Text Mining Techniques Applications and Issues2
Text Mining Techniques Applications and Issues2
Text Mining Techniques Applications and Issues2
Ramzan Talib, Muhammad Kashif Hanif, Shaeela Ayesha, and Fakeeha Fatima
I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Venn diagram of text mining interaction with other fields [4]
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appropriate technique for mining text reduce the time and effort techniques to enhance the effectiveness of discovering relevant
to find the relevant patterns for analysis and decision making. and appropriate information. They performed BM25 and vector
The objective of this paper is to analyze different text mining support machine based filtering on router corpus volume 1 and
techniques which help to perform text analytics effectively and text retrieval conference data to estimate the effectiveness of
efficiently from large amount of data. Moreover, the issues that the suggested technique. [15] performed various experiments
arise during text mining process are identified. of classification using multi-word features on the text. They
proposed a hand-crafted method to extract multi-word features
This paper is organized in different sections. Previous work from the data set. To classify and extract multi-word text
is discussed in section II. In section III, different techniques of
they divide text into linear and nonlinear polynomial form in
text mining are explained. Section IV presents the application support of vector machine that improve the effectiveness of
areas of text mining techniques. In section V, issues and the extracted data.
challenges in text mining field are highlighted. Section VI
concludes the outcomes.
II. R EVIEW OF L ITERATURE Different text mining techniques are available that are
applied for analyzing the text patterns and their mining pro-
[5] described that gathering, extracting, pre-processing, cess [16]. Figure 3 shows the Venn diagram for the inter-
text transformation, feature extraction, pattern selection, and relationship among text mining techniques and their core
evaluation steps are part of text mining process. In addition, functionality. Document classification (text classification, doc-
different widely used text mining techniques, i.e., clustering, ument standardization), information retrieval (keyword search
categorization, decision tree categorization, and their applica- / querying and indexing), document clustering (phrase cluster-
tion in diverse fields are surveyed. [8] highlighted the issues ing), natural language processing (spelling correction, lemma-
in text mining applications and techniques. They discussed tization, grammatical parsing, and word sense disambiguation),
that dealing with unstructured text is difficult as compared information extraction (relationship extraction / link analysis),
to structured or tabular data using traditional mining tools and web mining (web link analysis) [6].
and techniques. They have shown the applications of text
mining process in bioinformatics, business intelligence and
national security system. Natural language processing and
entity recognition techniques has reduced the issues that occur
during text mining process. However, there exist issues which
need attention.
[9] explored MEDLINE biomedical database by integrat-
ing a framework for named entity recognition, classification of
text, hypothesis generation and testing, relationship and syn-
onym extraction, extract abbreviations. This new framework
helps to eliminate unnecessary details and extract valuable
information. [10] analyzed the text using text mining patterns
and showed term based approaches cannot analyze synonyms
and polysemy properly. Moreover, a prototype model was
designed for specification of patterns in terms of assigning
weight according to their distribution. This approach helps to
enhance the efficiency of text mining process. [11] presented Fig. 3. Inter-relationship among different text mining techniques and their
a crime detection system using text mining tools and relation core functionalities [6]
discovery algorithm was designed to correlate the term with
A. Information Extraction
[12] presented a top down and bottom up approach for
web based text mining process. To combine the similar text Information Extraction (IE) is a technique that extract
documents, they apply k-mean clustering technique for bottom meaningful information from large amount of text. Domain
up partitioning. To find out the similarity within the document experts specify the attributes and relation according to the
TF-IDF (Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency) al- domain [17]. IE systems are used to extract specific attributes
gorithm has been used to find information regarding specific and entities from the document and establish their relation-
subjects. [13] gave an overview of applications, tools and ship [18]. The extracted corpus is stored into database for
issues arises to mine the text. They discussed that documents further processing. Precision and recall process is used to
may be structured, semi structured or unstructured and ex- check and evaluate the relevance of results on the extracted
tracting useful information is a tiresome task. They presented data. In-depth and complete information about the relevant
a generic framework for concept based mining which can be field is required to perform information extraction process to
visualized as text refinement and knowledge distillation phases. attain more relevant results [19].
