MDB User Guide

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Microchip Debugger (MDB)

Users Guide

2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002102D

Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
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ISBN: 978-1-5224-1356-1
== ISO/TS 16949 ==

DS50002102D-page 2 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.


Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1. How to Use Microchip Debugger
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Getting Started ............................................................................................. 10
1.3 Invoking the MDB ......................................................................................... 10
1.4 Debugging Methods ..................................................................................... 12
1.5 Running a Command File Method ................................................................ 15
1.6 Using Multiple Instances of the MDB ........................................................... 16
Chapter 2. MDB Reference
2.1 Help Commands ........................................................................................... 17
2.2 Classes of Commands ................................................................................. 17
2.3 List of Commands within Classes ................................................................ 18
Appendix A. Revision History
Index ............................................................................................................................. 35
Worldwide Sales and Service .................................................................................... 38

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All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/
or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
( to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a DS number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
DSXXXXXXXXA, where XXXXXXXX is the document number and A is the revision level
of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB X IDE help. Select
the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available help files.

This chapter contains general information that will be helpful to know before using the
Microchip Debugger (MDB). Items that are discussed include:
Document Layout
Conventions Used in This Guide
Recommended Reading

This document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1. How to Use Microchip Debugger describes how to get started with
the MDB, invoking the MDB, and the debugging methods that are available.
Chapter 2. MDB Reference details the classes of commands and describes the
available lists of commands.
Appendix A. Revision History identifies the changes that have been made to the

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MDB Users Guide


The following conventions may appear in this documentation:


Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic Referenced books MPLAB X IDE Users Guide
Emphasized text the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or Save project before build
Underlined, italic text with A menu path File>Save
right angle bracket
Bold A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier font:
Plain Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, A
Italic A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mpasmwin [options]
file [options]
Curly brackets and pipe Choice of mutually exclusive errorlevel {0|1}
character: { | } arguments; an OR selection
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
Represents code supplied by void main (void)
user { ...

DS50002102D-page 6 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.


This document describes how to use the MDB. Other useful documents are listed
below. The following Microchip presentation and documents are available and
recommended as supplemental reference resources.

Microchip Command-line Debugger Webinar

This webinar gives an introduction to the command-line debugger and provides useful
examples. The webinar is available on Microchips web site:

Multi-Tool Design Advisory (DS51764)

This small document presents guidelines and implementation considerations to ensure
proper interfacing to the various development tools.

Processor Extension Pak and Header Specification (DS50001292)

This booklet describes how to install and use Processor Extension Paks (PEPs) and
related debug headers to better debug selected devices without the loss of pins or
resources. See also the PEP and Header online help file.

Transition Socket Specification (DS51194)

Consult this document for information on the transition sockets that are available for
use with headers.

Release Notes for MDB

For the latest information on using the MDB, go to the MPLAB X IDE Learn & Discover
tab, click the Users Guide & Release Notes icon, and locate the Readme for MDB. The
release notes (readme) contain updated information and known issues that may not be
included in this users guide.

MDB Online Help File

A comprehensive help file for the MDB is included with MPLAB X IDE. This help file
may be more up-to-date than the printed documentation.

Release Notes for MPLAB IPE

For the latest information on using the MPLAB Integrated Programming Environment
(IPE), go to the MPLAB X IDE Learn & Discover tab and click the Users Guide &
Release Notes icon, and locate the Readme for MPLAB IPE. The release notes
(readme) contain updated information and known issues that may not be included in
the users guide.

MPLAB IPE Online Help File

A comprehensive help file is included with MPLAB IPE under the Help menu. This help
file may be more up-to-date than the printed documentation.

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MDB Users Guide

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Chapter 1. How to Use Microchip Debugger
The Microchip Debugger (MDB) is a command-line debugger interface to Microchips
hardware and software development tools. As an alternative to using the Microchip
MPLAB X IDE (Integrated Development Environment) graphical interface, the MDB
facilitates debugging devices through a Command Prompt interface and can program
a production image for testing purposes.
The MDB is designed for engineers who prefer to use the Command Prompt. The
command-line interface to the debugger is faster and allows more extensive testing to
be performed. This is especially helpful when a task is repetitive, such as debugging
an issue that is difficult to resolve, or when there is automation of a testing procedure.
The MDB can be used with a script or batch file. The MDB can be used with these tools:
MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger
PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator
MPLAB PM3 Device Programmer
MPLAB SIM Software Simulator
Licensed third party programmers and debuggers

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MDB Users Guide


Install MPLAB X IDE.
The MDB is automatically installed with the MPLAB X IDE. To download the latest
version, go to the Microchip web site (
Generate a .cof or .elf file for debugging. (If simply programming a device, a hex file is
sufficient.) The project can be built with MPLAB X IDE or using third-party compilers,
as long as a .cof or .elf file is generated. The .cof/.elf file is a linked executable file that
contains symbolic debugging information.


Typically, you can use the defaults when invoking the MDB. More detailed information
is available in Section 1.4 Debugging Methods.

1.3.1 Command Line Parameters

Before invoking the MDB, you may want to set certain command line options and
To view the options, type mdb --help in the Command Prompt.This only displays help
information (refer to Table 1-1 Command Line Parameters Help) for the command line
parameters (options and arguments) and then exits MDB. To find documentation about
the MDB, such as online help, users guide (PDF) or the Readme for MDB, type help
doc (see Table 1-1 Command Line Parameters Help). This command displays the
instructions on where to locate MDB documentation.
To set any parameters, use the following format in the Command Prompt (put a space
between the entries as shown):
mdb [options] [commandFile]
You can use these commands to pass a command file to the MDB.


