SKMM 3443 - Final Exam - 20142015-2
SKMM 3443 - Final Exam - 20142015-2
SKMM 3443 - Final Exam - 20142015-2
Q1. (a) A 50-cm-diameter spherical tank is filled with chilled water. The tank is thin-walled such
that its thermal resistance is negligible. The tank is exposed to ambient air at 25 C. The
walls of the room are also at 25 C. The tank is covered with 5-cm thick glass wool
insulation with the thermal conductivity of 2.29 W/m.K. The outer surface of the
insulation has emissivity of 0.8 and its temperature is 5 C. The heat transfer between the
outer surface of the insulation and the surroundings is by convection and radiation. The
rate of heat transfer to the iced water in the tank is 200 W.
i) Sketch the equivalent thermal circuit.
ii) Estimate the convection heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface of the
insulation, W/m2.K.
iii) Determine the temperature at the inner surface of the insulation, C.
(20 marks)
(b) Consider the spherical tank in (a) with a thicker wall such that its thermal resistance is no
longer negligible. All other parameters are to be kept constant. What would be the effect
of this modification on the heat transfer rate? Explain your answer briefly.
(5 marks)
Q2. (a) Two hot solid objects, A and B with identical geometry and material are to be cooled in
air. Object A is being cooled by blowing air over it using a fan while object B is allowed
to cool naturally. In your opinion, on which body that the lumped system analysis is
more likely to be applicable for heat transfer analysis? Explain your answer briefly.
(5 marks)
(b) A carbon steel ball has a diameter of 8 mm, density of 7833 kg/m , thermal conductivity
of 54 W/m.K, and specific heat of 465 J/kg.K. The ball is heated to a uniform
temperature of 900 C and then cooled slowly in an ambient air to a lower uniform
temperature. The ambient air is at a temperature of 35 C and has an average heat
transfer coefficient of 75 W/m2.K. Determine:
i) the time required to cool the steel ball to a uniform temperature of 100 C,
ii) the rate of heat transfer from the steel ball as its temperature falls to 100 C,
J/s, and
iii) the maximum amount of heat that can possibly be transferred from the steel
ball, J.
(5 marks)
SKMM 3443/ SME 4463
Q3. (a) A flat plate solar collector heats water by means of a 2.5-cm-diameter copper tube.
During a mid-day operation, the inside surface of the copper tube is at 48 C, and the
water enters at 15 C. Given that the water should leave the collector at 35 C with a
flow rate of 0.0011 m3/s, determine:
i) the Reynolds number for the flow,
ii) the heating capacity of the solar collector , , and
iii) the length needed for the tube,
(20 marks)
(b) Consider a laminar flow in a circular tube. Draw a plot to show the change in the local
heat transfer coefficient, along the tube length, . Label and explain the heat transfer
condition in the entrance region and the fully developed region in your plot.
(5 marks)
Q4. (a) State two factors that affect the radiation heat transfer exchange between two surfaces.
(5 marks)
(b) Two parallel metal walls of a kitchen oven have temperatures Ti = 232 C and
To = 27 C, and emissivities of i = 0 = 0.3. The space between the walls is filled with
rock-wool-type insulation. Assuming this insulation material to be transparent to thermal
radiation, determine:
i) the irradiation and radiosity per unit area for each plate, kW/m2, and
ii) the radiation heat transfer rate per unit area between the walls, kW/m2, and
discuss on how you would change this value in relation to (a) above.
(20 marks)
SKMM 3443/ SME 4463
Q1. (a) Sebuah tangki berbentuk sfera bergaris pusat 50 sm mengandungi air dingin. Dinding
tangki adalah nipis sehingga rintangan habanya boleh diabaikan. Tangki didedahkan
kepada udara sekitaran yang bersuhu 25 C. Dinding bagi bilik juga berada pada suhu
25 C. Tangki dibalut dengan bahan penebat benang halus dari kaca setebal 5 sm dengan
keberaliran haba 2.29 W/m.K. Permukaan luar bahan penebat mempunyai keberpancaran
0.8 dan suhu 5 C. Pemindahan haba dari permukaan bahan penebat dan sekitaran adalah
secara olakan dan radiasi. Kadar pemindahan haba kepada air dingin di dalam tangki
adalah 200 W.
i) Lakarkan litar terma setara.
ii) Anggarkan nilai pekali pemindahan haba olakan di permukaan luar bahan
penebat, W/m2.K.
iii) Tentukan suhu di permukaan dalam bahan penebat, C.
