725 - Benchmarking Study On Technology Based Incubators - 0
725 - Benchmarking Study On Technology Based Incubators - 0
725 - Benchmarking Study On Technology Based Incubators - 0
Technology-Based Incubators
Commissioned by
Prepared by
1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
2: Benchmarking and its challenges...................................................................................... 2
Contact: Mr. Luc Schmerber, inno AG Tel: +49 7219134535 email: l.schmerber@inno-group.com
Following the views of the Incubator Forum members, the brief called for a
benchmarking study to capture such areas as operations, incubator management
practices, services offered to incubatees, outcomes in terms of company and job
creation and other issues.
Section 6 lists references and useful links used in designing the questionnaire
and in preparing this report
Annex A shows a draft version of the questionnaire used for the pilot study
We thank the Gate2Growth Incubator Forum members for taking the time in
participating in this project.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
2: Benchmarking and its challenges
Benchmarking incubators
Benchmarking is the process of identifying best practices on selected performance
indicators and assisting the poor performers to enhance their standings (Costa-David
et al, 2002). It is a continuous dynamic and self-correcting process of identifying good
outcomes in incubators which could be attributable to their successful practices and
adapting these to another incubator.
Benchmarking produces useful comparative data for incubators rather than just about
incubators. NBIA research shows that there are two types of information that
incubator managers find valuable:
(2) use the data to identify both exemplary and low-performing incubators, as
well as to inform participating incubators of their standing relative to peers,
processes the various inputs that are brought together in the business
incubation process through the provision of incubator space and other
services to companies
This model was presented in a diagram (Figure 1) combining the incubator input-
output dimension together with key best practice issues.
This and other useful documents and links reviewed in the preparation of this report are listed in
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Figure 1: CSES model of incubation
Benchmarking challenges
Benchmarking can have a number of challenges. The first challenge lies in the fact
that there is no single model or template for the running or structuring of an
incubation environment. Each one reflects a unique combination of factors, including
access to resources, aims and objectives, age, cultural factors, target client group,
economic and social conditions, stakeholders, links to and relationships with other
organisations, location, political context etc. This diversity and complexity creates a
challenge for the development of a one size fits all framework.
Another challenge lies in the fact that it is rather difficult to quantify benchmarks for
all aspects of incubator operations but very important. It is possible to identify a
number of key building blocks and principles that unite all incubation environments
and to select such indicators that will produce measurable outcomes, which will make
the benchmarking process easy. In a recent EU Innovation Paper in 2006 a list of
guidelines for the selection of indicators is suggested, which can be well applied in
the context of incubator benchmarking:
Relevant There should be a clear link between the indicator and the
objective that is to be achieved. By using relevant indicators, the stakeholders
will get a better picture of the incubators performance, as this will reflect the
output/impact rather then input.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Comprehensive The set of selected indicators should cover all the main
aspects of programme performance.
Easy The collected data should be easily and readily obtainable, i.e. it
should be easily measured without excessive effort. Ideally they should be
captured through monitoring during the life of the programme/incubator rather
than through the ex ante evaluations and be capable of independent
Reliable and robust The use of indicators should ensure that collected
information is accurate and reliable, i.e. the data have not been manipulated.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
3: Approach to questionnaire design
Questionnaire design
Based on the brief for this project we suggested including seven topics that can
provide an important base for the successful comparison of the incubators. These
are presented in Table 1. A draft benchmarking questionnaire, which is presented
in Annex A, was designed around the topics based on the CSES questionnaire
created in 2002 for the benchmarking of the European incubators.
It was felt that it would be more useful for incubator managers to view their answers
in comparison with an average of all other previously submitted responses, rather
than having a range of responses with an indication of how many incubators chose
one or another range. The questions that asked for quantitative information were
designed to address this suggestion.