Option Meaning Examples
-h,--help Show the list of classes of commands mdb -h
mdb --help

Argument Meaning Example

commandFile Run specified file with MDB commands mdb MyScriptingFile.txt
for scripting.
Also see Section 1.5 Running a
Command File Method

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1.3.2 Paths to the MDB
Use the Command Prompt to invoke MDB.
In Windows 7, the Command Prompt must be opened in Administrator mode:
Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt, right click and select Run as
Administrator. This opens the Administrator: Command Prompt.
The path to the MDB may vary depending on where the MPLAB X IDE is installed and
which operating system is installed. See the following table for the various operating
systems and paths. The vn.nn in the path represents the version number, for example
v3.00. These paths are long so you may want to add them to your path variable.


Windows 32-bit Operating System
c:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\vn.nn\mplab_ide\bin>mdb.bat
Windows 64-bit Operating System
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\vn.nn\mplab_ide\bin>mdb.bat
Linux Operating System
Apple OS X

Note: The mdb.bat and scripts do not need to be run from the directory where they were
installed. If the directory where these scripts are installed is added to the system path, then
mdb.bat and may run from any directory.

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MDB Users Guide


You can run a test using either of the following methods:
Entering Commands Method
Running a Command File Method
Entering commands is the preferred method to run a test with MDB. It allows you to
interact with the target application as it executes in simulation or on actual hardware.
The result of each command is displayed one at a time, so that mistakes are more
easily understood and corrected. See Entering Commands Method.
The Running a Command File method cannot be used after the MDB has been
invoked. The command file is included as a parameter in the command line when
invoking the MDB. See Running a Command File Method.

1.4.1 Entering Commands Method

Note: Although the MPLAB X IDE can run multiple tools simultaneously, the MDB
will run only one tool at a time. However, you can have multiple instances
of the MDB running.
Refer to Section 1.6 Using Multiple Instances of the MDB for details.

Entering commands is a step-by-step method to run a test with MDB. Once the MDB
is running, you can start entering commands. Note that while the MDB commands are
not case-sensitive, the property options and file names are case-sensitive.
Type help for a list of classes of commands in MDB. Refer to Chapter 2. MDB
Reference, Table 2-1 MDB Classes of Commands.
For other commands available, see Chapter 2. MDB Reference, Table 2-2 through
Table 2-10.
The following sections describe these topics:
Programming a Production Image for Testing Purposes
Debugging a Device

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1.4.2 Programming a Production Image for Testing Purposes
The MDB can be used to program a production image for testing purposes.

Note: The MDB should be used for debugging purposes.

For programming devices, use the IPECMD tool or the IPECMDBoost (for
improved speed). Refer to the Release Notes for IPE Command Line
Interface (Readme for IPECMD) located in the MPLABX install folder, for
example, \Microchip\MPLABX\vx.xx\docs, where vx.xx represents
the version of MPLAB X IDE.

The file or hardware tool you need to use for MDB cannot be active or open
simultaneously in the MPLAB X IDE, IPE, or a third party program. Make sure you close
(or make inactive) the file or hardware tool before you attempt to use it with the MDB.

Note: When programming a device, you must select a device first.

1. Select the device by entering the command:

Device [device name]
For example: Device PIC18F66K22
2. Use the set command to select any options you want to use. See Table 2-6
Tool-Property-Name Options Used with the Set Command or Table 2-7 Simu-
lator Options Used With the Set Command.
3. Select the hardware tool. To verify the supported tools, type:
Help Hwtool
The MPLAB ICD 3, MPLAB REAL ICE, PICkit 3 and Simulator are for
programming and debugging, while the MPLAB PM3 is for programming only. To
select the hardware tool, type the command:
Hwtool [tool name]
For example: Hwtool SIM
4. If the project was already built, a cof or elf file was generated. To program the
device with the cof, elf or hex file, enter the command:
Program [location of the cof or elf or hex file].
For example:
Program "C:\MDBTestExample\Build\test\preprocess\files\dist\
If you are using SIM (Simulator) as the hardware tool and the project needs an
scl file, it can be set up by using the command:
Stim [location of the scl file]
For more information, use the command Help Stim. You can use Stimulus to set
pin injection and/or register injection.
A Program succeeded message displays after programming is complete. A verify is
automatically performed during a programming sequence.

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1.4.3 Debugging a Device

Use the following commands to debug a device.
Reset refer to the device data sheet for Reset information. If a Reset is needed
for debugging purposes: first, halt the target; then, enter the command:

Set Breakpoint there are two ways to set a breakpoint for debugging:
- Set a breakpoint by source-line-number using the command:
Break filename: linenumber
For example: Break main.c:53

- Set a breakpoint at an absolute address using command:

Break *address
For example: Break *0x108

Set Watchpoint to set a watchpoint for debugging:

- Set a watchpoint by specifying an address and the type of watch using the
Watch address breakontype
For example: Watch 0xa0007ff0 R

Watch address breakontype[:value] [passcount]
For example: Watch 0xa0007ff0 R:0xf 1

Delete Breakpoint to delete a breakpoint, use the command:

Delete [breakpoint number]
If no argument is specified in this command, it will delete all breakpoints.

Run Program the Run command can be used to run the program until it reaches
a breakpoint.

Step Through to step through the program, use the Step command or Next

See Variable Value a Print [variable] command can be used to see the
value of a variable or an SFR.

Exit use the Quit command to exit the MDB.

