Imitation of Christ 1872 Edition
Imitation of Christ 1872 Edition
Imitation of Christ 1872 Edition
1 . Of inward conversation 52
2. Of the meek knowing of our own defaults 55
3. How good it is for a man to be peaceful 56
4. Of a pure mind and a simple intent 58
5. Of the knowing of ourself 59
6. Of the gladness of a clean conscience 60
7. Of the love of Jesus above all things 61
8. Of the familiar friendship of Jesus 61
9. Of the wanting of all solace and comfort 64
1 0. Of yielding thanks to God for His manifold graces 68
11. Of the small number of the lovers of the Cross 70
12. Of the way of the Cross, and how profitable patience is
in adversity 71
meekness, etc. 80
4. How we ought to be conversant before God in truth, etc. 83
5. Of the marvellous effect of the love of God 84
6. Of the proof of a true lover of God 87
7. How grace is to be kept close through the virtue of
meekness 89
8. How through meekness we should think ourselves to
be vile and abject in the sight of God 91
9. How all things are to be referred to God, etc. 93
10. That it is sweet and delectable to serve God, etc. 94
1 1 . That the desires of the heart ought to be well examined 96
12. How we should keep patience, and continually strive
against all concupiscence 97
13. Of the obedience of a meek subject, etc. 98
14. Of the secret and hidden judgments of God, etc. 100
1 5. How man shall order himself in his desires 101
1 6. That the very true solace and comfort is in God 103
1 7. That all our study and business of mind ought to be
put in God 104
1 8. That all temporal miseries are gladly to be borne, etc. 1 05
19. Of patient suffering of injuries and wrongs, etc. 106
20. Of the acknowledging of our own infirmities, etc. 107
21. How a man should rest in God above all things 1 09
22. Of remembering the great and manifold benefits of God 1 1 2
23 . Of four things that bring peace into the soul 114
24. That it is not good to search curiously another man s life 116
25. In what thing the peace of heart and greatest profit of
man standeth 117
26. Of the excellence and worthiness of a free mind 118
27. That private love most hindereth a man from God 119
28. Against the evil sayings of detractors 121
29. How Almighty God is to be inwardly called unto, etc. 1 22
30. Of the help of God to be asked, and of a full trust to
recover through devout prayer our former grace 1 23
3 1 . How we should forget all creatures, that we may find
our Creator 125
32. How we should forsake ourselves, and thrust all
covetise out of our hearts 1 27
33. Of the unstableness of man s heart, etc. 128
34. How our Lord God savoureth to His lover sweetly, etc. 129
35. That there is no full surety from temptation in this life 131
36. Against the vain judgments of men 132
37. Of a pure and a whole forsaking of ourself, etc. 133
38. How a man shall rule himself in outward things, etc. 135
39. That man should not be importune in his business
a 1 36
40. That a man hath no goodness of himself, etc. 1 37
41. How all temporal honour is to be despised 138
42. That our trust not to be put in worldly people
is 1 39
43. That we should eschew vain secular cunning 140
44. That we should not regard much outward things, etc. 141
45. That men be not always worthy of belief, etc. 142
46. That we shall put all our confidence in God when evil
words be spoken to us 144
47. How all grievous things in this life are gladly to be
winning of the life that is to come
suffered, for 146
48. Of the day of Eternity, and of the miseries of this life 148
49. Of the desire of everlasting life, and of the great
reward that is promised, etc. 1 50
50. How a man that is desolate ought to offer himself
wholly to God 1 53
51. That it is good that a man give himself to meek
bodily labours, etc. 156
52. That a man shall not think himself worthy to have
comfort, but rather to have sorrow and pain, etc. 1 57
53 . That grace will not be mixed with love of worldly things 1 59
54. Of the divers movings between nature and grace 160
55. Of the corruption of nature and the worthiness of grace 1 64
56. That we ought to forsake ourselves, and to follow
Christ by bearing His cross 166
57. That a man shall not be overmuch cast into heaviness 1 68
58. That a man shall not search the judgments of God 169
59. That all our hope and trust is to be put in God alone 1 73
forsaking of ourselves 1 91
9. That we ought to offer ourselves andall ours to God, etc. 1 91
10. That the Holy Communion is not lightly to be forborne 194
1 1 . That the Body of Christ and Holy Scripture are most
necessary for the health of man s soul 196
1 2. That he that shall be houseled ought to prepare himself
E THAT followeth me, saith Christ our
Mf^ "^
ly strength than are the teachings
of all Angels and Saints.
And he that through grace might have the inner eye of his
soul opened into soothfast beholding of the Gospels
Christ, should find in them Manna,
that is to say, spiritual
thou knewest all the Bible without the book, and also the
vanity, but to love God and only to serve Him. This the
love things that shortly shall pass away, and not to haste
the eye is not satisfied nor fully pleased with the sight of any
bodily thing, nor the ear with hearing: and therefore study
to withdraw the love of thy soul from all things that be
visible, and turn it to things that be invisible. For they that
follow their sensuality hurt their own conscience, and lose
knoweth himself is vile and abject in his own sight, and hath
no delight in the vain praisings of man. If I knew all things
let from the perfect and true love of God. They that have
The more cunning thou hast, if thou live not thereafter,
the more grievously shalt thou be judged for the misusing
thereof. Therefore, raise not thyself into pride for any craft
or cunning that given unto thee, but have the more fear
and dread in thy heart; for certain it is that thou must here
after yield the straiter account. If thou think that thou know-
estmany things and hast great cunning, yet know that there
be many more things that thou knowest not: and so thou
mayest not right wisely think thyself cunning, but oughtest
rather to confess thine ignorance. Why wilt thou prefer
deceive us, for we see not the truth. What availeth us the
vain opinions. Of that Word all things proceed, and all
Let all doctors be still in Thy presence, and let all creatures
Cunning well-ordered is not to be blamed, for it is good
and cometh of God: but a clean conscience and a virtuous
life is much better and more to be desired. Because some men
study to have cunning rather than to live well, therefore they
err many times and bring forth littlegood fruit, or none.
O if they would be as busy to avoid sin and to plant virtues
in their souls as they be to move questions, there should not
be so many evil things seen in the
world, nor so much evil
example given nor yet so much dissolute
to the people,
in religion! At the day of shall not be
judgment it asked of
us what we have but what we have done nor how well
read, :
Truly he is
great that hath great charity; and he is
that is little in his own sight, and that setteth at nought all
worldly honour.
He is very wise that accounteth all worldly pleasures as
vile dung, so that he may win Christ. And that person is
very well taught who forsaketh his own will and followeth
the will of God.
T not good lightly to believe every word or instinct that
i s
they know well that the frailty of man is more prone to evil
than to good, and that it is in words very unstable. It is there
fore great wisdom not to be hasty in our deeds; nor to trust
much in our own
nor lightly to believe every tale; nor
to shew anon to others all that we hear or believe. Take al
and argue things that we should meekly and simply pass
over. If thou wilt profit by reading of Scripture, read meekly,
simply, and faithfully, and never desire to have thereby the
name of cunning. Ask gladly and hear meekly the sayings
of Saints, and mislike not the parables of ancient Fathers,
for they were not spoken without great cause.
%J^J ous man never have rest: but the meek man and the
poor in spirit live in great abundance of rest and peace. A
man that is not yet mortified to himself, lightly tempted
all thy trust is
thee to please Him, and He shall well help forth thy good
will. Trust not in thine own cunning/ neither in the cunning
or policy of any creature living, but rather in the grace of
Himself above all things. Exalt not thyself for the largeness
or fairness of body/ for with a little sickness it may be soon
defouled. Joy not in thyself for thy ability or readiness of
wit/ lest thou displease God/ of whose gift it is all that thou
edify and strengthen the Be not familiar to any woman
soul. /
T be obedient, to live under a prelate, and
is a great thing to
with them that follow his ways. But if we will that God be
But alas for sorrow! All is vain that we do; for this out
ward comfort is no little hindrance of the true inward com
fort that cometh of God. Therefore it is necessary that we
watch and pray, that the time pass not away from us in idle
ness. If it be lawful and expedient to speak, speak then of
U^J unto us. How may he long live in peace, that wilfully
will meddle with other men s
business, and that seeketh
occasions abroad in the world, and seldom or never gather-
eth himself together in God? Blessed be the true simple, and
meek persons, for they shall have great plenty of peace.
Why have many Saints been so perfectly contemplative, for
they always studied to mortify themselves from worldly
desires, that they might freely with all the power of their
heart tend to our Lord! But we be occupied with our pas
sions,and be much busied with transitory things, and it is
very seldom that we may fully overcome any one vice. And
we be nothing quick to our duties, wherefore we remain cold
and slow to devotion. If we were perfectly mortified to the
world and to the flesh, and were inwardly purified in soul,
holy Saints have gone before us but when any little adver
thatwe (purged from all passions) may have a quiet mind.
Ifwe would every year overcome one vice, we should anon
come to perfection. But I fear rather, that contrariwise we
were better and more pure in the beginning of our conver
sion, than we be many years after we were converted. Our
fervour and desire to virtue should daily increase in us, as
we increase in age. But it is now thoughtif we a great thing,
that the ghostly enemy find not time and place to deceive
holy, no place so secret, that is fully without temptation, and
there is no man that is fully free from it here in this life : for
temptation it is good that thou oft ask counsel, and that thou
be not rigorous to a person that is tempted; but be glad to
comfort him as thou wouldest be comforted.
The beginning of all evil temptations is inconstancy of
mind, and too little a trust in God. For as a ship without
guide driven hither and thither with every storm, so an
thought, and after followeth a strong imagination, and
then delectation and diverse evil
motions, and in the end
followeth a full assent, and so by little and little the
Some persons have their greatest
temptations in the be
ginning of their conversion, some in the
end, and some in a
manner all their life time be troubled and there
be many that be but lightly tempted
all this cometh of
great wisdom and righteousness of God, which knoweth the
state and merit of every and ordaineth all
person, things for
the best, and to the everlasting health and salvation of His
elect and chosen people.
Therefore we shall not despair when we be
tempted, but
shall the more fervently pray unto God, that He of His in
finite goodness and fatherly pity vouchsafe to help us in
every need, and that He, according to the saying of St. Paul,
so prevent us with His
grace in every temptation, that we
may be able to bear it. Let us humble ourselves therefore
under the mighty hand of God, for He will save all them
and exalt all them that be here meek and lowly in
In temptations and tribulations a man is
proved how
much he hath profited, and his merit is thereby the greater
before God, and his virtues are the more
openly shewed. It
isno great marvel if a man be fervent and devout when he
feeleth no grief but if he can surfer
patiently in time of temp
tation or other and therewithal can also stir him
self to fervour of token that he shall greatly
spirit, it is a
will, and not after the will of God, and yet they ween not
so they seem to stand in great inward peace when things
goodness will otherwise dispose. And we shall think
God, that His will be done, and His honour in all His ser
vants, for He can well by His goodness turn evil into good.
Study always that thou mayest be patient in suffering of
other men s defaults, for thou hast many things in thee that
others do suffer of thee: and ifthou canst not make thyself
to be asthou wouldst, how mayest thou then look to have
another to be ordered in all things after thy will? would We
gladly have others perfect, but will not amend our own
virtue appeareth best in time of adversity. Occasions make
not a man frail, but they shew openly what he is.
fully to persevere there unto the end blessed are they that
and as a pilgrim here in this life, and be glad for the love of
God to be holden as a fool, and as a vile person, as thou art.
