Keith Moore, the CEO of Boustead, While
an angle for my clients, who could either be Equities.com, weve seen a surge of crypto- there is much debate whether ICOs are securi-
investors in ICOs or the entrepreneurs that currency clients that are public and private ties, we believe that ICOs will ultimately be
sell tokens in an ICO to raise capital for their companies working on ICOs that are strate- considered securities transactions and have
companies. Given the hours of research that gic and add benefit to the markets. approached the ICO industry with the same
I have done, I thought it would be helpful to You can find a list of ongoing and pro- institutional approach we take with all offerings.
share with you what I have learned so far. posed ICOs on websites like ICO Tracker or We believe the benefits of blockchain technolo-
This article assumes that you have a basic through forums like Bitcointalk. Each ICO gy will drive down the costs associated with and
understanding of cryptocurrencies and block- will typically have an offering page, which improve transparency and disclosure of securi-
chain. If you dont, you may want to read The is a website page containing information on ties transactions and we are looking forward to
ultimate 3500-word guide in plain English to the offering. The offering page will typi- helping the industry with those benefits. n
understand Blockchain by Mohit Mamoria, cally include a link to a whitepaper for the
Mr. Bevilacqua is the founding member of Bevilacqua
which is the best beginners guide to crypto- cryptocurrency project which is analogous
PLLC (www.bevilacquapllc.com), a boutique trans-
currency and blockchain that I have found. to a prospectus in an IPO, except that the actional corporate and securities law firm. Mr.
contents of the whitepapers are not regulated Bevilacqua counsels companies of every size ranging
from entrepreneurs with just an idea to established
initiAl coin oFFerinG (ico) and the whitepapers tend to have less dis- companies whose securities trade on the NYSE or
closure about risks. The offering page will NASDAQ. He has broad experience representing
issuers in public offerings and private placements of
According to Smith + Crown, a research group also contain information about the project
securities (including private placements under Rule
focused on revolutionary technologies in the team, the goals of the project, a timeline, and 506(c) of the Securities Act, crowdfunding offerings
emerging field of cryptofinance, an ICO is an other useful information. If you desire to under Title III of the JOBS Act, and Regulation A+
offerings), Exchange Act compliance, angel and ven-
event in which a new cryptocurrency project sells invest in ICOs, I recommend that you find ture capital financings, other areas of equity and debt
part of its cryptocurrency tokens to early adopt- offerings that are covered by an independent financing and mergers and acquisitions.
Bevilacqua PLLCis a boutique transactional law
ers and enthusiasts in exchange for money today. research report. Smith + Crown maintains a
firm that understands entrepreneurs and provides
So, companies basically pre-sell tokens that fund curated list of ongoing and upcoming token goal oriented legal services that facilitate agreement
the development of a new cryptocurrency or sales and publishes summaries, profiles and and closure. Instead of being an impediment to
progress, Bevilacqua PLLC proactively finds solu-
related technology. Instead of paying cash in detailed research reports on different ICOs. tions that enable its clients to achieve their goals.
exchange for tokens, investors pay in a cryptocur- Given the lack of legislation in this area, In addition to having significant legal experience,
the firms founder is also a business person and
rency like Bitcoin or Ethereum. The investors in companies considering an ICO should fol-
entrepreneur and utilizes his business experience
low best practices. First, companies should to give context to the legal services that the firm
focus on transparency. The whitepaper provides. Bevilacqua PLLC handles all types of
public and private offerings of securities, including
should include the same type of disclosure equity crowdfunding (Regulation CF, Rule 506(c)
that a reasonable investor would want to and Regulation A), PIPEs and other Regulation
D and Regulation S private placements, registered
see before making an investment decision.
direct offerings and initial public offerings. The firm
Second, the founders should provide some also handles domestic and international mergers
proof that their technology is viable. Lastly, and acquisitions and joint ventures. The firm also
provides services in the areas of SEC maintenance
the use of an escrow account, where funds and compliance, general corporate, formation, equity
n BY LOUIS A. BEVILACQUA, ESQ. are released over time, is an additional deal incentive plans, reverse mergers, broker-dealer regu-
lation, venture debt and traditional loan agreements
feature that could be added to provide inves-
and similar matters.
