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journal of medicine
established in 1812 may 1, 2008 vol. 358 no. 18

Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years

of Age or Older
Nigel S. Beckett, M.B., Ch.B., Ruth Peters, Ph.D., Astrid E. Fletcher, Ph.D., Jan A. Staessen, M.D., Ph.D.,
Lisheng Liu, M.D., Dan Dumitrascu, M.D., Vassil Stoyanovsky, M.D., Riitta L. Antikainen, M.D., Ph.D.,
Yuri Nikitin, M.D., Craig Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., Alli Belhani, M.D., Franoise Forette, M.D.,
Chakravarthi Rajkumar, M.D., Ph.D., Lutgarde Thijs, M.Sc., Winston Banya, M.Sc.,
and Christopher J. Bulpitt, M.D., for the HYVET Study Group*

A bs t r ac t

Whether the treatment of patients with hypertension who are 80 years of age or From Imperial College London (N.S.B.,
older is beneficial is unclear. It has been suggested that antihypertensive therapy R.P., R.L.A., W.B., C.J.B.) and the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
may reduce the risk of stroke, despite possibly increasing the risk of death. (A.E.F.) both in London; the University
of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (J.A.S., L.T.);
Methods the Beijing Hypertension League Insti-
tute, Beijing (L.L.); Spitalul Judetean Cluj,
We randomly assigned 3845 patients from Europe, China, Australasia, and Tunisia Clinica Medicala 2, Cluj, Romania (D.D.);
who were 80 years of age or older and had a sustained systolic blood pressure of the National Transport Multi-Profile
160 mm Hg or more to receive either the diuretic indapamide (sustained release, 1.5 Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria (V.S.); the Uni-
versity of Oulu, Oulu, Finland (R.L.A.);
mg) or matching placebo. The angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitor perindopril the State Scientific Research Institute of
(2 or 4 mg), or matching placebo, was added if necessary to achieve the target blood Internal Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia
pressure of 150/80 mm Hg. The primary end point was fatal or nonfatal stroke. (Y.N.); the George Institute for Internation-
al Health, Sydney (C.A.); LEtablissement
Public de Sant Charles Nicolle, Service
Results de Cardiologie, Tunis, Tunisia (A.B.);
The active-treatment group (1933 patients) and the placebo group (1912 patients) Hpital Broca, University Paris V, Paris
(F.F.); and the Brighton and Sussex Medi-
were well matched (mean age, 83.6 years; mean blood pressure while sitting, cal School, Brighton, United Kingdom
173.0/90.8 mm Hg); 11.8% had a history of cardiovascular disease. Median follow-up (C.R.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
was 1.8 years. At 2 years, the mean blood pressure while sitting was 15.0/6.1 mm Hg Beckett at Care of the Elderly, Division of
Medicine, Imperial College London, Du
lower in the active-treatment group than in the placebo group. In an intention-to- Cane Rd., London W12 ONN, United
treat analysis, active treatment was associated with a 30% reduction in the rate of Kingdom.
fatal or nonfatal stroke (95% confidence interval [CI], 1 to 51; P=0.06), a 39% reduc-
*The committee members and investiga-
tion in the rate of death from stroke (95% CI, 1 to 62; P=0.05), a 21% reduction in tors for the Hypertension in the Very
the rate of death from any cause (95% CI, 4 to 35; P=0.02), a 23% reduction in the Elderly Trial (HYVET) are listed in the
rate of death from cardiovascular causes (95% CI, 1 to 40; P=0.06), and a 64% re- Appendix.
duction in the rate of heart failure (95% CI, 42 to 78; P<0.001). Fewer serious adverse This article (10.1056/NEJMoa0801369) was
events were reported in the active-treatment group (358, vs. 448 in the placebo group; published at on March 31,
P=0.001). 2008.

N Engl J Med 2008;358:1887-98.

Conclusions Copyright 2008 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The results provide evidence that antihypertensive treatment with indapamide (sus-
tained release), with or without perindopril, in persons 80 years of age or older is
beneficial. ( number, NCT00122811.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

