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8 Kircher 2015 PDF
8 Kircher 2015 PDF
2015 COSMOS Annual Seminar
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Current Generation
Ground Attenuation
Motion Design Models
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Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
11/13/2015 2015 COSMOS Annual Meetig 2
Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
11/13/2015 2015 COSMOS Annual Meetig 3
Cs = SDS/(R/Ie) Cs = SD1/T(R/Ie)
T Ts Ts < T TL
Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
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Changes to the Site-Specific Procedures of Section 21.4
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Illustration of the New Criteria of Section 21.4
Site Class DE, M8 at R = 8.5 km (PEER NGA-West1 Relations)
MCEr - BC (Vs,30 = 2,500 fps)
ELF Design Spectrum
1.8 MCEr - DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
Cs x (R/Ie) = min[SDS, SD1/T]
Design DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
ELF DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
Spectral Acceleration (g)
SD1 = max(T x Sa[1s l T 5s])
SDS = Max(0.9 x Sa[T 0.2s])
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
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New Requirements for Site-Specific Analysis - Section 11.4.7
ASCE 7-10
0.140 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
ASCE 7-16 w/008
0.100 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/SSAF
0.080 Design Value at T
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Design Example 4-Story Steel Special Moment Frame Building
Site Class D
ASCE 7-10
Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
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Design Example 4-Story Steel Special Moment Frame Building
Site Class E
ASCE 7-10
0.140 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
ASCE 7-16 w/008
0.100 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/SSAF
0.080 Design Value at T
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Design Example 20-Story Steel Special Moment Frame Building
Site Class C
ASCE 7-10
0.140 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
ASCE 7-16 w/008
0.100 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/SSAF
0.080 Design Value at T
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Design Example 20-Story Steel Special Moment Frame Building
Site Class D
ASCE 7-10
Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
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Design Example 20-Story Steel Special Moment Frame Building
Ss = 1.5, S1 = 0.6, Site Class E, TL = 12s SDC D
Site-Specific Analysis ASCE 7-10
0.140 Required (Ta > Ts) Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/NSC
Design Value at T
Design Coefficient, Cs (g)
ASCE 7-16 w/008
0.100 Design Value at T
ASCE 7-16 w/SSAF
0.080 Design Value at T
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Root Cause of the Problem
Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
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Example ELF Design Spectrum based on ASCE 7-16 Seismic Criteria
M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 6.5 km, Site Class C
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class BC
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class C
2.2 Design Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class C
ELF Design Spectrum (Cs x R/Ie) - Current ASCE 7-16 Criteria
Response Spectral Accelertation (g)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
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Example ELF Design Spectrum based on ASCE 7-16 Seismic Criteria
M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 6.5 km, Site Class D
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class BC
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class D
2.2 Design Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class D
ELF Design Spectrum (Cs x R/Ie) - Current ASCE 7-16 Criteria
Response Spectral Accelertation (g)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
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Example ELF Design Spectrum based on ASCE 7-16 Seismic Criteria
M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 6.5 km, Site Class E
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class BC
MCEr Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class E
2.2 Design Multi-Period Response Spectrum - Site Class E
ELF Design Spectrum (Cs x R/Ie) - Current ASCE 7-16 Criteria
Response Spectral Accelertation (g)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
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Long-Term Solution (ASCE 7-22 ?)
Two Options:
Re-formulate seismic parameters to eliminate potential non-
