VI Sem Maths C Programming For Mathematical Computing
VI Sem Maths C Programming For Mathematical Computing
VI Sem Maths C Programming For Mathematical Computing
School of Distance Education
Study Material
Prepared by :
Dr.Valsamma K.M.
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of SAC,
Kerala Agriculture University,
KCAET, Tavanur, Malappuram.
Scrutinised by :
Dr. Anilkumar V.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Calicut
Type settings and Lay out :
Computer Section, SDE
The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of data structure and some applications
using the popular high level programming language C. Since data structure is an essential component
in the development of software, the intention is to acquaint the students with a wide range of topics
on this subject with appropriate example. In this course, we are discussing programming
fundamentals including the programming concepts like; variables, arrays, etc., and show how all
these programming concepts are used in the actual programming language called C. Being an
Elective course, of this B.Sc degree (Mathematics), it is designed to complement your knowledge
with C. language. The Topics of this course cover concepts on C. The course consists of Four
Modules and is organized in the following manner.
Module 1: Program Fundamentals, Algorithms and Flow charts & C Constants, variables
Module 3: Decision Making & Branching & Decision Making and looping..
The first module gives a fleeting introduction to the theoretical aspects of, computer languages,
operating systems, compilation and, debugging of program and to the elementary concepts like
algorithms and flow charts including structure of a C program. Module 2 presents the essential
features of C programming language: Variables, constants, operator types, Mathematical functions
and managing of output operations. Module 3 focuses on three major decision making instructions in
C, the if statement, the if-else statement and nested if and switch statement. This module also
discusses the loop control instructions, the for, while , do- while ,break and continue statements. The
last Module 4 concentrates on the sub programs i.e., functions and structured data types like arrays in
detail. Concepts of arrays and user defined functions are also included.
Module I :Introduction
Welcome to the fascinating world of computer programming. This module is primarily about the
implementation of computer programs using C programming language. No prior programming
experience is expected from your side except some familiarity with computer hardware and software
concepts. This is the first of the four modules you are going to study for the C course in your elective
course for B Sc degree. The advanced concepts will be introduced in the next modules of this course.
In this module, what is spotlight is only the fundamentals of C programming and all of them are
presented with easy to understand explanation . The module is divided into four units.
Unit 1 introduces the elementary concepts like computer languages, computer language
classification, language translators, High level languages and operating system. Apart from this, the
meaning of compilation of a program, program debugging, different types of errors during program
execution and program life cycle also come up for discussion.
Unit 2 presents the notion of Algorithms and flow charts, as a problem solving tool highlighting the
advantages and disadvantages in brief..
Unit 3 is an overview of C, the basic structure of a C program, the programming style and the steps
involved for executing a C program.
The last unit, Unit 4 enlarges on data types available in the language. Variables, declaration of
variables, constants, and symbolic constants are also discussed here.
Assembler is a program that takes basic computer instructions and coverts them into patterns of bits
to perform the basic operations.
A Compiler is a special computer program that translates code written in a high level language to a
lower level language, object / machine code by processing statements written in a particular
programming language. The most common purpose behind translating a source code is to create an
executable program (converting from a high level language into machine language). The task is
performed by compilers by scanning the entire program first and then translating it into machine
code which will be executed by the computer processor and the corresponding tasks are performed. In
fact compilers make the users free from the requirements of having to know the hardware details of
a computer system
An interpreter is a computer program that reads the source code of another computer program and
executes that program line by line. But Line by line interpretation entails slowness in running the
program and this considered a disadvantage. Each time when an interpreter gets a high level
language code to be executed, it converts this code into an intermediate code before converting it into
a machine code. Each part of the code is interpreted and then executed separately in a sequence and
when an error is found on a part of the code, it will stop the interpreter of the code without translating
the next set of codes. With all the slowness, implementing an interpreter for a language is
comparatively simpler than implementing a compiler for a given language in the system. Moreover,
the interpreter resides in the memory along with the program to be interpreted and controls program
In a low level language we have to care about actual memory locations, whereas in a high-level we
just create variables and let the OS handle memory. In fact, HLL requires a compiler to be present
on the operating system, that executes the code. The main advantage of HLL is that they are easy to
work with and use and endowed with, less errors, better documentation, low program cost and save a
lot of run time. Generally, HLL uses English-like statements and symbols to create sequences of
computer instructions and identify memory locations, rather than using the machine-specific
individual instruction codes and numerical addresses employed by machine language. But only that,
HLL must be translated into its equivalent machine code before the execution of the program , using
compilers. Note that , each. Computer requires separate compiler for each HLL it supports. The OS in
turn request service from underlying system resources.
A linker link together a bunch of object files into a binary executable file , This includes the object
files created from the source code files as well as object files that have been pre compiled and
collected into library files and these files have names ending in .a. when the source code has errors
the user again takes the help of the editor and corrects the errors. A syntax error free source code is
then compiled into an object code. This executable code is run and the results are studied . if the
results are not acceptable, the entire process is repeated .This is explained in Table 1.1 below.
An editor is a utility program or software that appears much like a word processor, and is used to
edit the source code of any program. The user makes use of an editor to type in the source code and
stores it in a file suppose that the file name is test.c The character c is the default extension for the
source code file. The extension o in UNIX and obj in DOS are used to indicate object code files. At
the end of compilation two files are present on the disk namel test.c and test.o. This object program
file is linked with system library and the other object programs to produce an executable code. The
disk now contains three files test.c, test.o, a.out. By just typing a.out one can run programs
the behaviour of the program to let us infer why it is not running the desirable way we wanted it to
run . To debug a program is to isolate the source of the problem, and then fix it. Debugging is a
necessary process in any new software or hardware development process, whether it is a
commercial product or a personal application program. Because most computer programs and many
programmed hardware devices contain thousands of lines of code, almost any new product is likely to
contain a few bugs. Invariably, the bugs in the functions that get most use are found and fixed first.
The first step in fixing a bug is to replicate it. This means recreating the undesirable behaviour under
controlled conditions. The aim is to find by way of precise steps, the presence of the bug. In
many cases this method is straightforward. We can run the program with an input to see if the bug
occurs. Debugging tools (called debuggers) help identify coding errors at various development
stages. Some programming language packages include a facility for checking the code for errors as it
is being written. Compilers can be configured to produce debug information at compile time, so that
this information can be used by the debugger program to view source code as we debug. Debugging
is often supported by a software tool in most of the IDE. Using such tools the user can investigate the
program behavior by introducing break points in the program. At every break points the system.
Suspends execution so as to facilitate the checking of intermediate results. One can even modify the
values of the program variables when the break point is reached. After debugging these break point
are to be removed so that the program can be subjected to normal compilation and later execution.
1.9 Rewriting and program maintenance
During debugging the user or programmer sometimes makes a large amount of refinements
/alterations, and addition thus making the program appear all together like a patch work. The user
will be in a fix to decide whether he may go ahead with repairing or whether it would be more
useful and wiser to rewrite the program, as the total rewriting will not be as difficult as correcting
the original program, since everything become clear by the time the whole program is corrected. It
would be advisable to rewrite a clear version of the program and debug it rather than debugging a
hopelessly repaired program. In such situations rewriting becomes more preferable than debugging .
1.10 Program maintenance stage
Updating programs or adapting to reflect changes in tune with the requirement of the new
operating environments is called Program maintenance. In addition, it is the updating of application
programs in order to meet changing information requirements, such as adding new functions and
changing data formats. It also includes fixing bugs and adapting the software to new hardware
devices. When a real world program is tackled, the program may change with time. The program
developed should be able to absorb these changes without the compulsion of having to rewrite
programs. This incorporation of changes in the program to satisfy the requirements is called program
maintenance. There may be fresh errors introduced in the program at the correction stage. This
activity is also covered under program maintaenance.The documentation of the program helps in its
maintenance later
Documentation stage
Documentation is sometimes integrated with all the stages and it is as important as the other stages.
This involves the writing of small notes or memos to explain a particular portion of code , how it
works, the way it performs the task, what each constant does, what is used to denote a variable, the
inputs and outputs expected etc. By adding notes and memos alongside the programming, a developer
can create a piece-by-piece instruction manual and description of how the application works.
Documentation should also include a list of any known bugs and errors and the potential locations
from where they could originate. Sufficient documentation helps others to modify and understand the
program easily. This is the stage where one adds, English texts, called comments, to the program. It is
always better to document the program during the development stage itself. Documentation can be
either internal or external. Internal documentation is used by other programmers to help them know
why you did something in a certain way or tell them how you wrote a program. External
documentation on the other hand, include user manuals, FAQs on a web, help areas, and anything
that is not the actual code. That is, Original specification becomes the basis for external
documentation, where as internal documentation explains how the program works.
Program Maintenance Stage:
In the Program maintenance phase programs are updated to correct to faults, improve functionality and to
make changes in its execution environment. The IEEE Computer Society defines maintainability as the ease
with which programs can be maintained, enhanced, adapted, or corrected to satisfy specified requirements It
is the largest phase of the program life cycle .To maintain is to make sure that the program keeps running as
it should. Usually, after the programs are being developed and documented, it is placed into operation. As
users use the program, during their operation, either ,a program may fail to perform its objective or it must
be necessary to add new functionality to a program to fix the errors or to update the program. That is,
changing the program design, coding and updating are parts of the program maintenance stage. However,
one can continue to fix and update the program until it reaches a point where the program has become no
longer useful or too old. At that time, maintenance stops and the program development life cycle is started
all over again.
1.12 Summary:
1. A computer language is a programming language designed for use on a specific class of
computers. Programming languages are mainly of two types: High level and low level
programming languages.
2. A translator is a computer program, that translates a program written in a given programming
language into a functionally similar program in another language without losing the essence of
the program. That is, If the computer program translates a HLL in to another HLL, then it is
called a translator. On the other hand, if the program translated assembly language to
machine code then it is called an assembler.
3. An operating system, is a software that supports a computers basic functions, such as task
scheduling, execution of applications and controlling computer peripherals.
4. Debugging is the methodical process of identifying and removing errors or defects in a
computer program by looking at lines of code one by one to see if they have been written
correctly and the logic is correct.
5. Program development life cycle, consists of different stages such as problem definition,
outlining the solution, algorithm and flow chart development, choice of language, coding
testing and documentation. This sequence must be strictly followed in order to get a good and
efficient program.
2.1 Introduction:
To make a computer do anything, we may have to write a computer program. Again, to write a
computer program, we may have to tell the computer, step by step, exactly what we want it to do.
Here, we also get to decide how the computer is going to do it and with this presupposition we
employ a finite step- by- step formula for problem solving. All that the computer does is
"executing " the program, following each step mechanically, to accomplish the end goal .Thus an
algorithm can also be viewed as a deterministic automaton for accomplishing a goal which, given
an initial state, will terminate in a defined end-state. In programming algorithm provides the logic;
data provide the values. Put together we get a Program which can be broken down as : Program =
Algorithm + Data Structures . One of the principal challenges in programming is to create an elegant
algorithm with fewer steps.
Without algorithm development, programming activity is considered to be incomplete. The software
developer puts the body in the form of a systematic body of steps, which is then converted into a
flowchart and later into a program
Example 2.1
Recipe for making Cake
Bengal gram flour 2 cup, sugar 2cups, ghee, 2cup, milk 1 liter, essence 6 drops, water cup.
Step 1 : warm up ghee. Add Bengal gram flour and fry it on slow fire for 3 minutes.
Step 2: Warm milk and add essence.
Step 3: Take cup water and add 2 cups of sugar. Stir it till sugar t dissolves. Then boil it until it
appears too sticky.
Step 4: Add the prepared syrup and stir it.
Step 5: Add fried Bengal gram to the syrup and stir it continuously to about 20 minutes.
Step 6: Pour the resulting mixture in a plate and allow to condense.
Step 7: After 15 minutes cut it into 20 pieces..
20 pieces of cake.
In this example, the following points deserves worth noting.
1. The instructions are precise and the number of actions to be carried out are very few.
2. By taking proper permutation and combination of this set of actions we can facilitate the easy
production of a cake.
The set of instruction for solving this problem is similar to algorithms , with the exception that, they
do not possess all the necessary attributes of algorithms. An algorithm defined as a finite set of
specifications does need the following five attributes.
1. Inputs-The inputs are to be given at the beginning, before the algorithm starts and they are to be
processed by the algorithm.
2. The sequence of instructions leading to specific action in the algorithm must be precise( well
3. Each instruction must be sufficiently basic, so that it can be carried out in a finite time
4. The number of repetitions to carry out a group of instruction must be finite(finiteness).
5. An algorithm must have one or more output.
Based on these five attributes , we can say that the above example does not qualify itself as an
algorithm. The following is an example which illustrates how an algorithm is written to convert
temperature in degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit.
Example 2 : Converting degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit.
Input : Temperature in degree Celsius.
