Crespo vs. Mogul
Crespo vs. Mogul
Crespo vs. Mogul
of a private prosecutor for then the entire proceedings will be null and of the accused until further orders of the Court. In a comment
void. The least that the fiscal should do is to continue to appear for the that was filed by the Solicitor6 General he recommended that the
prosecution although he may turn over the presentation of the evidence petition be given due course. On May 15, 1978 a decision was
to the private prosecutor but still under his direction and control. rendered by the Court of Appeals granting the writ and
perpetually restraining the judge from enforcing his threat to
PETITION to review the decision of the Circuit Criminal Court compel the arraignment of the accused in the case until the
of Lucena City. Mogul, J. Department of Justice shall have finally resolved the petition for
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. review,
GANCAYCO, J.: On March 22, 1978 then Undersecretary of Justice, Hon.
Catalino Macaraig, Jr.. resolving the petition for review reversed
The issue raised in this case is whether the trial court acting on a the resolution of the Office of the Provincial Fiscal and directed
motion to dismiss a criminal case filed by the Provincial Fiscal the fiscal to move for immediate
dismissal of the information
upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice to whom the case filed against the accused. A motion to dismiss for insufficiency
was elevated for review, may refuse to grant the motion and of evidence was filed by9 the Provincial Fiscal dated April 10,
insist on the arraignment and trial on the merits. 1978 with the trial court, attaching thereto a copy of the letter
On April 18, 1977 Assistant Fiscal Proceso K. de Gala with of Undersecretary Macaraig, Jr. In an order of August 2, 1978
the approval of the Provincial Fiscal filed an information for the private
prosecutor was given time to file an opposition
estafa against Mario Fl. Crespo in the Circuit Criminal Court of thereto. On November 24, 1978 the Judge denied the motion
Lucena City which was 1docketed as Criminal Case No. and set the arraignment stating:
CCCIX-52 (Quezon) 77. When the case was set for ORDER
arraignment the accused filed a motion to defer arraignment on For resolution is a motion to dismiss this case filed by the prosecuting
the ground that there was a pending petition for review filed fiscal premised on insufficiency of evidence, as suggested by the
with the Secretary of Justice of the resolution of the Office of Undersecretary of Justice, evident from Annex A of the mo
the Provincial Fiscal for the filing of the information. In an order _______________
of August 1,1977, the presiding judge, His Honor, Leodegario 3 Annex D to Annex E; p. 72, supra.
L. Mogul, denied the motion. A motion for reconsideration of 4 Annex E to Annex E; pp. 73108, supra.
5 Annex F to Annex C; p. 109, supra.
the order was denied in the order of August 5, 1977 but the ar-
_______________ 6 Annex G to Annex E; pp. 110118, Rollo.
1 Copy of information, Annex A to Annex E; pp. 5455, Rollo. 7 Annex H to Annex E; pp. 119129, supra.
2 Annex C to Annex E; pp. 7071, Rollo. 8 Annex I to Annex E; pp. 130132, supra.
9 Annex J to Annex E; pp. 133139, supra.
10 Annex K to Annex E; p. 140, supra.
Crespo vs. Mogul Crespo vs. Mogul
tion wherein, among other things, the Fiscal is urged to move for In a resolution of May 19,1980, the Second Division of this
dismissal for the reason that the check involved having been issued for Court without giving due course to the petition required the
the payment of a pre-existing obligation the liability of the drawer can respondents to comment to the petition, not to file a motion to
only be civil and not criminal.
The motions thrust being to induce this Court to resolve the
dismiss, within ten (10) days from notice. In the comment filed
innocence of the accused on evidence not before it but on that adduced by the Solicitor General he recommends that the petition be
before the Undersecretary of Justice, a matter that not only disregards the given due course, it being meritorious. Private respondent
requirements of due process but also erodes the Courts independence through counsel filed his reply to the comment and a separate
and integrity, the motion is considered as without merit and therefore comment to the petition asking that the petition be dismissed. In
hereby DENIED. the resolution of February 5, 1981, the Second Division of this
WHEREFORE, let the arraignment be, as it is hereby set for Court resolved to transfer this case to the Court En Banc. In the
December 18, 1978 at 11
9:00 oclock in the morning. resolution of February 26, 1981, the Court En Banc resolved to
SO ORDERED. give due course to the petition.