conservatism in ELF (and MRSA) seismic forces
Require site-specific analysis when ELF (and MRSA) seismic
forces could be potentially non-conservative
Perform a study to develop the technical approach and basis for
proposing changes to current seismic criteria
Develop new values of re-formulated parameters (Option 1)
Develop criteria for requiring site-specific analysis (Option 2)
Develop conservative values of current seismic
parameters for design using ELF (and MRSA) methods in
lieu of site-specific analysis
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Tentative Re-Formulation of Seismic Parameters
Add two new spectrum shape adjustment factors, Ca and Cv, to
Eqs. 11.4-1 and 11.4-2 of Section 11.4.3 which would define values
of SMS and SM1, as follows:
SMS = CaFaSS (11.4-1)
SM1 = CvFvS1 (11.4-2)
Use the new values of seismic coefficients Fa and Fv
Calculate values of spectrum shape adjustment factors Ca and Cv:
Ca = CFa /F0.2 (e.g., F0.2 = Fa)
Cv = CFv /F1.0 (e.g., F1.0 = Fv)
Derive values of the parameters CFa and CFv from representative
target MCER spectra using the new criteria of Section 21.4:
CFa = 0.9 max{SaM[T 0.2s]}/Ss
CFv = 1.0 max{T x SaM[5s T 1s]}/S1
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Example Derivation of Parameters, CFa and CFv using the New Criteria of Section
21.4 - Site Class DE, M8 at R = 8.5 km (NGA-West1 Relations)
MCEr - BC (Vs,30 = 2,500 fps)
ELF Design Spectrum
1.8 MCEr - DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
Cs x (R/Ie) = min[SDS, SD1/T]
Design DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
ELF DE (Vs,30 = 600 fps)
1.4 Derived
Spectral Acceleration (g)
CFa = 0.78
1.2 CFv = 3.81
Ts = 2.25s
SD1 = max(T x Sa[1s l T 5s])
SDS = Max(0.9 x Sa[T 0.2s])
Derivation of Parameters CFa and CFv
0.2 CFa = SDS/(2/3 x Ss) = 0.9 x 0.87g)/(2/3 x 1.56g)
CFv = SD1/(2/3 x S1) = 4s x 0.47g/s/(2/3 x 0.69g)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
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Example Plots of Parameters CFa and CFv Derived from Deterministic
M6.0 and M8.0 MCER Response Spectra
2.0 2.0
Site Class A (vs,30 = 5,315 fps) Site Class A (vs,30 = 5,315 fps)
1.9 1.9
1.8 CFa - M6.0 Site Class AB (vs,30 = 5,000 fps)
Site Class B (vs,30 = 3,000 fps) 1.8 CFa M8.0 Site Class AB (vs,30 = 5,000 fps)
Site Class B (vs,30 = 3,000 fps)
1.7 Site Class BC (vs,30 = 2,500 fps) 1.7 Site Class BC (vs,30 = 2,500 fps)
Site Class C (vs,30 = 1,600 fps) Site Class C (vs,30 = 1,600 fps)
1.6 Site Class CD (vs,30 = 1,200 fps) 1.6 Site Class CD (vs,30 = 1,200 fps)
1.5 Site Class D (vs,30 = 870 fps) 1.5 Site Class D (vs,30 = 870 fps)
Site Class DE (vs,30 = 600 fps) Site Class DE (vs,30 = 600 fps)
1.4 Site Class E (vs,30 = 510 fps)
1.4 Site Class E (vs,30 = 510 fps)
Derived Factor, CFa
6.0 6.0
Site Class A (vs,30 = 5,310 fps) Site Class A (vs,30 = 5,310 fps)
CFv M6.0 Site Class AB (vs,30 = 5,0000 fps)
Site Class B (vs,30 = 3,000 fps)
CFv M8.0 Site Class AB (vs,30 = 5,0000 fps)
Site Class B (vs,30 = 3,000 fps)
5.0 Site Class BC (vs,30 = 2,500 fps) 5.0 Site Class BC (vs,30 = 2,500 fps)
Site Class C (vs,30 = 1,600 fps) Site Class C (vs,30 = 1,600 fps)
4.5 4.5
Site Class CD (vs,30 = 1,200 fps) Site Class CD (vs,30 = 1,200 fps)
Site Class D (vs,30 = 870 fps) Site Class D (vs,30 = 870 fps)
4.0 4.0
Site Class DE (vs,30 = 600 fps) Site Class DE (vs,30 = 600 fps)
3.5 Site Class E (vs,30 = 155 fps) 3.5 Site Class E (vs,30 = 155 fps)
Derived Factor, CFv
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of0.0ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
1-Second Spectral Acceleration Parameter, S1 (g) 2015 COSMOS Annual Meetig1-Second Spectral Acceleration Parameter, S1 (g) 23
Site-Specific Values Earthquake Magnitude - Map of TL Regions
(Figure 22-12, ASCE 7-10 based on Figure 1 and Table 1, Crouse et al., 2006)
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Example Values of Short-Period Spectrum Shape Adjustment Factor Ca
(from Table 11.4-3 of Proposal BSSC PUC IT11-006)
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Example Values of Short-Period Spectrum Shape Adjustment Factor Cv
(from Table 11.4-4 of Proposal BSSC PUC IT11-006)
Table 11.4-4 Long-Period Spectrum Shape Adjustment Factor, Cv, for sites with
TL greater than or equal to 12 s
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Kircher Presentation The New Requirements of ASCE 7-16 for Site-Specific Ground Motions
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Example Calculation of Site Amplification Curve Site Class D
SaM(vs,30 = 870 fps) SaM(vs,30 = 1,200 fps)
Site Class BC (M7.75, Rx = 9.05 km)
Response Spectral Acceleration (g) or Site Amplification 3.5 Site Class D (M7.75, Rx = 9.05 km)
Site Class D Amplification - Ss = 1.5g, S1 = 0.6g
F1.0 = 2.4
MCER Spectrum
Site Class D