Output: Temperature in degree Fahrenheit.
1. Start
2. Read temp in Celsius
3. Multiply this value by 1.8 and add 32.
4. Assign this value as degree Fahrenheit.
5. Display the result.
6. Stop.
As was discussed, this algorithm has a name , an input, an output and a body comprising
instructions that begin with start and end with stop. Between this two keywords, this algorithm
contains one or more steps, denoting the operations to be performed. In fact, algorithms are essential
to the way computers process data. Because an algorithm is a list of precise steps, the order of
computation is always critical to the functioning of the algorithm. Instructions are usually listed
explicitly and are described as starting from the top- and down to the bottom. In general, an algorithm
is a step by step formalization of a mapping function to map input set onto an output.
Algorithms are well-ordered
Since an algorithm is a collection of operations or instructions, we must know the correct order in
which the instructions are executed. If the order is unclear, we may be uncertain which instruction
should be performed next. This characteristic is especially important for computers. A computer can
only execute an algorithm if it knows the exact order of steps to perform.
Algorithms have unambiguous operations
Each operation in an algorithm must be sufficiently clear so that it does not need to be simplified..
Basic operations used for writing algorithms are known as primitive operations or primitives. When
an algorithm is written in computer primitives, then the algorithm is unambiguous and the computer
can execute it.
Algorithms have effectively computable operations
Each operation in an algorithm must be durable, that is, the operation must be something that is
possible to do. For computers, many mathematical operations such as division by zero or finding the
square root of a negative number are also impossible. These operations are not effectively computable
so they cannot be used in writing algorithms.
Algorithms produce a result
In our simple definition of an algorithm, we stated that an algorithm is a set of instructions for solving
a problem. Unless an algorithm produces some result, we can never be certain whether our solution is
correct. Only algorithms which produce results can be verified as either right or wrong.
Algorithms halt in a finite amount of time
Algorithms should be composed of a finite number of operations and they should complete their
execution in a finite amount of time. Every algorithm must reach some operation that tells it to stop.
In the above eg, it is evident that the algorithm has a start and terminal point. Between these two key
words , every algorithm contains one or more steps indicating the operations to be performed. To
express algorithms one uses, structured English, pseudo programming languages and other methods
.It is very convenient to express algorithm pictorially.
2.3 Flow Charts and their Uses
The flow chart is an important tool aiding development of a program.. It is usual practice to introduce
another intermediate step prior to the preparation of a computer program. This step is called flow
chart development. A flow chart is a pictorial or graphical representation of the steps necessary to
solve a problem, perform a task, complete a process or illustrate the components of a system using
certain prescribed symbols to show the sequence of operations to be performed, so as to arrive at a
solution. That is, a flow chart illustrates the iterative and sequential steps pictorially. It helps the user
to identify more easily the block of codes, choices and paths of execution as compared to the
algorithms This is one of the major advantages of using flow charts. Table 2.1 shows the common
symbols used in flow charts. The use of symbols is illustrated in the following example.
Table 2.1 : Symbols used in Flow charts
Example 2.2 :
The Flow chart in Fig 2.3 shows, how the mathematical expression are completed with discrete steps.
Each step evaluates an expression and finally produces the result in degree Fahrenheit.
Read C
F= C1.8
F= F+ 32
Write C and F
Fig. 2.3 Flow chart for converting degree centigrade into Fahrenheit
2.5 Summary:
1. An algorithm is a precise set of rules / precise specification of a sequence of instructions to
followed in solving problems using a computer.
Unit 3: Overview of C
3.1. History of C
3.2. Importance of C
3.3 Sample Programs
3.4 Basic Structure Of C Programs
3.5 Programming style
3.6 Executing A C Program
3.7 Unix System
3.8 MS- DOS System
3.9 Summary
3.1. History of C
C is a structured general purpose machine Independent high level programming language
developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & Ts Bell Labs of USA in the mid 1970s for the Unix based
operating system. Many of the important concepts of C are borrowed from the language BCPL
(Basic Combined Programming Language), developed by Martin Richards in 1967. Although
originally designed as a systems programming language, C has proved to be a powerful and flexible
language that is used for a variety of applications for nearly every available platform. The merit of C
lay in the fact that it is easier to read, more flexible and more efficient at using memory. It is
particularly popular for personal computer programmers because it requires less memory than other
languages. C is the archetype or original model for many modern languages as when we find
Language constructs in C, such as "if" statements, "for" and "while" loops, and types of variables, can
be found in many later languages. Today, there are very few platforms that do not have a C compiler
In the late, seventies C began to replace the more familiar languages of that time like, ALGOL,
PL/I, etc. The drawback of the B language was that it did not know data-types. Both BCPL and B are
type less system programming languages. By Contrast, C Provides a variety of data types with
powerful features. The fundamental data types are integers, characters and floating point numbers of
various sizes. In addition there is a hierarchy of derived data types created with arrays, pointers,
structures and union.
Since C was developed along with the UNIX operating system, it is has close association with
UNIX. Major parts of the popular operating systems like windows, Linux and Unix are coded in C.
This is because when it comes to performance nothing beats C. Although C is technically a high-
level language, it is one of the "lowest-level" high-level programming languages in the sense; it is
much closer to assembly language than are most other high-level languages. This closeness to the
underlying machine language allows C programmers to write very efficient code. More over if one is
to extend the operating system to work with new devices one needs to write device driver programs.
These programmes are exclusively written in C.
For many years, C was the reference manual, but eventually with the appearance of many C
compilers coupled with the wide popularity of UNIX operating system, it gained wide popularity
among computer professionals. Today, C is the language of choice while building a variety of
hardware and operating system platforms.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) constituted a committee in 1983, to provide an
updated definition of C. The resulting definition ANSI C was completed in late 1988, and modern
compilers are already supporting most of the features of this standard .The standard is based on the
original reference Manual in the first edition, the classic book The C Programming Language ,
with little or no changes on the original design of the C language . They ensured that old programs
still worked with the new standard, failing that, the compiler would produce warnings of new
One of the significant contributions of the standard is the definition of a new syntax for the defining
and declaration of the function. This extra information makes it easier for compilers to detect errors
caused by mismatched arguments. A second significant contribution of the standard is the definition
of a library to accompany C. These library functions specifies functions for accessing the operating
system, formatted input and output, memory allocation, string manipulation, and the like. A
collection of standard headers provides uniform.
3.2. Importance of C
C is an immensely popular language widely used and well understood. Some of the versatile features
of C language are: reliability, portability, flexibility, interactivity, modularity and finally efficiency
and effectiveness. It is a great tool for expressing programming ideas in a way it is easily understood,
regardless of the language users are most familiar with. It is in fact the original or archetypal
building block for many other currently known languages and it is very close to assembly language. C
is a robust language whose rich set of built in functions, and operators can be used to write any
complex programs. In C large programs are divided into small programs called functions and data
moves freely around the systems from one function to another. Moreover, the C compiler combines
the capabilities of an assembly language with the attributes of a high level language and therefore it is
useful for writing both system software and business packages without worrying about the hardware
platforms where they will be implemented..The great thing about C is that it can be used to write
high performance code for both application and system software. Further it can interact with
hardware at quite low level. In fact, many of the compilers available in market are written in C. It is
the language used for developing system applications that forms major portion of operating systems
such as Windows, UNIX and Linux. C is increasingly being used in Database systems, Graphics,
Spread sheets, word processors, Compilers /Assemblers, Network drivers and interpreters.
The variety of data types and powerful operators available in C makes C programs very efficient and
fast. In C there are only 32 key words and its strength lies in its built-in functions. Some standard
functions are available which can be used for developing programs. C Being highly portable,
programs written for one computer can be made to run on another system with little or no
C is at once one of the pillars of modern information technology (IT) and computer science (CS). C
is a high level language that lets us to write very low level stuff like device drivers that runs as fast as
assembly written programs. C's power and fast program execution come from its ability to access low
level commands, similar to assembly language, but with high level syntax. It allows low level access
to information and commands while still retaining the portability and syntax of a high level language.
In this process C imposes few constraints on the programmer. Further it is tailor- made for structured
programming, thus requiring the user to think a problem in terms of function modules or blocks. A
collection of these modules make a program debugging and testing easier..Thus, C meets the
requirements, where speed, space and portability are important.
Another prime feature of C is its ability to extend itself. A program in C is basically a collection of
functions that are supported by the C library. We can add our own functions to the C library .With
the availability of large number of functions , the programming burden becomes simple. C being
simple and easy to understand, most of the operating systems and game software are written in C .
Before discussing some distinct features of C, we shall look at some sample programs in C, and as
we proceed, can learn more about the language.
3.3 Sample Programs
Printing A Message: Sample program 1
The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it. Let us begin by
looking at the construction of a very simple program.
The following is the output of the above program code when it is executed:
hello, fine
main( )
/* Printing begins.*/
/* Printing ends.*/
In the above C program, the code begins executing at the beginning of main. main( ) is a special
function used by the C systems to tell the computer where the program begins. This means that every
program must have a main somewhere. In this example, main is defined to be a function that expects
no arguments, which is indicated by the empty list ( ). All the statements that belong to main( ) are
enclosed within a pair of braces { } as indicated above. The opening brace { indicates the
beginning of the function main and the closing brace } marks the end of the program. All the
statements between these two braces form the function body. The function body contains a set of
instructions to perform the given task.
In our example, the function body contains three statements out of which only the printf line is an
executable statement. A function is called by naming it, followed by parenthesized list of arguments,
so this calls the function printf with the argument hello, fine . printf is a library function that
prints output , in this case the string of characters (String constant or character string) between quotes.
The two lines
/* Printing begins.*/
/* Printing ends.*/
Are comment lines which in this program tells what the program does. Any characters between /*
and .*/ are ignored by the compiler ( comments are solely given for the understanding of the
programmer or the fellow programmers); they may be used freely to make a program easier to
understand . Any number of comments can be written at any place in the program. The normal
language rules do not apply to text written with in /* and .*/ . Thus we can type this text in small
case, capital, or a combination. Moreover, comment can be split over more than one line, as in,
/* printing
Such a comment is often called a multi-line comment. Comments cannot be nested. For example,
/* Printing begins /*Printing ends.*/*/
Is invalid and therefore results in an error.
Let us come back to the printf function, the only executable statement of the program .
printf( hello, fine );
The above quotation can be printed in two lines, by adding another printf function, as in,
The information contained between the parentheses is called the augment (which are simply strings
of character to be printed out) of the function. The argument of the first printf contains a combination
of two characters \ and n at the end of the string. The combination sequence \n is called newline
and it takes the character to the next line. Therefore, you will get the output split over two lines. \n is
one of the several Escape Sequence (similar in concept to the carriage return key on a type writer,
which when printed advances the output to the left margin on the next line) available in C. if you try
something like
printf(hello, fine
The C compiler will produce an error message.
No space is allowed between \ and n. printf never supplies a new line automatically, so several
function calls may be used to build up an output line in stages, as in,
main( )
. {
/* printing begins.*/
printf( hello,);
printf( fine,);
printf( \n);
/* printing ends.*/
To produce identical output. Here \n represents only a single character. An escape sequence like \n
provides a general and extensible mechanism for representing hard to type or invisible characters. It is
also possible to produce multi line output by one printf statement with the use of newline character at
appropriate places, as in,
printf (hello\n.fine,\nI\ ok!);
Where the output is
.am ok !
The inclusion of the preprocessor directive # include < stdio.h > at the beginning of all programs
that use any input/output library functions should not be insisted for functions like, printf and scanf,
Printf is a pre defined standard C function (predefined in the sense that it is function that has already
been written, compiled, and linked together with the program at the time of linking).
Note that the print line ends with a semi colon. Thus the mark ; acts as a statement terminator.
That is, every C statement must end with a ; mark. In C , everything is written in lowercase letters.
However, uppercase letters are used for symbolic names representing constants. we may also use
uppercase letters in output strings like HELLO and FINE.
The General format of simple C programs is shown below.
End of program
Simple C program Format
main ( )
int main ( )
main (void)
The empty pair of parenthesis indicates that the function has no arguments This may be explicitly indicated by
SAMPLE PROGRAM 2: Adding Two Numbers
using the keyword void inside the parenthesis. Just like the way functions in a calculator returns a value,
functions in C also return a value to the operating system. That is, It is also possible to specify the keyword int or
void before the word main. Some compilers permit us to return nothing or no information to the operating
systemis afrom
mainprogram which
( ). In such demonstrates
a case we should the use of
precede new the
it with ideas,
word voidcomments, declaration,
. The key word void means
variables, and arithmetic expressions.
that the function does not return any value to the operating system and int means that the function s returns an
integer value to operating system. When int is specified, the last statement in the program must be return 0.
main ( )
int num;
float amount;
num = 10;
amount = 20.25+29.85;
printf ( % d\n,num);
printf (%5.2f,amount);
tells the compiler that num is an integer (int) and amount is a floating (float) point (numbers with
fractional part) numbers. All declaration statements ends with a semicolon. The words such as int
and float are called keywords and cannot be used as variable names .The range of both int and float
depends on the machine you are using; 16- bit ints, which lie between -32768 and +32768 , are
common, as are 32-bit ints. A float number is typically 32-bit quantity, with at least six significant
digits and magnitude generally between about 10-38 and 10+38. While declaring the type of variable
one can also initialize it as shown in line 7 and 9.That is , the statements
num = 10;
amount = 20.25+29.85;
are called the assignment statement. Every assignment statement must have a semicolon at the end.
