ACS CaseStudiesFinal
ACS CaseStudiesFinal
ACS CaseStudiesFinal
This table shows a range of case studies with references to relevant clauses of the ACS Code of Ethics. The Code consists of a series of clauses
which gradually expand on aspects of ethical behaviour relevant to professional people in the ICT industry. Clauses 4.3.1 to 4.3.6 describe the six
Values and Ideals, summarised as: Priorities; Competence; Honesty; Social Implications; Professional Development; and Information
Technology Profession.
Clauses 4.5.1 through to 4.10. 9 cover the Standards of Conduct, which provide a series of non-exhaustive standards explaining how the Code
applies to a members professional work, related to each of the six Values and Ideals.
Case Summary of case ACS Code of Ethics ACS Code of Ethics Standards of Conduct
No. 4.3 Values and Ideals
1 Jean, a statistical database programmer, is trying to 4.3.1 Priorities 4.5.3 I must respect the proprietary nature of the
[1] write a large statistical program needed by her information of others.
company. Programmers in this company are
encouraged to write about their work and to publish 4.3.2 Competence 4.6.4 I must respect and protect my clients' and
their algorithms in professional journals. After employers' proprietary interests.4.6.4
months of tedious programming, Jean has found
herself stuck on several parts of the program. Her 4.3.3 Honesty 4.7.2 I must not misrepresent my skills or knowledge.
manager, not recognising the complexity of the
problem, wants the job completed within the next 4.7.6 I must give credit for work done by others where
few days. Not knowing how to solve the problems, credit is due.
Jean remembers that a co-worker had given her
source listings from his current work and from an
early version of a commercial software package
developed at another company. On studying these
programs, she sees two areas of code which could
be directly incorporated into her own program. She
uses segments of code from both her co-worker and
the commercial software, but does not tell anyone or
mention it in the documentation. She completes the
project and turns it in a day ahead of time.
4.3.4 Social Implications 4.8.6 I must not require, or attempt to influence, any
person to take any action which would involve a
breach of the Code of Ethics.
4.3.4 Social Implications 4.8.6 I must not require, or attempt to influence, any
person to take any action which would involve a
breach of the Code of Ethics.
4.3.4 Social Implications 4.8.6 I must not require, or attempt to influence, any
person to take any action which would involve a
breach of the Code of Ethics.
[1] Burmeister, O.K, (2000), Applying the ACS Code of Ethics, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 32, No. 2, May.
[2] Burmeister, O.K., and Weckert, J., (2003), Applying the new software engineering code of ethics to usability engineering: A study of four cases, Info, Comm &
Ethics in Society, Troubadour Publishing Ltd.
[3] Canberra Times, (7 April 2003), Costly upgrade: sprinting for cover, page 15.
[4] Canberra Times, (11 July 2003), Centrelink letter one in a million, page 1.
[5] Senator Kate Lundy (5 November 2002) Fahey finally tells the truth,: tendering process for Healths IT Outsourcing Program was without integrity, Media
[6] From Barry de Ferranti (ACS) - These are real situations, modified to remove names.
[7] From Richard Lucas (CSU), based on actual events
[8] From Yeslam Al-Saggaf (CSU) These cases relate to issues of different customs and cultures in the workplace.
[9] From Mike Bowern. ( Case 30 is to generate discussion on the idea that the ACS should be run in an ethical, business-like manner)
[10] From Richard Lucas (This case has been added to generate discussion on the role of the Disciplinary Committee)
The cases in the following reference paper also appear in Burmeister (2000), which addresses the ACS Code of Ethics. So the Burmeister paper has been cited.
Anderson, R.E., Johnson, D.G., Gotterbarn, D., Perrolle, J., (1993), Communications of the ACM, February, Vol. 36, No. 2.