(20 markah)
(b) Pertimbangkan dinding tangki sfera di bahagian (a) lebih tebal sehingga rintangan
habanya tidak lagi boleh diabaikan. Nilai semua parameter lain dikekalkan seperti
sebelumnya. Apakah kesan pengubahsuaian ini ke atas kadar pemindahan haba?
Terangkan jawapan anda secara ringkas.
(5 markah)
Q2. (a) Dua objek pepejal panas, A dan B yang sama bentuk dan bahan akan disejukkan dalam
udara. Objek A disejukkan dengan aliran udara menggunakan sebuah kipas manakala
objek B disejukkan secara semulajadi. Pada pendapat anda, keatas objek yang manakah
kaedah analisis sistem tergumpal boleh digunakan untuk mengkaji proses pemindahan
haba? Jelaskan jawapan anda dengan ringkas.
(5 markah)
(b) Sebiji bola keluli karbon mempunyai garis pusat 8 mm, ketumpatan 7833 kg/m3, pekali
pengaliran haba 54 W/m.K, dan haba tentu 465 J/kg.K. Ia dipanaskan ke suhu seragam
900 C dan kemudian disejukkan dengan perlahan dalam udara sekitaran ke suhu
seragam yang lebih rendah. Udara sekitaran berada pada suhu 35 C dan mempunyai
pekali pemindahan haba purata bernilai 75 W/m2.K. Tentukan:
i) masa yang diperlukan untuk menyejukkan bola keluli ke suhu seragam
100 C, minit,
ii) kadar pemindahan haba dari bola keluli semasa suhunya jatuh ke 100 C, J/s,
iii) jumlah maksimum tenaga haba yang boleh dipindahkan dari bola keluli, J.
Untuk bola keluli karbon, luas permukaan = D2 dan isipadu = D3/6.
(20 markah)
SKMM 3443/ SME 4463
Q3. (a) Satu plat pengumpul suria memanaskan air dengan menggunakan tiub tembaga bergaris
pusat 2.5 sm. Semasa operasi di waktu tengah hari, permukaan bahagian dalam tiub
tembaga bersuhu 48 C, dan air megalir masuk pada suhu 15 C. Jika air perlu megalir
keluar dari pengumpul suria tersebut dengan suhu 35 C dan kadar aliran 0.0011 m3/s,
i) nombor Reynolds untuk aliran di atas,
ii) kapasiti pemanasan pengumpul suria, kW, dan
iii) panjang tiub yang diperlukan, m
(20 markah)
(b) Suatu aliran megalir dalam keadaan lamina melalui satu tiub bulat. Lukiskan plot untuk
menunjukkan perubahan dalam pekali pemindahan haba tempatan, di sepanjang
tiub, . Labelkan dan terangkan keadaan pemindahan haba dalam rantau pintu masuk dan
rantau aliran maju dalam plot anda.
(5 markah)
Q4. (a) Nyatakan dua faktor yang memberi kesan terhadap pertukaran pemindahan haba sinaran
di antara dua permukaan.
(5 markah)
(b) Dua keping dinding logam sebuah oven mempunyai suhu masing-masing = 232 C
dan = 27 C, dengan keberpancaran = = 0.3. Ruang di antara dinding diisi dengan
penebat jenis kapas-batu. Dengan menganggap bahan penebat ialah lutsinar terhadap
sinaran terma, tentukan:
i) penyinaran dan radiositi untuk setiap unit luas permukaan bagi setiap
dinding, kW/m2, dan
ii) kadar pemindahan haba sinaran untuk setiap unit luas permukaan di antara
dinding, kW/m2. Bincangkan bagaimana anda boleh mengubah nilai ini
dengan merujuk kepada (a).