Provision of A link between the provision of incubator space and services in relation to the
premises advantages they offer to incubatees. Issues can include the role of facilities,
convenience, design and location in assisting incubatees development
Incubator Patterns of management in respect of incubator operation, e.g. owner operator, third
management party contracted management
Patterns of remuneration, e.g. agreed contract values or risk and reward type
Professional qualifications of incubator managers and the development of the skills
they require to effectively manage incubators
Other issues can include staffing levels, in-house or outsourced support
Services Services offered to incubates together with their potential impact upon tenant
Delivery of these services (e.g. formal or informal )
Role of The role of incubators in encouraging and stimulating interactions with fellow tenants
incubators and HEIs, i.e. engagement with HEIs, interactions with key players (senior decision
makers and leading researchers), institutes and research groups both in relation to
support of the activities and tenant companies within Incubators
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Informal support Structures to support the development of Incubators in relation to local and regional
networks of incubators, approaches to communication and networking
Questionnaire review
Their comments were then incorporated into the questionnaire. Two comments were
not included for a solid reason. First, it was suggested that a question about the
country location of the Incubator should be included. However, we believe that
knowing which country the Incubator is in is not really relevant in benchmarking a
particular incubator. Secondly, it was suggested that a question on quality of services
should be added. We felt it was inappropriate to add this question as the question will
be answered by the Incubator manager, i.e. a provider of these services, thus making
an answer subjective.
Some other comments were not relevant for the purposes of this study but might be
relevant for the online version of the questionnaire. These are mentioned in the
recommendations in Section 5.
Questionnaire re-design
A final questionnaire was prepared following the analysis of the pilot benchmarking
and is presented in Annex B. We recommend using this questionnaire to create an
online benchmarking tool for the Gate2Growth Incubator Forum.
Some questions were modified and some were taken out all together. Benefits
generated by an incubator are not usually realised in the same financial year as in
which the investment is made. Thus evaluation can only be meaningful after a period
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
of several years and, preferably after the incubator has reached a steady state (i.e.
roughly similar rates of incoming and graduating companies).Table 2 provides an
overview of made changes and the reasons behind them.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Table 2: Reviewed questions
1.1 When was your Incubator Answers to some of the further questions depend on the incubator age. For It is important to take this comment into account
established? example, there are no data on a number of graduated companies for an in the creation of an online benchmarking tool
incubator that was established only in 2004.
1.2 What is the type of your Suggested answer options for this question prove to be confusing. Instead of Suggested answer options were changed into
incubator? indicating whether an incubator is a general BIC or a Science/Technology specialist science (e.g. biotech) incubator,
Incubator, the respondents mentioned University incubator, private incubator general technology incubator and multi-purpose
or academic incubator. business incubator
1.3 Does your Incubator have a This question was partly overlapping with question 1.2. When question 1.2 was Delete the question
sector focus? reworded, question 1.3 became more or less exact repetition
1.4 Is your Incubator a member of Although it is an interesting question to have, it does not provide any useful Delete the question
any professional body? benchmarking information. The incubators are normally members of a national
association of science and technology parks (or incubators) and some
international bodies (like Gate2Growth Incubator Forum)
1.7 What location does the Greenfield option can be misunderstood in different countries. It might be Replace greenfield with rural
Incubator have? better replaced by rural Delete other option
1.8 Is your Incubator a part of a Some of the respondents indicated earlier that their incubator is part of a Rephrase the question into Is your Incubator
Science/Technology Park? university. part of:
- a Science/Technology park
- a university?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
continued from previous page
1.14 How are these costs covered? A list of answer options in this question is rather long Combine the first two options (EU subsidies and
subsidies from other international agencies)
Change banks into payments from private
sector organisations
1.15 After how many months will the It is difficult to answer this question for a newly-established incubator, but it is Keep the question unchanged
Incubator reach (or has already important to keep this question as it provide a valuable information
reached) a breakeven point?
1.17 What criteria are used to define This question is similar to question 1.22 Review and combine these questions
the Incubators target market?
1.18 What methods are used to Incubators use all or most of the suggested promotion methods, such as Delete the question
promote the Incubators advertising and media promotion, business events/conferences/exhibitions,
services? referrals from other business support agencies, direct approach to potential
tenants. It, therefore, does not make too much sense to benchmark incubator
in this area
1.21 Do you have entry criteria for This question can be combined with question 1.22, which lists these entry Combine with question 1.22
the Incubator tenants? criteria
1.22 What criteria are these? Given that questions 1.17 and 1.21 were suggested to be combined with Rephrase the question into What entry criteria
question 1.22, this question needs to be re-worded do you use in selecting your Incubator tenants?
Review the answer options
Add option No entry criteria to the answers list
2.2 What is the physical space of The number of units option does not mean much if the construction of the Delete number of units
the Incubator? building allows for the creation of units as request by the tenants
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
continued from previous page
2.3 What percentage of the It is useful to know the number of tenant companies in addition to the Rephrase the question into What is the current
Incubator space is currently percentage occupancy. This question makes more sense in the Outcomes occupancy of the Incubator in terms of:
occupied? section rather than Provision of premises - percentage of space occupied
- number of tenants?