The habit and the tonsure help little, but the changing of
lifeand the mortifying of the passions make a person a per
fect and true religious. He that seeketh any other thing in
religion than purely God and the health of his soul, shall
find nothing there but trouble and sorrow, and he may not
long stand there in peace and quietness that laboureth not
to be least and subject to all.
days, in comparison of them. O
what is our life, if it be to
them compared They served
! our Lord in hunger and thirst/
in heat and in cold, in nakedness, in labour and weariness,
in vigils and fastings, in prayers and in holy meditations, in
How strong battle held they against all sin, and how pure
and whole intent had they to God in all their deeds !
thought every hour short for the service of God: and for
the great sweetness that they had in heavenly contemplation
scarcely they would take what was necessary for the bodily
kind. They were poor in worldly goods, but they were rich
grace and virtue. They were needy outwardly, but
in in
meekness, simple obedience, charity, and patience, with
other like virtues and gracious gifts of God. Wherefore
slept not so utterly in thee, that so oft hast seen the holy
examples of blessed Saints!
our conversion, and daily we shall pray and say thus Help :
poseth, but God disposeth nay, the way that man shall walk
cuss diligently how them hast behaved thee the day before,
in word, in deed, and in thought for in them we do often
of death shall find ready: for He shall take him, and lift
him up high above all earthly things, into the everlasting joy
and bliss in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
all things, and read such matters as shall stir
thee to compunction of heart for thy sins, rather than read
came. And this we know well when we talk long : for it is not
so hard to keep always silence, as it is not to exceed in words
when we speak much. It is also more
be always soli light to
tary at home, than to go forth into the world and not offend.
Therefore he that intendeth to come to inward setting of
his heart to God and
have the grace of devotion, must
blessed men shined in all virtue, yet they were not therefore
lifted up into pride, but were therefore the more diligent in
the service of God, and the more meek in all their doings.
with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. In thy cell
thou shalt find great grace, which thou mayest lightly lose
without. Thy cell well continued shall wear sweet and pleas
ant to thee, and shall be to thee hereafter a right dear friend;
and if it be but ill kept, it shall grow very tedious and irksome
to thee. But if
beginning thou be oft therein, and keep
in the
it well in good
prayers and holy meditations, it shall be after
to thee a special friend, and one of thy most special comforts.
and quietness of heart a devout soul profiteth
In silence
much and learneth the hidden sentences of Scripture, and
findeth therein also many sweet tears in devotion, where
with every night she washeth her mightily from all filth of
sin, that she may be so much the more familiar with God, as
Why wilt thou see that which it is not lawful for thee to
have? The world passeth away, with all his concupiscence
and deceitful pleasures. Thy sensual appetite moveth thee
to go abroad, but when the time is past, what bearest thou
without thy cell that thou mayest not see within? Lo, heaven
and earth, and all the elements, whereof all earthly things
be made ! What
mayest thou elsewhere see under the sun
that may long endure?
And if thou might see all earthly things, and also have all
bodily pleasure present at once before thee, what were it
but a vain sight? Lift up thine eyes, therefore, to God in
up thy mind to the Lord Jesu, and open thy heart faith
fully to Him, and abide with Him in thy cell, for thou shalt
not find so much peace without. If thou hadst not gone forth
so much thou hast done/ nor hadst given hearing to vain
Meddle thee not with other men s goods, neither busy
thee in great men s causes: have always an eye to thyself/
and diligently inform and admonish thyself before all others.
Ifthou have not the favour of worldly-living people, sorrow
not therefor: but let this be thy daily sorrow, that thou
behavest not thyself in thy conversation, as it beseemeth a
But if we would oftener think on our death than we do on
a long life, no doubt but we should more fervently apply
ourselves to amendment and I believe also, that if we would
falleth not to thee as
he that hath all
art thou
after his will? Neither thou, nor I, nor any living man: for
good a life that man leadeth, how rich he is, how mighty he
how high
in authority, how great in sight of the people,
how fair and beautiful in his bodily kind: but if thou take
heed to the goodness everlasting, thou shalt well see that
these worldly goods and worldly likings are but little worth,
and that they be rather more grievous than pleasant, for
they may not be had nor kept but by great labour and
business of mind. The felicity of man standeth not in abun
dance of worldly goods, for the mean is best. And, verily, to
live in this world is but misery and the more ghostly that a
from the bondage of sin, that it might without hindrance
serve our Lord in purity of conscience and in cleanness of
The inward man is greatly grieved through the bodily
necessities in this world. Wherefore the Prophet David
desired that he might be delivered from such necessities. But
woe be to them that know not their own misery/ and greater
woe be to them that love this wretched and corruptible life :
for some love it so much, that if they might ever live here,
though they might and begging,
get their living with labour
yet they would never care for the kingdom of heaven.
O mad and unfaithful creatures are they that so deeply
set their love in earthly things/ that they have no feeling/
nor taste/ but in fleshly pleasures! Truly in the hour of
death they shall know how vile, and how naughty it was/
that they so much loved. But holy Saints and devout fol
lowers of Christ/ did not what pleased the flesh/ nor what
was pleasant in the sight of the world, but they held their
whole intent and desire to things invisible, and feared lest
by sight of things visible they might be drawn down to the
love of them.
same instant begin, and say thus Now is the time to labour
have lost also the very joy and felicity. Wherefore we must
hold us in patience, and with good hope abide the mercy of
wax dull and slow? Soothly sorrow and woe shall be to us,
if we fall to bodily rest
now, as though we were in ghostly
security, when yet there appeareth not either sign or token
of virtue, or of good living, in our conversation. Wherefore
it were expedient to us, that we were yet again instructed as
novices to learn good manners, if haply there might by that
means be found hereafter any trust of amendment and
spiritual profit in our conversation.
thou art taken out of sight, thou art anon out of mind, and
soon shalt thou be forgotten. O the great dulness and hard
ness of man s heart, that only thinketh on things
and little provideth for the life to come! If thou didst well,
thou shouldst so behave thyself in every deed and in every
thought, as though thou shouldst in this instant die. If thou
hadst a good conscience, thou wouldst not much fear death.
It were better for thee to leave sin than fear death. O my
dear brother, if thou be not ready this day, how shalt thou
be ready to-morrow? To-morrow is a day uncertain, and
thou canst not tell whether thou shalt live so long.
What profit is it to us to live long, when we thereby so
little amend our life? Long life does not always bring us to
love of God, shall give us a great trust that we shall die well.
they that go much on pilgrimage, be seldom thereby made
perfect and holy.
Put not thy thy friends and thy neighbours,
trust in
neither defer thy good deeds till after thy death; for thou
shalt sooner be forgotten than thou weenest. Better it is to
lightly forget thee. If thou be not now busy for thyself, and
for thine own soul s health, who be busy for thee after
thy death? Now is the time very precious, but alas for sor
in this life dread to offend God, and always have the coming
ance, that thou mayest then have a sure and steadfast hope
of salvation.
Thou art a fool, if thou think to live long, sith thou art
not sure to live one day to the end. How many have been
deceived through trust of long life, and suddenly have been
taken out of this world or they had thought. How oft hast
thou heard say that such a man was slain, and such a man
was drowned, and such a man fell and broke his neck? This
man he ate his meat was strangled, and this man as he
played took his death; one with fire, another with iron,
another with sickness, and some by theft have suddenly
Think oft, who shall remember thee after thy death, and
who shall pray for thee? Do now for thyself all thou canst,
for thou wettest not when thou shalt die, nor what shall
follow after thy death. Whilst thou hast time gather thee
riches immortal, think of nothing abidingly but on thy
ghostly health. Set thy study only on things that be of God,
and that belong to His honour. Make thee friends against
that time, worship the Saints and follow their steps, that
when thou shalt go out of this world they may receive thee
city long abiding. Send thy desires and thy daily prayers
always upward to God, and pray perseverantly, that thy
soul at the hour of death may blessedly depart out of this
24. OF THE
|N ALL things behold the end, and oft remember how thou
shalt stand before the high Judge, to Whom
nothing is
hidden; who will not be pleased with rewards, nor receive
The patient man, who suffereth injuries and wrongs of
others, and yet nevertheless sorroweth more for their malice
than for the wrong done to himself, hath a wholesome and
blessed purgatory in this world: so have they that gladly
can pray for their enemies, and for them that be contrarious
unto them; or that in their heart can forgive those that offend
the covetous man shall pine with penury and need. One hour
there in pain shall be more grievous than here a hundred
just stand with great constancy against those that have af
flicted them/ and taken away their labours. Then shall He
stand as a Judge that here submitted Himself meekly to the
judgment of men. Then shall the meek poor man have great
confidence and trust in God, and the obstinate proud man
shall quake and dread.
habit shine clear in the sight of God, and the precious gar
ments shall wax foul and loathsome to behold. Then the
thou mayest suffer hereafter. And if thou canst not now suf
fer so little a how shalt thou then suffer the everlasting
torments? And if now so little a passion make thee
what shall then do the intolerable fire of purgatory or of
Thou mayest not have two heavens; that is to say to joy
truly. There
fore stir thyself to
perfection, for in a short time thou shalt
receive the full reward of all thy
labours, and from thence
forth shall never come to thee either sorrow or dread.
labour shall be little and short, and thou shalt receive there-
for everlasting rest and comfort. If thou abide faithful and
fervent in good deeds, without doubt our Lord will be faith
have a good trust that thou shalt come to the palm of victory,
but thou shalt not set thee in a full surety thereof, lest haply
thou wax dull and proud in heart.
God against him,and how he might begin and end all his
deeds to the pleasure of God and His honour.
Trust in the Lord, and do good, saith the Prophet David;
so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
But all men have not in like ways to mortify and overcome,
for some have more passions than others. Nevertheless, a
fervent lover of God, though he have greater passions than
to profit in virtue than an
others, yet shall he be stronger
other that is better-mannered, and that hath fewer passions,
but is less fervent to virtue. Two things help a man much to
amendment of life; that is,
a mighty withdrawing of himself
from those things that the body most inclineth him to, and
a fervent labour for such virtues as he hath most need of.
good example, enforce thee to follow it; and if thou see any
evil example, look thou eschew it. As thy eye considereth
committed to him !
life, thou mayest well be ashamed that thou hast not con
formed thyself to Him more than thou hast done. He that
will inwardly and devoutly exercise himself in the most
blessed life and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ shall find
to seek the outward comfort he is prohibited. Therefore a
religious person that liveth without discipline is like to fall
In everything remember the end, and that time lost can
not be called again. Without labour and diligence thou shalt
never get virtue. If thou begin to be negligent thou begin-
nest to be feeble and weak; but if thou apply thee to fervour
thou shalt find great help of God, and for the love of virtue
thou shalt find less pain in all thy labours than thou didst
first. He that is fervent and loving is always quick and ready
to all things that be of God and to His honour. It is more
labour to resist vices and passions, than it is to toil and sweat
in bodily labours. He that will not flee small sins, shall by
little and little fall into greater. Thou shalt always be glad
at night, when thou hast spent the day fruitfully. Take
heed to thyself, and always stir thyself to devotion. Ad
monish thyself, and howsoever thou rememberest others,
forget not thyself: and as thou canst break thine own will
IJH E kingdom of God is
within you, saith
Christ our Saviour. Turn thee therefore with
all thy heart to God, and forsake this wretched
may hinder His entry: and when thou hast Him thou art
rich enough, and He only shall suffice to thee. He shall be
Why dost thou look to have rest here, sith this is not thy
resting-place? Thy full rest must be in heavenly things, and
all earthly things thou must behold as things transitory and
shortly passing away be : well wary thou cleave not over
much to them, lest thou be taken with love of
them, and in
the end perish thereby. Let thy thoughts be always upward
to God, and direct thy prayers to Christ continually: and if
Side, and to the marks of His Passion, thou shalt feel great
were done unto thee for perfect love of God maketh a man
he that can inwardly lift his mind upward to God, and little
occupations. For the ghostly man may soon gather himself
together and fix his mind in God, for he never suffereth it to
be fully occupied in outward things. Therefore his outward
labours/ and
worldly occupations necessary for the time,
world, nor art thou yet fully severed from the love of earthly
things. Nothing so much defileth the soul as an unclean love
to creatures. Ifthou forsake to be outwardly comforted by
worldly things, thou mayest behold more perfectly heavenly
things, and thou shalt then continually sing lauds and prais
ings to Him with great joy and inward gladness of heart.