(20 markah)
Equation Sheet 1
Fouriers Law:
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
Thermal resistance:
, ,
Infinitely long fin:
Adiabatic tip:
Equation Sheet 2
Transient Conduction
External Convection
Flat Plate: 5
Laminar: ( , )
Turbulent: ( :
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Cylinders: (
[ ( ) ]
[ ]
[ ] ( )
Tube banks:
In line and staggered with :
Staggered with :
Internal Convection
Conservation of mass:
Circular tube of radius :
, ,
Fully developed laminar flow in circular pipe:
( ) ( )
Circular tube, laminar: ( constant)
( constant)
Developing laminar flow:
( ) ( )
( )
Fluid properties evaluated at:
Liquid metal ( ):
Fully developed turbulent flow (rough surface):
( ) [ ( ) ]
Natural Convection
, is absolute temperature in K or R
[ ]
Equation Sheet 5
Vertical heat sink:
( )
Horizontal rectangular enclosure, hot plate at the bottom (If , ):
[ ] [ ]
Vertical enclosures:
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
Spherical enclosure:
( ) ( )
( )
Radiation between two black surfaces:
Stefan Boltzman constant:
Summation rule:
Reciprocity rule:
Crossed string method:
cen29305_chAP1.qxd 11/30/05 3:13 PM Page 854
Properties of saturated water
Enthalpy Specific Thermal Prandtl Expansion
Saturation Density of Heat Conductivity Dynamic Viscosity Number Coefficient
Pressure r, kg/m3 Vaporization cp, J/kg K k, W/m k m, kg/m s Pr b, 1/K
T, C Psat, kPa Liquid Vapor hfg, kJ/kg Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid
0.01 0.6113 999.8 0.0048 2501 4217 1854 0.561 0.0171 1.792 103 0.922 105 13.5 1.00 0.068 103
5 0.8721 999.9 0.0068 2490 4205 1857 0.571 0.0173 1.519 103 0.934 105 11.2 1.00 0.015 103
10 1.2276 999.7 0.0094 2478 4194 1862 0.580 0.0176 1.307 103 0.946 105 9.45 1.00 0.733 103
15 1.7051 999.1 0.0128 2466 4185 1863 0.589 0.0179 1.138 103 0.959 105 8.09 1.00 0.138 103
20 2.339 998.0 0.0173 2454 4182 1867 0.598 0.0182 1.002 103 0.973 105 7.01 1.00 0.195 103
25 3.169 997.0 0.0231 2442 4180 1870 0.607 0.0186 0.891 103 0.987 105 6.14 1.00 0.247 103
30 4.246 996.0 0.0304 2431 4178 1875 0.615 0.0189 0.798 103 1.001 105 5.42 1.00 0.294 103
35 5.628 994.0 0.0397 2419 4178 1880 0.623 0.0192 0.720 103 1.016 105 4.83 1.00 0.337 103
40 7.384 992.1 0.0512 2407 4179 1885 0.631 0.0196 0.653 103 1.031 105 4.32 1.00 0.377 103
45 9.593 990.1 0.0655 2395 4180 1892 0.637 0.0200 0.596 103 1.046 105 3.91 1.00 0.415 103
50 12.35 988.1 0.0831 2383 4181 1900 0.644 0.0204 0.547 103 1.062 105 3.55 1.00 0.451 103
55 15.76 985.2 0.1045 2371 4183 1908 0.649 0.0208 0.504 103 1.077 105 3.25 1.00 0.484 103
60 19.94 983.3 0.1304 2359 4185 1916 0.654 0.0212 0.467 103 1.093 105 2.99 1.00 0.517 103
65 25.03 980.4 0.1614 2346 4187 1926 0.659 0.0216 0.433 103 1.110 105 2.75 1.00 0.548 103
70 31.19 977.5 0.1983 2334 4190 1936 0.663 0.0221 0.404 103 1.126 105 2.55 1.00 0.578 103
75 38.58 974.7 0.2421 2321 4193 1948 0.667 0.0225 0.378 103 1.142 105 2.38 1.00 0.607 103