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Note: Although the MPLAB X IDE can run multiple tools simultaneously, the MDB
will run only one tool at a time. However, you can have multiple instances
of the MDB running.
Refer to Section 1.6 Using Multiple Instances of the MDB for details.

If programming and debugging needs to be done frequently or multiple times, run the
test by running a command file. This is more efficient than entering the commands
repeatedly. Put all the commands in a file and run the MDB using this command file in
the Command Prompt, for example:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\vn.nn\mplab_ide\bin>mdb.bat
The following is an example of a command file:
A line starting with # means that it is a comment. A Sleep command should be added
to make sure the MDB has enough time to finish the previous command before it
executes the next command. The MDB will run all the commands in the command file


MDB-SIMCommand_Target.txt - Notepad
File Edit Format View Help
Device PIC18F66K22
Hwtool SIM
Program "C:\MDBTestExample\Build\test\preprocess\files\dist\test_IO_Button.cof"
Reset MCLR
Sleep 1500
# set breakpoint at 0x108
#Break simulator.c:53
Break *0x108
Wait 600000
#Sleep 6000
Print PROD

Creating a Printable Log File

Redirecting output to a file is a general option that can be executed from the command
prompt and is not specific to the MDB batch file. Redirecting output to a printable text
file can be more useful for examining errors than looking at the Command Prompt
To create a printable file, open the MDB.bat file, and modify it by adding
>>%mplabx_dir%\bin\mdblog.txt at the end of the batch file. This instructs the
batch file to create the mdblog.txt file, which can be printed.

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MDB Users Guide


Using multiple instances of the MDB is similar to using multiple instances of the MPLAB
X IDE. Some set up is required before using hardware tools (PICkit 3, etc.) with an
instance of the MDB. Refer to the MPLAB X IDE online help Before You Begin, and
Launch Multiple Instances of the IDE for instructions on setting up the hardware tools
and formatting the MCHPDEFPORT file. After any hardware tool setup is complete (to
assign the appropriate driver for the tool), an instance of the MDB may be invoked from
the bin directory of the installation.

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Chapter 2. MDB Reference
There are help commands available in MDB.
Type help followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class (see
Section 2.2 Classes of Commands).
Type help followed by a command name for full documentation (see Section 2.3 List
of Commands within Classes).
Type help doc to see how to access MDB documentation. There are three ways to
access documentation for the MDB:
1. The Microchip Debugger (MDB) Users Guide is located in the default location
where the MPLAB X IDE was installed:
Program Files>Microchip>MPLABX>vx.xx>docs>MDBUserGuide.pdf
Where vx.xx represents the MPLAB X IDE version.
2. The MDB Help file provides the most up-to-date information and is located in the
same docs folder:
3. The MDB Users Guide .pdf and MDB Help .jar can also be accessed by
launching the MPLAB X IDE, clicking the Learn & Discover tab, then clicking on
Users Guide & Release Notes in the Getting Started area. A new window opens
showing a list of Users Guides, Release Notes and Support Documentation
where you can find links to the MDB Users Guide and MDB Help.


Type help for a list of classes of commands in MDB.


Class Description
breakpoints Making program stop at certain points
data Examining/changing data
deviceandtool Selecting debug tool and device
others Miscellaneous commands
programming Programming device and its relative functions
running Running the program
stack Examining stack

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Note: MDB commands are not case-sensitive. However, when using the SET
command, where tool option properties are passed as parameters, the
parameter portion of the command line entered is case-sensitive.

For a list of all commands within a particular class, type help followed by the class
name. The help command can also be abbreviated to h. See the following tables for
information about each class of commands.
For documentation on a particular command, type help [command or class of
commands] to display information about the command. For example, if you type:
help breakpoints or h Breakpoints
the MDB displays information about the break, watch, delete and halt commands.
The following tables provide information on these commands:
Breakpoints Commands
Data Commands
Device and Tool Commands
Others Commands
Tool Property Options Used with the Set Command
Simulator Options Used with the Set Command
Programming Commands
Running Commands
Stack Commands

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2.3.1 Breakpoints Commands
To display information about the breakpoints commands available in MDB, type help breakpoints.
Table 2-2 provides additional information for this command.


Command Description

Break Sets a breakpoint at the specified source line number

Command format:
break filename:linenumber [passCount]
break newmain.c:142 4

Sets a breakpoint at an absolute address

Command format:
break *address [passCount]
address the address of the program memory to break on use the command: 'print /a' to get a
symbol address.
passCount the parameter is optional
Indicates the number of times the break on condition is met before the program halts.
break *0x9d0000cc 5
MDB assigns a breakpoint number and returns:
Breakpoint 0 at 0x9d0000cc: file newmain.c, line 16.

Sets a breakpoint at the beginning of the function

Command format:
break function_name [passCount]
break function_foo 5

Delete Deletes a breakpoint if no argument is specified, this deletes all breakpoints

You can abbreviate this command as d.
Command format:
delete [breakpoint number]
d [breakpoint number]
The breakpoint number is generated by MDB for the Break and/or Watch commands.
delete or D
delete 1 or d 1

Halt Stops the debugged program

Watch Sets a data breakpoint at the specified memory address, variable name, or an SFR (special function register)
Command format:
Watch address breakonType[:value] [passCount]
address the name of a global variable, SFR, or data memory address to be watched
Use command 'print /a' to get a variable address.
R -- Read.
W -- Write.
RW -- Read or Write.
value this parameter is optional
If it is specified, the program will break only when the value held in the data memory matches the specified
passCount this parameter is optional
The number of times the breakon condition is met before the program breaks.
watch 0xa0007ff0 R:0xf 1
watch 0xa0007ff0 R:10 1
watch my_Variable W 4
MDB will assign and return the watchpoint number, for example: Watchpoint 1.