The intermediate form of entity representation mining depends
on specific domain. B. Information Retrieval
[14] presented innovative and efficient pattern discovery Information Retrieval (IR) is a process of extracting rele-
techniques. They used the pattern evolving and discovering vant and associated patterns according to a given set of words
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or phrases. There is a close relationship in text mining and In past, automatic text summarization was performed on the
information retrieval for textual data. In IR systems, different basis of occurrence a certain word or phrase in document.
algorithms are used to track the users behavior and search Later on, additional methods of text mining were introduced
relevant data accordingly [19]. Google and Yahoo search with standard text mining process to improve the relevance
engines are using information retrieval system more frequently and accuracy of results [11].
to extract relevant documents according to a phrase on Web.
To summarize the text documents, weighted heuristics
These search engines use query based algorithms to track the
method extract features by following specific rules. Sentence
trends and attain more significant results. These search engines
length, fixed phrase, paragraph, thematic word, and upper case
provide user more relevant and appropriate information that
word identification features can be implemented and analyzed
satisfy them according to their needs [8].
for text summerization. Text summarization techniques can be
applied on multiple documents at the same time. Quality and
C. Natural Language Processing type of classifiers depend on nature and theme of the text
Natural language processing (NLP) concerns to the auto- documents [24].
matic processing and analysis of unstructured textual infor-
mation. It perform different types of analysis such as Named IV. APPLICATION OF T EXT M INING
Entity Recognition (NER) for abbreviation and their synonyms A. Digital Libraries
extraction to find the relationships among them [10]. NER
identify all the instances of specified object from a group of Numerous text mining techniques and tools are in use to
documents. These entities and their instances allow the identi- ascertain the patterns and trends from journals and proceedings
fication of relationship and other information to attain their key from immense amount of repositories. These sources of infor-
concept. However, this technique lacks complete dictionary list mation help in the field of research and development. Libraries
for all named entities used for identification [9], [10]. Complex are a great source of information for the researchers and digital
query based algorithms need to be used to attain acceptable libraries are endeavoring to the significance of their collection.
results. In real world, a single entity has numerous terms It provides a novel method of organizing information in such
like TV and Television. Sometimes, a group of successive a way that make it possible to available trillions of documents
words have a multi-word names to identify the boundaries and online. It provides a novel way to organize information and
resolve overlapping issues by using classification technique. make it possible to access millions of documents online.
Approaches to deal with NER usually fall into four categories: Green-stone international digital library that support multiple
lexicon, rule, statistical based or mixture of these approached. languages and multilingual interfaces provide a springy method
NER systems have achieved the relevance level from 75 to 85 for extracting documents that handle multiple formats, i.e.,
percent [20]. Microsoft word, pdf, postscript, HTML, scripting languages
and e-mail messages [11]. It also supports the document
To extract synonym and abbreviation from textual data, co- extraction in the form of audio visual and image format along
referencing technique is frequently in use for NLP. Natural with text documents. In text mining process various operation
Languages (NL) have lot of complexities as a text extracted are performed like documents selection, enrichment, extracting
from different sources dont have identical words or abbrevi- information and tackling entities among the documents and
ation. There is a need to detect such issues and make rules generating instinctive co-referencing and summarization [25].
for their uniform identification [21]. For example, NER and GATE, Net Owl and Aylien are frequently used tools for text
co-referencing approaches establish a logical relationship to mining in digital libraries.
extract and identify the role of person in an organization (use
the name of a person at once and then use pronoun instead of B. Academic and Research Field
name again and again) [22].
In education field, various text mining tools and techniques
D. Clustering are used to analyze the educational trends in specific region,
students interest in specific field and employment ratio [24].
Clustering is an unsupervised process to classify the text Use of text mining in research field help to find and classify
documents in groups by applying different clustering algo- research papers and relevant material of different fields at one
rithms. In a cluster, similar terms or patterns are grouped place. The use of k-means clustering and other techniques
extracted from various documents. Clustering is performed help to identify the attributes of relevant information. Students
in top-down and bottom up manner. In NLP, various types performance in different subjects can be accessed and how
of mining tools and techniques are applied for the analysis different attributes effect the selection of subjects [11], [26].
