Black Magick Manifesto Timothy PDF
Black Magick Manifesto Timothy PDF
Black Magick Manifesto Timothy PDF
I have penned this manifesto to synopsize my tour de force, Black
Magick: The Left Hand Path, which illuminates the genius behind this
school of philosophy in exact specific terms82 syllogismslike noth-
ing else in history. We released the text in limited first edition, and many
great folks have grieved that they missed it. In honor of the classic pam-
phlet-style of manifesto that nineteenth-century political radicals and
agitators distributed on street corners in the midst of revolutions, be it
known that this qualifies as my own version of that archetype for the
Left Hand Path. For at this very moment, the most brutal culture and
class war in Western history has erupted on every front: political, reli-
gious, sexual, racial, etc. The two most ancient and elite monopolies of
human societynamely the Church and Statehave suffered an un-
precedented loss of grounding under the seismic earthquakes of human
liberation; these extremely atrocious entities currently retaliate with
death throes of utmost desperation. As such it has become supremely
necessary for us champions of the Left Hand Path to pick up our iron
hammers in one hand and steel chisels in the other, and defiantly sculpt
the face of our conscience into the marble slab of eternity.
The fiery iconoclast Friedrich Nietzsche declared in his autobiography
Ecce Homo that his signature theories had been hardened and sharpened
under the hammer-blow of historical knowledge.
My allyI ask you to unsheath the hammer hidden in your heart so
that we may harden and sharpen our own theories under the relentless
pounding of your mightiest swings. Together we unite against the evilest
forces to have ever tormented the very soul of humankind. And we do so
with blisteringly fierce ideas that will incinerate every ball and chain that
has locked our ankles, and collapse every ivory tower that has spit indoc-
trination into our ears.
Thus I hereby entitle this literary carpet bomb:
Black Magick Manifesto: The Conscience of the Left Hand Path
Wake up and war, or die in your sleep. We strike now.
DECLARATION.................................................................................... 2
PHILOSOPHY VS. RELIGION........................................................... 6
1. Philosophy defined.......................................................................... 6
2. Religion revealed..............................................................................6
3. Delusion of faith.............................................................................. 7
4. Insanity of gnosis............................................................................. 8
5. Tyranny of hierarchy........................................................................ 8
LEFT HAND PATH............................................................................ 10
6. Cultural appropriation................................................................... 10
7. The constitution............................................................................. 11
8. Grossest negligence........................................................................11
9. Most egregious error...................................................................... 12
10. True inheritance........................................................................... 12
11. The greatest sages......................................................................... 14
12. The bermensch.......................................................................... 15
13. Ascent to Godhood..................................................................... 17
14. Highest act of heresy....................................................................18
15. Satan, the anarchist antihero........................................................20
16. Gods as egregores........................................................................ 20
1. Philosophy defined.
Philosophy etymologically means love of knowledge in Greek; it spe-
cializes in logic, that is, the formulation of accurate and consistent theory.
Under these two constant principles of logic, philosophers inquire on
three main topics:
1. Epistemology: study of knowledge
2. Morality: study of virtue
3. Aesthetics: study of beauty
Philosophers organize socially in inclusive schools of thoughtintel-
lectual movements. Exponents of each tradition compare and contrast
their respective ideas in dialogs called dialectic. There are no barriers to
entry, licenses, sacraments, or initiations required in order to study and
expound a particular school of thought. In this sense, philosophy exem-
plifies the postmodern ethics of freethought and egalitarianism.
2. Religion revealed.
Religion comprises the diametric opposite of philosophy; one can
merely invert the tenets of philosophy to reveal the essence of religion,
e.g., freethought becomes dogma, and egalitarianism becomes elitism.