The order in which we define the variables is sometimes important sometimes and sometimes not.
For example,
int i =10, j =25;
is same as
int j= 25, i=10;
float a= 1.5, b = a + 3.2;
Is alright. But
float b= a+3.2, a = 1.5 ;
Is not, because we are trying to use a even before defining it.
Moreover, the following statements would work
int a,b,c,d
a = b = c = d = 10;
However the following statement would not work
Int a= b= c= d =10;
The next statement of the program is an output statement that prints the value of number. The
print statement
printf ( % d\n, num);
contains two arguments..The first argument %d tells the compiler that the value of the second
argument num should be printed as a decimal integer. These arguments are separated by comma.
The newline character \n causes the next output to appear on a new line.
The last statement of the program
printf (%5.2f, amount);
print out the value of amount in floating point format. The format specification %5.2f tells the
compiler that the output must be floating type , with five places in all and two places to the right of
the decimal point.
Calculation of Interest: Sample Program 3
C supports the basic four arithmetic operators (-, +, * . / ) along with various others. The use of
such operators along with other variable declarations, the while loop construct and # define
preprocessor directive are illustrated in the program below. The program calculates the value of
money at the end of each year of investment, assuming the interest rate at 11 percent with an initial
investment of 50 000 for 10 years .In this program, the variable value represents the value of money
at the end of the year and the amount represents the value of the money at the start of the year. The
amount = value ;
makes the value at the end of the current year as the value at the beginning of the next year .
The preprocessor compiler directive #define, defines a symbolic constant. Whenever a symbolic
name is encountered, the compiler automatically substitutes the value associated with the name. If
you want to change the value you have to simply change the definition. #define line should not end
with a semicolon and are usually written in upper case letters(so that they can be readily distinguished
from the lower case variable names), usually placed at the beginning before the main ( ) function.
They are not declared in the declaration section. The declaration section of the program declares year
as integer and amount ,value and rate as floating point numbers. When two or more variables are
declared in one statement, they are separated by commas. It is also possible to declare the floating
point variables as multiple statements as in,
float amount;
float value;
float rate;
# define PERIOD 10
main ( )
int year;
amount = PRINCIPAL ;
rate = 0.11;
year = 0;
amount = value;
In the while loop all computation and printing are accomplished. The body of a while loop can
be one or more statements enclosed in braces . The parenthesis after the while contain a condition that
is tested. So long as this condition remains true all , all statements within body of the while loop keep
getting executed repeatedly. When the condition becomes false , the control passes to the first
statement that follows the body of the while loop..In this case as long as the value of the year is less
than or equal to the PERIOD, the four statements grouped by braces that follows the while are
executed. The loop ends when year becomes greater than PERIOD.
Sample Program 4: Use of Sub routines:
A very simple program that explains the use of mul ( ) function is shown below. It uses a user
main ( )
int a, b,c;
a =7;
b =10;
c = mul (a,b);
int p;
p = x * y;
return ( p);
function equivalent to subroutine in FORTRAN or Sub program in BASIC. The Execution of the
program will print the output
Multiplication of 7 and 10 is 70
The mul ( ) function multiplies the value of variables x and y and the result is returned to the main
( ) function when it is called in the statement
c = mul (a,b );
The mul ( ) function has two arguments x and y (declared as integers) and when called the values of
a and b are passed onto x and y respectively. This example also shows a bit more of how printf
Sample Program 5: Use of Math Functions:
There are many occasions where we often use standard mathematical functions like cos, sin, exp,
# define PI 3.1416
main ( )
int angle;
float x,y;
angle = 0;
x = ( PI/MAX) * angle;
y = cos (x);
The standard mathematical functions are defined and kept as a part of C math library for use in
programs. The use of any of these mathematical functions in the program can be accomplished by
means of # include instruction in the program. The #include directive tells the preprocessor to treat
the contents of a specified file as if those contents had appeared in the source program at the point
where the directive appears Like # define, it is also a compiler directive and tells the compiler to link
the specified mathematical functions from the library. The instruction is of the form
# include < math.h >
math.h is the file name containing the required information. Program code,(Figure 3.1) explains the
use of cosine function. Another # include instruction that is often used is
# include <stdio.h>
<stdio.h> refers to the standard I/O header file containing standard Input output functions. That is, it
adds the contents of the file named stdio.h to the source program and the ankle brackets cause the
preprocessor to search the directories specified by the Include environment variable for stdio.h, after
searching directories specified by the / I compiler option. For example, to use the function printf( ) in
a program, the line
#include <stdio.h>
Should be at the beginning of the source file, because the definition for printf() is found in the file
As explained earlier, C programs are divided into modules or functions. To use any of the
standard functions, the appropriate header file should be included...Header files contain definitions of
functions and variables which can be incorporated into any C program by using the pre-processor
#include statement. This is done at the beginning of the C source file . To access the functions stored
in the C library, it is necessary to tell the compiler about the files to be accessed. This is achieved by
the use of pre processor directive
#include <filename>
Placed at the beginning of the program. Note here that filename is the name of the library file that
contains the required function definition.
3.4 Basic Structure Of C Programs
The programs in C so far discussed illustrates that it can be viewed as a group of building blocks
called functions. A function is a segment that groups a number of program statements to perform
specific task. To write a c program , we must first create functions and then put them together.
The different sections of a C program as shown in figure 3.2..The documentation section consists
of a set of comment lines giving the name of a program, author, date and other details, which the
programmer would like to use later .The link section provides instructions to the compiler to link
functions from the system library. All symbolic constants are defined in the definition section. Global
variables (variables that are used in more than one function) and all the user defined functions are
declared in the global declaration section that is out side of all the functions.
Documentation Section
Link Section
Definition Section
Declaration Part
Execution Part
Function 1
Function 2
Function n
Every C program must have one main ( ) function section that contains two parts, the declaration and
executable part, appearing between the opening and closing braces. In the declaration part all those
variables used in the executable part are declared..There is at least one statement in the executable
part. The program execution begins at the opening brace and ends at the closing brace which marks
the logical end of the program. Every statements in the declaration and executable parts end with a
semi colon (;).\
The sub program section contains all the user defined functions that are called in the main function.
User defined functions are generally placed immediately after the main function, although they may
appear in any order. All sections , except the main function may be absent when they are not required.
Although these steps remain the same irrespective of the operating system, system commands for implementing the
steps and conventions for naming the files may differ on different systems. An operating system is a program that
controls the entire operations of a computer system. All I/O operations are channeled through the operating system. It is
an interface between the hard ware and the user. The most popular ones today are UNIX and MS-DOS .Figure 3.10
illustrates the steps involved in the execution of C program.
System Ready
NO Object code
Corrected output
No Errors
load the UNIX OS in to the memory , the computer is ready to receive the program. The program
must be entered into a file. The file name can consists of ,letters, digits and special characters
followed by a dot and a letter c.
For eg,
The file is created with the help of another program called text editor., either ed or vi. The command
for calling the editor and creating the file is
ed filename
if the file existed before , it is loaded up. If not the file has to be created so that it is ready to receive
the new program. Any corrections to the program are done under the editor. when the editing is over
it is saved on the disk .It can the be referenced at any time later by its file name. The program that is
entered into the file is known as source program .A source program is a program coded in a
languages other than machine language, ad it is translated into machine language before being
Compiling and Linking
Once you have written the program you need to type it and instruct the machine to execute it. To
type the C program you need another program called Editor. Once the program has been typed it
needs to be converted to machine language (0s and 1s) before the machine can execute it. To carry
out this conversion we need another program called compiler. Assume that the source program has
been created in a file named kmv.c The compilation command to achieve this task under UNIX is
cc kmv.c
The source program instructions are now translated into a form that is suitable for execution by the
compiler. The translation is done after examining each instruction for its correctness. If everything is
alright, the compilation proceeds silently and the translated program is stored in another file with the
name kmv.o. This program is called the object code.
Linking is the process of putting together other programs files and functions that are required by
the program. Under UNIX, the linking is automatically done when the cc command is used. Errors, if
any should be should be corrected in the source program with the help of editor and the compilation
is done again..The compiled and link program is called the executable object code and is stored
automatically in another file named a.out.
will compile the source files mod1.c and mod2.c into object files mod1.o and mod2.o. They can be
linked together by the command
c c mod1.o mod2.o
Further, the source and object files can be combined as
C c mod1.c mod2.o
Here only mod1.c is compiled and then linked with the object file mod2.o. This approach helps in
situations when one of the source files need to be changed and recompiled or an existing object file is
to be used along with the program to be compiled.
3.8 MS- DOS System
In MS-DOS system, the program is created by any word processing software in non document
mode and should end with the characters .c. . For example, program.c ,pay.c , etc. Then the
MSC pay.c
Would load the program stored in the file pay.c and generate the object code. This code is stored in
another file under the name pay.obj. The linking is done by the command
LINK pay.obj
Which generates the executable code. with the file name pay.exe. Now the command would execute
the program and give the results.
3.9 Summary
1. Every C program needs a main() function.
2. The execution of a function begins at the opening brace of the function and ends at the
corresponding closing brace.
3. C programs are written in lowercase letters. Upper case letters are used for symbolic and
output strings.
4. Every program statement must end with a semicolon.
5. All variables must be declared for their types before they are used in the program.
6. Include header files using # include directive for reference to special names and functions
that it does not define. They should not end with a semicolon. The # sign must appear in the
first column of the line.
7. When braces are used to group statements, the opening brace must have a corresponding
closing brace,
8. A comment can be inserted anywhere to increase readability and understandability of the
program. Comments help the users in testing and debugging. Care must be taken to match the
symbols /* and */
Alphabets Constants
White Spaces
Blank spaces
Horizontal Tab
Carriage Return
New Line
Form Feed
Figure 4.2 : The C Character Set
4.3 C Tokens
A token is a source program text that the compiler does not break down into atomic units. They are
the basic building blocks/elements of the C language, constructed together to make a C program.
That is, each and every smallest individual units in a C program are called Tokens. The Tokens in C
language include:
??| ^ caret
??~ ~ tilde
if do while for
An Identifier refers to the names of variables ( i.e., the one which changes during program
execution), names of functions, arrays, and structures. They are user defined names consisting of a
combinations of alphabets, digits with a letter as the first character and underscore. The under score
symbol is treated as a letter in the C character set and it helps in the readability of long variable
names. That is, they are the names given to C entities such as , variables, types, functions, structures
and labels in the program. However, the lengths of identifiers in C, vary from one implementation to
another. In general, Identifier are created to give a unique name to C entities so as to identify it
during the execution of the program. For example: int apple; Here apple is an identifier which denote
a variable of integer type. In fact, Keywords (either C or Microsoft) are not used as
identifiers.(i.e., they are reserved for special use). Identifiers are in general, used to name
constants, functions, files and the like, apart from variables.
Rules for Identifiers
1. The first character must be an alphabet( uppercase or lowercase ) or an under score.
2. All succeeding characters must be letters or digits.
3. Key words should not be used as identifiers.
4. Name of identifier is case sensitive i.e. num and Num are two different variables.
5. Identifier name cannot be exactly same as constant name which have been declared in the header
file of C and you have included that header file.
6. Name of identifier cannot be exactly same as of name of function with in the scope of the function.
7. Name of function cannot be global identifier.
8. No two successive underscores are allowed.
9. Only first 31 characters are significant.
10. No special characters or punctuation symbols are used except the under score.
4.5 Constants
A constant in C refers to a piece of data that does not change throughout the execution of the
program. That is, Constants in C are expressions with a fixed value that are not changed during the
execution of the program and are declared with the define keyword .In general, C constants can be
divided into two major categories
1. Primary constants
2. Secondary constants.
These constants are further categorized as shown in Figure 4.5.
C Constants
Integer Real Single String
Character Union
Constant Constant Constant
Constant Enum. etc
At this stage, we would restrict our discussion to only primary constants( or basic constants)
Fig. 4.5 Types
namely, Integer, Real and Character of C Let
constants. Constants
use details of each of these constants..
Integer Constants
Integer constants are the numeric constants (Constants associated with number) without any
fractional or exponential part. Integer constants take one of the following forms:
1. A decimal integer. , e.g., 1 , 134, 10005 ( Decimal integers are a set of digits, 0 through 9,
preceded by an optional or + sign). Embedded spaces, commas, and non digit characters
are not allowed between digits.