Move the question before question 6.2
2.4 What type of premises are All incubators offer all or most of the suggested premises, i.e. office, workshop, Delete the question
available for tenants? laboratories, common facilities and mixed premises. Therefore, it does not
make too much sense to benchmark incubator in this area
2.5 What is the range of available This question asked about the size and monthly charge per sq m for the Delete monthly charge part of the question
Incubator units? smallest and the largest units in the incubator. The answers about the size of Add new question What is an average monthly
the units were received more or less from all respondents but the information charge per sq m in your Incubator?
about the rent was inconsistent.
2.6 Does the rent vary depending Similarly to the previous question, information on monthly charges is difficult to Rephrase the question into Does the monthly
on the length of stay? If yes, collect rent per sq m vary depending on:
please indicate the monthly rent. - the length of stay
- the unit size?
2.9 Do you allow a rent-free period? One of the answers was the whole stay is rent free Add an option the whole stay
2.10 Do your tenants receive any rent This question logically fits after question 2.6 Move the question after question 2.6
3.2 What are the main functions of The answers to this question make common sense. More or less all incubators Delete the question
the incubators management management staff are involved in management of incubator affairs, advising
team? and assisting tenant companies, networking with other incubators and business
support organisations. It, therefore, does not make too much sense to
benchmark incubator in this area
4.5 How do the charges for The answer to this question is rather predictable one of the roles of the Delete the question
incubator services generally incubators is to support the development of small businesses, therefore, the
compare with the cost of similar services incubators provide are cheaper compared to the similar service
types of services provided by providers. Therefore, it does not make too much sense to benchmark incubator
other business support in this area
organisations in the area?
4.6 Do you carry out census of Option Other is not needed Delete the option
5.1 What are the main objectives of It is worth included an additional option that came out from the respondents Add a new option
the Incubator? answers promote entrepreneurial culture within the university/local
5.2 What are the main objectives of This question is similar to question 5.1 Combine with question 5.1
the Incubator?
6.1 Does the Incubator take an This question is similar to question 4.3 Combine with question 4.3
equity stake in the tenant
6.4 What type of performance These questions asked to respond by ranking provided option on a scale from Delete the rankings
and criteria are used to monitor 1 to 5. This ranking did not prove to be working
6.6 Incubator performance?
6.5 What makes the Incubator an This question asked for responses by ranking on a scale from 1 to 5. This Change ranking to 1-3
attractive location for ranking, although difficult, proved to be useful
6.9 What is the turnover growth rate Suggested options are not very helpful Change options to below 20% and over 20%
achieved by tenant companies Add option no turnover yet
in the last 3 years?
6.12 Where do the graduate One option is missing no graduates yet Add new option
companies move to?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
4: Results of pilot benchmarking
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
We are grateful to the participants for their time in completing the benchmarking
questionnaires under a tight timeframe in mid-December 2006.
The quantifiable benchmarking results are presented in Table 3 and compared with
key averages, ranges and benchmarks from the analysis of the CSES survey data
from 2002.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Number of management staff 2.3 1-9 2 min --- ---
Several things were noted in the CSES survey, which are relevant to the preparation
of a benchmarking questionnaire:
Length of tenancy
CSES suggested a benchmark of 3 years for an average incubator. This
benchmark might not be appropriate for some specialist types of incubators,
e.g. biotechs incubators because of the longer product development time.
Survival rates
CSES survey results show 80-90% survival rate amongst tenant firms. CSES
benchmark was based on that figure. The survival rate of incubator tenants
operating in more high-risk sectors might be lower.
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
5: Recommendations
This benchmarking survey is best utilised through the online version as it will allow
any incubator-member of the Gate2Growth Incubator Forum perform a benchmarking
exercise at any convenient time. The results can be stored in one database and over
the years present an interesting source for analysis. A questionnaire developed
during this project can be used for the development of an online benchmarking tool.
