r 2011 American Chemical Society 9527 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic201235h | Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 95279532
Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE
diameter. Ball-milling was carried out without any additives (dry ball-
milling) at a speed of 400 rpm for 12 24 h. The ambient temperature
during ball-milling was around 400 C. It is important to note that no
contamination was found in the ball-milled samples from the ball-milled
vessel. The ball-milled samples were subjected to various methods of
characterization. They were also annealed in air at 700 C, and the annealed
samples were characterized similarly. The annealed samples were also Figure 2. XRD patterns of ball-milled AlFeO3 in (a) the -Al2O3
heated to 1000 1350 C in air for a period of 24 h. structure (P212121) and (b) the R3c structure along with prole ts,
XRD patterns of the powdered samples were recorded with a Bruker D8 dierence patterns, and Bragg positions.
Advance X-ray diractometer to conrm the phase purities of these oxides.
The software package Fullprof was used to analyze the structural data. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Raman spectra of powdered samples were recorded at room temperature AlFeO3 samples, subjected to ball milling at 300 K for a period
with a LabRAM HR 800 high-resolution Raman spectrometer (Horiba- of 12 h, were investigated by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. The
Jobin Yvon) using a He Ne laser ( = 632.8 nm). Magnetic properties of XRD patterns of the starting material and of the ball-milled
the samples were measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer in the
sample are shown in parts a and b of Figure 1, respectively. The
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) under zero-eld-cooled
ball-milled sample shows line broadening, and the crystallite size
(ZFC) and eld-cooled (FC) conditions in the temperature range of
5 390 K under a magnetic eld of 100 Oe. Magnetic hysteresis curves were
calculated from the line width is 20 nm. Annealing the ball-
recorded at 5 K in magnetic elds going up to 60 kOe. milled sample at 700 C showed no changes in the positions of
We have carried out rst-principles calculations to examine the the reections, as can be seen from Figure 1c. The XRD pattern
pressure dependence of the Pna21 and R3c structures of AlFeO3 and of the ball-milled AlFeO3 does not match that of R-Fe2O3.
GaFeO3. The calculations are based on density functional theory (DFT) Furthermore, a 1:1 mixture of R-Fe2O3 and R-Al2O3 exhibits a
with a spin-density-dependent exchange correlation energy functional of XRD pattern (Figure 1d) that is completely dierent from that of
a generalized gradient approximation [Perdew Wang 91 (PW 91)] ball-milled AlFeO3. Prole tting using the Fullprof package
form11 as implemented in the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package.12,13 (Figure 2a) showed that the structure of ball-milled AlFeO3 was
The projector augmented wave method14 is used to capture the akin to -Al2O3 with the P212121 space group.15 The lattice
interaction between ionic cores and valence electrons. An energy cuto parameters of this P212121 were found to be a = 15.886 (11) ,
of 400 eV was used for the plane-wave basis, and integrations over the b = 11.408 (6) , and c = 7.803 (4) . The -Al2O3 phase is
Brillouin were sampled upon using a regular 4 2 2 mesh of k points related to the spinel structure and is dierent from that of
for the orthorhombic structure and a 3 3 2 mesh for the corundum
*-Al2O3 (P222)16 with lattice parameters a = 7.936 , b = 7.956
structure. The pressure dependence of these structures was studied by
homogeneously deforming the unit cell by up to (2% isotropic strain
, and c = 11.711 reported by Fargeot et al.16 It is, however,
and obtaining the corresponding pressure from the stress tensor dicult to dierentiate the P222 and P212121 structures based on
calculated as a derivative of the energy with respect to strain. To prole tting. It is possible that the * phase of Fargeot et al.16 is
determine the critical pressure, we dene an enthalpy H = E(V) + PV, actually the phase described by Levin and Brandon.15
where E(V) is the total energy function of a parabolic form tted to In order to examine whether ball-milling for extended periods
energies obtained in the DFT calculations and V is the volume of the unit gives rise to other structures, we ball-milled AlFeO3 for 24 h at
cell. For a given pressure, the equilibrium volume is obtained by 300 K. The XRD pattern of this sample (Figure 1e) is similar to
minimizing H with respect to V. The critical pressure is the pressure that of R-Fe2O3 (R3c). The lattice parameters of the rhombohe-
at which the minimum enthalpies of the two structures cross, which also dral AlFeO3 are a = 4.909(2) and c = 13.393(7) , as obtained
relates to the slope of a common tangent to the energy volume curves from prole tting (Figure 2b). Note that the lattice parameters
of two structures. of R-Fe2O3 are a = 5.032 and c = 13.733 , while those of
9528 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic201235h |Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 95279532
Inorganic Chemistry ARTICLE
Figure 7. Raman spectra of (a) the orthorhombic GaFeO3 sample, (b) Figure 9. XRD patterns of (a) the orthorhombic Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3
GaFeO3 nanoparticles by the sol gel route, (c) ball-milled GaFeO3, (d) sample, (b) ball-milled Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3, (c) ball-milled Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3
ball-milled GaFeO3 annealed at 700 C, and (e) ball-milled GaFeO3 annealed at 700 C, (d) a mixture of Fe2O3 + Al2O3 + Ga2O3 (1:0.5:0.5),
annealed at 1000 C. and (e) ball-milled Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3 annealed at 1200 C.
results clearly show that chiral orthorhombic GaFeO3 (Pna21) R3c, rather than R3c, was conrmed by the absence of second
transforms directly to the rhombohedral R3c structure when harmonic generation by the material.
subjected to ball-milling, unlike AlFeO3, which goes through an In Figure 8, we show the temperature dependence of magnetiza-
intermediate phase of the P212121 space group. The space group tion of the R3c sample of GaFeO3 under FC and ZFC conditions.
