Syllabus 2017 Francais 2

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Syllabus 2017-2018

Mrs. Olsen Hudgins

Room 284
Class website:
Franais 2

Course Description: French 2 is a full-year course in which the

language and cultures of French-speaking countries are studied.
Our primary goal is to further develop the four basic skills: listening,
reading, writing, and speaking. In addition, the development of an
appreciation for other cultures will be emphasized.

We will be able to.

*describe professions, nationalities, sports, and other personal

*discuss climate and geography of francophone countries
*compare and contrast leisure activities in city and rural areas
*identify French popular culture
*order and make traditional French cuisine
*delineate our daily routines and home activities

Assessments (80%)
o You will be informed of the quizzes at least a day in advance (No pop
o If you earn a failing grade (60% or below), you may re-take it.
o Participation
Volunteering answers in class (correct or not)
Asking relevant questions in class

Homework (10%)
o Assigned EVERY DAY.
o Graded on COMPLETION, not correctness. It is meant as practice.
o No redo for homework.
o Any uncompleted classwork should be completed as homework in addition
to the given homework.
o Accounted every 5 assignments
Ex: In the past 5 classes, I have turned in 4 homeworks. I have a
4/5 (80%) for my first HW grade. In the next 5 classes, I turned in
all 5 homeworks. I have a 5/5 (100%) for my second HW grade.
5/5 = 100% A
4/5 = 80% B
3/5 = 60% C
2/5 and 1/5 and 0/5 = 50% E

Quarter Exam (10%)

o Summative and cumulative exam at end of each marking period
o We will always have at least one class of review prior to these exams
o Exams will take place during the WCL Quarterly Exam Assessment
Windows as follows :
Quarter 1: Oct. 27 Nov. 3
Quarter 2: Jan. 16 Jan. 23
Quarter 3: March 27 April 5
Quarter 4: June 1 June 8

The final semester grades are calculated as follows: 50% 1st quarter grade +
50% 2nd quarter grade.

Make-up Work
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find and make-up any work missed. This
work must be turned in within five days after the absence. There are baskets behind
our turn-in bins (by the windows) with all our worksheets. Select make-up work will
be posted on class website.

Extra help
Re-teaching and redos are both available during CHS hour and on class website.


Franais 2
Notebook, writing utensils
o Please keep all papers, especially notes
and old quizzes
French/English dictionary (recommended)
Discovering French Today! textbook (in class use)
Rules and Expectations

1. Be respectful!
I should. I should NOT

*to myself

*to others

2. Be prepared! Always bring your notebook, writing utensils, and homework to

Mental preparation is also necessary. To help immerse yourself fully in the
culture, all cell phones must be SILENCED and kept OUT OF SIGHT
during class. If I see or hear you using a cell phone during an assessment,
you will earn a ZERO on that assessment.
Be prepared with your OWN work only. Cheating (including use of online
translators) will result in a ZERO on that assignment.
3. Communicate! If you have a question, ask! In-class and CHS hour help is
always available.

Positive Consequences
You will receive euros for helping other students, following directions promptly,
and exemplary behavior. You may turn these euros in at any time for the following
rewards (prices may change at any time!) :
Treasure Box (candies and trinkets) 15
Change seats for the day 20
Homework Pass 25
Classwork Pass (does not apply to projects or group work) 30
+5% on next quiz (does not apply to quarter exams) 35
Your choice (pending teacher approval of course!) 40
Negative Consequences
1. Verbal warning
2. Student-Teacher conference
3. Parent Contact
4. Administrative/Guidance Contact (inc. detentions, Saturday school, and more)
Syllabus Course Outline Addendum

The following serves to provide greater specificity to the course outline/syllabus provided.

Late work. In accordance with the AACPS policy, students are allowed five school days to
submit late work/make-up work. The outside date for late work to be submitted shall be five
school days from the original due date.

Missing work. When a student does not complete an assignment for any reason including school
absences, field trips, etc. a zero will be entered into the grade book. Students will be permitted to
make up the assignment for full credit in accordance with county policy. The zero will remain in
the grade book until the work is completed and submitted.

Re-do policy (county-wide). Per AACPS regulation, students may redo three (3) assessments
and/or assignments each quarter. Students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in
teacher-led reteaching. All redo items must be completed within ten days of receiving the
original grade and may only be redone one time. The higher of the two grades will be used for
calculating the students quarter grade. The teacher may choose to have the student redo all of an
assessment or assignment or may have student only redo specific items or parts of the work.
Students may not redo homework, the quarterly assessment, or a large project; however, students
may redo parts of a large project, if graded separately by the teacher, with each part counting as a
separate redo. Assessments or assignments due in the last week of the quarter are not eligible.

Notification of Progress and Failing Grade. All Anne Arundel County Public School students
receive an official interim grade report prior to the completion of each marking period. These
dates are posted on the county website and are listed on the back of the syllabus
for this course. The teacher will use this as official notification of a student in danger of
receiving a failing grade for the marking period or dropping the equivalent of two letter grades.
All parents (and students) are strongly encouraged to monitor student progress by logging on and
periodically checking the ParentCONNECTxp feature that is available to all students enrolled in
the Anne Arundel County Public School system.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Parent signature: _______________________________________________________________

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