The which grant thee and me the Blessed Trinity. Amen.
with thee. In everything that thou
dost, have a good
conscience, and He shall well defend thee. And whomsoever
He will help and defend, him no malice may hinder or grieve.
If thou can be still and surfer awhile, thou shalt without
doubt God come in thy need. He knoweth
see the help of
the time and place how to deliver thee, and therefore thou
must resign thyself wholly to Him. It pertaineth to Him to
help and to deliver from all confusion. Nevertheless it is
oftentimes much profitable to us, for the surer keeping of
part: but agood peaceful man turneth all things to the best,
and hath suspicion of no man. But he that is not content is
oft troubled with many suspicions, and neither is he quiet
N is borne up from earthly things with two wings, that
is to say, with plainness and cleanness plainness
: is in
and plain intent looketh toward God, but the clean love
taketh assay, and tasteth His sweetness. If thou be free from
allinordinate love, no good deed shall hinder thee, but thou
shalt therewith increase in the way of perfection. If thou
intend well, and if thou seek nothing but God and the profit
of thine own soul, and that of thy neighbour, thou shalt
have great inward liberty of mind. And if thy heart be
straight with God, then every creature shall be to thee a
mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine, for there is no
creature so little or so vile, but that sheweth and representeth
the goodness of God.
thou wert inwardly in thy soul pure and clean, thou
Also, as iron put into the fire is cleansed from rust, and
is made all clean and pure, right so a man turning himself
wholly to God, is purged from all
slothfulness, and is sud
denly changed into a new man.
When man
beginneth to wax dull and slow to ghostly
E M A Y not trust much in ourselves, or in our own wit,
for ofttimes through our presumption we lack grace,
and right little light ofunderstanding is in us : and
what w e have, many
own negli
times we lose through our
of his neighbours.
A man that is inwardly turned to God taketh heed of him
self before all others; and he that can well take heed of him
selfcan lightly be still of other men s deeds. Thou shalt
never be an inward man and a devout follower of Christ,
unless thou canst keep thyself from meddling with other
men s deeds, and canst especially take heed of thine own.
If thou take heed wholly to God and to
thyself, the defaults
which thou seest in others shall little move thee. Where art
thou when thou art not present to thyself? And when thou
hast run over all things, and hast considered much other
men s
works, what hast thou profited thereby, if thou have
forgotten thyself? If thou wilt therefore have peace in thy
soul, and be perfectly united to God in blessed love, set apart
all other men s
deeds, and only set thyself and thine own
deeds before the eye of thy soul, and what thou seest amiss
in thee, shortly reform it.
table to thee, butit be
purely God, or of God. Think all
comforts vain that come to thee by any creature. He that
loveth God, and his own soul for God, despiseth all other
love: for he seeth well that God alone, is
eternal, in Who
comprehensible, and that fulfilleth all things with His good
ness, is the whole solace and comfort of the soul, and that
He is the very gladness of heart, and none other but only He.
believe them not, for suddenly the wrath of God shall fall
upon them unless they amend, and all that they have done
shall turn to nought, and what they would have done shall
be undone.
It is no grievous thing for a fervent lover of God to joy
in tribulation, for all his joy and glory is to joy in the cross
that neither regardeth praises nor dispraises; and he shall
soon be pacified and content that hath a good conscience.
Thou art not the better because thou art praised, nor
worse thou be dispraised, for as thou art, thou art; and
Thou must of necessity be departed from thy friends, and
from all man s company, whether thou wilt or not. There
fore, living and dying, keep thyself with thy Lord Jesus,
and commit thee He will be with thee and
to His fidelity, for
manner all as lost. Put not thy trust, therefore, in any such
truly find thy Lord Jesus; and if thou seek thyself, thou
shalt find thyself, but it shall be to thine own great loss.
Truly a man more grievous and more hurtful to himself,
if he seek not his Lord Jesus, than all the world and all his
adversaries may be.
only, the soul feeleth great inward comfort. Did not Mary
Magdalen soon from weeping, when Martha shewed
her that her Master Christ was nigh and called her? Yes,
and dear. Let all others be loved for Him, and He only
for Himself.
night cometh the day; and after a great tempest
again right clear and pleasant weather.
Dominus factus est adjutor meus. That is: The Lord hath
heard my prayer, and hath had mercy on me; He hath
and try him every moment, by with
in the time of comfort,
battle, for thou hast enemies on every side, that will ever be
ready to assail thee, and hinder thy good purpose all that
they can.
that of himself he is right poor and naked of all virtue yield
for the high tower of virtue may not long stand, but if it be
borne up with the low foundations of meekness. They that
be greatest in heaven, be least in their own sight: and the
more glorious they be, the meeker they are in themselves,
full of truth and heavenly joy, not desirous of vain-glory and
praising of men.
They also that be fully stabled and confirmed in God
may in nowise be lifted up into pride. And they that ascribe
all goodness to God seek no
vain-glory or vain praisings
in the world, but they desire only to joy and to be glori
fied inGod, and desire in heart that He may be honoured,
lauded, and praised above all things, both in Himself and
in all His Saints: and thatalways the thing that per
thou loving and thankful to God for the least benefit that
He giveth thee, and then shalt thou be the more apt and
worthy to receive of Him greater benefits. Think the least
them, and can praise Him and bless Him when they receive
any benefit of Him : but if Jesus a little withdraw Himself
from them, and a little forsake them, anon they fall to some
great grudging, or to overgreat dejection.
They that love Jesus purely for Himself, and not for their
own profit and commodity bless Him as heartily in tempta
tion, tribulation, and all other adversities as they do in the
And if He never sent them consolation,
time of consolation.
love to self! May not they then that ever look for worldly
tries. If a man gave all his substance for God, yet it is nought :
and ifhe do great penance for his sins, yet it is but little and :
ful to him. What is that? That all things forsaken, and him
self also forsaken, he go clearly from himself, and keep
nothing to himself of any private love. And when he hath
done all that he ought to do, that he feel in himself as he
had nothing done.
Also that he think not that great which others might
think great, but that he think himself truly, as he is, an un
I me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me. But much more grievous shall it be to hear these
words at the last day: Depart from me, ye cursed, into ever
lasting fire. But those that now gladly hear and follow the
words of Christ, whereby He counselleth them to follow
Him, shall not then need to dread for hearing those words
of everlasting damnation. The sign of the cross shall appear
in heaven when our Lord shall come to judge the world,
and the servants of the cross, who conformed themselves
here in this life to Christ crucified on the cross, shall go to
Christ their Judge with great faith and trust in Him.
Why dost thou dread to take the cross, sith it is the very
upon the cross, that thou shouldst in like wise bear with
Him the cross of penance and tribulation, and that thou
shouldst be ready for His love to suffer death, if need re
quire, as He hath done for thee. If thou die with Him, thou
shalt live with Him and if thou be fellow with Him in pain,
dying to the world lieth all our health. And there is no other
way to true and inward peace but the way of the cross, and
of daily mortifying of the body to the spirit. Go whither
thou wilt, and seek what thou list,
and thou shalt never find
somewhat, either with thy will or against thy will, and thou
shalt always find the cross for either thou shalt feel pain
that it behoveth thee to suffer till it shall please Almighty
God of His goodness otherwise to dispose for thee : for He
willeth that thou shalt learn to surfer tribulation without
abideth thee/ and thou mayest not nor fully escape it,
bring thee to the end that thou desirest, where thou shalt
never after have anything to suffer. If thou bear the cross
against thy will, thou makest a great burden for thyself, and
it be the more grievous to thee and yet it behoveth thee
will :
of miseries, and is all beset about and marked with crosses.
And the more highly that a man profiteth in spirit, the more
painful crosses shall he find; for by the soothfastness of
Christ s
love, wherein he daily increaseth, daily appeareth
unto him more and more the pain of his exile.
Nevertheless, a man thus vexed with pain is not left
wholly without all comfort, for he seeth well that great fruit
and high reward shall grow unto him by the bearing of his
cross. And when a man freely submitteth himself to such
sidereth well that the more it may suffer for His love here,
the more acceptable shall it be to Him in the life to come.
But not of the power of man, but through the grace of
it is
God, that a frail man should take and love that which his
bodily kind abhorreth and flieth.
For it is not in the power of man gladly to bear the cross,
to love the cross, to chastise the body, and to make it obe
dient to the will of the spirit: to flee honours, gladly to
sustain reproofs, to despise himself, and to covet to be
despised; patiently to suffer adversities with all the displeas
ures thereof, and not to desire any manner of profit in this
world. If thou trust in thyself thou shalt never bring this
about; but if thou trust in God, He shall send thee strength
from heaven, and the world and the flesh shall be made
subject to thee. Yea, if thou be strongly armed with faith,
and be marked with the cross of Christ, as His household
servant, thou shalt not need to fear thy ghostly enemy, for
he shall also be made subject to thee, so that he shall have
no power against thee.
Purpose thyself, therefore, as a true faithful servant of
God, manfully to bear the cross of thy Lord Jesus, Who for
thy love was crucified on the cross. Prepare thyself to suffer
all manner of adversities and discommodities in this wretched
for so shall it be with thee wheresoever thou hide thee.
And there is no remedy to escape, but thatthou must keep
thyself always in patience. If thou desire to be a dear and
well-beloved friend of Christ, drink effectuously with Him
a draught of the chalice of His tribulation. As for consola
But if thou couldst bring thyself to that estate at which
thou shouldst be, that is to suffer gladly for God and to die
rapt with Saint Paul into the third heaven, thou wouldst
not therefore be free from all adversity: for our Saviour,
joy would be to thee to suffer for Him! What gladness to
bour! All men commend patience, and yet few men will to
suffer. Righteously oughtest thou, that sufferest much for
the world, to suffer some little thing for God.