lood-pressure reduction is effec- efits and risks of antihypertensive treatment in
tive in preventing stroke and other vascu- patients 80 years of age or older.
lar events, including heart failure.1 In the
past decade, treatment benefits have appeared to Me thods
be broadly consistent among a range of subpopu-
lations and among antihypertensive agents.2 How- The detailed protocol for HYVET has been pub-
ever, as highlighted by earlier3 and more recent4 lished previously.19 HYVET was a randomized,
guidelines, evidence that treating patients 80 years double-blind, placebo-controlled trial performed
of age or older is beneficial is inconclusive. Al- in 195 centers in 13 countries in Western and East-
though the risk of stroke increases continuously ern Europe, China, Australasia, and North Africa.
with increasing blood pressures above approxi- Approval for the trial was obtained from the ap-
mately 115/75 mm Hg, the association of blood propriate authorities and central or local ethics
pressure and stroke attenuates with increasing committees, as required. All patients gave written
age.1 Epidemiologic population studies have con- informed consent, except those who were illiter-
sistently suggested that blood pressure and the ate, for whom an independent witness signed the
risk of death are inversely related among people consent form.
80 years of age or older,5-9 possibly reflecting in- HYVET was funded by grants from the British
creased risks of therapy for blood-pressure reduc- Heart Foundation and the Institut de Recherches
tion or reverse causation due to conditions that Internationales Servier. The trial was coordinated
may be associated with blood-pressure reduction by staff of the Department of Care of the Elderly,
(such as cancer, dementia, myocardial infarction, Imperial College London. Imperial College Lon-
and heart failure). don required all committee members and inves-
A recent retrospective cohort analysis of pa- tigators to sign confidentiality agreements. All
tients 80 years of age or older with hypertension, data management was performed by the authors
of whom 84.5% were receiving antihypertensive who were at Imperial College London. The in-
medication, reported a shorter survival for those terim analyses were performed by, and the final
with systolic blood pressure levels below 140 analysis verified by, an academic author, indepen-
mm Hg, even after adjustment for known predic- dently of Imperial College London. All the authors
tors of death.10 Randomized controlled trials in- contributed to the writing of the manuscript and
volving older adults either have excluded those the lead authors vouch for the completeness and
80 years of age or older11,12 or have recruited too accuracy of the results.
few to show an advantage of treatment.13-16 A Patients had to be 80 years of age or older
meta-analysis of results regarding the treatment (confirmed by national documentation) with per-
of hypertension specifically in this age group sistent hypertension (defined as a sustained sys-
suggested that the benefit a 36% reduction in tolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg). Exclusion
the risk of stroke might be offset by possible criteria included a contraindication to use of the
adverse effects, given a nearly significant in- trial medications, accelerated hypertension, sec-
crease, by 14%, in the risk of death from any cause ondary hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke in the
(P=0.05).17 These positive results were not robust, previous 6 months, heart failure requiring treat-
since addition of data from just one hypothetical, ment with antihypertensive medication, a serum
properly designed trial that showed no treatment creatinine level greater than 150 mol per liter
effect would render the results not significant. (1.7 mg per deciliter), a serum potassium level of
The results of the pilot study for the Hyper- less than 3.5 mmol per liter or more than 5.5
tension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET)18 were mmol per liter, gout, a diagnosis of clinical de-
consistent with those from the meta-analysis. mentia, and a requirement of nursing care.
Both results suggest that treatment for hyperten- Patients were instructed to stop all antihyper-
sion was associated with a reduction in stroke but tensive treatment and to take a single placebo
also a possible increase in death from any cause, tablet daily for at least 2 months and to undergo
such that for each stroke prevented, there was one two blood-pressure measurements during each of
death from a cause other than stroke. In the main two visits, 1 month apart, after having been seated
HYVET study, we aimed to resolve persistent ar- for 5 minutes. On the third visit and thereafter,
eas of clinical uncertainty about the relative ben- the standing blood pressure was taken twice,

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Hypertension in the Very Elderly

after the patient had been standing for 2 minutes. each visit, if desired. At the annual visits, infor-
At the start of the trial, blood pressures were mation was collected on current diseases, medi-
recorded with the use of either a mercury sphyg- cation, blood pressure, biochemical levels (sodium,
momanometer or a validated automated device, potassium, urea, creatinine, glucose, uric acid),
but by the end of the trial, a validated automated cholesterol levels (total and high-density lipopro-
device was used in the majority of centers. tein), and hematologic measures (hemoglobin,
If the mean of the four systolic blood-pressure hematocrit), and electrocardiography and an as-
measurements taken at the second and third vis- sessment of cognitive function with the use of
its (two at each visit) was between 160 and 199 the MiniMental State Examination were per-
mm Hg, patients underwent randomization, pro- formed. If the patient was enrolled in an optional
vided that all inclusion and exclusion criteria were add-on study, a quality-of-life questionnaire was
met. Randomization was stratified according to also completed. At the 3-month and 6-month vis-
age (80 to 89 years and 90 years or older) and its, only data on current diseases, medication, and
sex; permuted blocks of 4 and 6 of any 10 pa- blood pressure were collected.
tients were used to ensure roughly equal assign-
ment to each of the two groups within large End Points
centers. At the start of the trial in 2000, the The primary end point of the trial was any stroke
mean diastolic blood pressure while seated had (fatal or nonfatal). This end point did not include
to be 90 to 109 mm Hg, but in 2003 a protocol transient ischemic attacks. Secondary end points
amendment relaxed this criterion to be under included death from any cause, death from car-
110 mm Hg, allowing for the inclusion of pa- diovascular causes, death from cardiac causes,
tients with isolated systolic hypertension. The and death from stroke. All events that were pos-
criterion of systolic blood pressure while stand- sible end points were reviewed by an independent
ing remained the same throughout the trial, at committee, unaware of the group assignment,
140 mm Hg or more. using predefined definitions from the protocol.19
After randomization, patients received either Events were classified as cardiovascular or non-
indapamide (sustained release, 1.5 mg) or match- cardiovascular. Death from cardiac causes in-
ing placebo alone. At each visit (or at the discre- cluded fatal myocardial infarction, fatal heart
tion of the investigator), if needed to reach the failure, and sudden death. Heart failure was di-
target blood pressure, perindopril (2 mg or 4 mg) agnosed if the patient had at least one of four
or matching placebo could be added. The target symptoms (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, dys-
systolic blood pressure was less than 150 mm Hg, pnea at rest, orthopnea, or symptoms consistent
and the target diastolic blood pressure was less with New York Heart Association class III heart
than 80 mm Hg. The use of additional antihyper- failure20) and at least two of seven signs (rales or
tensive agents for more than 3 months resulted crepitations, moderate ankle edema, tachycardia
in withdrawal of the patient from double-blind [120 or more beats per minute], a third heart
follow-up, with an option to enter open follow-up. sound, elevated jugular venous pressure, cardio-
Patients were also withdrawn from double-blind megaly, or radiologic signs characteristic of heart
treatment if they had received the maximum failure). If the two signs present were rales and
dose of the study drugs yet had a systolic blood ankle edema, a third sign was required.
pressure while sitting of 220 mm Hg or more or
if they had a diastolic blood pressure while sitting Data Monitoring
of 110 mm Hg or more on at least two consecu- An independent data monitoring committee met
tive visits that were 2 or more weeks apart. twice a year throughout the trial to monitor the
quality of the data and also met at prespecified
Data Collection intervals (after every 70 reported stroke events) to
Baseline characteristics were recorded during the perform interim analyses. The interim analyses
placebo run-in period. After randomization, pa- of the primary end point were monitored accord-
tients were seen at least every 3 months during ing to an OBrienFleming guideline; death from
the first year and at least every 6 months thereaf- any cause was monitored to detect a possible in-
ter. Investigators were permitted to adjust the dose creased risk in the active-treatment group. On
of the trial medication more frequently than at the basis of the committees recommendations,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