There is divergence between the FC and ZFC data below 350 K,
and there is no sharp ferrimagnetic transition. Thus, the magnetiza-
tion curves are quite dierent from those of the chiral orthorhombic
structure GaFeO3, which shows a sharp ferrimagnetic transition at
210 K.6,17 The magnitude of magnetization of the R3c sample is
much smaller than that of the Pna21 sample showing the presence of
prominent antiferromagnetic interaction. Nanoparticles of GaFeO3,
however, show magnetic behavior similar to that of the Pna21
GaFeO3 sample but with higher TN.
Because AlFeO3 and GaFeO3 show dierent phase-transition
characteristics upon ball-milling, we have investigated the phase-
transition behavior of Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3. The structure of Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3
under ambient conditions is the same as that of AlFeO3 and
GaFeO3, with the space group being Pna21.6 Upon comparison
of the XRD pattern of Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3 (Pna21) with that of the
sample ball-milled for 24 h at 300 K (particle size, 25 nm), we nd
that the pattern of the latter is characteristic of the rhombohedral
structure (R3c) with lattice parameters a = 4.970(1) and c =
13.509(3) (see Figures 9 and 10). A similar change was observed
after ball-milling for 6 h as well. Upon heating of the ball-milled
sample to 1200 C, it reverts back to the Pna21 structure. The Raman
spectrum of the ball-milled sample of Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3 is consistent
with the R3c structure.
The magnetization behavior of Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3 (R3c) diers
signicantly from that of the starting Pna21 sample,6 in that we do
not see the sharp ferrimagnetic transition at 220 K. Instead, we
observe divergence between FC and ZFC data below 320 K, with
a narrower hysteresis at 5 K. It is interesting that partial
substitution of aluminum by gallium in AlFeO3 favors the direct
Figure 11. Crystal structures of AlFeO3 in (a) orthorhombic and transformation of the Pna21 phase to the R3c phase upon ball-
(b) corundum structures. milling without arriving at the P212121 phase.
In the present study, the most signicant structures encoun-
tered are the initial orthorhombic (Pna21) and the rhombohedral
Table 1. Structural Data of the Various Phases of Al1 xGax-
(R3c) structures of AlFeO3 and GaFeO3, as shown in Figure 11.
FeO3 (x = 0, 0.5, 1)
In Table 1, we list the strucural parameters of all of the phases. It
space a b c RBragg is useful to discuss the structural transformation of AlFeO3 in
structure group () () () (%) light of the various transformations of Al2O3.15 The most stable
structure of Al2O3 is the R form with the space group R3c. This
AlFeO3 structure can be treated as an HCP sublattice of oxygen anions in
orthorhombic Pna21 4.9806(3) 8.5511(6) 9.2403(6) 2.04
which two-thirds of the octahedral interstices are lled with
aluminum cations in an ordered array. The oxygen anions occupy
orthorhombic P212121 15.886(11) 11.408(4) 7.803(4) 0.26
18c Wycko positions, the coordinates of which are x, 0, 1/4 (x =
rhombohedral R3c 4.909(2) 13.393(7) 0.52
0.306), whereas the aluminum cations located at 12c positions
GaFeO3 have coordinates of 0, 0, z (z = 0.347). It has been found that
orthorhombic Pna21 5.0814(2) 8.7436(3) 9.3910(2) 2.74 Boehmite upon heating to 700 C and above gives rise to an
rhombohedral R3c 5.022(2) 13.606(5) 0.14 orthorhombic phase. The phase of Al2O3 is dierent from the *
phase mentioned by Fargeot et al.16 with regard to the structure of
Al0.5Ga0.5FeO3 AlFeO3. The phase derived from the spinel structure belongs to
orthorhombic Pna21 5.0306(1) 8.6461(2) 9.3175(2) 3.34 the P212121 space group.18 The orthorhombic chiral structures
rhombohedral R3c 4.970(1) 13.509(3) 0.23 found by us in AlFeO3 and GaFeO3 are akin to the k phase of Al2O3,
Table 2. Calculated Equilibrium Volumes (per Formula Unit), Binding Energies (per Formula Unit), Bulk Moduli for the
Orthorhombic (Ort) and Corundum (Cor) Structures of AlFeO3 and GaFeO3, and Their Critical Pressures for a Transition from
the Orthorhombic to Corundum Structure
compound V(Ort) (3/fmu) V(Cor) (3/fmu) E(Ort) (eV/fmu) E(Cor) (eV/fmu) B(Ort) (GPa) B(Cor) (GPa) Pcrit (GPa)