Know this for certain, that it behoveth thee to lead a
dying life, and the more that thou canst die to thyself here,
the more thou beginnest to live to God. No man is
apt to
receive the heavenly reward, but he has first learned to bear
adversities for the love of Christ. Nothing is more acceptable
to God, or more profitable to man in this world, than to be
glad to suffer for Christ. Insomuch that
were put in if it
deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. There
fore, all things searched and read, be this the final conclu
I am thy
life; keep thee with Me/ and thou shalt find peace
in Me. Forsake the love of transitory things/ and seek things
give me
understanding/ that I may know thy testi
SPEAK/ monies. Bow my heart to follow the words of Thy holy
teachings/ that they may distil into my soul as dew into the
us/ and we will hear: but let not God speak with us/ lest we
die. Not so/ Lord/ not so/ I beseech Thee/ but rather I ask
inform and instruct me. They without Thee may little profit
me. They speak Thy words, but they give not the spirit to
understand the words. They speak fair/ but if Thou be still,
they kindle not the heart. They shew fair letters, but Thou
declarest the sentence. They bring forth great high mys
teries, but Thou
openest thereof the true understanding;
they declare Thy commandments, but Thou helpest to per
form them. They shew the way, but Thou givest comfort
towalk therein. They do all outwardly, but Thou illuminest
and informest the heart within. They water only outwardly,
but it is Thou that givest the inward growing. They cry all
Thou informest and teachest, so that Thou mayest be meek
and merciful unto him in the evil day, that is to say, in the
day of the most dreadful judgment/ that he be not then left
trust, but My
promise deceiveth no man, and leaveth no
man that trusteth in Me without some comfort. That I have
promised perform, and that I have said I will fulfil to
I will
Write My words therefore in thy heart diligently, and oft
think upon them; for they shall be in time of temptation
much necessary unto thee. That thou understandest not
when thou readest it, thou shalt understand in the time of
My visitation. I am wont to visit My servants two manner
of ways, that is to say, with temptation and with consolation.
And two lessons daily I read unto them, one whereby I re
and holy; Thou orderest all things, Thou givest all things,
Thou fulfillest all things with Thy goodness, leaving only
the wretched sinner barren and void of heavenly comfort.
Remember Thy mercies, and fill my Thy mani
heart with
fold graces, for Thou wilt not that Thy works in me be
made in vain. How may I bear the miseries of this life, unless
from all perils and dangers, and truth shall deliver him from
all deceivers, and from all evil sayings of wicked people. If
truth deliver thee thou art very free, and thou shalt little
and flee nothing so much as thy sins and wickedness ; for they
should more displease thee than should the loss of all worldly
things. Some there be that walk not purely before Me, for
they through pride and curiosity desire to search and know
high things of My Godhead, forgetting themselves and the
health of their own souls. Such persons fall ofttimes into
severe in Thee.
Love is a great thing and a good, and alone maketh heavy
burdens light, and beareth in like balance things pleasant
and unpleasant; it beareth a heavy burden and feeleth it not,
and maketh bitter things to be savoury and sweet. The noble
love of Jesus perfectly printed in the soul maketh a man to
pied with love of the world. Love will also be free from all
stable, quiet, and well stabled in his outward wits. Love is
things for his Beloved, and not to decline from his love for
any contrarious thing that may befall unto him.
not all
lost, though thou sometimes feel less devotion to Me
and to My And on the other
Saints than thou wouldst do.
comforts, for they lightly come and go after the will of the
But to strive always without ceasing against all evil mo
tions of sin, and to despise all the suggestions of the enemy,
is a token of perfect love, and of great merit and singular
Let no vanities or any strange fantasies trouble thee, of
what matter soever they be. Keep thine intent and thy pur
pose always whole and strong to Me, and think not that it
is an illusion, that thou suddenly ravished into excess of
mind, and that thou art soon after turned again to thy first
against thy will than with thy will, and, therefore, if thou
be displeased therewith, it shall be to thee great merit and
no perdition.
Know that the old ancient enemy, the fiend, will essay to
hinder thy good will, and to extinguish the good desire that
thou hast to Me, and he will also hinder thee from all good
works and devout exercises he may; that is to say, from
the honour and worship that thou art bound to give to Me,
and to My Saints, from mind of My Passion, from the
remembrance of thine own sins, from the diligent keeping
of thy heart in good meditations, and from a steadfast pur
pose to profit in virtue. He will also put into thy mind many
idle thoughts, to make thee irk and soon weary of prayer and
houseled. Believe him not, and care not for him, though he
assail thee ever so much. Make all his malice return to him
s oN ,
it is much more
expedient, and a surer way for
thee, that thou hide the grace of devotion and speak
MY not
thyself the
much of it, or regard it much, but rather to despise
more for it,
and to think thyself unworthy
any such gracious gift of God. And it is not good to cleave
much to such affections as may be soon turned into the
Whenthou hast the grace of devotion, consider how
wretched and needy thou wert wont to be, when thou hadst
no such grace. The profit and increase of life spiritual is not
only when thou hast devotion, but rather when thou canst
thy best therein, and forgettest not thy duty, and art not
negligent,for any dulness or unquietness of mind that thou
in the end. They that be wise and cunning in their own sight,
to have cunning with meekness, than great cunning
Lord Jesu, dare speak to Thee, that am but
dust and ashes? Verily, if I think myself any better than
SHALL ashes and dust, Thou standest against me; and mine
own sins also bear witness against me, that I may not withsay
it. But if I
despise myself and set myself atnought, and think
myself but ashes and dust as I am; then Thy grace shall be
nigh unto me and the light of true understanding shall enter
into my heart, so that all me shall
presumption and pride in
came; for am nought, and knew it not. If be left to
I am made
strong and am filled with a new joy, and marvel
it is that I, wretch, am so soon lifted up from my unstable-
I have found both Thee and me; therefore I will more deeply
from henceforth myself at nought, and more diligently
seek Thee than in times past I have done; for Thou, Lord
to Thee, and are turned right far from Thee. Turn us, Lord,
to Thee again, that we may henceforward be loving and
thankf til, meek and devout to Thee, for Thou art our health,
Thou art our virtue, and all our strength in body and soul,
and none but Thou.
To thee therefore be joy and glory everlastingly in the
bliss of heaven. Amen.
vain-glory and pride of heart. If heavenly grace and perfect
charity enter into thy heart, then shall there be no envy nor
unquietness of mind, neither shall any private love have rule
in thee. For the charity of God shall overcome all things, and
shall dilate and inflame all the powers of thy soul. Where
fore, thou understandest aright, thou shalt never joy but
shall I
speak again to Thee, my Lord Jesu, and not
cease. And I shall say in the ears of my Lord, my God
NOW and King that is in heaven, Oh how great is thy good
which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee! But
what then to them that love Thee, and that with all their
is it
O Fountain of love everlasting ! what shall I say of Thee?
How may I
forget Thee, that hast vouchsafed so lovingly to
remember me? When I was like to have perished, Thou
shewedst Thy mercy tome above all that I could think and
Thee, but rather it should seem marvel and wonder to me,
that Thou wilt vouchsafe to receive so poor and so unworthy
a creature as I am into Thy service, and that Thou wilt join
Thou rather servest me than I thee. For lo, heaven and earth,
Angels to the ministry of man. But above all this Thou hast
vouchsafed to serve man Thyself, and hast promised to give
Thyself unto him.
What shall I then give to Thee again for this thousandfold
goodness? Would to God that I
might serve Thee all the
days of my life,
or at least that I
might for one day be able
to do Thee Thou art worthy all honour,
faithful service; for
free, holy, and also blessed in the sight of God! O holy state
of religion, which maketh a man like to Angels, pleasant to
God, dreadful to wicked spirits, and to all faithful people
right highly commendable ! O service much to be embraced,
and always to be desired/ by which the high goodness is
won, and the everlasting joy and gladness is gotten without
appetite, and not regard what the flesh will or will not; but
always to take heed that it be made subject to the will of the
spirit, and that it be so long chastised and compelled to serve,
till it be ready to all things that the soul commandeth, and
till it can learn to be content with a little, and can delight in
troubles, and
proved with many contrarious things in
this world. And if thou say thou mayest not suffer such
of their joys past. And yet, when they lived they were not
without great bitterness and grief; for ofttimes of the same
they afterwards great trouble and pain. Righteously came
this unto them, that forasmuch as they sought delectations
thy lusts, but turn away from thy own will. Delight thyself
also in the Lord, and fix thy love strongly in Him, and he
shall "ive
O thee the desires of thine heart.
And thou wilt have consolation abundantly, and wilt
thyself fully to despise this world, and put from thee wholly
allinordinate delectations, and thou shalt have plenteously
the comfort of God. And the more that thou withdrawest
thee from the consolation of all creatures, the more sweet
and blessed consolations shaltthou receive of thy Creator.
But soothly thou canst not at the first come to such consola
But what great thing is it to thee that art but dust and
nought, if thou subdue thyself to man for sake, when My
that am Almighty and Most High God, Maker of all
things, subdued Myself meekly to man for thy sake? I made
Myself most meek and most low of all men, that thou
shouldst learn to overcome thy pride through My meekness.
more thankful to Me again, and give thyself to perfect and
true subjection and meekness, and be ready in heart patiently
to suffer for My sake thine own contempts and despisings,
whensoever they happen to fall unto thee. Amen.
works of virtue, have fallen full low; and such as were fed
with meat of angels, I have seen after delight in swine s
govern it
not; nor any strength help, if Thou cease to pre
serve us. No sure chastity can be, if
Thou, Lord, defend it
not; nor may any sure keeping profit us, if Thy holy watch
fulness be not present; for we be forsaken of Thee, anon
the world! How profoundly ought I to submit me to Thy
deep and profound judgments, sith I find in myself nothing
else but nought and nought Substance that may not be ! O
pondered! O Sea that not be sailed! in Thee and by
Thee I find that my substance is nothing, and over all
upon me.
What is flesh in Thy sight? How may clay glorify him
self against his Maker? How may he be deceived with vain
praises whose heart in Truth is subject to God? All the
world may not lift him up Truth, that into pride, whom
God is, hath perfectly made subject unto Him; nor may he
be deceived with any flattering that putteth his whole trust
in God. For he seeth well that they that speak be vain and
nought, and that their memorial is perished with them, but
the Lord shall endure for ever.
Therefore with dread of God and with meekness of heart,
we are to desire and ask whatsoever cometh to our mind to
be desired and asked; and with a whole forsaking of ourself
to commit all things to God, and to say thus: Lord/Thou
knowest what thing is to me most profitable, do this or that
after Thy will. Give me what Thou wilt, as much as Thou
1 02
of the poor in spirit, and the embracer of the meek and lowly
in heart.
with temporal goods, for thou art not created so to use them
as to rest thee in them. If thou alone hadst all the goods that
and Thy righteous proving and assaying of me may be to
me a singular comfort and a high solace. Thou wilt not
always chide; neither wilt thou keep thy anger for ever. So
may it be. Amen.
thy kindly reason, and after as thy affection and thy worldly
policy stirreth thee, and so thou mayest lightly err and be
O Lord ! it is true all that Thou sayest. Thy providence is
much better for me than all I can do or say of myself .Where
fore it may well be said, that he standeth very casually that
setteth not his whole Thee. Therefore, Lord, while
trust in
many reproofs.
O Lord! forasmuch as Thou wert found patient in Thy
life, fulfilling in that most specially the will of Thy Father,
it is
seeming that I,
most wretched sinner, bear me patiently
after Thy will in all things, and that, as long as Thou wilt,
I bear for mine own
health the burden of this corruptible
life. For though this life be tedious and as a heavy burden to
the soul, yet nevertheless it is now through Thy grace made
very meritorious; and by example of Thee and of Thy holy
Saints, now made to weak persons more sufTerable and
it is
straight way Thy kingdom. Thy holy life is our way, and
showed us the way, who would have endeavoured him to
have followed? How many would have tarried behind, if
they had not seen Thy blessed example going before? We
are yet slow and dull, now we have seen and heard Thy
griefs; and if they seem not little to thee, look thy impatience
cause it not: but, nevertheless, whether they be little or
virtue of patience/ nor of Whom
be crowned, but they
it will
consider rather the persons and the offences done unto them.
Therefore he is not truly patient that will not suffer but
asmuch as he will, and of whom he will; for a true patient
man f orceth not of whom he suffereth, whether of his prelate,
or of his fellow that equal unto him, or of any other that
man may suffer God, that may pass without great merit.