four centers were closed after the first year of the ble-blind or open). Patients who were withdrawn
trial because of concerns that these centers failed from double-blind follow-up for reasons other
to provide complete and accurate data. Specifi- than withdrawal of consent were followed in an
cally, one center was closed because of a failure open-label fashion, with the same schedule of
to identify all the biochemical data in the source visits. Events that occurred during the open fol-
documents, one because of a failure to obtain low-up period were included in the intention-to-
appropriate regulatory approval, one owing to treat analysis. A per-protocol analysis was also
inappropriate drug delivery, and one owing to a performed; it excluded data from any patients who
failure to use validated equipment for measuring underwent randomization in error, who were
blood pressure. stratified incorrectly for either age or sex, or who
did not receive the correct, assigned study drugs.
Statistical Analysis For this analysis, patient-years were calculated
HYVET was designed to detect a 35% reduction from the date on which the study drugs were initi-
in the rate of any stroke, with a statistical power ated through the time the patient became ineli-
of 90% at the 1% level of significance and assum- gible to continue with double-blind follow-up, ac-
ing an event rate of 40 per 1000 patient-years. We cording to the protocol19 (i.e., when the patient
calculated that 10,500 patient-years of follow-up had an event that required withdrawal from dou-
would be required, with equal numbers of pa- ble-blind treatment).
tients assigned to the active-treatment group and We compared the means of continuous vari-
the placebo group. The first patient underwent ables by using the z-test, proportions by using the
randomization in February 2001. After the first chi-square test, and incidence rates by using the
interim analysis in 2005, the data monitoring log-rank test. In the log-rank and Cox analyses of
committee recommended that the trial continue fatal or nonfatal strokes and death from specific
with no change to the protocol. At the second causes, death from any cause and death from a
interim analysis, in July 2007, after 140 strokes cause other than the specific cause, respectively,
had been reported (through April 30, 2007; a to- were regarded as events for which data were
tal of 7399 patient-years of follow-up), the active- censored. Cumulative-incidence curves were es-
treatment group showed evidence of a reduction timated by means of the KaplanMeier method.
in the rate of the primary end point of any stroke P values less than 0.05 were considered to indi-
(relative risk, 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI], cate statistical significance. For patients with more
0.40 to 0.88; P=0.009) and, unexpectedly, for than one end point during the follow-up period,
death from any cause (relative risk, 0.76; 95% CI, the time to the first relevant end point was used
0.62 to 0.93; P=0.007). The trial was terminated in each analysis. Results for death from fatal or
at that point, for ethical reasons. All final visits nonfatal stroke, death from any cause, and death
were completed by October 12, 2007. Data and from cardiovascular causes were adjusted for sex,
events reported before the final visit were includ- age, baseline systolic blood pressure measured
ed in the final analysis. while the patient was seated, and previous cardio-
The primary analysis was performed accord- vascular disease. The proportional-hazard assump-
ing to the intention-to-treat principle. Data from tion was verified by plotting the Schoenfeld re-
patients were analyzed for the groups to which siduals. All reported P values are two-sided and
the patients were assigned, regardless of which were not adjusted for multiple testing. Data man-
study drugs (or which doses) the patients actu- agement and analyses were performed with the
ally received and regardless of other protocol ir- use of Stata software (version 8.1) (StatCorp) and
regularities. Patients from closed centers were SAS software (version 9.1.3) (SAS Institute).
included in the intention-to-treat population and
contributed person-years and events up to the date R e sult s
of closure of the center, after which no further
information was available. A total of 4761 patients entered the placebo run-in
In the intention-to-treat analysis, patient-years phase. Of these, 3845 were randomly assigned to
were calculated from the date of randomization one of the two study groups. The reasons for non-
through the date of death or the last available randomization are listed in Figure 1. Patients were
visit, irrespective of the type of follow-up (dou- recruited from Western Europe (86 patients), East-