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resident Trumps withdrawal from their production for export such as Brazil the past three years is common for many
the Paris Climate Accord might be and Kurdistan. This is not supporting a microcap companies in the O&G industry
good for the Oil Industry but will higher price. due to market conditions but was it accom-
erode the price of oil even further as the per- In such an environment, where to invest panied by a reduction in SG&A? What was
ception is that drilling permits will become in the O&G industry becomes a difficult the internal company trends of wages and
easier to obtain. During the first week of dilemma. Much of the oil and gas industry compensation of top executives. If all have
June, Brent crude fell 1.8% to $49.71 a barrel has survived an especially tough few years reduced or stayed stable it is a good indica-
on Londons ICE Futures exchange and the with weak demand and low prices and it tion of management strategy and the health
West Texas Intermediate futures were trad- has been difficult for companies to make of the Company.
ing down 1.9% at $47.44 a barrel. strategic decisions and to plan for the future. Strategy of the Company: Is the company
The slides in price began when the favoring cash-flow versus investment? What
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting o&G inVestor 101 is the reserve strategy of the Company?
Countries (OPEC) and other major produc- What is the assets position of the Company
ers agreed to extend ongoing production Investing should not be a guessing game. especially active assets such as reserves and
cuts by nine months on May 25. However, Although there are forces beyond your control, equipment?
the messages sent by the various participants lets try to set up a logical approach to avoid Indebtness: What is the level of the debt in
were mixed and investors have expressed the big mistakes. What should I look for in a the Company. The large cap O&G companies
their concern about rising production. EIA microcap O&G company before I invest? have taken large loans over the past three
reported last week that U.S. average daily First some due diligence and understanding years but some of the Banks have called such
output hit its highest level since August 2015. the market trends. Are we in a positive market, loans and have reduced their exposure. What
The OPEC decision was widely anticipat- negative market, is there a lot of volatility, etc. is the position of your target microcap com-
ed but many investors were hoping that the What are the main components that could pany with respect to bank or financial insti-
producers would be even more aggressive as affect an investment. There are a lot of blogs tutions? Are loans in default and or being
they aim to work off a glut that has weighed on O&G that will give the temperature of the reimbursed? What is the overall indebted-
on the market for nearly three years. market at the time of an investment and will ness of your target company?
At the same time, Libya, a member of describe the global trends. Although no ana- Reserves: How do you know the value of
OPEC that is exempt from the agreement lysts have a magic wand, their knowledge of proven reserves vs unproven speculative
to cut production, is once again ramping up the market will provide the necessary under- potential reserves when examining your
output, according to its National Oil Corp. It standing of the major trends. investment strategy? Reserves are a big part of
seems that despite the upbeat declaration by My target company: You understand the an O&G stock balance sheet. A basic review
the Saudi Minister of Energy and his Russian trends now you have selected a company, is to make sure that the reserves are valued at
counterpart the market is being driven by lets try to dissect the information. For a the current market price of oil and not an old
supply & demand and the rising US oil sup- public company, it is easy -normally- The historical value that could throw off the real
ply is driving a lower price. A plethora of SEC.gov website allows you to access all value. Always try to understand the reserves;
producers outside of OPEC are pushing up public disclosures and statements as well as are these reserves currently in exploitation or
all financial reporting issued by companies. is it just a dormant investment, or specula-
A glance at the last 10K/ Annual report of a tive based on future expectations. n
couple of years and the last Quarterly report
I wrote this article myself in reviewing public dis-
(10Q Form) will start to describe the overall
closures, and it expresses my own opinions.
status of any company. Frederic Scheer is CEO of L6 Chemicals & Logistics,
Lets be a little bit more accurate and look an Oil trading company. He is also the CEO of Libra6
Management, Corp, a small private equity company
for the key factors of an O&G company that operating in new alternative technology, media and
will allow you to make an intelligent decision: chemicals. Scheer was the Ceo of several public com-
panies including Cereplast a biomaterial company,
Revenue and trends. Is the revenue grow-
n BY FREDERIC SCHEER the Cannon Group, an entertainment company and
ing or stable? A decrease in revenue over Imperials Hotels a hotel management company.
www.bnkpetroleum.com n
BNK Drilling Rig #3
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
oviEx offers its shareholders a a skilled labour force that resides in nearby Denisons African projects in exchange for
unique opportunity to be part of communities. GoviEx common shares.
the green energy solution. With One of the most compelling advantages of Toshiba Corporation owns Westinghouse
mine-permitted projects, outstanding miner- operating in Niger is its consistent and well- Electric Company, and their status as a major
al resources(1), a seasoned management team, developed mining and exploration permit- reactor vendor makes them a valued share-
and industry-leading shareholders, GoviEx is ting environment. The Madaouela Projects holder.
positioning its projects to take advantage of Environmental Permit was approved in Cameco Corporation, one of the largest
anticipated higher uranium prices that may July 2015 (approximately six months from uranium producers in the world, has been
be the consequence of, among other things, the date of the ESIA submission), and was part of the GoviEx story since 2008.