A number of things need to be taken into account when preparing an online tool:
Data entry should be allowed to be stored before submission. This will mean
that an Incubator manager can come back to his/her questionnaire without
answering the same questions more than one time
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
6: References and useful links
Allen Consulting Group, 2003, BITS Incubator Program Pilot Evaluation, Australia,
British Embassy (Science & Technology Unit), Technology Centre of the Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005, Benchmarking Czech and UK Approach to
Innovation Centres, http://www.oti.globalwatchonline.com/online_pdfs/36320X.pdf
Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES), 2002. Benchmarking of Business
Incubators Final Report, for the European Commission Enterprise and Industry DG,
Goddard, J.G. and H. Chouk, 2006, First Findings from the Survey of European
Business Incubators, http://www.dauphine.fr/imri/Valorisation/WP2006/WP04.pdf
Lalkaka, Rustam, 2001, Best practices in Business Incubation: Lessons (yet to be)
Learned, paper presented at the International Conference on Business Centres:
Actors for Economic and Social Development, Brussels, 14-15 November
All online available documents were accessed on 6 November 2006
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Lalkaka, Rustam, 2002, Technology business incubators to help build an innovation-
based economy, Journal of Change Management, 3(2):167-176
Louis Lengrand & Associs, PREST, ANRT, and Reidev Ltd, 2006, Smart Innovation:
A Practical Guide to Evaluating Innovation Programmes, Innovation Papers No 44,
the European Commission Enterprise and Industry DG
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Annex A: Draft questionnaire
Following the views of the Gate2Growth Incubator Forum members, the project was
called to prepare a benchmarking study of the whole membership of the Network to
capture topics such areas as operations, incubator management practices, services
offered to incubates, outcomes in terms of company and job creation and other. A
draft benchmarking questionnaire has been designed, which is presented below.
We would like to invite you to take part in the assessment stage of this questionnaire.
Your views on the relevance, importance and easiness-to-assess of the proposed
questions will help to shape the benchmarking framework.
1. Initiation
Science/Technology incubator
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
1.5 What is the legal status of your Incubator?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
1.12 What is the annual operating cost of your Incubator? million
Other costs
Total 100%
EU subsidies
Subsidies from other international agencies
Subsidies from national authorities and public agencies
Payments from universities and other R&D organisations
Rental income and other incubator charges ----------
Other revenues ----------
Investment income ----------
Total 100% 100%
1.15 After how many months will the Incubator reach (or has already reached)
a breakeven point?
1.16 If the Incubator receives subsidies to operate and these were stopped, what would
be the effect on the Incubator operations?
Activities can be maintained at current level
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
1.17 What criteria are used to define the Incubators target market?
Firms must be start-ups
No particular criteria
Business events/conferences/exhibitions
1.19 How many enquiries for premises does the Incubator receive per year?
1.21 Do you have entry criteria for the Incubator tenants? Yes No
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
1.22 What criteria are these?
Prepared business plan
Sorted financing
2. Provision of premises
2.1 Which type of premises were used for setting up your Incubator?
Total lettable sq m
Number of units
Common facilities
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
2.5 What is the range of available Incubator units?
Size Charge
(per month
per sq m)
Smallest unit sq m
Largest unit sq m
Initial rent
Final rent
Not applicable
2.8 How does the rent compare to the market rate for similar types of premises?
Yes, 1 month
Yes, 6 months
Yes, 1 year
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
2.10 Do your tenants receive any rent subsidies?
3. Incubator management
Incubator manager
Business support manager
Other personnel
3.2 What are the main functions of the Incubators management team?
Management of Incubator affairs
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
3.4 What sort of experience and skills does the Incubator personnel have?
Set up and run their own business
3.6 What are professional qualifications of your Incubators business support manager?
Degree Professional Other
Real estate
Personnel management
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
3.7 What are professional qualifications of your Incubators facilities managers?
Degree Professional Other
Real estate
Personnel management
4. Services
Business planning
Forming a company
Assistant with Intellectual Property rights
Market research/sales/marketing
New product development
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Other (please specify)
4.2 What other facilities and services are available to your tenants?
In-house External
4.5 How do the charges for Incubator services generally compare with the cost of similar
types of services provided by other business support organisations in the area?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
4.6 Do you carry out census of tenants?
Yes, tenants are monitored on a monthly basis
4.7 What is the top service identified through the tenants census?
Please specify in 1-4 words
Companies leave when they require support the incubator cannot offer
5. Role of incubators
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
5.2 What are the main objectives of the Incubator?
Helping to create new high quality businesses
6. Outcomes
6.3 Does the Incubator take equity stake in the tenant companies?
6.4 What type of performance criteria are used to monitor Incubator performance?
(Please rank on scale 1-5, where 1=least important; 5=most important)
Occupancy rates
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
6.5 What makes the Incubator an attractive location for businesses?
(Please rank on scale 1-5, where 1=least important; 5=most important)
Good location and image
Quality of premises
6.6 What methods are used to obtain feedback from tenants/stakeholders on the provided
services? (Please rank on scale 1-5, where 1=least important; 5=most important)
Feedback via informal contact
no particular methods
1-3 people?