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MDB Users Guide

2.3.2 Data Commands

To display information about the data commands available in the MDB, type help data. Table 2-3 provides
additional information for this command.


Command Description

Print Prints a variable with optional formatting

Command format:
print [/f] [/datasize:value] variable
f - Optional format letter
The format letters supported are:
x - Print as integer in signed hexadecimal
d - Print as integer in signed decimal
a - Print the address of a symbol
datasize:value optional data size
Variable in assembly code might not have data size information. The user can specify the data size if the
.cof or .elf file does not have the size information.
The values supported are:
1 - The data size is 1 byte.
2 - The data size is 2 bytes.
4 - The data size is 4 byte.
Use this command (not case sensitive) to display the pin information.
Command format:
print pin pinName
print pin RA0
This command will print Pin, Mode, Value, and Owner or Mapping:
For Pin, it displays the name of the signal that the user types to find the pin
For Mode, it displays the A/D state and I/O state
For Value, it displays HIGH/LOW for Digital mode or the HIGH/LOW nominal voltage for Analog mode
For Owner or Mapping, it displays the pin owner and all the signals in this pin
The owner of the pin is the signal with parentheses.

Stim Specifies a simulator SCL stimulus file to use

This loads the specified SCL stimulus file into the simulator, or if no path to the file is specified, it clears a loaded file.
(Note: if the path or filename has spaces in it, you must use the quotation marks, as shown below. If there are no
spaces in the path of filename, the quotation marks are not needed.)
Command format:
Stim [path to file]

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Command Description

Write Use this command to write to memory.

Command format:
write [/t] addr word1 word2 ... wordn
t - the type of memory
The type of memory is any of the following:
r File Registers (RAM) memory
This is the initial default.
p Program (flash) memory
e EE Data memory
Each time you specify a memory type with write, that type becomes the default memory the next time you
use write.
addr the starting address where you want MDB to begin writing to memory
word the following values will be written to successive words of memory
Use this command to set a pin high or low when the simulator is used as a debug tool.
Command format:
write pin pinName pinState
write pin RA0 high
Use this command to set a the voltage of a pin when the simulator is used as a debug tool.
Command format:
write pin pinName pinVoltage
write pin RA0 3.3V

x Examine memory
You can use the command x (for examine) to examine memory in any of several formats, independent of your pro-
grams data types.
Command format:
x [/tnfu] [addr]
t the type of memory
Each time you specify a memory type with x, that type becomes the default memory the next time you use
x.The type of memory is any of the following:
r File Registers (RAM) memory. This is the initial default.
p Program (flash) memory.
m Memory-mapped control registers (PIC32 peripheral memory)
e EE Data memory.
n the repeat count
The repeat count is a decimal integer; the default is 1. It specifies how much memory (counting by units u) to
f the display format.
The display format is one of the formats used by print (x, d, o, f, s), and in addition i (for machine
instructions). The default is x (hexadecimal) initially. The default changes each time you use x.
u the unit size
Each time you specify a unit size with x, that size becomes the default unit the next time you use x. (For the
s and i formats, the unit size is ignored and is normally not written.)
The unit size is any of following:
b Bytes.
h Halfwords (two bytes).
w Words (four bytes). This is the initial default.
addr - the starting display address where you want MDB to begin displaying memory
The addr can be a literal or a symbol name. The default for addr, if not specified, is taken as the value just after
the last address examined.
However, several other commands also set the default address: info breakpoints (to the address of the last
breakpoint listed); info line (to the starting address of a line); and print (if you use it to display a value from

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MDB Users Guide

2.3.3 Device and Tool Commands

To display information about the device and tool commands available in MDB, type help device, help
hwtool or help deviceandtool. Table 2-4 provides additional information about these commands.


Command Description

Device Sets the name of the target device

Command format:
Device devicename
Device PIC32MX795F512L

Hwtool Sets the debug tool or list all the available hardware tools on the system
(The device must be set with the Device command before a tool can be used/set.)
Command format:
Hwtool [toolType] [-p] [index]
Following are the supported tool names (not case-sensitive):
ICD3 MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger
RealICE MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator
PICkit3 PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger
SIM Simulator
PM3 MPLAB PM3 Programmer
LicensedDebugger third party debugger
LicensedProgrammer third party programmer
SK Microchip Starter Kit (PICkit On Board PKOB)
To set the tool for programming only, a space must precede the -p option.
Command format:
Hwtool [toolType] -p
Hwtool ICD3 -p
Use the index option to select the tool if there are more than one instance of a tool type. If you have two
MPLAB ICD 3 units connected to the PC, use the hwtool command to find the assigned index number of the
index Description
0 MPLAB ICD 3 tm (MRK1000000000)
1 MPLAB ICD 3 tm (MRK1000001111)
Hwtool ICD3 -p 1
Note: By default, when a hardware tool is selected, it is loaded as a debugger. This means that it always
programs the device and adds the necessary debug requirements to enable the image to be
To use a tool for programming only, use the -p option when setting the hardware tool.

Deviceandtool Displays both the Device and Hwtool command information

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2.3.4 Others Commands
To display information about the others commands available in MDB, type help others. Table 2-5 provides
additional information for this command.