Be thou therefore ready to battle if thou wilt have victory.
Without battle thou mayest not come to the crown of
patience, and if thou wilt not suffer thou refusest to be
crowned. Wherefore, thou wilt needly be crowned, resist
me; for truly to suffer and to be vexed for Thee is very good
and profitable to the health of my soul.
stand strongly; but when a little temptation cometh it is to
me great anguish and grief. Of a right little thing sometimes
riseth a grievous temptation, and when I think myself to be
somewhat surer, and have the higher hand as it seemeth,
so many ghostly infections? And yet it is beloved and much
delighted of in many persons. The world is oft reproved,
that it is deceitful and vain, and yet it is not lightly forsaken,
especially when the concupiscences of the flesh be suffered
to have rule. Some things stir a man to love the world, and
some things to despise it. The lust of the flesh, and the lust
and the pride of life stir man to love the world.
of the eyes,
But the pains and miseries that follow them cause again
hatred and tediousness of it.
cunning and policy, above all riches and crafts, above all
or feel. Also aboveAngels and Archangels/ and above
little and insufficient to me; for my heart may not rest nor
visit Thy faithful lovers Now I oft mourn and complain the
miseries of this life, and with sorrow and woe bear them with
this life, which ofttimes trouble me, and make me very heavy,
thee, Lord Christ Jesu, that the sighings and the inward
desires of my manifold desolations,
heart, with my may
somewhat move Thee and incline Thee to hear me.
O Jesu, the light and brightness of everlasting glory, the
joy and comfort of all Christian people that are walking
my heart crieth to Thee by still desires without voice, and
my silence speaketh unto Thee, and saith thus : How long
tarrieth my Lord God to come to me? Verily, I trust that He
will shortly come to me, His poorest servant, and comfort
me, and make joyous and glad in Him; that He will
deliver me from all anguish and sorrow. Come, Lord, come,
for without Thee I have no glad day nor hour; for Thou art
all my joy, and without Thee my soul is barren and void.
I am a wretch, and in manner in prison, and bound with
fetters, Thou, through the light of Thy gracious pres
that I will seek, or that shall please me, but Thou, my Lord
God, my hope and everlasting health. I will not cease of
prayer till Thy grace return to me again, and Thou speak
inwardly to my soul, and say thus :
Lo, I am here I am come!
to thee, for thou hast called Me. Thy tears, and the desire
of thy heart, thy meekness and thy contrition, have bowed
Me down and brought Me to thee.
And I shall say again :
Lord, I have called Thee, and I have
desired to have Thee, ready to forsake all things for Thee,
sithThou first stirred me to seek Thee. Wherefore, be Thou
always blessed that hast shewed such goodness to me after
the multitude of Thy mercy. What hath Thy servant, Lord,
more to do or say, but that he meeken himself before Thy
Majesty, and ever have in mind his own iniquity? There is
none like to Thee, Lord, in heaven or in earth. Thy works
be good, Thy judgments be righteous, and by Thy Provi
dence all things be governed. Wherefore to Thee, Who art
the Wisdom of the Father, be everlasting joy and glory And !
than the least benefit that Thou hast given. And when I be
hold Thy nobleness and worthiness, my spirit dreadeth and
trembleth very sore for the greatness thereof.
O Lord ! all that we have in body and in soul, inwardly
and outwardly, naturally or supernaturally, they are Thy
benefits, and show Thee openly to be a blessed and good
benefactor, of Whom we have received such gifts. And
though one hath received more and another less, yet they
all are Thy gifts, and without Thee the least cannot be had.
Thy people. All things come of Thee, and therefore Thou
art in all things to be blessed. Thou knowest what is
dient to be given to every person/ and why one hath less
chosen, and daily dost choose, poor meek persons, and such
as be despised in the world, to be Thy familiar and house
and glad Thy lover, and him that hath received Thy bene
fits, as that Thy will and pleasure be fulfilled in him after
SON, now shall I teach thee the very true way of
lesson and from this good doctrine. But Thou, Lord Jesu,
Who hast all things under Thy governance, and always
lovest the health of man s
soul, increase more grace in me,
that I may from henceforth fulfil these teachings, and that
I may do always what shall be to Thy honour and to the
come shortly and help me, for vain thoughts have risen in
mine heart, and worldly dreads have troubled me very sore.
How shall I break them down? How shall I pass unhurt
without Thy help?
I go before thee, Thou sayest, Lord, and I shall
drive away the pride of thy heart, then shall I set open to
thee the gates of ghostly knowledge, and shall shew to thee
the privities of My secrets.
O Lord, do as Thou sayest, and then shall flee from me
all wicked fantasies. Truly this is my hope and my only
comfort, to flee to Thee in every trouble, steadfastly to trust
away the evil beasts, that is to say, all my evil and wicked
Take me Lord/ and deliver me from the vile consolation
of creatures, which must of necessity shortly perish and fail.
For there is nothing created that may fully satisfy mine
appetite. Join me, therefore, to Thee, with a sure bond of
heavenly love, for Thou alone sufficest to Thy lover. And
without Thee all thinss be vain and of no substance.
the end it shall fall upon him as he hath done and said, for
he cannot deceive Me whatsoever he be.
thou admonish any person for his soul-health, look
Me, and nothing shalt thou covet or seek without Me. But
of other men
deeds thou shalt not judge presumptuously,
Think not therefore that thou hast found the true peace
when thou feelest no grief; nor that all is well with thee
when thou hast no adversity; nor that all is perfect for that
everything cometh after thy mind. Nor yet that thou art
great in God s sight, or specially beloved of Him, because
thou hast great fervour in devotion, and great sweetness in
drawn/ he can yet stir his heart to suffer more if God so will/
and yet justifieth not himself/ nor praiseth himself as holy
and righteous. He walketh then in the very true way of
Peace/ and he may then have a sure and perfect hope that
he shall see Me face to face in the everlasting joy and fruition
of the kingdom of heaven. And
he can come to a perfect
miseries as grieve the soul of me, Thy servant, with the com
mon malediction of mankind, thatis,
with the corruption of
the body, whereby I am so grieved and letted, that I may not
have liberty of spirit to behold Thee when I would.
O Lord God, that art sweetness unspeakable, turn into
bitterness to me all fleshly delights, which would draw me
from the love of eternal things to the love of a short and a
vile delectable pleasure. Let not flesh and blood overcome
me, nor the world with his short glory deceive me, nor the
fiend with his thousandfold crafts supplant me; but give me
superfluity. Amen.
thing in this world. After thy love and after thine affection
everything cleaveth to thee more or thy love be pure,
less. If
not lawful for thee to have, and have nothing that may let
thee from ghostly travail, or that may take from thee inward
liberty of soul. marvel that thou committest not thyself
It is
fully to Me with all thy heart, together with all things that
thou mayest have or desire.
Why art thou thus consumed with vain sorrow?Why art
thou wearied with superfluous cares? Stand at will, My
and thou shalt find nothing that shall hurt or hinder thee.
place or in that, for thine own profit and for thine own
pleasure, thou shalt never be at rest, nor ever free from some
trouble of mind; for in every place shall be found something
that will mislike thee.
only of gold and silver, and other worldly riches, but also
of the desire of honours and praisings of the world, which
shortly vanish and pass away, as does the smoke with the
The place helpeth little if the spirit of fervour be away.
The peace also that a man getteth outwardly shall not long
stand whole, if it be void from the true inward Peace of
heart. That is though thou change thy place, yet it
to say,
sun may long abide, but all is vanity and affliction of spirit.
O how wise is he that feeleth and understandeth this !
another man: but as thou art, thou art. Where are the true
peace and glory? Are they not in Me? Yes, truly. Therefore
he that neither desireth to please man, nor dreadeth to dis
please him, shall have great plenty of peace; for of inordi
nate love and vain dread cometh all unquietness of heart
and unrestfulness of mind.
Help me, my Lord God, and I shall not fear or dread what
troubles soever fall upon me.
And now what shall I
say, but that Thy will be done in
me? Ihave deserved to be troubled and grieved, and there
fore it behoveth that I suffer as long as it shall please Thee.
Would God that I might suffer gladly till the furious
the more light it is to Thee. And when I am delivered by
Thee, then shall I say This: is the changing of the right hand
of Him that is Highest/ that is/
of the Blessed Trinity, to
Whom be joy, honour, and glory everlastingly. Amen.
not over much those that are to come, for sufficient unto
the day is the evil thereof. It is a vain thing and unprofitable
to be heavy or glad for things that perchance will never
But it is the unstableness of man that he is
deceived, and
that he so lightly follows the suggestion of the enemy, who
careth not whether he deceive thee by true suggestions or
When I
give a thing to any person it is Mine own that
his, for every good gift and every perfect reward cometh of
Me. If I send to thee trouble or heaviness, in what wise
soever it
be, take it
gladly and disdain it
not; neither let thy
heart fail thee therein, for may anon lift thee up again, and
turn thy heaviness into great joy and ghostly gladness. And
verily, I am righteous and much to be lauded and praised
when I do so with thee.
thou understand aright, and behold thyself truly as
I have great need of Thy grace, or that I
may come
thither where no creature shall let or hinder me from
perfect beholding of Thee; for
long as any tran as
sitory thing holdeth me, or hath rule in me, I may not fly
Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly into
the bosom of my Saviour, and into the holes of His Blessed
Wounds, and be at rest. I see well that no man is more
restful or more liking in this
world, than is that man who
always hath his mind and whole intent upward to God,
and nothing desireth of the world. It behoveth him there
fore that would and behold Thee,
perfectly forsake himself
to surmount all creatures and himself
also; and through
excess of mind to see and behold that
Thou, Maker of all
things, hast nothing among all creatures like unto Thee.
Unless a man be clearly delivered from the love of creatures,
he not fully tend to his Creator. And this is the great
est cause why there be so few
contemplatives, because so
few there be that will willingly sequester themselves from
the love of creatures.
To contemplation is great grace required, for it lifteth up
the soul and ravisheth up it in spirit above itself. And except
a man be up in spirit above himself, and be delivered
deeds following thereupon be also corrupted; for from a
clean heart springeth the fruit of a good life.
and such as seek things soft and delectable in this world, and
not those of Jesus Christ, oft saying and greedily seeking
that which will not long endure, be as men fettered and
bound with chains, and have no perfect liberty or freedom
of spirit; for all things shall perish that be not wrought of
God. Hold well in thy mind this short word: Forsake all
things and thou shalt find all things; forsake covetise and
thou shalt find great rest. Print well in thy mind that I have
said, for when thou hast fulfilled it, thou shalt well know
that it is true.
to desire in heart that thou mightest come thereto. But
would to God thou were first come to this point, that thou
were not a lover of but that thou wouldst keep
thyself, My
commandments, and the commandments of him that I have
appointed to be thy father spiritual; for then thou shouldst
please Me greatly, and all thy life should pass forth in joy
and peace. Thou hast yet
many things to forsake, which,
unless thou canst wholly forsake, thou shalt not get that
thou desirest. And therefore I counsel thee to buy of me
gold tried in the fire, that is to say, heavenly wisdom, that
despiseth all earthly things. Cast from thee all worldly wis
dom, all man s
comfort, and all thine own affections; choose
also to have vile and abject things, rather than those that are
world, but their life followeth not their saying. But yet it is
the precious margaret and the high virtue that is hid from
much people for their presumption.
Get it whoso may.