Religion denotes:
1. Faith: belief in divinity
2. Gnosis: ceremony to commune with divinity
3. Hierarchy: elitist social organization
At its root, a religious believer worships an unfalsifiable hypothesis
known as divinity. They speculate that this impossibly perfect eternal
substance makes up the essence of a being named god. The error innate
to this hypothesis lies in how no empirical evidence supports itthey
usually concede this factand that as an intellectual idea it violates the
principles of logicthey usually do not concede this fact. Under honest
scrutiny, the divinity hypothesis classifies as both unscientific and irra-
3. Delusion of faith.
Fallacies of divinity hypothesis:
1. Cosmogony error: if a being created existence, then that being pre-
existed before existence, which means existence preceded existence,
thus the being did not create existence originally.
2. Causality/cosmology error: if existence needs a creator, then that
creator needs a creator too. Every creator needs its own preceding
creator, thus an infinite number of creators needs to exist in an infi-
nite regression.
3. Empiricism error: if a being created existence, then that being is
made up of a categorically different substance than cosmic exis-
tence, alas no instrument in existence can measure it, therefore it is
4. Morality error: if divinity is perfectly moral, and a divine being cre-
ated existence, then existence is perfectly moral, and evil cannot ex-
ist. But evil does exist, because violent atrocities occur frequently.
5. Quality error: if divinity is perfect, and a divine being created exis-
tence, then its creation is perfect, thus all biological beings should
live forever with flawless health. But every biological being dies and
commonly suffers illness.
6. Authority error: a deity could prove it exists with clear evidence
through a broadcast to the human race, but instead it requires hu-
mans to believe contradictory claims from ancient dead scribes.
7. Time error: nobody can prove that eternity exists, because it would
require an eternity to measure.
8. Dogma error: religions claim that their deity and creation tale is
dogmatically true, and that every other religions is false. All deities
and creation tales cannot be both true and false at the same time.
9. Mythology error: little to no evidence corroborates the claims from
the thousands of mythical tales of religion, yet religious adherents
deem them infallibly true.
These nine errors constitute only the most common refutations of
faith in the divinity hypothesismany more exist. Faith in a deity classi-
fies as a delusion.
4. Insanity of gnosis.
Gnosis refers to communion with a divine being. But if such a being
does not exist, then one cannot commune with it. Despite this irrefutable
error in logic, religious believers hold blind faith that if they try hard
enough for long enough, they will experience god. In other words, they
literally are insanethey fail at the same thing again and again.
5. Tyranny of hierarchy.
Hierarchy derives from hierarkhia in Greek, and denotes societal rule
by a priest classsimilar to a theocracy; hieros means sacred and archon
means to rule, hence hierarchy.
Any human who claims authority over another human because of
their delusional faith, falls under the dual category of bigot and tyrant.
The very concept of hierarchyreligious rulershipis not only madness,
but pure evil. To posture oneself as greater than others for a religious rea-
son exemplifies naked bigotry, and to seek to rule over others exemplifies
classic tyranny. In summation the ancient class division of a supreme hi-
erarchical priesthood and its lower community of inferiors smacks of the
ugliest, vilest, and most insane form of oppression ever conceived by
mankind. This extremely damning conclusion stands for churches, tem-
ples, mosques, and all other variety of elitist religious groups and houses
of worship.
As an aside, lest the reader try to give a free pass to the nihilistic as-
cetic mysticism of the East, for example Buddhism, whose priests also
deserve to suffer torment in the lowest ring of Dante Alighieris inferno,
for they commit nearly identical atrocities of terrorism, child abuse, elitist
tyranny, hate speech, and indoctrination as the Western theistic religions.
A fast search on Buddhist child rape will reveal staggering cover-ups and
The sheer concept of a priesthoodan anointed master class that
rules the unwashed slave class by way of forcesets the record for most
misanthropic and anti-egalitarian evil in history. It epitomizes social in-
justice. Let this warning be spray painted across every wall, shouted from
every rooftop, and shared virally on all technology, for as long as the hu-
man species exists. The filthy rapist hands of vicious hierarchies have in-
flicted all manner of genocide and atrocity on innocent humans for
millenniaand at all costs it must never be forgiven nor forgotten! The
religious class scheme itself deserves nothing less than permanent expul-
sion out of the human psyche. If only neurosurgeons could simply cut
out the section of the brain that facilitates such psychological disorder!
figuratively speaking.