Command Description

Echo Echo is a command typically used in command files and batch files to output status text to the screen or a file. The
echo command will print text surrounded by /* */. Use \n in the text to print a new line.
Command format:
echo text
echo Hello World
/*Hello World*/
This command prints text only. To print variables or other information, use commands such as print, info, list,

Help help others Prints a list of commands

Quit quit - Exits the debugger

Set The tool property name and value are from the project properties that are selected when creating the project in
IMPORTANT: The Set command, including the tool property options, must be executed before the program
command is issued, otherwise the changes to the tool properties will be ignored.
Command format:
Set tool-property-name value
Set programoptions.eraseb4program true
Refer to Table 2-6 for other tool properties options that can used with the Set command.
Refer to Table 2-7 for simulator options that can be used with the Set command.

Sleep Makes the current script processor sleep until specified milliseconds have elapsed
Command format:
Sleep milliseconds
Sleep 10

Wait The Wait command makes the current script processor wait until the debugger halts before processing the next com-
Command format:
Wait Milliseconds makes the processor process the next command if the debugger does not halt and millisec-
onds have elapsed.
Command format:
Wait [milliseconds]

cd This command changes the directory that you are currently working in to the directory you designate.
Command format:
cd [directory]

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MDB Users Guide
Command Description

info Prints a table of all breakpoints that have been set and not deleted
Optional argument n means print information only about the specified breakpoint.
For each breakpoint the following columns are printed:
Breakpoint Numbers
Enabled or Disabled
Enabled breakpoints are marked with y
Disabled breakpoints are marked with n
Where the breakpoint is in your program, as a memory address.
Where the breakpoint is in the source for your program: as a file and line number.
Command format:
info breakpoints [n]
info break [n]

list\ The list command prints (displays) the source code for the current PC location, or a different file, if specified.
The list command displays lines from a source file.
By default, 10 lines are displayed.
displays 10 lines (5 above, 5 below) around the current line
list linenum
displays 10 lines around a given line
list first,
displays 10 lines from first line specified
list ,last
displays 10 lines up to last line specified
list first,last
displays all lines from the first to the last line specified
list -
displays 10 previous lines from the last output
list +
displays 10 more lines from the last output
list function
displays 10 lines around the given function
list file:linenum
displays 10 lines around the given line in a given file
list file:function
displays 10 lines around the given function in a given file
set system.listsize count
changes the number of lines shown.
Using 0 or -1 means unlimited list size

pwd The pwd command displays the current working directory.

Command format:

DS50002102D-page 24 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. TOOL PROPERTY OPTIONS USED WITH THE SET COMMAND
Table 2-6 provides additional information for the Set command used with tool property options.
IMPORTANT: The Set command, including the tool property options, must be executed before the program
command is issued, otherwise the changes to the tool properties will be ignored.

Note 1: MDB commands are not case-sensitive. However, when using the set command, where tool
option properties are passed as parameters, the parameter portion of the command line
entered is case-sensitive.
2: Tool property options that you want to use with the set command must be selected before
using the program command.


Tool Property Name Value Tool

AutoSelectMemRanges auto or MPLAB ICD3,

Determines whether the debugger will automatically select the areas of memory and pro- manual MPLAB REAL
gram memory ranges to program ICE, PICkit 3,
If set to auto, the debugger will automatically select the memory and ranges. Manual MPLAB PM3
means the memories and ranges will be determined by the memories properties below.
set AutoSelectMemRanges auto

debugoptions.useswbreakpoints true or MPLAB ICD3,

True indicates that software breakpoints will be used for program address breakpoints, false MPLAB REAL
false indicates that hardware breakpoints will be used (does not apply to PICkit 3). ICE
set debugoptions.useswbreakpoints true

memories.programmemory true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the program memory will be programmed; if false, it will not. false MPLAB REAL
Example: ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.programmemory true

memories.programmemory.start a string MPLAB ICD3,

The value represents the starting program memory address that the debug tool will begin representing MPLAB REAL
programming. a long value ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.programmemory.start 0x0000

memories.programmemory.end a string MPLAB ICD3,

The value represents the ending program memory address that the debug tool will end representing MPLAB REAL
programming. a long value ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.programmemory.end 0xFFFF

memories.eeprom true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the EEPROM memory will be programmed; if false, it will not. false MPLAB REAL
ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.eeprom true MPLAB PM3 true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the user ID memory will be programmed; if false, it will not. false MPLAB REAL
Example: ICE, PICkit 3,
set true

memories.bootflash true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the boot flash (PIC32 only) memory will be programmed; if false, it will not. false MPLAB REAL
ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.bootflash true

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MDB Users Guide
Tool Property Name Value Tool

memories.aux true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the auxiliary program memory (dsPIC/PIC24 EP parts only) will be programmed; false MPLAB REAL
if false, it will not. ICE, PICkit 3,
set memories.aux true

programoptions.eraseb4program true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the device will be erased before it is programmed; if false it will not. false MPLAB REAL
Example: ICE, PICkit 3,
set programoptions.eraseb4program true

poweroptions.powerenable true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, the debug tool will supply target power at the default voltage for the tool. If false false PICkit 3, MPLAB
it will not supply target power. PM3
Note: This property does not apply to MPLAB REAL ICE.
To set a non-default voltage for the target power, first set the
poweroptions.powerenable to true, then set the voltage value where n.n rep-
resents the desired voltage:
set voltagevalue n.n
set poweroptions.powerenable true
set voltagevalue 3.3

