Kelly September ENL 2017

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Dear Constituents,
As Ohio has been leading the nation in opioid and heroin overdose deaths, 1 Democratic
lawmakers in Ohio have been calling on Gov. John Kasich to declare a state of
emergency in Ohio to bring more resources to bear in the fight and increase our focus
across the state. Recently, the president of the United States of America announced he
is declaring a national state of emergency on the opioid crisis.
Ohio House Dems
I believe it is more important now than ever that our governor put aside Are Now On:
disagreements or political differences with the president to do what I believe is the
right thing, here at home in the Buckeye State: declare a statewide emergency and
release emergency funding for law enforcement, treatment, education and prevention.

Too many families in Ohio have experienced firsthand the tragic loss and devastation
that highly addictive painkillers and heroin have brought us. Drug-addicted parents
have abandoned young children, forcing them into the states growing foster care
system or even worse temporary state custody.2

I believe that, unless we declare a statewide emergency and invest in treatment and
prevention, more Ohio families will be torn apart, more communities will suffer and
more people will be without the necessary treatment they need.

It is difficult to imagine what things could be like in our state if we dont do everything
in our power to stop the devastation and destruction now.

Ohioans already rank first in the burden of student loan debt3, 35th in household
income4, and first in reliance on the federal government for financial help fighting

I want Ohio to lead in job creation, take-home pay and economic stability instead of
drugs deaths.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with your ideas, concerns, questionsI am

always glad to be of service.


Brigid Kelly
State Representative
Ohios 31st House District

In This Issue
Charter school sponsors should return money/New bill would protect domestic violence victims

I feel ensuring a quality education for our children should not

be a partisan issue. Moving forward, I hope we can do a
better job at shining light on the misuse of taxpayer funds and
ensuring that charter schools operate in a transparent,
accountable manner.

Dem lawmakers proposal seeks to address domestic violence

by allowing judicial discretion in cases of temporary protection
orders allowing a judge to order the surrender of firearms
while a temporary restraining order is in effect.

Click here to read more.

Legislative update/engaging communities

In an effort to keep you more connected to your government and

whats happening at your Statehouse, here is a list of current bills in
the House that I thought you might find interesting.

The formal votes during House sessions may give the impression
that every vote has been decided in advance. This actually the case
because in-depth examination of legislation takes place in committee

Click here for more.

77 South High Street

Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-5786 Phone
State Representative (614) 719-3585 Fax
Brigid Kelly (800) 282-0253 Toll Free
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2017 State Representative Brigid Kelly

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