O oft from one to another. As long
u as thou
livest thou shalt be subject to changeableness, whether
thou wilt or not:now glad, now sorrowful; now pleased,
now displeased; now devout, now undevout; now lusty,
now slothful; now heavy, now lightsome. But a wise man,
that well taught in ghostly travail, standeth stable in all
and come finally to the most fruitful and most blessed end.
By such a whole intent fully directed to God, a man may
abide steadfast and stable in himself among many adver
The more pure and the more clean is his intent, the more
stable shall he be in every storm. But alas for sorrow! the
pleasant and liking, but when Thou art absent all things are
grievous and greatly misliking.When Thou comest Thou
makest mine heart restful, and bringest into it a new joy.
Thou makest Thy lover to feel and understand the Truth,
laud and praise Thee. O
Lord, without Thee nothing may
be for long liking or pleasant; for if anything should be
liking or savoury, it must be through help of Thy grace, and
be tempered with the spicery ofThy wisdom.
To him whom Thou savourest well, what shall not
savour well? And to him that Thou savourest not well unto,
what may be joyful or liking? But worldly-wise men, and
they that savour the delights of the flesh, fail of this wis
fleshly pleasures is
everlasting death. Therefore, they that
follow Thee, Lord, by despising of the world, and by per
fect mortifying of the lusts of the flesh, are known to be very
wise; for they be led from vanity to Truth, and from fleshly
liking to spiritual cleanness. To such persons God savoureth
wondrous sweet, and whatsoever they find in creatures, they
refer it all to the laud and praising of the Creator; for they
see well, that there is great difference betwixt the Creator
and creatures, eternity and time, and betwixt the light made
and the light unmade.
O everlasting Light! far passing all things that are made,
send down the beams of Thy lightings from above, and
purify, glad, and clarify in me all the inward parts of my
heart. Quicken my spirit with all the powers thereof, that it
ghostly ravishings. O
when shall that blessed hour come
that Thou me and glad me with Thy blessed pres
shalt visit
fied, nor perfectly dead in me; for yet striveth the flesh
strongly against the spirit, and moveth great inward battle
against me, and suffereth not the kingdom of my soul to
live in peace.
But Thou, good Lord, that hast the lordship over all the
power of the sea, and rulest the raging thereof, arise and
help me, break down the power of mine enemies, who always
move this battle in me. Shew the greatness of Thy goodness,
and let the power of Thy right hand be glorified in me; for
there is to me none other hope or refuge, but in Thee only,
my Lord, my God!
To Whom be joy, honour, and glory everlastingly. Amen.
crown. And I shall yield him everlasting reward for this
short labour/ and infinite glory for this transitory confusion.
Trowest thou that thou shalt have always spiritual com
forts after thy will? Nay, nay; My Saints had them not,
but many great griefs, and divers temptations, and great
desolations, but they bore all with great patience, and more
trusted in Me
than in themselves for they knew v/ell that
pared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Wilt thou
look to have anon that which others could not get but with
other, or be despised of other, he could not let; wherefore he
committed all to God that knoweth all things, and armed
himself with patience and meekness against all things that
might be untruly spoken against him. Nevertheless some
times he answered again, lest by his silence hurt or hindrance
wrongs, and to reward every man after his desert, and much
more than he can deserve.
thou be Mine, and I thou be clearly bereft of
thine, unless
thine own will, within and without? The sooner thou canst
bring it
about, so much the sooner shall it be better with
thee; and the more perfectly and the more clearly thou canst
do it, the more fully shalt thou please Me, and the more
shalt thou win.
Some persons resign themselves unto Me, but it is with
some exception, for they trust not fully to Me, and there
Me, and thou shalt have great inward peace inMe. Give
all for and nothing keep to thyself of thine
own will, but
stand purely and stably in Me, and thou shalt have Me, and
thou shalt be so free in heart and in soul, that neither dark
ness of conscience nor thraldom of sin shall ever have power
in thee. Endeavour thyself therefore to get this freedom of
spirit that I
pray for it, study for it, and always
speak of,
desire in thy heart that thou mayest clearly be spoiled and
hung naked for thee upon the cross : also that in thy love
dread and inordinate love shall die in thee, and thou shalt
blessedly live in Me and I in thee. Amen.
brew, and going into the number and into the freedom of
the children of God, who stand upon things present and
look towards things everlasting, who behold things transi
tory with their left eye, and things everlasting with their
right eye; whom worldly goods cannot draw down to the
love of them, but who draw worldly goods to serve
in such wise as they be ordained of
God, and as they be
instituted to do by the high Maker of all things, Who leaveth
good devotion the help of God in all such doubts and perils.
We read that Joshua and the children of Israel were deceived
by the Gibeonites, because they gave light credence to their
affections and desires of men are not always one, but oft
perilous sickness, a grievous pestilence, and a right great
vanity; for it draweth a man from the true joy that he should
have in God, and robbeth him clearly of all heavenly grace.
For when a man pleaseth himself, he displeaseth Thee, and
when he delighteth in man s
praisings, he is deprived of true
myself to this point/ that I would gladly be despised and
forsaken of all creatures, and utterly to seem as nought in
the world, not be inwardly pacified and stablished in
I may
Thee/ nor be spiritually illumined/ nor yet fully united to
Y SON/ if thou
thy peace in any person for thine
nought worth, and may not long endure ; nor is that love true
and clean that is not knit by Me. Thou oughtest therefore
to be so mortified in all such affections of worldly men, that,
inasmuch as in thee is,
thou wouldst covet to be without all
man s comfort.
So much a man draweth nearer to God, as he can with
draw himself from the world and from all worldly comforts;
and so much higher he ascendeth to God, as he can descend
lower in himself, and can wax vile and abject in his own
He that ascribeth any goodness to himself, withstandeth
the grace of
God. and letteth it to live in him; for the Osrace
thee the sight of the Creator. Learn therefore to overcome
thyself for the love of Him that made thee like to Himself,
and thou shalt anon come to great ghostly knowledge. How
let fair
ing, taking little heed to the way of serving God. The time
will come when Christ, Lord of Angels, and Master of all
every man; all excuses and vain arguments shall cease and
be utterly set apart.
I am He also that suddenly illumine and lift up a meek
soul, so that it shall be made able in short time to take and
to receive the true reason of the Wisdom of God more per
high mysteries of My
Godhead. They profited more in for
saking all things than in studying high and subtle learning.
But to some men I
speak common things, to others special
shall cause thee an inward peace of soul. It is also more
profitable to thee that thou turn the eye of thy soul from
things that displease thee/ and to let every man hold the
opinion that to him seemeth best, rather than to strive again
with f reward words. And truly, if thou were well stabled in
LD, thought
I I should have found it? And how often
have I found it,
where I least presumed to have found it?
Thee, and that seeketh Thee with a clean heart, slideth not
so lightly from Thee. And if it happen him to fall into any
trouble or perplexity, what soever it be and how grievous
soever it be, he shall anon either be delivered by Thee, or
be comforted by Thee; for Thou never forsakest him that
trusteth in Thee. right hard to find so true and faithful
It is
a friend that will persevere with his friend in all his troubles;
but Thou, Lord, art most faithful in all
things, and like to
self what I shall shew thee. And when I keep it close and
desired, but anon betrayeth both himself and me, and goeth
his way. From such tales and from such unstable men Lord
defend me, that I net into their hands, or ever commit
any such thing! A true and a stable word. Lord, give unto
we hear or see, nor to open our heart fully but to very few;
people all that we may, and not to desire things that seem
outwardly to be pleasant and liking; but with all the study
of our heart to seek such things as bring fervour of spirit and
amendment of life. A virtue known and over-timely praised
hath been truly a great hurt to many persons; and contrari
wise, a grace kept in silence,
and not likely reported to
suffer sometimes a hasty word, sith thou art not yet able to
so nigh thy heart, but that thou art yet carnal, and heedest
to please men more than thou shouldst? And because thou
dreadest to be despised/ thou wilt not gladly be reproved for
thine offences, and therefore searchest busily and with great
thing more untruly spoken against him, he would not care
much Neither would he much joy though he were
for it.
Lord God/ most righteous judge/ strong and patient/
Who knowest the frailty and malice of man/ be Thou my
strength and whole comfort in all my necessities; for mine
own conscience sufh ceth me not/ sith Thou knowest in me
that I know not. Therefore in every reproof I ought always
to meeken myself/ and after Thy pleasure patiently to suffer
thou shalt shortly see an end of all thy troubles. An hour
shall come when all thy labours and troubles shall cease.
And truly that hour will shortly come, for all is short that
withMe had in this v/orld great battle, and now they joy with
Me and be comforted in Me, and be sure of abiding with Me
in the kingdom of My Father without ending. Amen.
its state into the contrary. Would to God that this day might
once appear and shine upon us, and that these temporal
things were at an end. This blessed day shineth to Saints in
heaven with everlasting brightness and clarity, but to us
pilgrims on earth it shineth not but afar off, as through a
The heavenly citizens know well how joyous this day is:
but we outlaws, the children of Eve, do weep and wail the
bitternessand tediousness of the day of this present life,
short and evil, full of sorrows and anguishes; where a man
is oftentimes defiled with sin, encumbered with passions,
contemplation of Thy glory?When wilt Thou be to me all
in the land
beginning? I am left here poor and as an outlaw
of mine enemies, where daily be battles and great misfortunes.
Comfort my exile, assuage my sorrow, for all my desire
I love. And that ofttimes cometh into my mind, that by
custom pleaseth me best, and that most desireth me to
think upon.
Wherefore Thou that art everlasting Truth sayest Where :
your treasure
is/ your heart be also. Wherefore, if
there will
I love
heaven, I speak gladly of heavenly things, and of such
things as be of God. If I love the world, I
joy anon at worldly
felicity, and sorrow anon at his adversity. If I love the flesh,
Iimagine ofttimes that which pleaseth the flesh. If I love
my soul, I delight much to speak and to hear of things that
be to my soul-health. And so whatsoever I
love, of them I
gladly hear and speak, and bear the images of them oft
in my mind. Blessed is that man that for
Thee, Lord, O
forgetteth all creatures and learneth truly to overcome him
self, and with fervour of spirit crucifieth his flesh; so that in
a clean and pure conscience he may offer his prayers to
Thee, and (all earthly things excluded from him and fully
set apart) he may be worthy to have the company of Blessed
Angels. Amen.
grace and of a lovely beholding of God upon thee; that thou
shouldst profit thereby in meekness and virtue, and shouldst
burn, but the flame doth not ascend without smoke. So like
wise the desire of some men draweth to heavenly things, and
yet they are not all free from the smoke of carnal affections.
will. Itbehoveth thee to be clothed with the new man, and
to be changed into another man. Ofttimes thou must do that
thou wouldst not do, and that thou wouldst do, thou must
forsake and leave undone. That shall please others shall go
well forward, and that shall please thee shall have no speed.
That other men say shallbe well heard, and that thou shalt
say shall be set at nought. Others shall ask and have their
asking, thou shalt ask and be denied.
Others be great and have the laud and praise of the
how they can deny themselves, and how they can in all
things break their own wills. There is nothing wherein thou
shalt need so much to overcome thyself, as to learn to be
contented not to be set any price by in the world, and to
suffer such things as be most contrary to thy will, especially
little will that thou forsakest here, thou shalt always have
thy heaven, where thou shalt have all that thou canst
will in
there present, and powers of thy soul.
shall fulfil all the
There shall I yield glory for reproofs; and a pall of laud for
a seat in
thy heaviness of soul; and for the lowest place here
heaven for ever. There shall appear the fruit of obedience;
the labour of penance shall joy; and humble subjection shall
be crowned gloriously.