The accused then filed a petition for certiorari, prohibition and Petitioner and private respondent filed their respective briefs
mandamus with petition for the issuance of preliminary writ of while the Solicitor General filed a Manifestation in lieu of brief
prohibition and/or temporary restraining order in the Court 12
of reiterating that the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals
Appeals that was docketed as CA-G.R. No, SP08777. On be reversed and that respondent Judge be ordered to dismiss the
January 23, 1979 a restraining order was issued by the Court of information.
Appeals against the threatened act of13arraignment of the accused It is a cardinal principle that all criminal actions either
until further orders from the Court. In a decision of October commenced by complaint or by information17 shall be prosecuted
25, 1979 the Court of Appeals dismissed the petition
and lifted under the direction and control of the fiscal. The institution of a
the restraining order of January 23, 1979. A motion for criminal action depends upon the sound discretion of the fiscal.
reconsideration of said decision filed15by the accused was denied He may or may not file the complaint or information, follow or
in a resolution of February 19, 1980. not follow that presented by the offended party, according to
Hence this petition for review of said decision was filed by whether the evidence in his opinion, is sufficient or not 18
accused whereby petitioner prays that said decision be reversed establish the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. The
and set aside, respondent judge be perpetually enjoined from reason for placing the criminal prosecution under the direction
enforcing his threat to proceed with the arraignment and trial of and control of the fiscal is to prevent
malicious or unfounded
petitioner in said criminal case, declaring the information filed prosecution by 20
private persons. It cannot be controlled by the
not valid and of no legal force and effect, ordering respondent cornplainant. Prosecuting officers under the power vested in
Judge to dismiss the said16 case, and declaring the obligation of them by law, not only have the authority but also the duty of
petitioner as purely civil.
_______________ prosecuting persons who, according to the
11 Annex L to Annex E; pp. 141142, supra. 17 Section 4, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court, now Section 5, Rule 110 of
12 Annex E; pp. 4253, supra. 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure, People v. Valdemoro, 102 SCRA 170.
13 P. 145, supra. 18 Gonzales vs. Court of First Instance, 63 Phil. 846.
14 Annex A to petition; pp. 2326, supra. 19 U.S. vs. Narvas, 14 Phil. 410.
15 Annex D, pp. 4041, supra. 20 People vs. Sope, 75 Phil. 810; People vs. Liggayu, 97 Phil. 865; Zulueta
16 Pp. 521, supra. vs. Nicolas, 102 Phil. 944; People vs. Natoza, G.R. L8917, Dec. 14, 1956.
Crespo vs. Mogul Crespo vs. Mogul
evidence received from the complainant, are shown to be guilty21 prohibition 29may be issued by the courts to restrain a criminal
of a crime committed within the jurisdiction of their office. prosecution except in the extreme case where it is necessary
They have equally the legal duty not to prosecute when after an for the Courts to do so for the orderly administration of justice
investigation they become convinced that the evidence22
adduced or to prevent the use of the strong30
arm of the law in an
is not sufficient to establish a prima facie case. oppressive and vindictive manner.
It is through the conduct of a preliminary investigation that However, the action of the fiscal or prosecutor is not without
the fiscal determines the existence of a prima facie case that any limitation or control. The same is subject to the approval of
would warrant the prosecution of a case. The Courts cannot the provincial or city fiscal or the chief state prosecutor as the
interfere with the fiscals discretion and control of the criminal case maybe and it maybe elevated for review to the Secretary of
prosecution. It is not prudent or even permissible for a Court to Justice who has the power to affirm, modify or reverse the
compel the fiscal to prosecute a proceeding originally initiated action or opinion of the fiscal. Consequently the Secretary of
by him on an information, if he finds that the 24
evidence relied Justice may direct that a motion to dismiss the case be 31filed in
upon by him is insufficient for conviction. Neither has the Court or otherwise, that an information be filed in Court.
Court any power to order the fiscal to prosecute or file an The filing of a complaint or information in Court initiates a
information within a certain period of time, since this would criminal action. The Court thereby acquires jurisdiction over the32
interfere with25 the fiscals discretion and control of criminal case, which is the authority to hear and determine the case.
prosecutions. Thus, a fiscal who asks for the dismissal of the When after the filing of the complaint or information a warrant
case for insufficiency of evidence has authority26
to do so, and for the arrest of the accused is issued by the trial court and the
Courts that grant the same commit no error. The fiscal may re- accused either voluntarily submitted himself to the Court or was
investigate a case and subsequently move for the dismissal duly arrested, the Court thereby acquired jurisdiction over the
should the re-investigation show either that the defendant is person of the accused.