expected mid- to long-term uranium supply closely followed by Mine Permit approval Ivanhoe Industries became a GoviEx
shortages. in January 2016. Historically, the permit- shareholder in 2015, bringing the support
ting process for uranium projects in North of serially successful mining magnate Robert
oriGins America has taken anywhere from seven Friedland.
years to over two decades. The relative speed
GoviEx was founded by Govind Friedland, of the process in Africa is one of the reasons urAniuM suPPly-deMAnd GAP
son of internationally-renown mining entre- GoviEx focuses on African projects.
preneur Robert Friedland. While living in Mineral Resources Forecasts predict growth in uranium demand,
China, Govind became acutely aware of the GoviExs second mine-permitted project as China and India build new reactors, Japan
air pollution crisis that was devastating the is the Mutanga Project in Zambia. The re-starts their reactors, Europe maintains a
health of Chinas citizens. Falea Project in Mali is in the explora- stable level of nuclear power generation, and
Applying his business development and tion stage. GoviExs current projects have the U.S. becomes increasingly supportive of
geological engineer expertise, he explored the following combined mineral resources: nuclear energy. Low current prices mean that
the opportunities available for nuclear Measured Mineral Resources of 28.59 Mlbs new production cannot be incentivized, and
energy as a clean energy solution and the U3O8, Indicated Mineral Resources of 95.70 older uranium mines are reaching the end of
viability of uranium mining as a business. Mlbs U3O8, and Inferred Minerals Resources their life cycles. These factors are expected
GoviEx was born out of that exercise and of 73.11 Mlbs U3O8. to produce a supply-demand gap that should
acquired the exploration ground for what is drive the uranium price upwards.
now the mine-permitted Madaouela Project leAdershiP And industry
in Niger. suPPort www.goviex.com n
Certain scientific and technical information
MAdAouelA ProJect Daniel Major was appointed CEO of GoviEx
disclosed in this article related to GoviExs projects
in 2012. A mining engineer with 30 years of is derived from NI 43-101 compliant technical
The Madaouela Project is located adjacent experience, Daniel is leading GoviEx as it reports, which may be found on GoviExs website at
www.goviex.com, or GoviExs continuous disclosure
to Arevas existing uranium mines, which transitions from exploration to production. documents, which have been reviewed and approved
have been producing approximately 8% of GoviExs shareholders include some of the by Dr. Rob Bowell, a Chartered Chemist of the Royal
Society of Chemistry, a Chartered Geologist of the
the global uranium supply for almost 50 biggest names in the industry:
Geological Society of London, and Fellow of the
years. This proximity means that the project Denison Mines, a uranium exploration Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials, who
is advantageously positioned with access to and development company, chose to focus is an independent Qualified Person under the terms
of NI 43-101.
existing roads, ground water, grid power, and on Canadian projects, so GoviEx acquired
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
work with a financial advisor rather than forms to eventually be a conduit to Main Investors interested in finding information
Crowdfund on their own; Adomani worked Street investors, theyre not there yet. on the latest Crowdfunding listings can visit
with Boustead Securities, Myomo with For Jeffrey Karsh, CEO of stREITwise www.transfer.ly/CFofferings/
TriPoint Global Equities, and ShiftPixy REIT, the decision to not use an investment
Miguel Colon is the President of Transfer.ly, and
engaged WR Hambrecht + Co. Does that advisor all came down to investor returns.
a tenure tracked Professor of Entrepreneurship at
mean working with a BD is the secret to a We chose not to use broker dealers for dis- Chabot College. Prior to joining Transfer.ly Mr.
successful Crowdfunding IPO? Like most tribution because, even though they are gen- Coln held executive positions with Issuer Direct
Corporation including, Vice President of Corporate
great debates, it depends on whom you ask. erally effective at raising capital, the fees they Development and Head of EMEA. Miguel was the
According to Lou Fisi, CEO of Teraphysics, charge hasan considerably negative impact founder and CEO of SEC Compliance Services,
a full service XBRL and EDGAR provider. SEC
using an investment advisor was never a ques- on investors. Were trying to circumvent
Compliance Services captured significant market
tion. A Reg A+ is not any different than any the broker dealer network, thus saving our share in less than a year, which led to the purchase
other type of IPO. Therefore, conducting our investors that additional fee load. of its assets by Issuer Direct Corporation. Mr. Coln
received his Masters of Business Administration
offering in a traditional (with bankers) way Regardless of whether a BD is engaged (MBA) and Bachelors of Arts in Management from
made the most sense. When you consider that or not, the mini IPO boom doesnt appear St. Marys College of California.
there is a lack of IPOs in the marketplace, prop- to be ending anytime soon. Issuers such
erly incented investment advisors can make the
difference between a successful or not.
