Academic Regulations
Academic Regulations
Academic Regulations
(Senate Approved)
Academic Regulations
March, 2009
Article 3: Definitions
3.2 Credit hour(s) means credit values to an individual course on the basis
of time allocated to lecture, tutorial, laboratory works or practices in the
conventional system.
3.6 European Credit Transfer System means the European course credit
and grading scale that adopted at the faculty since year 2007.
3.8 BDU Senate legislation refers to the BDU Senate legislation of May 20,
A minimum credit points (CPs) for full-time regular students shall be 25 per
semester. The maximum load shall not be exceeded 30 credit points unless
otherwise stated in the catalogue; a student who has justifiable reasons for
deviation from the normal load has to secure a special permission from a
department head in the charge of a program, the student is affiliated.
However, the total load even with the special permission shall not exceed 33
credit points.
5.2 The normal load for extension students in a summer semester shall be
10 -14 credit points.
5.3 The normal semester load in the continuing Education for Kiremt
students shall be 20 - 22 credit points.
5.5 The semester grade point average calculated at the end of each
Kiremt Semester (KSS), in conjunction with cumulative student status (CSS),
shall be used to determine the academic status of a student.
6.3 A student who fails to complete his/her studies before the expiration
of the maximum length permitted shall be dismissed from that program.
7.2 The minimum total credit points for five years a baccalaureate program
shall be 295 credit points, the maximum 305.
8.1 Both regular and extension students are required to attend all lectures,
laboratory/practical sessions, as well as, field activities.
8.3 A student who has missed more than 15% lecture/tutorial attendance
shall be given a grade I (Incomplete attendance) and the student or his/her
representative shall be required to provide acceptable reasons for his/her
failure to attend the classes with in two weeks from the commencement of
the following semester.
8.3.3 If a student obtains an I*, he/she shall retake the course and if
he/she scores a passing grade for this repeated course, the
maximum grade registered shall be C. If he/she scores an F
for this course, he/she shall be allowed to sit for supplementary
exam only once.
Corresponding Interval of
Raw Mark fixed Number Corresponding Number
[100 %] grades Letter grade Grade
9.2 For any course having lecture, laboratory/practice and tutorial, raw mark
evaluation should be treated independently from 100 %.
9.3 The final number grade is obtained based on the sum of the percentage
of independent raw mark with its weightage given for each course element
9.5 The final number grade of module is obtained based on the sum of the
number grades of independent courses with its weightage given for each
course in a module.
9.8 In case, where a student does not have full examination records,
he/she will be treated as per Bahir Dar University (BDU) Senate Legislation,
Articles of 85.3, 85.4, 85.5 and 85.6.
9.10 A students all required non-credit works shall be recorded with a grade
of P (pass) or F (fail), but neither shall be included in the grade point
average computation.
Administration of the mid term and final examinations shall be carried out as
per BDU Senate Legislation, Article 87.
14.1 Makeup examinations shall not be allowed for the purpose of raising
grade point averages. However, a student who unable to sit for a final
14.2 Any student or a person representing the student shall submit in writing
valid and documented reasons for failing to take on the final examination on
the schedule, to the respective department chairperson within two weeks
after start of the subsequent semester.
14.3 Where the Academic Commission finds that the student has no valid
reasons for not sitting for the final examination, the I grade on the students
record shall be converted automatically to I* and he/she shall be treated
with article 8.3.3 of this document.
14.4 A student who allowed for a make up examination shall register for the
examination with the current batch for the upcoming final exam in same
subject. The head of the department shall immediately inform in writing the
instructor concerned with the Academic Commissions decisions on the
requested exam. So that, the instructor may produce a different test
questions for the student if he/she feels that a considerable change in the
subject content has been made, including the mode of delivery or course
number grade (CANG) and cumulative average letter grade (CALG) shall be
calculated and no academic status shall be determined for such a student
until the results of make up examination are known.
14.7 The I grades should not empower the student to extend his/her study
years. If the student has used for such purpose, he/she shall be forced to
withdraw as in line with article 14.6 following decision by the Academic
14.9. If an I grade not removed within a year, as per the provisions of this
article, it shall be converted to an I* grade unless the student is in forced
withdrawal condition.
15.1 At the end of each semester, the faculty will examine the case of student
who fails to achieve the required academic standard in line with the guideline
fixed by its academic commission in Article 18.2 of this document.
15.4 The academic status of part-time students is determined for every 25-30
credit points, stating from the first admission date of the students.
16.2 The Dean shall warn a student, who made an F grade in any course
at the end of the semester.
16.3 A student who scored 3Fs at the end of each semester with less than
or equal to 12 total credit points (CP) is allowed to continue to the next
semester study.