3-10 people?
10-20 people?
20-50 people?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
6.8 Turnover of tenant companies
What is the total turnover of the tenant companies in the last year?
below 1 million ?
1-5 million ?
5-10 million ?
over 10 million ?
6.9 What is the turnover growth rates achieved by tenant companies in the last 3 years?
Below 10%
Over 20%
What is the total investment raised by your tenants in the last 3 years?
What is the average investment raised per tenant company in the last year?
What is the average investment raised per tenant company in the last 3 years?
6.11 Apart from business failures, why do companies leave the Incubator?
(Please rank on scale 1-5, where 1=least important; 5=most important)
Companies take on new staff and need more room to expand
Following the views of the Gate2Growth Incubator Forum members, the project was
called to prepare a benchmarking study of the whole membership of the Network to
capture topics such areas as operations, incubator management practices, services
offered to incubates, outcomes in terms of company and job creation and other. A draft
benchmarking questionnaire has been designed, which is presented below.
We would like to invite you to take part in the assessment stage of this questionnaire.
Your views on the relevance, importance and easiness-to-assess of the proposed
questions will help to shape the benchmarking framework.
1. Initiation
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
1.5 What location does the Incubator have?
a Science/Technology park?
a university?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
1.11 What is the breakdown of these costs?
Total payroll/benefits
Other costs
Total 100%
1.13 After how many months will the Incubator reach (or has already reached)
a breakeven point? months
Total 100% 100%
1.14 If the Incubator receives subsidies to operate and these were stopped, what would
be the effect on the Incubator operations?
Activities can be maintained at current level
1.15 How many enquiries for premises does the Incubator receive per year?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
1.17 What entry criteria do you use in selecting your Incubator tenants?
Prepared business plan
Sector profile
Sorted financing
No entry criteria
2. Provision of premises
2.1 Which type of premises were used for setting up your Incubator?
Total lettable sq m
Number of units
number of tenants?
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
2.6 Does the monthly rent per sq m vary depending on
Yes No
2.9 How does the rent compare to the market rate for similar types of premises?
Yes, 1 month
Yes, 6 months
Yes, 1 year
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
2.11 What is the length of time tenants stay in your Incubator?
Maximum length of stay months
3. Incubator management
Incubator manager
Business support manager
Other personnel
3.3 What sort of experience and skills does the Incubator personnel have?
Set up and run their own business
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
4. Services
Business planning
Forming a company
Assistant with Intellectual Property rights
Market research/sales/marketing
New product development
Other (please specify)
4.2 What other facilities and services are available to your tenants?
In-house External
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs programme
4.3 Does the Incubator take an equity stake in tenant companies?
4.6 What is the top service identified through the tenants census?
Please specify in 1-4 words
Companies leave when they require support the incubator cannot offer
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
5. Role of incubators
6. Outcomes
6.2 What type of performance criteria are used to monitor Incubator performance?
Occupancy rates
Quality of premises
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs
Other (please specify in 1-4 words)
6.4 What methods are used to obtain feedback from tenants/stakeholders on the provided
Feedback via informal contact
no particular methods
1-3 people?
3-10 people?
10-20 people?
20-50 people?
below 1 million ?
1-5 million ?
5-10 million ?
over 10 million ?
6.7 What is the turnover growth rates achieved by tenant companies in the last 3 years?
Below 20%
Over 20%
No turnover yet
What is the total investment raised by your tenants in the last 3 years?
What is the average investment raised per tenant company in the last year?
What is the average investment raised per tenant company in the last 3 years?
6.9 Apart from business failures, why do companies leave the Incubator?
(Please rank on scale 1-5, where 1=least important; 5=most important)
Companies take on new staff and need more room to expand
No graduates yet
Gate2Growth Incubator Forum
The Gate2Growth Initiative is supported by the European Commission - DG Enterprise - Innovation/SMEs