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Hypertension in the Very Elderly

4761 Patients entered the placebo run-in phase

916 Did not undergo randomization

59 Were in run-in phase when trial was
12 Were eligible but did not undergo
randomization before trial was stopped
280 Withdrew consent
461 Did not meet protocol criteria
65 Were at a center that closed
9 Were at a center at which quota had
been reached
30 Died

3845 Underwent randomization

1933 Were assigned 1912 Were assigned

to active treatment to placebo

Event for which data were censored 1933 Were included 1912 Were included Event for which data were censored
196 Died in the intention-to- in the intention-to- 235 Died
282 Declined to participate treat analysis treat analysis 266 Declined to participate
4 Were withdrawn by (4149 total patient-yr) (3942 total patient-yr) 5 Were withdrawn by
investigator investigator
27 Had a protocol withdrawal 42 Had a protocol withdrawal
event and no open follow-up event and no open follow-up
164 Were at centers closed by 166 Were at centers closed by
data monitoring committee data monitoring committee
168 Had other administrative 171 Had other administrative
reasons reasons
1086 Were alive at end of trial 1016 Were alive at end of trial
6 Were lost to follow-up 11 Were lost to follow-up

12 Were withdrawn for the

per-protocol analysis
11 Were withdrawn for the
4 Underwent randomization
per-protocol analysis
in error
6 Underwent randomization
6 Did not receive correct
in error
4 Did not receive correct
1 Was randomized to wrong
1 Was randomized to wrong
1 Had group-assignment-code
envelope broken at the time of

Event for which data were censored 1922 Were included 1900 Were included Event for which data were censored
170 Died during double-blind in the per-protocol in the per-protocol 215 Died during double-blind
327 Declined to participate analysis analysis 325 Declined to participate
11 Were withdrawn by (4025 total patient-yr) (3672 total patient-yr) 10 Were withdrawn by
investigator investigator
70 Had a protocol withdrawal 137 Had a protocol withdrawal
event and no open follow-up event and no open follow-up
164 Were at centers closed by 166 Were at centers closed by
data monitoring committee data monitoring committee
168 Had other administrative 171 Had other administrative
reasons reasons
1006 Were alive at end of trial 866 Were alive at end of trial
6 Were lost to follow-up 10 Were lost to follow-up

Figure 1. Entry, Randomization, and Follow-up of Patients in the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial.
Of the 461 patients who did not meet the protocol criteria, 229 did not meet the criteria on the basis of blood pressure, 18 on the basis
of age, 61 on the basis of serum potassium level, 20 on the basis of serum creatinine level, 26 because they were receiving other antihy-
AUTHOR: Beckett RETAKE 1st
pertensive treatment, and 107 for other reasons.
ICM The other administrative reasons for the censoring
of data were death or retirement of
REG F FIGURE: 1 of 3
a local investigator and change in national legislation as to where patients in clinical trials could
3rd be seen.
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ern Europe (2144), China (1526), Australasia (19), group and 4159 in the active-treatment group. At
and Tunisia (70). The two study groups were well the end of the trial, vital status was unknown in
balanced at baseline (Table 1). The age range at 17 patients, 1882 patients were still undergoing
entry was 80 to 105 years, with 73.0% of patients double-blind follow-up, and 220 patients were un-
80 to 84 years of age, 22.4% of patients 85 to 89 dergoing open follow-up.
years of age, and 4.6% of patients 90 years of age According to the intention-to-treat analysis, at
or older (interquartile range, 81.2 to 85.3). More 2 years, as compared with baseline, the systolic
than 90% of patients were known to be hyper- and diastolic blood pressure values obtained while
tensive, of whom approximately one third had the patient was seated had fallen by a mean (SD)
not been previously treated. A history of cardio- of 14.518.5 mm Hg and 6.810.5 mm Hg, re-
vascular disease was reported in 11.8%, and dia- spectively, in the placebo group and by 29.515.4
betes was reported in 6.9%. mm Hg and 12.99.5 mm Hg, respectively, in the
The median duration of follow up was 1.8 years active-treatment group. At 2 years, the mean sys-
(mean, 2.1; range, 0 to 6.5). The number of pa- tolic and diastolic blood pressure values obtained
tient-years of follow-up was 3964 in the placebo while the patient was standing had decreased by

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Patients.*

Characteristic Active Treatment (N=1933) Placebo (N=1912)

Age yr 83.63.2 83.53.1
Female sex no. (%) 1174 (60.7) 1152 (60.3)
Blood pressure mm Hg
While sitting 173.08.4/90.88.5 173.08.6/90.88.5
While standing 168.011.0/88.79.3 167.911.1/88.69.3
Orthostatic hypotension no. (%) 152 (7.9) 169 (8.8)
Isolated systolic hypertension no. (%) 625 (32.3) 623 (32.6)
Heart rate beats/min 74.59.1 74.59.3
Cardiovascular history
Cardiovascular disease no. (%) 223 (11.5) 229 (12.0)
Hypertension no. (%) 1737 (89.9) 1718 (89.9)
Antihypertensive treatment no. (%) 1241 (64.2) 1245 (65.1)
Stroke no. (%) 130 (6.7) 131 (6.9)
Myocardial infarction no. (%) 59 (3.1) 62 (3.2)
Heart failure no. (%) 56 (2.9) 55 (2.9)
Cardiovascular risk factors
Current smoker no. (%) 123 (6.4) 127 (6.6)
Diabetes no. (%) 132 (6.8) 131 (6.9)
Total cholesterol mmol/liter 5.31.1 5.31.1
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol mmol/liter 1.350.38 1.350.37
Serum creatinine mol/liter 88.620.5 89.220.5
Uric acid mol/liter 280.479.3 279.081.3
Body-mass index 24.73.8 24.73.5