16.4 A student who scored more than 3Fs per semester shall be dismissed
for academic reasons.
Drop out, withdrawal and clearance activities shall be treated as per BDU
senate legislation sub article 92.6.
19.1. A student who has obtained F grade in a course with fulfilling the
required attendance shall be allowed to take re-exam. A student who scored
an F for any course for the third time will be dismissed academically.
However, graduating class student who scored F grade in any course for the
third time can apply for course allergic if he/she fulfils minimum credit points
required for graduation.
20.2 A student who scores F in any course for the second time shall be
forced to withdraw and he/she can apply for the last re-examination after a
20.3 A student shall not be allowed to sit for a re-examination more than
20.4 A Student who fails in his final year thesis shall be allowed to register
for the new thesis to have completed during the subsequent semester.
However, his/her grade on the course shall be recorded as it is.
The following shall constitute the requirements for graduation with academic
In line with the new engineering curriculum design, there is holistic exam
shall be conducted at the end of the 6th semester study. The following
conditions should be taken into consideration for the holistic exam
23.1 A student who has completed all basic studies with PASS grades shall be
qualified for the exam.
23.2. Students shall be registered for holistic exam two weeks before the
commencement of the seventh semester.
23.3. Holistic exam should be identified with course title & code.
23.4. The grade point of holistic exam should not include either semester or
cumulative status of student.
23.5. The holistic exam result shall be rated as PASS or FAIL status. A
student who scores 50% mark at the holistic exam shall pass and continue
the internship in the coming semester.
23.6. Holistic exam shall be given once in a year and the period shall be as
indicated in the academic calendar.
23.7. A student who failed the holistic exam can repeat it twice. The student
shall be academically dismissed if he/she fails for the third time.
24.4 The final result of students internship performance report result shall be
converted to a letter grade as per article 9.1. of this academic regulation.
24.5 If a student fails, he/she shall be allowed to repeat the internship only
for the second time.
Both systems (ECTS and conventional system) are used credits to measure
the course through contact hours. Hours are billed to course element in order
to complete the targeted course objectives. These course element hours may
be indicated as following in both systems:
a) Lecture hours
b) Tutorial hours
c) Laboratory /practical work hours.
d) Home study hours.
25.2 A course have been lectured and tutorial hours in ECTS equals to
conventional credit hours system, dividing tutorial hours by 2/3 and adding
dividend hours of tutorial to lecture hours of ECTS. Therefore:
Credit Hours (C.Hr ) in Conventional system = a + (b )
25.3 A course have been lectured, tutorial and laboratory /practice hours in
ECTS equals to conventional credit hours system, dividing each hour specified
in tutorial & laboratory/ practice by three and adding the dividends to lecture
hours of ECTS. Therefore:
2 2
Credit Hours (C.Hr ) in Convention al system = a + [(b ) + (c )]
3 3
In the ECTS system grade is expressed in number and letter grades (using
the 4-point scale letters and A to E, for pass grade and F for failed grade),
whereas in conventional grading system, it is expressed only in letters A to D
for pass and F for failed grades. Furthermore the ECTS grading system
follows the fixed scale approach and while in the conventional system grading
is flexible and it depends on an individual instructors systematic decision.
Therefore, in order to convert grades from ECTS to the conventional system,
some commonly accepted trend or established data is essential, which
initiated from the practice of the facultys conventional grading trend with
reference of other the universitys conventional grading system in consistent
with the ECTS grading system.
For this reason, data has been collected on scoring and scaling trend from
different departments at Engineering Faculty. In Addition, grading trend of
Addis Ababa University is studied for allusion purpose. After all these activity,
the conversion criterion is established for purpose of grade conversion from
ECTS to conventional grade system, as indicated in the following table.
[95,98) 1.3 A
[83-100] A
[91-95) 1.7 A-
[88,91) 2.0 B+
[83,88) 2.3 B
[76,83) 2.7 C+
[66-83) B
[66,76) 3.0 C
[56,66) 3.3 D
[50-66) C
[50,56) 3.7 E
26. 2 After conversion the status of the student shall be determined as per
BDU Senate legislation.
26.3 For conversion the following consideration should be taken into account.
26.4 If a student scores C grade with 2.7 number grade and having a
corresponding exam score ranging from 76 to 82; then the actual mark for
2.7 number grade is calculated by taking the average of 76 and 82, i.e.
(76 + 82)
= 79 . Therefore, 79 exam score corresponds to B grade in
conventional credit hour system as per it is established in the table above.
Grade reporting, holding, transferring and issuing formats for courses and
modules shall be prepared by the facultys concerning body and endorsed by
the Academic Commission before its implementation.
Chapter eight to eleven of the BDUs senate legislation except those Articles
mentioned in this Academic regulation are affected.