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Comparison of Site Amplification Curves Derived from PEER NGA-West 1 GMPEs and
ASCE 7-16 Site Coefficients Site Class D (Default Values of Basin Depth Parameters)
Site Factor - Site Class D
Ss = 0.25g, S1 = 0.1g
Ss = 0.5g, S1 = 0.2g
1.0 Ss = 0.75g, S1 = 0.3g
Ss = 1.0g. S1 = 0.4g
Ss = 1.25g, S1 = 0.5g
0.5 Ss = 1.5g, S1 - 0.6g
Fa - ASCE 7-16
Fv - ASCE 7-16
0.1 1
Response Period (seconds)
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Comparison of Site Amplification Curves Derived from PEER NGA-West 2 GMPEs and
ASCE 7-16 Site Coefficients Site Class D (Default Values of Basin Depth Parameters)
Site Factor - Site Class D
Ss = 0.25g/S1 = 0.1g
Ss = 0.5g/S1 = 0.2g
Ss = 0.75g/S1 = 0.3g
Ss = 1.0g/S1 = 0.4g
Ss = 1.25g/S1 = 0.5g
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Example Basin Depth Effects
(curves of the ratio of site amplification with and without default basin depth)
Inferred Basin Effects - Site Class B
Ratio of Site Amplification w and w/o Basin Effects Inferred Basin Effects - Site Class C
Inferred Basin Effects - Site Class D
Inferred Basin Effects - Site Class E
0.1 1 10
Response Period (seconds)
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Example Comparison of Deterministic MCER Ground Motions
NGA West1 and NGA West2 GMPEs (M7.0 at Rx = 6 km, Site Class boundaries)
West2 is 27% greater West1 - vs,30 = 5,000 fps
2.2 than West1 at 0.3s West2 is 45% greater West1 - vs,30 = 2,500 fps
(vs,30 = 1,200 fps) than West1 at 0.5s West1 - vs,30 = 1,200 fps
(vs,30 = 600 fps) West1 - vs,30 = 600 fps
1.8 West2 - vs,30 = 5,000 fps
West2 - vs,30 = 2,500 fps
West2 - vs,30 = 1,200 fps
Spectral Acceleration (g)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
PEER NGA GMPE spreadsheet calculations: West1 based on Al Atik, 2009, West2 based on Seyhan, 2014)
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Sacramento Bee Article June 24, 2007
New data shake quake strategy Analysis of foreign
disasters may allow state to ease strict building codes
Deierlein, deputy director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center
at UC Berkeley, is among dozens of consultants, professors and
government scientists who toiled to understand implications of data from
Taiwan, Turkey and other recent deadly quakes.
The result was a set of five attenuation equations that can be used to
predict how much a given quake, in a given spot, will make different types
of ground shudder miles away.
For much of California, that means 10 percent to 35 percent less shaking,
said Youssef Bozorgnia, associate director of the quake research center
at Berkeley.
We are so proud of these equations, Bozorgnia said, because they could
reduce construction costs by hundreds of millions of dollars in much of
coastal California, where new or retrofitted buildings would not need to be
as robust.
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PEER NGA Earthquake Databases and GMPEs
(Bozorgnia et al., Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 30, Bo. 3, August 2014. EERI)
NGA-West1 Database 3,550 Records NGA-West2 Database 21,332 Records
(West1 GMPEs used for ASCE 7-10 maps) (West2 GMPEs used for ASCE 7-16 maps)
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Example Comparison of Ground Motion Variability
NGA West1 and NGA West2 GMPEs (M7.0, Rx = 6 km, Site Class D)
Log Standard Deviation
West2 GMPEs (Average of ASK14, BSSA14, CB14, CY14)
West1 GMPEs (Average of BA08, CB08, CY08)
0.1 1.0 10.0
Period (seconds)
PEER NGA GMPE spreadsheet calculations: West1 based on Al Atik, 2009, West2 based on Seyhan, 2014)
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Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic CFs
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Average Values of the Parameter CFv Derived from Probabilistic MCER Spectra by Site
Class and MCER Spectral Acceleration (S1) - TL = 8s and TL = 12s Regions
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Values of the Parameter CFv Derived from Deterministic MCER Spectra by Site
Class and MCER Spectral Acceleration (S1) - TL = 8s and TL = 12s Regions
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Plots of the average value of the probabilistic CF parameter as a function of the value of
the deterministic CF parameter of the same site class and MCER ground motion intensity
CFa (TL = 12s, M7.5-M8.0) - COR = 96.6%
3.5 CFv (TL = 8s, M7.0-M7.5) - COR = 98.7%
CFv (TL = 12s, M7.5-M8.0) - COR = 99.0%
Deterministic Value of CFa or CFv
Outlier (?)
Five sites in Blythe CA
1.5 S1 = 0.2g, Site Class D
TL = 8s (TL = 12s?)
1.0 Site hazard governed
by M7.5 M8.0 events
on Southern Mojave
0.5 segments of the SAF
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Probabilistic Value of CFa or CFv
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