Levinas Ethics Infinity 1 01
Levinas Ethics Infinity 1 01
Levinas Ethics Infinity 1 01
By Emmanuel Levinas
Trans. Richard A. Cohen
E.L.: In this book I speak of responsibility as E.L.: No. The tie with the Other is knotted
the essential, primary and fundamental structure of only as responsibility, this moreover, whether
subjectivity. For I describe subjectivity in ethical accepted or refused, whether knowing or not
terms. Ethics, here, does not supplement a preceding knowing how to assume it, whether able or unable to
existential base; the very node of the subjective is do something concrete for the Other. To say: here I
knotted in ethics understood as responsibility. am [me voici].1 To do something for the Other. To
I understand responsibility as responsibility for give. To be a human spirit, that's it. The incarnation
the Other, thus as responsibility for what is not my of human subjectivity guarantees its spirituality (I
deed, or for what does not even matter to me; or do not see what angels could give one another or
which precisely does matter to me, is met by me as
Ph.N.: How, having discovered the Other in his face, Cf., Genesis 22:1, 7 and 11, and Isaiah 6:8, for
Hineni. Also, cf., Emmanuel Levinas, "God and
does one discover him as he to whom one is re-
Philosophy," in Philosophy Today, Vol. XXII, no. 2,
sponsible? Summer 1978, pp. 127-145. [Tr. note]
how they could help one another). Dia-chrony before E.L.: I have previously said elsewhere I do
all dialogue: I analyze the inter-human relationship as not like mentioning it for it should be completed by
if, in proximity with the Other beyond the image I other considerations that I am responsible for the
myself make of the other man his face, the persecutions that I undergo. But only me! My "close
expressive in the Other (and the whole human body is relations" or "my people" are already the others and,
in this sense more or less face), were what ordains me for them, I demand justice.
to serve him. I employ this extreme formulation. The
face orders and ordains me. Its signification is an Ph.N.: You go that far!
order signified. To be precise, if the face signifies an
order in my regard, this is not in the manner in which E.L.: Since I am responsible even for the Other's
an ordinary sign signifies its signified; this order is responsibility. These are extreme formulas which
the very signifyingness of the face. must not be detached from their context. In the
concrete, many other considerations intervene and
Ph.N.: You say at once "it orders me" and "it require justice even for me. Practically, the laws set
ordains me." Is this not a contradiction? certain consequences out of the way. But justice
only has meaning if it retains the spirit of dis-
E.L.: It orders me as one orders someone one interestedness which animates the idea of
commands, as when one says: "Someone's asking for responsibility for the other man. In principle the I
you." does not pull itself out of its "first person"; it
supports the world. Constituting itself in the very
Ph.N.: But is not the Other also responsible in my movement wherein being responsible for the other
regard? devolves on it, subjectivity goes to the point of
substitution for the Other. It assumes the condition
E.L.: Perhaps, but that is his affair. One of the or the uncondition of hostage. Subjectivity as such
fundamental themes of Totality and Infinity about is initially hostage; it answers to the point of
which we have not yet spoken is that the expiating for others. One can appear scandalized by
intersubjective relation is a non-symmetrical relation. this utopian and, for an I, inhuman conception. But
In this sense, I am responsible for the Other without the humanity of the human the true life is absent.
waiting for reciprocity, were I to die for it. The humanity in historical and objective being, the
Reciprocity is his affair. It is precisely insofar as the very breakthrough of the subjective, of the human
relationship between the Other and me is not psychism in its original vigilance or sobering up, is
reciprocal that I am subjection to the Other; and I am being which undoes its condition of being:
"subject" essentially in this sense. It is I who support disinterestedness. This is what is meant by the title
all. You know that sentence in Dostoyevsky: "We are of the book: Otherwise than Being. The ontological
all guilty of all and for all men before all, and I more condition undoes itself, or is undone, in the human
than the others." 2 This is not owing to such or such a condition or uncondition. To be human means to
guilt which is really mine, or to offenses that I would live as if one were not a being among beings. As if,
have committed; but because I am responsible for a through human spirituality, the categories of being
total responsibility, which answers for all the others inverted into an "otherwise than being." Not only
and for all in the others, even for their responsibility. into a "being otherwise"; being otherwise is still
The I always has one responsibility more than all the being. The "otherwise than being," in truth, has no
others. verb which would designate the event of its un-rest,
its dis-inter-estedness, its putting-into-question of
Ph.N.: That means that if the others do not do this being or this estedness of the being. It is I
what they ought to do, it is owing to me? who support the Other and am responsible
for him. One thus sees that in the human subject,
at the same time as a total subjection, my
primogeniture manifests itself. My responsibility is
2 untransferable. No one could replace me. In fact, it
Cf., Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers
is a matter of saying the very identity of the human I
Karamazov, trans. by Constance Garnett (New York: New
American Library, 1957), p. 264.
starting from responsibility, that is, starting from
this position or deposition of the sovereign I in self-
consciousness, a deposition which is precisely its
responsibility for the Other. Responsibility is what is
incumbent on me exclusively, and what, humanly, I
cannot refuse. This charge is a supreme dignity of the
unique. I am I in the sole measure that I am
responsible, a non-interchangeable I. I can substitute
myself for everyone, but no one can substitute
himself for me. Such is my inalienable identity of
subject. It is in this precise sense that Dostoyevsky
said: "We are all responsible for all for all men before
all, and I more than all the others.''