6. Cultural appropriation.
In truth Western intellectuals have appropriated the nomenclature
Left Hand Path and Right Hand PathVmcra and Daksincra in
Sanskritfrom the archaic tantric tradition of Indian religions, namely
Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. That said, the school of
thought known as black magick today has no explicit allegiance nor rela-
tion whatsoever to the ancient faiths of India; postmodern magicians in
the West have simply adopted the name Left Hand Path for their own
distinct way of life. In defense against any complaint of cultural misap-
propriation, contemporary sorcerers have undeniably advanced the Left
Hand Path into the most powerful praxeology and ingenious philosophy
of magick ever known to man; furthermore societies and cultures have
historically married and blended their lexicons together, it has always
been the norm to freely borrow terms from each other, most especially
those that pertain to religion. With history as a rock-solid precedent,
Western sorcerers can feel justified in their employment of the moniker
Left Hand Path in regard to their own gorgeously unique school of
As an analogy: only ten percent of the human population is physically
dominant in their left hand on average, as opposed to ninety percent in
the right hand. Thus right-handedness has become orthodox in society,
1. POSTMODERNISM: worldview that refutes the traditional values of
Church, State, and Tribe; culture of revolution against the establish-
2. EXISTENTIALISM: worldview that recognizes existence itself as
grounds for knowledge, morality, and beauty as opposed to religion;
birthed by Friedrich Nietzsche, and expounded by Martin Heideg-
ger in Germany and Jean-Paul Sartre in France in twentieth century
3. EGOISM: identity with self; defense of Individual against the Tribe;
originated with Max Stirner and expounded by Friedrich Nietzsche
in nineteenth-century Germany; not to be confused with the per-
sonality trait called egotism
1. MODERNISM: worldview grounded on traditional values of ancient
institutions like Church, State, and Tribe
2. IDEALISM: worldview that recognizes fiction as grounds for knowl-
edge, morality, and beauty as opposed to actual existence, e.g., reli-
gious mythology
3. NIHILISM: worldview that denies existence as grounds for knowl-
edge, morality, and beauty
4. MYSTICISM: worldview that denies identity with self, defines life as
suffering, and fosters ascetic deprivation; pessimistic nihilism
In addition to the foundational worldviews, several secondary theses
complete the Left Hand Path school of thought.
Secondary theses:
1. SUPERNATURALISM: theory that recognizes multiple planes of exis-
tence as opposed to only the physical plane; Multiverse Theory of
cosmological physics supports this premise, although causality be-
tween separate universes remains scientifically uncharted territory;
in that particular order for a reason. Because disbelief in their deity com-
prises the worst act of heresy. However black magicians take it one step
further: they become gods.
For the individual to set up his own ideal and derive from it his laws
[] that has perhaps been hitherto regarded as the most monstrous of
all human aberrations, and as idolatry itself. [] It was in the mar-
velous art and capacity for creating godsin polytheismthat this
impulse was permitted to discharge itself [] To be hostile to this im-
pulse towards the individual idealthat was formerly the law of every
The Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche
Turn to yourselves rather than to your gods [...] Egoism calls you to
joy over yourself, to self-enjoyment [...] You must obey yourselves
rather than men! [...] Thousands of years of civilization have obscured
to you what you are, have made you believe you are not egoists but are
called to be idealists. Shake that off! [] Seek for yourselves, become
egoists, become each of you an almighty ego. Or more clearly, just rec-
ognize yourselves again, just recognize what you really are, and let go
of your hypocritical endeavors, your foolish mania to be something
else than you are.