* Plusminus values are means SD. To convert values for cholesterol to milligrams per deciliter, divide by 0.02586; to con-
vert values for uric acid to milligrams per deciliter, divide by 59.48; and to convert values for serum creatinine to milli-
grams per deciliter, divide by 88.4.
Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a drop in systolic blood pressure of more than 20 mm Hg or a reduction in dia-
stolic blood pressure of more than 10 mm Hg while standing.
Diabetes is defined as reported diabetes, the receipt of antidiabetes treatment, or a random blood glucose measurement
of more than 11.1 mmol per liter (200 mg per deciliter).
The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.

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Hypertension in the Very Elderly

13.618.9 mm Hg and 7.010.9 mm Hg, respec- 0 to 21) being prevented because 1000 patients
tively, in the placebo group and by 28.316.5 were treated for 2 years or 1 stroke being prevented
mm Hg and 12.410.3 mm Hg, respectively, in because 94 patients were treated for 2 years. There
the active-treatment group. There was a differ- were a total of 431 deaths during the trial, with
ence of 15.0/6.1 mm Hg in blood pressure, mea- an overall rate of death of 53.1 per 1000 patient-
sured while patients were seated, between the years. There was a 21% reduction (95% CI, 4 to 35;
two groups at 2 years (Fig. 2). Also at 2 years, P=0.02) in the rate of death from any cause in
the target blood pressure was reached in 19.9% the active group. The rate of fatal stroke was re-
of patients in the placebo group and in 48.0% in duced by 39% (95% CI, 1 to 62; P=0.05). The rate
the active-treatment group (P<0.001). of death from cardiac causes was not significantly
At 2 years, 25.8%, 23.9%, and 49.5% of patients reduced in the active-treatment group. The rate
in the active-treatment group were receiving inda- of death from cardiovascular causes was reduced
pamide alone, indapamide and perindopril (2 mg), by 23% (95% CI, 1 to 40; P=0.06). The rate of
and indapamide and perindopril (4 mg), respec- fatal or nonfatal heart failure was reduced by 64%
tively; 14.2%, 13.4%, and 71.8% of patients in the (95% CI, 42 to 78; P<0.001), and the rate of any
placebo group, respectively, were receiving the cardiovascular event (death from cardiovascular
corresponding placebos. The final main intention- causes or stroke, myocardial infarction, or heart
to-treat analysis included an extra 724 patient- failure) was reduced by 34% (95% CI, 18 to 47;
years of follow-up, with an additional 13 strokes P<0.001).
and 54 deaths. This final analysis confirmed the The benefits of treatment began to be appar-
treatment benefit for the risk of death from any ent within the first year (Fig. 3). When adjusted
cause and yielded a nearly significant benefit for according to sex, age, baseline systolic blood
the risk of fatal or nonfatal stroke. pressure while seated, and previous cardiovascu-
With regard to the primary end point (fatal or lar disease, the results did not materially change
nonfatal stroke), 51 events occurred in the active- for the end points of fatal or nonfatal stroke,
treatment group as compared with 69 events in death from any cause, or death from cardiovas-
the placebo group, a reduction in the rate of stroke cular causes.
of 30% (95% CI, 1 to 51; P=0.06) (Table 2 and According to per-protocol analyses, in the ac-
Fig. 3). This is equivalent to 11 strokes (95% CI, tive-treatment group as compared with the pla-

180 Placebo group

170 Active-treatment group
Systolic blood pressure
Blood Pressure (mm Hg)

90 Diastolic blood pressure

0 1 2 3 4 5
No. at Risk
Placebo group 1912 1468 701 330 191 116
Active-treatment group 1933 1540 754 373 207 118

Figure 2. Mean Blood Pressure, Measured while Patients Were Seated, in the Intention-to-Treat Population,
According to Study Group.

AUTHOR: Beckett RETAKE 1st
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Main Fatal and Nonfatal End Points in the Intention-to-Treat Population.

Rate per 1000 Patient-Yr Unadjusted Hazard Ratio

End Point (No. of Events) (95% CI) P Value
Active Placebo
no. (%)
Fatal or nonfatal 12.4 (51) 17.7 (69) 0.70 (0.491.01) 0.06
Death from stroke 6.5 (27) 10.7 (42) 0.61 (0.380.99) 0.046
From any cause 47.2 (196) 59.6 (235) 0.79 (0.650.95) 0.02
From noncardiovascular or un- 23.4 (97) 28.9 (114) 0.81 (0.621.06) 0.12
known causes
From cardiovascular cause 23.9 (99) 30.7 (121) 0.77 (0.601.01) 0.06
From cardiac cause* 6.0 (25) 8.4 (33) 0.71 (0.421.19) 0.19
From heart failure 1.5 (6) 3.0 (12) 0.48 (0.181.28) 0.14
Fatal or nonfatal
Any myocardial infarction 2.2 (9) 3.1 (12) 0.72 (0.301.70) 0.45
Any heart failure 5.3 (22) 14.8 (57) 0.36 (0.220.58) <0.001
Any cardiovascular event 33.7 (138) 50.6 (193) 0.66 (0.530.82) <0.001