SecureSegment.SegmentProgramming SegmentProgrammingAll true or MPLAB ICD3,

If true, it permits programming to Program Over Secure and Protected FLASH. This false MPLAB REAL
property must be set prior to using the program operation on the MDB. Use the -p com- ICE, PICkit 3
mand to set the tool as a programmer if its for a production final image and not just a
debug image.
set SecureSegment.SegmentProgramming SegmentProgrammingAll true

system.disableerrormsg true or Not tool

Note: This option has been deprecated as of v3.15 but will still function with existing proj- false dependent
ects. For new projects, use the system.disableoutput and system.yestoalldi-
alog options.
If true, the system will disable warnings and error messages and answer yes to all dia-
logs; if false the system will enable warning and error messages (this is the default).
set system.disableerrormsg true

system.disableoutput true or Not tool

If true, the system will disable warnings and error message outputs but not disable dia- false dependent
logs; if false the system will enable warning and error message outputs and dialogs (this
is the default).
set system.disableoutput true

system.yestoalldialog true or Not tool

If true, the system will disable dialogs and answer yes to all of them; if false the sys- false dependent
tem will enable dialogs (this is the default).
set system.yestoalldialog true

DS50002102D-page 26 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. SIMULATOR OPTIONS USED WITH THE SET COMMAND
Table 2-7 provides additional information for the set command used with the simulator options.
IMPORTANT: The Set command, including the tool property options, must be executed before the program
command is issued, otherwise the changes to the tool properties will be ignored.

Note: For the following table, the break options allow you to set the conditions that will cause program
execution to halt. In general, the program will either break on option, ignore the option, or report
the option.


Device or
Command Name Values Runtime
breakoptions.coreerrors Break, Ignore, Report No
Sets the condition if core errors occur
set breakoptions.coreerrors Break

breakoptions.corewarnings Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if core warnings occur
set breakoptions.corewarnings Ignore

breakoptions.peripheralerrors Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if peripheral errors occur
set breakoptions.peripheralerrors Report

breakoptions.peripheralwarnings Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if peripheral warnings occur
set breakoptions.peripheralwarnings Break

breakoptions.stimulusmessages.notes Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if stimulus notes occur
set breakoptions.stimulusmessages.notes Ignore

breakoptions.stimulusmessags.errors Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if stimulus errors occur
set breakoptions.stimulusmessages.errors Report

breakoptions.stimulusmessags.warnings Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if stimulus warnings occur
set breakoptions.stimulusmessages.warnings Ignore

breakoptions.wdtwarnings Break, Ignore, Report No

Sets the condition if watchdog timer warnings occur
set breakoptions.wdtwarnings Ignore

codecoverage.enabled Disable, No
Enables or disables code coverage Enabled_Reset_on_POR
Example: Enabled_Reset_on_Run
set codecoverage.enabled Disable

codecoverage.enableoutputtofile true, false No

Enables write to file
set codecoverage.enableoutputtofile true

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MDB Users Guide
Device or
Command Name Values Runtime
codecoverage.outputtofile String path No
Absolute path to output file
set codecoverage.outputtofile c:\path\to\file.txt

oscillator.auxfrequency Numeric Yes

Auxiliary PLL Frequency, used by PWM and ADC
set oscillator.auxfrequency 4400

oscillator.auxfrequencyunit Mega, Kilo, None Yes

Auxiliary PLL Frequency Units
set oscillator.auxfrequencyunit None

oscillator.frequency numeric No
Instruction Execution Frequency
set oscillator.frequency 4700

oscillator.frequencyunit Mega, Kilo, None No

Instruction Frequency Units
set oscillator.frequencyunit Kilo

oscillator.rcfrequency Numeric No
RC Oscillator Frequency
set oscillator.rcfrequency 4500

oscillator.rcfrequencyunit Mega, Kilo, None No

RC Oscillator Frequency Units
set oscillator.rcfrequencyunit None

periphADC1.altscl true, false Yes

Use MPLAB 8 style ADC
set periphADC1.altscl true

periphADC1.minTacq Numeric Yes

Specifies minimum acquisition time (Tacq) in seconds
set periphADC1.minTacq 10

periphADC1.tacqunits milliseconds, micro- Yes

Units for minimum acquisition time (Tacq) seconds, nanoseconds
set periphADC1.tacqunits nanoseconds

periphADC2.altscl true, false Yes

Use MPLAB 8 style ADC
set periphADC2.altscl true

periphADC2.minTacq Numeric Yes

Specifies minimum acquisition time (Tacq) in seconds
set periphADC2.minTacq 20

periphADC2.tacqunits milliseconds, micro- Yes

Units for minimum acquisition time (Tacq) seconds, nanoseconds
set periphADC2.tacqunits milliseconds

DS50002102D-page 28 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.

Device or
Command Name Values Runtime
uartNio.output file, window Yes
Specifies location of UART output
N represents the UART number 1 through 6
set uart1io.output file

uartNio.uartioenabled true, false Yes

If true, the system will enable the UART I/O; if false the system will disable it
N represents the UART number 1 through 6
set uart1io.uartioenabled false

uartNio.outputfile Absolute path to file Yes

Passes in a string containing the root (absolute path) of the file system to the
file used for UART output
N represents the UART number 1 through 6
set uart1io.outputfile c:\path\to\outputfile.txt

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MDB Users Guide

2.3.5 Programming Commands

To display information about the programming commands available in the MDB, type
help [programming option]. Table 2-5 provides additional information for these
IMPORTANT: The Set command, including the tool property options, must be executed
before the program command is issued, otherwise the changes to the tool properties will
be ignored.