80 47.39 971.8 0.2935 2309 4197 1962 0.670 0.0230 0.355 103 1.159 105 2.22 1.00 0.653 103
85 57.83 968.1 0.3536 2296 4201 1977 0.673 0.0235 0.333 103 1.176 105 2.08 1.00 0.670 103
90 70.14 965.3 0.4235 2283 4206 1993 0.675 0.0240 0.315 103 1.193 105 1.96 1.00 0.702 103
95 84.55 961.5 0.5045 2270 4212 2010 0.677 0.0246 0.297 103 1.210 105 1.85 1.00 0.716 103
100 101.33 957.9 0.5978 2257 4217 2029 0.679 0.0251 0.282 103 1.227 105 1.75 1.00 0.750 103
110 143.27 950.6 0.8263 2230 4229 2071 0.682 0.0262 0.255 103 1.261 105 1.58 1.00 0.798 103
120 198.53 943.4 1.121 2203 4244 2120 0.683 0.0275 0.232 103 1.296 105 1.44 1.00 0.858 103
130 270.1 934.6 1.496 2174 4263 2177 0.684 0.0288 0.213 103 1.330 105 1.33 1.01 0.913 103
140 361.3 921.7 1.965 2145 4286 2244 0.683 0.0301 0.197 103 1.365 105 1.24 1.02 0.970 103
150 475.8 916.6 2.546 2114 4311 2314 0.682 0.0316 0.183 103 1.399 105 1.16 1.02 1.025 103
160 617.8 907.4 3.256 2083 4340 2420 0.680 0.0331 0.170 103 1.434 105 1.09 1.05 1.145 103
170 791.7 897.7 4.119 2050 4370 2490 0.677 0.0347 0.160 103 1.468 105 1.03 1.05 1.178 103
180 1,002.1 887.3 5.153 2015 4410 2590 0.673 0.0364 0.150 103 1.502 105 0.983 1.07 1.210 103
190 1,254.4 876.4 6.388 1979 4460 2710 0.669 0.0382 0.142 103 1.537 105 0.947 1.09 1.280 103
200 1,553.8 864.3 7.852 1941 4500 2840 0.663 0.0401 0.134 103 1.571 105 0.910 1.11 1.350 103
220 2,318 840.3 11.60 1859 4610 3110 0.650 0.0442 0.122 103 1.641 105 0.865 1.15 1.520 103
240 3,344 813.7 16.73 1767 4760 3520 0.632 0.0487 0.111 103 1.712 105 0.836 1.24 1.720 103
260 4,688 783.7 23.69 1663 4970 4070 0.609 0.0540 0.102 103 1.788 105 0.832 1.35 2.000 103
280 6,412 750.8 33.15 1544 5280 4835 0.581 0.0605 0.094 103 1.870 105 0.854 1.49 2.380 103
300 8,581 713.8 46.15 1405 5750 5980 0.548 0.0695 0.086 103 1.965 105 0.902 1.69 2.950 103
320 11,274 667.1 64.57 1239 6540 7900 0.509 0.0836 0.078 103 2.084 105 1.00 1.97
340 14,586 610.5 92.62 1028 8240 11,870 0.469 0.110 0.070 103 2.255 105 1.23 2.43
360 18,651 528.3 144.0 720 14,690 25,800 0.427 0.178 0.060 103 2.571 105 2.06 3.73
374.14 22,090 317.0 317.0 0 0.043 103 4.313 105
Note 1: Kinematic viscosity n and thermal diffusivity a can be calculated from their definitions, n m/r and a k/rcp n/Pr. The temperatures 0.01C, 100C,
and 374.14C are the triple-, boiling-, and critical-point temperatures of water, respectively. The properties listed above (except the vapor density) can be used at
any pressure with negligible error except at temperatures near the critical-point value.
Note 2: The unit kJ/kg C for specific heat is equivalent to kJ/kg K, and the unit W/m C for thermal conductivity is equivalent to W/m K.
Source: Viscosity and thermal conductivity data are from J. V. Sengers and J. T. R. Watson, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 15 (1986),
pp. 12911322. Other data are obtained from various sources or calculated.