* Death from cardiac causes was defined as fatal myocardial infarction, fatal heart failure, and sudden death.
Any cardiovascular event was defined as death from cardiovascular causes or stroke, myocardial infarction, or heart failure.

cebo group, the rate of stroke was reduced by 34% Dis cus sion
(95% CI, 5 to 54; P=0.03), the rate of any heart
failure by 72% (95% CI, 52 to 83; P<0.001), and the The results of HYVET indicate that antihyperten-
rate of death from cardiovascular causes by 27% sive treatment based on indapamide (sustained
(95% CI, 3 to 45; P=0.03). In addition, the rate of release, 1.5 mg), with or without 2 to 4 mg of per-
death from any cause was decreased by 28% (95% indopril, significantly reduces the risks of death
CI, 12 to 41; P=0.001) and the rate of death from from stroke and death from any cause in very
stroke by 45% (95% CI, 7 to 67; P=0.02). elderly patients. This finding for stroke is consis-
Among the patients followed for at least 2 years, tent with that seen in the HYVET pilot study18
there were no significant differences between the and the Individual Data Analysis of Antihyper-
two groups with regard to changes from baseline tensive Drug Intervention Trials (INDANA) group
in the serum potassium level (0.02 mmol and meta-analysis.17 The reduction in death from any
0.03 mmol per liter in the active-treatment group cause is a new and unexpected result.
and in the placebo group, respectively; P=0.09), As compared with clinical trials involving
uric acid (11.6 mol and 3.5 mol per liter [0.2 other age groups,11,14-16 the ratio of fatal to non-
and 0.1 mg per deciliter], P=0.07), glucose (0.16 fatal events was higher in HYVET. Although the
mmol and 0.11 mmol per liter [2.9 and 2.0 mg number of strokes reported in HYVET (120) was
per deciliter], P=0.56), or creatinine (3.4 mol and similar to that reported in the Systolic Hyperten-
2.3 mol per liter [0.04 and 0.03 mg per deciliter], sion in Europe (Syst-Eur)16 trial (128 strokes) and
P=0.30). The number of serious adverse events higher than the number reported in the Swedish
reported was 448 in the placebo group and 358 in Trial in Older Patients with Hypertension (STOP
the active-treatment group (P=0.001). Only five of Hypertension, 82 strokes),14 in HYVET the pro-
these events (three in the placebo group and two portion of fatal strokes (57.5%) was higher than
in the active-treatment group) were classified by that in Syst-Eur (28.9%) or STOP (18.3%). This
the local investigator as possibly having been due difference probably reflects the older age of the
to the trial medication. patients in HYVET and the higher rates of stroke

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Hypertension in the Very Elderly

A Fatal or Nonfatal Stroke B Death from Any Cause

8 30

No. of Events per 100 Patients

No. of Events per 100 Patients

group Placebo
6 group
P=0.06 Active- 20 P=0.02
5 Active-
4 group

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Follow-up (yr) Follow-up (yr)
No. at Risk No. at Risk
Placebo group 1912 1484 807 374 194 Placebo group 1912 1492 814 379 202
Active-treatment group 1933 1557 873 417 229 Active-treatment group 1933 1565 877 420 231

C Death from Cardiovascular Causes D Death from Stroke

12 5
group Placebo
No. of Events per 100 Patients

No. of Events per 100 Patients

10 group
Active- 4
treatment Active-
8 P=0.06 P=0.05
group treatment


0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Follow-up (yr) Follow-up (yr)
No. at Risk No. at Risk
Placebo group 1912 1492 814 379 202 Placebo group 1912 1492 814 379 202
Active-treatment group 1933 1565 877 420 231 Active-treatment group 1933 1565 877 420 231

E Heart Failure
No. of Events per 100 Patients

6 group


2 Active-
1 group

0 1 2 3 4
Follow-up (yr)
No. at Risk
Placebo group 1912 1480 794 367 188
Active-treatment group 1933 1559 872 416 228

Figure 3. KaplanMeier Estimates of the Rate of End Points, According to Study Group.
For the active-treatment group as compared ICM AUTHOR:
with the placeboBeckett
group, the unadjusted RETAKE 1st
hazard ratios (95% CIs) were as follows: for fatal or
FIGURE: 3 of 3 2nd
nonfatal stroke, 0.70 (0.49 to 1.01) (Panel A); for death
REG F from any cause, 0.79 (0.65 to 0.95) (Panel B); for death from cardiovascular causes,
0.77 (0.60 to 1.01) (Panel C); for death from stroke,
CASE 0.61 (0.38 to 0.99) (Panel D); and for heart failure, 0.36 (0.22 to 0.58) (Panel E).
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JOB: 35818 ISSUE: 05-01-08
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