Bow thee therefore meekly now under every man s hand,
and force little who saith this, or who commandeth this to
be done. But with thy study take heed that whether thy
take always to the best, and with a glad will study to fulfil
it. Let this man seek this thing, and another that; let this
man joy in this thing and another in that,
and let them be
lauded and praised a thousand times; but joy thou neither
in this thing nor in that, but only in thine own despising, and
50. HOW
Wherefore, Lord, I desire that I may have of Thee the
joy of inward peace, and I ask for the repose of Thy chosen
children, that be fed and nourished of Thee in the light of
hour come that Thou hast known from the beginning, that
Thy servant for a time should outwardly be set at nought,
but live to Thee inwardly; that he should be for a little
despised in the sight of the world, and be broken with pas
sions and sickness, that he might after rise with Thee into
a new light, and be clarified, and made glorious in the king
dom of heaven.
O Holy Thou hast ordained it so to be, and it is
done as Thou hast commanded this is Thy grace to Thy
cour to Thee rather than to man. I have thereby learned to
dread Thy secret and terrible judgments. Who scourgest the
righteous man with the sinner, but not without equity and
I yield thanks to Thee, that Thou hast not spared my
sins, but hast punished me with scourges of love, and has
sent me sorrows and anguishes within and without; so that
there no creature under heaven that may comfort me, but
judgment to discern things visible
and invisible, and above
all things always to search and follow Thy will and pleasure.
thou be visited by Me again, and be delivered from all tedi-
ousness and unquietness of mind. When I come I shall make
thee forget all thy former labours, and have inward rest and
quietness of soul. I shall also lay before thee the flourishing
I know not that Ihave done anything well as I should have
done, but that I have been prone and ready to sin and slow
to amendment. This is true and I cannot deny it; for if I
and the shadow of death. And what dost Thou, Lord, ask
most of such a wretched sinner, but that he be contrite and
meeken himself for his sin; for in true contrition and meek
ness of heart found the very hope of forgiveness of sin,
heavenly love.
A meek contrition of heart is to Thee, Lord, a right ac
My service before all other things, for thou mayest not have
mind on Me
and therewithal delight thee in transitory
to withdraw thee from
pleasures. It behoveth thee therefore
thy dearest friends and from all thine acquaintance, and
to sequester thy mind wholly from the inordinate desire of
strangers and pilgrims upon earth, for then they would set
out of this world, to feel in his soul that no worldly love, nor
yet the affection of any passing or transitory thing, hath
any rule in him. But a weak person, newly turned to God,
may not so lightly have his heart severed from earthly liking,
nor knoweth the carnal man the freedom of one that is
inwardly turned to God. Therefore if a man will truly be
ghostly, he must renounce strangers as well as kinsfolk; and
before all other he must be wary of himself, for if he over
come himself perfectly, he shall the sooner overcome all
other enemies. The most noble and the most perfect victory
is for a man to have the victory of himself.
He therefore that holdeth himself so much subject, that
the sensuality obeyeth to reason, and reason in all things
Butthou covet to come to that point, thou must begin
manfully and set thy axe to the root of the tree, and fully cut
away and destroy in thee all the inordinate inclination that
world and to the flesh. She resisteth sensuality, seeketh to
word; for she hath laid her treasure in God, and in ghostly
things which may not perish.
Nature is covetous and more gladly taketh than giveth,
loveth much to have property and private things. But grace
pitiful and liberal to the poor, flieth private
profit, is con
tent with little, and judgeth it more blessed to give than to
Nature inclineth to the love of creatures, to the love of
and to runnings about to see new things
the flesh/ to vanities,
in the world. But grace draweth a man to the love of God
and of virtue, renounceth all creatures, flieth the world,
hateth the desires of the flesh, restraineth the liberty of
thing that she would have, or for a little worldly heaviness.
But grace beareth gladly all neediness of this world.
Nature inclineth all things to herself, argueth for herself,
striveth and fighteth for herself. But grace rendereth all
of sin, and that no new thing may long endure upon earth.
She teacheth also to restrain the outward wits, and to eschew
all vain pleasure and outward
show, and meekly to keep those
things secret v/hich in the world were greatly to be marvelled
and praised.
In everything and in every science she seeketh some
spiritual profit for herself, and laud and honour to Almighty
God. She will not that her good deeds nor her inward devo
tion be outwardly known, but most desireth that in all His
works our Lord be blessed, Who of His high excellent
freely giveth all things.
This grace is a light supernatural, and a spiritual gift of
God, and it is the proper mark and token of the elect people,
and the earnest-penny of the ever-lasting life; for it ravish-
eth a man from love of earthly things to the love of heavenly
things, and of a maketh a heavenly person. And
fleshly liver
the more that nature is oppressed and
overcome, the more
is grace given, and the soul through new gracious visitations
is daily reformed more and more to the image of God.
good and evil, and to shew the diversity betwixt true and
false. Howbeit that through weakness it is not of itself able
to fulfil all that it approveth; nor sith the first sin of Adam
hath it the full light of truth/ or the sweetness of affections
to God/ as it had first.
Of this it
cometh/ most merciful Lord, that in my inward
man/ that is in the reason of my soul, I delight in Thy laws
and in Thy teachings, knowing that they are good and right
eous and holy; and also that all sin is evil and to be eschewed.
Yet in my outward man, that is to say in my flesh, I serve the
law of sin, when I obey sensuality rather than reason. Of
this it followeth that I will good, but to perform it without
Lord how necessary therefore is Thy grace to me, to
out the truth no man may know, and without life no man
truly only the servants of the cross shall find the Life of
blessedness and of everlasting light.
O Lord Jesu forasmuch
Thy Way is narrow and is as
my Father, and
him, and will manifest myself to
I will love
help, Who is our guide and leader. Lo, our King goeth be
fore us, that will fight for us! Follow we Him manfully,
dread we no perils, but be we ready to die strongly in battle;
that so we put no blot upon our glory, nor minish our reward
by flying cowardly away from the cross.
Y SON, patience and meekness in adversity please Me
more than much consolation and devotion in pros
perity. Why art thou so heavy for a little word said
or done against thee? If it had been more/ thou shouldst not
have been moved therewith. But let it now overpass; it is
thee; and thou canst well give counsel, and well canst thou
comfort and strengthen others with thy words. But when
adversity knocketh at thy door, thou failest anon both of
counsel and strength. Behold well therefore thy great frailty,
of which thou hast daily experience in little objects. Never
theless it is for thy ghostly health that such and other like
thou art flesh, and no Angel. How mayest thou be in one
state of virtue, when that was wanting to Angels in heaven,
and to the first man stood not long? I am
in paradise, who
He that raise up them that be sorrowful to health and to
comfort, and those that know their own unstableness I lift
them up to be stabled in the sight of My Godhead for ever.
Lord, how sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea,
sweeter than honey to my mouth! What should I do in all
Beware also that thou search not, nor reason of the merits
of the Saints,which of them was holier than the other, or
which of them is higher in heaven. Such questions ofttimes
nourish great strifes and unprofitable reasonings, and pro
ceed of pride and vain-glory; hence envy and dissensions
and that with much greater affection, but truly that affection
is ofttimes rather a manly than a godly affection. Am I not
He that have made all Saints? Yes, truly. And over that I
have given them grace, and have given them glory. I know
before. Therefore
nated, without any merits of theirs going
he that despiseth the least of My
Saints, doth no honour to
the greatest; for I have made both the less and the greater.
And he that dispraiseth any of My Saints, he dispraiseth
own above themselves, and are
merits, for they are rapt
drawn from their own love, and are wholly turned into My
love,in the which they rest by eternal fruition. There is
to pray to Saints and to call to them for help, than vainly to
search for their perfection.
They are very well contented with the joy that they have,
if men would refrain themselves from such vain arguments.
They glorify not themselves of their merits, nor do they
ascribe any goodness to themselves; for they know well that
I of My infinite goodness and charity have given all unto
they are so much filled with love of the Godhead
and with overpassing joy, that no glory may want in them
nor any felicity. And the higher that they be in heaven, the
meeker be they in themselves, and the more nigh and the
more loving to Me. Therefore it is written in the Apocalypse
that Saints in heaven laid their crowns before God, and fell
Woe also be unto the proud rich men that have their
consolation here; for when the good poor man shall enter
into the kingdom of God, they shall stand weeping and
wailing without.
Joy ye then, ye that be meek and poor in spirit, for yours
is the kingdom of heaven; so that ye walk and hold your
Man seeketh that is his; but Thou seekest my health and
profit, and turnest all things unto the best for me; for if
they may be the better sown and planted in mine heart. Thy
words of so great piety, full of sweetness and love, greatly
excite me. But, Lord, my sins fear me greatly, and my con
science, not being pure enough to receive so great a mystery,
draweth me sore aback. The sweetness of Thy words pro-
voketh me, but the multitude of mine offences charge me
very sore.
Thou commandest come unto Thee faithfully, if
that I
I would have
part with Thee; and receive the nourishing of
immortality, if I covet to obtain the glory and life eternal.
Thou sayest, Lord: Come unto me, all ye that labour and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. O how sweet and
how amiable a word is it in the ear of a sinner, that
Lord God, shouldst bid me, that am so poor and needy, to
the Communion of Thy most holy Body! But what am
believe it to be true? And but Thou hast commanded it,
Moses, Thy servant, and great familiar, and special
law. And I,
a corrupt creature, how shall I dare so lightly to
receive Thee, that art the Maker of the law, and Giver of
grace and life unto all creatures?
Thy Name, and for eight days hallowed the Feast of the
Dedication of the same; he offered a thousand peace-offer
figures of the New Law, and the true Host of Thy precious
Body, which the accomplishment of all the old sacrifices.
the Patriarchs and Prophets, Kings and Princes, with all the
in time passed?
The most devout and blessed King David went before
the ark of God and honoured it with all his strength, al
lasting health is had plenteously, as oft as Thou art worthily
and devoutly received. But that shall be done fruitfully,
lously doest Thou with us, how sweetly and how graciously
disposest Thou all things to Thy chosen people, to whom
Thou offerest Thyself to be taken in this glorious Sacrament.
Certainly it surmounteth all
understanding, and it draweth
the hearts and kindleth the affections of all devout men.
Thy true faithful people, that dispose all their life to amend
ment, receive ofttimes through this glorious Sacrament great
grace of devotion,and great love of virtue.
O marvellous and secretly hidden grace of this Sacra
ment, which only the faithful people of Christ do know; for
infidels and they that live in sin may have no manner of
mind, but also the feeble body, recover their former strength.
But verily it is greatly to be sorrowed, that we be slow
and negligent, and that we are not stirred with greater affec
tion to receive Christ; in Whom standeth all merit and hope
of them that shall be saved. He is our health and our redemp
tion; He is the comforter of all that live in this world, and
the eternal rest of all Saints in heaven. This also is greatly
to be sorrowed, that so many take so little heed of this high
mystery, which gladdeth heaven and preserveth the world.
Alas, the blindness and hardness of man s heart, that taketh
not greater heed of so noble a gift, but by the daily using
thereof is negligent and taketh little heed thereto.
If this most blessed Sacrament were ministered only in
with how great desire, thinkest thou, the people would run
to that place, to that priest, that they might see there these
man may appear so much the greater, the more the holy
Communion is spread abroad throughout the world.
Thankings be to Thee, therefore, my Lord Jesu, that
Thou dost vouchsafe to refresh us poor outlaws with Thy
Precious Blood, and to stir us with the words of Thine own
mouth to receive this holy mystery, saying: Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you
it should thus be done, Thy goodness therein also pleaseth
me; and would to God that mine iniquities resisted me not.