Command Description

Program Programs device memory with the image specified by the file
Note: if the path or filename has spaces in it, you must use the quotation marks. If there
are no spaces in the path of filename, the quotation marks are not needed, as shown
Command format:
Program executableImageFile

Upload Uploads the executable image to MDB memory

The source of the instructions to be loaded is the contents of the memory of an attached
PIC device through the programmer or debugger.
Command format:

Dump Writes the device memory to a hex file

Command format:
Dump [-m] filename
The m is an optional argument that specifies which memories to write to the hex file. It
can be any combination of the following:
p - Program Memory (Flash)
e - EE Data
c - Configuration Bits
u - User ID memory
b - Boot Memory
f - Flash Data
The filename is the full path and name to the hex file.

2.3.6 Running Commands

To display information about the running commands available in the MDB, type help
running. Table 2-5 provides additional information for these commands.


Command Description

Continue Resumes program being debugged, after breakpoint

Command format:

Halt Stops the debugged program

Command format:

Next Step program, proceeding through subroutine calls

Like the step command as long as subroutine calls do not happen; when they do, the call
is treated as one instruction.
Command format:

Run Start the debugged program

Command format:

DS50002102D-page 30 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.

Command Description

Step Step program until it reaches a different source line

The step command only enters a function if there is a line number information for the
Command format:

Stepi Execute one machine instruction, then stop and return to the debugger
The optional argument count is a repeat count.
Command format:
Stepi [count]

2.3.7 Stack Commands

To display information about the stack commands available in MDB, type help
backtrace. Table 2-5 provides additional information for these commands.


Command Description

Backtrace Print a backtrace of the entire stack, one line per frame for all frames in the stack
Command format:
Backtrace [full] [<n, -n>]
full prints the values of local variables
n prints the innermost n frames
-n prints the outermost n frames

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MDB Users Guide

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Appendix A. Revision History
Revision A (November 2012) - initial release of this document.

Revision B (April 2013)

added note in Invoking the MDB section
added Tool Property Name Options for the Set command
added Simulator Options for the Set command
added -p option
added note on running multiple tools
removed example of using commands to debug a project
added section on creating a printable log file

Revision C (March 2014)

relocated Revision History from Preface to its own appendix.
added a Document Layout section to the Preface.
added new Section 1.6 Using Multiple Instances of the MDB.
moved reference tables to Chapter 2. MDB Reference.
added notes about case-sensitivity for commands in Chapter 2. MDB
added tool column to Table 2-6: Tool-Property-Name Options Used with the Set
added new Table 2-7: Simulator Options Used With the Set Command.

Revision D (February 2017)

added more documents to the Recommended Reading section in Preface.
revised the title of Chapter 1 to How to Use Microchip Debugger, revised the
description of the MDB and added a note to the revised Programming a
Production Image for Testing Purposes section.
revised Section 1.3 Invoking the MDB to add information on Command Line
added information in the Help Commands section.
revised multiple tables in the MDB Reference chapter.

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A Creating a Printable Log File.................................... 15
AutoSelectMemRanges ........................................... 25 D
B Data
Backtrace ................................................................. 31 Print................................................................... 20
Break...................................................................14, 19 Stim................................................................... 20
breakoptions.coreerrors ........................................... 27 Write.................................................................. 21
breakoptions.corewarnings ...................................... 27 x ........................................................................ 21
breakoptions.peripheralerrors .................................. 27 data .......................................................................... 17
breakoptions.peripheralwarnings ............................. 27 Debugging a Device................................................. 14
breakoptions.stimulusmessages.notes .................... 27 debugoptions.useswbreakpoints.............................. 25
breakoptions.stimulusmessags.errors...................... 27 Delete....................................................................... 19
breakoptions.stimulusmessags.warnings................. 27 Delete Breakpoint..................................................... 14
breakoptions.wdtwarnings ....................................... 27 Device ...................................................................... 22
Breakpoints Device and Tool
Break ................................................................ 19 Device ............................................................... 22
Delete ............................................................... 19 Deviceandtool ................................................... 22
Halt ................................................................... 19 Hwtool ............................................................... 22
Watch................................................................ 19 Deviceandtool .......................................................... 22
breakpoints .............................................................. 17 deviceandtool ........................................................... 17
C Conventions ........................................................ 6
cd ............................................................................. 23 Dump........................................................................ 30
Classes of Commands ............................................. 17
breakpoints ....................................................... 17
data ................................................................... 17 Echo ......................................................................... 23
deviceandtool.................................................... 17 elf file........................................................................ 13
others ................................................................ 17 Entering Commands Method ................................... 12
programming..................................................... 17 Exit ........................................................................... 14
running .............................................................. 17 H
stack ................................................................. 17
Halt..................................................................... 19, 30
codecoverage.enabled............................................. 27
Header Specification .................................................. 7
codecoverage.enableoutputtofile ............................. 27
Help.......................................................................... 23
codecoverage.outputtofile ........................................ 28
Help Commands ...................................................... 17
cof file....................................................................... 13
Hwtool ...................................................................... 22
Delete ............................................................... 14 M
Device ............................................................... 13 MDB ........................................................................... 9
list ..................................................................... 24 mdb --help ................................................................ 10
Print .................................................................. 14 MDB.bat file.............................................................. 15
Program ............................................................ 13 mdblog.txt file ........................................................... 15
Quit ................................................................... 14 memories.aux........................................................... 26
Reset MCLR ..................................................... 14 memories.bootflash.................................................. 25
Run ................................................................... 14 memories.eeprom .................................................... 25
Sleep................................................................. 15 25
Step .................................................................. 14 memories.programmemory ...................................... 25
Stim................................................................... 13 memories.programmemory.end ............................... 25
help .......................................................................... 18 memories.programmemory.start .............................. 25
Command Line Parameters ..................................... 10 Microchip Debugger ................................................... 9
Command Prompt .................................................... 11
Continue................................................................... 30