The Ego and His Own, Max Stirner
The Ascent to Godhood does more than demoralize religious fools
and white magicians; it mercilessly eviscerates their entire paradigm of
fake divinity. Sorcery endangers the divine with total extinction. Islamic
terrorists have openly identified sorcerers and heretics as their top threat,
and alas, murder them joyously. Police forces in theocratic Islamic na-
tions energetically search for closet witches and idolaters in order to sen-
tence them to death. Black magicians who live in the safe spaces of the
post-postmodern West often forget that the least civilized and least tol-
erant areas of the world still harbor the cruelest animosity toward them.
the Christian kool-aid and end their racism toward spirits victimized by
this gross slander? It is an egregious form of victim blaming. These excel-
lent spirits deserve much better treatment, which explains why many
black magicians happily and defiantly sport the monikers of demon,
devil, sinister, and diabolical as badges of honor.
20. Idolatry not worship.
Black magicians do not worship nor believe in any god in a literal
sense, which qualifies them as atheists. Notwithstanding, they do idolize
certain egregoric spirits from old faiths in order to inherit their powers
and personality traits. It is critical to differentiate idolatry from worship.
To idolize means to revere, whereas worship means to submit. A sorcerer
has no master but themselves, therefore they never worship anything,
they simply idolize particular spirits for their own Ascent to Godhood.
In accord with this fundamental distinction, the Second Commandment
of Judeo-Christianity decrees: thou shalt not make idols. Historically,
idolatry and worship have been separate, and this critical difference also
separates black magick from white magic.
21. Supernatural atheism.
Last but not least, the Left Hand Path forges its own unique prece-
dent, a wholly original stance that has not existed heretofore in the mi-
lieu. The author has coined this breakthrough supernatural atheism. For a
formal definition: a supernatural atheist acknowledges that multiple
planes exist, but disbelieves in god.
Behold: the most enlightened position on Earth.
22. Blind faith in divinity.
The Right Hand Path includes any orthodoxy of belief in divinity; the
color white refers to the divine. For this reason, the author calls their tra-
dition magic instead of magick. The particular term magic carries a pre-
cise etymology:
1. Old Persian: magush
2. Greek: magike
3. Latin: magice
4. French: magique
5. English: magic
Magush denotes the hierarchical priest class in the Old Persian lexi-
con; those who orchestrate ceremonial worship of gods. Hence, magic
has and will always mean religious worship of the divine. Now juxtapose
this with atheistic black magick, which idolizes astral egregores of
mythology. To demarcate this hard difference, black magick affixes the
letter k to its nomenclature. As an aside, not all authors fathom this
logic, and may confusingly write black magic when they mean black
Fact of the matter: white magic is a religion in every way. It has belief
the threefold rule, karma, divinity, and racism toward demons. Further-
more, they fear-monger their batshit propaganda about sorcery, even
though it sounds asinine just on the surface. Demons will torture you for
eternity! Karma will avenge you threefold! Black magicians want to skin
cats and terrorize society! Satanists seek world domination!
As a rule of thumb: any time a foe hurls the word demon as a deroga-
tory epithet, they have immediately exposed themselves as a shallow
duncebecause it implies they gulped the Judeo-Christian kool-aid to
the point of zombielike blackout drunkenness. Secondly, karma and the
threefold rule do not exist; these are manmade superstitions; no secret
cosmic slingshot avenges evildoers by a factor of three, nor will anyone
reincarnate as a dogand even if karma existed, why should the Left
Hand Path be punished? It champions a rational and logical morality
with its roots in the most ingenious philosophy known to man. If any-
thing, karma would bestow the highest honor to black magicians for en-
during the hostility and hatred of religious zealots for centuries. Thirdly,
black magicians do not want to skin cats; this goofy accusation does not
merit any sort of refutation. Lastly, satanists make up a peaceful group
that just wants to be left alone! Satanists became satanists in the first
place because they despise political and religious tyranny! The notion of a
world satanic empire equates to the exact opposite of the adversarial
ethic. Conspiracy theorists have smeared and slandered satanism for far
too long. Any time these kooks cannot explain a political phenomenon,
they just generically blame satanists for it. It has become overtly comical.