O my Lord Jesu! how great reverence and thankings,
with perpetual praisings of Thy Name, ought to be given
Thee for the receiving of Thy holy Body, Whose dignity no
man is able to express. But what shall I think on in this Com
munion, and in going to my Lord God, Whom I cannot
worship as I ought to do, and yet desire to receive devoutly?
What may I think on better or more healthful to
me, than
wholly to meek myself before Thee, exalting Thy infinite
goodness far above me? I laud Thee, my Lord God, and
shall exalt Thee everlastingly. I
despise myself and sub
mit me to Thee, and sorrow greatly the deepness of mine
Thou art the Saint of Saints, and I am the filth of all
him that taketh Thee; and that Thou, that art Lord of all
ORD, I come to Thee, that itmay be well with me through
Thy gift, and that I may joy at the holy feast that
I ,, Thou of Thy great goodness hast made ready for r.c.
In Thee is all that I may or should desire, for Thou art
my my redemption, my hope and my strength,
health and
My soul coveteth to receive Thy body, my heart desireth
to be united with Thee.
Betake Thyself to me. Lord, and it sufficeth; for without
Thee there is no comfort. Without Thee I may not be; and
without Thy visitation I may not live. And therefore it be-
hoveth me ofttimes to go to
Thee, and for my health to
receive Thee/ lest haply, if I be defrauded from that heavenly
sary to me, that so oft do offend, so soon wax dull and slow,
that by oft-prayers and confessions I may renew myself,
and kindle myself to quickness and fervour of spirit, lest,
man may fall anon to worse and worse. This Holy Com
munion therefore draweth a man from evil, and comforteth
him in goodness. If now I be ofttimes so negligent and sloth
ful when I am commanded, what would I
be, if I received
not that blessed medicine, and sought not for that great
body, he oft remember his Lord God, and receive Him that
is only beloved above all things.
for it is Thy operation and not the power of man, Thy holy
institution and not man s invention. Therefore to take and
passions; and there is none that may help or that may deliver
me, nor that may make me safe, but Thou, Lord God, my
only Saviour, to Whom I commit myself and all mine, that
Thou keep me and lead me into life everlasting. Accept me,
and take me into the laud and glory of Thy Name, that hast
ordained to me Thy Body and Blood to be my meat and
drink. Grant me, Lord,
beseech Thee, that by the oft
the Sacrament of Christ, and take for his meat the Bread of
Angels. It is a great mystery; and great the dignity of priests /
and that thou keep thyself without reproof. Thou hast not
made thy burden more light, but thou art now bound in a
straiter bond of discipline, and of much higher perfection
than thou wert before.
A priest ought to be adorned with all virtues, and to give
others example of good life. His conversation should not
be with the people, nor in the common way of the
world, but with Angels in heaven, or with perfect men in
earth that be best disposed to serve God.
A priest clothed in holy vestments beareth the place of
Christ, that he may humbly and meekly pray to our Lord
for himself and for all the people. He hath before him and
behind him the sign of the cross of Christ, that he may
diligently remember His Passion. He beareth before
the cross that he may behold the steps of Christ,
and study fervently to follow them. Behind him also he is
signed with the cross, that he may gladly and meekly surfer
all adversities for the love of God. He beareth the cross be
fore him that he may bewail his own sins; and he beareth
it behind him, that he may through compassion beweep the
sins of other, and know himself to be set as a mean between
God and the whole people; and therefore not to cease of
conscience, and by true contrition and meek confession make
itclean after thy power, so that thou know nothing that
or that may let thee to go
grieveth or biteth thy conscience,
freely unto it. Have displeasure of all thy sins
in general,
and for thy daily excesses and offences have sighings and
sorrowings more special. And if the time will suffer it, con
fess unto God in secret of thine heart the miseries of all thy
Weep and sorrow that thou art yet so carnal and worldly,
so unmortified from thy passions, so full of motions of con
cupiscence, so unwary, and so evil
ordered in thy outward
to better. Then, with a full resigning and a whole will, offer
thyself unto the honour of My Name on the altar of thy
Lo, I Myself wholly to My Father for thee, and
gave My Body and Blood to thy meat, that I might be
wholly thine and thou Mine. But if thou have a trust in
thyself, and dost not freely offer thyself to My Will, thy
oblation is not pleasant, and there shall be between us no
not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Offer thyself therefore fully to Me with all thine affection
and love. Amen.
sins, and continually ask mercy of Thee? Forgive me, merci
ful Lord, beseech Thee; for all my sins displease me much,
and I will never commit them again, but sorrow for them,
have mercy on all them that ask Thee mercy, and give grace
to them that have need; make us to stand in such case that
or grief thou leave this holy work, but go quickly and be
What profiteth it
long to tarry from confession, or to
defer this Holy Communion? Purge thee first from sin,
quickly cast out thy venom, haste thee after to take the
medicine, and thou shalt feel more profit thereby than if
thou tarriedst longer for it. If thou defer it to-day for this
thing or that, to-morrow may happen to come a greater,- and
so thou mayest long be let from thy good purpose, and be
made afterwards more unapt Therefore, as soon as
for it.
But when he is lawfully always have a good
let, he will
private pleasure.
to eat but Thou, his only beloved, that art most desirable to
him above all the desires of his heart. And verily it would be
sweet and pleasant to me by an inward and meek affection
toweep before Thee, and with the blessed woman Mary
Magdalene to wash Thy feet with the tears of mine eyes.
But where is that devotion? Where is that plenteous shed
Angels ; for I have Thee verily present with me/ though Thou
may comfort me, nor any creature quiet me, but Thou, my
Lord God, Whom I desire to see and behold eternally. But
that is not possible for me to do, as long as I shall be in this
I desire. For Thy holy Saints, that now joy with Thee, abode
in good and patience, whiles they lived here/ the com
faith, and leading him into the inward secrecies, that are
called Sancta Sanctorum, where the inward secrets of Scrip
ture be hid and contained.
I yield thankings to Thee, my Lord Jesu, the brightness
of eternal light, for this table of holy doctrine, which Thou
hast ministered to usby Thy servants, Prophets, Apostles,
and other Doctors. Thankings also be to Thee, the Creator
and Redeemer of mankind, Who to shew unto all the world
Thy charity hast prepared a great supper, in
the greatness of
which Thou settest not forth the Lamb figured in the Old
Law, but Thy most holy Body and Blood to be eaten; glad-
ding in that holy feast all faithful people, and giving them to
drink of Thy chalice of health, in which are contained all
the delights of paradise, where Angels eat with us, but with
much more plenteous sweetness.
O how great and honourable is the office of priests, to
whom given power
is to consecrate with the holy words of
consecration the Lord of all
Majesty, to bless Him with
their lips, to hold Him in their hands, to receive Him into
theirmouths, and to minister Him to others! how clean O
should be the hands, how pure the mouth, how holy the
thine heart and I with My disciples will keep Mine Easter
with thee. If thou wilt that I come to thee and dwell with
thee, cleanse thee of all the old filth of sin/ and cleanse also
Exclude the world and all the clamorous noise of sin; sit
necessity for that thou art bound to it, but with dread, and
before. Thou
comest to be sanctified, and to be united unto
Me; that thou mayest receive new grace, and be kindled
anew to amendment. Do not forget this grace, but always
with thy diligence prepare thine heart, and bring thy
nor any creature move me, nor draw me back, but that Thou
alone speak to me and I to Thee, as a lover is wont to speak
to his beloved, and a friend with his beloved friend? This it
is that I
pray for, this it is that I
desire, that I may be wholly
united to Thee, and thatI
may withdraw my heart from all
things create, and through the Holy Communion and oft
saying Mass to savour and taste eternal things. Ah! Lord
God, when shall I be united to Thee, and wholly be molten
into Thy love, so that I wholly forget myself? Be Thou in
Thy counsel is not with wicked people, but with meek men
and the simple in heart. O how secret and how benign Thy
fresh them with the most sweet bread that descendeth from
heaven Verily there is none other nation so great, that hath
their gods so nigh unto them as Thou, Lord God, art to all
feedeth her with His own glorious Flesh and Blood? O ines
timable grace! O marvellous worthiness! O Love without
measure, singularly shewed unto man But what shall
! I yield
again to God for all this grace and high charity? Truly, there
is nothing more acceptable to Him than that I wholly give
mine heart and inwardly join myself unto Him. Then shall
all my inward parts joy in Him, when my soul is perfectly
abide with Thee, for this is all my desire, that mine heart
HOW great thy goodness, which thou hast laid up
for them that fear thee. But what is it, then, for them
that love Thee? Verily, when I remember many de
vout persons that have come to thisholy Sacrament with so
great fervour of devotion, I am then many times astonished
and confounded in myself, that I
go unto Thy altar and to
hunger, unless they took Thy holy Body as they did, with
great joy and spiritual gladness.
Thy mercy. strong enough to grant me this grace
Lord, is
work with it, and wholly to commit to God the time and
manner of His heavenly visitation, till His pleasure shall be
to come unto thee. Thou
oughtest principally to meek thy
self when thou feelest but little inward devotion. But be not
therefore overmuch cast down, nor inordinately heavy in
overcome it,
that shall be granted unto thee which thou
so shall a man be blessed that seeketh God with all his heart.
Such a man, in receiving this Holy Sacrament, deserveth the
great grace of the uniting in God, for he looketh not to his
and Imake my prayer to Thee for comfort. I speak to Him
that knoweth all things, to Whom all my secret and inward
thoughts be manifest and open, and Who alone may per
fectly counsel me and help me. Thou knowest what I need
to have, and how poor I am in virtue.
Lo ! I stand before Thee poor and naked, asking and desir
patience, and all created things into despising and into for
getting of them. Lift up my heart to Thee in heaven, and
suffer me
not to live vainly, nor to err in this world. Thou,
The in their
Lord, as many Saints and devout persons have desired
Communion, who most specially pleased Thee
in the holiness of their life, and were most burning devo
flaming desires that they had. And besides that, all that a
meek mind may imagine and desire, I give and offer to Thee
with high reverence and worship, and with inward fervour.
I desire to reserve nothing to myself, but I offer myself and
done or to be done by any creature in heaven or on earth,
for myself and for all that be committed to my prayer; that
Thou mayest be worthily lauded and glorified for ever.
Accept, O
Lord God, my mind and my desires of the
manifold lauds and blessings which, after the multitude of
Thy Thee due, more than can be
greatness, are of right to
spoken. All these I yield to Thee every day and every mo
ment; and with all my desire and affection I meekly exhort
and pray all heavenly spirits and faithful people with me to
yield thankings and lauds to Thee.
I beseech Thee that all people, tribes, and tongues may
magnify Thy holy and most sweet Name with great joy
and burning devotion; and that all they who reverentlly
and devoutly minister this most high Sacrament, or with
full faith receive it, may thereby deserve to find before Thee
Thy grace and mercy. And when they have obtained the
devotion and spiritual union with Thee that they desired,
and shall have departed from Thy heavenly table well
comforted and marvellously refreshed, that they will have
me, poor sinner, in their remembrance. Amen.
commandments of God. Many have lost their devotion
because they would search higher things than appertained
to them. Faith and a good life are asked of thee, and not the
highness of understanding, nor the deepness of the mysteries
of God. Ifmay not understand nor take such things
as be beneath thee, how mayest thou then comprehend those
mount in this most holy and most excellent Sacrament, and
in secret manner work high above all reason.
The eternal God and the Lord of infinite power doth