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MDB Users Guide
Next .......................................................................... 30 scl file ....................................................................... 13
SecureSegment.SegmentProgramming................... 26
See Variable Value................................................... 14
oscillator.auxfrequency............................................. 28 Set ............................................................................ 23
oscillator.auxfrequencyunit....................................... 28 Tool Property Name Options............................. 25
oscillator.frequency .................................................. 28 Set Breakpoint.......................................................... 14
oscillator.frequencyunit............................................. 28 Set Watchpoint ......................................................... 14
oscillator.rcfrequency ............................................... 28 Simulator .................................................................. 13
oscillator.rcfrequencyunit.......................................... 28 Simulator Options
Others breakoptions.coreerrors .................................... 27
cd ...................................................................... 23 breakoptions.corewarnings ............................... 27
Echo .................................................................. 23 breakoptions.peripheralerrors ........................... 27
Help................................................................... 23 breakoptions.peripheralwarnings ...................... 27
List .................................................................... 24 breakoptions.stimulusmessages.notes ............. 27
pwd ................................................................... 24 breakoptions.stimulusmessags.errors............... 27
Quit ................................................................... 23 breakoptions.stimulusmessags.warnings.......... 27
Set..................................................................... 23 breakoptions.wdtwarnings................................. 27
Sleep ................................................................. 23 codecoverage.enabled...................................... 27
Wait ................................................................... 23 codecoverage.enableoutputtofile ...................... 27
others ....................................................................... 17 codecoverage.outputtofile ................................. 28
P oscillator.auxfrequency ..................................... 28
oscillator.auxfrequencyunit................................ 28
periphADC1.altscl..................................................... 28
oscillator.frequency ........................................... 28
periphADC1.minTacq ............................................... 28
oscillator.frequencyunit ..................................... 28
periphADC1.tacqunits .............................................. 28
oscillator.rcfrequency ........................................ 28
periphADC2.altscl..................................................... 28
oscillator.rcfrequencyunit .................................. 28
periphADC2.minTacq ............................................... 28
periphADC1.altscl ............................................. 28
periphADC2.tacqunits .............................................. 28
periphADC1.minTacq........................................ 28
poweroptions.powerenable ...................................... 26
periphADC1.tacqunits ....................................... 28
Print .......................................................................... 20
periphADC2.altscl ............................................. 28
Processor Extension Pak Specification...................... 7
periphADC2.minTacq........................................ 28
Program ................................................................... 30
uart1io.output .................................................... 29
uart1io.outputfile................................................ 29
Dump ................................................................ 30
uart1io.uartioenabled ........................................ 29
Program ............................................................ 30
Sleep ........................................................................ 23
Upload............................................................... 30
programming ............................................................ 17
Backtrace .......................................................... 31
Programming a Device............................................. 13
stack ......................................................................... 17
programoptions.eraseb4program ............................. 26
Step .......................................................................... 31
pwd........................................................................... 24
Step Through............................................................ 14
Q Stepi ......................................................................... 31
Quit........................................................................... 23 Stim .......................................................................... 20
Stimulus.................................................................... 13
R system.disableerrormsg ........................................... 26
Reading, Recommended............................................ 7 system.disableoutput................................................ 26
Readme...................................................................... 7 system.yestoalldialog ............................................... 26
Reset ........................................................................ 14
Run........................................................................... 30 T
Run Program ............................................................ 14 Target Device Reset................................................. 14
Running Tool Property Name Options.................................... 25
Continue............................................................ 30 AutoSelectMemRanges .................................... 25
Halt.................................................................... 30 debugoptions.useswbreakpoints....................... 25
Next................................................................... 30 memories.aux.................................................... 26
Run ................................................................... 30 memories.bootflash........................................... 25
Step................................................................... 31 memories.eeprom ............................................. 25
Stepi .................................................................. 31 25
running ..................................................................... 17 memories.programmemory ............................... 25
Running a Command File Method............................ 15 memories.programmemory.end ........................ 25
memories.programmemory.start ....................... 25

DS50002102D-page 36 2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc.

poweroptions.powerenable ............................... 26
programoptions.eraseb4program ..................... 26
SecureSegment.SegmentProgramming ........... 26
system.disableerrormsg.................................... 26
system.disableoutput ........................................ 26
system.yestoalldialog........................................ 26
voltagevalue...................................................... 26
Transition Socket
Specification ....................................................... 7
uart1io.output ........................................................... 29
uart1io.outputfile ...................................................... 29
uart1io.uartioenabled ............................................... 29
Upload...................................................................... 30
voltagevalue ............................................................. 26
Wait .......................................................................... 23
Watch ....................................................................... 19
Write......................................................................... 21
x ............................................................................... 21

2012-2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002102D-page 37

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Tel: 248-848-4000 Tel: 39-0331-742611
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China - Qingdao Fax: 60-4-227-4068
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China - Shenyang Fax: 65-6334-8850
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Fax: 886-3-5770-955 Romania - Bucharest
Tel: 951-273-7800 China - Shenzhen
Tel: 40-21-407-87-50
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Tel: 34-91-708-08-90
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Tel: 631-435-6000 Tel: 86-27-5980-5300 Tel: 886-2-2508-8600
Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 Fax: 886-2-2508-0102 Sweden - Gothenberg
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Tel: 408-735-9110 China - Xian Thailand - Bangkok
Tel: 408-436-4270 Tel: 86-29-8833-7252 Tel: 66-2-694-1351 Sweden - Stockholm
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Fax: 44-118-921-5820

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