2. An Octal integer constant (base 8), e.g., 0 1 , 134, 0303242 . An octal constant is introduced
Floating point constants are normally represented as double precision quantities. Following rules
must be observed while constructing real constants in fractional form:
1. A real constant must have at least one digit
2. It must have a decimal point
3. It could be either positive or negative
4. If no sign precedes an integer constant, it is assumed to be positive.
5. No commas or blanks are allowed within the real constant.
The exponential form of representation of real constants is usually used if the value of the
constant is either too small or too large . In this form of representation, the real constant is
represented in two parts. The part appearing before e is called mantissa, whereas the part
following e is called exponent. Thus 0.000213 is represented in exponential form as 2.13e-4 . The
General form is
mantissa e exponent
Following rules must be observed while constructing real constants expressed in exponential form:
1. The mantissa and exponential part should be separated by a letter e or E.
2. The mantissa part may have + ve or ve sign.(default sign is positive).
3. The exponent must have at least one digit , which must be a +ve or _ve integer. Default sign is
4 .Range of real constants expressed in exponential form is -3.4e38 to 3.4e38.
Character Constant
Character constants are the constant which use single quotation around characters. example, `b`,
`k`, `l` etc. In general, A character constant is a single alphabet, a single digit, or a single special
symbol enclosed with in single quotes(or inverted commas). For both the inverted commas(single
quotes) should point to the left. For example, `C` is a valid character constant while C is not. In
C, characters are small integers, so you can use a character constant anywhere you can use an integer
constant and vice versa. More over, the maximum length of a character constant can be 1 character.
String Constants
It is a collection of characters enclosed in double quotes. It may contain letters, digits, special
characters and blank space. Examples are:
Hello! How Are You ? X
Note that a character constant (e.g., X) is not equal to the single character string constant( e.g.,
X ) . Further, a single character string constant does not have an equivalent integer value while a
character constant has an integer value. More over, character strings are often used in programs to
build meaningful programs. Moreover, the entity having two consecutive double quotes without any
characters in between them, i.e., , is called a null string. Here, the quotes acts as delimiters and
are not part of the string.
Backlash character constants
Sometimes, it is necessary to use newline(enter), tab, quotation mark etc. in the program which
either cannot be typed or has special meaning in C programming. Such characters with special
meaning should be preceded by a backlash symbol to make use of special function of them.. The
backlash (\ ) causes escape from the normal way the characters are interpreted by the compiler.
Each backlash character constant represents one character, although they consist of two characters.
These character combinations are called escape sequences. Given below (Table 4.1)is the list of
special characters and their purpose .
4.6 Variables
Every language should support the basic data objects namely, variables and constants. Variables
are memory location in computers memory to store data. To indicate the memory location, each
variable should be given a unique name called identifier. Variable names are just the symbolic
representation of a memory location. These memory locations can contain integer, real or character
constants. Unlike constants that remain unchanged during the execution of program , a variable may
take different values at different times during execution. Examples of variable names are : sum,
count, bike, interest etc. A variable name can be chosen by the programmer in a meaningful manner
so as to reflect its function. Variables are to be declared before using it in the program.
Rules for writing Variable names in C
1. Variable names can be composed of letters(upper & lower case) , digits, and underscore. There
is no rule for the length of a variable. A variable name is any combination of 1 to 31 alphabets.
2. The first letter of a variable should be either a letter or an under score. Note that upper and
lower case are significant
3. No commas or blanks are allowed with in a variable name.
4. No special symbol other than underscore can be used in the variable name.
5. It should not be a key word.
6. White spaces are not allowed.
Constant Meaning
\a audible alarm
\b back space
\f form feed
\n new line
\r carriage return
\t horizontal Tab
\v vertical tab
\ double quote
\ single quote
\? question mark
\\ backlash
\0 null
Table 4.1
Integral Type
Integer Character
All C Compilers support five fundamental data types, namely integer(int) , character(char), Floating
point(float), double precision floating point(double) and void. Extended data types like long int
,long double are also in use in C. Figure 4.6 gives an overview of primary data types in C.
Integer Types
This data type allows a variable to store numeric values. int keyword is used to refer integer data
type. The. integers are whole numbers with a range of values supported by a particular machine
(that is, the storage size of int data type is 2 or 4 or 8 byte. It varies with the processor in the CPU
that we use). Generally, the C integer types were intended to allow code to be portable among
machines with different inherent data sizes (word sizes), so each type may have different ranges on
different machines. The problem with this is that a program often needs to be written for a particular
range of integers, and sometimes must be written for a particular size of storage, regardless of what
machine the program runs on. In fact, integers occupy one word of storage, and since the word size
of machines vary, the size of integer that can be stored depends on the computer. For a 16 bit word
length, the size of the integer value is limited to the range -2 15 to 2 15-1. A signed integer uses one bit
for sign and 15 bits for the magnitude of the number.
In order to provide control over the range of numbers and storage space, the C language defines
several integer data types: integer, short integer, long integer, and character, all both in signed
and unsigned varieties. For eg., Short int represents fairly small integer values and requires half
the amount of storage space as a regular int number uses. Unlike signed integers, unsigned integers
use all the bits for the magnitude of the number and are always positive. To increase the range of
values we declare long and unsigned integers
Floating point types
C uses the key word float to define floating point numbers . Floating point numbers are stored in
32-bit, with six digits precision. Key word double is used to define big floating point numbers. It
reserves twice the storage for the number. A double data type number uses 64 bits giving a precision
of 14 digits. On PCs this is likely to be 8 bytes. The double type represents the same data type that
float represents, but with a greater precision. To extend the precision further, the key word long
double with 80 bits are used.
Void types
Void is an empty data type normally used as a return type in C to declare that no value will be
returned by the function. It can also play the role of generic type, meaning that it can represent any of
the other standard types.
Character type
A single character of the character set of C, can be defined as a character ( or char) type data .
Key word char is used for declaring the variable of character type. Usually, a character enclosed
between a pair of single quotes denotes a character constant. The size of char is 1 byte(or 8 bits of
internal storage)..The qualifier signed or unsigned may explicitly applied to char.
Another user defined data type is enumerated data type provided by ANSI C standard which is
defined as follows:.
enum identifier { value1,value2,..valuen};
The identifier here , is a user- defined enumerated data type which can be used to declare
variables that can have one of the values enclosed with in the braces . After the definition we can
declare variables to be of this new type as below.
enum identifier v1,v2,;
The enumerated variables v1,v2,vn can have only one of the values value1, value2 .. value n.
Th assignments of the following type:
v1 = value3;
v5 = value1;
are valid.
For example:
enum day { Monday, Tuesday,.,Sunday};
enum day week_ st,week_end;
week_ st = Monday;
week_end = Friday;
If (week_st = = Tuesday)
week_end = Saturday;
The C compiler automatically assign integer digits beginning with 0 to all the enumeration constants.
That is, the enumeration constant value 1 is assigned 0, value 2 is assigned 1, and so on. The
automatic assignment can be overridden if we assign enumeration constant values explicitly as;
enum day { Monday = 1 , Tuesday,.,Sunday};
Here Monday is assigned the value 1.The remaining constants are assigned values that increase
successively by 1.
The definition and declaration of enumerated variables can be combined in one statement as in :
enum day { Monday, Tuesday,.,Sunday} week _st, week_end;
In a declaration only one storage class specifiers is permitted, as there is only one way of storing
things and if the storage class specifiers in a declaration is omitted then a default is chosen,
depending on whether the declaration is made outside or inside the function. For external
declarations the default storage class specifiers will be extern and for internal declaration it will be
auto. It is the default storage class for all local variables. The variables with local life time are
allocated new storage each time execution control passes to the block in which they are defined.
When execution returns, the variables no longer have meaningful values,.
register is used to define local variable ( or used for variables that need quick access-such as
counters) that should be stored in a register instead of RAM. The variable declared as register is
stored in the CPU register, the default value of that variable is the garbage value.. That is, the
variable has a maximum size equal to the register size (usually one word) and cannot have unary &
operator applied to it (as it does not have a memory location).The scope of the variable is local to the
block in which it is defined (or it contains ) and the variable is alive till the control remains with in
the block in which the variable is defined..
static is the default storage class for global variables. The variable that is declared as static is
stored in the memory, default value of which is zero. Life of variable persist between different
function calls. The static storage class provides a life time over the entire duration of program and
are not available to the linker. Therefore, another compilation unit can contain an identical declaration
that refers to different object. A static object can be declared anywhere (or it does not have to be at
the beginning of the block). static variables may be initialized in their declarations; the initializes
must be constant expressions, and it is done only once at compile time when memory is allocated for
the static variable. Further, the scope of the static automatic variables is identical to that of automatic
variables; however the storage allocated becomes permanent for the duration of the program.
The extern storage class is used to give reference of a global variable or function in another file,
that is visible to all program files. It is the default class for objects with file scope .The variable
declared as extern is stored in the memory, the default value of that variable is being zero. Variable is
alive as long as the programs execution does not come to an end . External variable can be declared
outside all the functions or inside functions using extern keywords. External variables may be
declared outside any function block in a source code file the same way another variable is declared,
by specifying the type and name(extern keyword may be omitted).Typically, when declared at the
beginning of the source file, the extern key word is omitted. When you use extern the variable
cannot be initialized as all it does is point the variable name at a storage location that has been
previously defined. If the program is in several source files and the variable is defined in several files,
collect extern declarations of variables and functions in separate header file then included by using #
include when you have multiple files and you define a global variable function which will be used in
another files also then extern will be used in another file to reference of defined variable or function.
The extern class specifies the same storage duration as static objects, but the object of function is
not hidden from the linker .Using the extern key word in a declaration, results in external linkage and
results in static duration of the object Memory for such variables is allocated when the program
begins execution, and remains allocated until the program terminates. The storage class is another
qualifier( like long and unsigned) that can be used in the variable declaration as given below:
auto int count;
register char ch;
static int y;
extern long sum;
The extern and static class variables are automatically initialized to zero. Auto variables , on the
other hand contain undefined (or garbage)values unless they are initialized explicitly.
(b) The order in which we define variable is sometimes important and sometimes not.
For e.g., int i = 10, j = 12; . is same as
int j= 12, i = 10.
However, float a= 1.5, b= a +3.2; is alright
But float b = a+ 3.2 ,a = 1.5 is not,
Because, here we are trying to use a even before defining it.
(c ) The following statements work better
int a,b,c,d;
a = b = c = d = 10;
However the following statement would not work
int a = b = c = d = 10, an instance of using b ( to assign to a) before defining it.
The Assignment statement
We can assign values to the variables using the assignment operator = as follows:
variable_name = constant;
Multiple assignments in one line are permitted in C. For eg.,
initial _value= 0; final value = 10; is a valid statement.
It is also possible to assign a value to variable at the time the variable is declared. This takes the
following form:
data-type variable_name = constant;
More than one variable can be initialized in a single statement as:
a= b = c = 2;
x = y = z = MIN;
Note here that, MIN is a symbolic constant defined at the beginning.
Reading Data from Key board
There is a function in C, called the scanf function, which allows the programmer to accept input
from the key board( or pass data to our C program). That is, Once executed our program will wait
for the user inputs , once it came across any scanf function during program execution. It is a general
input function available in C and is very similar in concept to the printf function. That is, printf and
scanf are two standard C programming language functions for console input and output. scanf
works much like an INPUT statement in BASIC language. The syntax of scanf function is:
scanf(format string, &argument list);
The format string must be a text enclosed in double quotes and it contains the format of data
being received for connecting it into internal representation in memory. e.g., integer (%d), float
(%f), character (%c), or string (%s). The argument list contains a list of variables each preceded by
the address list and separated by comma. The number of argument is not fixed. However
corresponding to each argument there should be a format specifier. Inside the format string the
number of argument should tally with the number of format specifier. For eg., if i is an integer and j
a floating point number , to input these two numbers we may use scanf( %d %f, &i, &j);. The
& symbol before each variable name is an operator that specify the variable names address. We
must always use this address. Let us look at an eg.,
scanf( %d, &number );
when this statement is encountered by the computer, the execution stops and waits for the value
of the variable number to be typed in. Since the control string %d specifies that it is an integer to
be read from the terminal , we have to type in the value in the integer form. Once the number is
typed in and the return key is pressed, the computer then proceeds to the next statement. The
required header for the scanf function is # include < stdio.h >.
# define PI 3.141593 defines a symbolic constant PI whose value is 3.141593.When the program is
preprocessed, all the occurrences of the symbolic constant pi are replaced with the replacement text
3.141593. Here the preprocessor statements begin with # symbol. and are not end with a semi colon.
By convention preprocessor constants are written in UPPER CASE. Further during run time, the
value of a symbolic constant does not change. Symbolic names are sometimes called constant
identifiers. Since symbolic names are constants, they do not appear in declarations.