It rain stormed yesterday and a tree fell over, damn satanists! The car bro-
ken down on the side of the road, damn satanists! The pet died, damn sa-
tanists! My soup went cold, damn satanists!
24. False dichotomy of selves.
Theologians of the Right Hand Path have manufactured a deplorable
false dichotomy: the higher good divine half, and the lower bad ani-
mal half. Needless to say, in reality the animal half constitutes the whole
self, because there is no such thing as a divine self. For millennia, self-
hating religious humans have punished, shamed, and sought to escape
their true animal nature through the invention of divine alter egoscall
it soul, spirit, divine spark, whatever. In principle, what is so bad about
being a homo sapien? Why should anyone flee themselves? Why not love
the animal self and nurture it along to greatness, instead of neglecting it?
The longer white magicians hide behind false selves, the longer it will
take for their real self to become great.
25. Contradictory selflessness.
The moral tenet that white magicians chant the loudest: all magic
should be selfless!
What a sickeningly stupid mantra. Not only does it contain a severe
innate contradiction, but it demonstrates self-hatred again. White magi-
cians generally adhere to a code of selflessness because they believe bad
karma punishes selfishness. That specific ambition to avoid bad karma
equates to a kind of self-preservation or selfishness in itself. Moreover,
when did self-improvement become evil? It is perfectly moral to utilize
magick to raise the qualify of life for oneself, loved ones, friends, and so-
ciety at large. The self-hatred and self-neglect that white magic inculcates
needs to be eradicated once and for all.
26. Stereotypical white magician.
The stereotypical white magician was born and raised as a child in a
traditional Judeo-Christian community, became disgusted by its out-
landish fables and bigotry toward women and homosexuals, and discov-
ered the New Age and Right Hand Path as a way to preserve their
underlying belief in god, while also apostatizing their former faith. Es-
sentially they substituted one paradigm of religion with anotherthe
main difference being that white magic is less dogmatic and divisive;
they love the sparkly pictures of half-naked witches sitting on toadstools
in green meadows, the pretty honey-worded invocations to divinity, the
call for everyone to be selfless and pacifist. All in all, they have protected
their core childhood theism, but inverted its brutal militancy into flowery
altruistic decadence.
Black magick invites the reader to come all the way to atheism full
stop. Drop the childhood-indoctrinated belief in divinity, and just be-
come an existentialist. Find beauty, morality, and truth in reality itself,
without defecting to absurd ideals and fictions like god. In full honesty,
many white magicians will not drop the god delusion, because they have
confused theism with magick. They mistakenly believe that to perform
magick they must also believe in divinity, which is a patent falsehood.
The relationship between the astral and physical planes facilitates mag-
ick, and in no way requires theism.
27. Three immediate reformations.
1. Refer to proven philosophy for the moral and intellectual grounding
of the Left Hand Path, not absurd ancient religions.
2. Adapt the social custom of the Left Hand Path to proven contem-
porary norms. Terminate the evil, regressive, hierarchical church-
temple tradition of religion, and instead unite in open, inclusive
groups to advance the school of thought.
3. Refute the irrational faith of white magic, and defend the honor of
black magick.
28. Common questions.
Q: If black magicians abandon religion, then how do they study
religion to find spirits for possession and evocation?
A: A sorcerer grounds the school of thought in philosophy as opposed
to religion; then to uncover spirits for sorcery they dig through history to
find root religions and their deities, which now reside on the astral plane
as egregores. The two remain mutually exclusive, and do not interfere.
Q: Is belief in the supernatural the same as belief in the divine?
A: No, because the supernaturalist Multiplane Theory qualifies as valid
logically, and the latest mainstream physics supports its premise with the
The greatest sorcerer alive, E.A. Koetting, has filmed the worlds first
live pathworking of black magick. He demonstrates the entire praxeology
of possession, evocation, and spellcasting with real ritualsall without
requiring any initiation or vow of secrecy. The author invites the reader to
view E.A.s cinemagick right now at: