Full Wave Sonic Delta T FWS
Full Wave Sonic Delta T FWS
Full Wave Sonic Delta T FWS
Principle Casing
A piezo-electric transmitter stimulated by a high-voltage head
pulse radiates a high-frequency acoustic wavelet. This is
coupled via the borehole fluid and formation to each
receiver. The probe records the full sonic wave train at all GR
receivers simultaneously.
VDL, formation compressional velocity (slowness), time of Water
first arrival (t). level
Estimation of the mechanical properties of the rock (with
compressional and shear slowness and bulk density),
spectral analysis, sonic amplitude and attenuation
measurements, density and porosity estimation, fracture
location etc
Natural gamma sensor, shear velocity (slowness),
mechanical moduli (with bulk density).
3350 mm
Investigation area
3150 mm
Constraints / borehole
temperature : 0 - 70 C
1410 mm
Technical specifications
650 mm
length : 3350 mm
GR 3150 mm
t 1860 m
: 58 mm
weight : 25 kg
1 emitter (14 kHz) : E
3 receivers (2 ft, 3 ft and 4 ft) : RC1, RC2, RC3 58 mm
Records / Measures
P range : 40-200 s/ft - 1500-7500 m/s
Tool : centered off-centered
S range : 80-200 s/ft - 1500-3800 m/s
Measure : down up
Resolution : 0.25 s
Rec. speed : 8 m/min
Vert. resolution : 30 cm
Sampling : 5 cm (spatial) ; 4 s (temporal)
Accuracy : 0.5 to 2 % of the measure
SEMM logging Lieu dit Les Maufras 18360 Vesdun - FRANCE MAJ CM
Tl : + 33 2 48 63 10 89 Fax : + 33 2 48 63 05 90 Mail : contact@semmlogging.com Web : http://www.semmlogging.com 08/12/2015
SIRET : 453 415 879 00015 SAS au capital de 200 000 RCS BOURGES B 453 415 879 1/2
SEMM logging Lieu dit Les Maufras 18360 Vesdun - FRANCE MAJ CM
Tl : + 33 2 48 63 10 89 Fax : + 33 2 48 63 05 90 Mail : contact@semmlogging.com Web : http://www.semmlogging.com 08/12/2015
SIRET : 453 415 879 00015 SAS au capital de 200 000 RCS BOURGES B 453 415 879 2/2