Rules for Symbolic Constants
1. Symbolic names have the same form as variable names written in UPPER CASE.
2. No blank space between # and the word define.
3. # must be the first character in the line.
4. A blank space is required between #define and symbolic name and between symbolic name and
the constant.
5. #define ( #define is a preprocessor compiler directive) statements do not end with a semi colon.
6. After definition, the symbolic name should not be assigned any other value within the program by
using an assignment statement.
7. symbolic names are not declared for data types. Its data type depends on the type of constant.
8. #define statements may appear anywhere in the program but before it is referenced in the program.
4.12 Declaring a Variable as Constant
In environments that support C, we may like the value of certain variables to remain constant
during Program execution. We can achieve this by declaring the variable with the qualifier const at
initialization as in e.g.,
const int class_size = 20;
The const is a new data type qualifier defined by ANSI C. This tells the compiler that the value of
the int variable class_size must not be modified by the program. However, it can be used on the
RHS of an assignment statement like any other variable.
This means that the value of date may be altered by some external factors even if it does not appear
on the LHS of an assignment statement. When we declare a variable as volatile, the compiler will
examine the value of the variable each time it is encountered to see whether any external alteration
has changed the value.
If we wish that the value of a variable must not be modified by the program while it may be
altered by some other process, then we may declare it as both const and volatile as :
volatile const int date = 12 ;
4.14 Summary
1. The three primary constants and variable types in C are int, float and character.
2. A variable name can be of maximum 31 character.
3. Do not use a key word as a variable name.
4. Each variable used must be declared for its type at the beginning of the program or function.
5. Each variable must be initialized before they are used in the program.
6. Integer constants, by default, assume int types. To make the numbers long or unsigned , append
L or U to them.
7. Floating point default to double To make them to denote float or long double , append letters F
or L to the numbers.
8. Do not use l for long.
9. Use single quote for character constants and double quotes for string constants.
10. Do not combine declarations with executable statements.
11. A variable can be made constant either by using #define at the beginning of program or by
declaring it with the qualifier const at the time of initialization.
12. # must be the first character in the line
13. No blank space between # and the word define is allowed.
14. A variable defined before the main function is available to all the functions in the functions in
the program.
15. A variable defined inside a function is local to that function and not available to other functions.
16. Input/output in C can be achieved using scanf ( ) and printf( ) functions.
17. No blank space are allowed within a variable, constant or keyword.
Module II:Introduction
This is the second module of the four modules for the C programming language course in your B Sc
Programme. Programming a computer at once means preparing a set of instructions for it to follow. These
instructions invariably has to be written in one of the several high level languages, such as C, C++ etc. or
in a low level language such as the assembly language . Eventually these instructions get translated to
produce machine language program. Since it is the translated version of a program that is actually getting
executed, at this level it does not matter in what language the source program may have written in. But
some languages are more suited to particular applications than others: For example, C offers a mix of all
the advantages of the high level languages, plus many of the desirable features which assembly alone can
provide. It has a wealth of operators and library of built in functions that pave the way for easy
programming. In this module you will find a quick introduction to many of the operators & functions in C
managing of input and output operations. The Module consists of two units in total viz,
Unit 1: Operators and Expressions.
Unit 2: Managing Input And Output Operations.
This module starts with unit 1, in which various built in operators are discussed in great length. Unit 2, is
devoted to Managing I/O operations in C.
1.1 Introduction:
C language has a wide range of built in operators to perform various operations. The symbols which are
used to perform logical and mathematical operations in a C program are called operators. These C operators
are used to join individual constants and variables to frame expressions. Moreover, operators, functions,
constants and variables are combined to shape expressions. That is, operators are used with operands to build
expressions. For example , the following is an expression containing two operands and one operator + (an
operator to perform addition).
whose value is 13. The value can be any type other than void. C offers the following operator Groups.
Incremental and decrement operators
Special Operators
Bit wise operators.
During integer division , if both operands are of the same sign, the result is truncated to zero. If one of
them is negative, the direction of truncation is machine dependant. .That is , 6/7 = 0 and -6/-7 = 0 but -6/7
may be zero or -1( that is , machine dependent).
Similarly, during modulo operation, the sign of the result is sign of the first operand., as in:
-16 % 3 = - 1
-16 % -3 = - 1
16 % - 3 = 1
Operator Meaning
+ Addition(unary plus)
- Subtraction(Unary minus)
* Multiplication
/ Division
*, / , % 2 Second
+, - 3 Third
That is, when an expression is given for evaluation, they are evaluated from Left to Right, based on the
precedence associated with the operators. On the other hand, if the precedences associated with the operators
are to be overridden, it is necessary to use parenthesis in the expression. However, the expression within the
parenthesis is evaluated on the basis of the precedence rule , with parentheses again evaluated from left to
right. For expressions with nested parentheses, we evaluate the innermost one first, then the one immediately
outside and so on.
Real Arithmetic
The C language contains the basic real arithmetic operators. An arithmetic operation involving only real
operands is called real arithmetic. A real operand may accept values either in decimal or exponential form. An
arithmetic operation between an integer and integer gives an integer result, while , the result of applying
the real operators to real is another real. For floating point values, it is rounded to the number of significant
digits permissible, and the final value is an approximation of the corrected result. For example, if operands x,
y ,z are floats, then we will have,
x = 6.0/ 7.0 = 0.857143
y = 1.0/ 3.0 = 0.333333
z = -2.0 /3.0 = -0. 666667.
The operator % cannot be used with real operands
Mixed Mode Arithmetic
If operands in an expression contains both integer and real constants or variables then it is a mixed mode
arithmetic expression. That is, When one of the operands is real, an operation between an integer and real
always gives a real result. In this operation, the integer is first promoted to a real one and then operation is
performed. The expression thus obtained is called a Mixed mode arithmetic expression. For e.g., 25/ 10.0 =
2.5 while, 25/10= 2.
Operator Meaning
< is less than
<= is less than or equal to
> is greater than
>= is greater than or equal to
== is equal to
!= is not equal to
A simple relational expression contains only one relational operator . When arithmetic operations are used
on either side of a relational operator, arithmetic expressions will be evaluated first and then the results are
compared. Relational operators have lower precedence than arithmetic operators and are used in decision
making and loops(i.e., in statements like If and while) in C programming..The Syntax Is:
ae-1 relational operator ae-2
with ae-1 and ae-2 representing arithmetic expressions.
For e.g., 4.6 < = 10 TRUE
4.6 < - 10 FALSE
x+y = y+z TRUE only if sum of values of x and y are equal to the sum of values of y and z
|| logical OR
! logical NOT
. Table 5.3
Logical operators perform logical-AND ( && ) and logical OR ( | | ) operations. Its Syntax is:
inclusive-OR- expression
logical AND- expression & & inclusive- OR- expression
logical AND- expression
logical -OR- expression | | logical - AND- expression
some example of usage of logical expression is:
1. If (age > 60 & & salary < 300 000)
2.If (number < 0 | | number > 1000 ) .
Logical operators & & and | | are used when we want to test more than one condition and to make decisions.
They do not perform the usual arithmetic conversions. Instead, they evaluate each operand in terms of its
equivalence to 0.The result of logical operation is either 0 or 1 and is of int type. The operands of logical-
AND and logical-OR are evaluated from left to right. If the value of the first operand is sufficient to determine
the result of the operation, the second operand is not evaluated . The C logical operators are described in Table
5.4 belo
Operator Description
&& If both operand are non zero logical AND produces the value 1.If either
operand is equal to zero, the result is zero and if the first operand is equal to
zero, the second operand is not evaluated.
Table 5.4
While using compound expressions, care should be taken in using the precedence of relational and logical
operators. The relative precedence are listed as:
! Highest
> >= < <=
|| Lowest.
1. 5 Assignment Operators.
The assignment operators perform an arithmetic operation on the 1value and assign the result to the
1value.The usual assignment operator is the = ,. In addition, C has a set of less frequent shorthand
assignment operators of the form ( + +, - =, * =, / =, % =). The syntax s;
v op = exp;
where v is a variable, exp is an expression and op is a C binary arithmetic operator.(or short hand binary
operator). For e.g., consider the statement x + = y +1 ; this is same as x= x+(y+1). Here the operator + =
means add y + 1 to x ( or increment x by y + 1) . Some of the commonly used short hand assignment
operators with their description is shown in Table 5.6. In all expressions involving these operators, the type of
an assignment expression is the type of its left operand, and the value is the value after the assignment.
a= a+1 a+=1
a= a-1 a-= 1
a = a* (n+1) a* = n+1
a = a/( n+1) a / = n+1
a =a%b a%= b
Similar is the case, when we use ++ or - - in subscripted variable. That is, the statement
a[ i++ ] = 5;
Is equivalent to
a[i] =5;
i = i+1;
& Binary AND operator copies a bit to the result if it exists in both operands(or
Bitwise AND)
^ Binary XOR operator copies the bit if it is set in one operand but not both (or
Bitwise Exclusive OR).
~ Binary Ones complement operator is unary and it has the effect of flipping bits(or
Bitwise ones complement).
<< Binary left shift operator(or bitwise left shift). The left operands value is moved
left by the number of bits specified by the right operand.
>> Binary right shift operator (or bitwise right shift). The left operands value is
moved right by the number of bits specified by the right operand
ab-c a*b-c
ab/c a*b/c
ax2+bx+c a*x*x+b*x+c
variable = expression;
Usually when a statement is encountered, the expression ( on the RHS) is first evaluated and the result
obtained thus, is used to replaces the previous value of the variable on the LHS. All variables used in the
expression must be assigned values before evaluation is attempted. An example of a valid evaluation
expression is;
x = a* b-c;
Remember that blank space around an operator is optional and adds only to improve the readability..
Second pass
Step 3: 5+6-1
Step 4: 11-1
Step 5: 10
However, one can change the order if evaluation, by introducing parentheses into the expression. The
same above expression in parentheses reads as:
x = 9- 12/(3 + 3)*(2 -1)
Whenever parentheses are used, the expression contained in the left most set is evaluated first and the
expression on the right most the last. The steps are as follows:
First pass:
Step 1: 9-12/6*(2-1)
Step 2: 9-12/6*1
Second Pass
Step 3: 9-2*1
Step 4: 9-2
Third pass
Step 5: 7
Though the procedure here, involves three left to right passes, number of evaluation steps is equal to the
number of arithmetic operators. That is, the number of evaluation steps is same (equal to 5) for evaluation
without and with parentheses
It may happen that parentheses may be nested, in which case evaluation will proceed outward from the inner
most set of parentheses as in eg;, x = 9- (12/(3 + 3)*2) -1 = 4 .
1. The arithmetic expressions are evaluated from left to right using the rules of precedence.
2. When parentheses are used , the expression with in the parentheses assume highest priority
3. First parenthesized sub expressions from left to right are evaluated.
4. The precedence rule is applied in determining the order of application of operators in evaluating sub
5. The associativity rule is applied when two or more operators of the same precedence level appear in a
sub expression.
6. If parentheses are nested, the evaluation begins at the inner most sub expression
Explicit conversion
Explicit conversion is used to tell the compiler to treat a variable as of a different type in a specific context.
The compiler will automatically change one type of data in to another ( or locally convert) to make it sense.
For instance, if you assign an integer value to a floating point variable, the compiler will insert code to
convert the int to a float. The general syntax is:
Where type-name is one of the standard C data types. The expression may be a constant, variable or an
expression. Casting allows you to make this type conversion explicit, or to force it when it would not normally
happen. To perform casting, put the desired type including modifiers like unsigned inside parentheses to the
left of the variable or constant you want to cast. For Example
float a = 5.25;
int b = (int)a; /*Explicit casting from float to int */
The value of b here is 5.
For example, in the following statements, the value of 1 is assigned to both a and b because of the right-to-
left associativity of the = operator. The value of c is assigned to b first, and then the value of b is assigned to
b = 2;
c = 1;
a = b = c;
Because the order of sub expression evaluation is not specified, you can explicitly force the grouping of
operands with operators by using parentheses.
In the expression
the * and / operations are performed before + because of precedence. b is multiplied by c before it is divided
by d because of associativity. Table 5.8 gives a complete list of C operators, their precedence levels , and their
rules of association.
1.17 Summary:
1. An operator in C is used with operands to build functions.
2. Each expression in C should end with a semicolon.
3.Associativity is applied when more than one operator of the same precedence are used in an expression.
4. All mathematical functions implement double type parameters and return double type values.
5. On either side of binary operator, always use spaces to increase readability.
6.Care should be taken to increment/decrement operators to floating point variables.
7.Assignment =. Operator should not be confused with equality operator = = .
cos(x) cosine of x
sin(x) sine of x.
tan(x) tangent of x.