The analysis really isnt that complex,
says David Dobkin, President of Dobkin &
Co. and financial advisor to Teraphysics.
When you consider the cost of investor
acquisition relative to time and amount
invested, working with a financial advisor
makes pure economic sense. A good syndi-
cate will have trusted financial relationships
with 10,000s of investors ready to invest sig-
nificant amounts of money. Regardless of the
fee, its always to going less expensive to raise
$2.5m from 100 investors than from 10,000.
Robert Grosshandler, CEO iConsumer
sees it differently. iConsumers entire value
proposition is built on making every cus-
tomer a shareholder, and every shareholder
a customer. Broker Dealers are great, if
youre interested in institutional support
and investments from traditional Wall Street
investors. iConsumer is completely a con-
sumer-focused opportunity. We need many,
many shareholders to be successful. And
while I expect BDs, and Crowdfunding plat-
The company paid consideration to SNN or its affiliates for this article.
www.stocknewsnow.com MicroCap Review Magazine 85
Crowdfunding on the
Verge of Mainstream
A t the end of 2013 I was asked to predict what the crowd-
funding industry would look like in 2014.
I was energized, hopeful, bullish and insane- At the time, a lot of my peers and col- help you dance around and the questions
ly naive. That said, I used all sorts of colorful leagues took what I said as an insult. They that Google can easily answer, but the gener-
analogies to explain how the industry has yet thought that by saying that what we had built al idea is that regardless of which exemptions
to be born. Still in utero, not even in diapers to that point wasnt even yet born, I was say- you choose to raise under, now your private
yet, etc... ing that we hadnt accomplished much. The company can publicly solicit and take money
truth is, regardless of the reasons (which I from non-accredited investors. That is huge,
believe were MOSTLY out of our control), especially if you are already selling a product
we hadnt. We had very little to show for over the internet. (Listen to my episode of
ourselves. What good is a product that the Planet MicroCap Podcast with Bobby
nobody uses? Kraft!) What has been essentially created is a
But, I thought at least, that 2014 was much more streamlined and affordable path
the year. Big things coming! Again, I was to taking a company public.
insanely naive. I should have known better... OK, so the tech is ready and the regs are
being in technology and finance I knew that now usable. So why is this not mainstream
behaviors rarely change, and if they do, they yet?
take many, many years to do so. Its just a matter of time..were on the verge.
I believe that finally, that time has come. In the last year weve seen multiple deals raise
I started launching social fundraising sites millions of dollars and instantly list their
in 2009. That was before PayPal could companies on OTC Markets, NASDAQ and
even split a payment. Payment processors NYSE. Last year over 1,500 people came
like Stripe didnt exist. We needed escrow to our conference, Crowd Invest Summit,
accounts for the simplest forms of fundrais- to meet and invest in crowdfunded deals.
ing and even technology was a major hurdle. Three of those deals are now publicly listed.
Thats no longer the case. All those types of This year we expect that number to double. If
products exist in many forms right out of the youre an investor or a potential fundraising
box. Now its about orchestrating existing company, you need to be paying attention.
products to fit your mold, versus building a The time is now! n
product completely from scratch.
Alon Goren is a pioneer in the financial technology
Aside from technology and product hur-
sector and a founder of Crowd Invest Summit, the
dles being squashed over the years, the JOBS worlds largest Crowdfunding Conference and 805
Act passing created a new framework for sell- Startups a group of over 2,000 investors and entrepre-
neurs in Southern California.
ing securities over the internet. I wont dive
into the details that only an attorney could https://crowdinvestsummit.com
April 2426, 2018 at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, Las Vegas
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Aug Report July, 2017 adds & subtracts of FINRA Member Firms
Financial Industry Broker Dealer Data Aggregator compiled by DAVID ALSUP
10 PP Pvt
8 Mut F, Other
4 EquiRes
12 14 9 10 15 9 11 11 7 8 7 6 7 10 9 8 4 9
Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July
79 92 79 75 37 152 83 131 140 99 81 126
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July
As of July 31, 2017, there are about 3880 FINRA Member firm CRD Numbers.
There are now 12,505 SEC registered RIA firms (Means $100 mil in assets under management)
The above data has been sourced from regulatory agencies publications' and statistics, along with some independent third parties. While it is believed to be
reliable there can be no guarantee of the accuracy of the data. The numbers have been cross-checked for accuracy, and they should be within plus/minus two
percent. For example, there may be as many as 15 firms NOT included in these statistics and NOT reported that filed for a BDW prior to July, 2017.
Diamond Recoveries The Constellation