on unstructured text. Different techniques of clustering are
hierarchical, distribution, density, centroid, and k-mean [22]. C. Life Science
E. Text Summarization Life science and health care industries are generating large
amount of textual and numerical data regarding patients record,
Text summarization is a process of collecting and pro- diseases, medicines, symptoms and treatments of diseases and
ducing concise representation of original text documents [23]. many more. It is a big challenge to filter out an appropriate
Pre-processing and processing operations are performed on the and relevant text to take a decision from a large biological
raw text for summarization. Tokenization, stop word removal, repository [25]. The medical records contain varying in nature,
and stemming methods are applied for pre-processing. Lexicon complex, lengthy and technical vocabulary are used that make
lists are generated at processing stage of text summarization. the knowledge discovery process very difficult [27]. Text
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mining tools in biomedical field provides an opportunity to desired outcomes. In this situations domain knowledge from
extract valuable information, their association and inferring which document corpus to be extracted need to integrate with
relationship among various diseases, species, and genes. Use the computing abilities from which information have to be
of an appropriate text mining tools in medical field help to attained. According to the requirements of the field, experts
evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments that show are needed to work collaboratively from diverse domains to
effectiveness by comparing different diseases, symptoms and extract more effective, precise and accurate results [22], [27].
their course of treatments [28]. Text mining use in biomarker
discovery, pharmaceutical industry, clinical trade analysis, pre- The use of synonyms, polysems and antonyms in the
clinical safe toxicity studies, patent competitive intelligence documents create problems (abstruseness) for the text mining
and landscaping, mapping of genes diseases and exploring the tools that take both in the same context. It is difficult to
targeted identifications by using various tools [20]. categorize the documents when collection of document is large
and generated from diverse fields having the same domain.
Abbreviations gives changed meaning in different situation is
D. Social Media also a big issue [35]. Varying concepts of granularity change
Text mining software packages are available for analyzing the context of text according to the condition and domain
social media applications to monitor and analyze the online knowledge. There is need to describe rules according to the
plain text from internet news, blogs, email etc. Text mining field that will be used as a standard in the area and can be
tools help to identify and analyze number of posts, likes and embedded in text mining tools as a plug-in. It entails lots of
followers on the social media network. This kind of analysis effort and time to develop and deploy plug-ins in all fields
show the people reaction on different posts, news and how separately. To develop plug-ins in depth and proper knowledge
it spread around. It shows the behavior of people belong about the specific domain will be required [34], [36]. Natural
to specific age group or communities having similarity and languages have lots of complications in itself that create
variation in views about the same post [29], [30]. problem in text refinement methods and the identification
of entity relationship. Words having same spelling but give
E. Business Intelligence diverse meaning, for example, fly and fly. Text mining tools
considered both as similar while one is verb and other is noun.
Text mining plays a significant role in business intelligence Grammatical rules according to the nature and context is still
that help organizations and enterprises to analyze their cus- an open issue in the field of text mining [36].
tomers and competitors to take better decisions. It provides
a deeper insight about business and give information how
to improve the customer satisfaction and gain competitive VI. C ONCLUSION
advantages [31]. The text mining tools like IBM text analytics, The availability of huge volume of text based data need
Rapid miner, GATE help to take decisions about the organi- to be examined to extract valuable information. Text mining
zation that generate alerts about good and bad performance, techniques are used to analyze the interesting and relevant
market changeover that help to take remedial actions. It also information effectively and efficiently from large amount of
helps in telecommunication industry, business and commerce unstructured data. This paper presents a brief overview of
applications and customer chain management system [32]. text mining techniques that help to improve the text mining
process. Specific patterns and sequences are applied in order
V. I SSUES IN T EXT M INING F IELD to extract useful information by eliminating irrelevant details
Many issues occur during the text mining process and effect for predictive analysis. Selection and use of right techniques
the efficiency and effectiveness of decision making. Complex- and tools according to the domain help to make the text mining
ities can arise at the intermediate stage of text mining. In pre- process easy and efficient. Domain knowledge integration,
processing stage various rules and regulations are defined to varying concepts granularity, multilingual text refinement, and
standardize the text that make text mining process efficient. natural language processing ambiguity are major issues and
Before applying pattern analysis on the document there is challenges that arise during text mining process. In future
a need to convert unstructured data into intermediate form research work, we will focus to design algorithms which will
but at this stage mining process has its own complications. help to resolve issues presented in this work.
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