Other functions
2.1 Introduction
In order to learn a program effectively in C language, one should know, how to manage input and output
of data to and from the screen and the key board. Most programs take some data as input and display the
processed data, often as results, on a suitable medium. The two methods so far used, for providing data to
program variables, rely on : (1) Assigning values to variables through assignment statements and (2) using the
input function scanf (to read data from a key board). For getting the output results, usually the printf function
that sends results out to a terminal, is used.
The Input and output operations are convenient for program that interact with the user, takes input from the
user and print the message. Unlike, other higher level languages, C does not provide any input-output (I/O)
statements as part of its syntax. Instead , a set of library functions provided by the operating system for input
and output operations are borrowed and used by C. The standard library for I/O operations used in C is stdlib.
That is , Standard input ( or stdin) is a data stream used to receive input from user / collects characters typed
at the keyboard and stdout, is the data stream for sending output to a device such as monitor etc., . In
otherwords, to include input and output functionality in C programs, the stdio header is needed. Each program
that uses a standard I/O function must contain the statement
returns it to the program. That is, it is used to get a character from console, and echoes to the screen. It is the
most basic input function in C, included in the stdio.h header file. The getchar takes the following form:
variable_name = getchar( );
Variable name is a valid C name that has been declared as of char type. When this statement is
encountered, the computer waits until a key is pressed and then assigns this character as a value to getchar
function. Since getchar is used on the RHS of an assignment statement, the character value of getchar is in
turn assigned to the variable name on the left. For example,
char = name;
name = getchar ( );
Will assign the character a to the variable name when we press the key a on the keyboard. Since getchar is a
function, it requires a set of parentheses as shown. The use of getchar function is illustrated in the program
(Table 6.1) below..
Program Output
The getchar function may be called successively to read the characters contained in a line of text..The
following program me segment , for example, reads characters from key board one after another until the
return key is pressed
call character;
character = ;
while ( character ! = \n )
character = getchar ( );
The getchar returns the character it reads, or, if there are no more characters accessible, it will return the
special value EOF (end of file) .That is, The getchar function accepts any character keyed in, This includes
TAB and RETURN . In other words, when we enter single character input, the newline character is waiting in
the input queue after getchar( ) returns. A dummy getchar or fflush function (to flush out unwanted
function) may be used to get away the unwanted new line character , when we use getchar in a loop
interactively. However, getc is used to accept a character from standard input.
putchar (variable_name);
where variable_name is a type char variable containing a character. For e.g., the statement
answer = N
putchar (answer);
will display the character N on the screen. The statement
putchar (\n);
would cause the cursor on the screen to move to the beginning of the next line. The following example
(Fig.6.1) explains the use of putchar( ) function. Putch( ) function, on the other hand is useful in writing the
output, character by character, on the display.
int main ( )
char ch ;
putchar (ch);
return (0);
Fig.6.1 Program to read and write all the letters in English alphabet
2.4 Formatted Input
The standard formatted input function in C is scanf (that supply input in a fixed format) and is the input
analog of printf, providing many of the conversion facilities in the opposite direction.. The scanf contains two
important things the format string and the address list and it reads characters from the input file and
converts them to internal form.. That is, scanf reads characters from the standard input, interprets them
according to the specifications in format, and stores the results through the remaining arguments. Very often,
This is the function used to read an input from the command line. The general format of an input statement
% w sd
The percentage sign (%) indicates that a conversion specification follows.. w is an integer number specifying
the field width of the number to be read and d the data type. For example, in the statement
scanf(%3d %5d, &num1,&num2);
the two variables in which numbers are to be stored are num1 and num2 and are of integer type. The input data
items must be separated by spaces, tabs or new lines. A sample data line may thus be;
500 31246
The value 500 is assigned to num1 and 31246 to num2. Observe that the symbol & ( ampersand) should
precede each variable name, that is used to indicate the address of the variable name.
The scanf statement causes data to be read from one or more lines till numbers are stored in all the specified
variable names. Also no blanks are permitted between characters in the format-string. The data type character
d may be preceded by l to read long integers and h to read short integers.
Inputting real numbers
The scanf reads real numbers using the specification %f for both decimal and exponential notation. The
input field specification may be separated by any arbitrary blank spaces. If the number to be read is of double
type, then
Program Output
It will assign the value 462.85 to p, 41.23E-1 to q and 543.0 to r. T he program (Table 6.2) below shows
how to read real numbers in both decimal and exponential notation
Inputting character strings
A scanf function can input strings containing more than one character. The syntax is:
%ws or %wc
The corresponding arguments should be a pointer to character array. When the argument is a pointer to a char
variable, then %c may be used to read a single character. Some scanf versions support the following string
conversion specification.:
% [characters]
% [^ characters]
The specification % [characters] imply that only the characters within brackets are permissible in the input
string. Any encounter of other string characters, will terminate the string. The specification % [^characters]
does exactly the reverse. That is , characters after the ^ are not permitted in the input string, The reading of the
string will be terminated at the encounter of one of these characters.
Reading Mixed data types
scanf can be used to input data containing mixed mode type. When one attempts to read an item that does not
match the type , the scanf function does not read any further and immediately returns the value read. For e.g.,
scanf(%d %c %f, c %s , &count, &code, &ratio, &name) ;
will read the data line
15 p 1.453 coffee
Correctly and assign values in the order in which they appear.
Each variable to be read need a filed specification and a variable address of proper type.
For any non -white space character used in the format string there must be a matching character in
the user input.
Ending the format string with white space will result in error.
The scanf reads until:
1. A whitespace character is found in the numeric specification or
2. Maximum number of characters have been read
3. An error is detected.
4 .The EOF is reached
#include <stdio.h>
The general form of printf statement is :
Printf(%d, 1076) 1 0 7 6
Printf(%6d, 1076) 1 0 7 6
Printf(%-6d, 1076)
1 0 7 6
Printf(%06d, 1076)
0 0 1 0 7 6
Output of Real Numbers:
Using the following form specification, the output of a real number may be displayed in decimal form:
% w.p f
The integer w indicates the number of positions that are to be used for the display of the value and the integer p
represents the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point. That is, the values when displayed, is
rounded to p decimal places with right justification in the field of w columns, with leading trails and blanks.
The default precision is actually 6 decimal places. The negative numbers will be printed with the minus sign
and of the form [ - ] mmm-nnn.
A real number can be displayed in exponential form using the specification:
% w. p e
The display is of the form
[ - ] m.nnnne[ ]xx
Where the length of the string n s is specified by the precision p with the default precision being 6..Moreover,
the field width w should satisfy the condition
w p +7
and will be rounded off and printed right justified in the field of w columns. Further, padding the leading
blanks with zeros and printing with left justification using flags 0 or before the field specifier is also
possible. Following are some examples:
Format output
9 . 8 7 6
Printf(%5.2f,x) 9 . 7 6
9 . 7 6
Printf(% -8.2e,x) 9 . 7 6 e + 0 1
For dynamic format specification during run time (i.e., with field width and precision given as arguments
for w and p) we have the special field specification:
printf( %*.*f , width, precision, number);
For e.g.,
printf(%7.2f, number);
Printing of a single character
A single character can be displayed in the keyboard at the desired position , right justified in the field of w
column ( with default value for w being 1) using the format
% wc
Printing of strings
The format specification for outputting strings is similar to that of real numbers.. The format being:
% w. ps
With w the field width for display and p indicates that only first p characters of the string are to be displayed
with right justification..Some examples are:
N E W D E L H I 1 1 0 0 0 1
%20s(specification) output
N E W D E L H I 1 1 0 0 0 1
% 20.10s(specification) output
%.5s(specification) output
%-20.10s(specification) output
%5s(specification) output
N E W D E L H I 1 1 0 0 1
code Meaning
2.6 Summary
1. While using getchar, clear all unwanted characters on the console.
2. While using I/O functions always use the header < stdio.h >.
3. For functions that use character handling use the header< ctype.h>
4. For any variable to be read or printed, the proper field specification is to be done.
5. Always enclose format control strings in double quotes.
6. While using scanf the address specifier & ampersand is to be used.
7 Single character constants are to be enclosed in single quotes.
8. Avoid white space at the end of format string and use comma after he format string in scanf statements.
9. Do not use commas in the format string of a scanf statement.
1.1 Introduction.
Decision making is one of the most important concepts in C programming. That is, the programs
should be able to make logical decisions based on the conditions they are in. C language has three
major decision making instructions- the if statement, the if else statement, and the switch statement.
These statements control the flow of program execution (or they specify the order in which
computations are performed), and are known as control statements. Here we will learn each of these,
and discuss their features, capabilities and applications in more detail.
/* Demonstration of if statement*/
int main ( )
int number;
clrscr ( );
If (number > 0)
getch( );
return 0;
enter a number
On execution of this program, if you type a number greater than zero, you will get a message on the
If logical
{ statement 1;
statement n;}
next Statement
screen through printf( ). If you type some other number(i.e., a number less than 0, the program
does not do anything. The Flow chart given in Fig. 7.2 help you understand the flow of control in
simple if statement.
Test expression ?
{ statement 1; { statement 1;
. .
int main ( ) {
int number;
scanf(%d, &number);
if ((number % 2) = = 0)
return 0;
Enter a number
22 is even.
Test condition-1
False true
Test condition-2
statement-3 statement-2
Next statement
Example 7.2: A program to check whether the two numbers is <, than or > than or equal.
int main ( ) {
if (num1= = num2)
if(num1> num2)
return 0;
If (condition-1)
else-if (condition-2)
else-if (condition-3)
else-if (condition-n)
This construct is called the else-if ladder and is useful where two or more alternatives are
available for selection. In else-if ladder various conditions are evaluated one by one starting from top
to bottom, on reaching a condition evaluating to TRUE the statement group associated with it are
executed and skip other statements. If none of the expressions is evaluated to true, then the
statement or group of statements associated with the final else is executed. In this construct nesting is
allowed only in the else part . In fact, In elseif ladder, we do not have to pair if statements with
else statements. That is, there is no need to remember the number of braces opened as in nested
if.else. Moreover, else.if ladder produces the same effect as nested if-else with the benefit that it
is easy to code. The flow chart corresponding to else-if ladder is shown in fig.7.8
In this construct, the conditions are checked, starting from the top of the else-if ladder, moving
downwards. That is, firstly, condition-1 is checked, and if it is true, statement-1 is executed and
control is transferred to statement-x. On the other hand, If condition-1 is false, condition-2 is checked
and if true, statement -2 is executed and control is transferred to statement-x skipping the rest of the
ladder .When all the n conditions are false, then the final default-statement is executed followed by
the execution of statement-x. The following program(Fig.7.9) explains the else-if construct.
True False
Condition -1
True False
statement-1 Condition -2
statement-2 False
Condition -3
Condition -n
Default statement
Next statement
clrscr( );
printf(enter a number.\n);
scanf(%d, &num);
If( num = =0)
Printf(Given number is Zero.\n);
Enter a number.
The integer expression following the key word switch is any C expression that yields an integer
value. It could be an integer constant or an expression that evaluates to an integer. The keyword case
is followed by an integer or a character constant. Each constant in each case must be different from
all the others. When the switch is executed, the value of the expression is compared against the
values value-1,value-2,When a match is found, the program executes the statements following that
case, and all subsequent case and default statements as well .If no match is found, with any of the
case statements, only the statements following the default are executed. Moreover, the switch
statement transfers control to a statement within its body. Control passes to the statement whose
case constant-expression matches the value of switch (expression). Further, execution of the
statement body begins at the selected statement and proceeds until the end of the body or until a break
statement transfers control out of the body. A default is optional. When present, it will be executed if
the value of the expression does not match any of these case values .if not present, no action takes
place if all matches fail and the control goes to the statement-x.
The selection process of switch statement is explained by the following flow diagram (Fig.7.10).
Expression= value -1
Expression= value -2
(No match)default
Default block
The following program explain how this control structure works. Here is a program (Fig.7.11)using
switch statement:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
char grade = B;
switch (grade)
case A :
case B:
caseC :
case D:
case F:
default :
Printf(grade invalid\n);
Return 0;
Void main ( )
scanf(%d, &a);
scanf(%d, &b);
scanf(%d, &c);
.On execution of the program, the maximum variable gives the maximum value of the three numbers .
In this syntax label; is an identifier, to identify the place where the branch is to be made.? That is,
when the control of program reaches to go to statement, it will jump to the label:, and execute the
codes after it. Control may be transferred to anywhere within the current function. The label is placed
immediately before the statement where the control is to be transferred. A label: is any valid variable
name, followed by a colon and can be any where in the program either before or after the go to
label; statement. During program execution when a statement like
go to begin;
Is met, the control flow will jump to the statement immediately following the label begin; This
happens unconditionally.
Note that though, using goto statement give power to jump to any part of program, using goto
makes the logic of the program complex and tangled .It breaks the normal sequential execution of the
program. If the label: is used before the statement goto label; a loop will be formed and some
statements will be executed repeatedly. Such a jump is called as a forward jump. On the other hand, if
the label: is placed after the goto label; some statements will be skipped and the jump is called a
forward jump.
A goto is often used at the end of a program to direct the control to go to the input statement, to
read further data, in fact, such goto statements puts one to enter in a permanent loop called infinite
loop, until one take some special steps to terminate the program. Such infinite loops are to be
avoided. Another use of goto is to transfer control out of a loop 9or nested loop) when certain
peculiar conditions are encountered. Use of goto statement is highly discouraged in any programming
language because it makes difficult to trace the control flow of a program, making the program hard
to understand and hard to modify. An example to explain the control flow of goto statement is shown
in fig 7, 12.Here in this program,
we want to display the numbers from 0 to 9. For this, we have defined the label statement loop above
the goto statement. The given program declares a variable n initialized to 0. The n++ increments the
value of n till the loop reaches 10. Then on declaring the goto statement, it will jumps to the label
statement and prints the value of n.
1.10 Summary:
1. There are three ways of taking decisions in a C program. - The if statement, the if else statement,
and the switch statement. The default scope of the if statement is only the next statement.
2 An if block need not always be associated with an else block. However, an else block is always
Associated with an if statement.\
#include< stdio.h>
#include< conio.h>
int main( )
int n =0;
loop: ;
if(n <10)
goto loop;
getch( );
return 0
3. If the outcome of an if else ladder is only one of two answers then the ladder should be replaced
either with an else-if or by logical operators.
4. When we need to choose one among number of alternatives, a switch statement is used.
5. The switch key word is followed by an integer or an expression that evaluates to an integer. the
key word is followed by an integer or a character constant. the control jumps through all the
unless the break statement is given.
6. The usage of goto is to be avoided as it obstructs the normal flow of execution.
test Body of loop
Body of loop false
Sentinel loops
Based on the nature of control variable, and the type of value assigned to it, for testing the
control expression, there are two types of loops:
1. counter controlled
Counter controlled repetitions are the loops which the number of repetitions needed for the
loop is known before the loop begins; these loops have control variables to count repetitions.
Counter controlled repetitions need initialized control variable (loop counter), an increment
(or decrement) statement and a condition used to terminate the loop (continuation condition).
Sentinel controlled repetitions are loops with an indefinite repetitions; this type of loop
use a special value, called sentinel value, to change the loop control expression from true to
false(i.e., to indicate end of iteration) .
The while is an entry-controlled loop statement. The test condition is evaluated and only if the condition is
true the body is executed. After execution of the body, the test-condition is once again evaluated and if it is
true, the body is executed once again. This process of repeated execution of the body continues until the test-
condition finally becomes false and the control is transferred out of the loop. On exit, the program continues
with the statement immediately after the body of the loop. If the body contains only one statement it is not
necessary to put the braces, but placing them is a good programming practice. Let us look at a simple example,
which uses a while loop.
# include< stdio.h>
int main( )
int p,n,count;
float r,si;
count =1;
while(count <= 4)
printf (enter values for p,n,r\n);
scanf ( %d %d %f , &p,&n,&r);
si = p*n*r/100;
printf(Simple interest is: Rs. %\n f, si);
count = count +1;
return 0;
Here, the program executes all the statements after while 4 times. The logic for calculating the simple interest
is written within a pair of braces (i.e., the statements form body of while loop) immediately after the keyword
while. The parentheses after the while contain a condition. So long as this condition remains true, all
statements within the body of the while loop keeps getting executed repeatedly. .Also, to start with, the
variable count is initialized to 1 and every time the logic of simple interest is executed, the value of count is
incremented by one .The index variable count here, is called the loop counter .
The following points about while are worth noting.
1. The statements within while loop would keep on getting executed till the condition being tested
remains true. When the condition becomes false, the control passes to the first statement that follows
the body of the while loop.
2. In the place of condition there can be any other valid expression. So long as the expression evaluates to
a non zero value, the statements within the loop would get executed.
3. The condition being tested may be relational or logical operators as in the example below.
while (i < = 4)
while (i > = 4 && j < = 5)
while (i >. = 4 && ( j < 5 || c< 10))
4. The statements within the loop may be a single line(i.e., here braces optional) or a block of
Statements as in example shown below.
while( i < =5)
i = i+1;
is same as, while( i < =5)
i = i+1;
5. Almost always, the while must test a condition that will eventually become false, otherwise the loop
Will be executed for ever.
6. Instead of incrementing a loop counter (not necessarily integer it can be a float), one can Decrement
it and can still manage the body of the loop to be executed repeatedly.
least once. The while on the other hand, will not execute its statements if the condition fails for the first time.
That is, the while tests the condition before executing any of the statements within the while loop. As against
this, the do-while tests the condition after having executed the statements within the loop. Since the test
condition is evaluated at the bottom of the loop, the do-while statement is
an exit controlled loop statement. The do-while loop looks like this: Here the statement is executed first, and
next the expression is evaluated. If the condition in the expression is true then the body is executed again and
this process continues till the conditional expression becomes false. When the expression becomes false the
loop terminates. This difference is brought about more clearly by the following program.
int main ( )
while ( 4<1)
return 0;
Here the, since the condition fails the first time itself, the printf ( ) will not get executed at all. The same
program using the do-while construct is
int main ( )
} while ( 4<1);
return 0
In this program, the printf ( ) would be executed once, since first the body of the loop is executed and then the
condition is tested. Break and continue are used with do while just as they would be in a while. A break takes
one out of the do-while by passing the conditional test. A continue sends you straight to the test at the end of
the loop.
That is, in the control block of the for loop statement there are three expressions separated by
semicolon (;).The execution of the for loop is as :
1. The initialization: Initialization of the control variables is done first using assignment
statements .It is typically used to initialize a loop counter variable.
2. The value of the control variable is tested using the test condition. The test condition is a
relational expression, such as i <5 that determines when the loop will exit. That is, the loop
condition expression is evaluated at the beginning of each iteration. The execution of the loop
continues until the loop condition evaluates to false.
3. Increment: The increment expression is evaluated at the end of each iteration. It is used to
increase or decrease the loop counter variable.
Let us write down the simple interest program(which we have written earlier using while
statement) using for (Fig.8.3). If this program is compared with the one written using while
construct, we can see that , the three steps of for loop construct have now been incorporated in the
for statement. Here in this program (fig 8,3), when the for statement is executed for the first time,
the value of count is set to an initial value 1. Next the condition count <=3 is tested . Since the count
was set to 1, the condition is satisfied and the body of the loop is executed for the first time. Up On
reaching the closing brace of for, control is sent back to the for statement, where the value of count
is incremented by 1. Again the test is performed to check whether the new value of count exceeds 3.
If the value of count is less than or equal to 3, the statements within braces of for are executed
again,. The body of the for loop continues to get executed till count does not exceed the final value
3.The control exits from the loop , when count reaches the value 4.and the control is transferred to
the statement(if any) immediately after the body of for.
int main( )
int p,n,si;
for(count =1; count <=3; count= count+1)
printf(enter the values for p.n,r\n);
. scanf(%d %d %f,&p,&n,&r);
si = p*n*r/100;
printf( simple interest + rs. %f\n, si);
return 0
sum = 0;
for ( i =1 ;i<10 && sum< 19; ++i )
S = s+1;
printf(%d %d \n,i,sum):
Here the loop uses a compound test condition with the counter variable i and variable sum .The
loop is executed as long as both the conditions i<10 && sum < 19 are true. The sum is evaluated
inside the loop.
3. It is also permissible to use expressions in the assignment statements of initialization and increment
Sections. For eg. A statement of the type
for( x= (m + n)/2; x > 0; x = x/2)
is valid.
4. One or more sections can be omitted if necessary as in eg.,
for (; m ! = 100 ;)
printf( %d\n, m);
m = m+3;
Here, both initialization and increment sections are omitted in the for statement. The initialization
has been done before the for statement and the control variable is incremented inside the loop. Though
the sections remains blank, the semicolons separating the sections must remain. If the test condition is
not present, the for statement sets up an infinite loop. Such loops can be broken using break or goto
statements in the loop..
5.Time delay loops in for loop can be set up using the null statement as:
for ( i = 100; i > 0; i = i-1)
Here this loop is executed 100 times without any output. The body of the loop contains only a
Known as null statement.
Nesting of For Loops
The way IF statements can be nested, similarly whiles and fors can also be nested; two loops can be
nested as follows:
for ( i =1; i <10; ++ i)
for ( j= 1; j! = 5: ++ j)
.. Outer loop
Inner loop
The nesting may continue up to any desired level. To understand how nested loops work, we look at
the program below.
# include< stdio.h>
int main ( )
int r,c,sum;
sum = r+c;
return 0;
r =1 c=1 sum=2
r =1 c=2 sum=3
r =2 c=1 sum=3
r =2 c=2 sum=4
r =3 c=1 sum=4
r =3 c=2 sum=5
Here for each value of r, the inner loop cycles through twice, with variable c taking values 1and
2.The inner loop terminates when c exceeds 2 and the outer loop terminates when r exceeds 3.
int i;
int j = 10;
for( i = 0; i <= j; i ++ )
if( i == 5 Goods 1
continue; Goods 1
printf("goods %d\n", i );
Goods 1
Goods 2
Goods 3
Goods 4
Goods 5
Goods 6
Goods 7
Goods 8
Goods 9
Goods 10
As an example consider the program of Fig.8.6. The use of continue statement in loops is illustrated in
fig 8.7.In while and do while loops, continue, causes the control to go directly to the test condition
and then to continue the iteration process. In the case of for loop, , the increment section of the loop is
executed before the test condition is evaluated.
{ { {
.. ..
If () if() if(..)
.. ..
We have seen that we can jump out of a loop using either the break or goto statement. In the same
way we can jump out of a program by using the library function exit( ).. The use of exit( ) function is
shown in fig. 8.8 below:
Unit 1 :Arrays
1.1 Introduction
1.2 One dimensional Arrays.
1.3 Declaration of one dimensional Arrays
1.4 Initialization of one dimensional Array.
1.5 Two dimensional Arrays.
1.6 Initializing 2-D arrays
1.7 Multi dimensional Arrays
1.8 Dynamic Arrays
1.9 Summary:
1.1 Introduction
An array is a collection of similar elements. These similar elements could be all integers, or all
floats, , or all characters, etc. Usually, an array of characters is called a string, where as an array of
integers or floats is simply called an array. All elements of any given array must be of the same type.
That is, we cannot have an array of 10 numbers, of which five are of integers and five of float type.
C supports a rich set of derived and user defined data types, in addition to a variety of fundamental
data detailed below:
Data Types
Derived Fundament
User defined Types
Types al Types
Arrays and structures are referred to as structured data types because they can be used to
represent data values that have a structure of some sort. Structured data types provide an
organizational scheme that shows the relationship among the individual elements and facilitate
efficient data manipulation. In programming language such data types are known as data structures.
number [0] 12
number [1]
number [2]
number [3]
number [4]
When the compiler sees a character string , it terminates with an additional null character \o. Thus the
element name[13] holds the null character \o. Remember that, while declaring character arrays, we
must allow one extra space for the null terminator.
1.4 Initialization of one dimensional Array.
After an array is declared, its elements must be initialized. If they are not given any specific value,
they are supposed to contain garbage values. An array can be initialized at either of the following
at compile time
at run time
Compile time initialization
Whenever we declare an array we can initialize it directly at compile time. In this type of
initialization, we assign certain set of values to array elements before executing program The general
form of initialization of arrays is:
type array-name[ size ] = [ list of values ];
the values in the list are separated by commas. The type size can be specified directly as :
int num [5] = { 2.3,4,5,6};
Here the size of the array is specified directly as 5 in the initialization statement. The compiler will
assign values to the particular elements of the array. i.e., At the time of compilation all, the elements
are at specified positions as shown below.
num [0] = 2
num [1] = 3
num [2] = 4
num [3] = 5
num [4] = 6
Also the type size can be specified indirectly as in:
int num [ ] = { 2.3,4,5,6};
The compiler counts the number of elements written with in the braces and determines the size of the
Character arrays may be initialized in the same manner. Thus the statement
char name [ ] = { j, o, h, n, \o};
Declares the name to be an array of five characters, initialized with the string john ending with the
null character. Alternatively, we can assign the string literal directly as :
char name [ ] = john;
will initialize the array elements with the values entered through the key word. Here is a sample
program (Fig.9.1) to store the elements in the array and to print them from this array.
Searching and sorting are two operations performed on arrays. Searching is the process of arranging
elements in the list according to their values, in ascending or descending order. An ordered list is a
sorted one. The three simple and important sorting methods are:
Bubble sort
Selection sort
Insertion sort.
Other sorting methods include, Merge sort, quick sort and Shell sort.
Searching is the process of finding the location of the specified element in a list. The specified
element is often called the search key. If the process of searching finds a match of the search key
with a list element value, then the search is sad to be successful. Otherwise it is unsuccessful. Two
most commonly used searching methods are ;
Sequential search
Binary Search.
So far, we have explored arrays with only one dimension. It is also possible to have two or more
dimensions. The 2-D array is also called a matrix. The 2-D arrays are declared as :
2-D arrays are stored in memory as shown below. In memory, whether, it is single or two
dimensional array, the array elements are stored in one continuous chain .Each dimension of the array
is indexed from zero to its maximum size minus one: the first index selects the row and the second
index selects the column within that row,
Column 0
Column 0
Column 1 Column 2
[ 0] [ 0] [ 0] [ 1] [ 0] [ 2]
Row 0
110 205 130
Column 0
Column 1 Column 2
[ 1] [ 0] [1] [ 1] [ 1] [ 2]
Row 1
214 270 370
Column 0
Column 1 Column 2
[ 2] [ 0] [ 2] [ 1] [ 2] [ 2]
Column 0
Column 1 Column 2
[ 3] [ 0] [ 3] [ 1] [ 3] [ 2]
# include< stdio.h>
int main( )
int i,j;
return 0;
This program stores the roll number and marks obtained by a student side by side in a matrix. In the
first part of the program, i.e., in the first for loop, we read in the values of roll number and marks,
where as in the second for loop, we print out these values. Also, in the first scanf , the first subscript
of the variable student is row number which changes for every student. The second subscript tells
which of the two columns are we talking about- the zeroth column which contains the roll number or
the first column which contains the mark. The counting of rows and columns begins with zero.
Remember that two dimensional array is a collection of a number of one dimensional arrays placed
one below the other .In this program, the array elements have been stored row wise and accessed row
wise. Although it is possible to access the elements column wise, row-wise strategy is accepted
may be used. Here the first element of each row is explicitly initialized to zero, while all other
elements are automatically initialized to zero. the following statement would also work.
int m [ 3] [5] =- { 0,0};
1.9 Summary:
1,An array is similar to an ordinary variable except that it can store multiple elements of similar type.
2.The array variable acts as a pointer to the zeroth element of the array. In 1-D array, zeroth element
is a
single valued one, whereas in a 2-D array this element is a 1-D array. During multidimensional
initialization, omission of array size other than the first dimension may result an error.
3. While initializing character array, enough space is to be provided for the terminating null
4. The subscript variables in a array need to be initialized before they are used.
2.1 Introduction
The C language is similar to most modern programming languages in that, it allows the use of
functions ( i.e., a self contained block or module of program code), to get its tasks done. In
general, C functions contain a set of instructions enclosed by braces{ } , that can perform a
coherent task of same kind. They are easy to define and are reusable. That means, it can be executed
from as many different points in a C program as required. Broadly speaking, the two categories of
functions in C are (1) Library functions and (2) user defined functions. Library functions are in
built functions that are grouped and placed together in a common place called library, and are
capable of performing specific operations. The main difference between a library and user defined
function is that library functions are not required to be written by the user where as a user
defined function has to be developed by us at the time of writing a program. In fact, a user defined
function later becomes a part of the C program library. main is a specially recognized function in C
and is an example of user defined function while the functions printf and scanf belong to the
category of library function.
Main Program
B1 B2
void message( );
int main ( );
message( );
return 0;
void message( )
Fig 10.2
Defined at any place in the program then it is called function definition. That means, once a function
is defined and packed, then it takes some data from the main program and returns a value. Actually,
we will be looking at two things - a function that calls the function and the function itself. Let us
consider the above chunk of program(fig.10.2).
And here is the output..
this is function definition
this explains the use
Here we have defined two user defined functions- main ( ) and message ( ). In fact, we have used
the word message at three places in the program. During the execution of the main, the first
statement encountered is
message( );
which indicates that the function message is to be executed. At this point , the program transfers its
control to the function message. After executing the message function ( here no value is returned as
was indicated by the key word void)., the control is transferred back to the main. Now, the execution
continues at the point where the function call (by definition) was executed. After executing the
printf statement, the control is again transferred to the function message ( ) if being called by main (
). That means the activity of main ( ) is temporarily suspended while the message ( ) function
wakes up and goes to work. When the message ( ) function runs out of statements to execute, the
control returns to main ( ), which comes to be active again by executing its code at the exact point
where it left off. Thus, main ( ) becomes the calling and message ( ) becomes the called function.
Any function can call any other function, In fact, it can call itself. Further, a called function can call
another function. Also, a function can be called more than once in any program. Moreover, there are
no predetermined relationships, rules of precedence or hierarchies (except at the starting point),
among the functions that make up the complete program. The functions can be placed in any order
and the called function can be placed either before or after the calling function. The best practice is
to put all the called functions at the end. Figure 10.3 illustrates the flow of control in a multifunction
Function definition
Function Call
Function Declaration.
main ( )
function 1 ( );
function 2 ();
function 1 ( );
function 1 ( );
{ call
return call
function 2 ( );
function 3 ( );
function 3 ( );
Fig 10.3 Flow of control in a multifunction program
The function definition is independent program modules that is specially written or apply the
requirements of the function. To use this block or function, we need to call down it at the required
place in the program, known as the functions. A function is defined when function name is followed
by a pair of braces in which one or more statements may be present. The program that calls the
function is referred to as the calling program or calling functions. The calling program should declare
any function that is used later in the program. This is termed the function declaration or function
2..5 Definition of Functions
The function definition which is the heart of function, is an independent program module that is
specially written to suit to the requirements of the function. A function definition shall include the
following elements
Function name
Function type
List of parameters.
Local variable declarations
Function statements
A return statement
All the six elements are grouped in two parts namely,
1. Function header (first three elements)
2. Function body (Second three elements)
A general format of function definition to implement these two parts(Fig.10.4) is:
executable statement1;
executable statement2;
return statement;
The first line function_ type function_name (parameter list) is known as the function header
and the statements within the opening and closing braces constitute the function body.
Function header
The function header consists of three parts: function type, function name and the function
parameter list. Semicolon is not used at the end of the function header.
Function name and type
Function type may specify the data type that one may use (like float ,int or double whatever
according to ones needs) .If data type is not specified then C will assume it as int type and if the
function does not return any value then void is used.
Function name may consist of any variable that is suitable for users understanding. That means, it
is any valid C identifier that must follow the same rules of formation as other variable names in C. A
function gets called when the function name is followed by a semicolon.
Parameter List
It declares the variables that are to be used in the function and that are going to be called in the
program. Actually, they serve as input data to the function to carry out the specified task and are also
be used to send values to calling programs. They are often termed as formal parameters(or
arguments). The parameter list contains declaration of variables separated by commas and enclosed
in parentheses with no semicolon after the closing parentheses. Note that combined declaration of
parameter variables is invalid. That is, int sum(int a,b) is not a valid declaration of parameter list. To
indicate an empty parameter list, usually we use the key word void between the parentheses as in
void printline (void)
Many compilers do accept an empty set of parentheses, without specifying anything as in
void printline ( )
Again, its nice to have void to indicate a nill parameter list.
Function Body
The function body contains the declarations and statements necessary for performing the required
task. The bodies enclosed in braces contain three parts:
All functions by default return int type data. We can force a function to return a particular type of
data by specifying the type specifier in the function header. For functions that use doubles, yet returns
ints, the returned value will be truncated to an integer as in:.
int product (void)
return (2.5* 3.0);
Will return the value 7, only the integer part of the computation.
main ( )
int y;
y = mul (10, 5); /* function call * /
printf ( %d\n,y);
Here in the main( ) program the mul(10, 5) function has been called. The C compiler, when it
encounters a function call, the control is transferred to the function mul ( ). This function is then
executed line by line and a value is returned (which is assigned to y) , when a return statement is
A Function that returns value can be used in expressions like any other variable.
e.g; y = mul ( p,q)/(p+q);
Of course, a function cannot be used on the RHS side of an assignment statement. Thus, the
mul ( a,b) = 15;
Is wrong. Moreover a function , that does not return any value may not be used in expressions; but
can be used to perform certain tasks specified in the function. Such functions may be called in by
simply stating their names as independent statements. For example,
main ( )
printline ( );
2.8 Function Declaration
The program or a function that called a function is referred to as the calling function or calling
program. The calling program should declare any function that is to be used later in the program. This
is known as the function declaration (also known as function prototype). Like variables, all the C
functions must be declared, before they are called on. A function declaration involves four parts. viz,
Function type
Function name
Parameter list
Terminating semicolon.
The general format is:
function 1 ( ) function 2 ( )
{ No Input {
. .
function 2 ( ) .
.. No output.
Fig 10.5
void main ( )
read_value ( );
read_value ( );
scanf(%s, name);
enter your name
void main ( )
int a,b;
largest (a,b);
largest (c,d);
int c,d;
if ( c > d)
return ( );
enter the value for a and b
largest = 5
. .
function 2 (a ) .
.. .
} No return value
Fig 10.8
return any value back to the calling function. This is depicted in Fig 10.8.The dotted lines in Fig 10.8
Indicates that there is only transfer of control but not data.. A sample program to illustrate this is
shown in Fig 10.7
. .
function 2 (a ) .
.. .
return (e).
} Function result
Fig 10.9
For example, the program ( Fig.10.10) illustrates the use of two way data communication
between calling and called functions.
int main ( )
int radius;
int area;
area = calculate_area(radius);
return (0);
return(area of circle);
enter the radius: 1
Fig 10.10: program to show functions with argument and return value
void main ( )
float sum;
float total ( );
clrscr ( );
sum = total ( );
float total ( )
float a,b;
a = 2;
b= 8;
return (a+b);
sum = 10.000000
In this code, in the function call, when we pass the actual values of x and y to the function, we pass
the address of locations where the values of s and d are stored in the memory. When a function call I
s passed, the following assignments takes place.
Value of x to a
Value of y to b
Address of s to sum
Address of d to diff
The indirection operator * (The name indirection means that it gives indirect reference to
variable through its address) in the declarations sum and diff in the header indicates these variables
are to store addresses and not the actual values of variables. That means, the variables sum and diff
point to the memory location of s and d respectively. In the body of the function, the statements
*sum = a + b;
* diff = a - b;
Imply that the value stored in the location pointed to by sum is the value of s and the value of a-b is
stored in the location pointed to by diff is the value of d. The variables * sum and * diff are pointers
and sum and diff are pointer variables..Since they are declared as int , they can point to locations of
int type data. The use of pointer variables for communicating the data between functions is termed
call by reference ( or call by address/ pass by pointers).
2.15 Recursion
In C programming, it is possible for the functions to call themselves or the process of defining.
Something in terms of itself is known as recursion. A very simple example to find the sum of n natural
numbers using recursion( or call a function inside the same function) is shown in Fig 10.12.In this example,
the function sum ( ) is invoked from the same function. If n is not zero then the function calls itself by passing
argument 1 less when the previous argument it was called with. When n becomes equal to zero, the value of n
is returned .In this example, a better visualization of recursion for n = 3, assumes the form:
sum (3)
= 3+ sum (2)
= 3+2+sum(1)
= 3+2+1+sum(0)
= 3+2+1+0
= 3+2+1
= 3+3
That is, every recursive function must be accommodated with a way to end the recursion. when n is zero, there
is no recursive function call and the recursion ends here.
Explains the passing single element of an array (that is c[2] ) to a function. The output of this
program is 4.In C, the name of the array represents the address of its first element. By passing the
array name in fact deals with passing the address of the array to the called function. The array in the
called function refers to the same array stored in the memory. That is, any changes in the array in the
called function will be reflected in the original array. Remember that one cannot pass a whole array
by value, as we do in the case of ordinary variables. Also, when we deal with array arguments, care
should be taken to incorporate the changes made to the original array that passed to the function, if
the function changes the values of the elements of an array.
return 0;
void function(int c[2][2]){
int i,j;
4. Any number of arguments can be passed to a function being called. However, the type, order,
and the number of actual and formal arguments must be same .If the value of the formal
argument is changed in the called function, the corresponding change does not take place in
the calling function.
5. Where more functions are used, they may be placed in any order.
6. If a function has no parameters, the parameter list must be declared as void .Functions return
integer value by default.
7. Functions cannot be defined as assignment.
8. A function with void return type cannot be used in the RHS of an assignment statement.
9. Function definition defines the body of the function .it may be placed either after or before the
main function.
10. Variables declared in a function are not available to other functions in a program.
11. A function can be called either by value or by reference.
12. Recursion offers a better solution than loops.
13. If a function is to be made to return more than one value at a time, then return these values
indirectly by using a call by reference.
10 Use parameter passing by values as far as possible.