that occur with increasing age.1 Increasing age stroke and death from any cause and the low
is a major predictor of death from stroke,21-25 prevalence of previous cardiovascular disease at
with rates as high as 52%21 in persons 80 years baseline. It is possible that the numbers of pa-
of age or older, consistent with our results. A linear tients needed to be treated is an overestimate,
association between blood pressure and stroke re- given the low rate of stroke, though a number
duction has been clearly demonstrated, although needed to treat of 94 is acceptable in the context
it is attenuated by increasing age.25 The reduction of prevention. A number needed to treat of 40 to
in the risk of death from stroke with active treat- prevent one death during a 2-year period is more
ment was significant in both the intention-to-treat impressive, supporting the effectiveness of the
and the per-protocol analyses, as was the reduc- intervention used. However, it would be prema-
tion in the risk of any stroke in the per-protocol ture to extrapolate the results from HYVET to pa-
analysis. This reduction is consistent with previ- tients in this age group who are more frail.
ous results in younger hypertensive patients and The large reduction in the risk of heart failure
in reviews of data from the very elderly. in HYVET appears to be important. Heart failure
An unexpected finding of our trial is the re- is common in people older than 70 years of age,
duction in the risk of death from any cause with and hypertension is a major risk factor for heart
active treatment, making HYVET one of the few failure.30 The combination of a diuretic and an
individual studies of hypertension showing ben- ACE inhibitor is likely to confer a benefit. In the
efits of blood-pressure reduction on mortality.14,26 Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to
The results for death from any cause show a sig- Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT; ClinicalTrials.
nificant benefit of treatment, at odds with the gov number, NCT00000542), the lowest rates of
results of the INDANA meta-analysis, the largest hospitalization and fatal heart failure were found
analysis to date to focus on very elderly patients for the groups receiving a diuretic or ACE inhibi-
with hypertension, which included 1670 patients tor, with a greater (albeit not significantly greater)
80 years of age or older recruited for interven- reduction in the diuretic group.31
tion trials.17 The INDANA meta-analysis includ- A challenge and possible limitation in per-
ed trials with treatment regimens based on high forming our study of the very elderly was the col-
doses of diuretics other than indapamide or on lection of adequate information to validate the
beta-blockers. Diuretics have not been shown to end-point data, especially for patients who died
increase mortality among younger patients, but at home without receiving any direct medical
the very elderly may be more prone to metabolic intervention. The end-point committee required
disturbances from medications, particularly hy- evidence to support a diagnosis of a stroke, and
pokalemia, which can predispose patients to ar- this evidence was not always available. Rapid and
rhythmias and possibly sudden death. Beta-block- unexpected deaths were designated as deaths
ers appear to be less effective than newer agents from cardiovascular causes by the committee. In
in the treatment of hypertension.27 Given the the very elderly, it is difficult to establish the
known changes in serum potassium level that exact cause of death, since patients are often not
can occur with a thiazide-like antihypertensive monitored during the last hours of life and au-
agent or angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE) in- topsies are rarely performed. Given these diffi-
hibitor on its own, in combination, they are likely culties, the reduction of the risk of death from
to have a neutral effect. This was evidenced by any cause in the active-treatment group clearly
the similar serum potassium levels in the two indicates the overall advantage of active treat-
groups, with 73.4% of patients in the active-treat- ment in HYVET.
ment group receiving both indapamide and per- In HYVET, we evaluated the benefit of treat-
indopril at 2 years. Indapamide (sustained release) ing patients who had a sustained systolic blood
has also been shown to have a neutral effect on pressure of 160 mm Hg or higher. The fall in
blood glucose and lipids,28 and the combination blood pressure in the active-treatment group was
of indapamide and perindopril has also been consistent with results for indapamide-based
shown to confer a benefit with regard to stroke.29 strategies in other studies.32,33 The results sup-
As in most trials, the patients in HYVET were port a target blood pressure of 150/80 mm Hg in
generally healthier than those in the general popu- patients receiving treatment, since that target
lation, as evidenced by the low overall rates of was reached in nearly 50% of such patients in

1896 n engl j med 358;18 may 1, 2008

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Hypertension in the Very Elderly

HYVET after 2 years. Whether further reduction Supported by grants from the British Heart Foundation and
the Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier.
is beneficial still needs to be established. Drs. Beckett and Peters and Mr. Banya report receiving grant
Elevated blood pressure is common in persons support from the Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier;
80 years of age or older,34 a group constituting Dr. Staessen, consulting fees from Pfizer, Tanabe, Daiichi-San-
kyo, and Sigma-Tau and speakers fees from Pfizer, Tanabe, and
the fastest-growing segment of the general popu- Bayer; Dr. Anderson, consulting fees from Boehringer Ingelheim
lation.35 HYVET provides unique evidence that and Servier and speakers fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, Ser-
hypertension treatment based on indapamide (sus- vier, AstraZeneca, and Sanofi-Aventis; Dr. Forette, consulting fees
from Wyeth Elan, Sanofi-Aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb and
tained release), with or without perindopril, in speakers fees from Servier, AstraZeneca, and Sanofi-Aventis; Dr.
the very elderly, aimed to achieve a target blood Rajkumar, speakers fees from Schering-Plough, Merck Sharp &
pressure of 150/80 mm Hg, is beneficial and is Dohme, and Menarini; and Dr. Bulpitt, consulting fees from Im-
perial College Consulting, a consultancy funded by a grant from
associated with reduced risks of death from the Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier. No other po-
stroke, death from any cause, and heart failure. tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

