I Wonder As I Wander - John Rutter

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I WONDER AS I WANDER for Mixed Voices, 8.A.7.B., a cappella arranged by Gently flowing sony RuTTER* Soprano Solo (or Full) ° 1.1 won-der as 1 wan-der out un-der die sky, How Je - sus, the Sa-vior, did come for to die, For poor or -nery peo - ple. like ae Out. un der the won-der as 1 wander, Full Sopranos Sope 2. When Ma> ry birthed Je - sus, ‘twas wise - men and‘ far = mers "= 'f Melody and wore collected by fot scab Bes rat - = 1 $* fecommented pronunciation Jeo-le-by. eowiht ©1994, 1446, Sehort ne sirens copniah ©1983 by ‘itary Soa Seater ga ea sme: 613 ee lig hace, * shep -herds high trom God's Wo- oe = But high from God's hea = ven. a star's light did fall, And the x =» star's light did fall, And the pro-mise of oo eo wh : . » a ae s 5 g gE = 5 ‘motto legato LNB _ovese Rr F ee eae oe yor a Neo | | L | ‘motto legato bird on the wing; Or all of God's an gels in—_ heav'n 44 fm! hea - ven ny oven. : F — | sing, He sure-ly could have had it, ‘Cause he. was. the os Sw J —— — w King! tum i P @ TTT F King, King! the Kingt latm, he was he — Kingl______p Soprano Solo (or Semi-Chorusy 2 won-der as I wan-der out n= der the sky, ~ sus, the — Sa-vior, did come for . For poor or- nery Poco crese. peo ple like you and like I: 1 won-der as 1 wander = Out. poco crese. pat & i I poco erase, oP dim, a niente a v a

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