Treadmill Bicycle

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Treadmill Bicycle

Juned Barade1, Anup Janwe2, Kashif Ali Nawab3, Saif Khan4

1,2,3,4 Student,
B.E -final year, Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering,
Anjuman College of Engineering & Technology,
Sadar, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract - This project work modifies a treadmill to better natural atmosphere. So this proposed methodology
fit the requirements of users. Treadmill bicycle is designed for provides an ultimate solution by making use of wheels
those humans who love to run outside. Treadmill equipped on and making the treadmill bicycle a walking cycle.
bicycle frame and formulates a big innovation named The major elements in our project are as listed
'TREADMILL BICYCLE'. This bicycle has electronic parts and below:
runs perfectly on human momentum. As the rider walks on the
treadmill, the belt butts up against the rear wheel propelling
1.1 The Treadmill
the bike forward. Treadmill bicycle is designed for runners as
the ideal treadmill device, this device combines the best There are majorly two different types of frame materials
exercise running and cycling to deliver a low-impact, high- with standard treadmills having steel frames and newer and
performance workout outdoors. We believe it is the ideal premium treadmills with aluminum frames. Aluminum
device for healthy runners. It delivers an exercise experience frames will hold up better if you are preparing on keeping
your treadmill for several years or if you are near to the
that is closer to running than anything else available today. weight capacity of the treadmill. The treadmill rails (also
known as bars or grips) should be used for providing stability
when you are starting or stopping the treadmill or if your
Key Words: The Treadmill, Walking Belt, Wheels, treadmill is well equipped with a grip heart monitor, this is
Rollers, Bearing, Flywheel, Sprocket. where you will take your heart rate measurements. Rails are
not meant to be held the complete time that you are using the
treadmill, so be sure that they are in a convenient but also out
of the way location. You also want the grips to provide
1.INTRODUCTION comfort and easy to reach for when you do need them.

The treadmill bicycle is completely a new way of

movement completely designed for runners. Typically
using a treadmill basically is similar to running, hiking
or walking. Think about the last time you were riding a
bike over some kind of obstacles such as train tracks,
potholes, speed bumps. Possibilities are you stood up
on the pedals to improve your balance when crossing
the obstacle. Basically, the treadmill bicycle will
provide the rider a well-balanced position the entire
time. It is a combination of amalgamation of DC motor
with different components upgrading your walking
speed to a much higher pace. Since it uses no fuel it a
very conventional option for people in their busy
schedule to take care of their health completely. People
with a busy schedule will also be able to take care of
their health and physical fitness. Above all, it is not a
conventional treadmill to make use of only in closed
rooms, person using treadmill bicycle can roam on
roads also. This project overcomes the drawback of the
conventional treadmill which is stationary which in
fact does not provide the jogger to get exposed to the
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2207
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1.2 Walking Belt A wheel greatly lessens friction by facilitating

motion by rolling together with the use of axles. For
The walking surface of a treadmill comprises of the thin rotations of the wheel, a moment must be applied to the
moving belt and a rigid plate held between the two surfaces wheel about its axis, either by way of gravity or by the
of that belt so as to provide support when the transverse application of another external force or torque.
load of footfalls is applied. The outline is the "outer edge of a wheel will be holding the
The treadmill belt size is an important characteristic in tire." It will construct the outer circular design of the wheel
your treadmill if you are preparing for running or jogging on on which the inside edge of the tire is mounted on vehicles
your treadmill. If you are planning on walking, the belt size is such as automobiles. For example, on a bicycle wheel, the
not of much importance. Standard belts run with size 19" periphery is a large hoop attached to the outer ends of the
wide by 50" long. Although this appears like a good width spokes of the wheel that holds the tire and tube.
and length, you must note that the belt goes onto a deck,
which includes part of the frame and your console. So even if
your belt is 19 x 50, your running space may be 16 by 45.
Again, if you are preparing on only walking on your
treadmill, this size is ok. However, if you try on running you
will want a wider and longer belt, since we have a capability
to sway a bit while we run.
The extra width will permit for this swaying without you
hitting into the frame and the longer length will permit you
to jog with your normal stride without any fear of falling off
of your treadmill.

1.4 Rollers:

Bicycle rollers are a type of bicycle trainer that make it

feasible to ride a bicycle indoors without moving forward.
However, dissimilar to other types of bicycle trainers, rollers
do not confine to the bicycle frame, and the rider must
balance him or herself on the rollers while training. Bicycle
rollers normally comprise of three cylinders, drums, or
"rollers" (two for the rear wheel and one for the front
wheel), on top of which the bicycle runs. A belt joins one of
the rear rollers to the front roller, causing the front wheel of
the bicycle to spin when the bicycle is pedaled. The spacing
of bicycle rollers can normally be adjusted to match the
bicycle's wheelbase. Generally, the front roller is adapted to
be slightly ahead of the hub of the front wheel.

1.3 Wheels:

A wheel is a circular component that is made to rotate on an

axle bearing. The wheel is one of the major components of
the wheel and axle which is one of the six simple machines.
Wheels along with the axles, allow heavy objects to be
moved easily allowing movement or transportation while 1.5 Bearing:
supporting a load or performing labor in machines. Wheels
are also utilized for other objectives such as a ship's wheel, A bearing is machine element which holds another moving
steering wheel, potter's wheel and flywheel. machine element. The moving machine element called as a

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2208
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

journal. Bearing allows a relative motion between the 1.7 Sprocket:

contact surfaces of the members while transferring the load.
A sprocket or sprocket wheel is a profiled wheel which has
A certain amount of power is wasted in removing frictional
teeth, cogs, or even sprockets that mesh with a chain, track or
resistance. So as to reduce frictional resistance and wear and other perforated or indented material. The name 'sprocket'
to carry away the heat generated, a lubricant may be utilized. applies usually to any wheel upon which radial projections
The lubricant used is often a mineral oil refined from retain a chain passing over it. It is different from a gear in that
petroleum. The bearing block is provided to hold the sprockets are never conjugated together directly, and differs
bearings. It is made up from cast iron. All the bearings are from a pulley, in that sprockets which has teeth and pulleys
fabricated on the machine frame. are smooth.

1.6 Fly wheel:

A flywheel is a rotating mechanical device that is used to
accumulate rotational energy. Flywheels have an inertia When we walk or run on the walking surface it gives
called the moment of inertia and thus withstand changes in rotation to rear wheel of bicycle and treadmill bicycle is
rotational speed. The amount of energy present in a flywheel moving forward. The walking surface of a treadmill consists
of the thin moving belt and a rigid plate placed between the
is proportional to the square of its rotational speed. Energy
two surfaces of that belt in order to provide backing when the
is transmitted to a flywheel by the application of a torque to
transverse load of footfalls is applied. The original and
it, thereby improving its rotational speed, and hence its
unmodified treadmill used a sheet of 0.75 inches pressed
accumulated energy. Conversely, a flywheel releases stored particle board as a support plate. This was attached to the
energy by implementing torque to a mechanical load, frame of the treadmill at four points with wood screws placed
thereby reducing the flywheel's rotational speed. near the four corners of the sheet. While resting on the rails
in a lowered position, the plate received vertical support
from small metal risers at the mounting points and from two
rubber pads placed under the longest edge of the surface
midway between the hard mounting points. According to the
manual provided with the treadmill, the design intent behind
this flexible multi-point mounting system was to reduce the
overall stiffness of the plate by providing less support than
that provided by direct attachment to two solid rails. In actual
practice, the thickness and stiffness of the particle board
surface were more than required to remove all discernable
deflection from the system. Users were unable to distinguish
the difference in stiffness when additional aluminum
supports were inserted between the sheet and the rails, in
order to remove the compliant effect of the rubber supports.
We concluded that modifications would be necessary to
achieve an ideally compliant walking surface capable of
reducing the impact forces related with walking and running.
Additionally, the bottom face of the particle board sheet held
two outwardly angled metal brackets. These were oriented
such that the belt would slide over them consecutively when
the system was active.

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2209
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

This had the effect of automatically maintaining alignment [4] Adeel Ansari, Noman Raza, Farooqui Sameer, Zohaib
of the belt by forming a restoring force in the event which will Shaikh, , Treadmill Bike International Journal of Modern
be belt traveled away from a centered position on its rollers. Trends in Engineering and Research, e-ISSN No.:2349-
When we start using the treadmill then the rear wheel starts 9745, Date: 28-30 April, 2016.
moving and hence the flywheel gets momentum. So once the
flywheel gets momentum the bicycle will keep moving due BIOGRAPHIES
the moment gained by flywheel. Also, we have coupled a
dynamo with the rear wheel using gear arrangement. So
whenever the treadmill is in use the dynamo will generate JUNED BARADE,
power which can be stored in a battery. Student, 8th Semester, B .E
Mechanical Engineering,
Anjuman College of Engineering &
Student, 8th Semester, B .E
Mechanical Engineering,
Anjuman College of Engineering &


Student, 8th Semester, B .E
Mechanical Engineering,
Anjuman College of Engineering &

This system can be efficiently used anywhere whether it is SAIF KHAN,

outdoor or indoor. This utilizes highly fuel-saving technology Student, 8th Semester, B .E
which is a major requirement of this era. In the future, it can Mechanical Engineering,
be used as an indoor locomotive device infrastructure with Anjuman College of Engineering &
large roof span i.e. malls, warehouse, open markets, large Technology,Nagpur-440001.
office spaces, etc. By using such product pedestrian cops can
protect themselves from getting exhausted. Pedestrians in
large campuses can take benefit from this product the same
way.We can replace cycle as an energy efficient vehicle for
those who cannot drive a cycle.


[1] Kirtish Bondre, Sanket Beradpatil, S. J. Thorat, Design

and Fabrication of Treadmill Bicycle International Journal of
Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology
,(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization),Vol. 5, Issue 6,
June 2016.

[2] Suhasinee Ravindra Deshmukh, Namita Vishnu Sanap,

Rahul Eknath Dhoble, DESIGN
OF WALKING BIKE,4TH International Conference On Science,
Technology And Management.(Indian International centre,
New Delhi),15th may 2016.

[3] Virendra Ahire, Nirav Patel, Dhruv Amin , Harshal

Barot,Fabrication of walking cycle, International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 03
Issue: 05 | May-2016.

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2210

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