The committee members and investigators for HYVET were as follows: Coordinating Center: C.J. Bulpitt (lead investigator), A.E.
Fletcher (coinvestigator), N.S. Beckett (trial coordinator), R. Peters (deputy trial coordinator), HYVET coordinating team at Imperial
College London (1999 to 2008); Steering Committee: T. McCormack, J. Potter, B.G. Extremera, P. Sever, F. Forette, D. Dumitrascu, C.
Swift, J. Tuomilehto, J. Coope (retired in 2001), C. Nachev (deceased); Data Monitoring Committee: J. Staessen, L. Thijs, R. Clarke, K.
Narkiewicz; End Points Committee: C. Davidson (retired in 2003), J. Duggan, G. Leonetti, N. Gainsborough, M.C. De Vernejoul, J.
Wang, V. Stoyanovsky; Dementia Validation Committee: J. Tuomilehto, R. Clarke, A. Waldman, I. Walton, C. Ritchie; Ethics Committee:
R. Fagard, J. Grimley Evans, B. Williams; Investigators: Australia R. Warne and I. Puddey (national coordinators), M. Woodward, R.
Penhall, C. Inderjeeth, S. Roger, R. Scholes, C. Johnson; Belgium H. Celis (national coordinator), G. Adriaens, W. Onsea, K. Cor-
nelli, D. Vantroyen, P. Cleen, P. de Voogt; Bulgaria C. Nachev (deceased) (national coordinator from 1998 to 2005), V. Stoyanovsky
(national coordinator after 2005), P. Solakov, R. Prokopova, E. Mantova, D. Smilkova, S. Mantov, K. Yankulova, R. Kermova, D. Popov,
V. Sirakova, V. Gergova, D. Kamenova, F. Grigorov, T. Vassileva, R. Alahverdian, M. Tzekova; China L. Liu (national coordinator), H.
Ge, S. Wang, J. Wang, W. Zhang, S. Jin, L. Ge, Y.F. Lu, S. Ma, L. Shen, J. Guo, Z. Lv (deceased), R. Huang, X. Li, B. Guo, T. Zhang, L.
Zhang, J. Feng, Z. He, J. Wang, L. Deng, L. Liu, Q. Yuan, F. Zhang, H. Li, D. Wang, K. Yang, M. Sun, H. Liu, X. Yan, F. Ren, J. Tang;
Finland R. Antikainen (national coordinator), T. Strandberg, T. Konttila, A. Hynninen, M. Jskivi, J. Airas, T. Jskelinen, J. Tu-
omilehto, H. Litmanen; France F. Forette (national coordinator), J. Doucet, J. Belmin, A. Benetos, G. Berrut, T. Boge, M. Bonnefoy,
A. Carre, N. Charasz, J. Covillard, T. Dantoine, M. Escande, Y. Frances, R. Joire, C. Jeandel, S. Legrain, A. Lion, M. Maillet-Vioud, J.P.
Escaillas, S. Meaume, P. Pfitzenmeyer, F. Puisieux, E. Quercy, O. Rodat, J. Soubeyrand, B. de Wazieres, H. Hindennach, L. Lugassy, J.
Rossi, M. Martel, J.-M. Paladel, C. Ravier, A. Visconti, J.P. Gallet, D. Zygouritsas, D. Charles, F. Flamand, G. Grandmottet, M. Grand-
mottetegermann, C. Gevrey, P.L. Mesnier, G. Robert, C. Besset-Prat, A. Brousse, P. Lafont, J. Morelli, P. Vernede, A. Volkmann, X.
Bodin, B. Destrube, R. Eoche, A. Boye, F. Seropian, P. Gernigon, D. Meker, J. Thomere, Y. Thual, F. Volny, E. Grassart, M. Herent, D.
Lejay, J.-P. Lopez, B. Mannessier, G. Pruvost, J.-C. Urbina; Ireland J. Duggan (national coordinator); New Zealand C. Anderson
(national coordinator), S. Lillis, J. Gommans; Poland T. Grodzicki (national coordinator), Z. Chodorowski, Z. Gaciong; Romania D.
Dumitrascu (national coordinator), M. Comsa, V. Sandru, G. Prada, M. Dunca-Moisin, D. Jianu, D. Jinga-Lazar, V. Enachescu, C. Zaha-
ria; Russia Y. Nikitin (national coordinator), A. Kirichenko, L. Olbinskaya, A. Martynov, V. Zadionchenko, V. Moiseev, G. Storohza-
kov, S. Nedogoda, R.S. Karpov, O. Barbarash, G. Efremushkin, V. Kostenko, M. Boyarkin, S. Churina, T. Tyurina, M. Ballyuzek, L.
Ermoshkina, A. Timofeev, S. Yakusheva, N. Shilkina, V. Barbarich; Tunisia A. Belhani (national coordinator), E. Boughzela, S.
Soraya, B. Youssef-Zouari, A.B. Khalfallah, M.H. Houman, A.K. Abida; United Kingdom C. Rajkumar (national coordinator), M.
Wilkins, N.D. Pandita-Gunawardena, J. Potter, E. Ekpo, M. Price, N. de Kare-Silver, A. Starczewski, S. Chandran, N. Nasar, M. Datta-
Chaudhuri, T. McCormack, N. Majmudar, A. Gordon, L. Brawn, T. Solanki.

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