McGraw-Edison Styleking Series Brochure 1985

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McGraw-Edison Styleki ng

McGraw-Edison Styleki ng
Styleking is a unique luminaire design, POWER MOD Ballast Assembly-shall
providing an accenting shape to all archi- be of a modular design and shall contain
tectural styles. lts clean, contemporaryform all electrical components including the
allows it to be used in very modern or ballast, terminal block, socket and mount-
traditional environments, complementing ing bracket. The ballast shall be specifi-
any building or setting. cally designed for the lamp type specified
Styleking's rugged, heaw gauge alumi- and atthe voltage specified.
num construction with an abrasion and Mercury Lamp Ballast-shall be of con-
fade resistant acrylic enamel finish is stant wattage autotransformef high power
ideally suitable for all outdoor areas, factor type tor '175 and 250 watt lamps.
affording durability and longevity. For 175 watt, sjngle 120 volt input units,
Comfortable, glare free illumination from ballast shall be of a high reactance, normal
the etficient optics and effective HID lamps power factor type.
make the Styleking luminaire a powerful High Pressure Sodium Lamp Ballast-
lighting tool, excellent for all commercial or shall be of high reactance, high power
institutional applications. factor type for 70, 100 and 150 watt lamps.
For 150 watt, single 120 volt input units,
Specifications ballast shall be of the reacton normal
power factor type. For 250 watt units ballast
Housing-shall consist of a top cover, a shall be constant wattaqe autotransformer
single piece refractoi fixture base and high power factor type.
integral pole-top fitter. EPA
Finish-all external metal surface shall be Style Sq. Ft.
Base-shall be of cast aluminum con- aluminum powder coat, thermoset acrylic 22 231/$ 1.1
struction. The base cavity shall accommo- enamel formulated to show no apprecia- F 22 28111$ 1.4
date a HID lamp ballast assemblla Top ble fading characteristics within five year G 22"i" )B 2
cover support assembly shall be fastened "
to the base. The base shall have an integral
cast pole-top fitter that fits 3-inch OD pole
tops or verticaltenons. lt shall be self-
aligning on the tenon and shall be held
securely in place by three corrosion TS1281
resistant set screws. High Pressure
Top-Cover-shall be heaw gauge spun
aluminum. It shall be attached to the cover TSt293 TS3293 TS4293 Reacior-120V
support assembly and held securely in
place by a cast zinc nut and corrosion
resistant set screw
Photocontrol Receptacle-where spec-
ified shall be located on top ofthe wire lorm
cover support assembly and shallaccom- TS4214 250
modate an EEI-NEN/A standard twist-lock High Pressure Sodium
type photocontol. rs1224 rs4224 Symrnetric 2s0(4)

Optics-Acrylic refractors tor use with

175 watt mercury and 70 through 150 watt Notes:
1. Lamps not included. Use mogul base lamps designed for base down to horizontal or universal
high pressure sodium lamps shall pro- position.
duce asymmetric and symmetric light pat- 2. Symmetrlc light patern is IES Type V Asymmetric light pattern is IES Type lll with 70, 100, 150
terns. Polycarbonate refractors shall be and 250 watt clear high pressure sodium lamps, IES Type lllwith 175 watt clear mercury lamps and
standard on 250 watt units. lESType llwith 100 and 250 watt clear mercury lamps.
3. Ballasts-Avallable ior 120 through 480 volts input except where noted otherwise. Specify voltage
Relractor-shall be a one piece prismatic as catalog number sutfix, e.g.iTS1 181-120. Other ballasts available. Contact factory.
tapered cylinder of injection molded acrylic. 4. [rulti-Tap ballast available with tapsfor 120,208, 240 and 277 volls input. Add sutfix I to catalog
number e.g.:TS1181 9. NOTE: N.4ulti-Tap ballasts are factorywired for 277 volt input but can easily
Socket-shall be porcelain enclosed be tield changed.
and shallaccommodate mogul screw base Mounting-Fixtures iit poles with 3-inch OD vertical tenon.
lamps. lt shall be positioned to provide Finish-Aluminum, powder coat, thermoset acrylic enamel.
proper location ofthe lamp for maximum Options:
optical efficiency. Photocontrol Receptacle-Available for lixtures rated through 277 volts- EEI NEMA standard twist-
lock type. Add sutfix R to catalog numbe( e.g.: TS11811208. Order photocontrol separately
Refractor-Polycarbonate available on all units. Add sutfix V to catalog numbe[ e-9.:TS1181-12oRV.
Note: Polycarbonate standard on 250 watt fixtu res.


The products shown n this catalog are Halo of Canada Lighting,lnc. McGraw-Edison
covered by USA and iniernaiional patents. 5130 Creekbank Road 7601 Durand Avenue
L4cGRAW-ED SON and Styleking are Mississauga, Ontario L4w 2G2 PO. Box 1205
rcgistered trademarks oi Cooper hdusiries. 416 625 2511 Bacine. Wisconsin 53405
Copyright 1985. Specificalions subject io Teler 06 961284 Halo MSGA 414 554 5600
change without notice. All rights reserued. Telex 26 4459 McGraw RCN
Printed in U.S.A.

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